
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 10

Nov 17th, 2013
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. Twilight has learned 3 pseudo-words, and feels like she has finally started to make some real progress. However, each new discovery leads to even more questions, and her brother’s words mixed with a near fatal event have her concerned about everyone’s safety.
  4. Last Chapter: Fluttershy helps Twilight and Anonymous get to her cottage, and treats their wounds. The question of what is underneath Anonymous’ clothes is finally answered, and Twilight falls to the urge of further knowledge.
  6. Posted in Thread 879
  7. ===================================================================================================================
  9. >The three of you have made it about half way towards Applejack’s in relative quiet.
  10. >No longer in a rush of concern, Fluttershy allowed you to set the pace of the journey. A slow speed made up of wobbly steps.
  11. >Anonymous clung to her same as before, and your willpower acted as your crutch.
  12. >It was easygoing for now.
  14. >All of the animals are full of lunchtime activity, and the sounds of wildlife fill in the silence.
  15. >With no demanding activity other than walking your mind is free to wander.
  16. >All of the new information was being categorized and sorted into your mental filing cabinet.
  17. >The once tall ladder of possibilities now more closely resembles a stepping stool.
  18. >If you were a betting mare, you would put bits down that the diplomats will find nothing.
  19. >While new species may be occasionally discovered, a new civilization would be headline news.
  20. >When the other nations hear what you’ve learned so far there will be political pressure on how to proceed.
  21. >Best to learn the most you can while you have the freedom to do so.
  23. >A huge question was fighting for second place; you used to mostly be concerned with what the creature is capable of.
  24. >Now you would perhaps be happier knowing where it came from.
  25. >A hidden society or societies made up of beings never seen before; unknown even to the ancients.
  26. >It sounds more like the plot of a Daring Do novel than reality, but the evidence is walking right beside you.
  27. >Well, technically it is walking next to Fluttershy.
  29. >Ever since the crash things have felt kind of off.
  30. >You were, and to an extent still are, wary of Anonymous.
  31. >Something new just emanates distance, though; something coming from the creature and directed towards you.
  32. >It keeps its head low just as before, depending on Fluttershy for guidance. However, since you were no longer in the back you sometimes caught its eyes during the rare glances it took.
  33. >Whenever that happens Anonymous immediately looks away and sinks deeper into Fluttershy.
  36. >The reaction and strange sensation makes the atmosphere between you two more than a little awkward. Anonymous likes company, right?
  37. >Having Fluttershy nearby helps. Maybe she made some headway back at the cottage.
  38. “Hey Fluttershy. Does Anonymous still feel ‘otherworldly’ to you?”
  39. >She jerks to attention, roused from the recital of the birds.
  40. >”Oh, um…”
  41. >While keeping in step she glances over to Anonymous, and then turns to you. An almost pitiful expression adorns her face.
  42. >”Yes.”
  43. “Were you able to connect with it while you were treating it? Does it understand us? Does it understand you?”
  44. >”No, I wasn’t. I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for you, Twilight. I just did as much as it would let me.”
  45. >Well that’s less than ideal, but not the end of hope.
  47. “Does Anonymous seem any different to you? Sort of standoffish?”
  48. >She raises an eyebrow and checks on the creature again. What she returns to you is only confusion.
  49. >“Not really. It’s just hurt is all.”
  50. >This feeling might be all in your head. After-all, animals usually want to be left alone when recovering.
  51. >At least you kind of figured out some sort of language.
  52. >There’s only three ‘words’, and the way Anonymous builds sentences destroys them for some reason.
  53. >Destroy may be too strong of a term. The words definitely change and the sounds are just too difficult to listen to.
  54. >But they can be accompanied with pictures to make some sort of sense.
  55. >You should share that with Fluttershy, she may have some insight.
  56. >You’ll be repeating yourself later when you tell everyone, but there’s not much else to do right now. No reason to wait.
  59. “You know, I did manage to find a way we can talk with Anonymous. I didn’t get to practice it much, but we have three words.”
  60. >Fluttershy’s body remains steady in order to keep supporting the reliant biped hanging onto her.
  61. >However, the excitement at learning something about this new creature displays clearly in her eyes and voice.
  62. >”Really? That’s good to hear. What are they?”
  63. “They are really hard to say. All three are rough and grainy sounds, and they each are like a name. One is Anonymous’ name, or at least some way it recognizes itself. The others were for two of its own kind. It was searching for them earlier today; before the….thing.”
  64. >She basically disregards the mention of the unhappy event; instead radiating warm cheerfulness.
  65. >”So it’s not alone? That’s wonderful.”
  66. “Hopefully the guards can find them; wherever they are.”
  68. >You really hope so. Not so much for the sake of answers, but for Anonymous.
