
Homeless Shimmer RESSURECTED

Apr 12th, 2015
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  1. >A brisk breeze made you huddle into your jacket and shiver
  2. >The cold bite of late autumn starting to set in, you quickened your pace
  3. >You didn't usually consider this route, but the warmth of your home was enticing enough to force you to cut through this more shady part of town
  4. >Hoping to keep any nignoggin away from yourself, you kept low and tried not to attract any attention.
  5. >The streets were filthy, the homes were in shambles
  6. >stolen bikes and most likely stolen and not running cars peppered the neighborhood, topped with the sparely discarded leaves of the few trees that lined the streets, their colors not even an appealing shade of orange or red
  7. >However, in all the browns and greys of the ghetto, you spot someone hanging out outside
  8. >Unusual for today's weather
  9. >As you passed, the person raised a cardboard sign with scribbled on marker:
  10. "Please Help"
  11. >A tang of pity plucked your heartstrings, remembering your past in squalor yourself
  12. >However the scars from far too many "homeless" taking advantage of your past generosity dulled the pain considerably, and pausing the hand reaching for your wallet
  13. >You didn't even interrupt your step, as the girl looked at you with pleading eyes
  14. >You couldn't risk the money and watch her be destroyed further by their own vices as you've seen many similar people do
  15. >You hear her sigh, and perhaps the stiffled choke of a sob as you continue past
  16. >Your heart stung even more and you wanted to go back but your mind was made up
  17. >You continue down a block and stop by a gas station shop
  18. >Strolling into the heated store, you see the small variation of snacks, drinks and a few cheap meals
  19. >Without a word, you make your selection, and purchase the small bag of items
  20. >Continuing out, you pause on the sidewalk
  21. >looking into the white plastic bag, you sigh
  22. >Weighing something in your mind
  23. >You turn back and go down the way you came
  25. >You stop in front of the homeless girl
  26. >She didn't look up at you, her head buried in her folded arms
  27. >The cardboard sign lay crumpled to her side, discarded in apparent frustration and anger
  28. >She jumps slightly when she hears the rustle of the bag as it drops at her feet
  29. >Slowly she looks up
  30. >You couldn't help but let out a small smile as her eyes grow wide in awe at the food items laid before her
  31. >She silently and slowly reaches towards the bag, but hesitated and looks at you questioningly
  32. >You gesture for her to continue with a hand
  33. >Pulling out a few linked bottles of water first, she rips the lid off of one and chugs down it's contents without reserve
  34. >You sit yourself down next to her as she takes a breath of air before gulping down the last drops
  35. >Panting, she crumples the plastic bottle and tosses it to the side, digging into the bag to find a wrapped up burrito, freshly warmed up
  36. >The girl's eyes pondered at the cheap meal in awe as she felt the warmth of the freshly heated food within it's plastic shell
  37. >The food had about as much respect as the water, however, and soon enough her grumbling stomach had been partially sated
  38. >She turns to you, tears welling in her eyes, her voice hoarse and dry
  39. "Thank you! Thank you so much! W-whatever you want... I can-"
  40. >"It's on the house. Don't worry about it."
  41. >You shrug, rubbing your cold nose on a sleeve
  42. >"Wasn't in too good of a spot myself once, you know? Couldn't stand to see someone out here like this. Not in this weather, at least."
  43. >She let out a small sigh of relief, only confirming to you how she might have gone by recently
  44. "Still, if it means anything... I can't thank you enough... I didn't..."
  45. >She looked down, those tears in full flow but her relieved grin
  46. "I don't think I could have lasted another night... I don't... "
  47. >She choked down a sob
  48. "I really don't have anything left."
  50. >Her face falls into her hands as she falls into another fit of sobbing
  51. >You reach into the bag to acquire the last item you purchased
  52. >plucking it out of it's packaging, you unfold and then drape the small blanket across the girl's shoulders
  53. >Her cries begin to slow as she wipes her nose
  54. "T-thanks..."
  55. >She bit her lip, slightly embarrassed
  56. >"So, I didn't catch your name..."
  57. >The girl shivered and looked away for a moment, drawing the blanket over her more
  58. "Sunset.... Sunset Shimmer..."
  59. >Cute name
  60. >"I'm Anon... And... well, I'm pretty sorry to hear..."
  61. "It's fine."
  62. >She shrugged you off
  63. "It's just been hard these past couple of weeks... I haven't... I haven't been able to do anything about it."
  64. >You frown in pity, and by her looks, you could tell she wasn't lying
  65. >In fact you only saw yourself shivering under that blanket even more
  66. "I can't believe that it can happen so suddenly..."
  67. >You dwell on your own past as you add on to her own words"
  68. >"You just don't expect it..."
  69. "One day, you can be on top of the world..."
  70. >"Enjoying life to it's fullest..."
  71. "Looking down from the skies..."
  72. >"And then all of a sudden..."
  73. "Everything just falls apart."
  74. >"Everything just falls apart."
  75. >You two share a glance, and she makes a small smirk
  76. "Heh, I guess you do understand."
  77. >You laugh.
  78. >"Yeah, it was pretty tough back then. Amazing what one small slip can do."
  79. >She brings her knees up to her chest, and digs her head in
  80. "Yeah. A 'small' slip."
  81. >How she said it made your eyebrow raise, but you decided not to press it
  82. >You knew the question that was forming, and you knew where it led, but heart won over mind this time...
  83. >"Do you know where you're going to sleep tonight?"
  85. >The answer took far too long to come
  86. >But you knew exactly what it was nonetheless
  87. >Sunset seemed a bit shaken from your question, gears turning under that unkempt but still quite stunning hair
  88. "You don't really have to do this..."
  89. >You turned the question inwards on yourself
  90. >Why were you doing this? Really?
  91. >Over a simple whim? Bringing this homeless girl to your own place?
  92. >For what? And how long?
  93. >Was it that hair, which you imagined how it might look if washed and brushed; strikingly colored locks framing her face as it wildly splays behind her?
  94. >Or maybe those great blue eyes that flowed over nothing but humility, and gratitude for just the human contact alone?
  95. >That small figure, and cute face which you imagined under all the dirt and bruises?
  96. >Or maybe the fact she was so young, and that voice shone with brilliance and innocence that would only be lost on the streets...
  97. >The answer bounced back from within so fast it was only a second to reply
  98. >"I don't. But I want to. And I probably couldn't live with myself if I didn't."
  99. >Sunset just stared blankly
  100. >As if she was trying to comprehend the reality of what you said
  101. >Then she grimaced, and the streaks of tears thickened
  102. >Cupping her hands over her face, she sobbed
  103. "I've... I've never had someone do something like that for me... I've n-never... seen... kindness like that."
  104. >After a moment, you reach around and give her a slightly awkward hug/pick up to get her onto her feet
  105. >"Well, everyone deserves at least one good act of kindness in their lives. No matter who they might be or what they've done."
  106. >She gave a weak smile, in which you shivered
  107. >"Now, lets get out of this cold."
  109. >Sunset sniffed back another sob, before huddling close to you and weakly nodding
  110. >You flinched, but after feeling how cold she was, you decided to lend your warmth
  111. >Grabbing the remaining bottles of water, you help her along
  112. >The walk to your home remained mostly silent, save a few sobs from the girl in your arms
  113. >Some people gave looks as you passed, but you returned a glance of your own to keep them off of you
  114. >Your apartment appeared as you rounded the last corner
  115. >Couldn't have come soon enough
  116. >Sunset gazed at the small complex apprehensively but didn't stop you from leading her to your door
  117. >A jingle of keys
  118. >A click of the lock
  119. >And you both were greeted by the comfortable warmth of a properly heated home
  120. >Letting out a relieved sigh, you step in and beckon Sunset inside
  121. >She hesitated, drawing the blanket tighter around her, but after a second she lets herself in
  122. >You were grateful at least that your apartment wasn't too bad; you recently tidied up and it didn't smell like bachelor's hangout like it did last week
  123. >Curse all-nighter marathons...
  124. >"Isn't much, I know. But, you won't freeze to death here. I pay my bills."
  125. >It took a moment, but Sunset seemed to relax her death grip on the blanket and closed her eyes.
  126. "T-thank you..."
  127. >She looked tired
  128. >And still looked filthy
  129. >Now you were inside, the smell became noticable
  130. >"Here, before you do anything, I think you should have a shower. Should refresh you a little bit at least."
  131. >She gave a weak nod again,
  132. "Mhmm..."
  133. >You bring her to the bathroom and show her how to work the shower, thankful for once that you don't go for the overly "manly" hair-care products and have the cheap generic unscented kind that she could use instead
  134. >You hand her a robe and a stack of towels
  135. >"Hand me your clothing after you're done and I'll wash them for you. You can wear this in the meantime."
  136. >She nodded again
  137. >She looked afraid
  138. >You probably could understand why
  139. >With a sigh, you leave her to clean up
  141. >You are Sunset...
  142. >Brought in to a home by the apparent kindness of a stranger...
  143. >Given food, warmth, a place to sleep, and even a shower...
  144. >Throwing the filthy clothes you've been wearing for days on the streets into a pile by the door, you shiver in your nakedness
  145. >You couldn't help but see the bruises that marred several areas of your body, especially along your legs and arms from... from...
  146. >It hurt just to remember
  147. >It was tough as your first time without a home
  148. >Without a place to turn to
  149. >You didn't stay out in the open though, the enticing hot water drew you to step inside this man's shower
  150. >Turning the dials appropriately, you flinch from the almost forgotten sensation of warm water running down your back
  151. >Adjusting until you got the proper temperature, you let out a deep sigh as you relax
  152. >Oh you missed even this small luxury
  153. >Almost immediately the cold of the streets was drawn out by the steaming downpour
  154. >You could feel your fingers and toes again
  155. >Your body felt lighter and muscles, long tensed from stress, began to loosen up even if for just a moment
  156. >After soaking for a while, you had enough energy to continue washing up
  157. >Grabbing the bar of soap, you scrub away at the filth that coated your body
  158. >You felt memories bubble up as the dirt began to float away, the water pooling beneath you darkening
  159. >Each bruise became more clear and you remembered each one's origin
  160. >Each cut showed itself from another patch of dust, and you remember what caused it
  161. >It made you feel terrible. Made you look at yourself in disgust.
  162. >Look at you Sunset Shimmer
  163. >Once Celestia's star student...
  164. >Once the best student of Canterlot High
  165. >Once on the verge of taking over two worlds
  166. >And look where you are now
  167. >Bruised and battered, using someone else's shower in someone else's home...
  168. >You collapse and just let the hot water pour over you... Letting it soothe you
  169. >As hot tears of your own join the filthy water
  171. >You sat yourself down on the couch once you heard the shower running
  172. >Your mind was rather blank... You expected a rush of obvious thoughts
  173. >Such as 'You just let a total stranger into your house...'
  174. >A total stranger who was homeless, most likely due to some wrong choices in life...
  175. >She's using your shower...
  176. >She was filthy, cold, and desperate...
  177. >You've already paid money to feed her...
  178. >She looked like she hadn't eaten in days...
  179. >She's going to sleep here for at least one night...
  180. >She was going to freeze out there if she didn't...
  181. >You run your hands over your head, sighing in frustration
  182. >You were so impulsive, Anon
  183. >Picking up and caring for a lost soul on a single whim...
  184. >And only now you realize the weight of your offer?
  185. >What was different?
  186. >You've passed by so many other homeless and downtrodden people in the past
  187. >And you've helped here and there. Offering food, water, and money.
  188. >Most of them just taking advantage of you in the end
  189. >What was different about this one?
  190. >What lowered your guard of experience and risk being mugged by a cute hobo in your own home?
  191. >Was it that she seemed more reluctant to accept help?
  192. >You remembered pride as something only the freshly bankrupted still have, as you had when you were kicked out onto the streets for some time
  193. >It took you long enough to get that kicked out of you...
  194. >Was it that she seemed healthier than the others?
  195. >Her voice, when it wasn't choking on tears, lacked the grit of a smoker,
  196. >Her face, although filthy, was vacant of squatter sores,
  197. >And her composure, even if she was weak, was steady, unlike a drunkard
  198. >It was always hard to tell though at first when they start
  199. >Leaning back, you take a deep breath
  200. >Welp, it's too late to weigh the risks now Anon
  201. >The question is now:
  202. >How far that promise you made will go?
  204. >It wasn't until the third rinse that dirt stopped coming out of your hair
  205. >Scrubbing the last of the soapy foam out, you sigh
  206. >Tangled, and tattered, it would take forever to fix, you realize
  207. >You miss how it looked at it's best. Your hairstyle was one of your defining traits...
  208. >Another thing that was stripped from you, you guess
  209. >Now it lay plastered flat on your back, still matted and tangled, but at least clean
  210. >You were done washing, but you just sat there
  211. >Not wanting to leave the comfort of the shower
  212. >Letting yourself soak, you recall everything that had happened
  213. >How you stole Twilight's crown, her Element of Harmony
  214. >How you wrestled it from her friends
  215. >Became that... that...
  216. >That monster.
  217. >You remember what the Element showed you once you wore it
  218. >You saw everything that you did wrong
  219. >You saw yourself beaten by the magic that you realized you should have learned
  220. >Because it was so much more powerful than anything else you could have dabbled in
  221. >You saw Celestia, so disappointed and saddened by your betrayal
  222. >You saw Twilight... and her friends
  223. >Their companionship, unrelenting
  224. >Even when you couldn't control yourself and tried to destroy them...
  225. >You saw the power they held
  226. >How they ended you
  227. >And even if you regretted everything, and tried to make it up...
  228. >The whole school shunned you...
  229. >And while Twilight's friends wanted to help, they too were... reluctant
  230. >Not to mention the others that got involved...
  231. >Flash wouldn't let you stay over again... You couldn't force any other student to help. You couldn't even hide away in the school like you started at first...
  232. >You had to wander the streets
  233. >And it didn't go so well...
  234. >You traded off what you had
  235. >Until you ran out
  236. >You couldn't find a place to sleep, to bathe, to eat
  237. >And now look where you were, mooching off another for your own gain.
  238. >No...
  239. >You couldn't just let yourself fall on old ways and just take advantage of this kind person
  241. >You look up from your hands as the shower stopped
  242. >It took a few minutes, but the lock clicked and Sunset timidly stepped out, steam following behind
  243. >She was wrapped in a simple white bathrobe, the pile of dirty clothes under one arm
  244. >You were surprised
  245. >With the dirt off, she looked remarkably better
  246. >Heck, you could even say she was kinda cute...
  247. >Though that look she gave you stopped any rebellious thoughts from lingering
  248. >She tossed you her clothing and tugged a bit on the robe
  249. >You caught the pile and set it next to you
  250. >An awkward moment passed, and Sunset shifted
  251. >"Um... you look a lot better..."
  252. >You stutter out, blushing slightly
  253. >Sunset gave a slight smile in answer, but remained silent
  254. >Another awkward pause...
  255. >"Soo... I'll um... I'll go and get these washed. If you need to eat anything, help yourself to the fridge."
  256. >Yeah Anon, say goodbye to your food stores for the next week.
  257. >You gather the rather foul smelling clothing and shuffle out towards the door
  258. >You stop at the door, and look back
  259. >Sunset stared after you, her expression almost lonely
  260. >You gave a small worried glance, but said nothing before shutting the door behind you.
  262. >You shiver slightly as Anon gave you an awkward glance before the door shut
  263. >Leaving you alone
  264. >In someone elses house
  265. >Pull yourself together Sunset, his intentions so far seemed pure
  266. >He seemed to be having second thoughts however...
  267. >You felt your stomach grumble
  268. >That gas station burrito only filled you so much
  269. >He did say that you could help yourself to his fridge...
  270. >He probably would kick you out if suddenly half his food had disappeared, however...
  271. >Walking into the small kitchen joined to the living room, you decide to take a peek just to be sure
  272. >A couple bottles of soda, some milk, a bowl full of eggs...
  273. >Why would he keep his eggs in a bowl?
  274. >Apart from a few veggies and a loaf of bread, there wasn't much else.
  275. >You decided to take a couple slices from the loaf, the end pieces more specifically
  276. >Not like he would miss them anyway
  277. >Putting them into the toaster to heat up, you walk back out and plop yourself onto the couch
  278. >It was dead quiet in the apartment
  279. >And you were sitting there, naked under nothing but a borrowed bathrobe, waiting for food to cook
  280. >And did you mention how everything here doesn't even belong to you?
  281. >It felt almost wrong doing this
  282. >But you had no choice at this point
  283. >This whole thing was... So awkward
  284. >And that Anon person seemed to be showing similar feelings
  285. >Was he regretting bringing you in already?
  286. >Kick you out as soon as your only belongings left in this world are cleaned?
  287. >It made your stomach twist, only worsening its hunger pains
  288. >"CTTCH"
  289. >The sound of the toaster popping up made you jump a bit
  290. >You head into the kitchen and pluck the freshly toasted bread
  291. >Slathered butter on it generously. You were hungry after all.
  292. >You had to admit, event the taste of buttered toast was a blessing
  293. >You walk back into the living room and decide to turn on the small television to wait for Anon to come back
  294. >Even if your mind was dwelling on other matters...
  296. >You hurried on down to the laundromat a couple buildings over, in a bit of a rush
  297. >She meant well, yeah, but with every step your paranoia began to rise
  298. >She was a complete stranger after all... who knows what landed her on the streets...
  299. >Images of that homeless girl cleaning out your fridge and stuffing herself
  300. >Exploring your apartment, looking through your stuff...
  301. >Oh... oh no...
  302. >What if she sees your computer...
  303. >And looks at your internet history?!
  304. >You go from speed walk to full sprint in seconds
  305. >A bell jingled as you entered the small room, filled with several laundry machines
  306. >Stuffing everything into one of the dual washer/dryer machines, you deposit the change and set it on "heavy duty"
  307. >Turning about, you hurry back out the door and back to the apartment
  308. >Skipping steps up the stairs, you only slow down when you get close to the door
  309. >Stopping for a moment to regain your breath, you didn't hear much going on inside
  310. >You open the door a bit too quickly, and look about
  311. >Sunset was just sitting there on the couch watching tv, finishing the last bites of something
  312. >She jumps slightly at your sudden entry
  313. "That was quick..."
  314. >"It'll be washing for a while. I'll head back in a couple hours when it's done."
  315. >She tilts her head questioningly
  316. "You look spooked..."
  317. >You brush yourself off
  318. >"I um... well, I saw some, um, some unsavory people I kind of owed money to. Had to book it out of there."
  319. >She gives you a strange stare but then shrugs it off before resuming watching tv
  320. >You stood there for a moment, then sigh awkwardly, rubbing the back of your head
  321. >Walking into the kitchen, you decided to see the damage done
  322. >You check the cabinets...
  323. >Nothing seems to be out of place
  324. >Then you check the fridge...
  325. >Soda and milk untouched. Not even any of the hard-boiled eggs were missing...
  326. >Wait... did she? No...
  327. >She took the end pieces from your bread!?
  328. >That was your favorite part!
  330. >You run your hands over your head as you shut the fridge door
  331. >Okay, calm down, Anon
  332. >She probably didn't take you for a crust-liking fella
  333. >She must have heard you're whispered cursing however,
  334. "Something wrong?"
  335. >You stand up straight and face her stiffly when you realized she was at the door to the kitchen
  336. >She looked worried
  337. >"Oh, nothing's wrong. Nothing..."
  338. >You both shifted, avoiding eye contact
  339. >Why was it so awkward talking with her
  340. >She looked down and sighed
  341. "No, I get it. I could tell you've been having second thoughts about me being here."
  342. >She rubbed her arm and grimaced
  343. >"What? No I-"
  344. "When my clothes are done, I'll leave. I think I've overstayed my welcome anyways..."
  345. >You try to stutter out something but she comes up and places a hand on your shoulder
  346. "I know you want to be kind and all, and I can't thank you enough for what you've done so far, but I don't want to be a burden."
  347. >She walked off and around the corner before you could respond
  348. >"Hey, wait!"
  350. >You reached out and grasped Sunset by the shoulder, stopping her in her tracks
  351. >"What made you think that I wanted you to leave?"
  352. >Sunset looked down, standing in place silently
  353. >You felt your gut twist, but darn it, you could tell if anyone was having second thoughts, it was her
  354. >"Really, I have to ask..."
  355. >You take your hand off and shrug
  356. >"I'm trying to be hospitible at least... I took you off of the cold streets and I'm offering food... Shelter... Do you really want to go back that bad?"
  357. >Sunset didn't reply
  358. >"Be honest, Sunset... Was it something that happened? Was it something that someone did to you? Is... Is it me?"
  359. >She shook her head, the first response after a whole minute
  360. >Raising her hands over her face, she began to quietly sob
  361. "I... I..."
  362. >She collapsed to a crouch on the ground, tears clearly starting to show
  363. >You came to her side and took a knee to meet her at face level
  364. "I've taken advantage of so many po-... people that were being kind for me. People who gave so much to see me succeed... And for too long, I just took it from them and used them... "
  365. >Sunset took her hands down, her eyes big, and her face wet
  366. >She looked towards you, desperation in her gaze
  367. "I've been cruel. Evil. I almost destroyed everything. I don't deserve your kindness... Out there is where I truly belong."
  368. >Geez this woman either was serious or she was seriously overexaggerating
  369. >Regardless, you felt sorry for her
  370. >Even though you never blamed yourself for your past mistakes, you couldn't blame her
  371. >She seemed like she used to have a lot to her name. Probably rich, famous, powerful...
  372. >It's easy to step on others' heads when on the shoulders of giants
  373. >And it's easy to trip and fall, and find yourself alone on the ground
  374. >And under the feet of those you tread on...
  375. >You really have no one to blame but yourself
  377. >Sunset made a very stressed groan, looking off to the side in defeat
  378. "Yeah, I guess you're right..."
  379. >Darn it, Anon, did you really just say that whole saying out loud in front of her without realizing it?!
  380. >Better fix this before she runs out the door naked or tries to kill herself
  381. >"Yeah, that maybe so, but... Well, let me tell you what I'm seeing."
  382. >She looks up from her depressed gloom when you take her hand
  383. >"I don't see anyone here who has been cruel or mean in any way."
  384. >She raised her eyebrows, the tears seeming to pause
  385. >"What I see, is someone that's bruised, beaten. Humbled. And now, she's showing me she has a sense of honor and virtue? That she doesn't want to see someone harmed under her watch?"
  386. >Slowly she was turning to face you, her eyes wide and her jaw slightly slack
  387. >"Yeah, you may have fallen from the shoulders of giants, and yes, you stepped over many on the way up..."
  388. >Slowly, you start to rise up, tugging on Sunset's hand to follow you
  389. >"But even if you're on the ground, you can still stand up, and meet them eye to eye..."
  390. >You both stand, taking her other hand in your own
  391. >you gaze deeply into those eyes that pleaded, begging for answers
  392. >"And you can always still ask for forgiveness."
  393. >Sunset Shimmer's grasp on your hands tightened slightly
  394. >"Just... make sure to look where you step from now on."
  395. >Several moments passed
  396. >She then stepped forward, and buried her head into your chest
  397. >You could feel your shirt getting wet
  398. >She held on to you as if for dear life, putting every ounce of will and gratitude into that one hug
  399. >You felt your heart melt as she sobbed slightly, and you only felt it right to return it
  400. "Thank you. Truly this time... I've only met one person... who has ever been this kind to me... who took me in and c-cared so much, and... and it makes me... Makes m-me..."
  401. >She couldn't continue from her increased sobbing, hearing her muttering something under her breath
  402. "Oh Celestia... Please... please forgive me..."
  404. >The towel came loose and Sunset's locks came tumbling down around her, still clumped and damp
  405. >They had the appearance of vines, each either deep gold or bright crimson
  406. >You stroke the tangled mess down with your hand slowly. She seemed to like it, or at least, it calmed her down
  407. >You wondered to yourself if this Celestia would forgive her if she saw her now
  408. >Having been made humble to this point
  409. >In the arms of perhaps the last person on this earth to care about her at all
  410. >If she really hurt her though, you'd probably find it hard if you were in her victim's shoes, maybe impossible if the situation was bad enough
  411. >However, you had no such feelings towards Sunset
  412. >You only had a scared, humbled, and ruined girl, who was clinging on to you because you now were a beacon of hope for her. A way out.
  413. >Guess you made up your mind early about where she was going to stay for at least the next couple nights
  414. >And you were probably going to find out how she fell in much more detail
  415. >And why she fell so hard...
  416. >Would you help her past that, however?
  417. >Find a way for her to at least get back on her feet, maybe?
  418. >See her to her former glory?
  419. >Could you see this to the end?
  420. >And then? What happens after?
  421. >Maybe, at the end of this, those that she wronged, and those that wronged her back will receive what they deserve...
  422. >Maybe Sunset's sunset on her life could be postponed. See her shimmer at the very top again, with a new perspective in life.
  423. >Maybe, you've just gained the trust of who could become a very loyal friend, who could have some very powerful connections
  424. >But that's not your problem now
  425. >You have someone that needs to be brought back to her former health at the very least, both physically, and emotionally.
  426. >You take a deep breath and stroke her hair again to calm her down more
  427. >"C'mon. Let's get out out of that old robe and into something a bit more comfortable so you can sleep here for the night."
  429. >Sunset emerged out of the bathroom again, her arms crossed and her expression slightly reluctant,
  430. >She was clothed in a white long sleeve shirt, and a pair of simple, blue fuzzy lounge pants
  431. >Her hair, now dried, still was a bit tangled but seemed fuller and brighter than before, tumbling down her back like wildfire
  432. >The issue of underwear wasn't a problem, you had a pair of panties and a simple bra left over from a small fling you had a few years ago
  433. >It never worked out, and she never came back for them, but you kept them anyways just in case
  434. >Sunset had remained mostly silent and a bit hesitant when you gave her the pajamas while her old clothing was being washed
  435. >However she finally agreed when you said that it'd probably be more comfortable than sleeping in those tattered street rags
  436. >She came out from the hall to see the couch arranged with blankets and pillows
  437. >With the uncertain look she gave, you chuckled
  438. >"Ah, don't worry. I think I like sleeping on this thing more than my actual bed. It isn't too much of a hassle, I swear."
  439. >You look at the clock and notice the time
  440. >Grabbing your coat, you give her a small smirk
  441. >"Mm. Your clothes should be done washing soon. I'm going to run a few errands and pick up some things while there's still sunlight. You can watch tv and such. I'll get some dinner as well. Just sit tight, kay?"
  442. >Sunset just nodded blankly as she sat herself down on the couch
  443. >Poor thing probably was having to take in a lot at once
  444. >Hopefully she'll warm up to you eventually
  445. >Maybe hot food and a good night's sleep could do something for her at least
  446. >Grabbing your wallet and keys, you shoot a hopeful glance at her as you close the door again, leaving her alone
  447. >At least now, you made sure you cleared your browsing history
  449. >Anon disappeared behind the door again, shooting you a small, but worried smile as he left
  450. >Leaving you alone in his house again
  451. >You felt... numb, almost...
  452. >At one moment, you were telling him how'd you leave as soon as he got your clothes washed
  453. >And the next, you found yourself in his arms, begging for forgiveness
  454. >You look at your hands
  455. >Those alien, dexterous limbs that took so long to get used to
  456. >Every time they reminded you of Equestria and what you gave up
  457. >And the one that you just pleaded forgiveness for
  458. >Oh how you must have hurt her when you disappeared into the mirror, never to be seen again
  459. >And she had to have known it was you that came back for Twilight's crown...
  460. >That Princess was too smart, too long lived to really forget you
  461. >You wondered what she was thinking of you when Twilight returned
  462. >If she would be willing to forgive you
  463. >To offer you another chance so willingly like Twilight did, even after all you did
  464. >And yet, you remembered the last time she was betrayed, she imprisoned her own sister in the moon. Banished, for many, many years
  465. >And you remembered how Starswirl the Bearded, one of Celestia's greatest companions from years ago, used worlds like these as places of banishment
  466. >Did she not do anything because she thought it as a sort of self-exile for yourself?
  467. >You remembered that book you had... that could communicate between worlds
  468. >Even after all these years, you kept it with you, stashed in the bottom of your school locker
  469. >You could still maybe talk to her again... and see really if she was willing to talk to you again
  470. >Though that probably couldn't happen any time soon...
  471. >With the destruction of the school you were responsible for
  472. >You couldn't attend until the repairs were finished; school as an entirety was cancelled for a whole two weeks
  473. >Leaving you with nothing to do, and nowhere to go
  474. >Curling up your legs to your chest, you sigh as you remained mesmerized by the television
  475. >Except here, maybe?
