
FoE RPG G0 - #029 Dark Eyes

Sep 14th, 2013
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  1. [19:40]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #29 starts now
  2. [19:40]<SpiritOfFate> =========================================
  3. [19:44]<SpiritOfFate> The orange light of the approaching sunset dims shines along the river. The smell of Sotho's meal spreads. From the dimming forest, only the sound of leaves blown by the winds can be heard.
  4. [19:45]? Firefly continues to sleep. Soft snores can be heard from the mouth of the cloud cannon, and naught but her tail can be seen hanging from the mouth.
  5. [19:46]? Sotho smiles as he serves the food out to everypony in his group. "Soups on Everypony!" He yells
  6. [19:47]? Hawkeye dries herself off after having cleaned up, and sits near the cooking fire with Buck, waiting for the meal. She yawns. Sheer terror and emotional exhaustion can be tiring! But there's still much to do... and this forest isn't safe. She blinks and shakes her mane, trying to stay awake. The dark mare gets in line for a bowl of food, and smiles at Sotho. "Smells real nice, Stripes. Y'all are a...
  7. [19:47]? Hawkeye ...wizard with the vittles."
  8. [19:48]? Sotho chuckles a bit and serves the stew to Hawkeye and Buck. "I had help with this one, but thanks! I learned most of it from my wife."
  9. [19:49]<Firefly> Firefly's head peeks sleepily from the mouth of the cannon before she glides to the ground. She trots up to where the stew is being cooked. "I heard soup?"
  10. [19:49]? Royal_Lace quietly closes her book of magic and levitates it back into her saddle bags, not at all satisfied with her progress with research. As it turns out scary woods are not ideal for working on magical theory, how she wished for a proper study. Standing she moves to join her companions, "Oh it smells lovely"
  11. [19:49]? Hawkeye nods as she accepts a bowl. "Well, when we get y'all reunited an' such, she'll have t'teach me that there recipe," she says. Hawkeye sits down near the bank of the river, facing the woods, just to keep an eye on it while everyone eats.
  12. [19:50]<SpiritOfFate> Buck glances at the forest, before taking his bowl. "The wood ghouls didn't come after us. Why?"
  13. [19:50]? Wintergreen , who had been watching but not participating, trots over with Ignis in tow. She smiles to Sotho as she takes her own bowl. "Thank you," She sniffs. "it smells delicious."
  14. [19:50]? Sotho smiles and nods. "Yup Firefly! Food." He smiles at Wintergreen. "You're welcome."
  15. [19:50]<Hawkeye> "If Ah was busy bein' all 'on fire' an' such," Hawkeye says around a mouthful of soup, "Ah wouldn't be chasin' nopony neither."
  16. [19:51]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack fills a bowl for herself, smiling.
  17. [19:51]? Wintergreen sips at her soup, sighing in content.
  18. [19:51]? Sotho nods. "They've given us a small amount of leave. Perhaps we should take advantage of it after we eat and find the tribe."
  19. [19:51]? Firefly smiles up at Sotho and nods, waiting for Sotho to serve her. Its hot, and fillies shouldn't play with hot things.
  20. [19:52]? Sotho serves Firefly happily, filling her bowl
  21. [19:52]? Firefly takes the bowl with her hooves, gently flying over to sit with Wintergreen and eat the delicious meal.
  22. [19:54]? Royal_Lace levateate a bowl for herself and fills it, inhaling deeply she breaths contently. Still a bit chilled from her dip earlier the hot soup was going to be just the thing.... though she did start to wonder where all these bowls had come from.
  23. [19:54]? Wintergreen chuckles, smiling to Firefly. "Now, I -will- expect you to take a bath when we get back into town, Firefly." She shakes her head. "And before you ask, no, swimming is not the same as bathing."
  24. [19:55]<Firefly> "Of course it isn't! Swimming is fun!" Firefly briefly sticks her tongue out at Wintergreen before continuing to eat. Bathing, hrmph. Who needs it!
