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Dec 3rd, 2011
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  2. ADVAPI32.dll - f4f8f817:
  3. ---------
  4. 7688BED4 RegCloseKey
  5. 76881CC0 RegCreateKeyW
  6. 768818CB RegGetValueW
  7. 7688BEC4 RegOpenKeyExW
  8. 773DA4CA GetTraceEnableFlags
  9. 773DA494 GetTraceEnableLevel
  10. 773DA42B GetTraceLoggerHandle
  11. 773D9627 RegisterTraceGuidsW
  12. 773E17AD UnregisterTraceGuids
  13. 7688B946 RegCreateKeyExW
  14. 7688BCD5 RegQueryValueExW
  15. 77415A12 EventRegister
  16. 77413614 EventUnregister
  17. 773CF5AB EventWrite
  18. 773DDD62 EventEnabled
  19. 7688B80C GetLengthSid
  20. 7688B7B4 GetTokenInformation
  21. 7688B7C4 OpenProcessToken
  22. 76881C82 RegSetValueExW
  23. 773E18F3 TraceMessage
  24. 76883129 RegOpenKeyW
  25. 7687D521 RegDeleteValueW
  26. 7688BB72 RegEnumValueW
  27. 7688BB42 RegQueryInfoKeyW
  28. 76892C32 ConvertStringSidToSidW
  29. 76889A61 CloseServiceHandle
  30. 7687D20D OpenServiceW
  31. 7687D1F5 OpenSCManagerW
  32. 76883A84 QueryServiceStatus
  33. 7688BB65 RegEnumKeyExW
  34. 7688BD6B CreateWellKnownSid
  35. 76878A9B StartServiceW
  36. 7687E5C2 CryptAcquireContextW
  37. 7687E552 CryptCreateHash
  38. 7687E53A CryptHashData
  39. 7687E582 CryptGetHashParam
  40. 7687E56A CryptDestroyHash
  41. 7687E74C CryptReleaseContext
  42. 7687F486 StartTraceW
  43. 76881338 EnableTraceEx
  44. 768814F8 StopTraceW
  45. 7689EEFB LsaLookupSids
  46. 76888CB9 IsValidSid
  47. 768818B3 GetSidSubAuthorityCount
  48. 768818E3 GetSidSubAuthority
  49. 76898D41 LsaOpenPolicy
  50. 76898CB2 LsaFreeMemory
  51. 76898E79 LsaClose
  52. 7688B79C OpenThreadToken
  53. 7688B83C ConvertSidToStringSidW
  54. 76882B9B ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW
  55. 7687E4F4 CheckTokenMembership
  57. KERNEL32.dll - f4f8f817:
  58. ---------
  59. 766ABC8B LoadLibraryExA
  60. 766801A4 DelayLoadFailureHook
  61. 766B0B5D CreateFileW
  62. 766A5D47 GetFileSize
  63. 766ADAA9 ReadFile
  64. 766AB69A RaiseException
  65. 766A6578 FlushInstructionCache
  66. 766AF17D SetLastError
  67. 766B0D8F OpenThread
  68. 766AFE44 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  69. 766B354A GetLocaleInfoW
