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Episode Response 01 sync

a guest
Sep 23rd, 2011
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  1. 21:08:19 <I-Pie> ~~~~~~~~~~ ALRIGHT, IT'S TIME FOR EPIC EPISODE REPSONSE - I-PIE EDITION ~~~~~~~~~~
  2. 21:08:21 <Rainbowdutch> starting
  3. 21:08:25 * SupSpeStr ( has joined #bronymusic
  4. 21:08:28 <I-Pie> ~~~~~~~~~~ WITH THE BEST PERSON EVER I-PIE ~~~~~~~~~~
  5. 21:08:31 <Foxdeimos> Welcome, SupSpeStr!
  6. 21:08:34 <I-Pie> YOU'RE JUST IN TIME< YOU FUCKER
  7. 21:08:36 <spacepsy> just in time
  8. 21:08:39 <Aussie> HI SOUP SPEE STRUH
  9. 21:08:41 <SupSpeStr> whew!
  10. 21:08:46 <I-Pie> QUEUE: MUMBLEFUCK
  11. 21:08:48 <Rainbowdutch> with the most rainbowcrash88 person Ipie
  12. 21:08:49 <Foxdeimos> We're starting
  13. 21:08:51 <Foxdeimos> RIGHT THIS INSTANT
  14. 21:08:52 <SupSpeStr> that was a close one, i must say
  15. 21:08:57 <mumbl> thats my name alright
  16. 21:09:05 <sci> just dropped the efuck
  17. 21:09:05 <X-Trav> good man
  18. 21:09:08 <Aussie> Queue Tarbyfuck
  19. 21:09:13 <Aussie> Queue Scifuck
  20. 21:09:15 <I-Pie> PLAY: GENERIC
  21. 21:09:25 <sci> I like this already
  22. 21:09:26 <Foxdeimos> Wohoo
  23. 21:09:28 <SupSpeStr> 20% cooler!
  24. 21:09:28 <sci> bandpassed or something
  25. 21:09:37 <Aussie> It's like I'm in the late 90's again
  26. 21:09:37 <I-Pie> oh cool
  27. 21:09:38 <X-Trav> awwww yeeeeah
  28. 21:09:38 <sci> and then it exploded
  29. 21:09:38 <Aussie> oh never mind
  30. 21:09:45 <Rainbowdutch> sounds good
  31. 21:09:48 <RobochiVulture> awesome
  32. 21:09:48 <Rainbowdutch> chilling
  33. 21:09:53 <sci> sounds like the beach, in a way.
  34. 21:10:01 <X-Trav> glitchin
  35. 21:10:02 <Foxdeimos> Yeah, and I can totally feel how that related to the first episode and... Wait, no I don't.
  36. 21:10:06 <I-Pie> ahahah
  37. 21:10:07 <Rainbowdutch> makes wanna go on summer vacation
  38. 21:10:14 <Aussie> how about
  39. 21:10:15 <Aussie> let's say
  40. 21:10:16 <I-Pie> its a remix of that hub trailer
  41. 21:10:20 <Aussie> it's your reaction
  42. 21:10:20 * Foozogz ( has joined #bronymusic
  43. 21:10:21 <Foxdeimos> Anyway, this is good :V
  44. 21:10:22 <sci> is it?
  45. 21:10:23 <I-Pie> REMEMBER?!?!?!
  46. 21:10:23 <mumbl> it's the hub preview music from the week before ;)
  47. 21:10:23 <Rainbowdutch> it is? Ipie?
  48. 21:10:24 <Aussie> to the new episodes
  49. 21:10:27 <sci> ahhh
  50. 21:10:27 <I-Pie> YES
  51. 21:10:32 <sci> I skipped the previews, lol
  52. 21:10:35 <Rainbowdutch> really?
  53. 21:10:36 <sci> that makes it better!
  54. 21:10:37 <I-Pie> how did only i recognise that
  55. 21:10:38 <Foxdeimos> Ooooh, I didn't watch the previews
  56. 21:10:39 <SupSpeStr> yeah, Aussie is right
  57. 21:10:45 <spacepsy> killer
  58. 21:10:55 <I-Pie> QUEUE: SUPER SLOW FUCK
  59. 21:10:58 <SupSpeStr> :(
  60. 21:10:59 <Aussie> aw man my name is in bold whenever someone mentions me
  61. 21:11:02 <Aussie> makes me feel important
  62. 21:11:11 <RobochiVulture> hope we get some Q samples in some of these
  63. 21:11:19 <Foxdeimos> That would be awesome
  64. 21:11:24 <SupSpeStr> not in this one you don't
  65. 21:11:30 * Foozogz has quit (Client exited)
  66. 21:11:40 * Foozogz ( has joined #bronymusic
  67. 21:11:44 <Foozogz> aaaa
  68. 21:11:45 <Rainbowdutch> ohhi fooz
  69. 21:11:45 <Foxdeimos> Everyday, Imma discordin'
  70. 21:11:48 <I-Pie> QUEUE: SUPER SLOW FUCK
  71. 21:11:51 <I-Pie> YOU'RE LATE
  72. 21:11:51 <Foxdeimos> Also welcome, Foozogz!
  73. 21:11:53 <Aussie> HI SLOZOGZ
  74. 21:11:57 <X-Trav> 2nd entry
  75. 21:11:58 <SupSpeStr> stoip calling me that!
  76. 21:11:59 <RobochiVulture> youtube is loading slow
  77. 21:12:00 <Rainbowdutch> foxdeimos = right
  78. 21:12:01 <Foozogz> hi
  79. 21:12:09 <SupSpeStr> :'(
  80. 21:12:11 <sci> fuzogs
  81. 21:12:18 <Rainbowdutch> fogszogs
  82. 21:12:22 <spacepsy> hey foozogz
  83. 21:12:36 <Foozogz> :[
  84. 21:12:40 * mumbl looks at watch
  85. 21:12:42 <Aussie> plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  86. 21:12:42 <I-Pie> PLAY: SUPER SPEED SLUT
  87. 21:12:42 <Foozogz> interesting
  88. 21:12:54 <sci> thick
  89. 21:12:55 <I-Pie> snare
  90. 21:12:57 <Foxdeimos> Hmmmmm, I like the sound of this already
  91. 21:13:04 <RobochiVulture> i like this
  92. 21:13:05 <X-Trav> echoooooooo
  93. 21:13:08 <Aussie> Holy.
  94. 21:13:08 <sci> this is like falling through time in slow motion
  95. 21:13:08 <Foxdeimos> I think we're entering Silent Hill guise
  96. 21:13:12 <Foxdeimos> Brace yourselves.
  97. 21:13:13 <Foozogz> reverb up the wazoo
  98. 21:13:15 <mumbl> Yes I'm totally digging this
  99. 21:13:21 <SupSpeStr> i love da reverrrrb
  100. 21:13:24 <Aussie> Ugh I've been wanting to do something like this forever
  101. 21:13:26 <Rainbowdutch> prepares for something to happen
  102. 21:13:26 <spacepsy> cant stop going through the portal
  103. 21:13:31 <Aussie> I love the 8-bit synth
  104. 21:13:35 <SupSpeStr> you better prepare!
