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Jul 28th, 2011
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  1. [22:20] <@Champion> Three weeks have passed since starting school, the daily routine of life has caught on with the pilots. Like clockwork, The boys walk across town to get to school, Anto holding a slice of toast in his mouth, while Tania takes the limo as always. School starts, and the three manage to make their way through the day till lunch, during which Alice finds yet another way to get Anto and Jack to
  2. [22:20] <@Champion> join the girls for lunch. Lunch ends, the group returns to class, and struggles for consciousness throughout history class. The final bell rings, and the school swiftly empties, while Anto stays late for swim team practice.
  3. [22:21] <@Champion> Weekends rarely stray from the established patterns of synch testing and evangel ion training, where the three pilots more or less compete for the tops scores. This Friday though, something’s going different.
  4. [22:21] <@Champion> Leon has tickets to a rock concert.
  5. [22:22] <@Champion> Friday afternoon after school, and the pilots are waiting at the condo, getting ready. It's going to be a hell of a party.
  6. 08[22:29] * Leon_Raczkowski is sitting in the living room, leaving the stereo on to blare Finntroll ( as he laces up an outrageously large and frightening looking set of boots.
  7. [22:30] <@Champion> Caesar, somehow, has managed to find a Behemoth t-shirt, and has squeezed himself into it. Sitting on the couch, he looks to be pre-gaming on cheap beer, but no one other than Leon can manage to catch a glimpse of him drinking it.
  8. 06[22:30] * Anto_Belac tilts back and forth in the living room, arrayed in his usual ratty clothes, with both hands clutched around the whale tooth.
  9. 08[22:32] <Leon_Raczkowski> "You motherfuckers best be excited. This is the best NERV for-care money ever spent."
  10. 06[22:32] * Jack_Murdock sits at the kitchen table, wearing pants for once
  11. [22:33] <Anto_Belac> "Uh-huh..." He runs his fingers over the tooth's point nervously.
  12. 08[22:35] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Hush. This is going to be wonderful, bizzare, Swedish-speaking Folk Metal concert. Then you can finally check off a mandatory rite-of-youth: going to a concert."
  13. [22:35] <Anto_Belac> "Y-yeah. He-ey, Leon, do you think I made a m-mistake know...?"
  14. 08[22:36] <Leon_Raczkowski> "You're worrying too much. Just hold onto that thing Caesar gave you."
  15. 06[22:36] * Jack_Murdock begins to tap his foot on the ground rapidly
  16. 06[22:38] * Anto_Belac squeaks an affirmative.
  17. 06[22:38] * Tania_Clarke keeps to herself on one end of the room, admiring the decorations. After looking down at herself, she gracefully bends down to adjust one of her long socks, covering just a bit more of the pale flesh between them and the skirt.
  18. 08[22:41] * Leon_Raczkowski finishes up his boots and leans back on the couch, clinking his beer to Caesar's before turning to Tania.
  19. 08[22:41] <Leon_Raczkowski> "I'm still surprised that Clarke even let you out. I'd have thought he'd just rant about stupid it was to see a bunch of long-hairs jump around on stage and keep you in."
  20. 06[22:44] * Jack_Murdock tries to hide himself peeking at Tania pulling up a stocking, quickly looking away once she's done and making his usual 'Tch.' sound as his head bolts to look in another direction
  21. 06[22:45] * Tania_Clarke looks up.
  22. [22:45] <Tania_Clarke> "...He said I should have enjoy myself."
  23. [22:45] <Tania_Clarke> "But what did he mean with anything touching me? Are concerts dangerous?"
  24. 08[22:46] * Leon_Raczkowski assumes whatever passes as a 'responsible adult' posture for himself and speaks:
  25. 08[22:47] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Concerts are dangerous in that young women like you are not seen as people, but objects to be abducted, beaten, broken, and possibly raped. Therefore I'm going to keep that from happening. Same with Caesar."
  26. 06[22:48] * Tania_Clarke takes a step back, surprised. Scared.