  477. >You found yourself blushing slightly as you walked down the women's clothing isle
  478. >Even if she already had clothes for herself, and even if she still insisted on leaving early
  479. >You couldn't just let her off without at least one change of clothes
  480. >You were thankful at least that she mentioned the sizes of clothes she wore when you were grabbing an alternative for the robe, making your job here much easier
  481. >Still, it never made it any less weird for you to shop for women's clothing by yourself
  482. >It needed to be warm at least. With winter coming up soon, and all
  483. >You pick up a cheap pair of jeans along with some thermal leggings from the pants section
  484. >And soon after, you found a good sized hoodie and a nice coat, fair prices too
  485. >Your hand paused over the underwear racks
  486. >You felt your face twitch slightly as you also draped a couple pairs of panties and bras in the basket in a very prompt fashion
  487. >Wiping a bit of sweat off your brow, and glancing about to see if no one saw, you continue down to the register
  488. >Something caught your eye, however, and you stopped
  489. >This store had a clearance/charity clothing isle, and one jacket was on display
  490. >It was... or at least used to be, a studded black leather jacket
  491. >It was noticeably marred by several cuts and scuffs
  492. >Looks like the previous owner probably got in a fight or something
  493. >Looking at the price tag, it was only a few bucks
  494. >And it was exactly Sunset's size
  495. >You weren't going to buy at first, but something was strange about this jacket
  496. >Like you had to get it for her
  497. >But you really didn't want to just give her the jacket as it is. It looked rather horrible
  498. >You knew a guy however. He could probably patch it up and make it look decent again...
  499. >Biting your lip, you grabbed it as well and continued on to check out and bag the clothing
  501. "Darling, you do realize this is a girl's jacket, right?"
  502. >The girl gave you a confused glance as she studied the tattered leather
  503. >"I don't care. I just want to know if you can restore it, Rarity."
  504. >She flipped her violet hair as she raised her eyebrow
  505. "Well of course I can. Though I do have to say it will take time. It's not so easy to repair leather, you know. I'll have to replace this entire sleeve... several of these studs need to be reattached... Oh this will be a challenge indeed!"
  506. >She seemed to notice something and looked at the article closely, her brow furrowing
  507. "I still wonder, however, whoever is this person you want to repair this for, Anonymous? It seems... familair."
  508. >"It isn't any of your business. Are you going to help me or not?"
  509. >Rarity gave you a deadpan stare as she draped the jacket carefully over her arm
  510. "Alright, alright, no need to be testy with me, Darling. I still remember that favor I owe you so I'll do it. Just please be patient and it'll be finished before you know it!"
  511. >You let out a grateful sigh of relief
  512. >"Thanks a bunch, Rara."
  513. "Mhmm. I guess I should be thankful that I have something to actually do while the school's undergoing repairs and all."
  514. >She seemed to look down and away in thought, as if something troubled her
  515. "Poor girl, disappearing after all that... Still, I wonder where she went."
  516. >"Who?"
  517. >She looked back up in surprise and let out a worried chuckle
  518. "Oh, it's nothing, Darling. Now, off you go! I have work to do!"
  519. >She shoved you out the front door of the boutique, and slammed the door behind you
  520. >That was rather odd
  521. >But it was Rarity you were talking about here. Still in High School and already well along as a seamstress
  522. >And still as surprisingly unpredictable as ever as well as her friends
  523. >Shrugging and putting your hands in your pockets, you start heading back home, the sun quickly beginning to set
  525. >You actually started to feel... somewhat comfortable
  526. >Even if a feeling in your gut was still putting you on edge
  527. >You let yourself sink deeper into the plush pillows and cushions of Anon's couch
  528. >You had to admit, he was right in how comfy it was
  529. >But still, you didn't let yourself get too used to it
  530. >You really didn't want to impose
  531. >But more than ever you were uncertain over what was going to happen next
  532. >Anon was almost being desperate to show you how much he cared
  533. >But would you let yourself slip into old habits so easily?
  534. >Find yourself taking advantage of his hospitality?
  535. >What was he really trying to do?
  536. >Win your trust?
  537. >Your heart?
  538. >You rolled your eyes imagining it being all a romantic ploy
  539. >He certainly would be dedicated, you'd give him that
  540. >Extra credit for creativity
  541. >But he seemed more honest than that
  542. >Perhaps he saw a bit of his old past in you?
  543. >You wrap the blankets tighter around yourself as you felt yourself starting to get a bit sleepy
  544. >What was he getting, anyways?
  545. >Soon enough, as darkness fell, you heard someone approaching the front door
  546. >A jingle of keys, and the door opened
  547. >The crinkle of plastic bags and the shuffle of cardboard roused you from your grogginess
  548. >And the sudden smell of something freshly baked, something of the greasy and cheesy variety, made your stomach grumble
  549. >Anon stood there, his face beaming, several plastic bags in one hand, and a couple boxes of pizza in the other
  550. "Special Delivery."
  552. "Are you sure?"
  553. >The staticy, grating voice of Rainbow Dash seemed unconvinced
  554. >You glanced back at the hanging leather jacket in the back of your room, keeping the phone firmly held between shoulder and cheek while digging through your sowing supplies for your measuring tape
  555. >"I am absolutely sure. This jacket is Sunset Shimmer's. Unlike you, I actually take a notice of people's clothing."
  556. >You heard an agitated sigh. You could almost see her rolling her eyes
  557. "I don't get why you'd want to try and find her. She turned into a demon and wrecked the school! I'm missing two whole games because of her!"
  558. >"Now, now, Rainbow Dash. You do remember what Twilight told us, right? She was willing to change. It was rather idiotic, if not rude, for her to just simply disappear shortly after like she did. But you certainly can't blame her!"
  559. >Rainbow sighed again as you began measuring the leather sleeves
  560. >"You did receive the picture I sent you, right?"
  561. "Yeah, yeah, I did. But didn't you say that someone else brought you this jacket?"
  562. >"Yes, and that's what concerns me."
  563. "Look, Rarity, it's getting late. I'll come over with the rest of the girls when Applejack gets back from her delivery, and we'll talk about this later. "
  564. >"I'm concerned about her, Rainbow. What if she's in trouble?"
  565. "Look, I can grab Pinkie and we'll head over tomorrow. Will that stop you from calling me?"
  566. >You gave an annoyed grimace even if she couldn't see it, and made a slight harrumph at her attitude
  567. >You knew she didn't take this as seriously as the others, but no one else would answer your calls.
  568. >"Alright. But be prompt. I really don't want to disappoint Twilight."
  569. >Rainbow made her eye rolling noises again
  570. "Like Twilight actually can see what's happening right now."
  571. >*click*
  572. >You lower the phone and bit your lip in frustration
  573. >Hopefully the other girls will get your texts and at least show SOME consideration for a missing girl, no matter what she did
  575. >Placing the pizza on the kitchen counter, you turn to spot Sunset peeking through the doorway already
  576. >Her eyes wide with intrigue, her gaze didn't leave the full plastic bags hanging from your arm
  577. >You know what she was looking at
  578. >Taking one of the bags, you look at the contents to be sure
  579. >Her old clothes. Tattered, but clean. Still warm from their drying.
  580. >You knew both of you were thinking the same thing, and the mood quickly sobered
  581. >What will happen when you give her what was hers?
  582. >Would she hold up to what she said?
  583. >Had you convinced her otherwise by now?
  584. >You knew there was only one way to know
  585. >But you didn't want to see
  586. >You had spent so much effort so far to not start a commitment of some sort
  587. >If she ignored it and left anyways...
  588. >She wouldn't just abandon you... You expected more of her
  589. >No one would be considering denying an act of generosity like this... would they?
  590. >You look up to see her gazing back at you
  591. >Considering. Thinking. Perhaps the same questions for herself
  592. >She leaned on the doorway, glancing away
  593. >Even with the television on in the other room, there wasn't a sound
  594. >Your breath and heart even seemed to still in the growing tension of the moment
  595. >There's only one way to know, Anon
  596. >But you had to give one last message with it
  597. >You let the loops of the plastic bags slide down your arm to your hand
  598. >A final glance, and you offered the whole group at once
  599. >New clothes paired with her old
  600. >She reached out slowly and took them from you
  601. >Slowly opening them up and glancing inside
  602. >Seeing the price tags still attached, she looked up at you with a questioning expression
  603. >"I couldn't just let you go with just your old clothes. You deserve something that'll at least keep you warm through the night. If you'll have it, at least."
  605. >You were speechless
  606. >You didn't expect the weight of Anon's words to make you pause like this
  607. >He expected you to leave anyway, regardless of what he's done
  608. >And to be honest with yourself, you probably would have snuck out in the middle of the night
  609. >But you didn't expect the additional weight you now carried
  610. >It looked like several changes of new clothes. A brand new coat. Even underwear.
  611. >And he was asking nothing in return
  612. >Except for your safety
  613. >You look back up to him, your mind pleading for answers
  614. >What does he want from you?
  615. >Anon's shoulders were slumped, his expression doubtful
  616. "Let's be honest, I know that you're intending to leave anyway. I'm no family member or a friend. Just a generous stranger... but I couldn't... I wouldn't be able to walk down that same street. I couldn't stand to see you there desperate and cold again, even if it was but a chance."
  617. >Anon shrugged, opening the box of steaming hot pizza and began to pluck out a slice
  618. "And if you won't stay here, well, I'll at least try and help in whatever way... You can help yourself to as much of this as you'd like."
  619. >He gestured to the food before walking past you, seating himself on the couch
  620. >And although your stomach grumbled after the hot food, your mind drew you to follow him to the living room
  621. >Anon stared at his pizza without eating, a worried look plastered on his face
  622. >Twiddling your fingers, you stutter as you glance back down at his gifts
  623. >"T-Thank you... for all of this. I... I never imagined anyone would be so willing to help someone like me... Someone who doesn't deserve all of this..."
  625. >You let out a gloomy sigh
  626. >You knew where this was going
  627. >And you braced yourself
  628. >You lowered the pizza slice, your appetite non-existent right now
  629. >Running a hand down your face, you closed your eyes, ready to hear the words
  630. "But..."
  631. >You froze in place
  632. >You could even feel your heart skip a beat
  633. "But I don't think I'll need these for a while."
  634. >She dropped the bags by her feet, clasping her hands behind her back
  635. "I've hurt so many people... And I don't want to hurt anyone ever again, but... I realize I'd probably be hurting you more by leaving than I would be by staying."
  636. >You look towards her, disbelief making your jaw go slightly slack
  637. >Sunset's expression was, almost ashamed. She glanced away from the eye contact and shuffled her feet a bit
  638. "So... would you think it's alright if I... I could stay here for tonight at least?"
  639. >Letting out breath that was held longer than you expected, you felt a small smile creep up your face, while your heart started to leap in joy
  640. >Letting out a bit of a choked chuckle, your smile widens a bit more
  641. >"Yeah... Yeah, I think I can do that."
  642. >Sunset blushed slightly, making her look quite cute
  643. "Thank you, Anon. For everything."
  644. >You shook your head
  645. >"No... Thank you."
  646. >Letting out a soft, embarrassed chuckle, she turned around and walked back into the kitchen
  647. > shortly after she reappeared with the whole box of pizza
  648. "Mind if I join you? I'm starving."
  649. >You laugh
  650. >"Not at all."
  652. >You sigh as you lean back on the couch as the movie credits slowly rose across the television screen
  653. >Kicking the empty pizza boxes away from your feet, (that girl wasn't lying when she said she was hungry) you look over to your side
  654. >Sunset sat there leaning against the armrest,
  655. >Eyes closed, and a peaceful snore that let you know she was fast asleep
  656. >She must have dozed off sometime while watching the movie
  657. >Made you chuckle a bit, she was more interested in watching it than you were
  658. >Slowly standing as to not disturb her, you grab the blanket that was near the couch and drape it over her
  659. >She shuffled into the new cover in response, wrapping it tightly around herself, before relaxing even more than before
  660. >You swear you could see a hint of a smile on her face
  661. >Just watching her sleep there, you felt a unfamiliar warmth growing from your heart
  662. >Was it from seeing all your charity finally starting to come through?
  663. >Was it from watching someone slowly be brought back from the brink of depression and death and at least given a taste of a normal life?
  664. >Was it you were growing more attracted to this girl and this was all some sort of strange indirect action of love?
  665. >Are you really that sure of yourself, Anon?
  666. >Taking a deep breath to still your thoughts, you shrugged
  667. >You'll just have to see where this leads you, you guess
  668. >Gathering the trash from the night, you silently move it to the kitchen to clean up later
  669. >The bags of clothes remained by the side of the couch. It did belong to her after all.
  670. >Finally you turned off the television, filling the apartment with utter silence save you and Sunset's breathing
  671. >Then soon after a quick bathroom break, you turn in for the night
  672. >Glancing once more on the sleeping girl on the couch before you shut the door to your bedroom
  673. >Heart pleading that she'll be there in the morning
  675. >You were in the school's front lounge before it had become destroyed
  676. >The building was empty, and it felt bare
  677. >Desolate
  678. >The walls and banners about were gray
  679. >And there wasn't a sound
  680. >"Hello?"
  681. >Your voice echoed for an eerily long time
  682. >"Is anyone there?"
  683. >There was a noise
  684. >You turned around to see what may have caused it but nothing could be seen
  685. >Your heart was leaping in your chest, sweat dotting your brow
  686. >"W-who's there?! Hello?!"
  687. >A flash of red
  688. >A chilling, familiar laugh echoed distantly
  689. >Suddenly the gray walls and banners turned into brilliant and vibrant shades of red, gold and black
  690. >Flickering as if they were made of fire
  691. >Gulping, you run down one of the hallways
  692. >Turning a corner, you find a mass of people at the end of the hall
  693. >Students, all ones you knew
  694. >Their eyes glowed green and their faces contorted in expressions of anger
  695. "There she is! Get her!"
  696. >Gasping, turned about and sprinted as fast as you could
  697. >Turning down another hallway, there was more people... Another hallway more
  698. >Every single hall filled with people that hated you
  699. >People you hurt
  700. >That laughter grew louder and louder as you went, as you cried out
  701. >"I'm sorry! Please! Stop!"
  702. >The noise became deafening over even the shouting crowd
  703. >Until the exit before you suddenly erupted in flames
  704. >You skidded to a halt, the crowd not far behind, and slowly approaching, hungry for revenge
  705. >You could even see Twilight and her friends with them, their eyes still that same evil green
  706. >A figure rose out of the flames in front of you
  707. >It's red skin shimmered in the flickering light of the flames, it's tattered dress dancing in the wind like it was an inferno
  708. >Black eyes and razor sharp teeth greeted you with a hungry grin
  709. >You were stuck in place as the crowd descended upon you
  710. >You gasped
  711. >You were on Anon's couch, wrapped tightly in a blanket
  712. >Heart trying to punch its way out of your chest, glancing about to see no sign of the crowd or demon
  713. >You curled up, and cried
  715. >Sunlight found its way across your face sooner than you'd like to
  716. >Stirring from your rather dreamless, but peaceful sleep, you stretch and let out a big yawn
  717. >In fact that was the most peaceful night's rest you've had in ages
  718. >Wiping your face and getting out from the tangled mass of covers, you reach for your laptop, as your daily routine usually went
  719. >But you stopped when you remembered why you had such a peaceful sleep
  720. >Hurrying rather quickly towards your door, you bit your lip
  721. >You open it
  722. >Your heart sunk to your feet
  723. >Blankets folded
  724. >Pillows arranged nicely
  725. >Bags and Sunset Shimmer both...
  726. >Gon-
  727. "Morning, Anon."
  728. >Sunset made her way out of the kitchen, her eyes showed still a bit of grogginess, carrying more toast (no end pieces this time) and a glass of milk
  729. >You let out your held breath, the creeping numbness washing away in an instant
  730. >"Oh, um, good morning. Heh."
  731. "What's wrong?"
  732. >"Oh, nothing. Nothing. Just, uh, had a bad dream."
  733. >Sunset looked down and let out a sigh.
  734. "Yeah. Me too."
  735. >You tilt your head in interest.
  736. >"Oh really? What was it about?"
  737. >She seemed to flinch at the question, probably a tender subject
  738. "I wouldn't really want to bother you. Just about things I regret."
  739. >She raised an eyebrow
  740. "What was your dream about?"
  741. >You found yourself shuffling in the same way as she did
  742. >"Yeah... Uh... I was... getting chased by... uh... zombies. Clown zombies. With chain saws."
  743. >Sunset let out a little chuckle
  744. "Sounds pretty terrifying."
  745. >Sunset sat down on the couch to enjoy her meager morning snack while you went into the kitchen to whip up something more substantial
  746. >First thing you see in the fridge was the bowl of hard-boiled eggs
  747. >They were made some time ago. You had to eat them soon so they're not wasted
  748. >Sunset probably could eat that whole bowl in one sitting
  749. >Chuckling, you grab it, playfully imagining forcing her to eat the whole bowl of eggs to test your theory
  751. >She couldn't, in fact, eat ALL the eggs
  752. >But she at least she got through most of them
  753. >Your deviled egg recipe was still a clear success
  754. >Sunset gained a small, relaxed smile after finally admitting she was full
  755. "Thanks Anon... I don't think I've eaten that much in... I don't think I even remember."
  756. >Wiping your mouth with a napkin, you sighed, your belly full as well
  757. >"Don't mention i-"
  758. >You glance at the clock, and you pause as you felt your heart sink, time passing even faster than you realized
  759. >"Crap. I have work in an hour."
  760. >Sunset became surprised, but then looked down
  761. "Oh... I didn't know."
  762. >You give a reassuring smile as you pat her shoulder
  763. >"Don't worry. You can still stay here while I'm off. I'll come back on my lunch break to check up on you and bring you something to eat. That alright?"
  764. >Sunset's brow furrowed in contemplation
  765. >Finally, she let herself take a deep breath and sighed
  766. "Yeah. Alright. Even if I still can't thank you enough..."
  767. >You chuckle as you rub the back of your head
  768. >"Ah, don't mention it. I think just seeing you happy is enough for me at this point."
  769. >Sunset's sudden wide eyed expression made you realize how sappy that sounded
  770. >She blinked a few times, your heart catching in your throat
  771. >Then she chuckled and smiled
  772. "Aw, that's rather sweet."
  773. >You relaxed yourself and let out a relieved chuckle as you stood up
  774. >"Well, I'm going to go shower, and then I'll be off soon. Again, the television is yours."
  775. >She smiled at you again, and leaned back on the couch, too full to really do anything else
  776. >That was too close
  777. >Watch your tongue next time, Anon
  779. >If looks could kill, Rainbow would be standing over a bloody corpse by now
  780. >"Thank you for coming this early, Rainbow Dash,"
  781. >You greeted her courteously despite the harsh glare and crossed arms telling you how much she did NOT want to be here on your front porch
  782. >Pinkie, however, seemed not to care in the slightest
  783. "Yeah, yeah. Probably wouldn't be here if not for Pinkie bugging me to go. Serioulsy, who wakes up and starts texting people at 5 in the morning?!"
  784. >Pinkie let out a chuckle with her signature head tilt
  785. "Becaaaaause Rarity asked me to make sure you came along! She said it was really, really, REALLY important!"
  786. >Rainbow sighed and facepalmed with a snarl
  787. >Hand on your hip, you smiled
  788. >"And I'm grateful she was vigilant. Now, do come in! We have things to discuss! Oh, and do remember to take off your shoes."
  789. >Pinkie and Rainbow, skipping and dragging their feet along respectively, followed you to your room, where you had the currently-under-repair jacket on a full body mannequin.
  790. >You opened your mouth to explain the condition of the article, but Pinkie jumped between you and Rainbow, her eyes wide as dinner plates
  791. >She began screaming and hugging the clothing model, collapsing to the floor
  792. "NO! It's too late!"
  793. >You and Rainbow shared incredulous glances
  794. >"Whatever do you mean, Pinkie?"
  795. "Our super power magic from Twilight turned Sunset Shimmer into a statue! That's why we're here isn't it?! To cover this whole thing up?!"
  796. >You and Rainbow exchanged looks again, and this time, you felt sympathetic towards her with the "I've been dealing with this all day" glare
  797. >"Oh, no, no, no, Pinkie Pie, that's only a mannequin."
  798. >Pinkie's expression instantly normalized and she sprung to her feet with a nervous smile.
  799. "Oh. My bad."
  801. >Rainbow shrugged
  802. "She does have a point. We don't know what effects that magic did. What if Sunset Shimmer actually did suddenly turn to dust from some sort of magic side-effect or something?"
  803. >You scoff slightly
  804. >"Well, until proven otherwise, it doesn't appear that whoever had this jacket turned to dust. And the person that brought me the jacket said he purchased it from the... ugh... used clothing section."
  805. >You felt yourself shudder at the mention of that awful compilation of mismatched items, outdated season wear, and unknown stains
  806. >Rainbow looked at you suspiciously while walking up to look at the jacket more closely
  807. "And who IS this guy that found the jacket?"
  808. >"Oh, just an old friend of mine. He's a couple years older, and no longer goes to Canterlot High."
  809. >The slowly raised eyebrow from Rainbow was enough to make you blush and fold your arms
  810. >"And no, I thought nothing more of him than that! He wasn't really the 'charming' type anyways."
  811. >Even if Rainbow let out a mischievous chuckle, she pursued it no further
  812. "But what does he have to do anything? He just found the jacket."
  813. >"Yes, but he brought it to me to get it repaired."
  814. >They both blinked, prodding further explanation
  815. >"As far as I know, he doesn't have any current girlfriends and he was dodgy about the subject. And despite him being a bit more fashionable than most guys, I never took him to be a crossdresser."
  816. >Pinkie piped up finally
  817. "Ooooh! So you think he might know where Sunset is?"
  818. >"Exactly. Though I doubt he'll be willing to tell me if he does know. He might not know the whole story."
  819. >Rainbow punched her hand impatiently
  820. "Then let's go and get that information out of him!"
  821. >"Now, now, Dash, let's not be rash about this. Especially if he does know where Sunset is, I wouldn't want to send the wrong message to her."
  822. >Pinkie jumped up this time
  823. "Ooh! So does this mean we're going to investigate?!"
  824. >Rubbing your chin, you chuckle
  825. >"I suppose you could call it that."
  827. >You walk out of the bathroom, throwing your suit jacket on and slipping on your shoes
  828. >You wished sometimes this Jewlery business didn't require such formal wear, but you had to admit you looked snazzy
  829. >Sunset turned her attention from the television when you came out, her eyes wide
  830. >Checking your watch, you gave a defeated sigh
  831. >"I really wish I could stay home. I won't be back until 5:30, so just... sit tight. And if you really want, you could use my laptop. It doesn't have a password. I wish that I had more things to help pass the time but it's all I got..."
  832. >Sunset gave a warm smile and shrugged
  833. "Oh, it's alright. I won't mind."
  834. >You took a breath, and unable to argue that, you nodded.
  835. >"I guess I'll see ya, then."
  836. >Turning around, you opened the front door
  837. "Anon? Wait."
  838. >You stop as you heard her approaching
  839. >You turn around to feel her wrap your arms around you as she buried her head in your chest
  840. >You felt your cheeks flush red, both from the hug and the fact she was squeezing you incredibly hard
  841. >A few seconds of silence passed... then she finally took a step back, an embarrassed smile on her face
  842. "You have a good day at work. I'll um... be waiting for you."
  843. >Well then
  844. >You couldn't help but smile yourself, and after a second, you returned the hug this time
  845. >You felt Sunset sniff slightly, as she clutched at you harder
  846. "Thank you..."
  847. >You sat there embracing her for a moment, petting her hair
  848. >"I know. I'll be back before you know it."
  849. >A few seconds more, and finally you finish
  850. >Sunset stepped back, turning her head away to wipe off a fresh stream of tears
  851. >You gave another smile, before finally shutting the door behind you
  852. >Lord your heart felt like it was in your throat
  854. >You fell to your knees and clasped your hands over your chest as Anon shut the door quietly behind him
  855. >Even if a smile was plastered on your face, the tears that began to pool beneath you showed just how much your heart ached
  856. >Ached after Anon
  857. >Who took you in regardless of whatever costs
  858. >Tried his best to take care of you
  859. >Bring you back to health
  860. >To see you... to see...
  861. >You realized how much you actually missed human contact...
  862. >But with that dream
  863. >You remember waking up later that night
  864. >And staring at those bags
  865. >Contemplating whether or not you would just leave him
  866. >But then what Anon said
  867. >How he couldn't stand to see you, out there... alone again
  868. > Your old life is behind you, Sunset Shimmer
  869. >Why stop a new one from starting?
  870. >Could you still make amends then?
  871. >Even you considered leaving when he left for work
  872. >Until...
  873. >'...just seeing you happy is enough for me."
  874. >Those words echoed in your head like a tolling bell
  875. >He wanted to see you... smile.
  876. >And with that, the door seemed so much more foreboding
  877. >Anon couldn't see you out there
  878. >Could you stand leaving him behind?
  879. >You remember something you said to Twilight
  880. >Crawling out of a fresh crater, soaked in your own tears
  881. >You admitted you never knew what having a friend was like
  882. >But how could you know if you don't start?
  883. >And with that, the last of your trailing thoughts were decided that instant
  884. >Sniffing, you looked up at that door
  885. >That old life is behind you, Sunset
  886. >Get your feet under yourself
  887. >And the next time you leave that door
  888. >Make it so the world won't shun you
  889. >But embrace you
  890. >Like Anon
  891. >You picked yourself up, and looked around the apartment, dusting yourself off, and your heart finally feeling somewhat soothed by the newfound confidence
  892. >"This place could use some tidying up."
  894. >Work passed by slowly
  895. >It didn't help that you spent your time pretty much doing nothing, really
  896. >Business slow due to the season. No new holidays, and not many potential buyers at the moment, and the few that came in just browsed
  897. >Leaving you to sit in the back of the vacant store, tumbling a sparkling diamond you were cleaning in your hand
  898. >Thinking about her
  899. >You didn't want to be here, but you probably couldn't afford her without this job
  900. >You just prayed that she'd be alright upon your return
  901. >But you couldn't ever be sure
  902. >Visions of walking up to the front door
  903. >Opening it slowly, calling out Sunsets name
  904. >No reply
  905. >Just a note on the couch
  906. >And picking it up read-
  907. >The bell for the door chimed, announcing a customer
  908. >You placed the jewel delicately in its display case, adjusted your look, and smiled your usual greeting smile
  909. >"Hi, how may I he-"
  910. "Oh, hello Anon."
  911. >"...Oh. Hey, Rara. What can I do for you?"
  912. >She was leaning on the display case, hungrily eyeing some sapphire rings that were set on purple velvet fingers
  913. >She knew her way around gems as much as you did... maybe even more. It was how you met her, after all.
  914. >Was a shame she never wanted to become a jeweler, possessing not only the knowledge but the personality to snag you into a sale
  915. > Yet the art of the cloth was far more appealing to her than the craft of precious stones
  916. >She flipped her hair and let her backpack slide off her shoulders
  917. "Oh, I wanted to let you know that the coat you wanted repaired is finished."
  918. >You felt your heart skip a beat, but you smiled
  919. >"Already? That was fast."
  920. >She chuckled
  921. "Indeed. I wouldn't have been done in another two days if I didn't stay up all night and have a few friends help out."
  922. >"Always the resourceful one, as usual."
  923. >She tugged on the zipper to the backpack, her smile fading
  924. "Mmm... However, there is one little snag."
  926. >Your smile started to fade as well
  927. >"Oh? What is it?"
  928. "There was something I found with this jacket when I was working on it."
  929. >With a bit of flair, she pulled the jacket out of the pack, and flapped it smooth over the display case
  930. >The smell of freshly tanned leather emanated from the glossy surface
  931. >It was almost like it was never damaged at all
  932. >However, Rarity drew your attention by picking up the zipper handle to one of the side pockets
  933. >Attached was a small metal piece that was in the shape of a flaring sun, with two different textures to make a sort of "light and dark" color scheme
  934. "This symbol here... It looks like an image that a... friend of ours had."
  935. >You scratched your head
  936. >"So... You're saying that this jacket belonged to her?"
  937. "I'm fairly sure yes. However..."
  938. >Rarity looked down, almost gaining a completely new sense of gloom instantly
  939. "She... disappeared after an accident. We've been looking for her for a while now..."
  940. >Wait
  941. >She turned to you, a lidded gaze, but it was hiding something else
  942. "I just find it so strange that someone like you had the desire to find it and have it repaired... I just have to ask, whoever do you want this for? It's nowhere near your size. You don't have any girlfriends that I know of..."
  943. >You found yourself sweating
  944. >Could she be...
  945. >No. Sunset couldn't be. It doesn't... doesn't look anything like a sunset.