  105. 21:13:38 <I-Pie> beepity beep
  106. 21:13:38 <Foozogz> very surreal, I like that
  107. 21:13:41 <sci> yep. this is rad.
  108. 21:13:42 <Foxdeimos> ^ This
  109. 21:13:51 <sci> surreal is best real
  110. 21:13:52 <X-Trav> earsex
  111. 21:13:52 <Rainbowdutch> I liek!
  112. 21:13:54 <Rainbowdutch> very miuch
  113. 21:13:57 <mumbl> i like how thats changing ears
  114. 21:13:57 <Rainbowdutch> much*
  115. 21:13:58 <mumbl> that lead
  116. 21:14:02 <Foxdeimos> My eardrums are very pleased with this one thus far
  117. 21:14:17 <Foxdeimos> Oh, it's changing
  118. 21:14:18 <X-Trav> is this gonna break out?
  119. 21:14:18 <Aussie> oh fuck
  120. 21:14:25 <sci> oh yes.
  121. 21:14:26 <Foxdeimos> Something is building up
  122. 21:14:31 <X-Trav> imma need tissues
  123. 21:14:31 <Foxdeimos> SOMETHING IS COMING
  124. 21:14:35 <Rainbowdutch> drop into ??????
  125. 21:14:35 <sci> only good can come of this
  126. 21:14:36 <I-Pie> oh god
  127. 21:14:47 <X-Trav> CLOP
  128. 21:14:48 <I-Pie> ohhooh
  129. 21:14:48 <X-Trav> CLOP
  130. 21:14:49 <Foxdeimos> WHOA
  131. 21:14:49 <X-Trav> CLOP
  132. 21:14:51 <sci> lol guitar sample.
  133. 21:14:54 <RobochiVulture> oh damn
  134. 21:14:58 <Rainbowdutch> y the clop?
  135. 21:15:00 <sci> hold on let me turn my volume up
  136. 21:15:03 <spacepsy> oh yeah
  137. 21:15:11 <Foxdeimos> Dunno, but this song went from awesome to even more awesome
  138. 21:15:15 <Rainbowdutch> and drop into guitar seems kinda.... pointless
  139. 21:15:16 <sci> yeah, this is giving me a really weird SPC feeling
  140. 21:15:19 <Aussie> i think this is favorited and liked on my youtoobz.
  141. 21:15:26 <Rainbowdutch> still very good though
  142. 21:15:34 <SupSpeStr> I actually agree w/ you rainbow
  143. 21:15:59 <mumbl> ooh i like this lick here
  144. 21:16:01 <sci> guitar? pointless? not here.
  145. 21:16:02 <spacepsy> very classic rock
  146. 21:16:09 <sci> yep. ok I'll say it
  147. 21:16:10 <sci> here I go
  148. 21:16:12 <sci> earthbound.
  149. 21:16:16 <Foxdeimos> ^ Yes
  150. 21:16:19 <mumbl> hahah
  151. 21:16:24 <Rainbowdutch> yeah but to have this build up into the guitar seems kinda unnecacery to me
  152. 21:16:36 <X-Trav> i liked it
  153. 21:16:39 <Foxdeimos> Ditto
  154. 21:16:40 <I-Pie> nice
  155. 21:16:42 <SupSpeStr> thank you :)
  156. 21:16:43 <sci> yep. good stuff
  157. 21:16:44 <Rainbowdutch> still very good though
  158. 21:16:50 <Foxdeimos> All of my claps
  159. 21:16:55 <Aussie> awesome
  161. 21:16:57 <X-Trav> lol fav'd on wrong account
  162. 21:17:11 * Rainbowdutch 's body is ready for Ipies best song yet
  163. 21:17:19 <I-Pie> PLAY: g
  164. 21:17:26 <sci> triangle
  165. 21:17:27 <sci> bass
  166. 21:17:31 <Foxdeimos> Where's the popcorn
  167. 21:17:43 <Aussie> oh boy
  168. 21:17:44 <Foxdeimos> Needs more popcorn.
  169. 21:17:46 <sci> lol
  170. 21:17:49 <Rainbowdutch> had to turn volume up
  171. 21:17:49 <mumbl> oh yes
  172. 21:17:52 <mumbl> ohhhh yes
  173. 21:17:52 <I-Pie> what about that
  174. 21:17:54 <X-Trav> O RLY?
  175. 21:17:55 <Rainbowdutch> ohlol
  176. 21:17:58 <Aussie> Huh
  177. 21:17:58 <sci> clever
  178. 21:17:58 <Rainbowdutch> this is...
  179. 21:18:01 <spacepsy> wow cool
  180. 21:18:02 <Rainbowdutch> omg
  181. 21:18:02 <X-Trav> YEAR OF THE OWL
  182. 21:18:03 <Aussie> where have I heard this before
  183. 21:18:07 <X-Trav> YTMND
  184. 21:18:08 <sci> aussie: it's popcorn.
  185. 21:18:09 <Aussie> YEAH
  186. 21:18:11 <Rainbowdutch> WHY IPIE
  187. 21:18:11 <I-Pie> IT'S POPCORN
  188. 21:18:13 <Aussie> X-TRAV
  189. 21:18:15 <Rainbowdutch> WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT
  190. 21:18:15 <sci> you should know it.
  191. 21:18:16 <Aussie> YEAH
  192. 21:18:17 <Rainbowdutch> ITS SO
  193. 21:18:18 <sci> like. yeah.
  194. 21:18:19 <Rainbowdutch> SIGH...
  195. 21:18:26 <I-Pie> just wait
  196. 21:18:28 * mumbl jiggles in bed
  197. 21:18:29 <Foozogz> luls
  198. 21:18:30 <spacepsy> oh god i rember this from DDR
  199. 21:18:30 <I-Pie> you'll see
  201. 21:18:31 <Rainbowdutch> imma wait
  202. 21:18:40 <mumbl> dat alternate riff
  203. 21:18:42 <spacepsy> nice interpritation
  204. 21:18:44 <sci> oooh what
  205. 21:18:45 <RobochiVulture> hahahha
  206. 21:18:45 <mumbl> aaaaahahah
  207. 21:18:45 <Aussie> holy
  208. 21:18:46 <Rainbowdutch> OMG!!!!
  209. 21:18:49 <Worst_Pony> Whoa, dude wow
  210. 21:18:50 <Foxdeimos> APPLETASTIC TREATS
  211. 21:18:52 <Rainbowdutch> DUDE!!!
  212. 21:18:52 <sci> i-pie. download. now.
  213. 21:18:58 <Rainbowdutch> instadownload
  214. 21:19:08 <Rainbowdutch> this needs to be on my playlist
  215. 21:19:08 <Foxdeimos> Yeah, definitely downloading
  216. 21:19:09 <I-Pie> i'll remaster it and reupload it
  217. 21:19:10 <Worst_Pony> Obligatory key change go
  218. 21:19:22 <mumbl> hehehehe
  219. 21:19:25 <Aussie> Oh yeah
  220. 21:19:27 <Aussie> i-pie
  221. 21:19:30 <Aussie> you can use VSTs right
  222. 21:19:34 <sci> welp, might as well delete my entry now...
