
Hoon in Equestria

Aug 26th, 2012
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  1. >It was another boring Friday night, and you were driving home from the auto shop where you worked. Your car blended into the shadows of the buildings, only brought into view by the occasional street light. You drove a 2009 Subaru WRX STi, a present to yourself that you bought brand new.
  2. >Not that it was exactly legal to drive this beast, even before you remodelled it.
  3. >It didn’t matter to you. Your car was faster than any cop. And everyone it the street races knew that.
  4. >You joined the races when you first bought your car, and immediately they hated you. You were just some 18 year old kid, thinking he could play with the big boys. Only one guy gave you a chance. AAA. But that was history.
  5. >Over the past 3 years, you put so much money into this car. Engine mods, a new frame, and one hell of a paint job.
  6. >It was jet black, with three lightning blue tears down the sides, like something tried to drag it back to hell where it belonged. It even earned itself a nickname for how it never overheated. Frostbite, so cool it burns.
  7. >You had just turned onto the highway when the 2-way radio in your car came to life, and an annoying voice came blasting through.
  8. >’Hey Anonymous… I hope you are ready for some fun tonight.’
  9. >You grab the receiver and press the button on the side.
  10. ‘Not tonight Miggy. I just got off work, and I need to get the LSD home.’
  11. >Joe “Miggy” Migglesworth was your rival for years. Born in the same year, went to the same school, every girl he wanted was yours and vice versa.
  13. >He was in AAA’s crew as well, and while you drove import, he was in muscle. A ’78 matte black Holden Statesman Deville 308, nickname “The Don” because when you raced him, it felt like your car had cement wheels. There were only a handful of drivers who could out drive him, and you did it only half the time.
  14. >’Well, I guess that’s too bad. I got 3 candy cars on my tail, and unless you get that hunk of junk moving, your tires are gunna go boom.’
  15. ‘Fuck!’ You press the button again. ‘I swear to fucking God, I will fucking kill you if the cops get me.’
  16. >Behind you, you could hear his engine. The loud roar of untamed fury, weaving in and out of the cars, and gaining on you fast. Behind him, you could see the flashing lights of angry police.
  17. >He pulls up next to you and rolls down his window. You do the same and look at him.
  18. >’Well, I’m heading down the water way if you want to race me there.’
  19. >You crack an evil smile.
  20. ‘Alright? What’s the stakes?’
  21. >’First one into the pipe is the winner. I win, you tell me what you have running that shit.’
  22. >You scowl. He knew your weakness.
  23. >Ever since you finished Frostbite’s work, every racer wanted to see what you had under the hood. You made it a rule not to show them ever. People seeing what you had meant they could find your car and try to take it.
  24. >But every driver had a weakness, and Miggy’s was his sound system.
  25. ‘And if I win, you give me your amp.’
  26. >’Done deal.’
  27. >The cops were gaining.
  28. ‘GO!!!’
  30. >You both plant you accelerators, and blast off at phenomenal speeds, Miggy’s car roaring to life while yours making a fast paced WUBWUBWUBWUB mixed with a high pitched whistle.
  31. >Your cars weaved in and out of the traffic, the cops having a hard time keeping behind you. It would be easier when you get to the waterway, for both parties.
  32. >The cops could call there choppers out to follow you, but you wouldn’t need to hold back on the speed.
  33. >You shift the car into third, and swing your car into the bike lane, nearly missing a slow driver.
  34. >You crank your music loud, letting your subwoofers reign free, before shooting back onto the highway proper.
  35. >The waterway was only a few kilometres ahead, running parallel with the highway. The only thing that separated them was a chain link fence.
  36. >Miggy swung in front of you, before getting on his radio.
  37. >’How do we get through the fence? They welded the gate shut.’
  38. >You both hit the start of the fence. You had maybe 20 seconds to get through before it became a brick wall again. Picking up the radio, you press the button and smile.
  39. ‘Don’t know how you will do it, but I’m gunna do this.’
  40. >You pull the steering wheel hard to the left, sending your car blasting sideways, destroying the thin metal fence, and skidding down the incline.
  41. >Seconds later, Miggy screeches in next to you, his car with nary a scratch on it.
  42. >’Never doing that shit again.’
  43. ‘Oh of course you won’t, just like how you promised you wouldn’t pull behind me so recklessly.’
  44. >’I got you the next back end, didn’t I?’
  45. >Sometimes, you really hated Miggy’s recklessness.
  47. >The cops were quick to follow you. Seeing as you were both in the “Top Ten Hoons” list (yourself just a place higher than Miggy), you would earn them a good pay rise if they catch you.
  48. >Like that would happen.
