
2019-10-18 TOEFL: speaking 4+all

Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  6. ---
  7. Homework: part B of the parallelism handout
  8. 1 Tom enjoys swimming and skating.
  9. 2 He wore a green suede jacket, a flowered shirt, and multicolored platform shoes.
  10. 3 At 16, I was a wild, outspoken, and uncaring person.
  11. At 16, I was wild, outspoken, and uncaring.
  12. 4 The work was difficult and dangerous.
  13. 5 Like many women, she had several roles: wife, mother, student, worker.
  14. 6 I talked loudly, fought with my classmates, threw paper airplanes, and even climbed on the desks.
  15. I would talk loudly, fight with my classmates, throw paper airplanes, and even climb on the desks.
  16. 7 I couldn’t go out, talk on the phone, or have company.
  17. I couldn’t go out, I couldn’t talk on the phone, and I couldn’t have company.
  18. I was not allowed to go out, talk on the phone, or have company.
  19. no going out, talking on the phone, or having company.
  20. no going out, no talking on the phone, and no having company.
  21. 8 Slowly, easily, and soundlessly, the dancers moved offstage.
  22. 9 The drums pounded, throbbed, rose, and fell.
  23. 10 Good writing must have honesty, freshness, and precise words. / …, and precision.
  24. Good writing must be honest, fresh, and precise.
  25. ---
  26. not A, not B, and not C = not A, B, or C
  27. ---
  28. adj -> noun: -y, -ness, -ion, -ity
  29. noun -> adj: -less, -ful, -ly, -al
  30. ---
  31. Speaking Section: third section, after the break; 17 minutes; 4 tasks; 3m45s speaking time
  32. 1 independent, choice question - 15 seconds to prepare / 45 seconds to speak
  33. 2 integrated reading/listening/speaking, campus announcement and conversation - 30/60
  34. 3 integrated R/L/S, academic text and lecture - 30/60
  35. 4 integrated L/S, academic lecture - 20/60
  36. ---
  37. Task 4 is basically the same as just the listening from task 3, but possibly with a more complete introduction in the lecture for 4.
  38. - When you listen, identify the topic or main issue, and generally the two points the speaker makes about it.
  39. p. 382 of the Oxford book has an outline about this task (which used to be question 6).
  40. ---
  41. You can organize your response like this
  42. 1 Introduction: summarize the main topic or idea
  43. 2 Lead-in: state what kind of points the professor makes (“She gives two examples of ways insects…”)
  44. 3 First point
  45. 4 Detail
  46. 5 Second point
  47. 6 Detail
  48. (7 Conclusion - if you have time)
  49. ---
  50. ETS 2.1 example (insects and plants)
  51. 1 “The professor is talking about how plants can protect themselves from insects that want to eat them.”
  52. 2 “She gives two examples of plants that have mechanisms to defend themselves.”
  53. 3 “First, she talks about the passion plant.”
  54. 4 “This plant has dense hairs on its leaves that leave the insects without a place to land. If the insects can’t land, then they won’t be able to eat the plant.”
  55. 5 “Second, she talks about the potato plant.”
  56. 6 “Potatoes release a chemical that discourages insects from continuing to eat by making them feel full.”
  57. 7 “These two examples help us differentiate between physical and chemical defenses against insects.”
  58. ---
  59. Record your responses to the ETS guide practice tests.
  60. Listen to your recordings and pick the best one.
  61. ---
  62. BREAK
  63. ---
  64. Listen to classmate responses. What’s good and bad about each one?
  65. ---
  66. Record your responses to all four tasks in ETS 1.1.
  67. Listen to your recordings and pick the best one.
  68. ---
  69. Homework: If you want more than a score and one or two sentences about your writing from yesterday, email me with a self-evaluation of both responses. What did you do better or worse than previous writing? What do you think you did well with? What will you try to improve for next time? Finally, what score would you give yourself?
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