  223. 21:19:35 <Foxdeimos> I still think this could've used some popcorn.
  224. 21:19:39 <sci> no way I can top that
  225. 21:19:41 <I-Pie> i use famitracker
  226. 21:19:42 <Foxdeimos> Because popcorn is the best dessert
  227. 21:19:43 <I-Pie> hahahah
  228. 21:19:45 <Rainbowdutch> oh Ipie u so silly but still so sexy
  229. 21:19:49 <Aussie> Well I was gonna say
  230. 21:19:51 <I-Pie> QUEUE: flutterwho
  231. 21:19:52 <Aussie> Bitspeek
  232. 21:19:58 <Aussie> great for 8-bitting vocals
  233. 21:19:59 <I-Pie> yeah maybe
  234. 21:20:17 <I-Pie> PLAY: whoisthisshy
  235. 21:20:26 <Foxdeimos> Nonsense
  236. 21:20:31 <sci> oooh man
  237. 21:20:33 <RobochiVulture> dubstep?
  238. 21:20:38 <Aussie> flutterwhyhowwhatwhere
  239. 21:20:39 <I-Pie> mysterious
  240. 21:20:40 <X-Trav> perfect piano
  241. 21:20:43 <Rainbowdutch> finally I can hear the voice of the best troll ever
  242. 21:21:02 <I-Pie> the first two were submitted before the episode aired
  243. 21:21:04 <Aussie> Wob
  244. 21:21:05 <Aussie> wub
  245. 21:21:06 <Aussie> wab
  246. 21:21:07 <Aussie> web
  247. 21:21:08 <RobochiVulture> wububwuwwub
  248. 21:21:15 * Rainbowdutch is trippin ballz
  249. 21:21:16 <Foxdeimos> Wubs errywhere
  250. 21:21:19 <sci> so much amazing
  251. 21:21:25 * Rainbowdutch just lost
  252. 21:21:30 * Rainbowdutch THE GAME
  253. 21:21:32 <Worst_Pony> Hngh
  254. 21:21:35 <I-Pie> the ending
  255. 21:21:35 <sci> aaaa. not even sure what I'm hearing. except awesome
  256. 21:21:35 <Foxdeimos> HNGH
  257. 21:21:37 <I-Pie> egh
  258. 21:21:38 <Aussie> that was awesome
  259. 21:21:40 <Foxdeimos> That was... Unexpected
  260. 21:21:45 <Foozogz> intersting
  261. 21:21:48 <I-Pie> QUEUE: circuitfry
  262. 21:21:48 <Worst_Pony> That was sweet
  263. 21:21:51 <Aussie> I'm scared to hear circuit
  264. 21:22:06 <I-Pie> PLAY: but Puns work all the time
  265. 21:22:07 <Aussie> just looking at the title
  266. 21:22:08 <Foxdeimos> 13 seconds
  267. 21:22:10 <Rainbowdutch> only 1 min
  268. 21:22:15 <sci> LSP
  269. 21:22:22 <Rainbowdutch> lolwut?
  270. 21:22:26 <I-Pie> i love circuit
  271. 21:22:26 <Worst_Pony> pro review
  272. 21:22:29 <mumbl> it's a good song so far
  273. 21:22:29 <X-Trav> BECKY LOOK AT THAT BUT
  274. 21:22:31 <Foxdeimos> Whoa, a rant
  275. 21:22:36 <Rainbowdutch> I agree with this guy
  276. 21:22:40 <Aussie> Well this really is a Episode Response.
  277. 21:22:43 <sci> lol
  278. 21:22:49 <Worst_Pony> mkay
  279. 21:22:49 <Rainbowdutch> he sounds like he knows what he is talking about
  280. 21:22:59 <I-Pie> of course
  281. 21:23:01 <I-Pie> because
  282. 21:23:04 <Foxdeimos> Why would kids believe you can talk to apples?
  283. 21:23:06 <Worst_Pony> Good review
  284. 21:23:07 <I-Pie> he knows what hes talking about
  285. 21:23:07 <mumbl> hah
  286. 21:23:08 <sci> ate out of ten
  287. 21:23:09 <sci> ok
  288. 21:23:09 <I-Pie> 8/10
  289. 21:23:12 <mumbl> wasn't good, 8/10
  290. 21:23:13 <Aussie> 8 OUT OF 10
  291. 21:23:14 <Rainbowdutch> only 8 :(
  292. 21:23:20 <Foxdeimos> That score made me laugh
  293. 21:23:21 <I-Pie> QUEUE: old host
  294. 21:23:32 <Foxdeimos> Best host, you mean
  295. 21:23:39 <I-Pie> get out
  296. 21:23:41 <I-Pie> GET OUT
  297. 21:23:42 <I-Pie> GET
  298. 21:23:42 <Foxdeimos> NO
  299. 21:23:43 <X-Trav> lol
  300. 21:23:43 <I-Pie> OUT
  301. 21:23:45 <Foxdeimos> YOU GET OUT
  302. 21:23:47 <Rainbowdutch> lol Ipierage
  303. 21:23:53 <Rainbowdutch> Ipierage = bestrage
  304. 21:24:02 <I-Pie> everypony apart from fox: PLAY: groz
  305. 21:24:14 <Foxdeimos> YOU CAN'T STOP ME YOU FOAL
  306. 21:24:19 <Foxdeimos> Also wow
  307. 21:24:21 <I-Pie> hey this is cool
  308. 21:24:23 <sci> oh hey
  309. 21:24:29 <I-Pie> its like
  310. 21:24:30 <mumbl> oh its this one
  311. 21:24:32 * Rainbowdutch has got zorg's attention
  312. 21:24:33 <I-Pie> a synth banjo
  313. 21:24:40 <sci> post-apocolyptic applejack.
  314. 21:24:40 <Rainbowdutch> or the other way around
  315. 21:24:42 <Foxdeimos> I can feel all my honesty fading away into aether
  316. 21:24:56 <sci> aether. that's a good word here.
  317. 21:25:05 <Foxdeimos> This is garbage. I hate it *badpokerface*
  318. 21:25:10 <Rainbowdutch> ^
  319. 21:25:14 <Aussie> UMMMMMMMMMMM
  320. 21:25:15 <X-Trav> i-pie is best host
  321. 21:25:15 <spacepsy> very smooth not to overpowering
  322. 21:25:17 <Aussie> THIS SUCKS. YEP.
  323. 21:25:19 <spacepsy> i like
  324. 21:25:21 <Aussie> :I
  325. 21:25:27 <Aussie> SANTA CLAUS IS REAL
  326. 21:25:34 <Worst_Pony> NOOOOOOOOOOOO
  327. 21:25:38 <Rainbowdutch> it is good, it still needs something that makes it stand out
  328. 21:25:52 <Rainbowdutch> and I am waiting for that
  329. 21:25:52 <I-Pie> x-trav hasnt been corrupted yet
  330. 21:25:52 <I-Pie> aussie has
  331. 21:26:00 <Rainbowdutch> dumbledore dies....