  25. [19:55]? Wintergreen snickers before going back to her bowl.
  26. [19:55]? Royal_Lace sipping daintily at the soup she smiles, "Yes, I belive we should use whatever time we have left to try and progress to the village. If we wait any longer we may have to rely on torch light or make camp... something I am not to excited about in these woods"
  27. [19:56]<Hawkeye> "Well, Ah suggest we git as soon as we eat," Hawkeye says to Sotho. "This forest is more dangerous than a tumbleweed full o' balefire eggs in the DAYTIME. Who knows how much worse it'll get once it's dark?"
  28. [19:57]* You are now known as SpiritOfFate
  29. [19:57]? Sotho nods. "Perhaps we'll get lucky and we can find our way through here. I have experience in jungles, perhaps It is similar?"
  30. [19:57]? Firefly looks over at Hawkeye, swallowing her mouthful of soup. "What's a Balefire Egg?"
  31. [19:57]? Royal_Lace blinks at Hawkeye, something in her companions usually colorful speach not synking up. "yes, I have never heard of such a thing either"
  32. [19:58]? Sotho raises an eyebrow at his companions
  33. [19:58]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Glowy greeny-yellow-purple egg thingy. Radioactive ammunition for some big launcher for 'em," she explains. "Don't rightly know what they are, but they're a smaller version o' the bombs that blew up Equestria... and they ain't toys, Firefly. No matter how pretty they are."
  34. [20:00]? Firefly cocks her head at Hawkeye. "But... if its pretty, it can't be dangerous. Only scary things or ugly things are dangerous."
  35. [20:00]? Sotho shakes his head at Firefly. "Trust me Firefly, pretty things can be the most dangerous."
  36. [20:01]? Wintergreen rolls her eyes. "Firefly, have you ever heard the saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover?'" She shakes her head. "Looks can be deceiving."
  37. [20:01]? Hawkeye grabs Firefly and squashes her in a hug. "That ain't true, sugarcube. Y'all are cute as a button, and real dangerous to boot." She boops the filly's nose. "Just 'cuz somethin' looks nice, don't mean it can't hurt y'all."
  38. [20:02]? Firefly scrunches her nose and thinks about it. Thinking is hard! "...ok. I guess so. Still doesn't make sense." It takes Firefly a moment to realize what Hawkeye said. "I'm not cute! I'm like Batmare!"
  39. [20:03]? Royal_Lace returns to her soup, not liking in the least that the things that had destroyed her homeland (or at least smaller versions) still existed.
  40. [20:03]? Sotho chuckles, finishing his own stew quickly. "I vote everypony eats quickly and we pack up right quick. We need to find that village before dark."
  41. [20:04]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack has already finished.
  42. [20:04]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Ah'm sure the Batmare was cute when she was little too, Firefly. Maybe when y'all get a bit bigger y'all will be fearsome, but for right now, y'all are like a balefire egg." She lets the filly go and sighs. "Nopony will expect y'all to be dangerous because y'don't look dangerous. But it don't change the fact that y'all can do some real damage if some bad folk try an' hurt your friends."
  43. [20:06]? Firefly nods to Hawkeye. "Nobody hurts my friends. Cause then they are bad ponies. And then get beaten up." Firefly nods, sure in her logic. She finishes off the stew as quickly as she can before looking up at Sotho. "Ok Mr. Sotho. I just got to brush my teeth before we go!"
  44. [20:06]? Royal_Lace finishes her soup and places her bowl before the rest of the cookware, "Agreed mr. Sotho"
  45. [20:07]? Sotho stretches a bit and smiles, cleaning the pot out, the stew all gone as he washes the pot and puts it all away
  46. [20:07]? Hawkeye quietly finishes her soup, smiling a little as she realizes that that was quite possibly the best and most productive interaction she's had with a foal in... well, a long damn time.