  49. >You kick Frostbite down a gear, and shoot in front of Miggy. He flashes his lights, and you stick your arm out the window and flip the cunt off.
  50. >A new noise can be heard over your music. A thpthpthp sound coming from overhead. You stick your head out the window, and your eyes are immediately blinded by a white light.
  51. ‘Oh fuck me…’
  52. >They called the copper chopper, and it was on your arse. Suddenly you hear a honk from beside you, and you pull your head into the car to see three shopping trolleys that you were about to plough into.
  53. >You pull the steering to the left, sending the car sideways, and you barely make it around the carts. The cops on your tail weren’t so lucky. One car ploughed into them, sending them sideways into another.
  54. >You try to correct the drift, but the mud in the waterway sent your car into a fish-tail. Gritting your teeth, you take a deep breath and slam the car into the next gear, pushing it forwards.
  55. >You could see the tunnel entrance ahead of you. It was large enough to fit one car, and opened up to another waterway on the other side of town.
  56. >You look sideways to see Miggy smiling at you. It was a drag race now, a game of drag chicken.
  57. >You push the car faster, letting your turboes kick in, as did Miggy with his 8 cylinder.
  58. >With about 5 metres left, Miggy drops The Don down a gear and blasted in front of you, his paintwork scratching the concrete.
  60. >Into the darkness the two of you go, your headlights only able to illuminate his back end. Driving the tunnel meant you had to be extremely careful, one small mistake and your car gets a new scratch.
  61. >You glance behind you to see that the cops weren’t following you in. You quickly pick up the radio.
  62. ‘Oi, the cops aren’t coming in.’
  63. >’No shit sherlock.’ Came Miggy’s voice.
  64. >There was a blinding flash of light from the end of the tunnel.
  65. >’The cops are at the exit.’
  66. ‘Oh really, Captain fucking obvious.’
  67. >’How the fuck did they get there so fast?!’
  68. ’The fucking cops must have had another chopper posted at the end. Don’t fucking stop.’
  69. >’Nah, you fucking think Dickhead?’
  70. >You throw the radio down in anger. That cunt seriously gets your goat sometimes. He got you into this mess, and now he wants to get angry at you.
  71. >Miggy shifts gears and speeds up, and you follow. The minute you got out of this tunnel, you were going to split. Hopefully the cops will notice him first.
  72. >You take a deep breath, trying to calm your heart rate down. It was something AAA taught you. You could hear his words in your mind.’
  73. >AAA: ‘You gotta calm down little man. Take a deep breath sometimes. No need getting emotional in a race.’
  74. >Miggy exits the tunnel first, and you speed up to follow. Your lungs start to feel compressed, as if something was pushing on them. Your heart felt like it was about to rip out of your chest.
  75. >You enter the light, and your skin feels on fire.
  77. >As you exit the light, the first thing you notice is The Don parked a few metres ahead, hazard lights on.
  78. >You slam on the brakes, shifting down gears and pulling the handbrake, sliding to a stop next to Miggy.
  79. >You jump out the car and grab him.
  81. >He pushes you off him.
  82. >’Look around, will you?!’
  83. >You finally look at your surroundings and your mouth drops. You were nowhere near town. Somehow, the pipe took the two of you to a forest of some sort.
  84. ‘You have to be shitting me…’ you mutter.
  85. >You spin to where you drove from, only to see more trees and darkness.
  86. >’Okay, do you see why I fucking stopped?’
  87. ‘Why didn’t you fucking radio me?’
  88. >’I did! There was no fucking response.’
  89. ‘Well…fuck.’
  90. >You grab your iPhone, and try to call your sister. You look at it, and see that it has no range.
  91. ‘FUUUUUUUUCK!!’ You scream.
  92. >Suddenly, from the forests behind you, you hear a gut wrenching sound.
  94. >Miggy looks at you.
  95. >’What the FUCK was that?!’
  96. ‘A moose?’
  97. >’In Australia?’
  98. ‘A marsupial moose?’
  99. >’This isn’t time to make a fucking joke!’
  101. >Miggy looks at you with concern.
  102. ‘Well… I am. But it doesn’t mean I can fall to pieces.’
  103. >You look at Miggy and his face is in utter shock.
  104. ‘Why the fuck are you giving me that fucking look? I can be brave at times.’
  105. >He continues to stare at you. Then you notice what’s wrong. He isn’t staring at you, he’s staring behind you.
  106. ‘It’s behind me, isn’t it?’
  108. >Miggy nods his head, and you rub the bridge of your nose.
  109. ‘Alright, tell me what it is.’
  110. >’You won’t believe me.’