  332. 21:26:00 <I-Pie> OH DUTCH
  333. 21:26:04 <I-Pie> YOU@RE SO CUTE
  334. 21:26:06 <Rainbowdutch> oh Ipie
  335. 21:26:10 <sci> applejack visits zebes
  336. 21:26:13 <Rainbowdutch> u so british
  337. 21:26:17 <Foxdeimos> Oh god, zebes.
  338. 21:26:22 <Foxdeimos> Wonderful memories
  339. 21:26:31 <X-Trav> da fu is zebes?
  340. 21:26:34 <Foxdeimos> Metroid
  341. 21:26:35 <sci> from metroid
  342. 21:26:36 <Rainbowdutch> I zebes
  343. 21:26:37 <RobochiVulture> planet
  344. 21:26:39 <Rainbowdutch> you zebes
  345. 21:26:41 <Rainbowdutch> we zebes
  346. 21:26:45 <X-Trav> SEGA BOY HERE
  347. 21:26:45 <Rainbowdutch> we have zebes
  348. 21:26:47 <Foxdeimos> You sound like a zebes.
  349. 21:26:50 <Rainbowdutch> we are all zebez
  350. 21:26:53 <Rainbowdutch> zebes*
  351. 21:27:00 <Aussie> the way you say it dutch, you make it sounds like an STD
  352. 21:27:01 <I-Pie> woahahahaahah
  353. 21:27:02 <Foxdeimos> My head is full of zebes
  354. 21:27:10 <Rainbowdutch> well it is an std
  355. 21:27:15 <Rainbowdutch> so WATCH OUT KIDS
  356. 21:27:26 <I-Pie> man i thought it was a VST
  357. 21:27:29 <sci> actually, I kind if hear the synth banjo as more of a banjo, now
  358. 21:27:29 <Rainbowdutch> use a condome
  359. 21:27:32 <Foxdeimos> Alright back to how much I am enjoying this
  360. 21:27:44 <mumbl> yeah i'm engrossed in this right now
  361. 21:27:49 <Foxdeimos> I hate it. It couldn't be worse if it tried.
  362. 21:27:53 <sci> ooo hey ths is getting better
  363. 21:27:57 <Foxdeimos> Also I-Pie is best host *badpokerface²*
  364. 21:28:04 <Rainbowdutch> it is good just not recognizable
  365. 21:28:18 <Rainbowdutch> its repetative like Ipie would probably say
  366. 21:28:18 <Aussie> IT'S AWFUL
  367. 21:28:25 <Aussie> I HATE IT
  368. 21:28:27 <I-Pie> it's NOT repetitive
  369. 21:28:32 <I-Pie> AT ALL
  370. 21:28:41 <Rainbowdutch> ^biggest compliment ever
  371. 21:28:43 <X-Trav> >not sure if rainbowdutch is pretending to be corrupted<
  372. 21:28:47 <Rainbowdutch> from the one and only Ipie
  373. 21:29:01 <I-Pie> QUEUE: BARTYekko
  374. 21:29:19 <Foxdeimos> Lyrics time
  375. 21:29:26 <I-Pie> PLAY: long song short dong man
  376. 21:29:28 <spacepsy> alll riiiight
  377. 21:29:29 <Rainbowdutch> if corrupted = wasted
  378. 21:29:30 <Rainbowdutch> yes
  379. 21:29:35 <I-Pie> HAHAHAHAHA
  380. 21:29:36 <Foxdeimos> Dat laugh
  381. 21:29:36 <sci> FX'd laughing
  382. 21:29:40 <I-Pie> whats funny
  383. 21:29:40 <spacepsy> dat pan
  384. 21:29:43 <Aussie> long song short dong man
  385. 21:29:45 <Foxdeimos> YOU'RE FUNNY
  386. 21:29:47 <Aussie> ...THAT ISN'T FUNNY
  387. 21:29:50 <Foozogz> yerrrbakkk
  388. 21:29:50 <Aussie> NOPE NOT AT ALL
  389. 21:29:53 * Rainbowdutch is creeped
  390. 21:30:00 <SupSpeStr> freakin creepy
  391. 21:30:01 <Rainbowdutch> u so punny
  392. 21:30:09 <Foxdeimos> U GONNA LOVE IT
  393. 21:30:19 <Rainbowdutch> boo?
  394. 21:30:24 <sci> not sure what I think about this yet
  395. 21:30:31 <Foxdeimos> Yeah, still too early
  396. 21:30:32 <Aussie> hoo
  397. 21:30:37 <SupSpeStr> So far, I like
  398. 21:30:39 <Rainbowdutch> boohoo...
  399. 21:30:40 <Foxdeimos> Lots of hooing
  400. 21:30:43 <Rainbowdutch> so far it is not bad
  401. 21:30:47 <sci> nice rhythm :o
  402. 21:30:47 <Foxdeimos> Whoa
  403. 21:30:47 <X-Trav> how does he always get the vocal harmony PERFECT
  404. 21:30:48 <I-Pie> 5/4
  405. 21:30:48 <Rainbowdutch> if it has good build up
  406. 21:30:49 <Foxdeimos> Getting better
  407. 21:30:51 <Foxdeimos> Much better
  408. 21:30:54 <Rainbowdutch> I will probably like it
  409. 21:30:56 <sci> i-pie: is it?
  410. 21:30:59 <sci> interesting
  411. 21:31:10 <Aussie> FUCK SHIT UP
  412. 21:31:15 <X-Trav> HOW
  413. 21:31:19 <X-Trav> DOES HE ALWAYS
  414. 21:31:20 <I-Pie> awww yeah
  415. 21:31:21 <Foxdeimos> I AM ALIVEEEEE
  416. 21:31:21 <sci> ok I'm starting to like this
  417. 21:31:22 <X-Trav> GET PERFECT HARMONY
  418. 21:31:28 <I-Pie> no its 3/4
  419. 21:31:28 <Rainbowdutch> I liek
  420. 21:31:29 <Aussie> what does this remind me of
  421. 21:31:31 <Rainbowdutch> I liek very much
  422. 21:31:31 <Aussie> ...THE DOORS.
  423. 21:31:39 <X-Trav> no way aussie
  424. 21:31:42 <X-Trav> needs more HELLLLO
  425. 21:31:46 <Aussie> well it's that keyboard.
  426. 21:31:51 <X-Trav> HELLLLO
  427. 21:31:51 <mumbl> doors keyboards, bluesy vocals
  428. 21:31:55 <mumbl> i like this a lot
  429. 21:32:07 <Foxdeimos> Yes, loving this thus far
  430. 21:32:13 <X-Trav> i see a sax solo coming
  431. 21:32:15 <X-Trav> <3
  432. 21:32:20 <RobochiVulture> get down on your knees and open wide
  433. 21:32:28 <Aussie> I WILL
  434. 21:32:30 <Foxdeimos> ^ Not implying anything, I'm sure
  435. 21:32:30 <sci> yeah lol lyrics
  436. 21:32:32 <Rainbowdutch> dat sax
  437. 21:32:34 <sci> oh what
  438. 21:32:34 <sci> sax
  439. 21:32:38 <Foxdeimos> HERE COMES IT
  440. 21:32:39 <Aussie> sax sex
  441. 21:32:39 <mumbl> holy
  442. 21:32:40 <X-Trav> YES
  443. 21:32:41 <I-Pie> oh cool
  444. 21:32:42 <sci> sax bias. love. love. love.