  47. [20:09]<Sotho> "Alright, it's time we about set out." Sotho says. "I suppose I should lead ahead... considering i have experience in jungles and such. Unless somepony else would want to lead?"
  48. [20:09]<SpiritOfFate> Buck smiles with Hawkeye's smile.
  49. [20:09]? Royal_Lace helps Sotho clean, "I could easily deal with this mess but I feel it may be wiser to not tax my magic without need in this place"
  50. [20:10]? Sotho smiles at Royal_Lace. "I appriciate the help, and you are correct, we need your magic for emergencies."
  51. [20:10]? Knick Knack approaches Sotho and Royal_Lace. "It will be all fine, r-right?"
  52. [20:10]? Firefly takes her bowl over to the river. She rinses it in the river water before she fills it up and uses her toothbrush to clean her teeth, and the rest of the water in the bowl to spit. She returns the rinsed bowl to the pile of cooking supplies. She stretches her wings before climbing up on the cloud cannon. "Ok Mr. Sotho, already to go!"
  53. [20:10]? Hawkeye washes out her bowl in the river, then hands it back to Sotho. "You take point, Stripes. Ah'll be right behind y'all, keepin' an eye out," she says. "Muh vision actually gets better in th'dark. Don't ask why. Always has been, ever since..." She trails off, and touches her eyepatch.
  54. [20:11]? Royal_Lace smiles, "you know me, always ready to help". Looking to NickNack she nods, "Of course, we are all here to watch out for each other, are we not? Im confident that we shall be fine"
  55. [20:11]? Sotho nods to Knick Knack. "Of course! We have so many strong ponies on our side. And Ignis."
  56. [20:12]<SpiritOfFate> "A lot of ponies come from the land under the clouds. Maybe it's because it's always dark there." Buck suggests.
  57. [20:13]? Hawkeye raises an eyebrow at Buck. "Uh, what? What the hay is that supposed to mean?"
  58. [20:13]? Sotho starts to head out into the woods after everything has been packed, taking lead infront of the group
  59. [20:15]<SpiritOfFate> Buck shrugs. "Maybe your folks aren't used to sunlight?"
  60. [20:15]? Royal_Lace follows, trying to stay close to Nicknack and Sotho
  61. [20:15]? Firefly follows on the cloud cannon, occasionally flitting her wings to keep it moving at the same pace as the rest of the group.
  62. [20:16]? Hawkeye nods to Buck to follow, and heads out after Sotho. "Ah ain't from Equestria, sugarcube," she says. "Ah was born an' raised out in the sands and scrub an' jungles out here on the rim. Maybe it's just 'cuz muh whole life changed all at once, or might be that Ah got somepony Ah cain't see looking out for me. Who knows." She rolls her eyes. "Ain't like Ah haven't seen stranger things happen all...
  63. [20:16]? Hawkeye ...the time..."
  64. [20:18]<SpiritOfFate> "Huh. I got no idea then." Buck says. "But it's handy."
  65. [20:19]<Hawkeye> "Ain't that the truth," Hawkeye says, following after the Zebra, and keeping her eye out for potential threats.
  66. [20:20]? Royal_Lace squints at the growing darkness as the evening progresses, Soon she may have to use her horns light
  67. [20:25]? Firefly continues to push the cloud cannon.
  68. [20:56]<SpiritOfFate> After some trotting through the dark forest, you see a group of small huts in the distance.
  69. [20:57]? Royal_Lace looks around, a bit lost herself but glad there were other ponies who knew more about navigating in the wild. Spoting the huts she smiles and points a hoof, "Oh look!"
  70. [20:58]? Sotho spots it as well, smiling. "This is good!"
  71. [21:01]<SpiritOfFate> As you approach, you see a faint blue glow on ahead, close to the huts, and blue dots of shine on the ground.
  72. [21:01]? Hawkeye snorts. "Got spirits, folks," she says. "Keep your eyes peeled for creepy things..."