  27. 08[22:49] <Leon_Raczkowski> "What."
  28. [22:49] <Jack_Murdock> "Heh. I doubt anyone would try it with myself and Leon around. But I have no problems with them taking Alice away."
  29. [22:49] <@Champion> Caesar hisses with laughter. Though unseen, an empty beer can is hurled from the lizards general direction towards Leon, as iguana leaves the couch to curl protectively around Tania's feet.
  30. 06[22:50] * Anto_Belac stares worriedly at Jack and then tugs on Leon's sleeve lightly. "Is-is it dangerous for -- her, too?"
  31. 08[22:51] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Probably. Metalheads are either awesome or just sad manchildren. I'm just going by the worse case scenario. BUT."
  32. 08[22:51] * Leon_Raczkowski stamps his now iron-and-leather-clad boots onto the floor with a satisfying rumble.
  33. 08[22:51] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Dropkicks solve most problems."
  34. 06[22:52] * Tania_Clarke grabs her left wrist, staring into space.
  35. 06[22:52] * Anto_Belac ponders, then tugs again. "D-does Nerv have property insurance on her like they do me?
  36. [22:52] <Anto_Belac> "
  37. 08[22:53] <Leon_Raczkowski> "...what? Wh-- Alice? Kid don't worry. If someone decides they want to try and steal your girl just signal me over and I'll tackle someone."
  38. 08[22:53] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Or headbutt them."
  39. [22:54] <@Champion> A scaled tail hits the floor a couple times, indicating Caesar's in on it too.
  40. [22:54] <Jack_Murdock> "Won't you get in trouble?"
  41. 06[22:54] * Anto_Belac permits a defiant edge in his voice. "L-Leon is too hardcore for the law."
  42. [22:55] <Anto_Belac> He stares at Leon for approval.
  43. 06[22:55] * Tania_Clarke smiles and kneels to scratch behind Caesar's head. "I see, if it were truly dangerous he wouldn't have allowed me to go."
  44. 08[22:55] <Leon_Raczkowski> "...what."
  45. 08[22:55] <Leon_Raczkowski> "I understand the words that came out of your mouth. I just don't know how the hell they got there."
  46. [22:56] <Anto_Belac> "I-I thought -- nevermind." He goes back to rubbing the tooth, face slightly reddened.
  47. [22:58] <@Champion> The overgrown lizard seems to have enjoyed the thought, as Caesar has begun hissing with laughter. In conjunction with his kicking back leg at Tania's scratching, it's a rather comical sight.
  48. 08[22:58] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Anyways, just stay out of the mosh pit so you guy's dont freak out when someone throws an elbow in your face, enjoy the music, and please Tania: don't drink anything someone other than whatwe get for you. I don't want my face rearranged by your dad if you drink beer or get slipped a roofie."
  49. [23:00] <Tania_Clarke> "What's a roofie?" She asks, tilting her head up to look at the captain.
  50. 08[23:01] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Drugs. Just...this stuff doesn't happen ALL the time. But it could. I've gotten used to it but you guy's aren't so I'm just warning you so nothing bad happens."
  51. 08[23:01] * Leon_Raczkowski hangs his head: "Being a responsible adult always sounds so agonizingly boring when you listen to yourself..."
  52. [23:03] <Anto_Belac> "I don't think you're boring, Leon!" He pipes up meekly.
  53. [23:04] <Jack_Murdock> "So is the whole danger thing that goes with this concert the reason you decided to bring me along?"
  54. 08[23:04] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Jack you're adorable and I'm going to throw you to the pit and see if you come out unscathed. Because I love you. Really."
  55. 08[23:05] * Leon_Raczkowski turns to Anto and only now realizes what he's wearing: bum's clothes.
  56. 06[23:05] * Tania_Clarke continues playing with Caesar.
  57. 08[23:06] * Leon_Raczkowski heads upstairs and tosses a t-shirt onto Anto's head:
  58. [23:06] <Anto_Belac> "Aghrbrghle."
