
Lemon Cookies (WIP)

Oct 8th, 2012
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  1. >It was that time of day again
  2. >Lunch time
  3. >Every weekday you go to the same place to eat a quick lunch and chit chat with the baker behind the counter
  4. >Pinkie Pie, a sweet, adorable, over excited mare, and childish at times who made you laugh
  5. >She helpes out the Cakes with their business and personal lives
  6. >She bakes tasty cupcakes but the one thing you love are her lemon cookies
  7. >Sour and sweet
  8. >It reminded you of your mother and grandmother's lemon cookies
  9. >You would always rub the powdered sugar under your nose
  10. >'look ma, I got a mustache like grandapa'
  11. >Both of them would laugh except for when you got older and called it cocaine. No more mustache jokes since grandpa died
  12. >"Hey Anonymous are you gonna stand there all day or come in?"
  13. >You look down at the voice and see Mrs. Cake standing there with the door open
  14. "Oh sorry Mrs. Cake, just kind of zoned out"
  15. >She giggles and passes by you
  16. >MC: "It's fine, just be careful"
  17. >She walks away with a bag on her back
  18. >You enter the shop and see a huge fucking grin on Pinkie's face
  19. >PP: "Hey Anon! Is it lunch time already?"
  20. "Yeah Pinkie, give me my usual please"
  21. >PP: "Okie dokie Lokie"
  22. >She hides behind the counter for a second then reappears with a bag in her mouth
  23. >PP: "Mere ma goat"
  24. "Thanks Pinkie"
  25. 1/2
  27. >You grab the bag from her mouth and place some bits on the counter
  28. >You sit down at a table and...wait you forgot the milk
  29. >Pinkie places a glass of milk on the table as soon as you thought of that
  30. >PP: "Seems you forgot the milk"
  31. >You reach in your pocket
  32. >PP: "No need to pay, its just a glass of milk"
  33. "Thanks Pinkie, I can be a bit of an air head sometimes"
  34. >She just gives you a smile and goes behind the counter again
  35. >You take a bite out of the cookie
  36. >Oh man here comes your mouthgasm
  37. "Oh tastes so good..."
  38. >PP: "Thanks Anon, they're super duper extra fresh today"
  39. "*mumble* herm *you drink some milk* good Pinkie"
  40. >She just rests her head on her hoof
  41. "So Pinkie, anything new in your life?"
  42. >Pinkie thinks for a second
  43. >PP: "Well...I am planning a party for this weekend"
  44. "Oh who's party is it?"
  45. >You bite another cookie
  46. >PP: "It's my party, its gonna be SO much fun. Thereisgoingtobegames,dancing,andsomuchcupcakes!"
  47. >Man sometimes you can't understand her so you just nod your head
  48. "Sounds like fun"
  49. >PP: "It will be long as you come..."
  50. "Oh Am I invited?"
  51. >PP: "Of course you are you silly billy"
  52. "Pinkie I'm not a goat"
  53. >PP: "Just come please?"
  54. "Of course I will go, I always go"
  55. >You eat another cookie, Pinkie has a big smile on her face
  56. "So whats this party about?"
  57. >Pinkie gets a nervous look on her face
  58. >PP: "I-It's about something...I have a first one...SO I thought I should throw a PARTY!"
  59. >Odd, Pinkie being nervous, that's something new
  60. >But you now wonder who she has a crush on
  61. "So Pinkie...who is your crush?"
  62. >You eat the last cookie
  63. 2/x
  65. >Pinkie rubs her hooves together nervously
  66. >PP: "It's somep[spoiler][/spoiler]ony you know..."
  67. "Who is it? I won't tell"
  68. >PP: "Anonymous...its a secret its a secret"
  69. "Oh Pinkie, I can Pinkie Promise™ that I won't tell anybody about him...or her"
  70. >Is Pinkie into girls?
  71. >PP: "No Anonymous...oh look at the time. Your lunch break is over"
  72. "Okay okay, I know when I am unwanted"
  73. >You get up and roll the bag and toss it away
  74. >PP: "Oh Anonymous, you are always wanted here, who else will eat all our lemon cookies?"
  75. >She giggles and you laugh, you wave goodbye to her and head back to work
  77. *Days later*
  79. >Today is Pinkie's party and you are ready
  80. >You had your usual outfit, a tee shirt with some pants. But this was a party so today you had a bow tie
  81. "Bow ties are cool"
  82. >As once said by Time Turner, who now has started to wear ties after his sudden physical change. You blame Derpy since she always is with him
  83. >You walk out of your apartment and head over to Applejack's barn
  84. >On your way there you join in a group of ponies heading over to Pinkie's Party
  85. >You joined in the conversation, it was idle chit chat
  86. >"So Anonymous who do you think Pinkie has the hots for?"
