
* On the morality of killing imps and of giving up.

Aug 18th, 2012
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  1. 20:48 silentAnswer pMs soulHooks: (You are a human correct?)
  2. 20:48 silentAnswer pMs soulHooks: (I think most of what is on chat right now are trolls)
  3. 20:54 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (hey, yeah!)
  4. 20:54 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (what can i do for you, silent? c: )
  5. 20:55 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (Since I just explained it twice I'm going to copy paste my explanation)
  6. 20:56 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (I have reason to suspect one of our sessions' prototypings MIGHT have created sapient imps)
  7. 20:57 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (one of my friends alchemized what was basically a tech demo for the world's most advanced artificial intelligence)
  8. 20:57 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (The imps that reflect it (and only those imps) are markedly more intelligent than they're supposed to be, but I can't be sure)
  9. 20:58 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (ha.)
  10. 20:58 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (did you think they weren't sapient already?)
  11. 20:58 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (The troll perspective seems to be "who cares, they're attacking you so they're the enemy". I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that and I KNOW my brother won't be)
  12. 20:59 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (... the game loves discomfort.)
  13. 20:59 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (Is this just because they have "souls"? Becase I was told that even rocks have those)
  14. 20:59 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (and imps were always sapient.)
  15. 21:00 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (and yeah, rocks do, and plants, and consorts, and definitely imps.)
  16. 21:00 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (but if they're smarter now...)
  17. 21:00 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (... this is like the difference between kicking the ass of something as smart as a little kid, and kicking the ass of something as smart as you.)
  18. 21:01 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (When you put it that way it sounds LESS amoral)
  19. 21:01 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (well.)
  20. 21:01 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (haven't you ever seen imps goofing off?)
  21. 21:01 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (playing on a swingset that came in with your dwelling spire?)
  22. 21:02 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (...)
  23. 21:02 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (checking themselves out in a mirror when they steal some of your clothes?)
  24. 21:02 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (they've always been like little violent children.)
  25. 21:02 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (if you haven't had a moral dilemma about it already, them being smarter shouldn't cause one.)
  26. 21:02 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (And yet you're the advocate of having personal fun, even at their expense)
  27. 21:03 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (because it's still a game.)
  28. 21:03 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (To us maybe)
  29. 21:03 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (and because i need to know what i can do with my powers if it comes to saving me or my coplayers.)
  30. 21:03 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (do you feel bad about grinding on bugs in an rpg?)
  31. 21:04 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (and yeah, to us.)
  32. 21:04 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (but i'm willing to be totally fucking selfish like that.)
  33. 21:04 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (i mean, what else am i supposed to do?)
  34. 21:05 silentAnswer PMs soulHooks: (I think we need a proper channel to our own. Let's take it to #moralquandry)
  35. 21:06 soulHooks PMs silentAnswer: (okay.)
  38. 21:53 silentAnswer began pestering soulHooks
  39. 21:06 silentAnswer Are you here?
  40. 21:06 soulHooks yeah.
  41. 21:06 silentAnswer So. Selfishness and imps
  42. 21:07 soulHooks yeah.
  43. 21:07 soulHooks i'm willing to kill and abuse sapient creatures to ensure my own survival.
  44. 21:07 silentAnswer I find it disturbing that you're the one person who's given me or, to my understanding, my brother a straight answer to that question
  45. 21:07 silentAnswer The question of whether they're sapient
  46. 21:08 silentAnswer But you embrace the behavior I would associate with a negative answer
  47. 21:08 soulHooks well.
  48. 21:08 soulHooks maybe i like having power over something.
  49. 21:09 soulHooks i've said it a lot that i don't fuck with my sessionmates.
  50. 21:09 soulHooks no one ever seems to buy it, but...
  51. 21:09 soulHooks i've been playing video games for a long long long time
  52. 21:09 silentAnswer I believe you about your coplayers
  53. 21:10 silentAnswer But what makes them different?
  54. 21:10 silentAnswer The fact that there's only a few of them?
  55. 21:10 soulHooks i...
  56. 21:10 silentAnswer As a time player I've got a different perspective on that bit
  57. 21:10 silentAnswer Because I DO have to see them die anyways
  58. 21:10 silentAnswer Arguably cause it
  59. 21:10 soulHooks ... i know the answer i could give you, but i'm not gonna, if you don't mind.
  60. 21:10 silentAnswer And that's when using it in the approved method
  61. 21:12 silentAnswer So is my brother right?
