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Feb 19th, 2017
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  2. <html>
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  4. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
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  6. <title>Auth Demo 2</title>
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  77. </style>
  79. <script src=""></script>
  81. </head>
  83. <body onload="javascript:init()">
  84. <div class="login">
  85. <h1>Login</h1>
  86. <h6> It can take longer, if this is the first login</h6>
  87. <input type="text" name="txt_username" id="txt_username" placeholder="Username" />
  88. <input type="password" name="txt_pwd" id="txt_pwd" placeholder="Password" />
  89. <button type="submit" onClick="javascript:verifyLogin()" id="btn_login" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-large">Login</button>
  90. </div>
  92. <script>
  93. window.onerror = function(msg, url, linenumber) { alert('Error message: '+msg+'\nURL: '+url+'\nLine Number: '+linenumber); return true;};
  94. function init() {
  95. document.addEventListener("deviceready", true);
  96. $.support.cors=true;
  97. if (window.localStorage["username"] ){
  98. window.location.replace('main2.html');}
  99. delete init;
  100. }
  101. function verifyLogin(){
  102. var username="";
  103. var password="";
  104. alert("H");
  105. username=$("#txt_username").val();
  106. password=$("#txt_pwd").val();
  107. alert($("#txt_username").val());
  108. $.ajax(
  109. {
  110. type : 'POST',
  111. //url : '', // Servlet URL
  112. url:'',
  113. crossDomain: true,
  114. crossOrigin: true,
  115. data:{
  116. 'username':username,
  117. 'password':password
  118. },
  120. success : function(data)
  121. {
  122. var res = JSON.parse(data);
  123. if(res["res"]==1)
  124. {
  125. alert("SS");
  126. window.localStorage["username"] = username;
  127. window.localStorage["password"] = password;
  128. window.location.replace('main2.html');
  129. }
  130. else
  131. {
  132. alert("Invalid Login!!");
  133. console.log(res);
  134. }
  135. },
  136. error : function(xhr, type)
  137. {
  138. alert("Internetconnection Error!");
  139. console.log("Error");
  140. }
  141. });
  142. }</script>
  144. </body>
  145. </html>
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