  445. 21:32:42 <Rainbowdutch> omg epicsax
  446. 21:32:46 <I-Pie> oh very cool
  447. 21:32:49 <sci> also, lol lyrics ---> receiv sax
  448. 21:32:53 <Foxdeimos> Dat sex. Mean, sax
  449. 21:32:54 <X-Trav> WHERE IS TARBY?!
  450. 21:33:01 <Rainbowdutch> I need to make sweet love to that sax right now
  451. 21:33:05 <Rainbowdutch> right
  452. 21:33:07 <Rainbowdutch> the
  453. 21:33:08 <Rainbowdutch> fuck
  454. 21:33:08 <Rainbowdutch> now
  455. 21:33:09 <X-Trav> ^
  456. 21:33:17 <Aussie> let's have sex with the sax
  457. 21:33:24 <Foxdeimos> Group sax
  458. 21:33:27 <X-Trav> "Thanks to Cyril for contributing the Bass and Sax portions "
  459. 21:33:35 <Aussie> anal sax
  460. 21:33:35 <X-Trav> CYRILL HAS THE SAX
  462. 21:33:49 <I-Pie> just throwing that out
  463. 21:33:50 <Aussie> they do
  464. 21:33:54 <Worst_Pony> I agree
  465. 21:33:57 <Rainbowdutch> they smell sax*
  466. 21:34:08 <sci> yep. I like this song.
  467. 21:34:53 <Foxdeimos> Love this song. All of my downloads.
  468. 21:34:59 <Rainbowdutch> yup second song that will be added to my playlist
  469. 21:35:02 <sci> also kind of funny listening to these lyrics and thinking: this is based from my little pony
  470. 21:35:03 <SupSpeStr> from Discord to Celestia?
  471. 21:35:06 <Rainbowdutch> besides Ipie's
  472. 21:35:07 <sci> but yeah that's tarby
  473. 21:35:08 <Aussie> I predicted Tarby would win
  474. 21:35:09 <I-Pie> this is great
  475. 21:35:12 <Foxdeimos> Yeah, what sci just said
  476. 21:35:16 <Aussie> and of course
  477. 21:35:18 <Aussie> I was right
  478. 21:35:24 <sci> wwaahhhh
  479. 21:35:25 <Foxdeimos> WHAAARGARBL
  480. 21:35:34 <I-Pie> QUEUE: mumble the entry whore
  482. 21:35:39 <Foozogz> this is a cover I'm sure of it
  483. 21:35:40 <Aussie> yeah mumble
  484. 21:35:41 <Aussie> you slut
  485. 21:35:42 <mumbl> shh
  486. 21:35:51 <sci> shut up, it's a great song
  488. 21:35:55 <Foxdeimos> A discord song! Hooray for variety!
  489. 21:35:59 <I-Pie> PLAY: POOwis
  490. 21:36:08 <Rainbowdutch> y so discord?
  491. 21:36:15 <Foxdeimos> Dopey discord.
  492. 21:36:16 <X-Trav> Amen drum
  493. 21:36:17 <sci> yep. I love this
  494. 21:36:20 <Aussie> mumble needs to teach me photoshop
  495. 21:36:20 <SupSpeStr> holy awesome!
  496. 21:36:21 <Aussie> and drums
  497. 21:36:25 <I-Pie> woah
  498. 21:36:25 <sci> oh man
  499. 21:36:26 <sci> best
  500. 21:36:29 <RobochiVulture> ogod renard music
  501. 21:36:30 <sci> amen
  502. 21:36:30 <Aussie> amen
  503. 21:36:31 <Rainbowdutch> aaahhh
  504. 21:36:31 <Aussie> amen
  505. 21:36:32 <Aussie> amen
  506. 21:36:33 <Aussie> amen
  507. 21:36:39 <sci> chopping
  508. 21:36:40 <sci> oh man
  509. 21:36:44 <Rainbowdutch> lol sounds like whoosh
  510. 21:36:49 <Foxdeimos> You'll. Get. Them. Back. In. Good. Time.
  511. 21:36:50 <Aussie> give us our wings
  512. 21:36:53 <I-Pie> FUCKING
  513. 21:36:53 <Aussie> OH GOD
  514. 21:36:54 <I-Pie> hahahahahaha
  515. 21:36:55 <X-Trav> FUCKING
  516. 21:36:57 <spacepsy> what
  517. 21:36:57 <sci> oh man
  518. 21:37:00 <SupSpeStr> XD
  519. 21:37:04 <Foxdeimos> FUCKING GIVE OUR WINGS AND HORNS BACK
  520. 21:37:05 <sci> everything. best. :D
  521. 21:37:11 <Aussie> never mind tarby
  522. 21:37:14 <Aussie> this wins
  523. 21:37:15 <Foozogz> LOL
  524. 21:37:17 <Aussie> just cause of fucking
  525. 21:37:21 <X-Trav> Once agzain mumble i send my votes to you
  526. 21:37:22 <sci> tarby who's that
  527. 21:37:29 <Foxdeimos> IT'S SETTLED THEN
  528. 21:37:41 <X-Trav> love this part
  529. 21:37:43 <Rainbowdutch> am I the only one who is only slightly enjoyed by this?
  530. 21:37:44 <Foxdeimos> Whoa
  531. 21:37:50 <sci> yes
  532. 21:38:00 <X-Trav> Rainsboedutch: you'veb een like dat all night XD
  533. 21:38:05 <Foxdeimos> I dunno, I don't know if the music is enjoying me.
  534. 21:38:09 <I-Pie> cutoff
  535. 21:38:10 <Aussie> dat ending
  536. 21:38:11 <spacepsy> rockin man
  537. 21:38:12 <sci> noooo cutoff
  538. 21:38:14 <Aussie> but yeah mumble
  539. 21:38:15 <Rainbowdutch> sudden end...
  540. 21:38:16 <sci> part two. I need part two
  541. 21:38:16 <Aussie> teach me
  542. 21:38:19 <Foxdeimos> But I'm kinda liking this. It wasn't my favorite, but it was good.
  543. 21:38:19 <Aussie> how to photoshop
  544. 21:38:22 <mumbl> yeah, cutoff is for part 2 purposes
  545. 21:38:22 <Aussie> and how to drums
  546. 21:38:25 <Foxdeimos> And it's over.
  547. 21:38:25 <Aussie> and how to musics
  548. 21:38:28 <I-Pie> QUEUE: y-trav
  549. 21:38:31 <X-Trav> MORE MUMBLE
  550. 21:38:33 <sci> also brb, getting my jaw from the other side of the room
  551. 21:38:34 <X-Trav> y-trav?