  69. >Without much of an idea about its needs ponies make poor babysitters.
  70. >Even Fluttershy can only make guesses. Better guesses than you, but still just guesses.
  71. >Hold on a second.
  72. >You take a hard look at Anonymous’ hands. They are both hanging onto Fluttershy as it leans against her.
  73. >More importantly they are both empty.
  74. “Where’s the picture?”
  76. >”What picture?”
  77. “Anonymous made a drawing of itself and presumably the two it was looking for. It was holding onto that picture all day.”
  78. >”I never saw Anonymous holding anything.”
  79. >It absolutely had the sketch when it went into the forest. Anonymous must have dropped it.
  80. >You have to go back for it! That’s vital data!
  81. >Redirecting your course to the Everfree causes Fluttershy to stop.
  82. >”Twilight, where are you going?”
  83. “We need that picture. I’m going to go find it.”
  84. >”Can’t Anonymous draw another one?”
  87. >Theoretically yes, and you do have a lot of other pictures still in your bag.
  88. >But you and Anonymous have a shared understanding of that specific one.
  89. “It’s very important.”
  90. >”You two need to take it easy. Where do you think it is? I can go look for it…if you want.”
  91. >Do you ask her to, or do you write it off as a loss?
  92. >She is keeping Anonymous content, and, truth be told, you don’t want to be alone with it either.
  93. >The drawing might have been torn up during the chaos, and if not what chance does she have in finding it?
  94. >You’re just thinking up excuses; you just told her it was important.
  96. “Anonymous must have dropped the drawing in the Everfree. That’s the last time I saw it.”
  97. >”Okay. I’ll ask the animals if they have seen it. I’ll be right back.”
  98. “We’ll keep heading to Applejack’s in the meantime.”
  99. >”Alright.”
  100. >Tilting her head against Anonymous, Fluttershy gives a soft nudge pushing the creature slightly to the side.
  101. >Now free, she gently rises into the air and floats off towards the forest.
  102. >There’s no real hurry in her flight, but compared to the pace you were just previously walking she is uncatchable.
  104. > Anonymous blankly watches her leave.
  105. >With a step of false confidence you maneuver next to the creature. In response it stands up straight; tall and firm.
  106. >Extending your wing proves difficult with the bandages, and a light sting of pain accompanies the motion.
  107. >You arc the wing to give Anonymous a tame push, but it shies away from the gesture.
  108. >The feeling wasn’t just in your head.
  110. >Hesitantly retracting your wing, you continue towards Sweet Apple Acres to see what Anonymous will do.
  111. >It sluggishly follows along, matching your pace and keeping itself up on its own.
  112. >Seeing it react that way was upsetting. You were here to help.
  113. >What has gotten into it?
  114. >The woes caused by the poor reception switch to irritation.
  115. >You can only give and give for so long.
  116. >If it wants to be that way, fine.
  119. >What you need right now is a distraction. Something easier to solve.
  120. >Another issue is the rainstorm tonight. Using the barn again sounds like the best option, if Applejack will let you, but you want to avoid a repeat of last night.
  121. >Unless Anonymous suddenly decides to find or build a den, there’s no other real choice. Everything else would have the creature in the same house as ponies.
  122. >Turning to the creature, your eyes meet and then it swiftly goes back to staring at the ground.
  123. “What am I going to do with you?”
  124. >You’ll have to ask Applejack if Anonymous can stay the night again.
  125. >This time you’ll sleep in the barn as well. You can guard the door, and if there’s any threat you can teleport.
  126. >It will also be harder for anyone to sneak inside.
  128. >The songs of nature were missing while you two walk. Only the sound of silent animosity lingers.
  129. >Although Anonymous is still avoiding you it remains nearby. The speed of its step careful matched to yours, and whenever you make a turn it follows suite.
  130. >You can spot Fluttershy in the distance coming towards you with an object flapping in her mouth.
  131. >She must have found it. That was pretty quick.
  132. >Landing in front of you two, she bobs her head, signaling you to take the paper.
  133. >Grabbing it with your magic she lets go, and you take a look at the damage.
  134. >Everything appears fine, a little dirty and….wet, but intact.
  136. “This is the one. Great work, Fluttershy. I couldn’t have found it faster myself.”
  137. >You set the drawing into your bag alongside the others for safe keeping.
  138. >”Oh I can’t take the credit. The birds helped me find it.”
  139. >Fluttershy slides back into position between you and Anonymous.
  140. >Anonymous places a guiding hand on her back, but remains supporting itself.
  143. >In a short time the wooden fence and welcome sign of Sweet Apple Acres becomes viewable in the near distance.