  70. 766AE1A1 GetTimeFormatW
  71. 766AE49F GetDateFormatW
  72. 766ADB98 GetLocalTime
  73. 766AF23C InterlockedCompareExchange
  74. 65241285 FindFirstFileW
  75. Hooking...
  76. Hooked FindFirstFileW successfully :)
  77. 766ADB75 lstrcmpiW
  78. 65241082 FindNextFileW
  79. Hooking...
  80. Hooked FindNextFileW successfully :)
  81. 766B351A FindClose
  82. 766B13CE GetFileAttributesW
  83. 766B1844 GetSystemTime
  84. 766B2997 SystemTimeToFileTime
  85. 766AB606 ExpandEnvironmentStringsW
  86. 766AF188 InterlockedIncrement
  87. 766AF15B InterlockedDecrement
  88. 766AF176 GetLastError
  89. 766978A6 SetInformationJobObject
  90. 76697832 CreateJobObjectW
  91. 766923E7 GetPriorityClass
  92. 766A254D SetPriorityClass
  93. 766A73E4 OpenProcess
  94. 766AA7A8 SearchPathW
  95. 7669A2A8 GetSystemDefaultUILanguage
  96. 766B125E UnmapViewOfFile
  97. 766AC0D4 MapViewOfFile
  98. 7669E588 GetTimeZoneInformation
  99. 76693438 GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation
  100. 766C78F4 GetBinaryTypeW
  101. 766A5AAD QueryPerformanceFrequency
  102. 7669E0CB GetTickCount64
  103. 766AECC0 MulDiv
  104. 766B41D9 GetLongPathNameW
  105. 766AC68F GetThreadPriority
  106. 766B0E69 MultiByteToWideChar
  107. 766A2372 GlobalGetAtomNameW
  108. 766AFE5F GetCurrentThread
  109. 766A7407 SetThreadPriority
  110. 766A7394 QueueUserWorkItem
  111. 766AB6BF LoadLibraryExW
  112. 7669E269 GetProductInfo
  113. 766B2DE5 TerminateThread
  114. 7669E011 CreateIoCompletionPort
  115. 76696C94 GetQueuedCompletionStatus
  116. 766A656B DeleteFileW
  117. 766A9268 GetWindowsDirectoryW
  118. 7669BAF2 GetProcessId
  119. 766ACD40 CompareStringW
  120. 766A8BF0 QueryFullProcessImageNameW
  121. 766AF4B6 CompareFileTime
  122. 766A3A51 CreateFileMappingW
  123. 766AF224 ResetEvent
  124. 766B0F86 WideCharToMultiByte
  125. 766AD35C GlobalAlloc
  126. 766AD275 GlobalLock
  127. 766AD1BD GlobalUnlock
  128. 766AD374 GlobalFree
  129. 766B0636 DuplicateHandle
  130. 766B356F GetCurrentDirectoryW
  131. 766AF286 WaitForMultipleObjects
  132. 766A3D8A GetComputerNameW
  133. 766A911E DeactivateActCtx
  134. 766A90ED ActivateActCtx
  135. 766A91BD ReleaseActCtx
  136. 766A75A3 CreateActCtxW
  137. 766AA7EF FindResourceExW
  138. 766AD3B0 LoadResource
  139. 766A345C LockResource
  140. 766B05B7 CloseHandle
  141. 766B057C LocalFree
  142. 766B0594 LocalAlloc
  143. 766F6D0D QueryInformationJobObject
  144. 766AEF66 Sleep
  145. 766A3F14 ResumeThread
  146. 76697AD3 AssignProcessToJobObject
  147. 766B27FD CreateThread
  148. 7666202D CreateProcessW
  149. 766AEFA0 WaitForSingleObject
  150. 766B19E9 FreeLibrary
  151. 766B1837 GetProcAddress
  152. 766B28B2 LoadLibraryW
  153. 766A3CED GetUserDefaultUILanguage
  154. 766B0613 CreateEventW
  155. 766AFE37 lstrlenW
  156. 766AF198 HeapFree
  157. 7740209D HeapAlloc
  158. 766AF24C GetProcessHeap
  159. 766B060C GetCurrentProcess
