
Gary Oliver

Jan 27th, 2014
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  1. I want you to read this post with total sincerity. My name is Gary Oliver, I live in Fort Worth. I'm not hiding behind anonymity. This post is not ironic, hyperbolic, or intentionally cartoonish. I mean every word of it, with full knowledge of how horrible it is and the dangerous moral implications.
  3. I want to encourage you to actually kill yourself. Please commit suicide. Now that you've developed a scat fetish you are a broken human being. You are a disease vector, a center for contagion, an abominable ghoul. You and I both know that the best way to protect the community, to discourage others on your road, to help end your own suffering, is to get you to shuffle off this mortal coil. I don't want you to do it in some awful and drawn out way. I don't wish pain on you. I just want you dead. I want you to find some nitrous oxide, strap it to your face, tape it on tight, and remove the safety measures. I want you to fall asleep laughing and never wake up again. If not for me, if not for you, then for the innocents around you. The people you hurt just by existing in the same air space. The people who didn't consent to your dangerous and perverted game.
  5. Kill yourself.
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