  87. >You think for a second about who you have seen Pinkie happy with
  88. "Well she is friendly to I have no idea"
  89. >"Come on now, I always see both of you laughing it up from my shop"
  90. >"Hey maybe it's Anonymous"
  91. >You stop dead in your tracks
  92. >You and Pinkie
  93. >Human and a pony
  94. >What?
  95. >"Anon, I was kidding"
  96. >You snap out of it and blush hard
  97. "Yeah...just thought about mixing in with your species"
  98. >"Oh I bet there are some out there, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Fluttershy, I mean she was pretty close to that minotaur"
  99. >You all laugh, god ponies can be cunts sometimes
  100. >You finally arrived at the party
  101. >You gave a nod to Big MacIntosh, he returns it
  102. >You spot Pinkie Pie surrounded by her usual group of friends
  103. "Hey Pinkie Pie"
  104. >All girls turned their attention to you and stop their conversation
  105. >PP: "Hey Anonymous! Glad you could make it"
  106. "Well Pinkie I really can't miss a party about your...uh crush"
  107. >Shit its something really weird to throw a party about actually
  108. 3/x
  110. >Pinkie hugs you and you pat her name which for some odd reason causes her friends to d'aww
  111. >She lets go and think. Pink and red don't mix well sometimes
  112. "So Pinkie are you going to reveal who do you like?"
  113. >Pinkie rubs her hooves nervously
  114. >PP: "Uh No Anon, its still a secret"
  115. "Haha Okay"
  116. >Suddenly Rainbow Dash wraps her hoof around Pinkie and drags her away whispering something in her ear
  117. >Now came the awkward silence between you and Pinkie's four best bestest best friends
  118. " you girls like lemon cookies?"
  119. >Rarity: "I actually don't, I find the taste a bit...tart"
  120. "That's what I enjoy about it actually, its like something unwanted yet it can taste good"
  121. >Twilight: "I actaully never tried one"
  122. "You should try Pinkie's, I find them to be delicious. They remind me the kind my mom and grandmother baked back on Earth"
  123. >Applejack: "Eeeyeah, Pinkie told us about that"
  124. "Really? Pinkie talks about me?"
  125. >Applejack gets a nervous look on her face
  126. >AJ: "Y-Yeah...nothing but good things"
  127. >You hope its always good things. You are an alien on their world, can't have anything bad about yourself or else you're screwed
  128. "So what else does she say about me? I always wonder what ponies think about me"
  129. >Applejack has beads of sweat dropping down her forehead
  130. >AJ: "Uh.."
  131. >Rarity: "She says you are quite a comedian, and in my opinion you seem like a nice fellow"
  132. >Comedian? Well you do joke around with her but you never really thought of yourself as a funny guy
  133. "We do joke around a lot. Hey, do any of you know who Pinkie's crush is? I'm just curious"
  134. >All four mares freeze up and give each other nervous glances
  135. >Twilight: "We Pinkie Promised to not tell anyp[spoiler][/spoiler]ony who he is"
  136. >Its "he"
  137. "OH a guy huh? Okay won't say a thing"
  138. >Twilight facehoofs as Pinkie arrives back with Rainbow Dash
  139. >PP: "Hey Anon want to dance?"
  140. >You figure why not
  141. "Yeah sure"
  142. >You follow Pinkie Pie to where the music was at
  143. >You try to dance to this music but it is kind of hard
  144. >Pinkie is dancing and enjoying herself at least which makes you happy
  145. 4/x
  147. >After a while the song changes to a slow dance type of song
  148. >Pinkie gets on her hind legs and you quickly grab her front hooves
  149. >She leans against you and the two of you dance slow from side to side
  150. >She closes her eyes and rests her head against your chest
  151. >PP: "Thank you Anonymous"
  152. "Thank you for what?"
  153. >PP:"For coming"
  154. "Pinkie, its a party. I know its your talent"
  155. >You two continue on and stay quiet. It feels good dancing with Pinkie
  156. >The song ended and you went to get punch
  157. >You brought an extra cup in case Pinkie or anyone wanted some
  158. >You let a group of friends pass by you
  159. >"Did you tell him yet?"
  160. >PP: "No I haven't"
  161. >You decided to stay where you are since you were hidden by a post
  162. >"Why haven't you told him yet?"
