
Colonists of Aeon

Aug 16th, 2018
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  1. 12,000 years ago humans enter this universe through a natural wormhole found at the edge of the Alpha Centauri system. Science vessels were sent through to a distant galaxy. These scout teams surveyed the star system they were in and scattered to other systems to find out more of this galaxy. However, they found their their projections for the wormhole to stay open were wrong and their way home was gone. The scientists gave in to panic and infighting, scattering to distant corners of their new galaxy to settle planets that seemed habitable. The ancestors of the those who settled Starstead chose the desert planet in the Aeon system. They chose a planet with large amounts of visible Ionic Hydrogen and Grav Crystals, materials containing the Impossible particle that changes normal materials into physics defying materials. The ruins of the their original ship were found in the desert next to a dried up oasis after approximately ten thousand years. The humans spread throughout Starstead and formed new civilizations, rising and falling around the oasis that supported them, the artificial intelligence awakened from the ship escaping into the desert to form it's own civilization. Now the year is 9,086 and the humans and AI of Starstead have rediscovered the jump drive and reached for the stars once again.
  3. You are one of the brave souls to set up a permanent residence outside of the Aeon star system. Good luck explorer, and try not to get killed by any aliens.
  5. Character sheets:
  6. Human-
  7. Name:
  8. Age:
  9. Backstory:
  10. ----
  11. Damage: Healthy
  12. Skills: Given by backstory
  13. Inventory: You can have 3 suitcases in personal items. You may have more or less depending on Patron. This includes spare clothes.
  14. Thirst: 0/4 +1/turn How long it has been since you last drank anything hydrating, you will automatically drink from colony stores. You get a penalty equal to half this number rounded down and at max you die.
  15. Hunger: 0/56 +1/turn How long it has been since you last ate, you will automatically eat from colony stores. You get a penalty to all rolls equal to half this number rounded down, and at the cap you die.
  16. Bonus: Given by backstory
  18. AI-
  19. Name:
  20. Description:
  21. Backstory:
  22. ---
  23. Damage: Undamaged
  24. Skills: Given by backstory and Description
  25. Inventory: You can have 1 suitcases in personal items. You may have more or less depending on Patron.
  26. Power: 10/10 -1/turn automatically recharge from colony power stores.
  27. Upgrades: Given by backstory and description
  28. Bonus: given by backstory and description
  30. Da Rules:
  31. Actions and turns-
  32. Every turn is considered a standard day, 24 hours. You can take as many actions as you want with the DC to get a success being the number of actions taken times 10. It is assumed you eat, drink, and sleep or recharge. You can say you forgo sleep or rest to get -20 to the DC for all actions and this can make the DC lower than 0. You will get a -20 to all actions the next turn that increases by another 20 each turn you do not rest.
  33. It is assumed you eat and drink 1 unit of food and water each turn, or consume 1 unit of power each turn. You can state that you forgo eating or drinking to reduce consumption but your thirst and hunger will increase. Long term forgoing of eating or drinking can lead to penalties.
  34. Free actions can occur sometimes. These actions do not increase the DC for actions.
  36. Skills:
  37. Skills are what you are good at. You can use an action to train a skill, getting you an increase to the skill equal to 1/10 of what you rolled. You also get 1/10 the difference between what you rolled and what you needed for the next result for failing an action based on that skill.
  39. - Fluff for your actions may help or hurt you.
  40. - Good rolls will not save you from stupid actions.
  42. Ship:
  43. A colony ship - Designed to land and act as the main hub for the new colony.
  44. Rooms:
  45. Special rooms:
  46. Engineering - Contains power storage and many other system monitoring and controls. Many solar panels on the outside allow for power
  47. Science room - A simple room containing lab equipment for simple biological and chemical experiments.
  48. Command Center - House the controls for the ship, command consoles, and the non FTL and FTL communication devices.
  49. Vehicle bay/Storage/Airlock - A large bay that can hold multiple vehicles or store many crates of materials or goods.
  50. Large rooms:
  51. 5x Bunk rooms - Hold 4 bunk beds and simple storage for personal goods.
