
wackd mirror

Feb 26th, 2016
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  1. [15:22] *** Now talking on #Wack'd
  2. [15:22] *** ChanServ changed the channel topic to ''
  3. [15:22] *** ChanServ sets mode +r-o Wackd
  4. [15:22] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Wackd
  5. [15:25] *** ahr has joined #Wack'd
  6. [15:25] *** maxwellelvis has joined #Wack'd
  7. [15:26] <@Wackd> HeyHR. Hey max
  8. [15:26] *** TaggIRC has joined #Wack'd
  9. [15:26] <maxwellelvis> Hello.
  10. [15:26] <@Wackd> Hey Tagg.
  11. [15:26] <TaggIRC> Afternoon
  12. [15:26] <@Wackd> A great evil has been reawakened.
  13. [15:27] <@Wackd> nomuru2d got unbanned from TV Tropes.
  14. [15:27] <maxwellelvis> Damnit.
  15. [15:27] *** MousaThe14 has joined #Wack'd
  16. [15:27] <@Wackd> On the bright side, max, that means you probably have a shot.
  17. [15:27] <maxwellelvis> Iiiiii don't think so.
  18. [15:28] <@Wackd> It's been like a year, and it was a year and a half for him, and he was waaaaaaaaaay worse than you.
  19. [15:28] <MousaThe14> That Campbell thing you said was hilarious, your teacher is.... I dunno, clueless?
  20. [15:28] *** InbarFink has joined #Wack'd
  21. [15:28] <@Wackd> I don't think he pays attention to his own lectures half th time.
  22. [15:28] <maxwellelvis> My politics seem to be at the exact opposite of Fighteer's, and I'd had like two strikes before getting banned at that time.
  23. [15:28] <InbarFink> Hi there!
  24. [15:28] <maxwellelvis> Hi there.
  25. [15:28] <maxwellelvis> We're filling up quick today.
  26. [15:28] <@Wackd> I blame the Gravity Falls quote.
  27. [15:29] <MousaThe14> You got in a thing with Fighteer?
  28. [15:29] <maxwellelvis> Two Thanksgivings ago.
  29. [15:29] <maxwellelvis> 2014.
  30. [15:29] <MousaThe14> Ah
  31. [15:29] <@Wackd> How many strikes did nom have?
  32. [15:29] <@Wackd> I kinda wanna check.
  33. [15:29] <maxwellelvis> I got banned for getting mad in the Dragon Age thread.
  34. [15:29] <ahr> also it's not only how worse you were
  35. [15:29] <ahr> but the ratio
  36. [15:29] <ahr> and what you did specifically
  37. [15:29] <MousaThe14> Yeah, getting mad is a frequent one
  38. [15:30] <ahr> nomuru2d, last I checked, only started to spiral once gg became a thing
  39. [15:30] <maxwellelvis> A few hours after I appealed, Fighteer told me I wasn't the kind of person they wanted around the forums anymore.
  40. [15:30] <MousaThe14> Exactly
  41. [15:30] <MousaThe14> That was Nomuru's descent into awful
  42. [15:30] <ahr> meanwhile I once cursed someone out directly on a thread, and didn't even get a suspension
  43. [15:30] <maxwellelvis> Especially since this was my third strike.
  44. [15:30] <MousaThe14> He's dead to me now 8D
  45. [15:31] <InbarFink> What are you talking about?
  46. [15:31] <@Wackd> Nomuru2d had TWENTY-SEVEN THUMPS.
  47. [15:31] <ahr> that's it?
  48. [15:31] <@Wackd> How many did you accumulate, max
  49. [15:31] <maxwellelvis> A lot more than that.
  50. [15:31] *** Whowho has joined #Wack'd
  51. [15:31] <@Wackd> More than twenty-seven?
  52. [15:31] <ahr> twenty seven isn't a lot
  53. [15:31] <ahr> if you're a long term troper
  54. [15:31] <@Wackd> The mod who banned nom seems to think it is.
  55. [15:32] <ahr> especially if any of those were otc tropes
  56. [15:32] <MousaThe14> Could be for minor stuff like being off topic
  57. [15:32] <ahr> yeah
  58. [15:32] <MousaThe14> Like in the gender Roles in fiction thread
  59. [15:32] <@Wackd> Oh, okay, it's RECENT thumps.
