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a guest
Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. [14:02] * DeniedGames is now known as NeckPomm
  2. [14:02] <NeckPomm> wooo \o\
  3. [14:02] * CarlosPL ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  4. [14:02] <SopaXorzTaker> !seen newyorkadam
  5. [14:02] <+Halvening> Newyorkadam (~Newyorkad@wikipedia/Newyorkadam) was last seen quitting from #dogecoin 7 days, 17 hours, 37 minutes ago stating (Quit: Newyorkadam).
  6. [14:03] <NeckPomm> I'm a moron /o/
  7. [14:03] * witcheryofmymind ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  8. [14:03] * moolah_ is now known as DeniedGames
  9. [14:03] <mdev> 22 wow such activity heh
  10. [14:03] <NeckPomm> yaaaaayyyyy \o/
  11. [14:03] <JimmyRustles> very active
  12. [14:03] <JimmyRustles> much wow
  13. [14:03] <DeniedGames> !nick MeckPomm
  14. [14:03] * DeniedGames (~DeniedGam@ has left #dogecoin
  15. [14:03] * DeniedGames (~DeniedGam@ has joined #dogecoin
  16. [14:03] <Gearboxx> wow
  17. [14:03] <SopaXorzTaker> #dogechat - dogec0in reborn
  18. [14:03] <hellolleh> !xmbal
  19. [14:03] <+DogeXM> hellolleh: My balance is between 25% and 50% of the goal.
  20. [14:03] <NeckPomm> WOOOOOOO \o\
  21. [14:03] <hellolleh> !balance
  22. [14:03] <+Doger> hellolleh: Your balance is Ð1509
  23. [14:03] <SopaXorzTaker> !tip DogeXM 1
  24. [14:03] <NeckPomm> YYAAAAAAYYY /o/
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