  59. 08[23:06] <Leon_Raczkowski> "I know you love the old boatman's clothes but let's try to get you to blend in shall we?"
  60. [23:07] <@Champion> The elevator opens, the ding filling the loft. In walks Alice, dressed up for the concert. Black boots, a black miniskirt, corset and fishnets makes up her attire, while make up on her face augment her natural features. Her short red hair has been slightly stylized, and all in all she looks too nice to be fifteen.
  61. [23:07] <@Champion> "Well, we ready to go or what?" She asks with a smirk.
  62. 06[23:07] * Anto_Belac nods, pocketing the tooth in his pants as he tosses his old jacket onto the chair and slips into the shirt.
  63. 03[23:07] * Retrieving #LibertyIC modes...
  64. 06[23:08] * Anto_Belac spins toward Alice, "H-hi! Are you ready to go?"
  65. [23:09] <Tania_Clarke> "Alice~~!" Tania runs up to her friend. "You look- ...huh."
  66. 06[23:09] * Tania_Clarke glances at her own clothes then at hers.
  67. [23:09] <@Champion> "Yeah," she replies. There's a predatory gleam in her eyes, as she gives Anto a once over. "Well, you look nice. Get all dolled up for little ol' me?"
  68. 06[23:11] * Jack_Murdock gets up and walks towards the entrance, 'So are we leaving soon or what?'
  69. 06[23:11] * Anto_Belac blushes all flusteredly.
  70. 06[23:12] * Tania_Clarke leans forward and whispers to her "Do I need more make-up?"
  71. [23:13] <@Champion> "Why thank you Tania, I think you look nice too," Alice replies. Leaning forward, the red head whispers conspiratorially, "I think you look fine. I doubt Jack would really notice anyway."
  72. [23:14] <Tania_Clarke> "Huh? ...Oh, the plan~~" She giggles.
  73. 08[23:14] * Leon_Raczkowski cocks an eyebrow at whatever shenanigans are happening between the girls.
  74. 08[23:14] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Well, I think that's everyone, so let's do this."
  75. [23:15] <Jack_Murdock> "Old man Leon doesn't have a date?"
  76. 08[23:15] * Leon_Raczkowski begins walking towards the door and leans in to Tania: "If you get bored or don't like this let me know. It'd be better than you wandering off...because it'd mean your father won't kill me for losing track of you. Besides, you could always just watch the lizard dance."
  77. 08[23:16] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Jack, you hurt me. But that's ok. I forgive you."
  78. 06[23:16] * Anto_Belac follows, still mostly nerves and bundled confusion.
  79. [23:17] <@Champion> Casesar begins ot shuffle his way out to the elevator, his shirt ruffling against the floor. Flicking his tail against Alice's boots, the girl gives a smalls shriek upon noticing him. The iguana simply does his hissing little snickering, and descends down the lift on his own.
  80. 06[23:19] * Tania_Clarke smiles and blushes.
  81. [23:22] <@Champion> The group is forced to wait as the elevator returns. Once the five shuffle into the elevator, there is an awkward silence. Alice, never the one to brook such things, breaks the ice, asking, "Sooo, are you Jack’s dad, Mr. ...?"
  82. 08[23:24] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Raczkowski. And no. I just work for Tania's father."
  83. [23:25] <Tania_Clarke> "Alice, have you been to concerts before?" Tania asks, changing the subject.
  84. [23:27] <@Champion> Alice archs an elegant brow at the answer, but leaves it at that. "Yeah, when Seether came to town," the girl answers off handedly, as if Tania should already know this. Once the elevator opens the five pile into the lobbey, and exit out into the packing spaces out back. There sits, THE VAN, for all to see in all its glory. The air reeks of smoke and beer, as well as other foul things children
  85. [23:27] <@Champion> their age should not know.
  86. 06[23:28] * Tania_Clarke sniffs. "Hm."
  87. [23:30] <Jack_Murdock> "A good reminder as to why we walk to school every day."
  88. [23:30] <@Champion> The red head crinckles her nose, as she asks with distaste, "Is... is this our ride?"