  60. [15:32] *** Zarek has joined #Wack'd
  61. [15:32] <ahr> plus previous offenders are way more likely to get rebanned
  62. [15:32] <ahr> the leash is shorter
  63. [15:32] <ahr> so to speak
  64. [15:32] <Zarek> Hello!
  65. [15:32] <MousaThe14> I got a few thumps because we went from gender to race in the topic
  66. [15:32] <@Wackd> And they were apparently ALL for name-calling and "disruptive and rude behaviour that only drag down the level of conversation in the threads where you participate".
  67. [15:32] <MousaThe14> It was no big
  68. [15:32] <InbarFink> Oh, Zarek!
  69. [15:32] <maxwellelvis> And I'd been banned in the past, at least once for completely legitimate reasons.
  70. [15:33] <MousaThe14> Of course.
  71. [15:33] <InbarFink> What happened to Lord Doomsunggles?
  72. [15:33] <Zarek> Me!
  73. [15:33] <Zarek> We died before he did. For all we know, he lives on.
  74. [15:33] <MousaThe14> Hey Zarek
  75. [15:33] <InbarFink> The most important info I've recived today
  76. [15:33] <InbarFink> LONG LIVE LORD DOOMSNUGGLES
  77. [15:34] <@Wackd> For those just joining us: nomuru2d has been unbanned from TV Tropes.
  78. [15:34] <maxwellelvis> So yeah, chances are I'm never getting unbanned.
  79. [15:34] <Zarek> Ah.
  80. [15:34] <@Wackd> No harm in trying, max
  81. [15:34] <InbarFink> Who's nomuru2d?
  82. [15:34] <Zarek> ...we, uh. We don't like him, right?
  83. [15:34] <MousaThe14> Nomuru got unbanned?!
  84. [15:34] <MousaThe14> Is that what's going on?
  85. [15:34] <ahr> yeah I follow the editbanned thread fairly closely
  86. [15:34] <maxwellelvis> I think there is harm, Wackd.
  87. [15:34] <@Wackd> nomuru2d was a guy we used to like and then GamerGate happened and made how fucking awful he is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more obvious.
  88. [15:35] <MousaThe14> First of all I didn't know he was banned I made the reasonable assumption that we were too liberal for him and he left voluntarily
  89. [15:35] <maxwellelvis> The mods in the appeals thread made it clear that they don't think I can be trusted to behave anymore.
  90. [15:35] <Zarek> Woah, those happened at the same time? Jeez, my perspective of time is really warped.
  91. [15:35] <@Wackd> That's what they said about nom, too.
  92. [15:35] <maxwellelvis> Yeah, but my assholery wasn't always restricted to the forums.
  93. [15:35] <@Wackd> Pulled the whole "if you were running a forum and someone else pulled this shit would you unban them" argument.
  94. [15:36] <ahr> it helps that nom has been fairly polite on the edit banned thread
  95. [15:36] <InbarFink> What caused the unban?
  96. [15:36] <ahr> from what I can tell
  97. [15:36] <ahr> in terms of appeals, he's been running a better one
  98. [15:37] <Whowho> I've never recieved a ban on TV Tropes,and yet I've broaken so many rules, and often in contexts where it's clear I know I'm breaking the rules.
  99. [15:38] <@Wackd> I too have never been banned.
  100. [15:38] <@Wackd> Gotten a few thumps, though. I think I'm still in the single digits on those.
  101. [15:38] <ahr> I am easily in double digits
  102. [15:38] <Zarek> I'm a naturally anti-conflict person so. I think I maybe got, like, one thump? Can't remember what it was for.
  103. [15:38] <ahr> but I've been on the forums since I was 16, and I'm 22 now
  104. [15:38] <InbarFink> I haven't been banned, but I'm not really active
  105. [15:38] <maxwellelvis> I also had probably over a hundred thumps.