  144. >No one looks to be out front. The crusaders must still be out in the orchard with Applejack keeping a close eye on them.
  145. >Big Mac could be working anywhere on the farm, and Granny Smith was usually inside when not on the porch.
  146. >Or they might all be inside having lunch.
  147. >No sense in disturbing anyone. Applejack always insisted you make yourself at home.
  148. >We’ll just wait at the barn for her and Pinkie.
  150. >The barn looks awfully peaceful given how active it was this morning.
  151. >Fluttershy follows your lead wordlessly, Anonymous doubly so.
  152. >Nearing the entrance a sweet scent wafts through the air.
  153. >You can virtually taste the sugary comfort food hiding behind the wooden door.
  154. >Opening the barn door confirms the source of the smell.
  155. >Two long tables are pushed together with a whole bunch of various treats on top of them, another long table was nearby with a bench on each side, and there were several chairs laid out.
  156. >The dessert table is practically buckling under the variety of food and drinks.
  157. >A lot of the farm equipment and supplies were moved around, emptying out the center.
  158. >Pinkie was already here.
  160. >She wouldn’t have set up and then just left. She must be around here somewhere just waiting to jump out.
  161. >All of the corners are empty, but there are plenty of things she could be hiding behind.
  162. >Wait for it….wait for it….
  163. >Any second now…
  164. >Hold on! How will Anonymous react to being surprised?!
  166. >Now on high alert you peer harshly into the hollow barn.
  167. >A hoof taps you on the shoulder. An internal groan fills your thoughts.
  168. >Fluttershy is on the opposite side of you. Don’t even look; you know exactly what you’ll find.
  169. >But you just have to.
  172. >Before you can fully turn towards the perpetrator your vision is enveloped in pink on pink with two buoyant blue eyes peering into your own.
  173. >”Hi~”
  174. >Your body springs into the air and your heart skips a few beats.
  175. >Despite the softness of your landing you are heavy with aggravation.
  177. “Pinkie.”
  178. >Your calm delivery is laced with temporary rancor.
  179. >The aches of your body give a muddled cry at the unplanned exercise.
  180. >Pinkie remains willingly oblivious. All smiles while examining your bandages.
  181. >”Are you some kind of mummy? Nobody told me this was a costume party. That’s okay; I got one around here somewhere.”
  182. “It’s not a costume.”
  183. >Concern seeps into her features, but the bubbliness never leaves.
  184. >”Oh, are you hurt? It must be pretty bad if you’re all wrapped up like that.”
  185. >”Twilight and Anonymous had a bit of a spill. They’ll be okay with some rest.”
  186. >Fluttershy was quick to answer for you, guarding you from the topic.
  187. >Pinkie’s rowdiness gets the best of her again at the mention of Anonymous.
  188. >She quickly zips over to in front of the creature.
  190. >“Aw, look at you. You got sad on your face.”
  191. >Anonymous’ apathetic expression begins to lighten up, and it gives a low set of mumbles.
  192. >The subdued sounds contain only a hint of energy, and were no trouble to tolerate.
  193. >”I know just the thing to cheer you up. How about some pudding?”
  194. “Pinkie, the point is to have Anonymous pick the food. We don’t even know if it likes pudding.”
  195. >”But pudding is the perfect treat for when you feel all ouchy. Or ice cream, but I didn’t bring any.”
  196. >Pulling on one of the creature’s hands she leads it to the dessert table.
  197. >”Let’s get you something tasty.”
  198. >Much like when Fluttershy was treating Anonymous, Pinkie is able to sway the creature’s body along without protest.
  201. >So it’s fine with Pinkie and Fluttershy? What did you do?
  202. >First, you should get some food; no sense thinking on an empty stomach.
  203. >Turning to Fluttershy you just give a shrug in response to Pinkie’s abduction of Anonymous.
  204. “We should get something to eat too. It looks like Pinkie made enough for everybody.”
  205. >”Okay.”
  206. >While you and Fluttershy walk over to the food, the other pair heads off to the table with the benches.
  207. >Pinkie is carrying a bowl on top of her head while still holding onto Anonymous.
  209. >A whole menagerie of treats awaits your selection.
  210. >Assorted pies, éclairs, and cookies; cupcakes, muffins, and cakes with various toppings; whole loafs of sweet breads and dessert rolls.
  211. >All of the colors are present, too. Blue frosting cake, red cherry pies, white meringue tarts, green coated cookies, orange pumpkin log, dark fudge, yellow bread loaf.
  212. >They smell so heavenly, and choosing between them would be difficult if not for the one distinct aroma.
  213. >Going straight to where the breads are you eye the yellow loaf with desire. Pinkie made banana bread.
  214. >There’s a neighboring purple loaf, what kind of bread is that? Eggplant?