  163. >PP: "Its kind of hard to tell somep[spoiler][/spoiler]ony you really like them"
  164. >"Just tell him I bet he will accept"
  165. >PP: "I can't I'm afraid of being rejected"
  166. >Okay maybe you should stop eavesdropping
  167. >You make an appearance causing the girls to stop their conversation
  168. "Hey Pinkie want some punch?"
  169. >PP: "SURE! Thanks Anon"
  170. >She grabs the cup and chugs it down quickly
  171. >Twilight: "So Anonymous, are you enjoying the party?"
  172. "Yeah, not so bad. Drinking punch, danced with Pinkie, talked with some ponies. Its all good"
  173. >Twilight nods
  174. >Twilight: "So Anonymous do you have a crush on somep[spoiler][/spoiler]ony?
  175. "Actually no I don't. Sort of living my life right now. Each week is the same thing"
  176. >Pinkie looks a little sad
  177. "Oh don't worry about me Pinkie, I'll find someone to love"
  178. >Pinkie gives off a small smile
  179. >She hugs your leg and you pat her head
  180. >You decide its best to mingle wit the other ponies. Pinkie's crush may be watching and who knows he could be the jealous or shy type
  181. >You hang around chit chatting with other ponies, drinking punch, dance with a mare or two, and just eat all those lemon cookies
  182. >The party is ending leaving you alone with Pinkie and her friends
  183. "Hey, great party Pinkie. I had a good time"
  184. >PP: "Glad you liked it Anon"
  185. 5/x
  187. >Pinkie looks at her friends and they all give her nudges and hoof signs. Rainbow Dash for some odd reason was thrusting her hoof into a her tail shaped as an "O" giving a wink to Pinkie
  188. "Well good night Pinkie, see ya girls"
  189. >You were about to walk out that door when Pinkie calls you
  190. >PP: "HEY! Anonymous wait, can you walk with me?"
  191. "Sure"
  192. >You let Pinkie say good-bye to her friends and walk with her down the road
  193. >Wait...Pinkie threw the party yet she's leaving her friends to clean up the mess...fuck it
  194. >PP: "Hey Anonymous?"
  195. "Yeah?"
  196. >PP: "Do you like ponies?"
  197. "Of course I do"
  198. >PP: "I meant 'like like' ponies"
  199. "Oh well...I think if the right one comes then I'll try to love her with all my heart"
  200. >PP: "So you can't love us?"
  201. "Well...I can its just...well right now is not the right time?"
  202. >PP: "Then when is?"
  203. >She stops and stares at you
  204. "Well when it happens I'll tell you"
  205. >PP: "Okay..."
  206. >You noticed that you two actually stopped in front of Sugarcube Corner
  207. "Goodnight Pinkie"
  208. >PP: "Goodnight Anonymous"
  209. >She opens her door and goes in
  210. >Man, ponies sure are nosy in other people's love life
  212. *A week and a half later*
  214. >Lunch time
  215. >The best time of the day for you to eat cookies, lemon cookies
  216. >You walk into the bakery with a smile on your face
  217. >Pinkie, the wonderful mare who makes your favorite baked goods, also has a huge fucking grin on her face
  218. >PP: "Hey Anon, are you ready for some cookies?"
  219. "Yeah, are they fresh?"
  220. >PP: "You betcha!"
  221. >You bite one
  222. " good"
  223. >Its like she bakes them with cocaine or something
  224. 6/x
  226. "Hey Pinkie?"
  227. >PP: "Yeah Anon?"
  228. "What do you put into these cookies that make them taste so good?"
  229. >Pinkie just giggles at you
  230. >PP: "Its a secret ingredient"
  231. "You can trust me"
  232. >PP: "Nah, maybe one day I'll tell you"
  233. "Okay"
  234. >You finish your lunch and talk to Pinkie about random things; video games, books, ponies, party, and cities in Equestria
  235. >Another day goes by in Equestria
  236. >A few days later you ask Pinkie about what makes her lemon cookies so good
  237. >PP: "No, its a secret"
  238. "Okay, okay I'll stop"
  239. >You go back to eating your cookies
  240. >PP: "Hey Anonymous, why do you like lemon cookies so much?"
  241. "I like them because they remind me of good things in my life. My mom and grandma would bake them whenever they had the chance. It would be a real life Kodak moment whenever we got around to eat those cookies. It was special every time, they are moments that will be with me forever. I remember once when they were baking I asked them what made them taste so good. They told me it was love, love was the secret ingredient that made their lemon cookies so good. That's why I love eating your cookies Pinkie, they make happy no matter what."