  552. 21:38:40 <X-Trav> i was hoping for a better pun
  553. 21:38:43 <Foxdeimos> Oh god here comes some dub-step
  554. 21:38:46 <I-Pie> i got nothing
  555. 21:38:48 <I-Pie> your name sucks
  556. 21:38:51 <X-Trav> DONT KILL ME
  557. 21:38:52 <Rainbowdutch> the pun is a lie
  558. 21:39:02 <I-Pie> PLAY: bad name
  559. 21:39:03 <Aussie> i wonder what i-pie can do with mine
  560. 21:39:14 <Foxdeimos> X-Travesty
  561. 21:39:16 <Aussie> guys
  562. 21:39:18 <Aussie> hush now
  563. 21:39:18 <I-Pie> >hush now
  564. 21:39:20 <Aussie> quiet
  565. 21:39:21 <I-Pie> >s2
  566. 21:39:21 <sci> now
  567. 21:39:23 <Aussie> shut up
  568. 21:39:23 <Foxdeimos> QUIET NOW
  569. 21:39:26 <Rainbowdutch> sssshhhhh!
  570. 21:39:26 <Aussie> now
  571. 21:39:35 <Rainbowdutch> hush no
  572. 21:39:38 <Rainbowdutch> quit now
  573. 21:39:55 <Rainbowdutch> somehow the chat is lagging for me
  574. 21:39:56 <sci> more dance than dubstep
  575. 21:39:56 <Aussie> OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ
  576. 21:40:02 <Rainbowdutch> I cant see anything I type
  577. 21:40:04 <Foxdeimos> Yeah rite
  578. 21:40:14 <Foxdeimos> Not too much dubstep thus far.
  579. 21:40:19 <I-Pie> thats definitely not dubstep YET
  580. 21:40:21 <Foxdeimos> I don't mind that
  581. 21:40:25 <Aussie> oh I get it
  582. 21:40:27 <Aussie> kind fluttershy
  583. 21:40:30 <I-Pie> there will probably be a change somewhere
  584. 21:40:31 <Aussie> peaceful trancey
  585. 21:40:34 <Aussie> flutterbitch
  586. 21:40:35 <Aussie> dubstep
  587. 21:40:36 <Rainbowdutch> dubstep??? negatory
  588. 21:40:37 <Foxdeimos> Yeah, makes sense
  589. 21:40:38 <sci> has to be a change somewhere
  590. 21:40:50 <Foozogz> bells in my ears
  591. 21:41:05 <sci> all I see here is cuteness, no dubstep
  592. 21:41:08 <Foxdeimos> You've been kind for far too long, time to be cruel!
  593. 21:41:09 <Aussie> SCI
  594. 21:41:10 <Aussie> WAIT
  595. 21:41:15 <Foxdeimos> ...No, still kind.
  596. 21:41:15 <sci> aussie what
  597. 21:41:15 <Aussie> JUST
  598. 21:41:15 <Aussie> WAIT.
  599. 21:41:25 * Kiinrah (sowkvhthdx@99.130.wlm.xyk) has joined #bronymusic
  600. 21:41:27 <Rainbowdutch> chat is still lagging for me
  601. 21:41:30 <I-Pie> peak in the waveform
  602. 21:41:30 <sci> kiin:
  603. 21:41:31 <Kiinrah> SCI
  604. 21:41:36 <Foxdeimos> welcome, Kiinrah!
  605. 21:41:37 <I-Pie> YOU'RE LATE
  606. 21:41:38 <spacepsy> Discorded Bam!
  607. 21:41:38 <Aussie> okay dubstep
  608. 21:41:40 <Rainbowdutch> dunno if it is just me
  609. 21:41:43 <I-Pie> square
  610. 21:41:46 <sci> square bassss
  611. 21:41:49 <I-Pie> 12.%
  612. 21:41:49 <Kiinrah> I'm sorry that I'm late. Don't hurt meh <_<
  613. 21:41:52 <I-Pie> 12.5%*
  614. 21:41:53 <Foxdeimos> Now here comes dem dubstep
  615. 21:41:54 * Rainbowdutch has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  616. 21:42:01 <sci> kiin: we're on x-trav's entry. about 3:00 in
  617. 21:42:02 * Rainbowdutch ( has joined #bronymusic
  618. 21:42:04 <Foxdeimos> BOO HOO HOO
  619. 21:42:06 <Rainbowdutch> lagtest?
  620. 21:42:12 <Foxdeimos> Hi there Rainbowdutch
  621. 21:42:17 <Rainbowdutch> wow I can actually see myself talk
  622. 21:42:19 <Aussie> is this your first dubstep song x-trav?
  623. 21:42:22 <X-Trav> Yup
  624. 21:42:23 <I-Pie> YOU'RE LATE
  625. 21:42:25 <Rainbowdutch> sounds kinda mild
  626. 21:42:27 <Aussie> okay damn
  627. 21:42:31 <sci> milddubtep
  628. 21:42:32 <Foxdeimos> WAVE YOUR MAGIC LITTLE HORN
  629. 21:42:33 <Aussie> that's a great first attempt
  630. 21:42:36 <Rainbowdutch> mildstep
  631. 21:42:44 <RobochiVulture> happystep
  632. 21:42:45 <Rainbowdutch> who is late Ipie???
  633. 21:42:45 <Kiinrah> I'll just wait to start Sci's.
  634. 21:42:48 <spacepsy> the lfo is cool tho
  635. 21:42:50 <Foxdeimos> discordstep
  636. 21:42:58 <Foxdeimos> bitchstep
  637. 21:42:59 <sci> still not bad
  638. 21:43:04 <Aussie> bravo
  639. 21:43:04 <Rainbowdutch> not bad
  640. 21:43:09 <spacepsy> right on
  641. 21:43:09 <I-Pie> queue: sic
  642. 21:43:19 <sci> mine is so rushed. yeah.
  643. 21:43:21 <Foxdeimos> Yeah, not bad at all
  644. 21:43:23 <Aussie> queue: suc
  645. 21:43:26 <SupSpeStr> whee
  646. 21:43:27 <I-Pie> PLAY: SIGH
  647. 21:43:29 <Foozogz> the dubstep was ok
  648. 21:43:40 <I-Pie> fine
  649. 21:43:43 <Foozogz> snare could be snappy
  650. 21:43:44 <sci> FINE
  651. 21:43:47 <Foxdeimos> LISTEN CLOSELY
  652. 21:43:58 <Rainbowdutch> ok then imma gonna listen closely
  653. 21:44:05 <Foxdeimos> Sci y u only 38 seconds?
  654. 21:44:07 <I-Pie> inb4 soundbomb
  655. 21:44:10 <I-Pie> FINE
  656. 21:44:10 <Aussie> FINE.
  657. 21:44:12 <mumbl> dat ending
  658. 21:44:17 <sci> fox: no time and such.
  659. 21:44:21 <I-Pie> QUEUE: saltbrony
  660. 21:44:22 <Foxdeimos> FINE!
  661. 21:44:29 <Rainbowdutch> no its not fine
  662. 21:44:35 <Rainbowdutch> IT HAS TO BE PERFECT!!
  663. 21:44:43 <sci> oh well lololol
  664. 21:44:49 <Foozogz> WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY CHAT
  665. 21:44:50 <I-Pie> PLAY: moozogzogzogzogzogdogz,dgkdgvvmv
  666. 21:44:50 <Foxdeimos> Raped song wat
  667. 21:44:51 <Rainbowdutch> if you want it to be..... eeepppp....
  668. 21:44:59 <spacepsy> all these vocal intros
  669. 21:45:00 <SupSpeStr> DnB yay!