  106. [15:38] <MousaThe14> I don't get banned from anything
  107. [15:38] <InbarFink> I didn't even know Thumps are a thing
  108. [15:38] <MousaThe14> But that's because I'm s meek submissive rules dude
  109. [15:39] <MousaThe14> I don't rock boats, I am the boat
  110. [15:39] <ahr> see I'm surprised I haven't been banned
  111. [15:39] <Whowho> Yeah, see I would easily understand people considering me and Wack'd 'Potential problem forum users' but not AHR in the least.
  112. [15:39] <ahr> because I've been in a lot of argumetns with people over the years
  113. [15:39] <ahr> but then again I've also defended the mods a lot
  114. [15:39] <maxwellelvis> Because I'm a very confrontational person in a forum it seems.
  115. [15:39] <ahr> like one time when madrugada was around she pmed me to personally thank me for defending them
  116. [15:39] <MousaThe14> Yeah, Wack'd has a temper thing when social justice is involved. No offense man but your passive aggression is not subtle, you worry me sometimes
  117. [15:39] <Whowho> That's nice AHR
  118. [15:40] <TaggIRC> I've only gotten thumped once, and that was just for being offtopic.
  119. [15:40] <ahr> yeah no, I appreciated because I was always under the impression madrugada was annoyed by me
  120. [15:40] <InbarFink> In good TV Tropes news: "Chara is a girl because their realtionship with their adoptive sibling is TOO DEEP to be just friends" has being removed from the Undertale fanon entry
  121. [15:40] <TaggIRC> Even though in my... less enlightened days I said things that would've gotten me banned now.
  122. [15:40] <MousaThe14> Gross
  123. [15:40] <Zarek> I try to not be passive aggressive but I fail like a motherfrudger.
  124. [15:40] <ahr> because the fact of the matter is I basically grew up on tv tropes
  125. [15:40] <MousaThe14> And stupid. What kind of entry is that
  126. [15:40] <ahr> I have passive aggression down to an art
  127. [15:41] <ahr> the key is to do it so you can always claim plausible deniability
  128. [15:41] <ahr> and ignorance
  129. [15:41] <maxwellelvis> Am I the only one here who has been banned then?
  130. [15:41] <InbarFink> When TV Tropes does something that annoys me, I tend to just angrly glare at it, and bitch about it here
  131. [15:41] <ahr> seems so
  132. [15:41] <Whowho> I have a habbit of dictating the flow of threads; double posting, intentionally taking threads off topic, and keeping them off topic, raising problem topics of discussion, not disengaging with conversations while the thread asks for it to stop.
  133. [15:42] <Whowho> And yet I've never been thumped, and I feel like that's a little un fair considering what other people get thumped for.
  134. [15:42] <ahr> whowho: part of it is the attitude behind it
  135. [15:42] <ahr> and what threads they are
  136. [15:42] <ahr> like they go way more easy on yackfest threads
  137. [15:42] <TaggIRC> I've double posted more than once in OTC, but I have the advantage of the things I double post for being actually relevant.
  138. [15:42] <Zarek> I've gotten into arguments on TVT before but never anything that got VISIBLY heated. I got heated in a fight with Fighteer (heh) in the D&D thread but I don't know how VISIBLY heated I was. Like, I tried to at least type calmly.
  139. [15:42] <ahr> otherwise I'd have been able to get a thump for one of the annoying assholes on it
  140. [15:43] <MousaThe14> Max, I don't think you understand, I am a meek, practically lifeless mofo
  141. [15:43] <ahr> oh damn
  142. [15:43] <MousaThe14> I cannot get banned from anything
  143. [15:43] <ahr> I've gotten you mad
  144. [15:43] <ahr> what does that make me
  145. [15:43] <ahr> the great buttons pusher
  146. [15:43] <ahr> the supreme antagonizer
  147. [15:43] <ahr> evil ahr incorporated
  148. [15:43] <InbarFink> The person who edited that, also seem to have make "THE FANDOM IS PROBLEMATIC BECAUSE THEY HAVE TOO MANY POCs IN THE HUMAN AUS AND THE SEXUALITY HEADCANONS DON'T MAKE SENSE" a bit less hateble, but not by much
  149. [15:43] <MousaThe14> Oh no I get mad very easily but I can manage that in a way so I don't get ban-worthy
  150. [15:43] <TaggIRC> ^
  151. [15:43] <InbarFink> At least the words "Special Snowflakes" were removed
  152. [15:44] <maxwellelvis> I don't have that, Mousa.