  73. [21:01]? Ignis keeps his distance, eyeing the huts with narrowed eyes... "So, this is where that tribe lives...keep your guns ready, things might turn bad if they aren't nice to us..."
  74. [21:01]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye sees the leaves moving above you.
  75. [21:02]? Hawkeye looks up. "Aaaaand weird stuff with leaves." She draws her shotgun. "Heads up..."
  76. [21:02]? Sotho nods, looking around. "Should we keep quiet or speak up?"
  77. [21:03]? Firefly looks around. "This is really spooky..." The filly gets ready to start chucking lightning with her cannon.
  78. [21:03]? Royal_Lace horn lights up as she prepares to cast magic if she must, "May I suggest not pointing guns at any zebras if we can help it? Some tact here at the get go may make negotiations progress more smoothly later"
  79. [21:03]<Hawkeye> "We ain't the sneaky sort, and we're here to talk," she says. "Better to come in nice, and not turn sneaky or mean unless we have to." She looks up at the leaves. "Hey," she says. "We know y'all are up there. We ain't here to cause a ruckus. Y'all can come down and talk."
  80. [21:04]? Ignis keeps looking up straight. "It would be best if we wait till we see them...if they shoot up straight at us, we know what to do..."
  81. [21:05]? Sotho nods. "We come in peace! To discuss the forest problems."
  82. [21:12]<SpiritOfFate> Looking up, Hakeye's hollow eye sees blue dots moving from the trees back to the village, and red dots gathering up, a dozen of them. One of them falls, and all of you can see a strange zebra mare standing on the jungle ground. Her mane is long and wild, and she holds a flaming sword on her cloven hooves, standing on two hooves. No glyph is show on her flank, though she is middle aged. Two stripes reach into her chest, spiraling into each ot
  83. [21:12]<SpiritOfFate> her in a circle. She stares at Sotho and growls. "You aren't one of us."
  84. [21:13]? Firefly looks at the zebra mare with wide eyes before ducking most of the way behind her cannon. Only the top of her head, and her eyes, can be seen looking out. Scary zebra is scary!
  85. [21:14]<Sotho> "No, I am not." He says. "But we share a common enemy." He says. "The spirit in this forest taking souls."
  86. [21:15]? Royal_Lace adopts a serious face and tries not to tense up, not wanting to look threatening but also apear in contrle of herself. She wanted to jump right into negotiations but she had addressed Sotho, and she would let him lead for now.
  87. [21:15]<SpiritOfFate> She wears a burning ember as a necklace. She cackles, and stops, muttering. "And you think you can do something about it?"
  88. [21:16]? Wintergreen remains silent, thinking that zebra-to-zebra would be more effective.
  89. [21:16]<Ignis> "You guys have been trying to fend it for much longer than us to no avail..." He says, looking over at the zebra. "It won't hurt if we try our hooves at it."
  90. [21:17]? Sotho holds his hooves up to Ignis. "Please, be silent." He says to his companion. "Not alone I can't."
  91. [21:17]<Sotho> He addresses the mare.
  92. [21:18]? Ignis sighs lowly and nods, sitting himself down on the grass and just busying himself at gazing to the zebra...flames, he liked those flames.
  93. [21:22]? Hawkeye stands next to Sotho, and back about a foot, watching the Zebra carefully, focused on the reddish dots. Enchanted necklace. Full of spirits, maybe? She closes her eye, and flips up the eyepatch to expose the empty socket... and get a better look at the spirit inside.
  94. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye not only sees a spirit inside the necklace, but that it's energy flows directly into the mare's body and back.
  95. [21:24]? Firefly stays peeking over at the strange zebra mare. Sooo creepy!
  96. [21:24]? Royal_Lace hopes that Sotho can handle this
  97. [21:25]? Hawkeye snorts. "Sotho," she says softly. "Them talismans flow right into their bodies... what would that kind of power do?" she asks. "Strikes me that givin' a spirit that level of intimacy with y'all would let it control you, more than the other way around..."