  160. 766BC41A HeapSetInformation
  161. 766ACA61 GetVersionExW
  162. 77407B5B DeleteCriticalSection
  163. 7740F8BE InitializeCriticalSection
  164. 766A3E65 HeapDestroy
  165. 7669B5E0 GetPrivateProfileStringW
  166. 766B29F4 GetModuleFileNameW
  167. 766BECAB GetCommandLineW
  168. 766B1C98 GetSystemDirectoryW
  169. 766B2ACF ExitProcess
  170. 76695995 RegisterApplicationRestart
  171. 766AA89E SetProcessShutdownParameters
  172. 766B7CB5 GetStartupInfoW
  173. 766AEF88 ReleaseMutex
  174. 766A5F40 CreateMutexW
  175. 766B1297 SetErrorMode
  176. 766985A7 SetProcessDEPPolicy
  177. 766C86DA GetUserDefaultLangID
  178. 766AF26E SetEvent
  179. 773F6B40 LeaveCriticalSection
  180. 773F6B7E EnterCriticalSection
  181. 766AEF76 GetTickCount
  182. 766AB613 OpenEventW
  183. 766EFB87 SetTermsrvAppInstallMode
  184. 766B0D23 GetCurrentProcessId
  185. 766B19A1 GetModuleHandleW
  186. 766AF212 GetCurrentThreadId
  187. 766A509B TerminateProcess
  188. 766C2B35 UnhandledExceptionFilter
  189. 766A91A5 CompareStringOrdinal
  190. 766AF2A7 QueryPerformanceCounter
  191. 766B28D7 GetModuleHandleA
  192. 766B3142 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  193. 766AF25E InterlockedExchange
  194. 766B05F4 VirtualAlloc
  195. 766B0D35 VirtualFree
  196. 766B2864 LoadLibraryA
  198. GDI32.dll - f4f8f817:
  199. ---------
  200. 75225DDB GetStockObject
  201. 75228336 SetWindowOrgEx
  202. 7522F418 StretchBlt
  203. 7522798F GetTextMetricsW
  204. 752282A5 LPtoDP
  205. 75230415 Polyline
  206. 7522C968 CreatePen
  207. 752290C6 GetTextColor
  208. 7522C575 ExtCreateRegion
  209. 75228D5B GetRegionData
  210. 7522A23F SetLayout
  211. 75227050 GetLayout
  212. 7522B535 GetTextExtentPoint32W
  213. 75228E01 CombineRgn
  214. 75225FC5 GetRgnBox
  215. 7522F234 OffsetViewportOrgEx
  216. 75225F33 GdiFlush
  217. 75228C20 OffsetRgn
  218. 75228053 ExtTextOutW
  219. 75229D1D SetDIBits
  220. 75226F63 CreateRectRgn
  221. 75227C93 GetClipRgn
  222. 75227CCA IntersectClipRect
  223. 752283CF GetViewportOrgEx
  224. 7522814F SetViewportOrgEx
  225. 75226D84 SelectClipRgn
  226. 75229115 GetBkColor
  227. 752266CD SetBkMode
  228. 75226803 CreateBitmap
  229. 75226055 PatBlt
  230. 75227322 CreateCompatibleBitmap
  231. 7522726D OffsetWindowOrgEx
  232. 75226758 SetBkColor
  233. 75226622 SetTextColor
  234. 7522AF7E GetTextExtentPointW
  235. 752281F2 GetClipBox
  236. 752285F0 CreateDIBSection
  237. 752274BF GetObjectW
  238. 75228DE0 CreateRectRgnIndirect
  239. 752268B4 DeleteObject
  240. 75226522 CreateCompatibleDC
  241. 752261D0 SelectObject
  242. 75227180 BitBlt
  243. 75226E03 GetDeviceCaps
  244. 7522A3FD CreateFontIndirectW
  245. 75226A2C DeleteDC
  246. 75228213 GdiAlphaBlend
  248. USER32.dll - f4f8f817:
  249. ---------
  250. 758F4493 PtInRect
  251. 758F7450 GetWindowRect
  252. 758F3C3E GetWindow
  253. 758F764C SendMessageW
  254. 758F5261 EnumChildWindows