  89. 08[23:31] * Leon_Raczkowski lets out an audible groan at Seether's mention and is taken aback by the children's response to his...vehicle.
  90. 08[23:31] <Leon_Raczkowski> "What. It's four wheels and a steering wheel. And admittedly not much else...I needed space to throw equipment in the back."
  91. [23:32] <@Champion> I thought we would be taking your limo, Tania," Alice remarks.
  92. [23:32] <Tania_Clarke> "Hmm... I could call Johnathan. One minute~"
  93. 08[23:32] * Leon_Raczkowski goes to the back and begins to open the doors: "Which means..." and opens them up to reveal the driver's seat and passenger's seat are the only two that remain inside.
  94. 08[23:33] <Leon_Raczkowski> "...or she can do that."
  95. [23:33] <@Champion> Behind them and above them, the lights in the apartments and nearby street lights fizzle out of power. Rapidly from the darkness something approaches the group.
  96. [23:33] <@Champion> It is Caesar, his maw charred, and sporting a new twitch.
  97. 08[23:34] <Leon_Raczkowski> "..."
  98. [23:34] <Anto_Belac> "Is-Is he allowed to eat the --- the 'lectrics?"
  99. 08[23:34] <Leon_Raczkowski> yes
  100. [23:35] <@Champion> "The hell just happened?" Alices asks fearfully. She isn't too afraid to take advantage of the situation, and begins to cling to Anto's arm.
  101. 08[23:35] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Yes. Because he's retarded." (Turning to Caesar) "You lose shotgun privledges."
  102. [23:36] <Jack_Murdock> "Well, if I'm right as always, showing up in a limo would draw too much attention to us."
  103. 06[23:36] * Tania_Clarke walks up to Caesar. "No. Bad." She says with her index finger stretched out. "The sub- he doesn't like you eating infrastructure."
  104. 08[23:38] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Jack also loses shotgun privledges on account of arrogance."
  105. [23:38] <Jack_Murdock> "Like I'd want to sit up front in your smelly ass van."
  106. [23:38] <@Champion> "So.. me and Anto have to share Shotgun?" Alice asks hopefully.
  107. 08[23:39] <Leon_Raczkowski> "...Have fun trying to stay in the seat with two people."
  108. 08[23:39] * Leon_Raczkowski begins to walk around to the drivers side and wrestles with the door a bit before it finally opens and he steps inside.
  109. [23:39] <@Champion> Just a suddenly, lights begin to shut off in the city, block by block. Caesar’s eyes fly open, and the iguana hisses menacingly to the sky.
  110. [23:40] <Tania_Clarke> "Hm? So you don't want the limo after all? Oka- eh?"
  111. 08[23:40] * Leon_Raczkowski immediately jumps back out, looking at Caesar: "The fuck are you even doing?!"
  112. [23:44] <@Champion> Caesar snaps back to Leon and hisses angrily, before returning his eyes to the sky.
  113. [23:44] <Tania_Clarke> "...what is that?" Tania ask, looking at the sky.
  114. 06[23:45] * Jack_Murdock looks to the sky
  115. 08[23:45] * Leon_Raczkowski turns to look up.
  116. 06[23:45] * Anto_Belac shrugs slightly away from Alice so that he too may look up.
  117. [23:48] <@Champion> Though Jack is practically blind in the night, Tania manages to point out to Anto, Alice and Leon a faint pink glow in the night sky, moving inland.
  118. 08[23:49] <Leon_Raczkowski> "...Tania...does that look like a thing to you?"
  119. [23:50] <Jack_Murdock> "Easy Leon, or I might tell her father."
  120. [23:50] <@Champion> "What is that?" Alice asks Anto, pointing to the glow. She begins to shuffle behind the the boy, hiding behind Anto.
  121. [23:50] <Tania_Clarke> " helicopter... maybe?"
  122. [23:51] <Anto_Belac> "Then -- why did all the lights go out?"