  98. [21:26]<SpiritOfFate> "Get to the point already!" The mare yells. Another zebra mare trots from the village, much older than this one. this one wearing a grey cloak and larger necklace with red and blue pearls, and a conch in the middle. She trots slowly towards the group
  99. [21:28]<Sotho> "I wish to offer our help to your group. I've heard and interacted with this spirit, and I am a shaman of this group." He says. "I see it." He tells Hawkeye. "We wish to help and be helped."
  100. [21:29]? Firefly continues to watch with wide eyes. It looks so cool, but is so creepy...
  101. [21:37]<SpiritOfFate> The mare glares at Sotho and raises her sword. "Why YOU-" the older mare touches her shoulder, and the fire wielding zebra kneels.
  102. [21:39]? Hawkeye snaps her shotgun up and levels it at the firey mare, but holds her fire as the older zebra approaches. "Ah don't like this, Sotho," she says through gritted teeth.
  103. [21:39]? Sotho looks to the older mare, bowing slightly. "Are you the shaman here ma'am? I mean no disrespect." He looks to Hawkeye. "Don't make hasty moves, if things get hairy, we leave, not fight."
  104. [21:40]? Hawkeye whickers, but lowers the gun.
  105. [21:41]<SpiritOfFate> The older mare nods. She speaks in a faint whisper that reaches farther than it should. "What do you seek?"
  106. [21:42]? Firefly raises a hoof to kick some lightning, but lowers it when Hawkeye lowers her gun.
  107. [21:42]<Sotho> "Peace for this forest." He states
  108. [21:42]? Ignis keeps his ground, at least things should be going on...
  109. [21:45]<SpiritOfFate> The older mare gives Sotho an inquisitive look.
  110. [21:45]<Sotho> "Or perhaps I should say, the safety for souls from that spirit."
  111. [21:54]<SpiritOfFate> The mare glances up. The leaves move once more. The piercing gaze of her black iris eyes stops over each member of the group.
  112. [21:54]? Firefly looks back at the mare. Yup, she's creepy too. Maybe its a theme?
  113. [21:55]? Sotho notices the leaves, fear not in his eyes, but worry, worry for his friends.
  114. [21:56]? Hawkeye feels a shiver go through her coat. She hesitantly takes a step back. She knows she doesn't belong here... and wouldn't be here, if not for her friends...
  115. [21:57]? Wintergreen squirms under the look. "We want only to help, and Sotho means well."
  116. [21:58]? Royal_Lace nods
  117. [21:59]<SpiritOfFate> The mare ponders for a moment. She nods and gestures you to follow, turning to the village.
  118. [22:00]? Sotho looks about, trotting forward slowly, hoping they were'nt going to be sneak attacked
  119. [22:01]? Royal_Lace Follows the mares lead into the village
  120. [22:01]? Firefly continues to flit forward with her cannon, following Sotho.
  121. [22:02]? Wintergreen hesitantly moves forward and follows.
  122. [22:02]? Hawkeye stops Sotho and shakes her head. "I'm going to stay back here," she says. "Ah'm not going to be any good in there, and if things go south, Ah'm better at range," she says. "Not saying Ah don't trust these folks, just..." The mare grimaces. "I don't trust these folks."
  123. [22:02]? Sotho nods to Hawkeye. "Understandable, please, do as you please."
  124. [22:03]<SpiritOfFate> The old mare turns, her eyes meeting Hawkeye's. She shakes her head.
  125. [22:04]? Hawkeye looks back into the mare's eyes, unblinking. "Don't take it personal," she says quietly. "Ah don't trust nobody until they give me a reason to."
  126. [22:04]? Ignis follows over, distrustfully...
  127. [22:05]<SpiritOfFate> "The trees will come." She whispers, turning away and trotting to the village
  128. [22:05]? Firefly looks back at Hawkeye. "That's a really good reason."
  129. [22:06]? Sotho nods. "Perhaps it is safer with the group."