  255. 758F83A9 GetWindowLongW
  256. 758EDEED CharPrevW
  257. 758EF9CA CharNextW
  258. 758F0E51 CreateWindowExW
  259. 7591564A DialogBoxParamW
  260. 758F2E8A GetClassInfoW
  261. 758F2D26 GetClassInfoExW
  262. 758ED02A GetMenuItemInfoW
  263. 758ECF62 GetMenuItemCount
  264. 758F319D GetClassNameW
  265. 758F61DD GetKeyboardLayout
  266. 758E817D ActivateKeyboardLayout
  267. 758ECD2F IsChild
  268. 758E88E3 InsertMenuW
  269. 7591680C GetMenuStringW
  270. 758F2767 SetMenuItemInfoW
  271. 758ECA50 InsertMenuItemW
  272. 7591584A IsWinEventHookInstalled
  273. 758F3919 IsProcessDPIAware
  274. 75931621 GetNextDlgGroupItem
  275. 75916514 GetNextDlgTabItem
  276. 758ED9BD GetDlgCtrlID
  277. 758EA8C4 MoveWindow
  278. 758F7511 IsRectEmpty
  279. 758F5813 UnionRect
  280. 759112AC ChildWindowFromPointEx
  281. 758F394E GetGUIThreadInfo
  282. 758E65C9 SetClassLongW
  283. 758F5A28 GetClassLongW
  284. 758F42E4 WindowFromDC
  285. 75900C72 CharUpperW
  286. 758EE5D5 UnregisterClassW
  287. 75912603 FrameRect
  288. 758F68EA GetWindowDC
  289. 758F4DFC SendMessageCallbackW
  290. 758EC01F UpdateLayeredWindow
  291. 758F096C GetUserObjectInformationW
  292. 758FFB00 GetThreadDesktop
  293. 758F095A GetProcessWindowStation
  294. 758F4FA4 GetIconInfo
  295. 75944F4F ShowWindowAsync
  296. 759145A1 FlashWindowEx
  297. 7592FD8E EndTask
  298. 758EDB52 SetThreadDesktop
  299. 7591698E GetMenuState
  300. 758F6632 SetScrollInfo
  301. 758F5151 GetScrollInfo
  302. 75911BD0 SetScrollPos
  303. 75911B1D BringWindowToTop
  304. 75905AE5 DeregisterShellHookWindow
  305. 758F6BCA IsZoomed
  306. 758EDA87 CloseDesktop
  307. 758E5B5A OpenInputDesktop
  308. 758E4C1A RegisterShellHookWindow
  309. 758F68FE InternalGetWindowText
  310. 758F6A82 GetWindowInfo
  311. 75944F9F GetLayeredWindowAttributes
  312. 758EC382 SetLayeredWindowAttributes
  313. 758EFE12 GetCaretBlinkTime
  314. 758ECC7B UnhookWindowsHookEx
  315. 758ECC8F CallNextHookEx
  316. 758F210A SetWindowsHookExW
  317. 758EC265 GetUpdateRect
  318. 758F8409 GetSystemMetrics
  319. 758EEEE1 SystemParametersInfoW
  320. 758ECF04 FindWindowW
  321. 758F7055 ReleaseDC
  322. 758F7041 GetDC
  323. 758F8E8D DispatchMessageW
  324. 758F910F TranslateMessage
  325. 758F8F97 GetMessageW
  326. 758E8A8A DestroyMenu
  327. 758E8959 GetMenuDefaultItem
  328. 758E88D6 CreatePopupMenu
  329. 758F6225 PostMessageW
  330. 758EEC79 MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
  331. 758F91B5 PeekMessageW
  332. 758F6614 SetWindowLongW
  333. 759307ED ShutdownBlockReasonCreate
  334. 758F5533 LoadStringW
  335. 758ED5EF DestroyWindow
  336. 758ED6D7 PostQuitMessage
  337. 758F3581 SetWindowPos
  338. 758F93BF KillTimer
  339. 758F77D5 SetTimer
  340. 758F7A64 SetPropW
  341. 758F147A ShowWindow
  342. 758F7915 MapWindowPoints
  343. 758F281B RegisterClassW
  344. 758EF283 LoadCursorW
  345. 758F53F9 SetActiveWindow
  346. 758EB5FA UpdateLayeredWindowIndirect