  111. ’20 bucks says I don’t turn around.’
  112. >’Alright, you’re on.’
  113. >You and Miggy shake hands, sealing the agreement.
  114. >’It’s a walrus.’
  115. ‘A…walrus? In the jungle?’
  116. >’Yep.’
  117. >You turn your head to see a very large walrus staring at you.
  118. ‘God dammit…’
  119. >You grab your wallet and pull out a 20 dollar bill. The walrus loudly “WONKS” at the two of you.
  120. >You spin around at stare at it.
  121. ‘Do you fucking mind?! We are trying to make a fucking transaction here!’
  122. >It seems to recoil at your tone of voice.
  123. >’You…just yelled at a jungle walrus.’
  124. ‘Well, he should have the common decency to wait until I am finished.’
  125. >Your train of thought was interrupted as something slams into your side and sends you flying. You hit a tree hard, and try your best to stand up fast. Your eyes go wide as you see the walrus coming at you.
  126. >It’s prime mode of transport is doing the worm. This jungle walrus was worming his way at you with incredible speed. In mere seconds it had barrelled it’s way from where it slumped to the tree you were using as support, and in the light of the head lights, you could finally see it.
  127. >It was massive. Larger than anything you have ever seen. It was at least 8 ft from snout to…belly, you guess. It was 15 ft long, and it’s lower body was covered in scales.
  129. >You duck and roll out of the way as it swipes at you. You look up to see the three deep scratches in the tree.
  130. >On it’s flippers, it had 3 very sharp looking yellow claws, ready to rip your guts out. It let out another angry “WONK”, and you got a good look at it’s mouth. Apart from it’s massive tusks, it had row after row of sharp teeth.
  132. >’Oh YA THINK!’
  133. >You roll out of the way as the walrus tries to stamp on you, but you weren’t fast enough. One of the claws catches your jeans and pins you to the ground.
  134. ‘FUCK!’
  135. >You try to scramble away, but the monster slams down it’s other flipper on your back. You could hear it’s ragged breathing as it lowered it’s head towards you. A drop of saliva hit the back of your head, and you could smell it’s bad breath. You close your eyes, and pray for death to come quickly.
  136. >You hear a sickening “crack”, and the weight on your bad is lifted. You roll over to see the Miggy holding a blood-splattered fire extinguisher, out of breath. The demon walrus was on it’s back, clutching it’s head in pain.
  138. >You scramble to your feet as fast as possible.
  139. >’Well SORRY! Fuck! I just saved your life, you fucking cunt.’
  140. ‘Well…!’ You take a deep breath ‘Thank you, Joe. I owe you one.’
  141. >’Heh…No worries mate.’
  142. >Miggy puts up his fist, and you raise yours to bump it.
  143. >Your fist meets air as something shoots out of the forest behind you, over your cars and tears Miggy from his spot.
  144. >You look over to see a second jungle walrus, smaller than the first, with Miggy in it’s mouth.
  146. >Miggy screamed in agony as the walrus sunk it’s teeth into his stomach. You could only watch in horror.
  147. ‘No,’ you muttered ‘Not again.’
  148. >You start running for the walrus at full tilt, snatching up the fire extinguisher as you did.
  149. ‘OI FATTY!!’
  150. >The walrus dropped Miggy from it’s jaws an turned to you.
  152. >You speed forwards, as does the walrus. You can see the hunger in it’s eyes, and your own held pure rage.
  153. >WOOOOOONK!! It roared at you.
  154. ‘AAAAARRRRGGGHH!!!’ You scream your own battle cry.
  155. >You launch yourself off the ground and the walrus opens it’s mouth wide.
  157. >You jam the fire extinguisher into the waiting jaws of the walrus, snapping your hand away before it bit down.
  158. >You hit it’s flabby chest, falling to the ground. Your only thoughts were “Please let this work.”
  159. >WRRRRNK!!
  160. >The walrus roared with a full mouth. You look up to see it trying to devour the extinguisher, crunching through the metal like it was nothing.
  161. ‘FUCK!’
  162. >You almost gave up hope when you noticed the ice crystals.
  163. >All along the walrus’ head, ice began to form. The CO2 had started to freeze the walrus.
  164. >You jump to your feet as the walrus tries to lunge at you. Running to Miggy, you scoop him up in your arms.
  165. ‘You okay mate?’
  166. >’Y…yeah…’
  167. ‘Come on. We are going to get you to a hospital.’
  168. >The walrus lay on the ground, head almost frozen over. You run to Frostbite, opening the passenger door and sliding Miggy in.
  169. >’What…about…seat…covers…’
  170. ‘You can clean them after we get you fixed up.’