  946. >But Rarity was nothing if she didn't have the tightest lips in the town
  947. >It'd be in your best interests not to spread the word of your new 'girlfriend'
  948. >Rubbing your neck, you smile nervously
  949. >"Well, if you really insist on knowing... It's for a friend of mine."
  951. >Rarity raised an eyebrow
  952. >"Just friends, Rara... I'm kind of... helping her out through a tough time, so she's sort of staying at my place until she gets back on her feet."
  953. >You chuckle
  954. "I just thought it'd be a nice gift. Thought she'd look nice in it. But I'll tell you what,"
  955. >You slide the jacket back over to the fashionista
  956. >She looked at it then at you in surprise
  957. >"You keep it. Until you find your friend. If she wants it back, well, I won't stop you. It was only a few dollars anyways."
  958. >Rarity gave you a suspicious glance for an instant, but it changed to a nervous laugh to match your own
  959. "Oh, how sweet of you... Thank you, darling. I think she'll appreciate it if we do find her again."
  960. >"Don't mention it. I'm actually happy I found something of worth for you!"
  961. >You both chuckle at the joke, as Rarity stuffed the jacket back into her bag
  962. "Well, it seems my business here is done. I'll see you around Anon."
  963. >As she turned away and began to leave, you stood up, gaining a more sober demeanor, and stopped her
  964. >"Hey... Rarity?"
  965. "Yes, Anonymous?"
  966. >"Good luck finding this girl. Losing a good friend all of a sudden like that really is... heartbreaking."
  967. >Rarity's grin vanished as well, looking off to the side
  968. "Yes... And even if she was rather harsh with us for a while, a good friend of mine was also willing to give her a second chance, and so was I, but she left before we could show her how much we were willing to forgive her."
  969. >Rarity sighed
  970. "Poor thing. I don't know where she lives, or where she went. But growing up without friends... that's just a dreadful life."
  971. >And with that she passed through the door again, the chime leaving you alone again
  972. >With your thoughts
  973. >Sunset...
  975. >You shut the door to your car as you sigh, rubbing the back of your head in stress
  976. >Looking up towards your apartment, your thoughts in a slight turmoil
  977. >What was Rarity meaning?
  978. >She never even said the name of her missing friend, which troubled you the most
  979. >Could it really be Sunset who was missing?
  980. >The clacking of your shoes echoed on the concrete steps leading up the building
  981. >How did she end up on the streets though?
  982. >Surely if she went to school, she'd have had a home...
  983. >Calm down, Anon
  984. >Let's not jump to conclusions just yet
  985. >For now, you still got a girl to rehabilita-
  986. >You paused at your door. You heard a mechanical whirring running behind it.
  987. >A vacuum cleaner?
  988. >Opening the door, you blinked in the sudden light
  989. >All the curtains were open, along with all the ceiling lights, unlike how you usually keep them
  990. >The air smelled... significantly cleaner. Pleasant even
  991. >Sunset stood there in the living room, vaccuming the carpet, dressed in a plain red tee, and some fairly slim jeans, part of the new clothes you gifted to her
  992. >She stiffened when she turned around and saw you, before turning off the machine
  993. >You stood there in slight shock, rendered speechless
  994. >Even the tables and counters in the kitchen to your left... they were sparkling.
  995. >Sunset blushed and scratched the back of her head, looking away
  996. "Oh... you're back sooner than I expected."
  997. >"I... you... wha...?"
  998. >Were the only sounds you could strain out of your mouth
  999. >Sunset shuffled
  1000. "Well, you were gone for so long... I thought maybe I should at least repay you somehow as long as I'm staying here and for these new clothes."
  1001. >She tried to give an innocent smile, but failed
  1002. "I hope it's alright with you."
  1003. >It took a moment to process, but you soon found a smile creeping up your face
  1004. >The stresses and the worries of the day slowly sloughing out of your mind
  1005. >"Actually I was thinking..."
  1006. >Sunset tilted her head curiously
  1007. >"Would you like to come to dinner with me tonight?"
  1009. "So Rarity, why are you stalking Anon? Isn't that rather rude?"
  1010. >Fluttershy piped up from the back seat of your car as you watched Anon walk up into his apartment complex
  1011. >Once Dash finally found an excuse to leave you with Pinkie, she was gone in a flash
  1012. >But Fluttershy finally answered your call and headed over when you mentioned you might know of Sunset's whereabouts
  1013. >Your mind dwelled on your little conversation with him in the Jewelry store
  1014. >Anon's reaction to your persistence on who he was intending on giving the jacket was enough to raise suspicion
  1015. >That sweating, and worried gleam in his eye
  1016. >He was definitely hiding something
  1017. >Or more, you should say, someone
  1018. >Pinkie Pie, unfortunatly cut in for an answer to Fluttershy's question, interrupting your thoughts
  1019. "We're only following Anon to where he lives and staking him out to see if he's hiding someone in his place! So when we do catch him in the act, we can save whoever he's taken hostage!"
  1020. >Fluttershy cringed and you shook your head
  1021. >Turning to face the both of them, you gave Fluttershy a reassuring smile
  1022. >"It's nothing like that, darling. However, Pinkie is right, and I may think that he might know where Sunset Shimmer is."
  1023. >Fluttershy looked at the building across the street in confusion
  1024. "But why would you have to follow Anon like this? Why not ask him?"
  1025. >"Because I've already asked him and he clearly doesn't wish to talk about it. I'm only trying to see where he lives, so I can go visit him in person. See this 'girl' that he said he took off the streets."
  1026. "That sounds very kind of him..."
  1027. >"Yes, but if this is Sunset Shimmer we're talking about here, then I worry for Anon's safety. I don't know if she could be planning something, but Twilight did tell us to keep an eye on her..."
  1029. >You look through your binoculars again, focusing on the windows of the apartment
  1030. >There were only three floors, and you saw Anon walk up the stairs, rather solemnly, up to the topmost level
  1031. >He disappeared into the building, and you kept checking the windows
  1032. >Most of them had their curtains closed, but looking into an open one, you spotted movement
  1033. >Someone, a woman by the stature, was moving something back and forth... vacuuming most likely, but you couldn't see anything more than a silhouette
  1034. >But by her stature, and the size and shape of that hair...
  1035. >Could it really be?
  1036. >The figure stopped... and shuffled around, looking at something else
  1037. >After a moment, a second figure approached, more matching Anon's physique
  1038. >They seemed to be talking, and Anon extended his hand
  1039. >Then they embraced each other, almost like they're...
  1040. >You brought down your binoculars, your eyes widening
  1041. >Fluttershy and Pinkie both leaned forwards at your reaction
  1042. "Oooh! What did you see!"
  1043. >"No... That can't be right..."
  1044. "What? What can't be right, Rarity? Am I interrupting you? If so... I'm sorry."
  1045. >"No... I just thought I saw... Well, nevermind. I'll prod into this further before I make any conclusions"
  1046. >You start up the car and pull out, heading back towards your home
  1047. > Sunset and Anon? A couple together?
  1048. >Oh, what juicy gossip if this would be true!
  1049. >But why Anon? And why did Anon say she was picked up off of the streets if she was
  1050. >Nothing was certain at this point
  1051. >Except the promise you and the girls you made to Princess Twilight
  1052. >And you hoped that Sunset could forgive you for seeking her out like this, but it was for the best
  1053. >Who knows what the world could do to a girl who was ruined as badly as she was?
  1055. >"Dinner? W-with... you?"
  1056. >You found yourself out of breath for a moment as Anon walked up, adjusting his suit
  1057. "Well, yeah... I mean... I don't think you've had a proper meal in a long while. I just got paid, and so maybe I thought I should treat you with something nice for a change."
  1058. >He let out a bit of a chuckle, as he extended his hand out
  1059. "I-if that's alright with you, of course."
  1060. >Hand clutched to your chest, you took a step back by instinct, but...
  1061. >Would he really do that for you?
  1062. >The words echoed in your mind again
  1063. >'Seeing you happy is enough for me...'
  1064. >Is... is that what friendship is?
  1065. >To make each other happy?
  1066. >How could you make him happy though?
  1067. >By going with him to this dinner?
  1068. >What then?
  1069. >How could you return this treatment...
  1070. >Surely he wants something more...
  1071. >Is seeing another person happy only that much?
  1072. >Or is it more?
  1073. "Well?"
  1074. >You look back up from your thoughts to see Anon, in the same position
  1075. >You felt your heart racing, but you let out a smile
  1076. >If it's so, let's try this friendship thing out
  1077. >You skip his hand entirely and embrace him in a hug
  1078. >"Yes! Yes, I'd love to!"
  1079. >You felt Anon chuckle a bit before returning the hug, leaning down a bit
  1080. >You didn't even notice the white car that pulled out and accelerated out of the street with a grumble
  1082. >You walked around your apartment as Sunset resumed her cleaning, inspecting the work she's done so far
  1083. >Walls wiped down, counters sparkling, kitchen organized, clutter gathered and trash thrown out...
  1084. >She even scrubbed down the toilet...
  1085. >Heck, you could employ her full-time as a maid and have her live here as payment...
  1086. >Have her dress up in a maid uniform too?
  1087. >You felt your cheeks flush as thoughts began to surface
  1088. >No, Anon. That's not what you should be thinking right now
  1089. >You were going to take her out to dinner
  1090. >See her light up from being taken out to a public place, without worry of expenses or social standards
  1091. >Make her feel like a...
  1092. >Like an actual human being for once.
  1093. >A maid outfit? Now that you thought of it...
  1094. >It would only make her a slave in all but name.
  1095. >Only a step higher than what she was on the streets
  1096. >It disgusted you, and the mischievous thoughts ceased
  1097. >You turn back from inspecting your freshly-made bed to look at Sunset
  1098. >Happily humming to herself, face now a warm smile in the sunset's glow
  1099. >You felt light as a feather in anticipation
  1100. >Seeing her happy like this...
  1101. >This was going to be her night
  1102. >You'll make sure of it
  1103. >...
  1104. >Darn it Anon...
  1105. >You might as well say it
  1106. >But why was it so hard to admit it?
  1107. >You felt something for her
  1108. >But where would those feelings lead?
  1109. >And could you ever say it to her?
  1110. >Dressed in a bit more casual appeal, you stepped out of your room as Sunset started to dump out the vacuum's contents into a trash bin, coughing slightly as she breathed in some of the dust
  1111. >"Hey, Sunset?"
  1112. >She looked up from the chore, her eyes bright
  1113. "Yeah?"
  1114. >"When you're finished, get your coat. I'll take you to dinner soon."
  1115. >She nodded, and smiled... then her smile slowly faltered
  1116. >Then she looked away
  1117. >"Something wrong?"
  1118. "No... but... well, most of the new clothes you gave me are... well, pretty ordinary."
  1119. >You made a sly grin as you went to get your own coat, chuckling along the way
  1120. >"Oh, don't you worry about that."
  1122. >You opened the passenger side door for your "date" so to say
  1123. >She gave you a smile as she sat herself inside and let you shut the door
  1124. >Walking around and entering yourself, you started it up and started your way towards downtown
  1125. >Feeling happy you at least kept the inside of your ride clean. You paid too much for this thing as it was
  1126. >Sighing as the car's heating finally started to kick in, Sunset spoke up, looking out the window
  1127. "Anon... Again, I-"
  1128. >"Can't thank me enough?"
  1129. >Sunset blushed and adjusted her hair nervously
  1130. >You laughed
  1131. >"And like I said again... Don't worry about it. Even if I probably didn't want this to happen in the first place... "
  1132. >You took a deep breath, and relaxed back in your seat
  1133. >"I'm really getting to like this. Just helping you, I mean..."
  1134. >Sunset gave a cute smirk as you joined onto the highway
  1135. >There was a few more minutes of silence, before you decided to break the accumulating ice
  1136. >"So... maybe while we're going 'out', we can get to know each other a little better, hm? Just a fun little 'date' maybe?"
  1137. >She gave you a sideways glance, arms folded, voice low
  1138. "Date?"
  1139. >"Just in a way of speaking."
  1140. >You tried to laugh the joke off, but she wasn't getting it, forcing you to even out
  1141. >" Technically speaking we're still pretty much total strangers being nice to each other. And if you want to live with me for a while, well, I want to get to know a bit more about you, you know?"
  1142. >Her glare seemed to soften
  1143. >"And in return, you can ask me any question you want. I promise."
  1144. >She raised an inquisitive eyebrow that told you she would take advantage of that eventually
  1145. >A playfully smug grin began to creep up her defensive position, her voice matching the growing mood
  1146. >"Well, Anon. Here's my first question for you: Where are you taking me first?"
  1147. >You turn to her as you made your way off of the highway, into the street you've been looking for
  1148. >"Good question. And if you'll turn to your right, you'll just so happen to find out."
  1150. >You felt your breath leave you as you read the sign
  1151. >Anon pulled to the side of the road in front of the designer clothing store
  1152. >You look over towards him looking for an answer
  1153. >The only thing he gave in return was an eager smile
  1154. >"You really don't mean..."
  1155. "You pick your own outfit for tonight. Anything you'd like."
  1156. >You gasped slightly...
  1157. >Shopping?
  1158. >You?
  1159. >You really... never went shopping in this world
  1160. >Not even much in Equestria either...
  1161. >It felt strange
  1162. >But you felt excited
  1163. >To choose an outfit all for yourself!
  1164. >You hurried out of the car along with Anon, almost dragging him behind you
  1165. "Okay! I'm coming!"
  1166. >He was laughing as much as you were
  1167. >You open the doors to behold rows upon rows of choices
  1168. >You didn't even know where to begin!
  1169. >Your giddy smile was returned by a wary Anon
  1170. >His fault for bringing a girl shopping
  1171. >Bringing him along, you browse through the choices together, pointing out things that fit, and which looked good
  1172. >You felt more and more... relaxed and content with each new article you asked Anon if it'd look good on you
  1173. >The laughing and compliments and interests you shared...
  1174. >It made you feel...
  1175. >Feel like you belonged
  1176. >Like you were actually a person
  1177. "What about this?"
  1178. >Anon caught your attention with a magenta sleeveless shirt with a black strap
  1179. >The color reminded you of the shirt you had in school, minus your cutie mark
  1180. >But it was newer than that, sleeker, and more formal
  1181. >Taking it out of Anon's hands, you smile
  1182. >"This looks really good!"
  1183. >Anon pushed you along, with a few more things
  1184. "We'll never know how good until you try them on!"
  1185. >You both share a laugh and you proceed to the dressing rooms
  1186. >A few minutes later, and you came out wearing the shirt with a golden dress skirt with a dark hem
  1187. >Combined with the scarlet and black coat and leggings for the cold weather, you let Anon have a look over
  1188. >He coughed a bit as he failed to hide his jaw from falling agape
  1189. "Oh its... um... you look beautiful."
  1191. >You felt your cheeks blush slightly
  1192. >You could only mutter a small "Thanks..." in reply
  1193. >You followed Anon to a full length mirror to check out yourself
  1194. >Gazing into your own reflection, you shifted
  1195. >The person in that mirror was someone else
  1196. >Not the Sunset Shimmer, who had all of Canterlot High under her heel
  1197. >Not the Sunset Shimmer, who had been defeated, shunned, and left on the streets, her fate uncertain
  1198. >Not even the Sunset Shimmer who used to be the innocent but eager prodigy of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns
  1199. >This was someone new... A new Sunset emerging before you
  1200. >Humbled... Recovering... Kind...
  1201. >A better you.
  1202. >And for once... Even if just for this night...
  1203. >You could pretend like you're not homeless and living in someone else's apartment
  1204. >You saw Anon standing behind you, and you felt yourself tear up
  1205. "Sunset? Why are you crying?"
  1206. >You sniffed, and rubbed away at your eye, trying not to get the new outfit wet
  1207. >"I know I've told you so many times but... Really, you don't know what this... what this means to me."
  1208. >Anon placed a hand on your shoulder, looking at your eyes through the reflection
  1209. "Why else would I be doing this if you didn't?"
  1210. >You turned to face him, his smile so genuine...
  1211. >Hugging once more, Anon again brushed your hair like he did the first time you met, and you loved the feeling
  1212. "Come on then. We still got a dinner to go to."
  1214. >Placing the bag filled with Sunset's old clothing in the trunk of your car, you pack up and drive out
  1215. >Sunset's face was nothing but pure excitement
  1216. >And your heart leaped at that expression
  1217. "So where are we going, Anon?"
  1218. >Your grin widened
  1219. >"Oh, someplace special. Will take a while to get there, but I think it'll be worth it."
  1220. >Sunset gave a gentle cute giggle
  1221. "Well don't go blowing it all on me. I'm just a... homeless girl after all."
  1222. >She hesitated over her position in life
  1223. >You could tell it was still sensitive to her and fresh on her memory
  1224. >You took a deep breath, gaining a reassuring tone
  1225. >"Well, tonight, how about I make you feel like you have a home. Money. Friends."
  1226. >She stiffened, and gave you a sideways glance
  1227. >Her expression strange and unreadable, hand reaching towards her mouth like you said something that shocked her
  1228. >But before you could ask if it was something you said, her face began to brighten
  1229. "Friends..."
  1230. >She looked away, contemplating something
  1231. "Yes... I'd... I'd like that."
  1232. >You raise an eyebrow, but she shook her head in response
  1233. "Don't mind it... I... "
  1234. >She sniffed, becoming emotional
  1235. "I've never had someone who I truly called a 'friend' in my life."
  1236. >As she began to sob slightly, you decided to take a hand of the steering wheel and over Sunset's free hand
  1237. >She gasped at the contact, and looked towards you in surprise
  1238. >"Well, there's a first for everything."
  1239. >She stopped sobbing entirely, and wiped away her tears, her expression hopeful
  1240. "Y-yes... I guess there is..."
  1241. >You chuckled as you gave her a caring glance
  1242. >"And maybe, even if we're pretending that you aren't homeless for today... When we go home... some of the things missing won't be any more."
  1243. >Hand to her chest, she chuckled gratefully
  1244. "Maybe... Maybe..."
  1245. >Your grin widened as you realized you were getting close to your destination
  1246. >"Now, wipe those tears away. We're almost here."
  1248. >You gasped as Anon brought you into the heart of the city, surrounded by looming skyscrapers that towered above the crowding streets
  1249. >The lights of the buildings washing the city with light as the twilight grew darker, bathing the town in colors of brilliant violet and gold
  1250. "Normally I don't go to places like this,"
  1251. >Anon spoke up with an admitting tone,
  1252. "But for you, why don't we live it up a bit?"
  1253. >You look at him in surprise as he pulled into a parking garage next to one of the tallest structures of the city
  1254. >He gave a mischievous smile as he parked, and walked around the car to open the door for you
  1255. >He remained silent as you followed him, hands clasped tightly behind your back in anxiety
  1256. >What was he planning?
  1257. >Surely he couldn't afford a very high-dining experience, could he?
  1258. >Why was he living in an apartment then?
  1259. >This all was beginning to become very confusing and strange for you
  1260. >Even if you appreciated all he did for you up until this point
  1261. >Could you stand to be out in public?
  1262. >Would anyone recognize you?
  1263. >You found yourself catching up to Anon, staying closer to him as you entered the giant building
  1264. >The front hall was crowded, decorated with marble and granite in a beautiful display
  1265. >He didn't seem to notice your increasing proximity as he began to speak up,
  1266. "So I was able to call a favor. Being in the jewelry business and all, you can make quite a few... powerful connections."
  1267. >You gave him a questioning glance but he waved it off
  1268. "Don't think too much of it. I just was able to... well, pull some strings for you."
  1269. >He beckoned you into an elevator, and as soon as you both entered, he hit the top-most button
  1270. >You were going to the roof of this place?
  1272. >The ride up was silent and tense
  1273. >You could tell Anon was bracing himself for something as well
  1274. >But was it anxiety? Or something else
  1275. >Why were you so questioning of yourself, Sunset? He's only done the best for you that he could
  1276. >He brought you in
  1277. >Bought you clothes
  1278. >Fed you
  1279. >Clothed you again
  1280. >And swore to make you feel...
  1281. >Normal.
  1282. >But why are you still questioning him, even when you're overflowing with gratitude?
  1283. >The number by the door slowly rose and rose
  1284. >Where was he taking you?
  1285. >Surely he couldn't mean taking you to the Canterlot Palace Restaurant that you heard about in school
  1286. >That place was incredibly hard to get a reservation for
  1287. >Not to mention, incredibly expensive
  1288. >But wasn't it on top of a skyscraper?
  1289. >What was that he mentioned about connections again?
  1290. >You held your breath as the elevator neared the top floor
  1291. >You could feel yourself becoming slightly lighter as it began to decelerate
  1292. *DING*
  1293. >Without a noise the doors slowly opened in front of you, letting in a bright gold light that blinded you for a moment
  1294. >Calm orchestral music began to play, along with the chatter of several people and noises of dining and cooking
  1295. >And lastly, the smell. One of the most delicious smells you've ever sensed, making you open your eyes
  1296. >The walls were lined with marble and gold leaf, broken by the violet banners and drapes that framed the tall windows showing the starry sky
  1297. >The floor, vast and open and ringed about by stairs and a balcony that you stepped out on, was filled with tables that were all occupied with people. Mostly high class by their clothing, but you or Anon didn't stand out much amongst them
  1298. >At the far end, people played background music live on a stage
  1299. >A older man, with salt and pepper hair swept back behind him, face wrinkled from age, and dressed in a very expensive looking suit, stood before you and Anon with a smile when you exited the elevator
  1300. "Ah, Anonymous, I thought you'd never make it!"
  1302. >Anon chuckled , shaking his head
  1303. "Well, I had to get this lady here something more appropriate to wear."
  1304. >The man gave a laugh and then turned to you, bowing his head respectfully
  1305. "And she looks marvelous. Pleasure to meet you, miss..."
  1306. >"Sunset. Sunset Shimmer." You nervously answer
  1307. >Regardless, he seemed to be satisfied with your response
  1308. "Miss Sunset Shimmer. A wonderful name. You can call me Mr. Rich."
  1309. >You made a curt smile towards the obviously wealthy businessman, but remained quiet
  1310. >Anon then spoke up, a bit more relaxed than before
  1311. "Thanks for putting in that reservation for us, Richie. Really, you didn't have to do this for us."
  1312. >Mr. Rich laughed heartily, putting an arm around Anon and leading him down the side of the balcony, which you followed closely
  1313. "Nonsense! My daughter has been so satisfied with her latest jewelry, she hasn't complained about anything to me for the past two days! Hahaha! But when I heard your predicament, well, I couldn't just stand around."
  1314. >He gave a long sigh, looking out over the diners
  1315. "I had to repay you somehow. So what I want, is simply for you to enjoy this night... That goes for you too, Miss Sunset."
  1316. >He looked up at you as you stood at Anon's side
  1317. "Anonymous here has told me of your current predicament. Such a gentleman he is to bring you in off the streets... Reminds me of my past, and how I started with so little... As such, you both deserve nothing more than the best in return."
  1318. >Taking his arm off Anon and walking ahead, he walked up to the greeter, talking low, but loud enough for you and Anon to hear
  1319. "I got a couple of VIPs for you. Treat them with the best and serve them the house special. Everything is on me."
  1320. >Mr. Rich turned back and gave a wave as the greeter checked his list of tables
  1321. "You two have a good night ya hear!"
  1322. >You were speechless as the greeter led you two to a reserved table near the front of the orchestra
  1323. >Anon only gave a smug grin at your expression
  1325. >Sunset seemed to be dumbfounded by everything happening at once as you both sat down to eat
  1326. >And you really couldn't blame her
  1327. >You were surprised yourself that you got this much off of that favor you called on such short notice
  1328. >Guess Diamond Tiara didn't inherit her personality
  1329. >You lean back in your chair as the waiter arrived, taking your menus as your meal was apparently already decided
  1330. "Would you two like anything to drink tonight?"
  1331. "Just water, thank you."
  1332. >Sunset answered immediately
  1333. >You smiled and nodded towards Sunset
  1334. >"Same."
  1335. >The waiter nodded his head curtly and went on his way
  1336. >Once you two were alone, you chuckled, Sunset's face still completely blank as she gazed around her
  1337. >"Hard to take it all in?"
  1338. >She stuttered as she turned her attention back to you
  1339. "W-well... In the past it wouldn't be... but right now... I guess it is-"
  1340. >She was cut off by applause from the surrounding diners as the musicians on stage finished their performance with a bow
  1341. >You both turned your attention to the stage as an announcer came up, bringing a microphone stand
  1342. >Several suited band members followed, wielding brass instruments, an orchestral bass and a drum kit on a wheeled platform
  1343. >The mustached announcer cleared his throat as the lights dimmed
  1344. "We have a special request for the music tonight. So in for an early performance for some important guests, please give your warm welcome to Velvet and her accompanying band, the Wasteland Wailers!"
  1345. >You joined in the clapping as a finely dressed lady came to the mic to replace the announcer.
  1346. >A glance revealed that Sunset wasn't so enthusiastic, but looked on attentively
  1347. >As the band began to play, the woman spoke up, singing beautiful lyrics of first love to a jazzy tune
  1348. "...What is this wonderful feelin' in my head?~ I had it before I got up and outta bed~"
  1349. >The words seemed to make Sunset blush and play with her hair while glancing away
  1351. >You looked into Anon's eyes, and he shifted his gaze away rather quickly.
  1352. >You chuckled slightly, as the playful little tune of romance seemed to mock his blushing
  1353. >You never thought you had feelings for Anon, but at that moment, you thought he looked rather cute
  1354. >He seemed to return your smile, and relaxed a bit himself.
  1355. >But soon enough the tone of the song changed from small flings and crushes, to other topics as wedding bells and living a married life, and you found your thoughts quickly steering away from the subject.
  1356. >Anon seemed to have the same idea as his blush quickly faded
  1357. > "So..."
  1358. >You decide to break the ice after a small moment
  1359. >"Tell me... You never told me what your line of work was."
  1360. >Anon seemed to straighten up in attention at your question, also somewhat more relieved and positive
  1361. "Oh... I guess I haven't, have I? Heh."
  1362. >He shrugged as he tugged on his suit coat again
  1363. >You actually took notice at this point how dashing he looked in it
  1364. "I'm in jewelry sales. I don't own the shop, and it doesn't make too much... but it pays well."
  1365. >You raise an eyebrow
  1366. >"And that's how you get your... "
  1367. >You glance around the stunning restaraunt for emphasis
  1368. >"Connections?"
  1369. >Anon let out a laugh
  1370. "I suppose so. You'd be surprised what a good ring can do to someone. Almost makes them forget what they pay for it."
  1371. >You both laugh as the smell of approaching food caught your attention.
  1372. >The waiter came again with two silver platters, and placed them before you
  1373. "The House Special. On the house! We certainly hope you enjoy!"
  1374. >As the domed lids revealed a very fine and very, VERY fragrant meat dish with several side dishes, you couldn't help but drool
  1375. >Oh yes, you were going to enjoy this night. Oh so very much.
  1377. >You felt happy
  1378. >Happier than you've felt in a long, long time
  1379. >Laughing along with Sunset Shimmer as you both exchanged funny stories and small talk over an extremely tasty meal
  1380. >Watching all the pain and stress on Sunset's face slowly ebb away with each laugh, each smile, each bite
  1381. >Revealing the Sunset that she used to be more and more;
  1382. >Energetic, vigorous, confident
  1383. >You found yourself listening to her almost as much as she did. And sometimes she would begin to dominate the conversation, but then hold herself back.
  1384. >You weren't even thinking much of the content of her stories as much as the tone and energy she put into them
  1385. >And you couldn't help but feel your heart melt from it
  1386. >However, you had the slightest inkling in the back of your mind
  1387. >Perhaps it was irrational fear, or paranoia
  1388. >But you almost swore someone would come and ruin this dinner, forcing Sunset to flee in terror
  1389. >The reasons as to why and how such a thing could occur escaped you, but the feeling never left.
  1390. >Yet every glance around the tables only found happy diners and a peaceful atmosphere
  1391. >And soon enough, both your plates were scraped clean
  1393. >With a simple "Ready to leave?" and a giggling "okay." in response, you both thank the waiter for his hospitality, gather your coats and begin to head off
  1394. >Mr. Rich stood before the staircase, ready to bid you farewell on this good night
  1395. "Ah, I take it you enjoyed your meal?"
  1396. >Giving a playful glance at each other both of you gave a very good nod
  1397. "Wonderful! Wonderful!"
  1398. >Richie clapped his hands together in joy
  1399. " But if you would excuse me, Miss Shimmer, I have something I wish to discuss something with Anon in private. It'll just be a few moments, I swear."