  215. >Even more peculiar is the knife plunged into the front of it. The handle aiming skyward towards you.
  216. >Who knows what kind of combination of flavors Pinkie used.
  217. >You take a few slices of the yellow bread to the table; sticking with what you recognize. Fluttershy remains at the dessert table caught in a bout of indecision.
  219. >Setting down the plate, you sit on the opposite side of Pinkie and Anonymous.
  220. >Your body celebrates the action, and abandons the mental crutch holding you up. The bench is all the support you need now.
  221. >Pinkie is trying to get Anonymous to eat from the spoon she is holding, but it is still acting mopey.
  222. >”Try some it’s super yummy.”
  225. >”Here comes the train; choo choo.”
  226. >Anonymous looks increasingly unamused by her antics; staring at her with half closed eyes and thin lips.
  227. >Pinkie remains undeterred, and jams the spoon into her own mouth.
  228. >”Mmmm that is good.”
  229. >The show of deliciousness softens the hard gaze. That appears to have grabbed its interest.
  231. >Focusing on your own plate, you grab one of the slices with your magic. You have your own treat to look forward to.
  232. >”See I told you it was tasty.”
  233. >Before you can take a bite you look up and find that Anonymous now has the spoon in its mouth.
  234. >You drag your hoof down your face. How can she think that’s okay?
  235. “Pinkie, don’t use that spoon, it’s been in your mouth.”
  236. >”Hmmm?”
  237. >Turning to face you, the spoon is now hanging out of her own mouth.
  238. “Ugh.”
  239. >You bury your face in your forelegs on the table in annoyance.
  240. >Pinkie snickers at your apparent frustration.
  241. >A low murmur accompanies hers.
  242. >Shooting your head back up you see that Pinkie isn’t the only one smiling.
  243. >Is…is Anonymous laughing?
  244. >Great. They’re teaming up against you now.
  245. >Your head falls right back down against the table.
  246. >What you don’t see is Anonymous’ hand in its lap with a matching spoon; Pinkie’s hoof resting on top.
  248. >Despite the tag team you won’t be kept from your banana bread.
  249. >The first bite swarms you with that distinct warm flavor. That is joined by an unpleasant crunch.
  250. >Bleh, nuts.
  251. >You hate nuts in banana bread. It ruins the uniformity and overpowers the banana flavor.
  252. >Pinkie picks up on your displeasure.
  253. >”I made you a special loaf, Twilight. Didn’t you see?”
  254. “One without nuts? Which one is it?”
  255. >”The purple one.”
  258. >She continues to watch Anonymous eat the pudding.
  259. >”The yellow one is Fluttershy.”
  260. >Who, at this moment, is still muttering to herself at the dessert table.
  261. >”Oh….I could have some blueberry pie, but what if Anonymous really likes that? Or maybe some ginger cookies, but everyone should get one. I can just take 1 or 2…”
  262. >Honestly, who else could look at all of that food and worry about there being enough?
  263. “Pinkie says the yellow banana nut bread is for you Fluttershy! Take whatever else you like, there’s plenty!”
  264. >Shouting over to her ends the standstill and she starts making her plate.
  266. >You would like to go and get some of your bread, but your body doesn’t want to bother.
  267. >For now you sit and watch Anonymous eat the pudding.
  268. “What flavor did you give Anonymous this time? Vanilla again?”
  269. >Only half of Pinkie’s face is visible to you with her turned sideways towards the creature.
  270. >The part of her lips you can see hook upwards.
  271. >”Anonymous picked the flavor.”
  272. >That’s good. The purpose was to let Anonymous choose.
  273. “How did you manage that?”
  274. >”I asked it to.”
  275. >Did she just say she asked?
  276. “What do you mean you asked it to?”
  277. >”I pointed to the pudding, and acted like I was eating, and then pointed to Anon.”
  278. “You’re giving it nicknames now?”
  279. >”Yup.”
  280. “And then it picked one?”
  281. >”Nope. I grabbed the one it looked the most interested in.”
  282. >That’s not a very solid case.
  284. “What makes you think it understood your ‘asking’?”
  285. >Her hooked lip transforms to match Pinkie’s excitement.
  286. >”Do you want the long or short version?”
  287. >You need to know as much as possible.
  288. “The long version.”
  289. >”Welllllllllll.”
  290. >She takes a massive breath in.
  291. >Oh boy.
  294. >”Ponies were always telling me I talk too much, and I thought that was silly; how can you talk too much when there’s so much to share? But then there was the stroke with the poison joke, and the time Trixie came back, and both made me unable to talk. I wanted to talk so bad but I couldn’t, and that made me a sad Pinkie. It was so frustrating, especially when no one could figure out what I wanted to say.”