  62. 21:12 soulHooks i dunno, what's your brother think?
  63. 21:12 silentAnswer He thinks it's immoral to kill them at all
  64. 21:12 silentAnswer even the normal ones
  65. 21:12 silentAnswer The game doesn't make it that easy of course
  66. 21:13 silentAnswer But he generally lets a lot more of them get away than the rest of us
  67. 21:13 soulHooks it could be immoral. but it really has to depend on your version of moral.
  68. 21:13 silentAnswer And I'm yet to hear of him using his Rage power for anything except scaring them off
  69. 21:14 soulHooks is superman moral for never killing anyone, even if it means that supervillains will kill thousands more people in the future that could have been saved if he just put a laser through lex luthor's head?
  70. 21:14 silentAnswer No
  71. 21:14 silentAnswer But superman has the choice between killing one or letting many die
  72. 21:14 silentAnswer Ours is reversed
  73. 21:15 soulHooks yeah, but if enough ones die, so do the chances of a new universe.
  74. 21:15 soulHooks it's hard shit.
  75. 21:15 soulHooks and it hurts to think about.
  76. 21:16 soulHooks and sometimes you have to think about it in a way that kids like us shouldn't have to think about shit like this.
  77. 21:16 silentAnswer Does that new universe exist though?
  78. 21:16 silentAnswer My corruption-induced rant from what seems like oh so long ago wasn't really right-minded
  79. 21:17 soulHooks i...
  80. 21:17 silentAnswer But I still can't ignore the question of whether there is a moral imperative to make that universe, or its just what the game wants
  81. 21:17 soulHooks i hope the new universe exists.
  82. 21:17 silentAnswer That's not what I meant
  83. 21:17 silentAnswer I'm not doubting that when you make the frog you make a universe
  84. 21:17 silentAnswer But what's so important about the universe you haven't made yet?
  85. 21:18 soulHooks ... my nan.
  86. 21:18 silentAnswer ???
  87. 21:18 soulHooks my nan would have said that it's a war.
  88. 21:18 silentAnswer That's the opinion I've heard so far
  89. 21:18 soulHooks and that wars are brutal and violent and terrible, and you do terrible things in them.
  90. 21:18 silentAnswer And that's ok?
  91. 21:18 silentAnswer We're the stars of this narrative
  92. 21:19 soulHooks and you have to sit the fuck down and deal with that shit, because you might get through and make things better.
  93. 21:19 silentAnswer Don't we get to make some choices
  94. 21:19 soulHooks "so close your back-talking yap and give me twenty pushups, dell."
  95. 21:19 soulHooks you are making choices.
  96. 21:20 soulHooks fuck does this game ever give you choices.
  97. 21:20 soulHooks and you can choose a pacifist run.
  98. 21:20 silentAnswer Does it work?
  99. 21:20 soulHooks but you'll be a pacifist in a warzone, and most people aren't strong enough for that.
  100. 21:20 soulHooks i dunno. i've heard of true pacifist runs before.
  101. 21:21 silentAnswer I don't even think that's an option
  102. 21:21 soulHooks but i've never seen one, even from a couple players who swore this time would be different.
  103. 21:21 silentAnswer It hasn't been so far for my brother and he's the best equipped for it
  104. 21:22 soulHooks well, i can't tell you what's moral.
  105. 21:22 soulHooks and i can't tell you where the line between lawful good and lawful stupid is.
  106. 21:24 silentAnswer I guess not
  107. 21:24 silentAnswer If this were a moral question it'd already be answered
  108. 21:25 silentAnswer The ethical cost of making our task harder falls almost entirely on me
  109. 21:25 silentAnswer So if I am making the decision, the ethical one is to avoid taking lives
  110. 21:26 soulHooks probably.
  111. 21:26 soulHooks but ethical can be hard.
  112. 21:26 soulHooks and depending on your class, it could make your everything fizzle because you're not doing it right.
  113. 21:26 soulHooks like, just in general.
  114. 21:26 silentAnswer Seer
  115. 21:27 soulHooks the game is an ass like that.
  116. 21:27 soulHooks seer of time.
  117. 21:27 silentAnswer I think that means I am supposed to make this decision
  118. 21:27 silentAnswer And the others
  119. 21:27 silentAnswer Especially the Knight of Rage
  120. 21:27 silentAnswer Are going to have to follow that decision
  121. 21:27 silentAnswer Unless that's pride talking
  122. 21:28 soulHooks can you ask them all to follow your lead?