  130. [22:07]? Royal_Lace nods towards the village, "We are stronger together than we could be apart Hawkeye"
  131. [22:07]? Hawkeye frowns. "Well... horseapples. Ah don't want to touch this village with a Ministry-approved ten-foot-pole, but she's right about the trees..." She pushes her hat back on her head. "Sotho... ugh." The charcoal mare sighs and looks at her friends. "Fine. Ah'm comin' with. Just hope nobody makes any fast moves, as Ah'm gonna jumpier than a box of frogs..."
  132. [22:08]? Sotho smiles at Hawkeye. "Don't trust them, trust me."
  133. [22:09]? Firefly grins down at Hawkeye. "Besides, I have my cloud! Nothing can go wrong while we have my cloud!" The filly continues to push it forward.
  134. [22:09]? Hawkeye sighs. "Ah do trust ya, Sotho. An' Ah will, right up until trusting you gets me killed." She starts walking again. "And when that happens, Ah'll haunt you as a ghost. Forever."
  135. [22:09]? Sotho chuckles. "And when that happens I'll be sure to be scared every night."
  136. [22:10]? Hawkeye manages a bitter chuckle. "Arright. Let's get this over with, then..."
  137. [22:12]<SpiritOfFate> She crosses a line of engraved tiles with embedded pearls to the clearing of the village. A collection of small rustic wooden huts is spread in no particular order, surrounding a building of salvaged metal in the middle. There is a palisade enclosing a smaller area of the village, to the west.
  138. [22:13]? Hawkeye eyes the tiles as she passes over them. A barrier against the forest and spirits, maybe? It's a pity she knows so little about them... It'd make her feel safer.
  139. [22:14]? Royal_Lace head stays remaing forward as she follows the mysterious mare but her eyes take in her suroundings as they scan the villiage.
  140. [22:15]? Firefly looks over the line of tiles as pushes the cloud cannon inside the village. Oooh, maybe they would let her look at them closer. They looked nifty.
  141. [22:15]? Ignis goes along with the zebras for now...yet, it didn't stopped him from not liking that predicatement very much.
  142. [22:16]? Sotho trotted in the lead of the group, keeping silent, worried about his friends, and how negotiations would go
  143. [22:18]? Hawkeye looks off to the west. "Say," she ponders out loud, "what do y'all suppose is over there...?"
  144. [22:19]<Sotho> "Perhaps the warriors."
  145. [22:20]<SpiritOfFate> Eyes fall upon you, from the villagers. Anywhere from contempt to hostility, none of them looked too fond. All villagers look strange for zebras, having Black-iris eyes and cloven hooves, and no glyphmarks. In their chests you could see the stripes reaching inwards. Some just a little, some spiraling towards the middle of it, and all of them wearing some manner of necklace, most of them leather pouches or wooden amulets, but some wore charco
  146. [22:20]<SpiritOfFate> al or pieces of ice, and a few of them, conches.
  147. [22:22]? Firefly looks around the village, shrinking smaller and smaller as she pushes the cloud cannon. Doesn't anypony want to be friends?
  148. [22:22]? Royal_Lace tries and fails to withold a small shiver at the sight of these zebras with no marks, it was.... unatural
  149. [22:22]? Hawkeye snorts. "Or something worse," she says. She glares back at the zebras, with her one eye burning with suppressed hate. She has no particular fondness for zebras, Sotho being the exception.
  150. [22:22]? Wintergreen sticks close to Ignis' side. The staring is quite uncomfortable...
  151. [22:24]? Ignis ' distrust is reinforced, he seriously hoped that Sotho knew what he was and would do.
  152. [22:28]<SpiritOfFate> The huts were surrounded by ceramic vases. You trot past an unnatended stand with a pile of smoked radhog meat.
  153. [22:29]<SpiritOfFate> All zebra you see are adults, and there are no elderly other than the one leading you.
  154. [22:29]? Firefly looks over at Wintergreen. "Where are all the kids?"