  171. >You climb into the driver’s seat, switching on the engine. You shoot forwards, crushing the walrus’ head, and drive into the darkness of the forest.
  173. >You drive as fast as you can.
  174. >Miggy, the rival you had since you were both 5, now lay in your passenger seat. His wounds from…whatever the fuck that this was…They look severe.
  175. >’Anon…’ he said, his voice getting weaker.
  176. ‘Don’t worry mate. I’ll get you into town.’
  177. >You switch into third, and Frostbite’s turboes kick to life, the All Wheel Drive helping you navigate the forest.
  178. >You headlights only show more trees, but a dim glow can be seen in the distance. You punch the accelerator harder, pushing the car into fourth gear and breaking the treeline.
  179. >In the distance you could see a town. And in towns they had hospitals. You tear it up down the dirt road, your car fish-tailing as you do. You hit the edge of the town and spot the large grey building with a red cross over it.
  180. ‘We’re almost there Joe. Just hold on.’
  181. >You speed to the entrance, pulling the handbrake for a perfect 180, before leaping out of the car and ripping the passenger door open. You cradle him in your arms and run inside.
  182. >Your eyes are blinded by a white light, and as they adjust, you notice the waiting room is filled with multicolour equine.
  183. >You don’t stop to think, running up to the front desk where a white one with a red mane sat with a shocked look on her face.
  184. ‘I NEED HELP!!’ You scream at her. ‘He’s…He’s dying! Help him, for fuck’s sake…’
  185. >’What? What are you?’ she says
  186. ‘HELP NOW!! ASK LATER!!’ You scream at her.
  187. >’ WE NEED A CART OUT HERE!!’
  188. >Two more ponies bound out from behind a door, pushing a hospital gurney. They take one look at you and Miggy and get scared.
  189. ‘HELP HIM!!’
  191. >You lay Miggy on the gurney, and they whisk him away. You walk over to a wall and slide down it. You were too worried about what the fuck just happened to notice the horses staring at you.
  192. >You don’t know how long you sat there, each minute feeling like an hour. Eventually a brown one with a grey mane and a horn walked up to you.
  193. >’Sir? You brought in your friend, yes?’
  194. ‘Do you see anyone else that looks like him?’
  195. >’I’m…so very sorry.’ Your heart broke hearing these words. ‘We tried all we could, but our magic had no effect on his body.’
  196. ‘Magic?’
  197. >’You aren’t from here, are you?’
  198. ‘Mate, just tell me. Is he still alive?’
  199. >’We slowed the bleeding, you might have a few minutes.’
  200. ‘Where?’
  201. >’Third door on the left…’
  202. >You pounce to your feet, and run through the door they took him. You find his room in no time, Miggy lying there covered in gauze and blood.
  203. ‘Hey Joe.’
  204. >’Anon…’ He coughs a bit ‘How’s it looking?’
  205. ‘It’s…going somewhere…’
  206. >’Oh…that bad huh?’
  207. ‘I’m sorry, man. You saved me and now you’re dying…’ you could feel the tears forming.
  208. >’Mate, you may have been a cheating cunt, but what are mates for.’
  209. >you chuckle at his words. Still Australian as ever.
  210. >You take a seat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
  211. ‘2.5 litre EJ27 boxer engine, with four consecutive Greddy turboes.’
  212. >’What are you saying?’
  213. ‘You won, didn’t you?’
  214. >’So on my deathbed, you tell me what your car is made of…Fuck me…’
  215. ‘Hehehe…yeah. 5 intercoolers and a gator mounted pod filter, all stuck in a titanium alloy frame for light weight handling.’
  216. >’So…that’s how…*cough* you beat me.’
  217. ‘No, you suck at driving…’
  218. >You wait for his reply, but you receive only silence.
  220. >You close your eyes, fighting back your tears. You stand up and lift Miggy’s body off the bed, carrying him out of the room and towards the exit. The receptionist tries to stop you as you walk to the door.
  221. >’Sir! You can’t take him yet.’
  222. >You quickly spin and stare at her. Not with anger or hatred, but with plead.
  223. ‘Please…He saved my life out there… He needs a proper burial.’
  224. >’Sir…’ She lowers her head ‘On the other side of town is the graveyard.’
  225. >You nod you head, and walk out the door. Sliding his body in, you walk around the other side and climb in. You start the engine and slowly drive in the direction the… she gave you.
  226. >You find the cemetery in no time, parking your car near an open patch of grass. You get out, and open the trunk of your car. Apart from your sound system, you had your spare tire and emergency kit in there. You pull out your small shovel, one you use when you get bogged, and find a nice spot to bury Miggy.