  295. >The words fly by as she tries to fit as many as possible into each second.
  296. >”Then I learned how much I relied on talking. Since I couldn’t use words I had to use others ways to say things using gestures and signs, like the dancing I did. Those two times taught me how to use more than just words and how important some quiet here and there is.”
  297. >Ending her sermon Pinkie adopts her trademark smile.
  298. >You recall the events in question and try to remember how Pinkie was acting at that time, but you were a little busy worrying about solving those problems.
  299. >Her speed made the explanation tough to follow, but you think you got the gist of it.
  301. >Best to double-check, just to be sure.
  302. “What’s the short version?”
  303. >”You can’t only rely on words, Twilight.”
  304. >That sounds oddly familiar to what Fluttershy told you when you two first met Anonymous.
  305. “Like what Fluttershy told me about reading animal’s bodies?”
  306. >”Kinda. Fluttershy’s a really good listener, but….”
  307. >Pinkie waves you to get closer, and she leans towards you after taking a peek at Fluttershy over at the table.
  308. >As you both lean in the mischievous mare’s eyes shoot left and right. She speaks to you in a hushed whisper.
  309. >”You may not know this, but she’s not a very good talker.”
  311. >She says it like she was revealing a government conspiracy.
  312. >Your face goes flat in the hardest of deadpan stares.
  313. >Instantly Pinkie shoots back up to her regular bubblegum self, and puts a hoof around Anonymous.
  314. >”That’s all it is. Yup, yup.”
  317. >Anonymous doesn’t seem bothered by her closeness or antics as it finishes off the pudding.
  318. >Pinkie is an odd one, that’s for sure.
  319. >She’s either overbearingly welcoming or rallying everyone up in panic.
  320. >There has to be a way she decides between the two, but you haven’t found it.
  321. >You still haven’t told her that Anonymous is unlikely to be a threat, but she appears to have come to that conclusion on her own.
  322. >Ever since it showed up she hasn’t showed any fear.
  324. >”It’s like playing charades…”
  325. >Pinky freezes up immediately. The gears in her head turn, powering up the visible light bulb above her.
  327. “Huh?”
  328. >Finally having filled her plate, Fluttershy makes her way to the table and takes a seat next to you while Pinkie rambles on.
  329. >”It’ll be fun! We’ll invite everyone: our friends of course, Big Mac, Mayor Mare, Lyra, Granny Smith, the Cakes, Roseluck, Spike, the Princesses…”
  330. >She pauses from her rant and gives an apologetic smile.
  331. >”I mean, the other princesses. Sorry, it’s still kind of new.”
  332. >Ugh, you told her before that you becoming a princess didn’t change anything between you or any of your friends.
  333. “Pinkie, I told you it’s okay. We’re still the best of friends; you don’t have to catch yourself around me.”
  334. >Her apologetic smile shifts into a normal Pinkie smile; wide and playful.
  336. “But I don’t think charades is going to work with Anonymous. How would it read the cards or guess? Pictionary MIGHT work, but that still has the same problems.”
  337. >Whatever reservations you may have are of no hindrance to Pinkie’s excitement.
  338. >”As the party mare extraordinaire five times running, I’ll figure something out”
  339. >Opening the apparent double layer of fur on her chest like a coat, she displays five ribbons.
  340. “Also, Anonymous doesn’t seem comfortable with very large groups.”
  341. >”Just the few of us then. Don’t you worry, Twilight; leave everything to me.”
  344. >Usually this is when she zooms off to orchestrate whatever she is planning, but instead she proudly sits.
  345. >Fluttershy takes a small bite of her banana nut bread and practically chirps in approval.
  346. >You slide your few slices to her as well, but finish off the one you already took a bite out of.
  347. >After a squee or two, Fluttershy adds her thoughts on the matter.
  348. >”That sounds like fun. I’m not very good at charades, but it is fun to watch.”
  349. >Pinkie nods in approval.
  350. >”It is, but you gotta play too.”
  351. >”Oh, a-alright.”
  352. >Guess you should go get some of your bread.
  354. >Your joints crack in protest to moving. They had just gotten settled and were happy on the bench.
  355. >The purple loaf with adjoining knife front and center now makes a lot more sense, as does Pinkie’s choice of words.
  356. >Very funny.
  357. >Removing the knife unlocks that oh so desirable scent that makes everything bearable.
  358. >Cutting a few slices you deem that enough for now. It’s not healthy to fill up on sweets, even if it is mostly grain and fruit.
  359. >Looking over the rest of the desserts with the knowledge of Pinkie’s ploy reveals a hidden pattern.
  360. >That blue frosting cake is probably rainbow colored on the inside.
