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Jun 4th, 2015
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  2. <OneMatthias>
  3. <OneMatthias> So, what is your opinion on this?
  4. * Kornagan|away (~Kornagan@2607:5300:100:200::5b7) has joined
  5. <Zerokyuuni> it's reika. nothing of importance is there
  6. * Kornagan|away is now known as Kornagan
  7. <Vigaro> I think I broke google
  8. <OneMatthias> Well, take a look at it at least. It is pretty interesting.
  9. <Zerokyuuni> it's reika. nothing of value is being said :v
  10. <Viper-7> oh reika...
  11. <Viper-7> lol Zerokyuuni, not in the club anymore? :
  12. <Viper-7> :P
  13. * mrwazoo has quit (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
  14. * Tacos4brekky2 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  15. * ECC (~quassel@2601:0:7680:28d:340c:b7e2:c51b:1933) has joined
  16. * ECC (~quassel@2601:0:7680:28d:340c:b7e2:c51b:1933) has left (Something tells me you're going to involuntarily read this. Every. Damn. Time.)
  17. <Zerokyuuni> OneMatthias, this is why nothing of value:
  18. <OneMatthias> Oh?
  19. <OneMatthias> I don't see the issue...
  20. <Zerokyuuni> every single one of those files are crash code
  21. * RaptorJeebus ( has joined
  22. <OneMatthias> Mostly to prevent world corruption etc.
  23. <Zerokyuuni> no
  24. <Zerokyuuni> to prevent changes to his mods
  25. <OneMatthias> That is precisely what I was linking, was a change in that policy.
  26. <OneMatthias> It is going to become somewhat more open now.
  27. <Zerokyuuni> what he says and what he does are two different things
  28. <OneMatthias> Also, I can only see about 3-4 items in that list that are to prevent modifacation.
  29. <OneMatthias> modification*
  30. <OneMatthias> Most are issues with the installation or the configs.
  31. <[`-`]> OneMatthias: Or rather, what they SEE as issues with the installation or the configs.
  32. <OneMatthias> Id conflicts?
  33. * IoP ( has joined
  34. * MineBot gives voice to IoP
  35. <OneMatthias>
  36. <IoP> urgh. My irssi seriously derped after (d)dos
  37. <OneMatthias> version mismatches?
  38. <OneMatthias> Missing dependencies?
  39. <Viper-7> who made reika the minecraft police?
  40. <IoP> What happened now?
  41. <OneMatthias> Most of those deal with thing concerning his own mods.
  42. <Viper-7> reika with silly new ToS
  43. <OneMatthias>
  44. <OneMatthias> That is what started this discussion.
  45. <Viper-7> which wouldnt hold up in court, and if only selling minecraft mods was a thing, it could actually put him into some legal hot water :P
  46. <Viper-7> well, did, but hey
  47. <OneMatthias> Yeah.
  48. * water is now known as wolfmitchell
  49. <OneMatthias> But most of those exceptions just a) Help inform the user of pack errors, and a couple just add strings to vanilla crashes.
  50. <Viper-7> lies :P
  51. <IoP> OneMatthias: So comminity should discuss using better error messages in every mod or what do you mean by linking into that exception folder?
  52. <OneMatthias> <Zerokyuuni> OneMatthias, this is why nothing of value:
  53. <Zerokyuuni> IoP,the short of it, reika went "pack makers can change my mod... if i give them specific permission for each and every change. server owners can go suck a dick though" but he still crashes on changes made
  54. <OneMatthias> Oh.
  55. <Viper-7> most of those exceptions are because a) Reika thinks he's better than everyone else, and is the minecraft police b) his ego wont let him do anything so modest as simply say "packs with unapproved changes are not supported"
  56. <OneMatthias> The commit has not been pushed yet.
  57. <OneMatthias> If that was the big issue..
  58. <OneMatthias> It just hasn't been released yet, and is coming as part of v7.
  59. <Viper-7> if my pack will break, let it break, dont break it for me.
  60. <Viper-7> all too often he breaks the game with a false positive detected by those crappy crash classes
  61. <Zerokyuuni> considering reika has a gigantic persecution complex, it's hard to trust that he'd actually go through with it
  62. <OneMatthias> Well, the way people are acting...
  63. * [`-`] is now known as justastranger|zzz
  64. <Viper-7> actions breed opinions :P
  65. <OneMatthias> And if you read the really idiotic things said about modded mc thread, you will see why with the complex.
  66. <Viper-7> except, since i first ever heard of his mods, which i believe was quite early days for him too, its always been the same
  67. <IoP> Still I think that Reika's license/ToS is not the worst...
  68. * Zyferus ( has joined
  69. * xolan has quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
  70. * WireWulf has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  71. <Viper-7> its not about an event that's triggering paranoia, events are being created *from* his paranoia :P
  72. <Viper-7> the old "tell someone not to push a button" thing :P especially on the internet.
  73. <OneMatthias>
  74. <OneMatthias> Take a look at the last thing on that.
  75. <Viper-7> im not sayin the crazy aint justified :P
  76. <IoP> it might be too strict but at least it is consistent. Not like e.g. AE2 which is LGPLn in curse site but ""all rights reserver, do not redistribute, no commercial usage" in their web site.
  77. <OneMatthias> That is apparently fairly typical, and some of the stuff from his thread...I have seen things on his thread that were there before the moderators got to them that are horrid.
  78. <Zerokyuuni> oh a kid was mean to him when he was 12
  79. <OneMatthias> Fully read it.
  80. <Zerokyuuni> that totally is relevant
  81. <OneMatthias> There is a difference between mean and trying to get someone to commit suicide.