  123. 21:28 silentAnswer They have been so far
  124. 21:28 silentAnswer Danny will. Sarah will
  125. 21:28 silentAnswer The twins probably won't
  126. 21:28 silentAnswer Timmy probably won't
  127. 21:28 silentAnswer But Sarah's the one who'll be dealing with the smart imps the most
  128. 21:28 soulHooks there's another battle you'll have to fight.
  129. 21:29 soulHooks ... but if the imps are that smart, you might be able to reason with them.
  130. 21:29 silentAnswer Perhaps
  131. 21:29 silentAnswer You missed this detail
  132. 21:29 silentAnswer But they're more susceptible to fear effects than normal imps
  133. 21:29 silentAnswer Which is worrying on an entirely new level
  134. 21:29 soulHooks there you go, then.
  135. 21:29 silentAnswer But is a point of leverage
  136. 21:29 soulHooks they know to be afraid of you killing them.
  137. 21:30 silentAnswer But that's the level on which it's disturbing
  138. 21:30 soulHooks gosh, doesn't that just make you feel fuzzy inside? DX
  139. 21:30 silentAnswer Because they don't have that choice unless Danny gives them the option
  140. 21:30 silentAnswer And only he has that power
  141. 21:31 soulHooks i think that you should talk it over with your teammates, silent.
  142. 21:32 soulHooks i don't know them, and i dunno what they'll think is moral.
  143. 21:32 soulHooks or what's a good idea.
  144. 21:32 soulHooks but.
  145. 21:32 soulHooks if you can manage a pacifist session, even starting late like this...
  146. 21:32 soulHooks you're way stronger than i am.
  147. 21:32 silentAnswer Thanks
  148. 21:32 silentAnswer But
  149. 21:33 silentAnswer I don't think it's that far out of your reach
  150. 21:33 silentAnswer It shouldn't be out of anyone's reach
  151. 21:33 silentAnswer It'll be harder
  152. 21:33 silentAnswer Without a Rage aspect (I'm assuming)
  153. 21:33 soulHooks hahaha, you don't know me like i know me. :b
  154. 21:33 silentAnswer And with your coplayers taking the slaughter for granted
  155. 21:33 soulHooks but thanks anyway.
  156. 21:34 silentAnswer I suppose I can't hold it against you
  157. 21:34 soulHooks it'd be nice if you're right.
  158. 21:34 silentAnswer At least you don't dodge the issue
  159. 21:34 silentAnswer You're the only person so far who's admitted it head-on
  160. 21:34 silentAnswer And that's including the ones from a warrior culture
  161. 21:34 silentAnswer Just keep it in mind I guess
  162. 21:35 soulHooks hahaha.
  163. 21:35 silentAnswer You don't have to do a pacifist session to let one group of imps go
  164. 21:35 soulHooks i'm surprised that you had to ask, honestly.
  165. 21:35 silentAnswer And from what I've seen, some of the other mobs AREN'T as smart as the imps
  166. 21:35 soulHooks i thought it was pretty self-evident what the answer was.
  167. 21:35 silentAnswer Maybe I was denying it too
  168. 21:36 soulHooks ... yeah, well.
  169. 21:36 soulHooks ... whatever makes it easier, i guess.
  170. 21:37 soulHooks ... also, hey.
  171. 21:37 soulHooks you should go talk to your dreamself sometime.
  172. 21:37 soulHooks like, pop on over to derse and hold her hand and have her tell you about all the shit she's afraid of.
  173. 21:38 silentAnswer I think
  174. 21:38 silentAnswer Several people have told me that's possible
  175. 21:38 silentAnswer At different points in my timestream
  176. 21:38 silentAnswer I've forgotten if I should be pretending I didn't know it yet
  177. 21:38 soulHooks yeah, well, now you know it from me.
  178. 21:38 silentAnswer But I haven't done it yet
  179. 21:39 soulHooks ... your dreamself is a really sweet girl.
  180. 21:39 soulHooks and it's really awful to see her be scared.
  181. 21:39 soulHooks i'd really appreciate it if you did it sometime soon? for me, at least?
  182. 21:40 silentAnswer Scared?
  183. 21:40 silentAnswer Oh
  184. 21:40 silentAnswer She's figured it out hasn't she
  185. 21:40 silentAnswer What'll happen at the end of the session
  186. 21:40 soulHooks ... yeah.