  361. >Unable to leave a hunch alone you cut into the cake.
  362. >Yup, Dash’s favorite. Pinkie’s ‘hypnocake’.
  363. >Rarity adores strawberry meringue tarts, and each of the ones Pinkie made had three blue sprinkles.
  364. >The icing rings of the pumpkin roll appear braided like twine. A tiny lasso loop design wrapped between the layers. Applejack had a rather hidden sweet tooth.
  365. >Even the nuts in the banana nut bread make out a single butterfly. She’s good.
  366. >Strangely there’s a lack of any pink desserts.
  369. >Returning to your seat next to Fluttershy, you address the little jokester.
  370. “Where’s yours, Pinkie?”
  371. >Fluttershy looks at you curiously, but Pinkie catches on to exactly what you mean.
  372. >She gives a guilty looking grin.
  373. >”I got kinda hungry and took a nibble or three.”
  374. “And what dessert was that?”
  375. >The memory causes her to lick her lips.
  376. >”The deliciousest one.”
  378. ===================================================================================================================
  379. Posted in Thread 882
  380. ===================================================================================================================
  382. >While you enjoy the luscious uniformity of the purple bread, your ears pick up two sets of hooves entering the barn. That must be Applejack with the regular food.
  383. >However, the color of orange is nowhere to be seen when you turn around. Instead you are greeted by white and blue.
  384. >The surprise in seeing the pair flows into your voice. Your words escaping before you can think about them.
  385. “What are you two doing here?”
  386. >Not the most amiable choice, but there is no disdain alongside the inquisitive tone.
  387. >”I invited them.”
  388. >Pinkie chimes in across from you; giving the duo a wave beckoning them over.
  389. >Rarity neatly makes her way towards your table ahead of Rainbow Dash.
  390. >Dash can’t help but eye the sweets. She manages to keep herself grounded, and decides to say hi first.
  391. >”Pinkie asked me to get Rarity and to bring her over when I went to check up on Spike.”
  392. >Rarity eyes your ‘costume’ with suspicion, and you give her a bashful smile.
  393. >Thankfully, she keeps her immediate curiosity under wraps.
  394. >”I was catching up on some much needed sleep when she knocked on my door. It’s not every day Sweetie stays the night at one of her friends.”
  395. >Right, Sweetie Belle. It sounds like Rarity hasn’t heard about last night yet.
  396. >You’ll have to tell her. You should be the one to do so anyway.
  397. >This banana bread doesn’t taste so sweet anymore. Any appetite for food disappears.
  400. >Unlike Rarity, Dash instantly draws attention to your bandages upon seeing them.
  401. >”Oh wow, what happened to you?”
  402. “Had a bit of a rough landing.”
  403. > Rainbow’s familiar teasing becomes buried under the blunt concern mixed with disapproval.
  404. >”I warned you about going too fast. Are you okay?”
  405. “I’m alright. I just need to take it easy and not use my wings for a day or two.”
  406. >”Grounded already, huh? This is why I told you baby steps, Twilight. It only takes one nasty fall to really mess ya up.”
  407. >If she knew the full situation you’re sure she’d agree with your actions. You’re in no hurry to explain, though.
  408. >Rainbow isn’t a fan of lecturing to any degree. Sure enough she merely shrugs, and her cheeky self returns.
  409. >“But it’s like they say; ‘You can’t learn to fly without a few spills.’ Hope you feel better soon.”
  411. >Rarity clears her throat requesting the spotlight.
  412. >”I’m glad you are okay. Rainbow Dash tells me that you may not be home for a while.”
  413. “Yeah, I need to stay with Anonymous until we figure out a new plan.”
  414. >The topic gives you some time to try and steady yourself before informing her about last night.
  415. >”I see. I wish I could help with that, but I work best in more…familiar situations. However, you simply must let me help take care of Spike.”
  416. “Oh, that’s okay. Spike and Owlicious should be fine on their own.”
  417. >”No, no, I insist. It will be no trouble at all. You’ve told me how poorly he eats when left on his own. Spike and Owlicious can join Sweetie Belle and me for dinner. I’m sure Sweetie would love the company.”
  418. >The queasiness in your stomach idly churns the banana bread in frightened anticipation.
  419. >”And if you are unable to go home they can stay overnight as well.”
  420. “Listen, Rarity—”
  421. >”Now Twilight, I won’t take no for an answer.”
  422. >Here it goes…
  423. “Sweetie Belle and the other crusaders were alone with Anonymous last night.”
  426. >Rarity’s charm does a 180 straight into alarm. The weight of her distress causes your stomach to plummet farther.
  427. >”What?! Are they alright? Where are they now?”
  428. >You rush to get the next sentence out.