  670. 21:45:00 <Aussie> oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
  671. 21:45:01 <Foxdeimos> We'll see about thatshaioshOIDSJSOijsoiAJSO
  672. 21:45:07 <Aussie> HAH
  673. 21:45:07 <I-Pie> THIS IS THE PART
  674. 21:45:11 <sci> drillcore?
  675. 21:45:12 <I-Pie> KIRBY
  676. 21:45:12 <spacepsy> nooo my woofer
  677. 21:45:14 <sci> lol kirby
  679. 21:45:22 <Rainbowdutch> omg no my woofers :(
  680. 21:45:24 <Foxdeimos> And my eardrums along with it
  681. 21:45:25 <Kiinrah> Oh man, the sounds...
  682. 21:45:26 <Aussie> RENARD
  683. 21:45:27 <sci> my subwoofers are still intact. needs more drills
  684. 21:45:28 <Aussie> I'M SO COOL
  685. 21:45:31 <I-Pie> i'm confused alright
  686. 21:45:38 <I-Pie> NOPE
  687. 21:45:38 <sci> "nope" lol
  688. 21:45:40 <SupSpeStr> nope
  689. 21:45:40 <I-Pie> DIAMOND
  690. 21:45:41 <Aussie> DIAMONG DIAMONFD
  691. 21:45:41 <Foxdeimos> Enough!
  692. 21:45:42 <Foxdeimos> Nope!
  693. 21:45:43 <Rainbowdutch> diamond!!!!
  694. 21:45:48 <Foxdeimos> CHOCOLATE MILK
  695. 21:45:50 <Aussie> holy shot
  696. 21:45:53 <Foxdeimos> BOO BOO BOO BOO
  697. 21:45:53 <Rainbowdutch> boohhoooo!
  698. 21:45:54 <Aussie> and shit
  699. 21:45:54 <mumbl> oh man
  700. 21:45:55 <Foxdeimos> hoo
  701. 21:45:56 <sci> lol ending
  702. 21:45:58 <I-Pie> QUEUE: not circuit
  703. 21:46:15 <SupSpeStr> hey this song ain't done but oh well
  704. 21:46:16 <I-Pie> PLAY: flutterfry
  705. 21:46:16 <Aussie> chocolate milk
  706. 21:46:23 <X-Trav> WTF
  707. 21:46:23 <sci> ...wat
  708. 21:46:25 <Foxdeimos> ...Wat
  709. 21:46:26 <Aussie> That was nice.
  710. 21:46:27 <I-Pie> FOOZ
  711. 21:46:28 <mumbl> wat
  712. 21:46:31 <Rainbowdutch> wat
  713. 21:46:31 <SupSpeStr> wtf
  714. 21:46:32 <Foxdeimos> ...That was... Something.
  715. 21:46:36 <Rainbowdutch> wat
  716. 21:46:40 <Foozogz> I blame compression
  717. 21:46:42 <spacepsy> huh
  718. 21:46:53 <Aussie> That's my favorite
  719. 21:46:57 <I-Pie> QUEUE: super slow slut AGAIN WHAT THE FUCK
  720. 21:47:00 <Aussie> all my votes
  721. 21:47:05 <SupSpeStr> :/ its not done
  722. 21:47:24 <I-Pie> PLAY: SSS? more like KKK
  723. 21:47:27 <Foozogz> jeez this chat is lagging so hard
  724. 21:47:30 <Foozogz> for me
  725. 21:47:31 <Aussie> hohohohohoh
  726. 21:47:36 <Rainbowdutch> thats rasicst...
  727. 21:47:38 <Foxdeimos> Crucrucrucrucru
  728. 21:47:40 <I-Pie> its that sample again
  729. 21:47:45 <sci> foozogz: try refreshing? <_<
  730. 21:47:48 <I-Pie> SNARE
  731. 21:47:50 <Rainbowdutch> just reconnect fooz I had the same problem
  732. 21:47:57 <Foxdeimos> Boo hoo hoo
  733. 21:48:02 <mumbl> DUNDUN
  734. 21:48:04 <mumbl> DUN
  735. 21:48:07 <mumbl> DUN
  736. 21:48:11 <Rainbowdutch> dun?
  737. 21:48:15 <mumbl> DUn.
  738. 21:48:19 <Rainbowdutch> dun/
  739. 21:48:22 <Aussie> BANG
  740. 21:48:22 <sci> what is this melody
  741. 21:48:22 <Rainbowdutch> dun.
  742. 21:48:24 <Aussie> BANGBANG
  743. 21:48:33 <Aussie> rip dunn
  744. 21:48:38 <X-Trav> thats right
  745. 21:48:39 <sci> also, boo hoo hoo = highlight of the episode, apparently
  746. 21:48:45 <Foxdeimos> So it seems
  747. 21:48:52 <Foxdeimos> But it was awesome, so I can see why
  748. 21:48:55 <SupSpeStr> insert rapping here
  749. 21:48:56 <I-Pie> is that a laser gun
  750. 21:49:00 * Foozogz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  751. 21:49:01 <Rainbowdutch> am I the only one who didnt think the boo hoohoo was gonna be a big thing
  752. 21:49:07 * Foozogz ( has joined #bronymusic
  753. 21:49:07 <Foxdeimos> Maybe
  754. 21:49:08 <X-Trav> yes
  755. 21:49:09 <sci> yes
  756. 21:49:09 <Foxdeimos> Dunno
  757. 21:49:12 * FlutterWhat ( has joined #bronymusic
  758. 21:49:12 <Aussie> no
  759. 21:49:17 <spacepsy> chocolate milk is the greatest thing ever
  760. 21:49:26 <Rainbowdutch> chocolate rain = best rain
  761. 21:49:27 <Rainbowdutch> period
  762. 21:49:31 <FlutterWhat> ^
  763. 21:49:33 <Foxdeimos> Yes, that's good as well.
  764. 21:49:34 <mumbl> eww
  765. 21:49:35 <mumbl> period
  766. 21:49:45 <I-Pie> YOU'RE LATE
  767. 21:49:45 <I-Pie> BEND OVER
  768. 21:49:45 <I-Pie> it's full stop as long as i am host
  769. 21:49:54 <I-Pie> DUTCH IS BANNED
  770. 21:49:56 <sci> that the cutie mark crusaders theme?
  771. 21:49:57 <Foxdeimos> Also, we had a noticeable lack of chocolate rain in this compo
  772. 21:49:59 <Rainbowdutch> why?
  773. 21:50:07 <Rainbowdutch> I still seem to be here....
  774. 21:50:16 <X-Trav> is joke?
  775. 21:50:17 <I-Pie> sshhh
  776. 21:50:23 <sci> dutch: he doesn't have the power to ban anyone. don't tell him though
  777. 21:50:31 <Rainbowdutch> I als sense a great lack of the game
  778. 21:50:41 <Foxdeimos> ...Thanks;
  779. 21:50:42 <Rainbowdutch> but Ipie never has power
  780. 21:50:49 <Rainbowdutch> (like on the minecraft server)
  781. 21:50:54 <Aussie> aw boo hoo hoo
  782. 21:50:57 <I-Pie> i have a power in the sense that i can beat you all
  783. 21:51:08 <SupSpeStr> TEH END
  784. 21:51:10 <Aussie> good luck trying i-pie
  785. 21:51:12 <I-Pie> QUEUE: ?????????????/
  786. 21:51:16 <I-Pie> REFRESH
  787. 21:51:18 <Rainbowdutch> oh yeah just swim over that little puddle you call a sea
  788. 21:51:22 <Foxdeimos> Ok I-Pie you wanna fight?