  123. 08[23:51] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Caesar can be a moron but this wasn't him. I think. And that's what has me worried."
  124. 08[23:51] * Leon_Raczkowski takes out his NERV cellphone to check for alerts?
  125. 06[23:52] * Tania_Clarke snaps towards Leon and speaks in the cold voice she reserves for NERV "Captain!"
  126. [23:52] <@Champion> "I... I think it's moving into the city," Alice states.
  127. [23:53] <@Champion> "Do you think it's the terrorists again?" she asks, fear starting to become evident in her voice. Leon's phone avails him not, as it seems to have lost signal.
  128. 08[23:54] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Well, shit just got real because I am now going to miss out on Finntroll. Everyone get in the van."
  129. 08[23:54] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Now."
  130. 06[23:54] * Tania_Clarke quickly gets in, ignoring the noxious odor.
  131. [23:54] <Jack_Murdock> "Yes, Captain." he as he opens the van's side door and steps inside
  132. 06[23:55] * Anto_Belac wraps an arm around Alice and crowds her into the van after Jack, then hops in and shuts the door behind him.
  133. [23:55] <@Champion> The girl follows the Leon's orders immediately, and grips Anto's arm tightly while inside. The boy keep feel something squishing on his arm, but doesn't get to enjoy it as Caesar leaps onto him on his way into the can.
  134. 06[23:56] * Tania_Clarke tries her own cellphone, the signal likewise unavailable.
  135. 06[23:56] * Jack_Murdock kneels on the one side of the van with his hand wrapped around on the handles usually found above van and car windows.
  136. 08[23:57] <Leon_Raczkowski> (What you think he still has those?)
  137. 08[23:58] * Leon_Raczkowski begins trying to get the engine to turn over while muttering profanities, and as soon as a purr is heard in the engine he floors it out into the street.
  138. Session Time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2011
  139. 08[00:07] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Hold onto your butts."
  140. [00:12] <@Champion> "What are you ta-AHHH!" Alice sreams at the sudden acceleration. The van, despite frequent comparisons to scat, was defiantly fast. Even Leon is prone to underestimated it’s abilities; as it reaches zero to sixty in seven seconds, the man barely manages to keep from crashing into the other cars on the road. Each of the pilots manage to keep their balance though, while Alice falls back onto
  141. [00:12] <@Champion> Anto, taking him with her.
  142. [00:12] <@Champion> Caesar has managed to position himself into the front seat, his forelimbs on the dashboard as he glares ominously at traffic in front of him. There is a manic gleam in his eyes, something that is eerily reminiscent of the look of a predator on the animal planet.
  143. 06[00:16] * Anto_Belac blushes in flustered frustration. Flustration.
  144. [00:17] <Tania_Clarke> "This is... a far cry from Johnathans' driving, eh?" she cheerfully says, glancing down at Alice.
  145. [00:18] <Jack_Murdock> "So are we really bringing her with us to work? Or is there somewhere we can just dump her along the way?"
  146. [00:18] <@Champion> "Y-yeah," Alice replies shakily. This is obviously not how she planned to spend her friday night.
  147. 08[00:20] <Leon_Raczkowski> "They can handle her at the front door. We've got places to be."
  148. [00:21] <Jack_Murdock> "We should just give her to Faust. As much as I hate that kraut bastard, I wouldn't mind allowing Alice to be his latest test subject."
  149. 06[00:22] * Tania_Clarke glares at Jack. "Shut up."
  150. 08[00:22] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Jack you will shut your mouth or you will be walking the rest of the way to the Empire State Building."
  151. 06[00:23] * Jack_Murdock nods in reply
  152. [00:24] <@Champion> Police sirens fill the air, as car crashes pile up at intersections. All of Manhatten, indeed all of New New York looks to be with out power, the only light coming from head lights of cars that are still operating, random flashlights, and the red and blue of police lights. Next to the van, a firetruck races to the scene of an accident, it’s wail deafening to all inside. After a half hour
  153. [00:24] <@Champion> of shifting through traffic and taking side streets,  the group has arrived at the Empire State building.