  429. “They all seemed fine, and Anonymous never even touched them. Applejack is with them out in the orchard.”
  430. >Her hysteria begins to wane, yet she still holds an uneasy vigor.
  431. >Everyone else quietly watches form the sidelines; even Anonymous is fixed on the scene.
  432. >”Are you sure they are okay? They couldn’t have caught something could they?”
  434. >You can’t be absolutely sure. The only evidence you can go off of is two days with close contact.
  435. >The non-interference plan would have been great at keeping exposure to just a few if it was allowed to work, but that wasn’t to be.
  436. >However, the speed at which ponies become afflicted gives some credit to Anonymous being safe.
  437. >Symptoms show within 24 hours or less in almost all cases: like the poison joke, cutiepox, and baked bads fiasco.
  438. >Still, you are a girl of certainty, not unknowns. You can’t make any promises no matter how much you would really like to.
  439. “I’m not 100% sure, and I asked Applejack to tell me the instant anything seems strange.”
  440. >But you can share your growing optimism.
  441. “I am unquestionably sure Anonymous has done them no intentional harm, and suspect the girls are as healthy as ever.”
  442. >Rarity’s sense of urgency relaxes at the reassurance, as does your own nausea.
  444. >”Well that makes me feel better. Where was everyone else?”
  445. “Applejack and I were, well…asleep at the time. We were letting Anonymous use the barn and the girls snuck in late last night. I should have been more careful about the door. Sorry for putting them at risk.”
  446. >The heat in her voice rises.
  447. >”Oh that Sweetie Belle; she’s going to hear about this! I told her to stay away from that thing.”
  448. >Sweetie Belle? That’s not right; you’re the one that could have prevented this.
  451. “It was my fault, Rarity, not Sweetie Belle’s. I should have guarded the door or something.”
  452. >Ceasing her momentary anger, she presents an almost confused expression before adopting a more sympathetic one.
  453. >”It’s hardly your fault, Twilight. They should know better than to do something so reckless. We cannot be everywhere at once; they need to learn some common sense.”
  454. >A soft voice calls out from the side of you.
  455. >”Um, you shouldn’t call Anonymous a thing. You might hurt its feelings.”
  457. >Fluttershy’s notice seals the conversation, and Rarity notes the creature’s presence.
  458. >Even while near the table she has kept an extended distance away, and her focus solely on you.
  459. >Anonymous is closely observing her with an inquisitive stare. A small dab of pudding dots the tip of its nose.
  460. >Rarity takes her first real look at the creature.
  461. >Her study of the face and body is more calculating. Her eyes absorb the colors of the creature’s body mixed in with the white of the bandages.
  462. >Her nervousness holds strong, but she is always quick to correct a social misstep.
  463. >”How rude of me. My apologies, it was nothing personal. I’m sure you are an upstanding….whatever you are.”
  464. >Anonymous lets out a short cry, but that didn’t scare you as much anymore.
  465. >Pinkie and Fluttershy’s surprise only shows in the momentary widening of their eyes as they flatten their ears.
  466. >Rainbow Dash flinches a bit and presses down on her ears while making a crooked scrunch.
  467. >Rarity is fully startled; freezing up after ducking low and covering her head.
  468. >Once the sound of Anonymous’ call vanishes Rarity pops one eye open to check if it is safe.
  469. >Slowly she gets up from the floor and composes herself. Rainbow chuckles at the reaction.
  470. >”Haha, ease up Rare. Anonymous ain’t so bad for an alien. Just don’t get it started making noises.”
  471. >Rarity scoffs at the jest. Your left ear swivels backwards.
  474. >”Well ain’t ya’ll a bunch of early birds. If Ah’d known you’d all be here so soon Ah would have brought the food earlier.”
  475. >Applejack stands at the barn entrance with a harness on her back attached to a small cart.
  476. “Hey Applejack. Where are the girls?”
  477. >”They’re with Granny and Big Mac inside the house gettin’ ready fer lunch.”
  478. >She pulls the cart in towards the tables; the cargo clearly visible.
  479. >There are of course apples of all types, as well as: pears, oats, clovers, assorted berries, carrots, alfalfas, tomatoes and corn.
  480. >With the low sides of the cart, there was no need to take the food out once it was next to the desserts.
  481. >Dash’s wings jitter, rapidly opening and closing the barest amount.
  482. >”I can’t wait anymore. I’m getting me some grub.”
  483. >In a flash she’s off and starts making a plate.
  485. >Rarity excuses herself with more self-control and joins the others.
  486. >Pinkie grabs Anonymous’ bowl and climbs off the bench.
  487. >”You wait right here. I’ll bring a bunch of stuff to try, and some punch.”