  1400. >Sunset's smile faltered slightly, but she masked it with a nod
  1401. >With her permission, the seasoned businessman pulled you off to the side, keeping his voice low.
  1402. "You are a fine young man indeed, Mr. Anon. Such a generous heart and kind soul. Brings a tear to my eye, it does."
  1403. >"Heh, well, thank you Richie. This wouldn't have been possible without your help."
  1404. "Nonsense!"
  1405. >He laughed, before tapping a finger on your chest
  1406. "But listen, I'm going to be honest here, I've been looking for someone such as you for quite some time. Put that good mind of yours to good use. And I may just have a position open for you."
  1407. >You did a double take and feel your breath catch when the gears began to turn in your head
  1408. >"Wait... No, you're kidding..."
  1409. >Richie laughed again
  1410. "Come back to this building at 3pm sharp. Floor 74. Tell the secretary that your my special appointment for the day. Starting you at double what your making right now in your jewelry shop."
  1411. >"Why are you doing this..." You gasped in disbelief
  1412. "Well, as much as I'd like to help, I don't think giving you guys everything you need would be fair of me. But certainly I can put you in a position where you can earn something much better for her than that little apartment on the city outskirts."
  1413. >The tone of that sentence caught you off guard
  1414. >"Well, I'm not sure about..."
  1415. "3 o' clock, floor 74! Now git going! She's a waitin'"
  1417. >With a push and a laugh, Mr. Rich shoved you back towards the waiting Sunset, who was reading your mixed expression with interest.
  1418. "What was that about?"
  1419. >You were silent for several moments, in disbelief of the offer you were presented
  1420. >"I'll... we'll talk about it later. Let's just get you home."
  1421. >You give her a reassuring smile as you delicately place an arm around her, before turning towards the Elevator
  1422. >Rich giving a wave goodbye as you stepped into the sliding doorway, Sunset huddled close to you, sighing
  1423. "Yes... Home."
  1425. >The ride home was silent
  1426. >Anon seemed particularly stiff and reserved, without saying much of a word
  1427. >You had to admit, leaving the restaraunt, there was a feeling from deep within, telling you that something bad should have happened, that everything was going to end up wrong and Anon would leave you in the process...
  1428. >But here you were, safe and sound. And yet...
  1429. >Why the sudden change in attitude
  1430. >He was smiling and happy all up to this point...
  1431. >Was it what Mr. Rich said to him?
  1432. >You hoped it wasn't something terrible. Did he actually have to pay for the dinner after all? That was quite expensive, if you recall the menu prices correctly...
  1433. >Was he having that same dark feeling as you did?
  1434. >Was it something you said? Did you say too much?
  1435. >You recall you tried your best to hide your past in Equestria... Did your tongue slip?
  1436. >Did you reveal your real identity?
  1437. >You felt yourself sink lower into your seat, running every scenario. This night should have gone perfect. It DID go perfect...
  1438. >Why wasn't it perfect?
  1439. >Several minutes passed, and it wasn't until you were on the highway that you decided to break the thick ice
  1440. >"Are... are you mad at me, Anon?"
  1441. >It took a second, but he turned to look at you, there was still an inkling of a smile on his face
  1442. "Mad? Why'd you think that I'd be mad at you? I enjoyed every moment of you being there, and that's a fact."
  1443. >He sounded sincere, at least
  1444. >"Well, it's just that you're not happy. You look pale. Did something go wrong?"
  1445. >That little grin of Anon's grew slightly, and he let out a small huff of air. Then it started sounding like small hiccups.
  1446. >You thought he was sobbing at first, and reached out a hand to comfort, but then he drew back his head and let out a full blown, hearty laugh
  1447. "Wrong? Wrong?! Ahahaha! Completely the opposite! They offered me a job!"
  1448. >You gasped as he wiped a few tears of joy out of his eyes,
  1449. >You felt a smile growing to join his own
  1450. >"They didn't!"
  1451. "I'm still in disbelief about it myself! Double the pay what I'm getting right now, just to start. That's... That's a bit of a bonus."
  1452. >"I'm... I'm so happy for you, Anon! This must be a big break."
  1453. >You reach over and gave him a one-armed hug, which was all you could manage in the car
  1454. "Thanks Sunset... Things really are looking up aren't they?"
  1455. >"I suppose they are..."
  1456. >You return the smile he gave you, and both of you laughed in unison as you sped down the freeway
  1457. >Ending what was in your eyes...
  1458. >The perfect day.
  1460. >You stir from your sleep when the sun decided to burn through your eyelids
  1461. >Letting out a groan and sigh, you stir slightly, moving your head off to the side in a vain attempt to move away from the blinding ray
  1462. >But then you stiffen when you felt an alien feeling
  1463. >Opening your eyes, you see nothing but red and yellow
  1464. >Looking down, a bare, orange-skinned arm draped loosely over your stomach
  1465. >Sunset's soft, relaxed breathing only inches away from your ears
  1466. >For a moment, you were shocked she was in the bed with you...
  1467. >But then the events of last night came rushing back to you
  1468. >How she immediately kissed you as soon as you passed through the door
  1469. >And before you even knew it, she was coming down on you with every ounce of gratitude and joy she had
  1470. >And in that blur, you couldn't help but put some of your own into it as well
  1471. >It was so wild a night, you still felt sore
  1472. >And you never felt so amazing that entire time
  1473. >Moving slowly and delicately as to not stir her from her sleep, you shuffle slowly out of the covers
  1474. >You get somewhat dressed and gather the crumpled clothes that were tossed about with abandon
  1475. >You'll wash them later, but at least they'll be gathered for when you do
  1476. >After a short shower to freshen yourself up, you left Sunset to continue sleeping and checked your fridge for something to eat for breakfast...
  1477. >There wasn't much, to your disappointment
  1478. >You probably should head out to get some groceries sooner than later
  1479. >If anything, she deserves a proper breakfast in thanks for what she gave you last night
  1480. >Turning back into the living room with a sigh, you plop yourself on the couch and stare blankly into space for a moment
  1481. >All the events of the past few days were reeling towards you, rather quickly.
  1482. >Only in the span of a couple days did you go from being a single loner to taking in someone off the streets...
  1483. >And you ended up feeding her, building her back up, and even sleeping with her before you even knew who she was before she fell
  1484. >And now you had a new job. A new life ahead of you.
  1485. >It felt unbelievable.
  1486. >And you felt like you would do anything to keep it this way.
  1487. >But of course, in order to do so
  1488. >You brushed yourself off and stood back up, grabbing a nearby pen and piece of paper
  1489. >You had to get some groceries first
  1491. >The first thing you noticed was how warm you were
  1492. >So very warm
  1493. >Comfortable
  1494. >On a cloud
  1495. >You felt a smile crack your lips
  1496. >You couldn't remember feeling this good in a long... long time.
  1497. >Shifting around under the covers, you remembered the plush bed you had in Canterlot
  1498. >Waking up on a spring day, with the fresh mountain air filtering through the marble window
  1499. >Birds tweeting as the flapping of pegasi and trotting of the morning unicorns echoed the cobblestone streets
  1500. >For once, you felt like you were home again...
  1501. >Home...
  1502. >You sat up, finding yourself in Anon's bed
  1503. >Naked...
  1504. >Covering yourself up with the sheets, blushing slightly
  1505. >But you looked to your side, and noticed that you we're alone in the room
  1506. >You noticed that much of the clothes from last night were gathered in a neat little pile in the corner, and a fresh change of clothes stood ready at the night stand
  1507. >And on top of it was a little paper note
  1508. >Unfolding the paper gingerly, you read the contents with a held breath
  1509. "Went to get groceries
  1510. Feel free to shower, have a snack, TV etc.
  1511. Be back in a few minutes!
  1512. ♥ Anon"
  1513. >You smiled to yourself, then looked to the clothes he left you
  1514. >A frilly blue shirt, see-through skirt, and blue leggings. One of the other pairs of clothes he picked out for you a while back
  1515. >Getting out of bed, you got yourself dressed, admiring how comfortable the clothes felt, and made your sheets
  1516. >It felt quiet, in Anon's apartment without him here
  1517. >Made you remember how lonely you felt when you first came here to Equestria... how lonely you were...
  1518. >But he said he'd be back...
  1519. >You decide to pass the time with a shower... You felt rather sweaty from your...
  1520. >Oh...
  1521. >You slept with Anon
  1522. >That wasn't some sort of dream
  1523. >That actually happened
  1524. >You rubbed your face and sighed
  1525. > Sunset, what in Equestria did you do?
  1526. >You let yourself slip so easily...
  1527. >And you just jumped him.
  1528. >It was all a blur and you couldn't remember
  1529. >Only that you felt nothing but joy and gratitude and relief
  1530. >Perfect day indeed...
  1531. >Still though...
  1532. >There's nothing that you could do now to change that.
  1533. >And at least, to your relief, you spot the condom wrapper tossed next to a trash bin
  1534. >Anon was smart, you gave him that
  1535. >But still
  1536. >You needed that shower
  1538. >You browsed the aisles of the local market, shopping cart filled with more than what you normally get for yourself
  1539. >You had a guest after all
  1540. >Fresh fruit, veggies, seasonings...
  1541. >You didn't think much of yourself as a cook, but you were taught well enough to follow a recipie
  1542. >And you had a few good ones laying around somewhere...
  1543. >You made your way down towards the front registers, but you heard a familiar voice over the usual supermarket clamour
  1544. "But I don't know if that was indeed Sunset Shimmer there with Anon... I couldn't see much more than a silhouette..."
  1545. >You felt every hair stand on end in response and froze in your tracks
  1546. >Did she just say...
  1547. >Another voice piped up, thick with an accent
  1548. "Ah'm not sure what you've been meanin' to do then. She just might be livin' happily with him. Tryin' t'start a new life for herself. "
  1549. >Another, softer, more girly voice whispered, you could barely hear
  1550. "If anything she deserves it..."
  1551. >The first voice, which you undoubtedly identified as no one else but Rarity, tsked at her companions
  1552. "But why then would he be so secretive of it. I'm all for her shedding a new leaf, but she just can't turn her back on everything that she's done. She isn't... well..."
  1553. >Rarity trailed off, but a very high pitched voice continued
  1554. "She isn't from here in the first place and doesn't know how to live without anyone to take advantage of people for her own gain?!"
  1555. >W-what
  1556. "Shush, Pinkie! Ya don' wanna attract any wrong attention now, do ya?"
  1557. "Oopsie!"
  1558. "She is right, however. She's not from this world. And while she might have gained a bit of an understanding of how things work here over the years, I don't recall ever seeing her alone or taking something she needs from someone else. Have you?"
  1559. "Nuh uh..."
  1560. "Nope!"
  1561. "Me neither..."
  1562. >You couldn't breathe... Were they talking about YOUR Sunset?
  1563. >Was that why Rarity was so hesitant about revealing who she was?
  1564. >And what's this business about her not being from your world?
  1565. >What was that about?
  1566. "In all seriousness, we have to tread with caution here... What if she could be manipulating Anon?"
  1567. "That's a buncha hogwash, Rarity and ya know it! You saw what the Element's did t' her when she turned inta that monster. She's changed. And she's probably scared ta come back."
  1568. >Elements?... Monster?!
  1569. "Then why won't Anon tell me that she's staying with him?"
  1570. "Perhaps because she isn't? Look, Rarity, we can talk about this more tomorra' after Rainbow's back from her practice."
  1571. "Is she still that annoyed I woke her up so early yesterday?"
  1572. "Mhmm..."
  1573. "I still can't believe she sleeps so long as soon as school's out for the day... Especially someone as active as her."
  1574. "Just'a habit for her I guess. Girl'd sleep up in mah trees last summer vacation. But anyways, Rarity, next time ya see Anon, just invite him and his friend out ta lunch! Get to know em and if it actually is Sunset, well, you've knocked two birds with one apple!"
  1575. "I believe the saying is, 'two birds with one stone?'"
  1576. "Ya know what I said. Now Pinkie, grab those cake sprinkles we're here for. Ahm starving to try that new recipe of yours since I got back!"
  1577. "Okie Dokie!"
  1578. >You waited until the girls walked down out of earshot before you decided to come back to reality
  1579. >You were... unable to comprehend what you just heard
  1580. >Not of this world?
  1581. >Monster?
  1582. >You found yourself leaning on your shopping cart for support as you run a hand over your head
  1583. >Were they hunting her down?
  1584. >You don't recall seeing any tentacles or anything... out of place...
  1585. >Especially last night...
  1586. >But...
  1587. >She was so scared of hurting you...
  1588. >Was she just hiding what she was...
  1589. >But if she was different... what WAS she?
  1590. >No... she seemed perfectly normal and there had to be a good explanation for all of this
  1591. >That or Rarity and her friends were all secretly psychotic or have some very strange code language...
  1592. >Probably unlikely though
  1593. >You did know you had to get out of here, before Rarity spotted you
  1594. >You took your cart and sped walked towards the express checkout lane
  1595. >This was going to be an interesting breakfast.
  1597. >You wrapped a fresh towel around yourself as you stepped out of the shower
  1598. >You felt refreshed and with a bit of brushing, you felt that your hair, freshly dried and tumbling around you in thick volume, might just be able to regain its former glory
  1599. >But again, as you wiped off the steamy mirror and gazed at yourself, you sobered up for just a second
  1600. >You still could see bruises still fading. Cuts still healing.
  1601. >You were still wounded. And you were still on a path...
  1602. >A path that you felt only led back up, but even still...
  1603. >You had to vow to yourself to never forget what you were
  1604. >Who you became
  1605. >What you've done
  1606. >Let those bruises and cuts remind you and only fade when you could look yourself in the mirror and say:
  1607. >"I am a new Sunset Shimmer"
  1608. >"I will not go back to my old ways."
  1609. >"My past... is not today. "
  1610. >Suddenly the door clicked open
  1611. >The rustle of full plastic bags immediately followed
  1612. "Sunset? Sunset, I'm home."
  1613. >Making sure your towel was securely wrapped, you came out to greet Anon
  1614. >He gave you a half-way smile with a worn out expression as he saw you
  1615. >"You look tired." You chuckle
  1616. "I'm... not used to carrying this much up the stairs. Kinda wore me out."
  1617. >Anon huffed, tossing most of the bags next to the front door before taking off his shoes
  1618. >You walked up to Anon and caressed his cheeck, he flinched slightly
  1619. >"Well, better get some food ready. Looks like you got quite a bit."
  1620. >You kissed him on the cheek playfully
  1621. >Anon flinched again, this time much more noticeably, and giving you a sideways glance, as if it spooked him
  1622. >"Something wrong?"
  1623. >He was silent for a frightfully long moment
  1624. "Uh... N-no. No. I'm just really tired. Last night took a lot outta me, you know?"
  1625. >Your smile regained its strength and you tossed a lock of hair out of your face,
  1626. >"Well, let's get some food going so you can get your energy back."
  1627. "Y-yeah. I'll go do that."
  1628. >You let him go as he went into the kitchen to sort the groceries
  1629. >He seemed very melancholy while doing so
  1630. >His mood was not quite normal, and you felt your joy of seeing him back slowly slip away
  1631. >Replaced by concern
  1632. >"You sure everything's alright?"
  1633. >He paused, and rubbed the top of his brow with a hand
  1634. "Eh, don't worry much about it. We'll talk about it over breakfast. You're right. I'm freakin' starving."
  1635. >You gave him a reassuring smile but he didn't look up to see, so you resigned yourself off to go get dressed in something more than a bath towel
  1636. >Worried as to what he was going to talk about
  1638. >It didn't take long for the fragrant smell of cooked food to fill the apartment
  1639. >Now that you were more properly dressed, and you took the time to brush the knots and tangles out of your hair, you exited the bathroom back in your fresh, blue outfit
  1640. >You still thought it a bit frilly for your own tastes, but not by too much
  1641. >Anon peeked his head out of the kitchen when he heard you approach
  1642. "Just sit yourself down at the couch, it's almost ready!"
  1643. >You did as he was told, considering he didn't really have a proper dining room to eat at
  1644. >Maybe he could afford one with his new job?
  1645. >When was he starting, you wondered...
  1646. >Soon enough though, Anon came out with two steaming hot omelets
  1647. >The smell was mouthwatering
  1648. >As soon as Anon seated himself besides you, you begin to devour your meal with little ceremony
  1649. >You had eaten down half of the omelet, (mm, with grilled carrots, cheese and onions) before you found that Anon hadn't touched his
  1650. >Reminding you of how he came in a few minutes earlier and what he said
  1651. >"So... you said there was something you wanted to tell me?"
  1652. >Anon remained silent, twirling his fork within his hands
  1653. >Taking a breath, he looked up, then at you, his expression surprisingly neutral
  1654. "I've just been thinking, you haven't said much about what happened before I found you."
  1655. >You swallow suddenly in reaction, almost choking on the bite of food in your mouth
  1656. >When you were able to clear the choking hazard
  1657. >"W-why are you asking about it now?"
  1658. >Anon kept an inquisitive tone despite the serious subject
  1659. >You could tell he was trying to be careful in choosing his words
  1660. "Well... It's just that when I was in the market today... I overheard someone talking about you."
  1661. >You felt your heart sink
  1662. "Well, it could have been you, it could have been someone else, but I don't think there's many girls out here named Sunset."
  1663. >You dropped your fork on your plate and slowly brought your knees up to your chin, looking away
  1664. >"No... They probably were talking about me."
  1665. >You admitted in a voice more melancholy than you intended
  1666. "Would you know who these people are? Or why they're talking about you?"
  1667. >You thought about your answer for a moment
  1668. >"It doesn't matter much. I hurt many people before you found me... I'm not surprised that they would still be thinking about what I bec-... What I did."
  1669. >You felt a hand reach across your shoulders after a tense moment of silence
  1670. "Well, c'mon, you could tell me. I probably won't know who these chumps are either."
  1671. >He tried to lean forward to look at you but you refused to make eye contact, looking away towards the ground
  1672. >"I-its. a lot more complicated than that, Anon."
  1673. "Well from what I heard Rarity say about it, it certainly is."
  1674. >You felt yourself smirk slightly when Sunset suddenly jerked her head up on the mention of the name
  1675. >"So you do know her."
  1676. >You muttered more to yourself than to her, but she still heard
  1677. "I... well, yes... She's...
  1678. >She sniffed slightly
  1679. "She's one of the reasons I got kicked out onto the streets."
  1680. >You felt your jaw lock to keep your expression the same as she continued
  1681. "I mean... She meant well, but... They sort of left me behind after everything happened... "
  1682. >She looked at you hopefully
  1683. "W-what were they saying about me?"
  1684. >"W-well..."
  1685. >Oh boy what do you say, Anon? You could trust their word, and say they were looking for her...
  1686. >But then, what of everything else that they've said about Sunset?
  1687. >What if they only want to take her away to somewhere she might only suffer more?
  1688. >Alien monster or not, she's done nothing to harm you or even hint of having any sort of ill intent.
  1689. >What if she's baiting you though?
  1690. >And what about the whole monster deal? Do you want to let her know that you know about all that?
  1691. >You rubbed your head again and took a deep breath to regain your train of thought
  1692. >"Well, I'm not sure what they meant. They were wondering where you were though, I could tell that much."
  1693. >She seemed to look down with an understanding gloom
  1694. >"I do want to ask you though, is it better that I let them know you're here with me? Or is it better that they don't know?"
  1695. >Sunset remained quite silent
  1696. >"Because I can make sure they leave you alone if you want me to..."
  1697. "N-no... You shouldn't be worried about that..."
  1698. >The tone of her voice said otherwise...
  1699. >You let out a sigh
  1700. >"Well, I'll talk to Rarity and her friends about it. I just don't want to see you hurt again, alright?"
  1701. >She remained silent for the longest time.
  1702. >Then finally she nodded
  1703. "A-alright."
  1704. >"Good."
  1705. >You finally turn back to your food, now long cold
  1706. >"I have my interview at 3 today. So I'll go and talk to them after. Alright?"
  1707. >She seemed to perk up just slightly
  1708. "Alright."
  1709. >Breakfast went swiftly after you both finished your conversation
  1710. >Sunset seemed still very touchy after the subject, but over the next few hours of just hanging out together for most of the morning, she softened up really quickly
  1711. >But of course, the interview was still fresh on your mind, and you didn't want to fail to impress
  1712. >It's not every day you're offered a job from a top businessman
  1713. >You notified your boss from your old job you wouldn't be coming into work for the day, and you went through the motions of getting dressed
  1714. >Sunset, to your amusement, helped you out in making sure your suit was clean and pressed on the back and you had the proper tie
  1715. >"Well, that should do it."
  1716. >You adjusted your suit jacket whilst looking at the clock
  1717. >" Counting the drive, I should be able to get us a bite to eat by the time I come home."
  1718. >You gave her a confident smile
  1719. >"I just need to say... Thanks for all the help Sunset."
  1720. >She waved her head side to side
  1721. "Oh, it's nothing."
  1722. >You answer by leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek
  1723. >You chuckle as she blushes and stares into you
  1724. >"Right now it's everything to me. .."
  1725. >You straighten up, your voice reaching more active levels
  1726. >"Welp... Wish me luck!"
  1727. >She waved her hand as you turned around to leave the apartment
  1728. "Have fun!"
  1729. >You gave one glance back and a smile before shutting the door.
  1730. >A brief walk down the steps,
  1731. >A jingle of the keys
  1732. >And the rev of the engine and you were already headed off to the inner city
  1733. >A whole new future in front of you
  1734. >Thanks to a homeless girl that you brought in by a simple but bold act of charity
  1735. >It's only been a couple days too
  1736. >How you could have fallen so quickly for someone like her
  1737. >Someone that used to be so broken
  1738. >Was it her devotion? Her humility?
  1739. >Knowing that she wouldn't betray you so easily, because she has so much to loose?
  1740. >Either way, you felt that karma favored the chivalrous, it seems
  1741. >And to think you feared having her stay at your place...
  1742. >You gave a final wave to Anon as he smiled and closed the door behind him
  1743. >Again, you felt rather lonely seeing him leave you behind.
  1744. >It was somewhat annoying to not be able to join him sometimes
  1745. >And it was a strange feeling indeed
  1746. >Being so used to being independent, and the only help or companionship that you had before being only on your terms
  1747. >Yet now you were so dependent on him to survive, you felt almost addicted to his presence alone
  1748. >Like you were without your support keeping you up
  1749. >But at the same time...
  1750. >What he said earlier that morning has been bugging you ever since
  1751. >You had asked how Anon knew Rarity some time while he was getting dressed. He said she was a regular customer at his jewelry shop.
  1752. >You never really investigated into Rarity's habits, having a dislike for her most of your time here in this world,
  1753. >But you do recall her skirt studded with the image of diamonds
  1754. >It wasn't surprising how she knew him then
  1755. >But she, and the rest of her friends, were looking for you
  1756. >Was Twilight back here already? You don't recall the portal being open this soon.
  1757. >Did they find a way to communicate freely between her?
  1758. >You could remember watching them from the school ruins
  1759. >They were talking about something but it was too quiet to hear
  1760. >But then that was when you were swept up in the chain of events that ultimately landed you...
  1761. >
  1762. >And even more, Anon's behavior towards you had changed
  1763. >It was subtle, but noticeable
  1764. >He was more distant, and less keen on physical contact than before
  1765. >His touch was much more delicate
  1766. >Like he might crush you with an ounce too much force
  1767. >And he avoided eye contact more
  1768. >And when you did look into his eyes, you saw a twinge of curiosity and focus you've never seen
  1769. >Like he's trying to see past your surface, and into your soul
  1770. >Sitting yourself down again on the couch, you turned on the tv again to get your mind off of things
  1771. >Taking a breath and telling yourself that things will be explained over time
  1772. >Besides, you've only stayed here a couple days...
  1773. >Even if it felt like a couple weeks sometimes
  1774. >Switching over to the news channel, the modestly dressed anchorwoman ran through the issues of the day
  1775. >One of which caught your attention
  1776. "In other news today, Canterlot High School is set to open up its doors by the end of the week. A large part of the front side of the building being destroyed in what was only referred to in police reports as a 'gas explosion,' the construction is currently on schedule, and will be finished by the weekend- Students will be allowed back to classes by the following Monday."
  1777. >The anchor's assistant gave a hearty chuckle
  1778. "Well, at least those kids got a nice break, haven't they?"
  1779. >The anchor shared the laugh, before turning to the camera again
  1780. "Yes indeed, and also according to the school administration, they shall insist on keeping the names of the students possibly involved in the incident under anonymity, fearing that they may face some unfair treatment among their peers, upon their return-"
  1782. >The noise made you jerk your head to the side, suddenly realizing you weren't alone
  1783. >Timidly you got to your feet
  1784. >Unsure of what to do
  1785. >What if it was someone specifically asking for Anon?
  1786. >What if it was someone like the landlord? Or an upset neighbor?
  1787. >You don't remember making too much noise last night...
  1788. >Even still, the door knocked again, a bit louder this time
  1789. >What were you going to do?
  1790. >You felt your feet moving, almost on their own, to the door
  1791. >Gingerly you reached out a hand, silently, to the doorknob
  1792. >It was only now that you noticed that Anon didn't have one of those peep-holes that many front doors have, and you cursed him silently for it
  1793. >You took a gulp, and a deep breath,
  1794. >and grasped the handle
  1795. >With a swift movement, you opened the door.
  1796. >The girl standing before you blinked in surprise, her hand up in mid-knock
  1797. >White skin, smoothly curled violet hair, and big blue eyes betrayed exactly who she was
  1798. >And even more, why she was here
  1799. >And you felt a bit of those old emotions bubble up in reaction
  1800. >Rarity brought her hands to her chest in surprise, looking you up and down in the process
  1801. "Oh...Sunset? Y-you... You're... That is a marvelous outfit, I may say!"
  1802. >You leaned on the doorframe, you felt yourself giving her a seedy glare from a bit more than habit
  1803. >"What are you doing here?"
  1804. >You said flatly, reminding her swiftly of the recent history between you two
  1805. >She seemed to step back in response, keeping herself more submissive than you usually remember
  1806. >Or maybe it was more from surprise of actually seeing you here with Anon
  1807. >Either way, you kept a guarded stance until she explained herself more fully
  1808. "Well, I... I was wondering if Anon was here. I wanted to ask him something important, and he wasn't at his workplace..."
  1809. >"He's off on some new business. I don't really know when he'll be back."
  1810. "Oh..."
  1811. >Rarity shuffled her feet, looking to the side. You could see your glare was intimidating her, but she kept her expression and voice light
  1812. "Well, I didn't want to intrude... But if I may ask, how long have you, well, been staying here, darling? You look rather stunning. And like I said, I love the dress you're wearing. Love the simplicity and the color choice."
  1813. >She chuckled innocently as you looked off to the side.
  1814. >"Only a couple of days..."
  1815. "Really? Only a couple days? Where were you staying before then?"
  1816. >You opened your mouth, and almost admitted being on the streets, but you stopped yourself
  1817. >You tried to find another answer to the question, but you came up short
  1818. >You must have given it away though when she gasped slightly
  1819. "O-oh my goodness. Darling, I... I didn't know..."
  1820. >"Yeah, yeah. Rub it in my face. The bully that tormented you for all those years is now having to live off of a total stranger. How wonderful it must be."
  1821. >It hurt to say it, but it was the truth.
  1822. >And it was strangely relieving to do so
  1823. "Oh I didn't mean that at all!"
  1824. >"Oh yeah? And why then have you been talking things about me behind my back?"
  1825. >She stepped back at your snap, but while you felt it wrong, you too felt hurt
  1826. >"Anon told me he overheard you the other day, talking about me with your friends."
  1827. >This time Rarity began to bounce back from her submissiveness, revealing her infamous feisty side
  1828. "Well it's not my fault you decided to just suddenly run off by yourself! We only meant to help!"
  1829. >"Yeah, help those that I hurt, but what about me? I've been hurt the worst out of everyone, and only a couple here in this world have even thought to consider me! And I definitely don't see her standing next to you!"
  1830. >Rarity angrily gasped at the accusation
  1831. "How dare yo-"
  1832. >"I've rescinded my old ways, I've seen the error of my ways, but to be honest, Rarity? I just don't want to be friends. Too many... old memories."
  1833. >You slammed the door and locked it before she could retort
  1834. >Turning around, and placing your back against the door, you slowly slid down to a fetal position
  1835. >Cupping your hands in your head to hold back the tears, you sobbed
  1836. >You had regained your beauty on the outside, maybe
  1837. >But inside, you were still broken
  1839. >Pulling into an available parking space, you turn the keys to stop the car
  1840. >You check your watch
  1841. >Still a good 20 or more minutes until you need to be there
  1842. >You lean back in your seat, and review all that's happened up to this point
  1843. >Finding a homeless girl and offer her a few scraps of food
  1844. >End up bringing her home with you
  1845. >Those arguments about whether she should stay or go
  1846. >The awkward silences
  1847. >Then... her smiles
  1848. >Every time you saw that face grin back at you, you knew you had done right
  1849. >And you wanted to keep on doing that
  1850. >You bought her new clothes
  1851. >Took her out to dinner
  1852. >Basically made her your girlfriend of sorts
  1853. >And what did you expect to gain from it?