  52. Locker room - Hold a few lockers for guns.
  53. 2x Toilets and showers.
  54. 2x Empty large rooms
  55. Medium rooms:
  56. Water Tank - Holds water. Not really a room.
  57. Kitchen - Simple kitchen with a sink, fridge, pots, pans, and electric stove.
  58. Dining room - Next to the kitchen and holds simple bolted tables and chairs.
  59. Food storage - a cold room for storing food.
  60. 5x empty small rooms
  62. In storage:
  63. 75.5 Units Water
  64. 75.5 Units Food
  65. 8 Units of power free
  66. 869,500 credits to spend.
  68. Event roll chart:
  69. d100 good vs bad
  70. 100-95. Another original human colony
  71. 94-90. Sapient star traveling xenos.
  72. 89-80. Native Xenos.
  73. 79-70. Stellar Body
  74. 69-60. New Tech
  75. 59-50. New I. Material
  76. 49-40. Political
  77. 39-30. Criminal
  78. 29-20. Corporate
  79. 19-10. Faith
  80. 9-1. Nature/based on world (Natural Disaster).
  82. Update:
  83. Notes:
  84. Morgoth - Hawk is bioelectric due to trace amounts of I. Hydrogen. Can stun prey with claws. Needs to eat I. Hydrogen every now and again supplemented into meals. Special rubber hawking gloves.
  86. >>49852
  87. +18.6 Longarms
  88. You try to get Jim to teach you to shoot but he seems to focused on just shooting himself, like he doesn't even pay attention to what is actually goes on in the colony and just spends every day shooting. Maybe he has brain damage? Either way you at least learn how to hold, reload, and fire a gun from watching him.
  89. 4. With the aid of your assistants you are able to gather 2 units worth of the gas by hand over the day. Many of the workers are calling it Wisp Light due to how it looks.
  91. >>49854
  92. 1. You begin construction, but it will take a bit longer as you are working alone. You are able to get the floor done, but need to put up the walls and roof, then put up all the wires and buttons. 1/3
  93. 2. Even the cracks are up to code! A+, best engineering you have ever seen.
  94. 3&4. You get back to work on the dam and get to reworking the plans. Adding some bypasses for the native wild life is easy enough, and you add it to your internal plans. You do realize that you will need some more equipment to have the facility generate electricity and siphon drinking water.
  96. >>49857
  97. 1&2. You bring the recruits to learn from Jim. Well, you would if he actually payed attention and tried to teach. In the end it was just him shooting, like he does every day, and you watching him. You do learn a bit, checking his stance and how he adjusts his aim. +11 Longarms.
  98. 3. While you arn't able to do much for the training course the new laborers are making quick work of digging out what needs to be leveled and they are done by the end of the day. It will take a while and you will need equipment to create the obstacles or whatever you want to add to the training course.
  99. 4. "Unfortunately with that incident a few days back armed vehicles won't be possible. Hell, unarmed vehicles are going to be scrutinized to all hell. You are going to have to wait a bit before we can send that, and of course you are going to have to fucking pay we already delivered some construction material for free and that is only because the higher ups were ecstatic to see something new from the planet."
  101. >>49869
  102. 1&2. While food will take a bit to grow the new laborers are getting used to it and starting to plant some of the seeds. You are able to get the balloons back, although they are starting to show signs of wear, and identify 3 large pools of what the laborers that went with the good doctor have started to call Wisp Light. You believe that these deposits will be large enough that a pump would allow for continuous production for years.
  103. 3. +8
  105. >>49924
  106. 1-3. You shoot. A lot of people are watching you shoot today for some reason. +14.4 Longarms
  108. >>49926
  109. 1-3. You attempt to sneak up on Jim, to give him a surprise fisting, however he spent the entire day shooting and you decide it isn't a good idea to surprise someone who could accidentally shoot you in the surprise. You do not get spotted, however, and do learn a bit about stealth. +19 Stealth
  111. Other NPCs: There are some complaints about the cramped quarters but they deal, knowing the colony has not been here long. Planting has begun, spreading around the seeds for the many crops brought. Some do worry that they do not have any grains and some do wonder what the local fauna taste like.
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