  154. 06[00:25] * Tania_Clarke swiftly steps out of the vehicle.
  155. [00:26] <Tania_Clarke> "Alice, you need to find a shelter."
  156. 08[00:26] * Leon_Raczkowski parks at the front, whether in a legal parking lot or not, and just flashes whatever NERV ID he has on hand to people nearby that would question him.
  157. 06[00:26] * Jack_Murdock follows out of the Van with Tania
  158. 08[00:26] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Yes she does. You all get inside, I'll try to get her someplace managable."
  159. [00:27] <Tania_Clarke> "Captain." Tania acknowledges, before running into the building.
  160. [00:28] <Anto_Belac> "Uhmmmm --"
  161. 06[00:28] * Anto_Belac hugs Alice briefly and hurries after the other two. "Sorry tonight didn't work out! Sorry!"
  162. [00:29] <@Champion> Caesar climbs out to the van smoothly, and follows after Leon
  163. 08[00:29] * Leon_Raczkowski ignores whatever the kids are talking about and is instead searching for a NERV guard or liason to lead Alice to safety.
  164. [00:29] <@Champion> Meanwhile, Alice seems to be caught up in the flurry of motion. After the hug, Alice is silent for a moment, before calling out, "Call me!"
  165. [00:34] <Anto_Belac> "Okay!" He cries back in vain as he pushes forward into the base.
  166. [00:36] <@Champion> There is a flurry of activity inside the lobbey of the Empire State Building. Frantic civilians rush inside to try to get to the shelters underground, as Nerv Security guards try to keep things from developing into a full blown panic. Scream fill the air, as well as insults and curses as people try to force their way forward. The flashes of cameras are blinding, a stark contrast to the
  167. [00:36] <@Champion> darkness. Thankfully, one guard, an S2 agent Leon and Tania recognize spots the Ops Director, and approaches him. "Orders, sir?" he asks gruffly, snapping of a salute.
  168. 08[00:39] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Take this girl to the rest of the civilians in the bunkers for now."
  169. 08[00:39] * Leon_Raczkowski then leans in and whispers this next: "As a favor to Pilot 00."
  170. 08[00:40] <Leon_Raczkowski> "After that, just clear us a path so we can get down into the base."
  171. [00:41] <@Champion> "Sir yes sir!" he replies, before leaving to take Alice to safety. turning to leave, he hesitates and turns back to Leon. Leaning in himself, he quietly informs him, "Sir, we're having technical difficulties at the moment. our back up generators are on, but they're having troubles maintaining power."
  172. 08[00:42] <Leon_Raczkowski> "So no elevators. Just find me a path down to the hangers and command centers. What about communications or umbilicals?"
  173. [00:44] <@Champion> "Communications are having trouble, but the umbilicals are fine. Clarke has declared the evangelions to recieve top priority treatment at the moment," the section two member explains.
  174. 08[00:44] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Good good..."
  175. 08[00:45] * Leon_Raczkowski surveys the crowd swarming over eachother to get into the stairs.
  176. 06[00:45] * Tania_Clarke tensely regards the chaos around her.
  177. [00:45] <@Champion> "We haven't the cause of this yet. The Sub-Commander will have more details later," the man finishes, before leaving with Alice in tow.
  178. 08[00:45] * Leon_Raczkowski shakes his head.
  179. 08[00:59] * Leon_Raczkowski then looks towards the elevators which everyone seems to be avoiding.
  180. 08[00:59] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Ok, we couldn't go to a concert, but we've still got a mosh pit to fight through. Elevators, now."
  181. 08[00:59] * Leon_Raczkowski then begins to move through the crowd towards the elevators.
  182. 06[01:00] * Anto_Belac tags along as nimbly as he can, face utterly petrified by fear of the crowd.
  183. 06[01:00] * Jack_Murdock moves along after Anto
  184. 06[01:01] * Tania_Clarke does as ordered.