  1854. >Nothing.
  1855. >And yet here you were
  1856. >Apparently generosity is an ingredient of luck
  1857. >Suited up, ready to be interviewed for a new job
  1858. >A new opportunity to advance in life
  1859. >And yet...
  1860. >You're not doing this for yourself
  1861. >You don't have a big enough living space to take care of her
  1862. >And she deserves more than that
  1863. >You just hope that she'd accept these changes as much as you did
  1864. >Perhaps help her earn her way back, become independent
  1865. >You don't know what she did to Rarity's group back in the day, but she had definitely changed
  1866. >You needed to help her show them that
  1867. >Check your watch again
  1868. >Fifteen minutes
  1869. >Time to shine
  1870. >You step out of your car and adjust your suit
  1871. >Taking a deep breath, you take the rather quiet walk from the parking garage to the main building
  1872. >Your footsteps echoed in the massive concrete structure, which was largely vacant in the midday
  1873. >If you went through this interview quickly enough, you could beat rush hour traffic
  1874. >With a short elevator ride, you found yourself in the sparsely populated main lobby of the Canterlot Palace building
  1875. >Remember those instructions, Anon...
  1876. >"74th floor... 4 o' clock... 74th floor..."
  1877. >You pressed the button for another elevator ride
  1878. >It opened up to one of those see-through glass elevator cars, again empty
  1879. >No one to chat to but yourself, it seems
  1880. >Pressing the appropriate button, the door closed, and the ground disappeared beneath you swiftly
  1881. >Hands in your pockets, you look out towards your home as the rooftops of the other buildings fell beneath your horizon
  1882. >A image from a cartoon you watched once came to mind,
  1883. >"Do it for her."
  1884. >The elevator reached its destination with a bell tone, and you turned as the door opened
  1885. >It opened up to a large waiting room, with a single desk.
  1886. >The average looking secreatary glanced up briefly from her typing, but then resumed without a skipped beat
  1887. "Mr. Rich will see you now, Mr. Anonymous."
  1888. >You acknowledge her with a nod as you adjust your tie out of suppressed nervousness
  1889. >You approach one of the large oak doors on either side of the secretary and take a small moment
  1890. >Here's to a new future...
  1891. >You walk in
  1894. >You winced as the door was so rudely slammed into your face
  1895. >Taking a step back and hunching your shoulders, you felt rage boil from within
  1896. >Old anger held from many a humiliation at the hands of Sunset, and again to be witnessed here of all places
  1897. >Why even try reaching out to her?
  1898. >You knew she couldn't change!
  1899. >You knew it!
  1900. >You were raising a finger, opening your mouth to scream insults you've been waiting YEARS to say
  1901. >Insults you knew she could, and should hear
  1902. >You took a deep breath
  1903. >And...
  1904. >It caught in your throat
  1905. >You look off to the side, hesitating,
  1906. >You try again, still, you found your itching vocal chords... paralyzed.
  1907. >You let out your breath and drop your hands
  1908. >You saw into her eyes, you heard her voice
  1909. >She just wasn't the same Sunset Shimmer who you remember, the Sunset that mocked you daily
  1910. >She had changed
  1911. >And you could clearly see it in her eyes
  1912. >She was absolutely terrified, her shell broken and laid out in front of you
  1913. >You heard the door in front of you 'thump' as if someone had put their weight on it
  1914. >followed by the muffled sounds of sobbing
  1915. >Oh Rarity... look at you
  1916. >You lost control of yourself and let your pent-up emotions get the better of you
  1917. >Very, very unladylike indeed
  1918. >But you doubted severely that Sunset would be willing to listen to any sort of apology now
  1919. >You had to hand it to Anon, however
  1920. >You never took him for the compassionate type, to take someone like her in so... willingly
  1921. >Maybe he wasn't and that was why he was reluctant on letting anyone know
  1922. >Regardless, you'd have to make it up to them somehow
  1923. >Heeled shoes stepping in a slight rhythm, you make your way out of the apartment, dialing quickly on your phone with experienced efficiency
  1924. >The ringing tone was quickly replaced by an upbeat voice
  1925. "Oh hey Rarity! You talk to Sunset?!"
  1926. >"Gather the girls, Pinkie, Darling. We have a slight situation on our hands."
  1928. >"You're kidding me..."
  1929. "Absolutely not, my boy. "
  1930. >You run one hand over your head as you shake hands with the experienced businessman with the other, his face wrinkled up in a great smile
  1931. "Welcome to Rich Industires Or... well, soon to be called Rich and Anonymous inc. "
  1932. >He paused, then wagged a finger with a wink
  1933. " IF you play your card's right."
  1934. >"Oh.. Oh don't you worry, I'm NOT gonna fail this, sir! I can't-"
  1935. >Mr. Rich laughed heartily
  1936. >"Now that's the spirit! Oh, and here, before you leave..."
  1937. >He reached into his pocket and pulled out a checkbook and pen
  1938. >Scribbling down something quickly, he ripped out a check and handed it to you
  1939. >Your mouth agape, he pulled you close and whispered happily
  1940. "A little starting bonus so you can celebrate for your girl, eh? You know she deserves it!"
  1941. >Reading the amount written down, you saw it was almost as much as a full paycheck from a week's worth pay at your old job
  1942. >"I... I don't know what to say..."
  1943. "Then don't!"
  1944. >He pushed you towards the door
  1945. " I know this may seem a bit generous and all, but I can tell, you'd be perfect for the job. I'll expect to see you again in a couple days! Same time, same place. We got some paperwork I need you to fill out then."
  1946. >"O-of course, sir!" You stutter
  1947. "Just call me Richie. Now go! Your girl's waitin'!"
  1948. >Oh... Oh of course! Thank you! Thank you so much!"
  1949. >He gave you a cheery wave as you walk out of the office, staring intently at your check as Mr. Ri- ... Richie, closed the door behind you
  1950. >That entire interview was nothing but a blur... You just remember now that you had a career opportunity of a lifetime
  1951. >And you now had more money than you expected to have
  1952. >Holy crap...
  1953. >You had to tell Sunset this exciting news!
  1954. >As you entered the elevator to leave, stashing the check away in your suit coat, you found your hands shaking and barely able to hold your phone
  1955. >Dialing the number for your home phone, you took several deep breaths in vain to try and calm the rush of excitement coming on you like a thunderstorm
  1956. >The phone rang several times
  1957. >You thought you had shown her what your cell phone id was on the phone there, in case you had to call home
  1958. >She couldn't have forgotten that eas-
  1959. *click*
  1960. "H-hello? Anon?"
  1961. >"Sunset! I got amazing news! I had my interview and... and..."
  1962. >You fell silent as you heard noise behind the line that made your leaping heart stop stone cold
  1963. >Choking sobs
  1964. >Your voice was even as it was firm
  1965. >"What happened."
  1966. "Its... I-It's nothing..."
  1967. >"Sunset, I'm serious. Tell me what happened. Are you hurt?!"
  1968. >There was a pause
  1969. "...No. But... yes."
  1970. >She sniffed a few more times, and you found yourself leaning against the railing of the building's elevator for support in anticipation
  1971. "Someone I knew from before came by for a visit... And well... *sniff* We had a bit of an argument."
  1972. >You felt a pang of horror hit your chest, sliding down the elevator wall to a seating position, not even caring
  1973. >"By how you sound, that doesn't sound like a 'bit'..."
  1974. >She was silent in response
  1975. >"Who was it?"
  1976. "...You don't want to know."
  1977. >"Sunset, you know what I said before. I can make sure they stay away... Especially now. Tell me who... please."
  1978. >She fell silent again, only broken by the hiccupping sob
  1979. >Each one making you feel even more terrible...
  1980. >And more angry
  1981. >You were going to make this person pay dearly whoever they think they are
  1982. >"Please Sunset..."
  1983. >You implored again hoping to have some sort of lead
  1984. "It... it was Rarity."
  1985. >You felt your heart sink, and your face harden
  1986. >So be it
  1987. >"I'll take care of her."
  1988. "Anon? Anon wa-"
  1989. >You hung up as you stood back up, brushing yourself off, the high of the promotion sobered off already
  1990. >You were going to pay Rara a very important visit
  1992. >"Alright girls, I needed to talk with all of you for a second,"
  1993. >You began as you folded your arms as you looked over your seated friends
  1994. "So what's this here all about, Rarity?"
  1995. >Applejack, leaning casually on the end of the café booth, asked with a raised eyebrow
  1996. >"Well... I found Sunset Shimmer."
  1997. >Even though you glanced off to the side, this got their attention
  1998. >Even Rainbow Dash sat up from her awkward sitting angle, confused
  1999. "Looks like that didn't go so well."
  2000. >Was it that obvious, Dash?
  2001. >"It didn't, that's correct. But I learned some valuable information that may help us in the long run."
  2002. >This time Fluttershy leaned forwards,
  2003. "How is she? Is she, um... alright?"
  2004. >"Actually, she was wearing a stunning new outfit, and looked rather charming. At least on the outside."
  2005. >Applejack seemed to get your point ahead of everyone else
  2006. "She snapped back at ya' like a jeweled rattler with its tail caught in a twist?"
  2007. >"Yes, thats... Surprisingly a good observation."
  2008. >despite her lack of care for intricate details, she had very surprising intuition and strong common sense, you could admit
  2009. >"Regardless, she's staying at an older friend of mine's place. Anonymous is his name."
  2010. "That's pretty generic."
  2011. >Rainbow rolled her eyes.
  2012. >You ignored the comment
  2013. >"Also, he's been eavesdropping on our conversations, apparently. And he knows that we're looking for her... Perhaps more."
  2014. >This made the girls mutter amongst themselves in shock.
  2015. >You felt a bit nervous, leading them like this. You were certainly no Twilight.
  2016. >"Thus we're going to have to limit our conversations about this unless we're in a more secretive location, or by text if we need. However, I fear I might be busy soon. Anonymous might be out for my head any minute after he hears that I upset Sunset."
  2017. >Dash, Pinkie, and Applejack raised their eyebrows simultaneously as they caught on to the hint, Fluttershy looked on with innocent confusion, bless her heart
  2018. "Wow... So you mean, he..."
  2019. "Yes. He was the one that dropped off the jacket and was so shifty about it. He was the one that started backstepping whenever I mentioned her. There's no doubt there's feelings between them, even in this short time... Must have been the one that picked her up after she ran away..."
  2020. "And ya had ta get in a scuffle with Sunset over it. Please tell me ya only threw words at each other..."
  2021. >"Fortunately, yes. She was smart enough to slam the door in my face, and I stopped myself from continuing on..."
  2022. "Then why don't we come with ya? We can make sure this Anon guy won't hurt you."
  2023. >"No, that would only make things worse, Dash, Darling..."
  2024. >You took a breath, and seated yourself down, finally.
  2025. >"Not to be protective of him, or anything. Rather, I'd fear it hurt Sunset even more than what we've already done to her."
  2026. >The girls were silent. Finally, Fluttershy's eyebrows raised, letting out an, "Oh... my."
  2027. >"Even though we got in a shouting match quite quickly, I feel like it was more because of past hurt. She was... different, when I talked with her. More quiet. Defensive. Afraid. I think Anon's one of the few people she trusts nowadays, and if we harmed him... well, I don't need to say more."
  2028. >The girls solemnly nodded understandingly
  2029. >"That's why I have to talk with him. Alone. See how much he knows and perhaps explain ourselves. And... well, apologize for my inexcusable behavior."
  2030. >Pinkie, who was surprisingly quiet and listening intently, finally popped up,
  2031. "Then we can throw both of them a welcome back party!"
  2032. >You wave her down with a smile
  2033. >"Perhaps if things work out, but for now, this is a more delicate matter. Text me if you need me."
  2034. >And with that, the girls went their own ways, you headed to your own vehicle outside, preparing for the storm that was certainly on his way to give you a piece of his mind.
  2036. >You slammed the door in Rarity's driveway, and let out a breath
  2037. >The ride here was a long one, filled with anxiety and anticipation
  2038. >Rarity hurt Sunset. She wouldn't walk away from this one with abandon like she normally does when she steps on toes
  2039. >Her friends wouldn't stop you either
  2040. >You had texted her as you were getting close, you check your phone out of habit and see the recent conversation:
  2041. -hey rara. we need to talk.
  2042. >She had responded almost immediately
  2043. Yes, Anon, I probably know why. I also need to talk with you. Alone.-
  2044. -where?
  2045. My place. You remember the address?-
  2046. -yes
  2047. See you there. And well. I hope you're not too upset.-
  2048. >You look back up as the front door of her house clicks open from your approach and the fashionista behind it gave you a cautious smile
  2049. "Hello, Anonymous. I-"
  2050. >"Cut it out with the pleasantries, Rarity. You know why I'm here."
  2051. >She didn't even blink at your harsh tone
  2052. "Of course, Darling. Here, come inside. Mind the shoes, please."
  2053. >You slip off your good shoes out of sheer courtesy for her home, not much for her, and follow her to the living room
  2054. >"We alone?"
  2055. "Yes. Parents are gone on holiday, and my sister is out with her friends."
  2056. >"Good."
  2057. SMACK
  2058. >You let your hand fly and gave her a proper slap in the face immediately, not hard enough to bruise or seriously damage, but painful enough to make your intentions known
  2059. >She turned back to look at you, her brow lowered as she raised a hand to cover her flushing cheek
  2060. "I... Suppose I deserve that."
  2061. >"Didn't I tell you once that I didn't like it when you messed with my personal affairs?"
  2062. "I do remember, yes. However, Sunset's a personal affair of me and my friends as well."
  2063. >"She doesn't want to affiliate with you anymore."
  2064. >She folded her arms
  2065. "Quite rude to speak for a lady you only knew for a couple days."
  2066. >"Quite rude to harass her when I'm off making the biggest career choice of my life and becoming a rich man."
  2067. >She huffed and put her hands on her hips at the retort. Then leaned back,
  2068. "Oh? And what would that be?"
  2069. >"I'm now an official affiliate and possible heir of Rich inc. I make more money in my sleep than you do in a month at your fashion place."
  2070. "Well, I can't say I'm not impressed."
  2071. >She raised an eyebrow.
  2072. "But we're here to talk about Sunset."
  2073. >"Indeed. And I say you should stay away from her. For good."
  2074. "But Darling-"
  2075. >"Don't 'Darling' me. I also wanna say that you can keep the jacket. She doesn't need those old memories... Stay away, or things are going to get ugly. We're done here."
  2076. >You turn on a heel and begin to make your way out of this place, wanting only to comfort Sunset now
  2077. "But don't you wish to know who Sunset really is? Why she was out on the streets?"
  2079. >Anon froze cold in the doorway.
  2080. >Well that worked
  2081. >But this is a dangerous road to take. How much information were you willing to give to him to protect Sunset?
  2082. >And would you really be protecting Sunset? He seems to be treating her just fine, rather valiantly, if your stinging face was to be any evidence for the case
  2083. >But his misunderstanding may lead to more trouble for both of them, and it was time for you both to come clean, here and now.
  2084. >Anon turned around slowly.
  2085. "So she's different. I kinda got the hint quite a while ago. Alien or not, why should I care?"
  2086. >Guess he was going to find out sooner or later, it seems, so now, you only had to bait him more
  2087. >"If you sit down, and have a cup of tea with me like a proper gentleman, perhaps we can then unravel many secrets about Sunset we've been keeping from each other for far too long."
  2088. >He gave you a suspicious glare, before adjusting his suit coat and stiffening his back before walking towards you
  2089. "You have fifteen minutes. And Earl Gray, please."
  2090. >You smirked as you skirted around him to the kitchen as he seated himself on one of the couches
  2091. >"Thirty. And I already have the water boiling."
  2093. >You sat down across from Anon after pouring him his tea, crossing your legs and folding your arms.
  2094. "So. "
  2095. >"So."
  2096. >There was a long pause. You tried to study Anon's expression but he held a guarded gaze
  2097. "You want to know what happened, then fine. I passed her in the ghetto part of this town, holding up a cardboard sign... Homeless. I thought about her. Decided to get her a meal. It got really cold out, so I invited her to my place to stay the night... And... well... "
  2098. >He dropped his hardened shell slightly
  2099. "Things got strange. She stayed another night... Got her some new clothes, took her out to dinner. Came back, and... well,"
  2100. >The tone of his voice made you raise an eyebrow
  2101. >He didn't... He did! Oh my!
  2102. "Well, I have feelings for her now, and I'd be lying if I think she doesn't feel the same. And I'm admittedly upset you came to MY place. When I'M gone. And made it so that after your 'talk' I came out of my interview only to have her sobbing over the phone. So someone's gotta apologize, if not explain why you and Sunset have a past"
  2103. >He stood up slightly to reach for his tea, but also to lean in close up to your face
  2104. "Because I'm not staying to learn about who or what Sunset is, or where she comes from. I want to know why you have bad blood between you two, so I can tell you how much she's changed from the person she says she used to be."
  2105. >You blinked
  2106. >You had to hand it to Anon, such defense for someone he's affectionate for was valiant as it was admirable
  2107. >Even more admirable was Sunset's admittance to her past crimes so freely, but of course, she was apologizing out of that crater...
  2108. >That magic sure was a powerful thing
  2109. >And those cute ears were a perk, you had to admit
  2110. >But enough with that tangent, and you grab your tea, smelling the subtle aroma
  2111. >"But of course. And I have to say, your love for her is undenyable."
  2112. >You took a breath,
  2113. >"And yes... I apologize for my inexcusable behavior. I have to admit it was more from that 'bad blood' as you say, than our actual interaction, and I let past hurt get to me. I want to compliment you too for that lovely dress you gave her. My, I was stunned even then."
  2114. >You take a sip, then put the cup back on the plate with a slight 'chink'
  2115. >"But those past hurts run quite deep, Anon. And yes, I have secrets that I've kept from everyone but my closest friends. And it's the REAL reason why Canterlot High has been closed down for the past couple weeks."
  2116. "So she caused the gas explosion?"
  2117. >"It wasn't much of an explosion, darling. More of a magical death beam she threw at the school when she turned into a giant possessed demon hellbent on conquering her own world."
  2118. >Anon spit out his tea mid drink
  2119. >"Darling! The carpet!"
  2120. "Sorry... did you say, 'Demon?'"
  2121. >"Well, that's the best way I could put it. Bat wings, red skin, ghastly torn dress, pointy ears, tried to have us killed. The works. Shouldn't be a concern now. But it's also a reason why we've been looking for her ever since that incident..."
  2122. >He folded his arms after putting down his cup
  2123. "...I'm listening."
  2125. >You let Rarity refill your cup for the third time as she finished her story
  2126. >It was hard to follow, as it was to understand. She at least had a gift for speaking clearly, if not intricately to explain the details.
  2127. >You scratch your head as you verbally reconstructed the wall of data you were trying to digest to sort things in your mind
  2128. >"So... Sunset's some sort of horse creature from another dimension, who used to train under the 'god' of their world, so I believe. She get's jealous when another one becomes better than her, uses a portal that only opens once every long while to get here and while becoming the standard high school queen, waited until her rival was near the portal with some sort of magic artifact, Harmony. That artifact ended up turning her into some devil thing that tried to make a human army to head through the portal and take over her old world, but Twilight, that rival of hers granted you and your friends magical powers for that instant so you could blast the evil out of her. "
  2129. "Yes... Give or take a few details.
  2130. >"Then Twilight went back to her world, Canterlot High was in ruins. What happened to Sunset after that? What did the law enforcement think? She couldn't have gone to jail..."
  2131. >All important questions, as fantastical and probably fictional of a story this was. Something you'd have to find evidence for eventually, if not confirmation with Sunset
  2132. >But given the weight of this, you could understand why she was so hesitant to talk. If it wasn't this, then it'd be something else horrible entirely that she did against everyone.
  2133. "Fortunately Principal Celestia was understanding of our situation, and was able to put a word in for the police department to keep it secret. Most of the students don't talk about it, or don't really remember."
  2134. >She sighed,
  2135. "But Twilight had told us to keep a close eye on Sunset after this transpired, and we all failed her. We lost contact with her only a day after the incident and we hadn't been able to find out what happened to her until now."
  2136. >She stood up and walked off to a corner of the room, grabbing something that was wrapped on top of a table
  2137. "So Anon... Tell her that we're all sorry. I'm sorry that we weren't there for her. Believe in her past or not, you took her in when we were ignorant in our own pride to save the world, and overlooked her broken form. And yes, while it was a greedy, jealous Sunset that put on that magical relic and turned into that monster... "
  2138. >She unraveled the wrapping to reveal the leather jacket
  2139. "The Sunset that emerged when we defeated her was one that was humble. Broken. And looking for forgiveness. And she found it in you."
  2140. >She placed it before you before sitting down.
  2141. "You should take it. I have no need for it, and while it represents an old self and past hurt, it's been remade out of the care and generosity of someone who cares. At least offer it to her, so she can make that choice."
  2142. >You pick up the jacket, feeling the smooth, light leather in your hands.
  2143. "After this, me and my friends shall try and stay out of her life for as much as I'm able, unless it's her choice to return to Canterlot High, or even Equestria, and make amends herself."
  2144. >You look up at Rarity and take a breath,
  2145. >There were a thousand thoughts running through your mind on Rarity's words. Yes, she was right in a lot of things, but... would Sunset leave you if she chose to go back to her own 'place'? Would she get angry that you know about her so much now?"
  2146. >You said nothing as you stood up, and walked towards the door, Rarity only looking on understandably as you walk through the entrance, jacket in hand
  2147. >You pause and glance towards her still seated form
  2148. >"Thanks for the tea."
  2149. >You shut the door gently behind you.
  2151. >You stop to grab something for you and Sunset to eat, like you promised you would
  2152. >But as you sat in the parking space, ready to go and get a special meal, you kept glancing at that jacket that was sitting in the passenger seat
  2153. >Imagining Sunset wear it
  2154. >It probably used to be one of the things she always wore. Always gave her comfort.
  2155. >Wonder if it was also from that magical horse land
  2156. >Horses wearing leather. Heh.
  2157. >But, the implications of you giving her that jacket mean a lot more, now you think about it
  2158. >It represents who she was. Why she was 'here' in the first place, if Rarity's story had any credibility.
  2159. >"At least offer it to her, so she could make the choice."
  2160. >Those words rung in your head like an old church bell
  2161. >What would she choose?
  2162. >Was she even ready to choose?
  2163. >Why even bring up the past?
  2164. >It hurt both your heart and mind to even consider bringing those past hurts back up, especially when she's in such a... broken state.
  2165. >At least Rarity promised to stay out of the way...
  2166. >Could you, Anon? Really, keep this all a secret from her? While she's in the same town? And goes to the same school?
  2167. >Rarity said it was her choice to return to that school. She could always drop out...
  2168. >Then where would she go?
  2169. >Live with you... forever?
  2170. >That'd be a life.
  2171. >You could afford it, with this new job
  2172. >But what would other's think? You dating a high-school girl, that's barely over the age of consent. One that's tied to a possible explosion, violence, and could turn into a demon... What if Mr. Rich found out about that history?
  2173. >Rarity said that was 'mostly' handled right?
  2174. >What if she snaps and drags you down to hell with her?
  2175. >Would that have been worth it, huh, Anon?
  2176. >What if that horse queen Moonlight or whatever decides to go back through the portal to 'finish the job' when she finds out the people she hired to watch Sunset, an inter-dimensional criminal, spectacularly failed?!
  2177. >Why are you even believing that silly story, Anon. It's obviously to cover a more realistic, grimmer tale.
  2178. >But...
  2179. >Why would they make up something so fantastical, and yet specific?
  2180. >Why would Rarity tell it to you with the straightest face she's ever had?
  2181. >Why so many questions?!
  2182. >...
  2183. >You lean back, grabbing at your seat until your knuckles turned white
  2184. >Perhaps some more needed to be done before this can be addressed.
  2185. >Some more what? You ask yourself.
  2186. >In response, you put your car back into drive, and head off towards the clothing store.
  2188. >Where was he?
  2189. >You were staring at the door for hours
  2190. >He never called back
  2191. >He never told you what he was going to do
  2192. >He never even told you the good news about his interview
  2193. >He just said a deadpan tone that he would take care of it
  2194. >And that was it
  2195. >You paced and paced
  2196. >Worrying about what trouble he was going to get himself into
  2197. >Oh Celestia...
  2198. >What if he did something bad?
  2199. >Hurt her? Fight her?
  2200. >K-Kill her?
  2201. >No... Anon was too nice a guy! H-he couldn't do that.
  2202. >Could he?
  2203. >Just then, you saw a familiar color pass near the building out of the open window
  2204. >Could be the same as the last 25, not his car
  2205. >But looking out, you saw a familiar model
  2206. >It... It was him!
  2207. >You didn't even care to wait for him as he parked
  2208. >Running out the front door and down the steps, tears coming to your eyes
  2209. >He was only just out of his front door when he came into view
  2210. >He turned to you in surprise as you about tackled him in the tightest hug
  2211. >"Anon!"
  2212. >You could help but sob
  2213. >You felt that same soft caress as fingers ran through your hair
  2214. "Shhh... Sunset, it's alright. I'm back."
  2215. >"W-where were you? What happened? Did you hurt Rarity?"
  2216. "We talked. And... Well, we need to get inside. There's a lot we need to discuss."
  2217. >You felt a chill run down your spine.
  2218. >Did she... She couldn't have
  2219. >Does Anon know, now?
  2220. >He spoke in the same comforting tone
  2221. >He seemed no different
  2222. >Was he just hiding it? Did he care about you so much he could see past your own history?
  2223. >...Why was he carrying so many bags, and a huge box?
  2224. >You look up to see him smiling down at you.
  2225. "I never got to tell you the good news, too!"
  2227. >You grunted as you placed the last of the opaque bags up in the apartment, Anon carrying in the box closely behind you
  2228. "So."
  2229. >Anon sighed as he propped the long box vertically on a wall
  2230. "Do you want to hear good news, or bad news?"
  2231. >You had your arms folded, leaning to the side
  2232. >You were anxious beyond all reason, but his good mood seemed to stabilize you for the most part
  2233. >"Alright. Bad news."
  2234. >Anon, slightly breathless, was searching through the kitchen drawers for something
  2235. "Well... Heh..."
  2236. >He came out, holding a knife.
  2237. >You took a defensive step back
  2238. >He paused as he noticed your look, then looked at the knife
  2239. >After a moment, he shrugged and continued onto the box and began to split the tape
  2240. >You felt a tad more relaxed
  2241. "I'm not going to be able to be home nearly as often anymore..."
  2242. >Your heart dropped
  2243. >He seemed to not be nearly as affected as you were and only focused on freeing the contents of the box carefully and methodically
  2244. >Not caring for what implications that meant for you
  2245. >"Wh- what?!"
  2246. "You heard me. "
  2247. >Still that same uncaring voice
  2248. >What did Rarity say to him?!
  2249. "So,"
  2250. >He placed the box on the ground as you raised your hands to your chest
  2251. "I think you need to have something to help you pass the time while I'm gone with my new job."
  2252. >He opened the lid, and slowly pulled out a sleek looking orange electric guitar, with fiery decals
  2253. >Your thoughts were rendered speechless
  2254. >"Your... Your new..."
  2255. >Anon gave a small grin in response
  2256. "I used to play in a band back in the day. I can teach you some things and have you practice them while I'm gone. Better than just sitting around and watching TV, anyways..."
  2257. >You stepped forwards cautiously, admiring the sleek shape of the instrument
  2258. >You never learned how to play anything. Especially here in the human world.
  2259. >You recalled watching people like Flash Sentry with his guitar. Using his fingers so effortlessly to make complex tunes
  2260. >You once made music with your magic... but that was only with blowing the wind across river reeds...
  2261. >Could you actually do something like this?
  2262. >Anon handed you the guitar, which you grabbed onto gingerly, it's weight slightly heavier than you were expecting
  2263. >He took the chance to procure a small amp from the box, before placing it to the side.
  2264. >"I... I don't know if I can learn how..."
  2265. "That's what a lot of people say. They just need to practice!"
  2266. >Anon laughed as he grabbed for the other bags.
  2267. "Also, with the new funds from my new job, I don't think you should just stay holed up here. You should be able to get around wherever you need, and have the means to contact me when I'm across the city."