  82. <Viper-7> i was fat as a kid and teased heavily, and i've had two of my closest friends die, one in an accident, one suicide
  83. <Viper-7> i'm no picture of sanity, but i can also see when someone is going to extremes :P
  84. <Viper-7> and yeah, i just see reika being very public about things he doesnt want others to do, he's always been like that, and its a great way to motivate the trolls
  85. <Viper-7> so its a self fulfilling prophecy
  86. <Kodos> What's the button that makes NEI show unlocalized block/item names?
  87. <Zerokyuuni> for anyone knows, he could be remembering it wrong (see also, persecution complex) or have overinflated what happened. if it happened that way, that sucks, but again, 12 year olds >_>
  88. <OneMatthias> Also, in the MC community, some of the things that people did/said when the perms were a lot less restrictive take the cake.
  89. * Pebbe is now known as Pebbe|Away
  90. <IoP> <3
  91. * Peasant has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  92. <IoP> That should be added into forge and do automatically if thwor automatically if such a mod is found
  93. * Pebbe|Away is now known as Pebbe
  94. <OneMatthias> For instance, someone sold his tools, people destroyed the server with them, and the guy threatened to sue Reika over this. This is very, very mild.
  95. <Viper-7> sure, PR that to forge if you want to add that check
  96. <Viper-7> dont make your mod crash when other mods have an odd, but potentially valid setup
  97. <Zerokyuuni> here is what a sane person would say and/or do in that situation
  98. <Zerokyuuni> "bring it, bitch"
  99. <IoP> valid. Really?
  100. <Zerokyuuni> if it went anywhere, guess who would be getting money? not the bukkit server owner~
  101. <OneMatthias> Unfortunately, that is not an option. Let me see if I can find it.
  102. <Zerokyuuni> that is always an option
  103. <Zerokyuuni> ALWAYS an option
  104. <Zerokyuuni> laughing at them is an option too
  105. <Viper-7> OneMatthias: what about people suing him for specifically denying them use of his mod, which has been released into the public domain
  106. <OneMatthias> Not quite.
  107. <Viper-7> theres actually some very tricky legal precedents there that a TOS just cant sign away
  108. <IoP> Also those exceptions solve one really bad pebcak case. Users read and give only crashlog. Logging through loggers is useless because "nobody" reads logs. Using custom exceptions and long Exception.message seems to solve this problem ;)
  109. <Viper-7> especially one so vaguely worded as his
  110. <OneMatthias> It is visible source, and it is still his property, so a case would come out in his favor.
  111. <Viper-7> one could make an argument for his requirements for pack creation being an 'unreasonable burden' and completely safe to ignore
  112. <OneMatthias> Not true.
  113. <Viper-7> in something like agskies, very true
  114. <Viper-7> again, the only thing saving him here is that minecraft packs are hard to monetize thanks to mojang
  115. <OneMatthias> This is nothing compared to some corporate software I used to use.
  116. <IoP> Viper-7: also one could make an argument that pack author should not use it if it causes too much problems...
  117. <Viper-7> which means theres little profit in lawsuits
  118. <Zerokyuuni> there is one plus i can give to him though
  119. <OneMatthias> Want to get our product?
  120. <Zerokyuuni> and only one
  121. <Viper-7> IoP: if they have been using it, have content using it, and he suddenly blocks their server from using his mods with some magic killcode because they ignore his ToS, he's in the wrong, not them.
  122. <Zerokyuuni> which is the saddest plus i can give
  123. <Zerokyuuni> at least he's not logging every login ever done and every server ever started... like pixelmon did >_>
  124. <Viper-7> i see no mention whatsoever of his power or "punishments" for failure to comply with his terms
  125. <Viper-7> other than to call you a bad boy
  126. <Viper-7> and yeah, he has very shaky legal ground there
  127. <IoP> I thought that do not modife terms has been in his ToS for a long time now?
  128. <Viper-7> seeing as the mod is "freely available"
  129. <IoP> Is there some really recent change which started this discussion?
  130. <Viper-7> yes
  131. <OneMatthias> Yes, it has been for a while.
  132. <Viper-7> i linked it
  133. <Viper-7>
  134. <Viper-7> i think OneMatthias meant to link it earlier with that Exception list
  135. <Zerokyuuni> he changed it. 1) only for pack makers. 2) the change has to be extraordinarily minor, and 3) he gets to review and approve every single change
  136. <OneMatthias> #2 Not quite.
  137. <Viper-7> for a pack with thousands of changes across hundreds of mods, pack authors could be totally justified in saying "sod that"
  138. <OneMatthias> It has to still fit into rotarycraft, but aside from that.
  139. <Viper-7> reika can say he wont provide support for them
  140. <Zerokyuuni> just going off of RC, because that's the only mod of his that i have any knowledge of... it's a house of glass cards
  141. <Viper-7> he cant say they cant use his content based on those conditions
  142. <Zerokyuuni> if someone sneezes, the entire thing comes crashing down and breaks into a thousand pieces
  143. <IoP> So he added something which waas aalready checked in code level in a ToS and now people are crying?
  144. <OneMatthias> Also; Jadedcat's opinion on this:
  145. <OneMatthias> Also, look at the full thing of comments on that.
  146. * techno156 ( has joined
  147. <Viper-7> in other words "it shouldnt apply to me", or "sod this" :P
  148. <OneMatthias> Not quite.
  149. * Jared|Away is now known as Jared
  150. <OneMatthias> More like: some tweaks are good, but there is not need to go overboard.
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