  153. [15:44] <ahr> ah s'fair
  154. [15:44] <Zarek> Inbar: why were they there AT ALL?
  155. [15:44] <ahr> I am basically good until I explode
  156. [15:44] <ahr> but I've been able to lengthen my time until explosion
  157. [15:44] <InbarFink> I dunno!
  158. [15:44] <MousaThe14> I mean AHR used to annoy the hell out of me.
  159. [15:44] <Whowho> I had one hed ache inducing conversation in the Undertale Thread recently, talking about why it's weirdthat the thread is so militant on insisting that it doesn't matter what gender identity Frisk have,
  160. [15:44] <ahr> and figured out tactics to get visceral satisfaction and not come off as an ass
  161. [15:44] <MousaThe14> But we were kids and pieces of crap
  162. [15:44] <ahr> that we were
  163. [15:44] <InbarFink> I'm always afriad of being pulled into an edit war
  164. [15:44] <MousaThe14> We are now grown pieces of crap
  165. [15:44] <ahr> that we are
  166. [15:44] <Whowho> And I couldn't convince peoplethat non-binary people weren't the agressors in this flame war.
  167. [15:44] <InbarFink> So I don't wanna touch that shit
  168. [15:45] <Zarek> I'm pretty sure I used to be a bit of a dick in the Doctor Who thread.
  169. [15:45] <maxwellelvis> They will never admit that in this sort of argument.
  170. [15:45] <maxwellelvis> I was a dick in that thread, I think that's how I got banned once.
  171. [15:45] <@Wackd> If you don't want to be marginalized it's YOUR FAULT AND YOU SHOULD SUCK IT UP
  173. [15:46] <TaggIRC> The Race thread makes me a second away from exploding sometimes, but I remember that if I do explode I'll be considered the "Bad Guy TM" and get pointlessly thumped.
  174. [15:46] <Zarek> You have impressive self-control, Tagg. I am not that good.
  175. [15:46] <Whowho> Like, people were saying the nb section of the undertale fandom was toxic, and i sked them what potential for toxisity such a small and outgunned subdeomgraphic could actually do;
  176. [15:46] <Whowho> And the responce was;
  177. [15:46] <Zarek> I stay WAY away from the OTC.
  178. [15:46] <ahr> I mostly just remind myself that for its crap, tvt is still better than other places, and at least you can argue some of the more nitty gritty details
  179. [15:46] <ahr> so long as you avoid the big concepts
  180. [15:47] <Whowho> It would be bad for binary people to shut down other people for ignoring their identities, so it must be bad for nbs to do it too.
  181. [15:47] <maxwellelvis> It's not the same tho.
  182. [15:47] <TaggIRC> Yeah well I had to learn it in meatspace because when I was a kid I'd actually try hitting people in meatspace when they made fun of me or otherwise pissed me off in just the right way.
  183. [15:47] <InbarFink> UUUUUURGH
  184. [15:47] <Whowho> And, ehhh, I think that's true on some level, but it requires yu to be 'colour blind' and ignore the context of the situation.
  185. [15:47] <ahr> watching the undertale thread now
  186. [15:48] <ahr> this'll be fun
  187. [15:48] <Zarek> Everything is equal! Everything should be treated the same! I should get a cast on my unbroken arm just like that dude over there got a cast on his broken arm! Why's he got special treatment just because his arm's broken?! I thought this was AMERICA.
  188. [15:48] *** CorvusAtrox has joined #Wack'd
  189. [15:48] <Whowho> This is why I identify as a femenist and not a equalitarian.
  190. [15:48] <TaggIRC> But unlike back then, I can actually seriously hurt someone now, so I have to be remember not to lose it.
  191. [15:49] <InbarFink> I think my thing is... I know I can be aggresive and argumantive like hell when I wanna, so nowadays I just avoid any confertaion before I hulk out
  192. [15:49] <CorvusAtrox> Greetings
  193. [15:49] <TaggIRC> Hey Crow.
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