  2268. >He procured a small box out of one of the bags, which he opened in front of you
  2269. >Inside lay a shiny new smartphone
  2270. "First of all, a new cellphone. It's already been activated and has my number in it."
  2271. >You press the button on the side of the device, and the screen flared to life
  2272. >You stared at it in awe
  2273. >You never had something like this before...
  2274. >At least, something you bought for yourself
  2275. >He then moved to another bag, pulling out a shoebox
  2276. >He handed you the box, and motioned for you to open it
  2277. >You didn't know what to think as you open the lid
  2278. >Two shiny black boots presented themselves to you, smelling freshly made
  2279. >Each was adorned with a golden chevron decal
  2280. >"These are... racing boots."
  2281. >You look up to find Anon already holding up a leather half-jacket, adorned with the same golden chevron designs. To the side, was a motorcycle helmet.
  2282. "And a racing jacket."
  2283. >For a moment, you thought he had found your old jacket, which you had donated to a thrift store a while back
  2284. >But this one had a different design. Different feel as he handed it to you.
  2285. "I also used to bike when I was younger. I don't think you noticed the old motorcycle I had in the parking lot, but that's mine. I lost my helmet and haven't rode it in a long time."
  2286. >He reached into his pocket, before throwing you a set of keys
  2287. >You stare at them for a long while
  2288. "It still needs to be tuned up, but other than that, you're all set."
  2290. >You watch as she slowly looked back up at you, disbelief and shock in her wide eyes
  2291. "I... I don't... You... "
  2292. >She fell to her knees as tears began to streak down her face
  2293. >You drop everything and rush to her side, keeping her steady in case she fainted
  2294. >Her voice was strained as it was quiet, trying to hold back what was sure to be a torrent of emotion
  2295. "N-no one has ever been so... so kind... "
  2296. >She leaned into you so she could sob into your arm, which you let her do freely
  2297. >You try and calm her down by running your hands through her hair, which you knew she liked
  2298. >After a moment, she sniffed and looked back up at you, her eyes still wet
  2299. "Where did you get the money to afford all this? D-don't you need to pay rent or something?"
  2300. >"Well, you just so happen to be asking the new business partner for one of the richest men in the city. I'm pretty sure I can afford it now."
  2301. >You give her a smile as she wiped her eyes
  2302. "Wh- what? Really? Thats... Amazing!"
  2303. >She wrapped her arms around you, finally smiling
  2304. >And laughing
  2305. >Which made your chest fill up with a warm sensation you had been missing for so long
  2306. >You returned the embrace, before helping her stand up
  2307. >"I know. I'm... I'm sort of in a state of shock myself. But, yeah... It also means I'm going to be gone for longer than I'd like to be."
  2308. >She gave you a gracious smile back as you whisked away a stray lock of hair from her face.
  2309. >"And you and I both know that you don't like to be held up here... Against your will, of all things. So you can have the choice to go and do whatever you need to do."
  2310. >Her smile faded for a moment, but you continued
  2311. >"But you can always stay here for as long as you need, alright?"
  2312. >She paused, considering something, then nodded slowly.
  2313. >Then she looked up, concerned,
  2314. "Wh- when you talked with Rarity? Did... Did you hurt her?"
  2315. >"What?"
  2316. "Did you hurt her? I... I wouldn't want her to hurt because I let my own emotions get the better of me..."
  2317. >Her concern was surprising as it was sincere, but you responded to a smile.
  2318. >"She's fine... And even better, she agreed that she needed to back off and let you decide your own destiny before you and her can settle old disagreements. "
  2319. >She seemed satisfied with the answer, but she kept looking at you intently
  2320. "Did... she say anything else? About... What happened?"
  2321. >You knew what she meant by that
  2322. >You weren't inclined to believe Rarity's story, really. Sunset probably would think it outrageous itself if she never heard of it before
  2323. >But how insensitive would you come across as if you were to laugh in both their faces on how fake it was?
  2324. >And what of the outrageous, impossible chance that it was, in fact, true, and you may have an inter-dimensional bounty hunter on your tail at any moment?
  2325. >Let's not get fantastical here, Anon...
  2326. >"Well,"
  2327. >You scratched your head
  2328. >"She told me you had a pretty rough past. That you weren't from this place... Grew up jealous of someone else and tried to get revenge, and ended up ruining a lot of lives... and blew up the school as well."
  2329. >There was a range of fleeting emotions in her expression that were there for but a moment, few of them could be read if at all before she set with a remorseful glum
  2330. >"However,"
  2331. >You continued,
  2332. >"Rarity also told me that the principal of the school covered a lot of it up, and that you're welcome to attend Canterlot High again at anytime. You got a way to get there now, too."
  2333. >She looked up at you agin, and you can see the thoughts in her head
  2334. >The place that she destroyed, made so many suffer
  2335. >Was accepting her back
  2336. >She stepped out of your presence, looking away and out of the window to the horizon
  2337. "I... I don't know if I want to go back... I hurt so many that night, I..."
  2338. >She said, quietly, before pausing,
  2339. >"Did Rarity tell you anything else about what happened?"
  2340. >"Um... No. She was fairly vague about it."
  2341. >Being a jeweler made you a decent liar, you had to admit.
  2342. "Good... I don't think you should hear the details of it. It's not that I don't want to remember, but... It's not something good to talk about."
  2343. >Now you really wanted to hear her side of the story
  2344. >But you guess, that'll be a discussion for another day
  2345. >"I agree. I won't bother you about it... But, well, there's one last thing I wanted to give you..."
  2346. >She turned around as you rummaged through the bags once more, before pulling out some styrofoam takeout trays, a very savory smell drifting out of them
  2347. >"I got us some dinner to celebrate."
  2349. >You were standing in the court of Celestia's throne
  2350. >She stood before you, her face solid and studying as you remember, and her height overwhelming
  2351. "So, you've returned."
  2352. >She said, evenly. Coldly.
  2353. >You felt the pain she had in her heart
  2354. >"I'm so sorry, Celestia. Really, I am!"
  2355. >You fell to your knees, still human, begging the princess for mercy
  2356. >"Tell me, what can I do to return here? To my home?"
  2357. >Celestia raised an eyebrow, then pointed a hoof
  2358. "You must choose."
  2359. >You follow where she's pointing, and you gasped
  2360. >In the open doorway, stood... or rather hung, Anon. Levitated by magic
  2361. >In rags
  2362. >Beaten and bruised
  2363. >You turn back to Celestia, tears forming
  2364. >"N-no! I don't want to!"
  2365. "You must choose."
  2366. >The solar princess repeated.
  2367. >You turned around, and saw Princess Twilight, and her friends. They were all giving you hard glares.
  2368. >You turned away to face them, but you saw even more familiar faces
  2369. >Faces you remember
  2370. >Faces you hurt
  2371. >Faces that once cared for you, loved you
  2372. "You must choose!"
  2373. >You gasped
  2374. >You felt your heart fluttering as you woke, stirring under the covers as the warmth of the early morning light filtered through the window
  2375. >You felt your head slowly rising and falling on Anon's bare chest, his breathing relaxed and slow, still asleep
  2376. >Looking around the room, you saw clothes, again, tossed about without a care.
  2377. >The guitar was leaning on the bedside. Your fingers still aching from Anon's first lesson.
  2378. >Even those empty food trays lay about
  2379. >You blinked, head rushing from the nightmare
  2380. >You held on tighter to Anon, who didn't stir
  2381. >Anon was here
  2382. >And the choice was now yours, to leave or stay
  2383. >Because of him
  2384. >But for now
  2385. >You could breathe a sigh of relief,
  2386. >That it was not the time yet.
  2387. >And soon enough, in but a moment
  2388. >You drifted off back to sleep.
  2390. >You woke up to your phone ringing
  2391. >It took a few seconds to gain your bearings
  2392. >Sunset... Was...
  2393. >Not there.
  2394. >You look around for a moment, but the phone rang again
  2395. >Didn't want to be rude, you picked up the little black vibrating block from your bed stand,
  2396. >Vision too blurry to even attempt to read the caller id, you shrug and answer it, trying to sound as 'not tired' as possible
  2397. >"Hello?"
  2398. "Ah, Anon my boy! How's your morning?"
  2399. >It was Mr. Rich
  2400. >You sat up almost immediately, as if he could see you through the phone
  2401. >"Oh! Oh... um. It's doing great!"
  2402. "That's good to hear! Anyways, I know it's early, but I've run into a bit of a predicament, and would love someone here to assist. Say, in about an hour and a half would you meet me in my office?"
  2403. >You try and shake the sleepiness off of you as you rub your face with a free hand.
  2404. >his wasn't the first time you've been called to a job early, so you were somewhat used to it
  2405. >"Oh, of course. I'll be on my way shortly."
  2406. "Thanks Anon. Also, be sure to use the executive parking space this time. Much closer to the elevators, and it's nice and shady. There will be a key waiting for you at the gate, just tell them your name."
  2407. >"Alright. Thank you Richie. I'll see you in a bit."
  2408. >You click the phone off after the small exchange, and rub your face again before looking around
  2409. >Your room was a mess with the mischief you and Sunset had gotten into after you had tried to teach her guitar for the first time
  2410. >She was a surprising natural in a few things, but obviously like everyone she needed some work to do
  2411. >But then you started holding her arms from behind to show her positions... then got a bit touchy...
  2412. >You needed to be careful with this woman. All this 'gratitude' will start to get tiring really fast.
  2413. >You chuckle to yourself as you stand up, luckily still wearing lounge pants.
  2414. >You notice the sound of something rustling in the bathroom, before you spot movement
  2415. >Sunset walked out, wearing the boots and new leather jacket over a magenta tee and black jeans.
  2416. >Oooh, that looked stunning on her
  2417. >She noticed your gawking and you saw a bit of blush as she turned towards you
  2418. "I was... Uh, just trying it on."
  2419. >You walk up to her and promptly kiss her on the cheek
  2420. >"Looks really nice."
  2421. "Thanks."
  2422. >She brushed her hair,
  2423. "I overheard you on the phone. Gotta leave early?"
  2424. >"Yeah."
  2425. >You shrugged,
  2426. >"Probably gonna have to get used to it."
  2427. >She, to your surprise, didn't seem to mind as much
  2428. >In fact, she seemed quite happy
  2429. "Well, better get ready then!"
  2430. >You cock your head,
  2431. >"Are you... going somewhere?"
  2432. >She gave a bashful glance away
  2433. "I was thinking of taking the motorcycle in for that tuneup. Then go on a ride."
  2434. >"Oh, so now you know how to ride?"
  2435. "I never told you. I had an ex who taught me how when I was with him. He was the rich kid, so you know those kind."
  2436. >You laugh, then pat her on the arm jokingly
  2437. >"Guess I'm one of those rich kids now too."
  2438. >She giggled. So cute.
  2439. "At least you don't have a luxury car that is designed entirely off of you."
  2440. >"That's the most pretentious thing I've ever heard..."
  2441. "I know right?"
  2442. >You both laugh again, before you turn towards the bathroom
  2443. >"Gonna shower and get ready. Any ideas for a quick breakfast?"
  2444. >She shrugged,
  2445. "Anything sounds good at this point. Eggs would be kinda nice."
  2446. >You slyly grin
  2447. >"Want me to make another bowl?"
  2448. "Please no, I still have nightmares about that..."
  2449. >You laugh heartily as you shut the door to the bathroom to do your business.
  2450. >Sunset, this job, this conversation
  2451. >Even with the early rise to work, you could honestly say that right now
  2452. >Life was good.
  2453. >And it was only going to get better.
  2455. >The morning preparations for Anon's first day on the job was quick and easy;
  2456. >In only a few short minutes, you were already enjoying a breakfast of pancakes and eggs, laughing over the events of last night
  2457. >"Perhaps next time, you should keep your distance."
  2458. "Not my fault!"
  2459. >Anon argued with a false, joking frustration
  2460. "You couldn't hold the guitar properly and I had to show you!"
  2461. >"Care to show me again? I might be forgetting it already!"
  2462. >You winked, which made him laugh
  2463. "Hah, another time, maybe. You about done?"
  2464. >You clean off the last of your plate, and give a nod, wiping off your mouth with a napkin
  2465. "Alright. I have to head off soon. How about I show you how to start up the ol' bike?"
  2466. >You smiled and gave him a nod as you stood back up
  2467. >"Sure!"
  2468. >Anon led the way, grabbing the helmet and some keys from a drawer before clipping them together on a keychain
  2469. "Spare key to the apartment and a key to the bike. Just for you."
  2470. >He tossed you the small keychain with a smile
  2471. >You took it enthusiastically
  2472. >You pretty much lived here now.
  2473. >It was hard to take in that fact, but it filled you with a sense of freedom and relief beyond anything else you've felt
  2474. >Following Anon's lead, not being able to prevent yourself skipping happily behind him, he lead you down to the parking lot, a couple spaces away from his car.
  2475. >The bike was under a blue tarp to keep it away from the elements and to mask it's form
  2476. Anon pulled it off with a clean swish
  2477. >In front of you was a large Harely, with a sleek black paint job.
  2478. >You recall some of the bikes that Flash Sentry once showed you, teaching you the different models and what they looked like
  2479. >This one looked more powerful than any of the ones Flash had, however
  2480. >"Wow..."
  2481. >You ran your hand over the seat as you admired it
  2482. >You didn't notice Anon walking back from his car, holding a tank of gas
  2483. >He filled up the bike for you, and then demonstrated where the ignition was as you seated yourself on the bike
  2484. "You might need to put on the gas for a bit while turning the key. She gets a bit stubborn unless you-"
  2485. >You turn the key and rev the throttle, the machine below you flares to a life with the grumble equivalent to a dragon
  2486. >You gave Anon a reassuring smile as you put on the helmet. He seemed impressed.
  2487. >"Told ya. I know how to ride."
  2488. >Shifting gears, you feel the bike lurch forwards as you twisted the gas. You felt the stiff wheels and tested the brake after you did a couple donuts.
  2489. >She needed a tune up alright, but she worked.
  2490. >You still marveled at it though, a purely human invention that was unlike anything seen in Equestria.
  2491. >Such power was enough to scare the average pony. You wonder what Twilight would think of this.
  2492. >Regardless, you rode back to a fairly awestruck Anon after a couple minutes and gave him a smile
  2493. >"So, you got the money for the tuneup? I'd love to go right now, but I don't have the money..."
  2494. >He stared in confusion for a moment, before he finally shook himself out of his stupor
  2495. "Oh. Oh yeah. Here, just take my credit card..."
  2496. >He plucked the plastic card out of his wallet, and handed it to you.
  2497. "I trust you with it, alright? Just don't go and buy yourself too much stuff. I'm not made of money... yet."
  2498. >You chuckle as he also told you the pin number and whatever else you needed to hear, like what parts on the bike definitely needed tuning up
  2499. >"Oh don't worry too much about it. Just the fact I can ride this around is a blessing in of itself."
  2500. >He laughed,
  2501. "Oh, I can understand. I used to ride everywhere... but my job kinda got in the way. I hope this one treats you well."
  2502. >You both bid farewells for the day, and after a quick hug, he was heading off to his car and you were riding out of the parking lot, headed towards the mechanic
  2503. >You looked back for a split second, watching Anon depart the other direction longingly before looking back on the open road in front of you
  2504. >You felt the wind flow around you as you gained speed
  2505. >Enjoying the power of the engine, the rush of the ride
  2506. >For the first time.
  2507. >In a very long time.
  2508. >You had what you had long sought even back before you came to this world
  2509. >You were free.
  2511. >You were in some deep shit.
  2512. >You stared at yourself in the public restroom mirror
  2513. >Your heart racing as you studied the panic in your eyes, looking for a solution
  2514. >You didn't expect this.
  2515. >It had all started when you arrived to work back in the morning
  2516. >You watched Sunset ride off to get the motorcycle repaired.
  2517. >You had been singing as you drove to work
  2518. >On top of the world
  2519. >You parked in the executive parking without issue
  2520. >It was nice
  2521. >And then you talked with Richie after helping him with a filing issue...
  2522. >You remembered that conversation all too clearly...
  2523. "So, my boy, I got some great news for you!"
  2524. >You had just finished closing a cabinet full of important documents, all organized and sorted, which was a breeze to do
  2525. >"Oh?"
  2526. "Well, you know how I said I had hope that you'd be great for this job? Well, I underestimated you!"
  2527. >You gave an innocent laugh,
  2528. >"Well, excuse me for berating myself, but I haven't even done proper work for you yet."
  2529. "No. But you have done some great work already for one of my associates. I was talking with her on the phone when you were preoccupied. A certain organizer."
  2530. >"Harshwhinny?"
  2531. >Richie nodded enthusiastically
  2532. "When I told her that you were now part of our circle, she told me all about how great of a head you had on your shoulders. Especially for organization, and well... she asked for a favor."
  2533. >He lowered his voice slightly, to something more respectful than his casual booming ego
  2534. "In a few months, Rich inc. is going to expand and place a couple of hubs over in a few countries. She wants you to join her and help her run one of them."
  2535. >You had gone completely dead still
  2536. >"What."
  2537. "I know right! Amazing news, especially on the first day, but of course, I get to keep you and you still have some training to do. But, this is an opportunity you shouldn't refuse. Harshwhinny's a very close friend of mine. So close I trust her more than I trust my wife! Haha!"
  2538. >He grabbed you and pulled you in close, making you yelp slightly at the yank
  2539. "And if she actually says to me that you're more than fit for that job, than by golly I KNOW you're going to be great!"
  2540. >"Thats... That's amazing sir! But, question."
  2541. "Shoot!"
  2542. >"How long am I gonna be gone?"
  2543. >Richie's smile faded, but kept a forgiving, understanding demeanor
  2544. "Ah, Sunset. Right. Well, you can certainly take her with you! But, you're both going to have to prepare to be gone for probably a couple years before coming back for anything longer than a visit. Need to establish a good foothold in the area, you know?"
  2545. >"Oh. Wow. A couple years. Thats... long."
  2546. "Business is business."
  2547. >Richie shrugged playfully
  2548. >You remembered how quickly your heart sank
  2549. >"I'm gonna have to talk to Sunset about this..."
  2550. >You still got time to talk things out. Nothing's set in stone yet, my boy, but there is a lot of money hinging on this deal, so it's your decision to make."
  2552. >You snapped back to reality as you stared yourself in the face
  2553. >Would she take that chance? Leave with you?
  2554. >Live both your lives together, traveling the world, on business trips?
  2555. >You'd be rich
  2556. >Really, really rich
  2557. >And she would be too
  2558. >Could she handle that money?
  2559. >If she did, you'd both live it up. Perhaps forever.
  2560. >But then... You had Sunset's past to deal with.
  2561. >This town seemed to be all she knew before then. All her friends. Her school that she's still should be going to. That portal as well, if that story was true.
  2562. >Would she want to leave without making amends?
  2563. >She had a few months to do so, but would she leave them after that?
  2564. >Where would she stay if you both decided to separate?
  2565. >Back to the streets? Back where she started?
  2566. >Dropped off as soon as the charitable man that took her in became richer than his wildest dreams?
  2567. >Would that be your story, Anon?
  2568. >You sighed as you splashed water on your face from the sink
  2569. >This was a choice you were going to have to make
  2570. >You both had to choose.
  2572. >"Wow... that's... quite the extensive bill."
  2573. >You scratched your head as you looked at the report on the bike
  2574. >That was a lot of parts you didn't really know what they were, but it seemed like they were important parts
  2575. "Yeah."
  2576. >The mechanic sniffed,
  2577. " Dunno how you rode her across town in this condition. We'll get her fixed up for ya, miss. Should only take a few hours."
  2578. >"A few... hours? Oh... I was expecting just a quick tune up..."
  2579. "Yeah... Well, if ya tried that, you're liable to have this thing fall apart beneath you and you'll ruin that pretty face of yours."
  2580. >You smirked at the subtle flirt, but didn't take it too seriously
  2581. >"You sure there isn't anything you can do?"
  2582. "Sorry, Miss. But it's all we can do if you want to have this thing running again."
  2583. >You rub your forehead
  2584. >You were wanting to go on a ride through the country
  2585. >Clear your head and just simply enjoy yourself for a moment
  2586. >But you guess, that joy would be denied to you today
  2587. >"What am I going to do then?"
  2588. >The mechanic shrugged
  2589. "Got any friends or family in the area? Give them a call to pick ya up?"
  2590. >"No. The only one I know is at work."
  2591. "Mmm. Tough luck. We'll try to do the best we can and speed things up for ya, but yeah. This may take a while."
  2592. >"It's alright... I'll... figure something out."
  2593. >The mechanic went back to his job without a beat, leaving you in the reception area
  2594. >You took a seat in the waiting room, and began to mess with your new cell phone
  2595. >Swiping through the basic apps, you pull up the contacts.
  2596. >As you predicted, only one contact was registered. Under "Anon"
  2597. >You sighed. You felt a bit stranded again.
  2598. >Sure, you could walk all the way back, but that was a few miles at least, and your helmet was cumbersome to carry around.
  2599. >Not to mention the temperature was getting cold fairly quickly outside
  2600. >By the time you walked to Anon's apartment, he probably would be already home and simply drive you back to pick up the motorcycle.
  2601. >That'd be a bit too much work for you, you realize
  2602. >There was another route
  2603. >You still had people that could potentially give you a ride...
  2604. >No. They probably hate you.
  2605. >Don't want anything to do with you.
  2606. >Didn't Anon say that Rarity was pretty forgiving?
  2607. >Even if she was... you didn't know her number.
  2608. >There was another one, that you recalled though
  2609. >Memorized after calling him so many times
  2610. >You hadn't talked to him for a lot longer than the rest of Canterlot High
  2611. >Not after your breakup
  2612. >And even after you had changed back... You just couldn't stand to talk to him
  2613. >He seemed so enamored about Twilight that it was almost as if he forgot you
  2614. >Would he even talk to you still?
  2615. >It'd be a risk, for sure... But at this point, what did you have to lose?
  2616. >You take a deep breath to calm yourself, then pull up the keypad
  2617. >You swiftly type the number and shut your eyes as you hear the phone ring
  2618. >RIIIIIING
  2619. >RIIIIIING
  2620. >RIIII-
  2621. "Hello?"
  2622. >"Flash?"
  2623. "This is him. Who is this?"
  2624. >"This is... Sunset."
  2625. "S-Sunset?! Whoa! Are you alright? I've been hearing that you disappeared or something!"
  2626. >"Yeah... I- I kinda did for a while."
  2627. "How've ya been? You sound off."
  2628. >"I'm in a bit of a predicament... Think you can give me a ride?"
  2629. "Maaaybe... only if I get an explanation about what happened at the school, though."
  2630. >You tensed up slightly
  2631. >That wouldn't be a good talk. At all.
  2632. >But... It was that or sit here and wait for Anon and have Flash start looking for you, probably
  2633. >"Y-yeah. I can do that."
  2634. "Where ya at?"
  2635. >"The mechanic's place near 8th and Crystal street. You know the one."
  2636. "What in the world are you doing there? I don't recall you having a bike of your own."
  2637. >"Long story. I'll see you then."
  2638. "Kay. Be there in a few."
  2639. >*CLICK*
  2640. >You sigh as you take the phone off your ear and onto your lap
  2641. >Oh this was not going to be a good day at all.
  2643. >How could you do this?
  2644. >You could barely focus on your job, composing an email
  2645. >You glance at the clock for the hundredth time
  2646. >Still an hour before you can come home
  2647. >Then... Then hope Sunset's back from her ride
  2648. >Or at least, the mechanic
  2649. >You didn't check the bike to see the damage
  2650. >It started normally, you thought
  2651. >Perhaps a bit of clanking?
  2652. >Nah, probably just a dirty gas line and some transmission issues... Nothing really broken
  2653. >Nothing really...
  2654. >You wiped your sweaty forehead
  2655. >Alright, Anon, just... calm down
  2656. >It's not like you're going to have your whole life uprooted in two months...
  2657. >And it may or may not be ruined despite the riches because a girl may not go with you
  2658. >Ugh...
  2659. >Focus on the email Anon...
  2660. >Focus...
  2661. >Names. Business associates. Directing investments.
  2662. >You couldn't go anymore
  2663. >You flinched as you felt a hand on your shoulder
  2664. >Looking up, you found Richie, giving you a very gentle smile
  2665. "I can finish this for ya, son. I can see you need some time to digest the news and straighten things out. Felt the same way with my first business transfer."
  2666. >You shake your head
  2667. >"It's just... I dunno. Sunset has a lot of connections here. I don't know if she'll go with me."
  2668. >Rich clicked his tongue,
  2669. "Unfortunately that's how I lost my wife. Beautiful thing, but she wouldn't budge. Got to keep my lovely daughter, though... But Sunset seems like a very reasonable young lady. She'd know what's right."
  2671. >The gentle tone in his voice made you recall how much you saw him as a father figure more than your actual deadbeat dad
  2672. >He always called in outrageous favors, always seemed to understand you, care for you
  2673. >But you didn't really realize it until now
  2674. >He raised his voice a bit more to its normal tone
  2675. "Besides. Nothing's set in stone. If Sunny doesn't want to leave and things don't work out, well, I can find someone for Harshwhinny. She's not the most reasonable of people, but I can work around her."
  2676. >You took a deep breath and lean back in your seat
  2677. >"You know, I really need to start counting how many times you've pulled a favor for me, Richie. I owe you a lot."
  2678. >He patted you on the shoulder
  2679. "Build me a good business and make me money. Can't be a productive worker if you're gonna sit and mope all day."
  2680. >"Aint that the truth."
  2681. >You stand up and adjust your suit for a bit, before giving the business owner a quick hug
  2682. >"Thanks Rich."
  2683. >He only chuckled
  2684. "Go get 'er, Anon."
  2685. >With a pat on the back, you briskly walk, then jog towards the elevators
  2686. >You reach for your cell phone
  2688. >You both pull up to the large house that Flash lived in
  2689. >He had a quite wealthy family, with a fairly large allowance
  2690. >If his car wasn't evident enough, the several motorcycles in the open garage, many bearing Flash's signature, were also evidence
  2691. >Flash tried to rush out of his side and make his way to the passenger side to be courteous, but you decided to let yourself out
  2692. >He paused for a moment, a tad unsure of himself
  2693. >You always let him open the door for you. Especially when you were... using him for your own purpose.
  2694. >But you were an independent girl now
  2695. >You can stand on equal ground now
  2696. >He seemed to be taken a bit aback by it, not expecting the sudden ego...
  2697. >or drop of it, in your case
  2698. >Flash instead turned around and began to walk into the small mansion
  2699. >You've been here countless times and casually follow him
  2700. >It didn't look like his parents were home. Both their cars weren't here, at least
  2701. >You walk into the entryway and take off your biking jacket, placing it up on the coat rack adjacent to the door like you always did
  2702. >The habit-like motions made you uneasy
  2703. >The relics of a former life
  2704. >You both move over to the living room, again not changed at all, and seat yourself
  2705. >You were stuck here for a while, so you guess you could make yourself comfortable
  2706. >Flash sat on the couch adjacent and slightly facing towards you, and grabbed the guitar that next to the couch, placing it on his lap
  2707. "You know... "
  2708. >Flash finally said after a while
  2709. "You never really learned to play the guitar. It's easier than it looks."
  2710. >You chuckle to yourself,
  2711. >"Yeah. I've actually been taking lessons from a new friend of mine."
  2712. >This time Flash gained his enthusiastic spark
  2713. "Really? Awesome! How long?"
  2714. >"Eh, I started just yesterday."
  2715. >You decided not to tell him the details of what happened because of those lessons
  2716. "That's good, though. Nothing like a good guitar to..."
  2717. >He emphasized by strumming a chord,
  2718. "Work out your stress."
  2719. >"Mmm..."
  2720. >You shuffle, a bit uncomfortably
  2721. >Another awkward pause
  2722. "So... Sorry to change keys here so quickly but..."
  2723. >Flash looked uncomfortable. He was justified in doing so, you never really let him confront you about anything before your breakup
  2724. "Maybe to pass the time, you can tell me about what happened at Canterlot High? Like, was it really an explosion like everyone says? And did you really do it?"
  2725. >You sighed, and leaned back
  2726. >You had two options:
  2727. >Tell him the 'realistic' alibi; You did, but got remorseful about it after Twilight confronted you about it. You tried to stop it, but it was too late. You all barely survived, and the explosion shockwave jarred a lot of people's heads so they couldn't remember.
  2728. >OR
  2729. >You could tell him the truth. You're an alien pony from another dimension, who was biding her time here until you could sneak in an ancient and powerful magic artifact here, use it to transform into a gigantic she-demon, and mind control a mass of humans, starting with Canterlot High, to be your personal army to claim Equestria for yourself. Of course to be beaten by Twilight and you ran away while everyone was covering it up.
