

Sep 13th, 2020
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  1. function drawWindow(x, xx, y, yy, color1, color2, textColor, title)
  2. paintutils.drawFilledBox(x, y, xx, yy, color1)
  3. paintutils.drawLine(x, y, xx, y, color2)
  4. term.setCursorPos(x,y)
  5. term.setTextColor(textColor)
  6. print(" "..title)
  7. paintutils.drawPixel(xx, y, 16384)
  8. paintutils.drawPixel(xx-1, y, 32)
  9. paintutils.drawPixel(xx-2, y, 16)
  10. end
  12. x, y = term.getSize()
  13. function cprint(text, yp)
  14. cx = math.ceil((x/2)-(string.len(text)/2))
  15. term.setCursorPos(cx, yp)
  16. print(text)
  17. end
  18. function cwrite( text, yp)
  19. cx = math.ceil((x/2)-(string.len(text)/2))
  20. term.setCursorPos(cx, yp)
  21. write(text)
  22. end
  24. function installWindow()
  25. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.blue)
  26. term.clear()
  27. drawWindow(13, 38, 4, 11, 1, 512, 128, "Install")
  28. term.setCursorPos(16, 6)
  29. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  30. cprint("Oblox OS", 6)
  31. cprint("Installing...", 7)
  32. term.setCursorPos(16, 8)
  33. end
  35. function Doinstall()
  36. installWindow()
  37. sleep(0.02)
  38. shell.run("mkdir .DS_Data")
  39. installWindow()
  40. shell.run("cd .DS_Data")
  41. installWindow()
  42. shell.run("mkdir APIS")
  43. installWindow()
  44. shell.run("mkdir Config")
  45. installWindow()
  46. shell.run("cd /")
  47. installWindow()
  48. shell.run("mkdir programs")
  49. installWindow()
  50. shell.run("mkdir ui")
  51. installWindow()
  52. shell.run("pastebin get RKPgMEqx startup")
  53. installWindow()
  55. shell.run("pastebin get 6wVekjuE ui/main")
  56. installWindow()
  57. shell.run("pastebin get KCGk2vJW ui/login")
  58. installWindow()
  60. shell.run("pastebin get UkxJcZTL .DS_Data/APIS/windowAPI")
  61. installWindow()
  62. shell.run("pastebin get JEBcUAyn .DS_Data/APIS/configAPI")
  63. installWindow()
  64. shell.run("pastebin get ykFTVsi7 .DS_Data/APIS/vectors")
  65. installWindow()
  66. shell.run("pastebin get XU60BDH9 .DS_Data/APIS/SHA256")
  67. installWindow()
  69. shell.run("pastebin get v4bVmdqT .DS_Data/Config/settings")
  70. installWindow()
  72. shell.run("pastebin get dUX9UwKh programs/example1")
  73. installWindow()
  74. shell.run("pastebin get dUX9UwKh programs/example2")
  75. installWindow()
  76. shell.run("pastebin get dUX9UwKh programs/example3")
  77. installWindow()
  78. shell.run("pastebin get dUX9UwKh programs/example4")
  79. installWindow()
  80. shell.run("pastebin get dUX9UwKh programs/example5")
  81. installWindow()
  82. shell.run("pastebin get dUX9UwKh programs/example6")
  83. installWindow()
  85. shell.run("mkdir icons")
  86. installWindow()
  87. shell.run("pastebin get k8en531w icons/programs")
  88. installWindow()
  89. shell.run("pastebin get yqAPaeyQ icons/settings")
  90. installWindow()
  91. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.blue)
  92. term.clear()
  93. drawWindow(13, 38, 4, 11, 1, 512, 128, "Install")
  94. term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
  95. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  96. term.setCursorPos(16, 8)
  97. os.reboot()
  98. end
  101. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.blue)
  102. term.clear()
  103. drawWindow(13, 38, 4, 11, 1, 512, 128, "Install")
  104. term.setCursorPos(14, 6)
  105. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  106. cprint("Oblox OS", 6)
  108. term.setBackgroundColor(256)
  109. paintutils.drawFilledBox(16, 8, 35, 10, 256)
  110. term.setCursorPos(14,6)
  111. cprint("Install now", 9)
  112. local install = "f"
  113. while install == "f" do
  114. event,button,x,y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  115. if event == "mouse_click" and x >= 16 and x <= 35 and y >= 8 and y <= 10 and button == 1 then
  116. install = "t"
  117. Doinstall()
  118. end
  119. end
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