  488. “Water, Pinkie. Anonymous drinks water.”
  489. >”Righty-o~”
  490. >You better go with her in order to watch what she brings back.
  491. >Your plate could use more variety as well. With the air clear between you and Rarity the desire to eat returns.
  492. “Fluttershy, can you watch Anonymous for a minute?”
  493. >She has finished her slices of bread and was working on the few you slid over from your plate.
  494. >”Sure.”
  495. >Getting up you join the exuberant crowd, hearing their joyous cries the whole way.
  496. >”No way, you made hypnocake! I call dibs! Aww, who cut into it already?”
  497. >”Are those strawberry meringue tarts? They are! Step away girls, those are mine!”
  498. >”Hey, Applejack, give me a little of everything.”
  499. >”Sure thing, Pinkie. Pass me some of that pumpkin roll while yer there, if ya’d be so kind.”
  502. >In due time everyone is at the table with full plates.
  503. >Fluttershy and Rarity sit on either side of you.
  504. >Anonymous, Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack sit across the table.
  505. >Anonymous gestures at Rarity and grabs her attention; pudding still on its nose.
  506. >It points to her a few times in-between some hand twirls and weird horizontal chopping motions at various heights.
  507. >”What is it trying to say Twilight?”
  508. “I’m not sure.”
  509. >No one else seems to have any idea either given the blank stares.
  510. >With no help coming, Rarity points to Anonymous and then at her own nose.
  511. >Anonymous peers at her for a second, then brushes a hand against its face. The spot of pudding is finally removed.
  512. >Rarity delivers a delicate smile at the success.
  513. >Pinkie intercepts the next set of flailing motions.
  514. >”Now you let Rarity eat her food. Try some of this; it’s good for you.”
  515. >Although you approve of trying carrots over more sweets, she’s just guessing carrots are healthier.
  517. >Idle banter and small talk encompasses the table as everyone catches up with each other.
  518. “How’s the Boutique doing, Rarity? Any big orders left?”
  519. >”It took a few late nights, but all of the deadlines were met. I have a few requests here and there, but until we get closer to the Winter Ball work will be slow again.”
  520. >The pleasant atmosphere unlocks the familiar memories of being with your friends and family.
  521. >”You gonna enter the running of the leaves this year, Applejack?”
  522. >”You know it.”
  523. >”Awesome. You ready for a rematch?”
  524. >”Ah would like to direct ya at my previous statement.”
  525. >The sense of a new fond memory forming tingles in your brain, tickling a smile onto your face.
  526. >”Don’t eat so fast. Here, wash it down with this.”
  527. >”Wait, t-that’s punch.”
  528. >”Oopsies.”
  529. >This is exactly what you needed, what you longed for.
  530. >A regular meal with your friends; enjoying the company without a care.
  531. >Normalcy and intimacy united with a hint of celebration.
  534. >”Did you guys see all of the guards flying nearby? They’re all around Cloudsdale, too. Must be a hundred of them out.”
  535. >”They’ve been flyin’ over the farm all day. I saw a small group go over the Everfree before turnin’ around when Ah was comin’ ta the barn.”
  536. “They must be searching for more Anonymouses.”
  537. >That word is not going to work. Luna’s name for the creature cannot also be the name of the species; it is too confusing.
  538. >You’ll have to think of something else to call the species. You’ll get to name something after-all.
  539. >The concept of additional creatures jolts Rarity for a second before she catches herself.
  540. >”There’s more? Well, I suppose it would be silly to assume there would only be one.”
  541. “We have no idea where they could be, though.”
  542. >”It’s gotta be an alien. It came to our planet to find ponies to help build a great ark, or it is a refugee from a galactic war, or it was sent here as a test before sharing their technology with us.”
  543. >What books has Rainbow been reading?
  544. “Be serious, Dash. Even if it looks strange, it still resembles other animals. We’ve seen stranger things than Anonymous on our adventures, and zero aliens.”
  545. >”I’m still putting my bits on alien.”
  546. >Stubborn as always.
  548. >”Say, Twilight, how come yer all wrapped up?”
  549. >Aww, not now. Can’t you enjoy the break for a little longer?
  550. >Rarity promptly leans against you.
  551. >”Twilight had a bit of a crash landing. She should be better in a few days.”
  552. >You acknowledge the fact with a nod. The chipper features she offers Applejack adjust into a harsh knowing stare when she turns to face you, triggering your mental warning mode.
  553. >”Judging by the layout of the bandages Anonymous also suffered the same spill didn’t they?”
  554. >”Eep.”
  555. >Fluttershy’s quiet outburst is all the validation Rarity needs.
  556. >Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack are all staring at you awaiting an answer.
  557. >Guess it’s time to finally fill them in.
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