  2730. >Either way, it wouldn't paint you in a good light. At all.
  2731. >But that's sort of what you deserved.
  2732. >What about telling him what happened after? You ran away in your shame and hid on the streets as a hobo, only to be saved by the most stupidly generous and kind person to exist? And now you're basically in love with this man?
  2733. >How'd Flash take that news, that he's been showed up so badly, he looks like a jerk in comparison?
  2734. >Not that he wasn't a jerk more times than you'd like...
  2735. >He could clearly tell you were debating yourself over this, and pretended to wait by practicing his guitar
  2736. >Finally, after a minute,
  2737. >"Yeah, it was a gas explosion. I sabotaged the line to get back at Twilight, but I really realized that was a mistake when it was too late."
  2738. >His eyes widened
  2739. "That's insane! I'd never think you'd do that, though."
  2740. >"Yeah. It wasn't me. And Twilight helped convince me that it wasn't. I tried to stop it, but it was too late. So, Celestia was generous and negotiated with the police."
  2741. >Flash was intently listening as you continued, dropping his guitar entirely
  2742. >"I got let off, on the condition I help rebuild. I did for a bit... but, I saw other students looking at me. The ones that weren't shocked by the explosion and could remember... So I ran away."
  2743. "Where?"
  2744. >"Just... away. I didn't have anywhere to live or go to, so I ended up on the streets."
  2745. >Flash ran a hand over his head in disbelief
  2746. "That's... I'm sorry.... But, you don't look homeless though. Plus, you got a bike. Where'd that come from?"
  2747. >"That's where things got... interesting. I was picked up by a random stranger. He gave me a home, food, clothes, a place to sleep. I thought it'd be a meager living until I could get back on my feet, but he just got a new job that made him super rich. I've been treated nicely ever since."
  2748. >This time Flash seemed shocked, and a bit worried
  2749. "That's almost too good to be true... You sure this guy means well, and not just..."
  2750. >You look at him in disgust. Anon would never!
  2751. >"Ew, no! I mean... Yeah, I sorta... got feelings for him now... "
  2752. "What?!"
  2753. >"He saved my life, and he's so kind. I don't know where I'd be without him."
  2754. >Suddenly, you heard a ringtone and something vibrating in your back pocket
  2755. >"Speaking of... I think that's him."
  2756. >You pull out your new phone, confirming that it was Anon calling you
  2757. >You swipe the 'answer' icon, (you'll never get tired of touchscreens) and bring the phone up
  2758. >"Hello?"
  2759. "Hey, Sunset."
  2760. >Anon seemed a bit breathless
  2761. >"Hey. What's up?"
  2762. "Well, I was about to ask that. How's the bike?"
  2763. >"Out of commission."
  2764. "What?! Did you crash?!"
  2765. >"No, fortunately. The mechanic said it was in really bad shape though and it'd take a while to fix."
  2766. "That's a relief..."
  2767. >You look over at Flash, that was giving you a critical expression, you ignored it
  2768. "Wait... where are you, then?"
  2769. >"I called an old... friend of mine... He picked me up and we're staying at his place until the bike's repaired."
  2770. >There was a pause
  2771. "Please tell me it isn't that pretentious Ex of yours, is it?"
  2772. >You chuckle, glancing at an oblivious Flash again
  2773. >"Yeah."
  2774. "Darn it, Sunset."
  2775. >You both share a laugh, but there was an edge to his voice you didn't like
  2776. >After a while,
  2777. >"So... what's wrong?"
  2778. "Eh... I got of work early. I got something we need to talk about."
  2779. >You felt a chill run up your spine. That wasn't a good tone.
  2780. >"Well... I can hang here until the bike's fixed, then I'll ride it home. You don't need to pick me up or anything."
  2781. >Another pause
  2782. "Okay. Guess I'll get dinner ready then... Just don't get in trouble, alright?"
  2783. >You chuckle
  2784. >"Okay, alright. Thanks though. See ya."
  2785. "Later, Sunny."
  2786. >*click*
  2787. >You look back at Flash, who had a blank face now
  2788. "I haven't heard you talk that way to someone in a long time..."
  2789. >"I've kinda... changed a lot since that day. I don't think I'm the same Sunset you remember."
  2790. "Nah, you aren't. But, anyways... I'm starving!"
  2791. >He said, making a complete 180 on his tone
  2792. "Wanna get something to eat?"
  2793. >You chuckle, lightly
  2794. >Perhaps he was your ex,
  2795. >But you were still friends, and past feelings shouldn't get in the way here
  2796. >"Heh, sure. I'm famished myself."
  2798. >You placed down your fork, laughing
  2799. >"Haha, I didn't know you had a crush on Twilight!"
  2800. >Flash blushed, scratching his head
  2801. "Yeah... I mean... she just came out of nowhere, and... she's a good singer, and she's cute..."
  2802. >He saw how you were looking at him and he coughed, shifting his eyes away
  2803. >You only laughed harder
  2804. >"Shame she's gone, then. Looks like you're really into her."
  2805. "Hehe... Yeah... Where did she go? Her friends only said she went 'out of town'..."
  2806. >You shifted slightly
  2807. >"Yeah... Out of town. I don't know where though..."
  2808. >He seemed really downtrodden about it
  2809. "Aw... "
  2810. >There was a small pause, then you smiled
  2811. >"I really missed this."
  2812. >Flash looked back up at you confused
  2813. "What? Hanging with me?"
  2814. >You chuckle,
  2815. >"Well, yes, but... Also just being able to sit down. Relax. Share jokes. Talk. Feel like I have a life."
  2816. >Flash's expressional changed to one of pity really quickly
  2817. "You really were out on the streets, weren't you?"
  2818. >Your smile faded, playing with the bit of salad you had left
  2819. >"Flash, I don't think I'd be alive if it weren't for Anon... That guy I told you about? I didn't have any money left. It was getting cold outside. I didn't even have anything to eat for several days straight... Just growing... weaker and weaker."
  2820. >You wiped a tear that was creeping out of your eye
  2821. >"He just suddenly came and... Well, he passed me that first time, only glancing at me. I could tell he wanted to help, but just kept walking... I had given up at that point. I thought my life was over..."
  2822. >You sniffed as you recalled the emotions you felt then
  2823. >"But then next thing I know, he dropped plastic bags full of hot food and water in front of me. Then a place to shower, sleep, and just provide shelter from the cold. I would have been fine with just the meal but..."
  2824. >You felt a hand on your shoulder as the tears began to really flow
  2825. "That's incredible,"
  2826. >Flash seemed almost disbelieving
  2827. "But... Why didn't you call me? I could have done something."
  2828. >It was hard to keep back tears now
  2829. >"I'm sorry, Flash. But I... I just felt so ashamed and scared from what I did to the school. I had no one to talk to, and nowhere to go. I hope you understand why..."
  2830. >He reeled back
  2831. "Oh! Yeah, yeah, obviously. Sorry I asked."
  2832. >"It's fine..."
  2833. >It fell deathly quiet between you two, not daring to look at each other
  2834. >Then
  2835. "This Anon guy... He seems really nice."
  2836. >There was a very obvious tinge of jealousy in his voice, intentional or not, you couldn't tell
  2837. >You decide to pretend to ignore it
  2838. >"Yeah..."
  2839. >You were worried about him
  2840. >He told you he needed to talk
  2841. >He was really concerned about something
  2842. >Did he fail at his job?
  2843. >Was he in debt as well?
  2844. >He didn't seem that desperate, but...
  2845. >He could be hiding it
  2846. >You glance at the kitchen clock
  2847. >It had been a couple hours already
  2848. >You wonder how long it would take for the bike to be finished
  2849. >You wonder if Anon's already home now, just waiting for you
  2850. >You sigh
  2851. >You saw Flash shift uncomfortably out the corner of your eye
  2852. >"Oh... I'm sorry."
  2853. "Nah, you're fine."
  2854. >Just then, you feel your phone vibrate slightly
  2855. >Pulling it out, you see you have a new text
  2856. --Bike's fixed! Come pick it up!
  2857. >"Well, that was quick..."
  2858. "Bike's done?"
  2859. >"Yeah."
  2860. "Heh, Rivet's a bit of a hardy to work with, but for a friend, he really can get things done... Ready to go?"
  2861. >"Yeah. Bet you wanna see it, don't you?"
  2862. >Flash cheered back up slightly
  2863. "You know it!"
  2865. >You made it to your apartment, finally
  2866. >A couple more bags of grocery for your close to capacity fridge now, and for the meal you wanted to try out
  2867. >A good, simple, but delicious seafood dinner sounded really nice
  2868. >You hope Sunset would appreciate it as well
  2869. >If she came home...
  2870. >Darn it don't think about that, Anon
  2871. >She was with an Ex, but only because she needed to be picked up
  2872. >She didn't sound like she had any feelings for him
  2873. >But then, of course
  2874. >Women
  2875. >Ugh, you had to calm down again
  2876. >You had time to think this out
  2877. >Time to explain
  2878. >Time to focus
  2879. >Setting the groceries on the table, you seat yourself down on the couch, throwing your jacket to the side
  2880. >This place seemed so... small now.
  2881. >Now that you were going to have enough money to get a house
  2882. >Heck, even more than a house, a mansion
  2883. >Big step from a small one bed, one bath flat, that's for sure
  2884. >You chill down and watch tv in the meanwhile, try to get your mind off things
  2885. >The occasional thought and panicky fear, but over time you felt your mind calm down after a while
  2886. >Finally, after a while, you get a text
  2887. --Bike fixed! Coming soon! :)
  2888. >You smile to yourself
  2889. >You were starting to feel a bit lonely
  2890. >It made a painful pang in your heart
  2891. >The fact that she might not be with you, and you'd have to experience that loneliness again...
  2892. >Ugh, bad feelings back
  2893. >You really didn't know what to do
  2894. >What to think
  2895. >What to say
  2896. >Looking back at the phone, you saw the last text conversation you had just recently
  2897. >Sighing and rolling your eyes
  2898. >You needed to vent...
  2899. >Maybe seek some advice first
  2900. >From a mutual friend.
  2901. >You reach your thumb over and hit the 'call button'
  2902. >It rang for a few seconds
  2903. "Hello, Anon."
  2904. >"Hi, Rara. Got a minute?"
  2906. "Awww! We're not gonna see her ever?!"
  2907. >Pinkie seemed the most downtrodden of your friends, telling her your and Anon's conclusion on what to do with Sunset Shimmer
  2908. "It just doesn't seem right."
  2909. >Applejack shook her head
  2910. "Your just lettin' her run off with a total stranger. She ain't from our world, you know."
  2911. >You folded your arms
  2912. >"Well, he isn't a COMPLETE stranger, Applejack. He's an old friend of mine. And actually, talking with him, he seemed very sincere on taking care of her."
  2913. >Fluttershy looked down, thinking to herself
  2914. "He sounds nice..."
  2915. >"He apparently is. But regardless of all that, his new career choice is something to be concerned of."
  2916. >The girls tilted their heads in confusion
  2917. >"He's pretty much become a top businessman of Rich inc."
  2918. >Rainbow blew some hair out of her face
  2919. "So, he's rich. Well, she must be happy."
  2920. >"Well, that's just the problem... Remember how Diamond Tiara used to always move around before she came here, and made arrangements to stay just because she wanted to stick with Silver Spoon?"
  2921. >Applejack and Fluttershy both perked up
  2922. "You sayin' she's gonna be movin' round with Anon if he goes somewhere on a meeting??"
  2923. "Oh... My... What if Twilight finds out?"
  2924. >"Exactly. I'm not sure how he feels about this... But we probably will need to talk with Sunset about it eventually... Given Anon's permission, obviously."
  2925. >Just then, you heard a soft jingle coming from your purse
  2926. >Rummaging through the bag, you pluck out your phone
  2927. >Anon's name betraying the source of the phone call
  2928. >"Speak of the devil... One moment girls."
  2929. >You answer the call, walking away from your curious friends
  2930. >"Hello, Anon."
  2931. "Hey, Rara. Got a minute?"
  2932. >His voice sounded peculiarly off
  2933. >Without the light or life he had when defending his new love
  2934. >"Um, actually I was meaning to talk to you about something, so, certainly!"
  2935. "Thanks..."
  2936. >He sighed quite audibly
  2937. "So, what did you wanna talk about?"
  2938. >He was avoiding something, you could tell
  2939. >"Oh... Well, I think I should be asking why you're calling first, darling."
  2940. >You chuckled innocently to lighten the mood somewhat
  2941. >It wasn't successful
  2942. >There was a long pause
  2943. "...I don't know what to do, Rarity."
  2944. >"Pardon?"
  2945. "It's Sunset. And this new job. "
  2946. >You breathed a partial sigh of relief to yourself as he continued
  2947. "She's happy here. I gave her a motorcycle, keys to the apartment, and just... a chance to be independent again, you know? And then... she calls me. Tells me she's hanging out with her ex-boyfriend again."
  2948. >You gasp
  2949. >She was with Flash Sentry again?! That was a very juicy piece of gossip indeed!
  2950. >Anon, however seemed to be increasingly more depressed as he spoke
  2951. "She told me it wasn't anything serious. The bike needed some repairs because it was old, and she needed a place to stay while she waited when I was gone... But... Ugh."
  2952. >You caught his hint
  2953. >"You're moving because of your job, aren't you?'
  2954. "To another country. In around two months or so. They want me to head a new branch there with Harshwhinny."
  2955. >"Oh my."
  2956. >You met that very stoic businesswoman once to tailor a dress for her
  2957. >She was the type that always got what she wanted
  2958. "And... I just don't know if Sunset would be happy going with me. She seems like she wants to go out and get back together with people she knew. Make amends for what she did... I don't blame her."
  2959. >Anon sniffed, making it obvious he's trying to hold back tears
  2960. >"Aw, Darling, I'm so sorry... I completely understand."
  2961. >You find a seat to make yourself more comfortable,
  2962. >"I actually was about to tell you the same, just given her prior life..."
  2963. "That also worries me... This 'Twilight'... Let's say your story was real in the first place, and she comes back looking for Sunset."
  2964. >You weren't surprised he didn't believe your story, but you continued to listen
  2965. "I'm not to fear some alien crossing the entire planet to bestow some... inter-dimensional supernatural punishment for taking a wanted criminal as a girlfriend, right?'"
  2966. >You chuckle, slightly, shaking your head
  2967. >Even at his lowest, Anon still found a sense of humor from somewhere
  2968. >"Absolutely not, Darling. I recall her as understanding and forgiving more than anyone else I know. She'd probably love the fact that Sunset found a purpose and belonging."
  2969. "...That's if she finds belonging with me."
  2970. >One step forwards, two steps back, Anon
  2971. >After another awkward pause
  2972. >"Are you going to tell her?"
  2973. "Over dinner tonight. Don't know what to say..."
  2974. >"Well... All I can really say, is tell her the truth. The whole truth. That you know who she is, where she comes from. You might not believe what I told you, but I can guarantee she knows it. Then tell her what your future plans are. And then... Well... Me and the girls were wanting to ask you permission to talk to her... We need to let her know that we forgive her. All of us."
  2975. >Anon was silent for a moment
  2976. "I'll ask her... Don't expect it though. She looked pretty hurt about her past still."
  2977. >You felt your heart sink slightly
  2978. >"Just don't protect her too much... Give her room to think and choose."
  2979. >Anon sighed
  2980. >Then finally, in almost a defeated, incredibly even tone
  2981. "Thanks, Rarity..."
  2982. *click*
  2983. >You pull the phone back to double check that he actually hung up on you
  2984. >You felt a bad taste in your mouth
  2985. >A ticking timebomb of past hurt and emotion was going to be unearthed much sooner than you expected
  2986. >"Rainbow Dash?"
  2987. "Yeah Rares?"
  2988. "You still have Flash Sentry's phone number, right?"
  2990. "There you go, Miss. It was a real hassle, but she's good as new!"
  2991. >You and Flash gawk as the sleek black motorcycle was rolled out of the garage, catching the autumn sun
  2992. >Flash was particularly impressed as you sign the paperwork and pay the hefty fee
  2993. "Whoever this Anon guy is, he's got really good taste!"
  2994. >He walked over to the bike and ran a hand over it
  2995. "This thing's a beast! And she's all yours?!"
  2996. >You blush slightly at how impressed he was
  2997. >"Yeah. Wanna see her in action?"
  2998. >He seemed a bit intimidated at your forwardness as you step up to him, then playfully shoved him aside
  2999. >Seating yourself on the bike, you reach down and turn the key
  3000. >The machine flares to life much more smoothly and steadily than before
  3001. >You now noticed how much it was sputtering and kicking before, now that it was refined to a very even rumble between your legs
  3002. >Kicking it into gear, you speed off into the parking lot surrounding the mechanic building, engines screaming
  3003. >You bank hard right, then left, keeping in perfect control as you dodged parked cars, street lamps and bumps
  3004. >You felt your hair flow freely behind you, the wind slapping your face with every increase of speed
  3005. >The vibrations of the bike moving up your entire body, feeling that raw power!
  3006. >That brief moment of bliss... Of just watching the world fly by, and nothing could stop you
  3007. >The speed of flight, like a pegasus soaring through towering clouds with its ultimate dexterity!
  3008. >The precision and technique, like a unicorn high atop the mountains, with precise mastery and control over the controls!
  3009. >And the raw strength and power of an Earth pony in full stampede!
  3010. >Your heart ached
  3011. >Missing the world of wonders that was Equestria,
  3012. >For as much as this one possessed
  3013. >There was nothing truly magical about it
  3014. >Only the magic of machines, and technology
  3015. >But certainly, this came close. It reminded you of the good times...
  3016. >Good times...
  3017. >Slowing down, you ride back to flash after your couple laps
  3018. >He seemed awe struck
  3019. >Your heart was racing and you were slightly breathless as you come to a slow stop in front of him
  3020. >"What'd you think of that?"
  3021. >Flash just stared,
  3022. "That was amazing."
  3023. >"I know... It's an amazing gift..."
  3024. "...I wasn't talking about the bike."
  3025. >You look up to him and see him blushing.
  3026. >You felt your cheeks flush in response
  3027. >He was way too close
  3028. >A thousand thoughts started screaming in your head
  3029. >Old memories
  3030. >The good times you had with Flash
  3031. >The rush of riding with him
  3032. >Using him...
  3033. >Ending up homeless...
  3034. >Anon
  3035. >Even though he was leaning in, you finally caught yourself
  3036. >Breaking away
  3037. >"A-anon's probably waiting for me... I should probably go."
  3038. >Flash looked severely disappointed
  3039. "Yeah... Yeah, I guess so... So... See ya around?"
  3040. >You refused to look at him as he handed you your helmet
  3041. >"Yeah... I guess so."
  3042. >You shift gears and rev the engine loudly, before speeding off, not looking back
  3043. >Taking a deep breath, you sigh as you sped off towards Anon's apartment
  3044. >You never really had feelings for him, anyways.
  3046. >You were chopping up some veggies when you heard the deep rumble of your bike approaching
  3047. >Sighing and wiping sweat off your brow, you felt sick in anticipation
  3048. >You were still mulling over your talk with Rarity
  3049. >It had calmed you down somewhat, but at the same time, you only felt more apprehensive upon the approaching time
  3050. >You felt sick with anxiety
  3051. >You could hear her approaching the door
  3052. >Alright, Anon
  3053. >Just... calm down for a sec
  3054. >It's going to be her choice
  3055. >Her's alone.
  3056. >The key jingled, then the door lock snapped
  3057. >You had your back turned to her as she entered
  3058. >You busied yourself with the veggies even more as you heard her walk up to you
  3059. >Arms wrapped themselves around your waist
  3060. >You couldn't help but freeze as she gave you a close and intimate embrace
  3061. >Complete with a peck on the cheek
  3062. >Oh why must you do this, Sunny?
  3063. "Hey, CEO. Smells great!"
  3064. >You were silent, trying to control your breathing and letting yourself lean into her
  3065. >It seemed her initial attempts to cheer you up didn't work, so she became a tad more serious
  3066. "Looks like you've had a bad day..."
  3067. >"You could say that..."
  3068. "I-if this is about Flash, I swear, I..."
  3069. >"No, it isn't him."
  3070. >You turn around slowly to look at her
  3071. >Her hair was whipped by the wind into a tussle, hanging about her more wild than ever before
  3072. >She looked amazing
  3073. >If it weren't for the fact that she seemed deeply concerned
  3074. >"Could... could we sit down?"
  3075. "Oh... Um. Yeah. Sure.
  3076. >She let go of you as you walk past her to the living room, sighing as you sat down on the couch
  3077. >She sat next to you, placing a hand on your lap
  3078. >It didn't take long
  3079. "It's about work, isn't it? Did you get fired?"
  3080. >Honestly, that'd be better than this, you thought
  3081. >"No... It's not that."
  3082. "Then what's wrong?"
  3083. >You looked at her for a moment
  3084. >Considering what you were going to say
  3085. >No matter what, she had to know
  3086. >At least hear it from you, than hear it from someone else
  3087. >"Truth is... I... Well..."
  3088. >You sighed
  3089. >"I know everything."
  3090. >She blinked
  3091. "What do you mean?"
  3092. >"Well, I mean that when I talked to Rarity, she told me everything. About you. Where you came from."
  3093. >Her eyes slowly, but surely widened, with a distinct glimmer of fear
  3094. "Wh- what?"
  3095. >"Especially what happened at the school. "
  3096. >She drew back, hand on her chest as she stared at you defensively
  3097. >"But it's not just that Sunset, I..."
  3098. >She stood up, still facing you
  3099. >You didn't stop
  3100. "Well... My job now comes with a new requirement. I'm going to have to move. To another country. In about two months."
  3101. >She stepped back, shaking her head
  3102. "N- no..."
  3103. >"Sunset,"
  3104. >You stood to meet her, she took another step
  3105. >"I just... I love you. And I don't hate you for where you come from, or who or what you are. Who cares if you are some inter-dimensional rogue on the run? I just want to know... If... If you want to leave that all behind, and... come with me, perhaps? Living a life of riches and wealth forever?"
  3106. >You opened your arms, invitingly
  3107. >She just stared at you,
  3108. >"To be honest, I- I don't know if I could live with myself if you don't go. I don't know what I'd do."
  3109. >She was silent, a tear streaked down her cheek
  3110. >Please Sunset... Please say yes!
  3111. >She looked down, then around her, finally back at you
  3112. "Anon... I... I don't know..."
  3113. >You felt a big lump in your throat, barely able to breathe
  3114. >"Please..."
  3115. >She kept stepping backwards
  3116. "I... I can't..."
  3117. >You felt yourself tensing up
  3118. >"Sunset, please..."
  3119. "Anon... I..."
  3120. >She was fully crying now, hand cupped over her mouth
  3121. "I can't!"
  3122. >She turned about and ran through the open door
  3123. >"Sunset?! SUNSET WAIT, I-"
  3124. >The door slammed
  3125. >You stood there, arm outstretched
  3126. >Motionless in shock as you hear her running away
  3127. >A few seconds later, the motorcycle started again, and rode off
  3128. >You turned at watched her speed away
  3129. >Why aren't you going after her?
  3132. >DO SOMETHING!!!
  3133. >You fell to your knees as she disappeared around a corner
  3134. >Even from here, you could see the dark trail she left behind, left by her tears staining the road
  3136. >You put down the phone
  3137. >That was an... interesting conversation you had with Flash
  3138. >The girls had left some time ago, leaving you alone in your house
  3139. >Apparently Flash had just been with Sunset, and seemed... rather bothered by something
  3140. >You were going to have to see for yourself, how-
  3141. >The door knocked, loudly
  3142. >Now, who would be coming to visit at THIS hour?
  3143. >You prayed it wasn't Anon again, to complain about something you said to Sunset or him
  3144. >Taking a deep sigh, you rouse yourself off the couch as always and tidy your appearance somewhat
  3145. >Always look presentable, of course
  3146. >You walk up to the door and look past the frosted glass panes
  3147. >Those colors... It can't be...
  3148. >Your hand slammed on the door handle and you opened it rather quickly
  3149. >"Sunset Shimmer?"
  3150. >She seemed a bit startled by how quickly you came out,
  3151. >But you immediately noticed something else
  3152. >The red eyes and dark streaks on her face meant only one thing else
  3153. >"Oh my goodness darling! What happened?!"
  3154. >First she looked at you with absolute sadness... then it evolved slowly to frustration...
  3155. >Then finally rage
  3156. >She grabbed you by the hem of your shirt
  3157. >You recognized that same, violent glare Sunset was once famous for
  3158. "You... You TOLD him?!"
  3159. >Her voice was choked with emotion
  3160. >"Now, c-calm down, darling. Let me explain."
  3161. >She was breathing heavily, her face pressed up against yours
  3162. >"Anon needed to know... He... He told me he was leaving first, and didn't know what to tell you. It was only the proper thing to do."
  3163. >Her grip on you was weakening, her face still contorted, but you could see it dimming
  3164. >It just wasn't in her anymore, and you could tell by the weakness of her voice
  3165. "But... why?"
  3166. >You took a few breaths, looking her straight in the eye, building the words in your head deliberately
  3167. >"Because he loves you, Sunset."
  3168. >She blinked a couple times, the anger slowly draining from her face
  3169. >Then she sniffed, her eyes glazing over
  3170. >Finally she collapsed, barely leaning on your leg
  3171. >Sobbing
  3172. >You stood there awkwardly for a moment, but your heart began to ache at the sight, so you kneel down to meet her
  3173. >You reached to give her a comforting hand, but she surprised you by leaning forwards and wrapping you in a tight bear-hug
  3174. >You flinched, becoming immobilized by her... rather strong grip
  3175. >She didn't seem to care about possibly hurting you, however, and held onto you as if for dear life, sobbing into your shoulder
  3176. "I'm so, so s-sorry, Rarity! I'm so sorry for what I said! W-what I did! I wish all of that never happened... W-would you ever forgive me?"
  3177. >You hesitantly respond, lightly returning her embrace with a delicate pat
  3178. >"I... Forgive you, Sunset Shimmer... I've been meaning to all this time, and I'm rather seeking your forgiveness... For my own rudeness."
  3179. >There was a small pause in the hiccups on your shoulder as she leaned her head on you
  3180. >You were sort of at a loss for what to do... But... You couldn't just sit here."
  3181. >"Let's go inside. Out of this cold, alright?"
  3182. >She only nodded in response, lightening her grip and allowing you to finally breathe
  3183. >You took a moment to regain your composure, then finally help her up onto her feet
  3184. >Sunset masked her face with a hand, as you guide her inside, closing the door behind you
  3185. >She sat on the couch, not caring to remove her riding boots
  3186. >Eh, you could clean the carpets later
  3187. >You did take a moment, however, to note the rather sleek motorcycle jacket and matching boot combo
  3188. >The shirt and jeans fitted rather well with the look
  3189. >"Would you like some tea?"
  3190. >She sniffed, trying to regain her composure
  3191. "Y-yes."
  3192. >You stared at her for a while
  3193. >It was hard to realize that this was the very same Sunset Shimmer that embarrassed you on so many public occasions
  3194. >She seemed so... pitiful
  3195. >You wondered why Anon wasn't calling you yet
  3196. >Perhaps he didn't think she'd head straight to you?
  3197. >Regardless, you were setting up a calming blend of tea that would be sure to comfort the downtrodden girl
  3198. >Getting the water on the stove to boil, you heard your phone ring from your purse on the other side of the kitchen
  3199. >That was probably him
  3200. >You leave your tea for a moment to grab the phone, confirming that it was Anon
  3201. >You pick it up, and opened your mouth to say "hello"
  3202. "She's gone."
  3203. >Anon beat you to the punch
  3204. "I told her... I told her what I knew and what was going on, and ... she just ran out the door."
  3205. >You took a sigh, and kept your voice low.
  3206. >"I know."
  3207. "And now I don't know where she... What?!"
  3208. >"I know. She's here."
  3209. >There was a long pause
  3210. "How is she?"
  3211. >"Teary, but fine."
  3212. "I'm coming."
  3213. >"Now, you might want to hold out on that, darling."
  3214. >He sighed
  3215. "Rara, I swear to god..."
  3216. >"I just need to calm her down first. Then I'll call you back"
  3217. >Another long pause
  3218. "Alright. Just... don't take long please."
  3219. >He sounded incredibly strained
  3220. >Probably had just finished sobbing his grief all out
  3221. >You rubbed your face
  3222. >"Alright, darling. Don't harm yourself."
  3223. *click*
  3224. >You sigh
  3225. >This was going to be a problem
  3226. >You had a crying girl in your living room, her boyfriend was pretty much on his way here regardless...