  242. >Pinkie Pie hug attack out of no where
  243. >PP: "Love! Thats my secret"
  244. "What?"
  245. >Pinkie looks up at you with tears in her eyes
  246. >PP: "I make my lemon cookies with love, I make them basically for you. I love you Anonymous"
  247. >Woah, you are Pinkie's crush
  248. >Pinkie Pie has a crush on you
  249. >Pinkie loves you
  250. >Love
  251. "Uh"
  252. >Pinkie stares into your eyes
  253. >The cookies she makes, they're baked with love like home
  254. >You don't miss home that much since you eat her cookies
  255. >Pinkie turns away
  256. >PP: "You don't love me back...its not the right time isn't it?"
  257. "Pinkie..."
  258. >This crazy mare loves you, and she shows it everyday
  259. "Pinkie I think its time"
  260. >Fucking huge grin on her pink face again
  261. >PP: "I really really really-"
  262. >She goes on for five minutes saying 'really' until finally she says the words
  263. >PP: "-really really love you Anon"
  264. "...okay. I love you too Pinkie"
  265. >Pinkie just smiles and reaches your head up puckering her lips
  266. >Yeah, you're not ready for that. You are still getting past the part you are being in love with a talking pony
  267. "Uh"
  268. >You bend down and let her lips kiss your cheek
  269. >You look and see she is confused
  270. "Too soon Pinkie...just little by little"
  271. >PP: "Okie dokie lokie"
  272. 7/x
  274. >She has a neutral look on her face
  275. "I do like you Pinkie...its just this is all new to me and I want to take it slow"
  276. >PP: "Its okay, I understand. This is new to me too"
  277. >You gently pat her head
  278. >Pinkie looks up to you with a blush on he face
  279. >PP: "Rainbow Dash said...that going all the way makes things happen quicker"
  280. >No
  281. >Nope not even going there
  282. "Uh..."
  283. >PP: "Too soon?"
  284. "Very"
  285. >Fucking Rainbow Dash
  286. >PP: "So...are you my special somehuman?"
  287. >Are you this mare's boyfriend?
  288. "Yes and you are my special somep[spoiler][/spoiler]ony"
  289. >Oh're a horse fucker now...well soon to be one
  291. >You went back to work leaving a party planning Pinkie thinking of how to celebrate your new relationship
  293. *Months later*
  295. >Today you were going to an expensive dinner in Manhattan
  296. >You put on a nice suit and head over to the restaurant
  297. >Arriving at the restaurant you are greeted right away and led to your table
  298. >Pinkie was already at the table
  299. >You sit down with her and kiss her on the cheek
  300. "Hey, you beat me"
  301. >Pinkie gives a soft laugh, you noticed she had some white powder in her mane
  302. >You dust it off
  303. "You had something in your mane"
  304. >PP: "Oh it was just some sugar. I baked some lemon cookies!"
  305. "But Pinkie...we came here to eat"
  306. >PP: "Yeah but they don't bake my lemon cookies!"
  307. >Now you do love her cookies but its ghetto bringing your own food
  308. "Pinkie, don't tell me you have cookies in your mane again"
  309. >PP: "Silly Anon, I baked them in their kitchen. They didn't mind"
  310. 8/x
  312. >She gives off a huge grin but the workers in the place give off annoyed looks towards her direction
  313. >She probably pestered them or something, fuck it
  314. >You eat a wonderful dinner with Pinkie Pie, now came the desert
  315. "So Pinkie, I am ready for desert"
  316. >Pinkie disappears under the table for a second and brings out a platter of cookies
  317. >PP: "Eat up"
  318. >Both of you gorge like animals and end up having powered faces
  319. "Delicious as always Pinkie"
  320. >Pinkie goes to kiss your cheek as usual but suddenly you felt like something new
  321. >You kiss Pinkie on her lips causing her to be shock
  322. >She has a shock expression which grows to a big grin
  323. >She tightens her body and starts trembling
  324. "Uh Pinkie? Are you okay?"
  325. >You may have just broke your marefriend
  326. >Suddenly Pinkie flys into the air with a rocket on her back. She goes around the room flying into tables and flipping them and their occupants
  327. >Pinkie flys at you in which results in a big confetti explosion covering everyone in confetti and food
  328. >She has a big smile on her face and has confetti in her mane
  330. >She plants one on your lips
  331. "And I love you too Pinkie"
  332. >You hug her close to you
  333. >As much as adorable your moment was with Pinkie, thatdn't stop the waiter
  334. >Waiter: "Excuse me...but...
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