  347. 758F6D54 GetLastInputInfo
  348. 75914CFE SendDlgItemMessageW
  349. 7591555C EndDialog
  350. 758EE7A9 GetDesktopWindow
  351. 758F3508 GetShellWindow
  352. 758EC6AA DestroyIcon
  353. 758F55CD GetMonitorInfoW
  354. 758F69DC CopyRect
  355. 75915D86 ModifyMenuW
  356. 758E612E CheckMenuItem
  357. 758EC251 GhostWindowFromHungWindow
  358. 758E89EF EnableMenuItem
  359. 758E861C DeleteMenu
  360. 758EC49E ReleaseCapture
  361. 758EC198 GetCursorPos
  362. 758F724B DefWindowProcW
  363. 758F4C0C TrackMouseEvent
  364. 758ECF30 GetDoubleClickTime
  365. 758F7BC9 InvalidateRect
  366. 75900FAD LockWorkStation
  367. 7593BC38 TileWindows
  368. 758F2BD9 UpdateWindow
  369. 7593B994 CascadeWindows
  370. 758ED9F6 GetWindowTextW
  371. 75914B3B TrackPopupMenu
  372. 758F23CB ClientToScreen
  373. 75916D0C WindowFromPoint
  374. 758F272A AppendMenuW
  375. 758F7B73 EndPaint
  376. 758F452A DrawEdge
  377. 758F8308 FillRect
  378. 75916BE4 LockSetForegroundWindow
  379. 758F7080 InflateRect
  380. 758F6939 IsWindowVisible
  381. 758F565D GetForegroundWindow
  382. 758F7AB3 GetParent
  383. 758F93E7 WaitMessage
  384. 758EEDFD RegisterWindowMessageW
  385. 75915F72 TrackPopupMenuEx
  386. 758F74B1 GetClientRect
  387. 758EED89 MonitorFromRect
  388. 758F689A EqualRect
  389. 758E7FE7 SubtractRect
  390. 758F52A2 RedrawWindow
  391. 758F57FF EnumDisplayMonitors
  392. 758F8267 SetWindowTextW
  393. 758FF006 IntersectRect
  394. 75916BD0 GetWindowPlacement
  395. 758EEB65 SendNotifyMessageW
  396. 758F7A0E RemovePropW
  397. 758EC9CE SetWindowCompositionAttribute
  398. 759080F8 HungWindowFromGhostWindow
  399. 758ECBA9 SetFocus
  400. 758F313E SendMessageTimeoutW
  401. 758F5789 EnumWindows
  402. 758EC90D UnregisterHotKey
  403. 758EC8F9 RegisterHotKey
  404. 758F590A MonitorFromWindow
  405. 758F7756 IsWindow
  406. 758F52EA SetCursor
  407. 758EC09A GetAsyncKeyState
  408. 758ED3AE SetForegroundWindow
  409. 7592B6D2 ChildWindowFromPoint
  410. 7592C1D8 SetCursorPos
  411. 75916785 GetMessagePos
  412. 758F66E3 IsIconic
  413. 758F1431 LoadIconW
  414. 758EC338 DeferWindowPos
  415. 758FEFDD OffsetRect
  416. 758F2FE3 GetWindowThreadProcessId
  417. 758EC1F2 ScreenToClient
  418. 758F3D0F GetAncestor
  419. 758EB0D1 MonitorFromPoint
  420. 758F6A10 SetRectEmpty
  421. 758F524D ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx
  422. 758EAC45 LoadAcceleratorsW
  423. 758F9442 TranslateAcceleratorW
  424. 758F4FDA GetKeyState
  425. 758EB29A SetWindowRgn
  426. 758F406C GetWindowRgnBox
  427. 758F2323 LoadImageW
  428. 758F5A1B GetFocus
  429. 75915452 GetActiveWindow
  430. 759144F7 MessageBeep
  431. 758F7B87 BeginPaint
  432. 75916C16 SwitchToThisWindow
  433. 75916A4C GetLastActivePopup
  434. 758EC2EA EndDeferWindowPos
  435. 758EC316 BeginDeferWindowPos
  436. 758E8169 SetWindowPlacement
  437. 759170D3 IsHungAppWindow
  438. 758EEDFD RegisterClipboardFormatW