  155. [22:29]? Hawkeye finds her mouth watering at the smell of the pork, but merely licks her lips and continues forward.
  156. [22:30]? Wintergreen frowns, looking around. "They might be hiding, or rather, hidden from us. I'm... not sure."
  157. [22:30]? Sotho keeps steed, curious a bit with the lack of children as well, but focusing on the task at hoof
  158. [22:30]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye sees one of the revolted zebras giving her a faint smile.
  159. [22:32]<SpiritOfFate> The older zebra enters the large metal hall
  160. [22:32]? Sotho follows after the older zebra
  161. [22:32]? Hawkeye glances at the zebra quizzically, and snorts, her tense expression softening a little. Creepy or not, apparently these folks knew how to cook. She brings her attention back forward, and trots in after Sotho.
  162. [22:34]? Firefly continues to push the cloud cannon forward, ears and tail drooping.
  163. [22:35]<SpiritOfFate> Several other old zebras, with identical necklaces watch you as you enter, except one with a large stained emerald necklace, who keeps his eyes closed.
  164. [22:35]? Wintergreen looks up to Firefly. "Bring the cloud closer to the ground, please..." She nods, gesturing to her side protectively. "Just stay close, Firefly."
  165. [22:36]? Royal_Lace enters into the building with the elder
  166. [22:37]? Hawkeye stops just inside the door and sits down. "Ah think this is close enough," she says to Sotho. "Ah'll be right here if y'all need me."
  167. [22:37]<SpiritOfFate> The zebra mare guiding you exchanges a series of significant glances with them, before turning to you again. "What do you seek?" She asks.
  168. [22:38]<Sotho> "I seek the evacuation of the spirit plaguing these lands"
  169. [22:38]? Firefly brings the cloud down from five feet to about a foot off the ground. She looks over at the zebra with the emerald. She sets the cloud down next to Hawkeye and cocks her head at the zebra.
  170. [22:40]<SpiritOfFate> She exchanges glances from a bearded old zebra. "...from us?" He mutters.
  171. [22:40]<Sotho> "I seek to work with you to make this land safer for all."
  172. [22:42]? Royal_Lace bites her lip as she tries to keep from speaking up on behalf of the others, she would have long ago but this seemed to be acompley in Sothos feild right now.
  173. [22:42]? Firefly sits down and continues to look at the zebra. She doesn't want speak when the grown ups are talking...but why is he keeping his eyes closed? She wants to know!
  174. [22:43]? Hawkeye waits. Whether for a peaceful resolution, or for something to go wrong. Either way, she'll be ready.
  175. [22:45]<SpiritOfFate> The zebras exchange glances, moving their eyes to Firefly. "Focus." The older mare says. "Burden" says a zebra mare with a braided mane, as old as the others. Then they turn their eyes to Royal_Lace
  176. [22:46]? Royal_Lace eyes open wider as she realize all eyes are on her.
  177. [22:47]? Firefly looks back at the council of zebra in confusion. Did they just read her mind?
  178. [22:50]? Ignis looks around, really confused...why they were sprouting words at random? was this another spirit hijinks thingeys? That sort of thing it was getting real old really fast...
  179. [22:52]? Royal_Lace blinks as she regains her composure to a degree, still at a loss as how to approch this diffrent culture. "Yes?", she asks in a leading tone that she hoped would expain there sudden interest in her. "Is there something I can do, that we can do to help? Our offer is... not one sided but it is sincere, and we would all love to discus it with you at length.. if that is exceptable with you. I can assure you our complete honesty".
  180. [22:54]? Firefly nods up to the zebra. She didn't understand all the words that Royal_Lace said, but she understood the important bits!
  181. [22:54]<SpiritOfFate> They all nod, including a bald male zebra, except the one wearing the emerald necklace.
  182. [22:56]? Ignis studies each zebra carefully, they were so different from Sotho and the other "normal" zebras...something really fishy about those ones.
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