  3227. >And you didn't even tell him that her ex would also be arriving soon
  3229. >You look up as Rarity offered you your cup of tea
  3230. >You sniffed back another wave of tears, most of the sobbing held back by this point
  3231. >"Th- Thank you..."
  3232. >You took a sip as she sat across from you,
  3233. >It was a particularly sweet and soothing blend with lavender
  3234. >You felt it warming you from the inside, giving waves of soothing relief from your twisted up insides as you downed more
  3235. >Gave you time... to think...
  3236. >"Who... Who was that on the phone?"
  3237. >Rarity sighed, a tone of apprehensiveness in her voice
  3238. "It was... It was nobody. Just arranging an appointment, that's all.
  3239. >She chuckled oddly
  3240. "However, we might be expecting company soon."
  3241. >You perked up slightly
  3242. >"Who?"
  3243. >Rarity shifted,
  3244. "Hopefully we'll be over with this whole debacle before that. You need not worry yourself, darling. Here, let me take your jacket."
  3245. >She helped you out of the leather coat, which you had to admit, felt uncomfortable after a while
  3246. >Especially with the sweat and tears that covered it
  3247. >You tried to take another deep breath to stabilize yourself
  3248. >You... you were a wreck, Sunset
  3249. >You thought you were on top of it all, and...
  3250. >It just crumbled down again, just like last time.
  3251. >But...
  3252. >Why did it hurt so much more worse than last time?
  3253. >You shivered slightly at the thought
  3254. >You couldn't understand
  3255. >Why did he have to leave?
  3256. >Yes, his job required him to do so...
  3257. >But he confessed his love to you and his need to be with you
  3258. >Much like how you... loved him
  3259. >Another wave of tears started to well up
  3260. >"Why does he have to go?"
  3261. >You muttered under your breath, bringing your hands to your face
  3262. >Rarity leaned forwards in her seat
  3263. "Darling, I know it's hard... But it's only a choice."
  3264. >"But... But I know I can't."
  3265. "And why can't you?"
  3266. >"I... I don't know."
  3267. >You sniffed, looking away
  3268. >You took several deep breaths to calm yourself
  3269. >that tea really was helping
  3270. "Is it because you think Twilight would come after you if you did?"
  3271. >You shake your head
  3272. "Do you not want to be separated from the portal in case it opens again?"
  3273. >"No... It's not that either... I'm not attatched that much to this place anymore. There's little I can really do here, to be honest... I'm just... j-just..."
  3274. >You mask your face tearfully
  3275. >"I'm afraid."
  3276. >It felt oddly relieving to be telling the truth
  3277. >Yet your stomach felt queasy in admitting it
  3278. >Rarity only stared on as you continued
  3279. >"I- I'm afraid of what might happen."
  3280. >You lean in closer
  3281. >"Do you know what I saw when I put on that crown, Rarity?"
  3282. >She slowly leaned back, her attention cautiously focused
  3283. >She shook her head
  3284. >You sniffed, letting the tears of memory flow as you finally could say it
  3285. >To release what you've held inside since that day
  3286. >That has been poisoning you from the inside with your inability to scream and rip it out
  3287. >Now you could, and tear it out you shall
  3288. >Your eyes narrowed
  3289. >"I saw... I saw pain. I saw the faces of everyone I had hurt. How I hurt them. When and where. And I... I felt it."
  3290. >Rarity brought a hand to her mouth
  3291. >"I saw what it was like... To be mocked... Abused. Used. And dominated by someone like me. Someone who fell to greed and power so easily and stepped on everyone else's heads just to achieve it! And I... I could only just there and... cry."
  3292. >You hug yourself, feeling sick
  3293. >"Cry as that corruption... that monster... take control of my own body. What you saw... That wasn't me. It never was me. And you all freed me from my own demon..."
  3294. >Rarity let out a small smile
  3295. "Of course. That's what friends are for. We only wanted to help you, Sunset."
  3296. >You gave her a dark glare
  3297. >"But when Anon offered to take me with him... Rarity, I felt that same pain. That same darkness from within... Burning. He's offering me riches, power, and freedom beyond everything I dreamed, and... I don't want to hurt him."
  3298. >Rarity dropped the smile again
  3299. >"The evilness... The greed... It's never gone. It's just... Dormant. It's a vice I'll always live with, I fear."
  3300. >You sigh
  3301. >"I deserve this. I deserve dying on the streets. Only fitting that the girl who wanted everything..."
  3302. >You bury your face in your hands
  3303. >"Dies with nothing."
  3304. >There was a long moment of silence
  3305. >You felt a hand on your shoulder
  3306. "Now, that's dangerous talk, Darling."
  3307. >Rarity lifted your chin with a finger, bringing you to look at her with blurred eyes
  3308. "Sunset, we are all with our own vices and weaknesses. But it is never right to run away from them. You will only be met with failure and suffering."
  3309. >You felt your hands delicately being lifted up, Rarity encouraging you to stand
  3310. >"You can fall, you can have several failures in life, but if you always return to meet the challenge again,"
  3311. >Rarity was tearing up herself
  3312. >"You will always succeed. Especially with true friends like Anon by your side."
  3313. >You felt yourself breaking down again
  3314. >Your eyes becoming too painful to keep open, you pull Rarity back into a tight hug
  3315. >"I- I'm so scared..."
  3316. "I know darling... We all are sometimes..."
  3317. >Suddenly, the door knocked
  3318. >There was a pause, and then finally Rarity sighed
  3319. "Oh goodness... He's early."
  3320. >"W-who?"
  3321. >You slowly pull away from each other,
  3322. >Wiping your eyes to get a better view
  3323. >Rarity looked incredibly irritated as she turned about
  3324. "Excuse me for a moment, Darling."
  3326. >You attempt to regain a more formal appearance as you step before the door
  3327. >You hated getting emotional before guests arrive, ruined your look so quickly
  3328. >But regardless, you let your annoyance make itself known on your expression as you opened the door
  3329. >Flash stood, rather stiffly before you
  3330. >He gave you a smile
  3331. "H-hey Rarity. I... Oh. Is this a bad time?"
  3332. >Your look of annoyance worked
  3333. >"It sort of is..."
  3334. "But... You called me over."
  3335. >You sighed
  3336. >"Yes, I did... However, I got some unexpected... company."
  3337. "Flash?"
  3338. >You took an aggravated breath as his eyes widened
  3339. "Sunset?"
  3340. >He looked past you to see the downtrodden girl standing behind you
  3341. "What's she doing here?"
  3342. >You folded your arms, trying to come up with an excuse that wouldn't be too inflaming
  3343. >"She... Had a bit of a crisis. Mostly just a girl thing."
  3344. >He shifted on his feet
  3345. "O-oh... Well... I mean, I don't want to impose, but..."
  3346. >He sighed,
  3347. "I really need to talk with Sunset. If... if she's alright with it."
  3348. >He was looking towards her for approval, you turn likewise to see her decision
  3349. >She seemed at least mostly back together, standing a bit straighter and her expression hid her weakness
  3350. >She looked at you two in confusion for a moment, before stuttering
  3351. "Um... S-sure."
  3352. >You stepped aside, Sunset apparently willing to discuss this with Flash
  3353. >Flash walked in, and then up to Sunset, completely silent
  3354. "So, what did you want to talk about?"
  3355. >Sunset asked, rather innocently
  3356. >Flash shuffled uncomfortably
  3357. "Look, Sunset... I... I was just wanting to ask you... well, you see..."
  3358. >He sighed again, irritated
  3359. "You've changed, Sunset. You've changed a lot. And I really want to know why."
  3360. >Sunset paled slightly
  3361. "Because... Because I really don't think you're fooling anyone. "
  3362. >Oh that caused you and Sunset Shimmer both to double take something fierce
  3363. "What... What are you talking about?"
  3364. "You know what I mean. Getting together with another guy, becoming all 'innocent'... Calling me because you were 'stuck' at the mechanic and flirting with me. That's just not right."
  3365. >You were breathless as you covered your hanging mouth
  3366. >She was FLIRTING with him?!
  3367. >...Or was she?
  3368. >You watch as Sunset, likewise, was taken off guard and held an incredulous gaze
  3369. >Flash, however, was shaking his head
  3370. "If you're trying to get back at me... That's fine. I get it. I was a jerk. Doesn't mean that you shouldn't bring things back up."
  3371. "I... I never."
  3372. "Just face it, Sunset. You're just trying to get ahead of everyone again after YOU blew up the school because I like Twilight more than you! You crazy, power hungry bitch!"
  3373. >He pointed an accusing finger at Sunset
  3374. >Your jaw was liable to hit the floor at this point
  3375. >Sunset reeled back, tearing up in absolute shock
  3376. >There was a long moment of silence
  3377. >Sunset then fell to her knees, covering her face and sobbing
  3378. >You finally regained your senses
  3379. >"FLASH SENTRY! How dare you accuse her of such things!"
  3380. >He turned to you, the anger burning brightly in his eyes
  3381. "You haven't lived with her, Rarity. You don't know what it's like to be used by her over and over again and you can't even complain once. I thought she was better... I thought she learned, but... Nope. She's just the same old Sunset."
  3382. >"Now darling, she HAS changed. What makes you think-"
  3383. >You were about to retort, but a green hand came from the corner of your vision and cut you off, tapping Flash on the shoulder
  3384. "If I may object, your honor, I have a compelling retort:"
  3385. *BIFF*
  3387. >The sudden noise of Flash dropping to the floor made both Rarity and Sunset drop
  3388. >Your knuckles ached tremendously after that solid sucker punch to the jaw
  3389. >But man, did it feel GREAT.
  3390. >Flash moaned slightly as Sunset, shocked, looked up from her curled up form
  3391. "A- Anon?!"
  3392. >The pretentious teenager was already trying to shuffle to his feet
  3393. >"You think she's evil, eh? You wanna know what's really evil?"
  3394. >You kick Flash in the ribs, knocking the air out of him
  3395. "ANON!"
  3396. >Rarity yelped
  3397. >"Helping out an old girlfriend, restoring a relationship, and perhaps fixing things up, but then you just had to tear her down."
  3398. >Flash was a resilient faggot, unfortunately, getting back up before you could kick him again
  3399. >"Now THAT is evil."
  3400. >He spat out a little bit of blood, which made Rarity all the more insane with the filth being spread around
  3401. >Sorry girls, this is a guy fight
  3402. "Look bud, I don't know what your problem is, but this is something between me and Sunset here."
  3403. >"Oh, if it involves Sunset, it's involving me too, bud. And no one, and I mean NO ONE is getting away with insulting her like that!"
  3404. >Flash put up his fists
  3405. "She was my girl first!"
  3406. >You put up fists at the ready to match him
  3407. >Oh this faggot's going down
  3408. >Suddenly a white mass was standing between you and him
  3409. "WAAAIT!"
  3410. >Rarity's screaming made you flinch, same with Flash Sentry
  3411. "As much as you two could settle this in fisticuffs, to preserve what little clean floors I have left, I have another solution."
  3412. >She gave you a wink, before turning to Flash
  3413. "I'm sorry in advance, Flash, Darling"
  3414. *WHAP*
  3415. >She flung her purse HARD into Flash's head
  3416. >Something hard collided, and he slumped to a crude heap
  3417. >Standing over him, Rarity reached into her purse, pulling out, to your and Sunset's astonishment, a big brick
  3418. "No one, and I mean, absolutely NO ONE spits blood in MY household! So uncouth and filthy!"
  3420. >Rarity, after a breath, dusted herself off
  3421. "Apologies, Darling. You know how I get about filth. Goodness that is going to take several runs of detergent to clean up!"
  3422. >You ignore her and step over the unconscious body to a shocked and speechless Sunset
  3423. >"You alright?"
  3424. >She stared wide eyed at Flash, but after a while, looked back up
  3425. "You... You came back for me?"
  3426. >"I couldn't just sit back and let you run away again, now could I?"
  3427. >She looked down, shamefully
  3428. "He... he was right..."
  3429. >You sighed as Rarity began to drag Flash out of the door behind you
  3430. >"C'mon... Let's go sit down."
  3431. >You lead her towards the couches, arm wrapped around her delicately
  3432. >The walk was an eerie mirror of that first day on the street
  3433. >Sitting yourselves down, you felt her lean into you
  3434. >"Listen, Sunset... None of what he said was true. None of it, you hear me?"
  3435. >You lean down, covering her protectively
  3436. >"You're the nicest, kindest, and most amazing girl I've ever met. Period."
  3437. >She sniffed, holding onto you
  3438. "But... But what if I turn back? What if I become who I was again?"
  3439. >You could feel the fear in her voice
  3440. >"Then I'd remind you of who you were. You'd never hurt me, right?"
  3441. >She sniffed again, and fell silent for a long while
  3442. >You heard a car door slam in the distance
  3443. "I was so scared... I don't know what I'd do..."
  3444. >"I'm scared, too, Sunset. I don't know what I'm going to do either."
  3445. >You hug her tighter, as if it was going to be your last
  3446. >"I'm scared because I don't know if you'd be happy with me."
  3447. >She buried her face into you,
  3448. "Th- Thank you..."
  3449. >You both fell silent, just enjoying each other's presence for that moment
  3450. >No worrying about the future anymore
  3451. >No more drama
  3452. >Just hold each other for comfort and reassurance
  3453. >You're still here, even for this moment
  3454. >You were still here...
  3456. >The rest of the night came by like a blur
  3457. >Rarity dragged Flash back to his car and drove him home to wake up with a nasty black eye and a missing tooth
  3458. >You finished your cuddling with Sunset and took Rarity's car so she would have a ride back
  3459. >After that whole ordeal, Rarity told you about the talk she and Sunset had together before Flash came in and spoiled the party
  3460. >You and Sunset both thanked Rarity graciously for her help, and even helped her clean up most of the blood stains
  3461. >After a while, you left Rarity to finish her work and finally decided to head home, Sunset closely in tow
  3462. >You had to admit, the bike looked sleek, seeing the repairs
  3463. >Even sleeker with Sunset riding it
  3464. >You smiled, driving behind her and seeing her smoothly navigate the road
  3465. >You made it home finally, the sun long gone out of the sky
  3466. >Hand around Sunset's waist, together you returned to the apartment
  3467. >It was a very unceremonious return. Sunset got herself out of her riding clothes while you decided to scrap most of the dinner and fry the fish, both of you too worn out to care
  3468. >You ate, mostly in silence
  3469. >The few conversations you had weren't related to the situation. A bit about the bill for the bike, a little about Rarity, but apart from that, nothing much
  3470. >When you both were finished, you resigned to simply throw your dishes into the sink for later, and then after a simple change of clothes, collapsed on the bed
  3471. >Sunset held close, taking comfort in each other's embrace, the night ended quietly with the most satisfying sleep you've ever had in your life.
  3473. >"C'mon Sunset, we're going to be late!"
  3474. >You tapped your foot impatiently as the girl was busy in the bathroom
  3475. "Just a couple more minutes! I promise!"
  3476. >You roll your eyes, but smile nonetheless
  3477. >They wouldn't mind you being a couple minutes late, you reckon
  3478. >Finally , she stepped out of the bathroom
  3479. >She was wearing a red dress with a single golden stripe around the torso
  3480. >Her hair combed and waving like a beautiful fire, and her blue-green eyes were sparkling
  3481. >So much had changed from that day you found her on the streets
  3482. >Where you brought in a dirty, abandoned, helpless girl on a mere generous whim
  3483. >And in the course of days, watched her evolve to someone that took your heart like a flame
  3484. >You nurtured her, cared for her, and brought her back from the edge of an abyss
  3485. >And even though she was scared... scared of who she was, and who she would become
  3486. >You believed in her
  3487. >And that strengthened her to overcome her fears
  3488. >And while an entire month had passed after that crucial argument, which tore some friendships and reformed others...
  3489. >You had one final surprise to complete this process that awaited her at the end of this trip
  3490. >It took so much collaboration, so much planning
  3491. >But you pulled it off, believe it or not
  3492. >You sighed, looking over the amazing woman that stood before you
  3493. >"You look beautiful."
  3494. >She tossed a lock of hair out of her face, giving a humored smirk
  3495. "Thanks. Ready to go?"
  3496. >"We should have been going ten minutes ago! Come on!"
  3497. >You both chuckled as you took her by the hand and dragged her through the front door, and down the steps to the parking lot
  3498. >Replacing the old beater up sedan you used to own, a sleek black sports car stood in your spot
  3499. >Not wasting any time getting in, you ignite the engine,
  3500. >The rumble shook both of you and made your heart rate rise
  3501. >You still had to get used to that...
  3502. >"Eh, we can probably catch up. What do you think?"
  3503. >She laughed,
  3504. "Just don't get pulled over, alright?"
  3505. >"I own half the city! I can pull over the cops!"
  3506. >You rev the engine and back out of the parking lot
  3507. >Shifting gears, you hit the gas and speed out into the streets
  3508. >Both laughing in the rush of speed, you make your way down towards downtown
  3509. >It only took a few minutes to get on the highway, giving you a chance to breathe
  3510. >Finally, Sunset spoke up
  3511. "I'm going to miss this."
  3512. >You felt your smile fade a bit, but you gave an understanding nod
  3513. >"You know, you could still come with me."
  3514. "We've already talked about this, Anon... I can't leave this place. At least not permanently."
  3515. >You chuckle
  3516. >"I know, I know. "
  3517. >You sighed
  3518. >"At least I can spend this remaining time with you, eh?"
  3519. >She sighed, leaning over from her seat to rest her head on your shoulder
  3520. "Yeah. And I wouldn't have it any other way."
  3521. >You take a relaxing breath as you speed down the road
  3522. >You had tried to convince her to come with you, and you had discussed it for days and days and days...
  3523. >But she over time explained everything
  3524. >And you mean, everything
  3525. >And you had to admit, she had a solid case
  3526. >And as heartbreaking as it was... You both collaborated to account for things
  3527. >So far, you had arrangements with Rarity's friends, after a tearful reunion, that she could stay in their places as much as she'd like
  3528. >As well, you'd pay to have her come and meet you whenever she'd want
  3529. >But there was another surprise that you had arranged
  3530. >And you dearly hoped that she'd like it
  3532. >You both pulled into the executive parking lot, which was much closer than you'd thought
  3533. >Rather enthusiastically, Anon jumped out of his seat and jogged around the car to let you out
  3534. >Stepping out, you give him a questioning look
  3535. >"Well you're excited."
  3536. >He gave you a wink and, arm wrapped around, led you to the elevators
  3537. "It's been a while since... I've been here with you, that's all."
  3538. >You could tell by his voice he was hiding something
  3539. >You raise a curious eyebrow, and he shifts as he presses the elevator button leading to the top most floor
  3540. >You had to admit, he wasn't wrong
  3541. >You stood close to him as the floors went up and up and up...
  3542. >You could feel him stiffen up and sweat
  3543. >Yeah, he was really hiding something
  3544. >Perhaps a farewell party?
  3545. >It was a bit early, but with Anon's new schedule and all, it was hard to tell
  3546. >He had made the most of it, spending all of his free time with you
  3547. >Teaching you more how to play the guitar
  3548. >Riding together
  3549. >Making memories that you would cherish forever...
  3550. >And it hurt so much to be separated from him, but...
  3551. >With Twilight to worry about, and the fact that you might not be there when the portal opened again
  3552. >Would you really risk that chance? To never see your old mentor and make amends?
  3553. >It was a sacrifice you had to make, and you had to face what you had done
  3554. >Not run away from your problems
  3555. >Not anymore
  3556. >And besides,
  3557. >You couldn't risk giving into greed again
  3558. >And Anon, amazingly, was understanding of it all
  3559. >You sighed as the top floor was announced with a "DING"
  3560. >Regardless of what happens, Anon was someone you were going to be forever grateful for-
  3561. "SURPRISE!"
  3562. >The doors opened to reveal a huge crowd of people standing before you
  3563. >Standing in front of them was Twilight's friends, all open armed and with big welcoming grins
  3564. >You look around at all the people
  3565. >They were... welcoming
  3566. >Happy to see... you?
  3567. >"What is this?"
  3568. >You whispered
  3569. >Anon just nudged you
  3570. "Happy Birthday, Sunny."
  3571. >You looked at him blankly
  3572. >He just shrugged
  3573. "What? You thought I'd FORGET your birthday?"
  3574. >"Anon, I... I don't know what to say."
  3575. >Rarity stepped forwards, in a very gorgeous gown
  3576. "Well, we're here to celebrate you, Sunset. For the happiness, friendship, and love that you had brought to us."
  3577. >You were already teary eyed
  3578. >They were here to celebrate... You.
  3579. >Sunset Shimmer
  3580. >You were speechless, but even then, they wouldn't have let you said anything before Pinkie grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you deeper into the crowd
  3581. "C'mon! We got so many things for you!"
  3582. >The party girl led you to a stack of presents... piled higher than you!
  3583. >You were awestruck
  3584. >You couldn't comprehend that someone actually appreciated you for who you were outside Anon...
  3585. >Much less, ALL these people!
  3586. >You couldn't take it...
  3587. >It was so much to take in
  3588. >You collapsed to your knees, unable to suppress tears
  3589. >A hand immediately rested on your shoulder, with a gentle touch you always recognized
  3590. >"You shouldn't have done this for me..."
  3591. >Anon chuckled
  3592. "Well, I mean, I had to get some stuff to fill that old place. Make it more livable, you know?"
  3593. >You turned to look at him, his face donned a caring smile
  3594. >"Wh- What do you mean?"
  3595. >The room was silent
  3596. >Anon reached slowly into his pocket.
  3597. >And pulled out a single key
  3598. >You recognized it as being identical to the spare key to the apartment...
  3599. >But why would-?
  3600. >No, he wouldn't...
  3601. >"It's yours. That apartment, everything in it, the bike, and even my car."
  3602. >You looked up at him, confusingly
  3603. >"But what about rent? Utilities? I don't have a job. I can't afford it."
  3604. >His smile only grew
  3605. "All paid for. As long as I'm breathing, you won't pay a cent. *ahem* um... Thanks to Mr. Rich's help of course. He arranged stuff with the landlord."
  3606. >Your jaw could hit the floor as he helped you up back to your feet, to weak in shock to help yourself
  3607. >"And all these presents are..."
  3608. "Furniture. Decorations. Some appliances. Hand picked them all for you."
  3609. >You could not believe your ears
  3610. "I just hope that next time I come by to visit, I'll see a place that you'll be glad to live in. A place that when I come by and visit, that we both can call it... home."
  3611. >You stared into each other for the longest time
  3612. >The meaning of all this almost going over your head from just how incredible it was!
  3613. >Finally, it hit
  3614. >And your heart ached
  3615. >You teared up
  3616. >And finally you responded in the only way you felt it should
  3617. >You leaned forwards and gave him the most grateful, loving, and passionate kiss you have ever given
  3618. >Forever you had feared the sunset in your own life quickly approaching
  3619. >To be abandoned by those you had crushed
  3620. >But now and forever always
  3621. >Anon would keep the sun high, giving you a fresh start, and a brand new life
  3622. >A new life that was only just beginning.
  3624. The End
  3626. Epilogue
  3627. >You could barely hear yourself as the music was pounding away in the school gym
  3628. >Pinkie and that DJ girl were both leading the crowd as the party really started to kick into gear
  3629. >The school was celebrating the Rainboom's victory of the Battle of the Bands tonight, and you had every right to enjoy it as much as everyone else
  3630. >Yet... despite stepping out from the sidelines, to not only fight for yourself, but for every other member of Canterlot High and Equestria, you felt isolated
  3631. >Sitting on the edge of the crowd, while Rarity and Fluttershy conversed over punch, you looked longingly over the dancing students
  3632. >You felt a hand on your shoulder
  3633. "Darling, why the long face? You should be celebrating with us!"
  3634. >You give a kind smile in return, now that you were a part of the band, (thanks to Anon's guitar lessons) you felt much more comfortable around them
  3635. >"I know. I'm just... "
  3636. >You look off, and Rarity gave you an understanding look
  3637. "You miss Anon, don't you?"
  3638. >"He hasn't been here in months. He hasn't even called me in a while."
  3639. "He's just probably busy, darling. He is a high profile businessman after all."
  3640. >She said it with a hint of admiration. Anon was very quickly rising through the ranks in the past year or so, becoming incredibly wealthy and powerful
  3641. >However it really impeded on the time he had to visit. Most of the time he was here to meet with Rich in person and thus barely had any time to see you.
  3642. >But he always tried...
  3643. >"It's alright. You shouldn't worry about me that much... I'm gonna go outside to get some air"
  3644. >Rarity smiled then left to mingle, leaving you to separate yourself from the crowd
  3645. >Walking out towards the gym doors, you were greeted by the cool night air
  3646. >You found a spot that you felt was isolated and where no one could find you
  3647. >Leaning against the wall, you sighed
  3648. >You had done so much today
  3649. >Finally you had defeated the Dazzlings
  3650. >Restored ties with Twilight, and her friends
  3651. >Saved two worlds at once
  3652. >Even restored your reputation in Canterlot High
  3653. >But after all that, you just felt... empty inside
  3654. >It wasn't the same without him
  3655. >You sank down to a sitting position and closed your eyes
  3656. >Just enjoying the peace
  3657. >At least, when you were alone, you could think of him
  3658. >You wondered what Twi would think of him, if they ever met?
  3659. >You heard someone walking past
  3660. >You ignored it, thinking that they would only keep going
  3661. >Except the person stopped right in front of you
  3662. >Your eyes were still shut, looking down to not attract attention to yourself
  3663. >A long moment of silence past
  3664. >Why were they not leaving?
  3665. >"I'm sorry, but, could you please leave me alone for a moment?"
  3666. >You asked nicely
  3667. >The person just stood there, not moving
  3668. "You know... I once passed by a girl on the street. Around your age. She was in need. Starving really. Took the chance, and helped her out. Became one of the closest friends I've ever had... Before I left half-way across the globe."
  3669. >Your eyes snapped open
  3670. "It's been so long since I visited her... I've missed so much. Heard she joined a band. Made a bunch new friends. Even got along with everyone else now. Wonder how she's been-"
  3671. >You were already tackling him in the biggest hug you could muster
  3672. >He grunted from the rib crushing force
  3673. "S-Someone's been working out!"
  3674. >"I've missed you so much! You haven't even called! Where've you been?!"
  3675. >He tried prying you off, but you wouldn't budge
  3676. "Heh... Slow down, young lady, I'll get to that... W-when you stop... crushing me... can't breathe..."
  3677. >You step away and brush yourself, and then Anon off, giggling
  3678. >Now looking him over, you saw he was in a very sharp striped suit, looked like a million bucks
  3679. >He sighed in relief, before grabbing you by the shoulders suddenly
  3680. >He leaned in and went for a very big and affectionate kiss
  3681. >Your cheeks flushed wildly in response, but it was over before you even could react
  3682. "I missed you too Sunny."
  3683. >You chuckled as he gave a big, wide smile
  3684. "But yeah, I do need to apologize... I couldn't help it though, I mean... It's pretty time consuming arranging the transfer of leadership to another person so you could come home permanently."
  3685. >Your smile drops like a stone
  3686. >"WHAT."
  3687. >He only laughed
  3688. >A laugh of pure joy
  3689. >To the point where when he finished, tears were welling up
  3690. "Sunset... I'm here to stay."
  3691. >You stood there, gawking at him
  3692. >You couldn't believe what you just heard
  3693. >All this waiting
  3694. >All that fear
  3695. >And now...
  3696. >Now you could...
  3697. >"Anon... Anon I..."
  3698. >You couldn't help yourself, you were clinging onto him again, somehow finding the strength to grip him tighter
  3699. >"I love you so much!"
  3700. >He squealed beneath your embrace as his lungs were forcefully emptied
  3701. >It was when he started whimpering that you finally let go of him
  3702. "Please... let's not hug again... at least for a while?"
  3703. >You laugh, embarrassed slightly about hurting him
  3704. >He took a moment to breathe, then finally looked behind as there was a loud cheer coming from the school
  3705. "Ya know, it looks like a terrific party in there. Wanna go share the good news?"
  3706. >You shuffle
  3707. >"I never really was one for partying..."
  3708. >He chuckled again, taking you by the arm
  3709. "Me neither. We can go suck in the back together!"
  3710. >Dragging you behind, you both laughed excitingly under the night sky
  3711. >You may not know what the future held for you
  3712. >But holding his hand,
  3713. >Hearing his laugh
  3714. >Feeling the joy in your heart
  3715. >Now you could proclaim
  3716. >And people will hear when you say
  3717. >For once and for all,
  3718. >Your past didn't define you
  3719. >Your past... was not today!
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