  789. 21:51:24 <Foxdeimos> Ok let's fight
  790. 21:51:25 * Foxdeimos wins
  791. 21:51:33 <Aussie> SAY THAT TO MY FACE I-PIE
  792. 21:51:36 <I-Pie> *loses
  793. 21:51:41 <I-Pie> THAT TO MY FACE I-PIE
  794. 21:51:59 <I-Pie> PLAY: the mysterious anon
  795. 21:52:01 <Aussie> HERE'S MY ADDRESS IT'S 5555 I'MMA KNOCK YOU OUT LANE
  796. 21:52:02 <Rainbowdutch> so only 1 left?
  797. 21:52:08 <Foxdeimos> Yes
  798. 21:52:09 <sci> last one
  799. 21:52:11 <Foxdeimos> The mysterious song
  800. 21:52:14 <X-Trav> basooon
  801. 21:52:14 <Rainbowdutch> that was quick
  802. 21:52:14 <Foxdeimos> From the mysterious man
  803. 21:52:15 <Foxdeimos> ...Er
  804. 21:52:16 <Foxdeimos> Pony.
  805. 21:52:20 <sci> slow song, ambient song
  806. 21:52:22 <X-Trav> triangle
  807. 21:52:24 <spacepsy> french horn
  808. 21:52:28 <spacepsy> basoon is latr
  809. 21:52:30 <SupSpeStr> mysterious song from a mysterious man...
  810. 21:52:31 <I-Pie> hmmm
  811. 21:52:33 <Aussie> the 4 second "song" should of been the last one.
  812. 21:52:35 <Foxdeimos> Eeyup. I like slow. I like ambient. Therefore, I am liking this.
  813. 21:52:36 <mumbl> caint hear ya, ahm asleep
  814. 21:52:37 <Aussie> it would of been the best ending.
  815. 21:52:40 <mumbl> oh wait
  816. 21:52:40 <I-Pie> who could this mysterious fellow be?!?!?
  817. 21:52:43 <mumbl> its getting creepy
  818. 21:52:43 <X-Trav> tubular
  819. 21:52:44 <X-Trav> bell
  820. 21:52:45 <mumbl> ahm not asleep
  821. 21:52:56 <sci> lol, enjoy your dreams mumble
  822. 21:53:02 <I-Pie> thats got to be dissonance
  823. 21:53:05 <SupSpeStr> is that a clarintet?
  824. 21:53:11 <FlutterWhat> sci when is the sync listen/
  825. 21:53:12 <Rainbowdutch> oh god now I feel sleepy
  826. 21:53:13 <spacepsy> yeah
  827. 21:53:17 <sci> vibrato, of sorts
  828. 21:53:19 <Rainbowdutch> damn you whoever made this
  829. 21:53:21 <sci> FlutterWhat: right now
  830. 21:53:22 <X-Trav> this reminds me of DIABLO 2
  831. 21:53:22 <I-Pie> THE SYNC LISTEN IS NOW
  832. 21:53:26 <X-Trav> drums
  833. 21:53:27 <sci>
  834. 21:53:27 <FlutterWhat> YAY
  835. 21:53:28 <I-Pie> wait what the
  836. 21:53:28 <X-Trav> nevermind
  837. 21:53:28 <mumbl> oh godwhat
  838. 21:53:31 <Aussie> that panning oh fuck
  839. 21:53:32 <sci> we're 1:40 into the last entry
  840. 21:53:42 <Foxdeimos> Ping pong inside my brain, hooray
  841. 21:53:43 <RobochiVulture> this track is pretty great so far
  842. 21:53:46 <I-Pie> woah
  843. 21:53:46 <Aussie> ow
  844. 21:53:47 <Aussie> ow
  845. 21:53:48 <Aussie> ouch
  846. 21:53:50 <mumbl> Ipie you know you have the same headphones as me
  847. 21:53:54 <Rainbowdutch> my brain feels being played with
  848. 21:53:55 <sci> weird perc.
  849. 21:53:56 <mumbl> does this sound as piercing to you as me?
  850. 21:53:58 <I-Pie> this is messing with my mind
  851. 21:54:01 <I-Pie> and i do now
  852. 21:54:03 <Aussie> it HURTS
  853. 21:54:05 <sci> yeah it's peircing
  854. 21:54:11 <Rainbowdutch> IT READS THE SOUL!!
  855. 21:54:11 <Foxdeimos> Yeah, it kinda hurts
  856. 21:54:14 <I-Pie> yeah it's pretty ouch
  857. 21:54:17 <FlutterWhat> wat
  858. 21:54:18 <SupSpeStr> despite the pain, I like this
  859. 21:54:18 <sci> kind of an comfortable feeling overall. in a "don't walk down any alleys tonight" kind of way
  860. 21:54:28 <Foxdeimos> Eeyup
  861. 21:54:34 <mumbl> my right ear
  862. 21:54:38 <I-Pie> ikr
  863. 21:54:40 <Aussie> urghhgburrufodf3
  864. 21:54:42 <Aussie> dead
  865. 21:54:44 <spacepsy> percussion is messed up in the middle
  866. 21:54:45 <sci> RIP anyone wearing headphones
  867. 21:54:47 <mumbl> like something is tapping on it
  868. 21:54:50 <mumbl> asking to come in
  869. 21:54:50 <Foxdeimos> IP me
  870. 21:54:52 <Foxdeimos> RIP me*
  871. 21:54:55 <spacepsy> woke up with like 1/2 to finish
  872. 21:54:55 <Rainbowdutch> sci that = me
  873. 21:54:58 <X-Trav> my headphones have surrond sound ;.;
  874. 21:55:01 <SupSpeStr> Rip me as well
  875. 21:55:08 * Foxdeimos rips SupSpeStr
  876. 21:55:14 <I-Pie> that was very strange
  877. 21:55:16 <SupSpeStr> that was bad wording...
  878. 21:55:19 <Foxdeimos> Aaand it's done.
  879. 21:55:20 <Aussie> rip my right ear
  880. 21:55:22 <mumbl> why did that have to top it off.
  881. 21:55:30 <Aussie> IT SHOULD OF BEEN THE 4 SECOND ONE
  882. 21:55:33 <Rainbowdutch> ok that was wierd to say the liest
  883. 21:55:34 <I-Pie> ~~~~~~ THUS ENDETH EPIC EPISODE RESPONSE ~~~~~~
  884. 21:55:36 <Rainbowdutch> least*
  885. 21:55:38 <FlutterWhat> this is waaayyy to simplisic
  886. 21:55:40 <I-Pie> ~~~~~~ THANKS FOR PLAYING ~~~~~~
  887. 21:55:44 <I-Pie> *** game over ***
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