  227. >Bit by bit, you slowly dig into the dirt. If it takes you all night, you were going to make sure Joe had a proper grave. You owed him so much more than what he got.
  228. >’Excuse me…whatever you are.’
  229. >You turn to see a purple equine with a purple mane and a horn.
  230. ‘Yes?’ you say as you continue digging.
  231. >’I have been sent to take you in.’
  232. ‘Well, can you give me a few hours to finish this?’
  233. >’Look here whatever you are, you just came into town with another one of your kind, covered in blood.’
  234. >This bitch was getting on your nerves.
  235. >’As a student of the Princess, it is my duty to capture… I mean, escort you to the proper authorities.’
  237. ‘And it’s MY duty to make sure this guy gets a burial fit for a fucking soldier. Now shut up!’
  238. >’Listen-‘
  239. >You spin around, cutting her off.
  240. ‘No YOU LISTEN! That man gave his life for me! He saved me from getting eaten by whatever the fuck that thing was in there! And come hell or high water, HE IS GOING TO GET A FUCKING BURIAL!!’
  241. >You feel the tears rushing in, washing away your anger.
  242. ‘Please…He saved my life. I’ll come quietly. You can shoot me, hang me, lock me up for being me…but please, let me finish this.’
  243. >The anger on her face faded away quickly, replaced by worry.
  244. >’Is… is there anything I can do?’
  245. ‘If you can find a large rock I can use for a headstone…that would be appreciative.’
  246. >You wipe away your tears, and continue digging the hole.
  247. >After a few hours, you finish up. The hole was a good 2 metres deep, and wide enough to fit Miggy’s body. There was no sign of that purple one, and you suspected she’d have run off.
  248. >’Is this one alright?’
  249. >You turn and look up to see the horse with a large rock floating in the air, a feint purple aura surrounding it and her horn.
  250. ‘How…?’
  251. >’Magic. Isn’t that how that…thing runs?’
  252. ‘No…The rock is perfect. Can I ask one last favour, Miss…?’
  253. >’Twilight Sparkle.’
  254. ‘Could you possibly engrave something on the rock?’
  255. >’Uh…I guess so.’
  256. >You lift yourself out of the hole, and grab a stick. You write on the ground what you want it to say, making sure the spelling is correct.
  257. >’that’s it?’
  258. ‘Yeah.’
  259. >’What’s it mean?’
  260. ‘It’s just something we used to say back home.’
  262. >You lift Miggy’s body from the car, and gently place him in the grave. You start shovelling dirt back into the hole, covering him up again.
  263. >Another hour passes, and you pat down the final layer of dirt. Twilight returns with the headstone floating next to her.
  264. >’Does this look okay?’
  265. ‘Let me have a read.’
  266. >You look at the stone in the morning light, as the sun begins to rise in the distance.
  267. >”Here lies Joseph “Miggy” Migglesworth. A good driver, a great rival, a best mate. He was a hero, and the second member of Taipan.”
  268. >Tears form in your eyes again, and you quickly wipe them away.
  269. ‘Yes… Thank you Miss Sparkle.’
  270. >’I’m sorry, I didn’t seem to catch your name before.’
  271. ‘Anonymous. Sorry about…everything.’
  272. >’I have already notified the princess. She should be here in a few hours.’
  273. ‘Oh…’
  274. >You look down at his grave.
  275. ‘Do you mind if I spend that time here? Just to say goodbye to him.’
  276. >’How do I know you won’t try to run off?’
  277. >You nod your head, and reach into the driver’s side of the car. You hear a familiar clunk sound as the hood pops up slightly.
  278. >You open the hood and reach into the fusebox, pulling out the big red one.
  279. ‘Take this.’
  280. >’What is it?’
  281. ‘Without this, it won’t start. And it means too much to me to leave behind. I don’t want to cause trouble, Miss Sparkle, but I know you can’t trust me.’
  283. >’Promise me that you won’t try to run away.’
  284. >You look into her violet eyes.
  285. ‘I promise.’
  286. >She levitates the fuse from your hand, and walks back into town. When she is out of sight, you reach into your car, opening the glove box, and pulling out an identical red fuse.
  287. ‘Maybe you can’t trust me.’ You mutter to yourself.
  288. >You replace the fuse, and shut the hood before climbing back into your car. As you start the engine, a pang of guilt hits you. You look over to the passenger seat, where a large blood stain sat, and your mind wanders back to Miggy and AAA.
  289. ‘Fucking hell…’
  290. >You turn off the engine before locking the doors and activating the alarm. You close your eyes, sleep finding you easily.
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