  439. 758F6A30 SetRect
  440. 758F2949 GetSysColorBrush
  441. 758F7829 GetPropW
  442. 758E7B61 AllowSetForegroundWindow
  443. 758F148E LoadMenuW
  444. 758EB71C GetSubMenu
  445. 758E8931 RemoveMenu
  446. 758E8945 SetMenuDefaultItem
  447. 758EBBB3 GetCapture
  448. 758F4C5D DrawIconEx
  449. 758ED9E2 GetMessageExtraInfo
  450. 758E469F SetGestureConfig
  451. 75908FFB AdjustWindowRect
  452. 75901034 CalculatePopupWindowPosition
  453. 758F8220 DrawTextW
  454. 75916B2A SetCapture
  455. 758F43DA CallWindowProcW
  456. 75910A67 CheckDlgButton
  457. 75909041 IsDlgButtonChecked
  458. 758EC921 IsWindowEnabled
  459. 75910B31 GetDlgItemInt
  460. 75914DB1 SetDlgItemInt
  461. 758E8510 GetDlgItem
  462. 758EA72E EnableWindow
  463. 758F507E SetWinEventHook
  464. 758F59DF MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
  465. 758F212B RegisterClassExW
  466. 75915A25 CopyIcon
  467. 758F64F8 AdjustWindowRectEx
  468. 758FFA99 GetSysColor
  469. 75914700 DrawFocusRect
  470. 758FF299 NotifyWinEvent
  471. 759306EF ExitWindowsEx
  472. 758F1702 GetSystemMenu
  474. msvcrt.dll - f4f8f817:
  475. ---------
  476. 7583E1E1 _controlfp
  477. 758861CF ?terminate@@YAXXZ
  478. 7584112D _onexit
  479. 7583A449 _lock
  480. 7583F509 __dllonexit
  481. 7583A42D _unlock
  482. 75853E27 _except_handler4_common
  483. 75842804 __set_app_type
  484. 75839910 memcpy
  485. 75839E5A memmove
  486. 758559E4 _CIsin
  487. 75839BA1 _ftol2
  488. 7583EF16 _CIcos
  489. 7583C823 _wtoi
  490. 7583B05E wcsncmp
  491. 7583AAE3 _wcsnicmp
  492. 7583A9E9 _wcsicmp
  493. 7583B34A bsearch
  494. 758427CE __p__fmode
  495. 758427C3 __p__commode
  496. 758C77AD __setusermatherr
  497. 7589B2EF _amsg_exit
  498. 7583C151 _initterm
  499. 758D04DC _wcmdln
  500. 758436AA exit
  501. 7585DC75 _XcptFilter
  502. 7589B2C0 _exit
  503. 758437D4 _cexit
  504. 75844E7C __wgetmainargs
  505. 75839E3A _ftol2_sse
  506. 75839CEE malloc
  507. 7583EEC0 _CIsqrt
  508. 75840D74 ceil
  509. 7583B10D realloc
  510. 7583AA61 wcschr
  511. 7583C136 iswalpha
  512. 7583BF71 wcsstr
  513. 75839894 free
  514. 7583BBCE _vsnwprintf
  515. 75839790 memset
  517. ntdll.dll - f4f8f817:
  518. ---------
  519. 773B86F5 WinSqmSetString
  520. 773F5490 NtQueryInformationProcess
  521. 773F5AC0 NtSetInformationProcess
  522. 774121D3 WinSqmIsOptedIn
  523. 773B9622 WinSqmAddToStreamEx
  524. 773F5260 NtOpenThreadToken
  525. 773F51E0 NtOpenProcessToken
  526. 773F5BD0 NtSetSystemInformation
  527. 773CADD5 WinSqmAddToStream
  528. 773D14BC WinSqmEventEnabled
  529. 773CF5AB EtwEventWrite
  530. 773DDD62 EtwEventEnabled
  531. 773CFF3C RtlGetProductInfo
  532. 773F4910 NtClose
  533. 773F54C0 NtQueryInformationToken
  534. 773CAEF4 WinSqmSetDWORD
  536. SHLWAPI.dll - f4f8f817:
  537. ---------
  538. 7662E2EA SHStrDupA
  539. 76615AA1 StrCmpW
  540. 7660E230
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