  187. 21:40 soulHooks ):
  188. 21:40 silentAnswer I don't know what to tell her
  189. 21:41 silentAnswer As far as I can tell it's true
  190. 21:41 silentAnswer This isn't even like the issue with the imps, I think the game just set up this tragedy on accident
  191. 21:41 soulHooks ):
  192. 21:41 soulHooks i...
  193. 21:41 silentAnswer As the heart player
  194. 21:41 silentAnswer You wouldn't know of any way around it would you?
  195. 21:42 silentAnswer We have a guard of heart
  196. 21:42 silentAnswer So if there is a Heart-related way to save her at all, he'll be able to do it
  197. 21:42 soulHooks tiering would combine the two of you.
  198. 21:42 silentAnswer Would that save her or kill one of us sooner?
  199. 21:42 soulHooks i don't know.
  200. 21:42 silentAnswer I don't either
  201. 21:43 soulHooks you would have her memories. and her powers. but i don't know if that's the same as giving her life.
  202. 21:43 silentAnswer Do people who tier normally act like they did when awake or when asleep?
  203. 21:43 soulHooks and i really w wish i did know
  204. 21:44 soulHooks both, a little
  205. 21:44 soulHooks they're usually a little happier and ditzier
  206. 21:44 soulHooks like a dreamself
  207. 21:44 soulHooks but not full-blown dreamsilly
  208. 21:45 silentAnswer Both at the same time?
  209. 21:45 soulHooks yeah.
  210. 21:45 silentAnswer Then that's the ansewr
  211. 21:45 silentAnswer You've turned two people into one person
  212. 21:46 soulHooks ... but tiering never lasts past the end of a session.
  213. 21:46 soulHooks and i don't know if she'll be the same in your next one.
  214. 21:46 silentAnswer And you can't do that
  215. 21:46 silentAnswer If two people become one person, that means at least one is gone
  216. 21:46 silentAnswer Possibly both
  217. 21:46 soulHooks yeah.
  218. 21:46 silentAnswer I'm almost sure she won't be
  219. 21:47 silentAnswer Whatever this is screams time shenanigans
  220. 21:47 soulHooks ... ):
  221. 21:47 soulHooks yeah, it does
  222. 21:47 soulHooks i really wish i was more help
  223. 21:47 silentAnswer You've been plenty of help
  224. 21:47 soulHooks but
  225. 21:47 soulHooks ... hah, thanks.
  226. 21:47 silentAnswer You were honest so I could be honest
  227. 21:48 silentAnswer What more could I ask for?
  228. 21:48 soulHooks :3 well, it's the least i can do, right?
  229. 21:48 soulHooks and
  230. 21:48 soulHooks if you do go to see her
  231. 21:48 soulHooks give her a hug and tell her it's from mister creepy
  232. 21:48 soulHooks :3
  233. 21:48 silentAnswer Ok
  234. 21:48 silentAnswer Don't worry, she WILL warm up to you
  235. 21:48 silentAnswer I've seen it
  236. 21:48 soulHooks so have i.
  237. 21:49 soulHooks (:
  238. 21:49 silentAnswer I was trying to make a pun there
  239. 21:49 silentAnswer But ok
  240. 21:49 soulHooks hehehe, sorry.
  241. 21:49 silentAnswer Anyways, I'll talk to her
  242. 21:49 silentAnswer And as for you
  243. 21:49 silentAnswer Don't forget
  244. 21:49 silentAnswer This is a game of choices
  245. 21:49 soulHooks yeah, it is
  246. 21:49 silentAnswer And choices can be choices of degree
  247. 21:50 silentAnswer If the absolute is too much
  248. 21:50 soulHooks yeah, i got you
  249. 21:50 soulHooks so
  250. 21:50 soulHooks yeah
  251. 21:50 soulHooks i've got a thing i've got to go do
  252. 21:51 soulHooks but good luck
  253. 21:51 soulHooks okay?
  254. 21:51 soulHooks hugs silent so she can pass it along to her dreamself!
  255. 21:52 silentAnswer hugs back, but from herself
  256. 21:52 silentAnswer So now I've got to go talk to everyone in the session
  257. 21:52 silentAnswer Including myself
  258. 21:52 soulHooks hehehe
  259. 21:52 soulHooks have fun with that!
  260. 21:52 silentAnswer I'll try
  261. 21:53 soulHooks right, see you around. :3
  262. 21:53 silentAnswer has ceased pestering soulHooks
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