  185. 08[01:03] * Leon_Raczkowski gives the elevators a once over and cautiously activates them. "I think they're working just fine. Odd everyone's avoiding them. Maybe NERV's got them in lockdown."
  186. [01:06] <@Champion> Caesar piles into the elevator after Leon. Deftly, the oversized lizard manages to climb atop Leon's shoulder without hurting him, and perchs.
  187. 06[01:07] * Anto_Belac sticks as close as possible to Leon.
  188. 08[01:08] * Leon_Raczkowski gives Caesar an affirmative nod and waits for everyone to enter...before immediately hitting the down button.
  189. [01:18] <@Champion> The elevator starts with a lurch, before descending with an alarming speed. Thankfully, it seems to be in control enough, as the metal death trap comes to a screaming stop, metal striking metal as powerful brakes kick in. The pilots and Leon are nearly bowled over, as it comes to a sudden stop. Elevator doors open peacefully, while an automatic message quite at odds with the current situation
  190. [01:18] <@Champion> pleasantly wishes you all a safe trip.
  191. [01:18] <@Champion> The lobby of NERV HQ is a mess. Panicked workers are rushing back and forth through out it, trying to find the cause of the power outage. Further inside the base, it doesn’t seem to fair much better, with section two trying coral people into a functioning state.
  192. 08[01:21] <Leon_Raczkowski> "You three head to the lockers and change into your plugsuits and go on stand-by in the hanger. Once I've got a handle on this madness I'll update you."
  193. [01:21] <Tania_Clarke> "Sir."
  194. 06[01:21] * Tania_Clarke Tania runs off.
  195. [01:21] <Jack_Murdock> "Yes, sir." Replies Jack before running off to the lockers
  196. 06[01:21] * Anto_Belac breaks off in a run toward the hangars.
  197. 08[01:22] * Leon_Raczkowski next tries to flag down a second two agent on the way to the bridge.
  198. [01:22] <Anto_Belac> He stops for half a second and shouts back, "I don't think you're boring, Leon!" before continuing onward.
  199. 08[01:23] * Leon_Raczkowski turns to Caesar and rolls his eyes: "These kids huh?"
  200. [01:25] <@Champion> Leon must have amazing luck, as Mr. Harper, head of section two arrives on the scene. "Leon, there you are. I've been looking all over for you," he says with a thick Kenyan accent. A sharp dressed man in ablack suit, Mr. Harper is large, dangerous, and is good with children. Turning to Caesar, the tips of his mouth turns to a smile as he nods politely, which the iguana returns.
  201. 08[01:26] <Leon_Raczkowski> "And here I am. How bad of a situation are we in Mr. Harper? Is this another biological EMP or something else entirely?"
  202. [01:28] <@Champion> "We're not sure. Faust is down in his lab, so we can't get any conclusive information. The Magi are running sweeps, but our city-based scanners are down. This shouldn't be happening, something's wrong," Harper confides, a trace of anger in his voice.
  203. 08[01:31] <Leon_Raczkowski> "I'm surprised they havent put redundant electronics shielding in the budget yet after the first angel...All we can do now is get the pilots to their evangelions and monitor the situation. Keep trying to get everything in order. I'll be on the bridge."
  204. [01:33] <Jack_Murdock> After a while of running Jack reachs the men's locker room near the hangar. With a squeak from his shoes he comes to a stop and hustles inside, grabbing his plugsuit and getting it on with ease. He then quickly bolts out of the changeroom as he tightens the suit up to fit better
  205. [01:34] <@Champion> Harper nods, and replies, "I'll try to fetch the mad man. If I'm not back in the hour, feed my Hyenas." It's hard to tell if he's joking or not, as the man departs into the throngs of people.
  206. 06[01:34] * Anto_Belac dives into the changing room, strips, dons the plugsuit, jets out the other side. By the time he realizes that the whale tooth is grasped in his left hand he has already reached Unit 00. He tightens his grip.
  207. [01:37] <@Champion> Twenty minutes later, and Leon is on the bridge. Having navigated the horrors that was the corridors of NERV in the throes of mass confusion, Leon is slightly disgruntled. Caesar though has blood in his mouth. He might have bitten someone who got a little too close.
  208. 06[01:37] * Tania_Clarke carelessly discards her clothing, and puts on the plugsuit, activating the control that ajusts it tightly to her figure before running back out to where her EVA awaits.
  209. [01:40] <@Champion> The command center is much more controlled, the metaphorical eye of the storm. Less than half of the usual technicians are present, with Holley missing from the main controls. Thorp and Smith are at least present, both shouting out orders trying to get information flowing. Kennedy is gone from his usual perch high above, and the holographic map of New New York continues to fluxuate in and
  210. [01:41] <@Champion> out of existance.
  211. 08[01:42] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Thorp, first order of business: Are we communicatively fucked like last time?"
  212. [01:43] <@Champion> From behind Leon, sliding metallic doors open to reveal a glaring Clarke, in uniform. Silent, anger radiates off of him in waves. At the communications desk, Thorp replies, "Yes. No. We're not sure. I don't think anything is actively shutting them down, it's just a lack of power is all."
  213. 08[01:43] <Leon_Raczkowski> "...a lack of this isn't an EMP, it's a massive power drain?"
  214. [01:44] <@Champion> "Yeah. The whole cities been hit. Most of the nearby area too, I'd bet. Probably not too much of an issue for New Jersey I bet," Thorp replies jokingly.
  215. 08[01:48] * Leon_Raczkowski ignores his comment and instead issues an order: "Begin issuing orders to all departments to begin shutting down all nonessential systems for monitoring, deployment, and combat and instead reroute the power to our capacitors. If we stockpile now we might be able to get an edge for the coming fight."
  216. 08[01:48] <Leon_Raczkowski> >NOT PERTAINING to monitoring, deployment, and combat systems***
  217. [01:49] <@Champion> "Yes sir!" Thorp replies, before issuing relaying the orders throughout the base.
  218. 08[01:49] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Now, do we have any pictures of this thing's ugly face?"
  219. [01:50] <@Champion> "No sir, we haven't been able to identify a blood type blue. For all we know, this is sabotage!" a nearby technician informs you.
  220. 08[01:52] <Leon_Raczkowski> "...then what the hell was the light in the sky."
  221. [01:53] <@Champion> "Light in the sky?" Clarke inquires as he over hears Leon.
  222. 08[01:53] * Leon_Raczkowski turns around and gives Clarke a salute before explaining:
  223. 08[01:53] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Just as the three pilots and I were leaving, Tania noticed a bright pink light in the sky immediately after all the power had gone out."
  224. 08[01:54] * Leon_Raczkowski turns and tries to give a vague idea of where it was to Thorp.
  225. [01:55] <@Champion> "Hmm," Clarke hmms. Contemplating the nature of the situation, the old man says, "This is worrying. If this thing is indeed and angel, it caught us with our pants around our ankles."
  226. [01:56] <@Champion> "Get Faust up here immediately, we need his expertise," thus sub-commander orders.
  227. 08[01:57] <Leon_Raczkowski> "Your heard the man Thorp. Keep trying to stockpile that energy too. Smith, are the pilots biometrics in the entry plugs yet?"
  228. [01:58] <@Champion> "They're just filtering in now!" Smith replies.
  229. 08[02:00] * Leon_Raczkowski begins tapping his foot.
  230. 08[02:00] <Leon_Raczkowski> "How's Mr. Harper's sweep of NERV. Has he checked in? And is there any visual on that pink light?"
  231. [02:01] <@Champion> Thorp tries to pin point the angel, but says, "No use sir! We can't find the thing with our scanners. Must specialize if stealth or something."
  232. 08[02:02] <Leon_Raczkowski> " invisible angel that eats energy. Yeah. We need the mad scientist."
  233. [02:02] <@Champion> "Well, it looks like we're in for one hell of a party," Clarke snarks.
  234. 08[02:04] <Leon_Raczkowski> "...I need some coffee."
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