
Stars Come Out. AnonxLuna

Jun 15th, 2012
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  1. >Day 678 in Equestria
  2. >You’re opening your set for the club that you and Vinyl Scratch had started.
  3. >It had just started off as one of those things you say to your bro when you’re drunk.
  4. ‘Dude, *hic* we should start a club together.’
  5. >And a year later here you are.
  7. >You drop the beat and the crowd loves it. Even after all these years behind the turntables, you still get that buzz in the back of your head when the crowd lights up.
  8. >Looks like it’s shaping up to be another awesome night. You’re too busy enjoying yourself to notice Vinyl behind you.
  9. >VS: “Hey man, I haven’t heard you play this one before, is it new?”
  10. >You glance backward to see Vinyl beaming at you. It’s surprising you even heard her over the music; barely anything can distract you when you’re in the zone, although you’d be lying if you said you were 100% focused on the turntables at the moment.
  11. “Hey, I didn’t notice you back there. Yeah it is, got some new tracks for tonight. Whaddya think?”
  12. >VS: “Awww yeah? Something special about tonight, is there? Hmm...”
  13. “Try somep0ny special.”
  14. >Vinyl giggles. You fail to notice the blush that has now appeared on her cheeks; you’re more interested in scanning the crowd.
  15. ’Mustn’t be here yet.’
  16. >Brain: ‘Bro, she won’t come”
  17. ‘Fuck you brain, she’ll be here. She said she’d come.’
  18. >B: ‘Don’t hold your breath. She has better things to do than come see you DJ’
  19. ‘Maybe you’re right. She is a...’
  20. >Your mental debate is interrupted by Vinyl.
  21. >VS: “Who might -that- be? Do -I- know her?” she asked, still wearing her blush, and you still failing to notice it.
  22. “Yeah, you know her, might even be surprised when you see who it is.”
  25. >A rose would envy the red glow of Vinyl’s cheeks, but you still don’t notice; too caught up between the turntables and scanning the crowd, a little anxiousness starting to set in when you still don’t see her.
  26. >VS: “What does -she- look like then Anon?”
  27. >She’s starting to giggle now; although you’re not sure why.
  28. “Well she’s possibly one of the most beautiful p0nies I’ve ever seen…” you swore you just heard Vinyl squee. You’ve never heard her do that before.
  29. >B: ‘Yes you have actually, remember when she walked in on you we…’
  30. ‘Ok then brain… thanks for that… lovely image.’
  31. >B: ‘Anytime.’
  32. >VS: “And what else, Anon?”
  33. >You’re about to answer her when you see a dark blue alicorn walk through the entrance.
  34. >Perfect, the song’s just finishing.
  35. “Hey Vinyl, look who just came through the door,” you say with a smile creeping on to your face.
  36. >Vinyl peers past the turntables and spies who has just walked through the doors.
  37. >She turns back to meet your gaze, her mouth hanging agape.
  38. >VS: “Princess Luna… but why is she here?” There was a sound of disbelief present in her voice.
  39. >You motion towards Luna and then look back to Vinyl and nod your head.
  40. VS: “…no…”
  41. “Yeah.”
  42. >You turn back to look at Luna, the smile on your face growing to lengths that it has never ventured to before.
  43. >B: ‘Calm down bro, if that thing gets any bigger you’ll be able to see it from Google Equestria.’
  44. ‘Fuck up brain, I told you she’d come.’
  45. >Alright, the song’s finished, let’s do this.
  46. >A single tear running down Vinyl’s face as you pick up the microphone.
  49. >Music:
  50. “Alright everyp0ny, I wrote this next song for somep0ny very special to me… oh… and I’d like to thank Octavia for providing vocals. Love you Tavi.”
  51. >A smile grows on Luna’s face as she meets your gaze; you give her a wink before moving all your focus to the turntables.
  52. >Don’t want to mess up your big romantic gesture. Hell, you could be telling this story to your kids.
  53. >B: ‘Getting a bit too far ahead of yourself there, Anon.’
  54. ‘Fuck you brain, I can dream.’
  55. >Brain.exe muted.
  56. >No distractions.
  57. >Including the steady stream of tears flowing down Vinyl’s face as she begins to sob, realising all this time you were talking about somep0ny else.
  58. >The beats starts to build… but it resides for a moment, letting Octavia’s vocals fill the room.
  59. >You look up and see Luna listening to each word, taking them in. Then her expression changes to one of surprise, as she puts all the pieces together.
  60. >She looked up at you with those turquoise eyes, they are the widest you’ve ever seen them.
  61. >A quivering smile appearing on her lips.
  62. >Seeing this makes your heart skip a beat, maybe she feels the same way?
  63. >You quickly put your mind back on the turntables; don’t want to fuck this bit up. The vocals cease, and then the beat drops.
  64. >You are consumed by the music, you enter a euphoric state of mind, there is nop0ny else in the room. Just you, your turntables, and Luna.
  65. >Luna vanishes in a small cloud of smoke, and reappears next to you on stage.
  66. >Your hands are running on auto pilot now.
  67. >Yours and Luna’s eyes are locked on each other.
  70. >You can’t help but notice how beautiful her eyes are. You feel like your gaze is lost in their turquoise bliss.
  71. >She inches closer; you feel her breath hot on your face.
  72. >L: “We love thy song… Anonymous.”
  73. >Luna kisses you, bringing you back to reality. Her lips are impossibly soft. Right now you want nothing more than the feeling of her lips locked with yours.
  74. >You lean back in and Luna meets you, lips brought together once more. Her tongue peeks into your mouth and you coax it in further with your own.
  75. >She explores the reaches of your mouth and then proceeds to dominate your tongue with her own.
  76. >You won’t be beaten that easily, you push her back to the outer reaches of your mouth, both desperately fighting for dominance.
  77. >The two of you eventually break to gasp for air.
  78. >You look out at the crowd and are met with mixed emotions.
  79. >Most of the crowd are cheering and shouting. Some have their mouths hanging agape. And a few had looks of disgust.
  80. >They can go buck themselves. You’ve had such strong feelings for this mare, ever since you laid eyes on her. And just because a few p0nies decided they didn’t agree with what you were doing isn’t going to stop you.
  81. >Luna nuzzles your side as you continue working the turntables. Nothing could ruin this moment.
  82. >B: ‘Not even Vinyl?’
  83. ‘Why would Vinyl ruin this moment?’
  84. >You turn around to see Vinyl tackle Luna.
  85. >You kind of just freeze on the spot, letting the song just kind of… stop.
  86. >Not that anyone notices. All eyes are on Luna and Vinyl, who is currently trying to straddle the alicorn.
  87. >Okay… what the buck is happening?
  88. >B: ‘Well you see Vinyl there just tackled…’
  91. ‘Yes, yes. I saw that part… but why would she do that? Does Vinyl realise she just tackled a bucking princess? Even if we put the fact that she is royalty aside, Luna is still, as near as makes no difference, twice Vinyl’s size.’
  92. >A blue aura surrounds Vinyl as she is suspended in mid-air, still flailing about.
  93. >Luna regains her composure and rises to her hooves; a mixture of confusion and anger upon on her face.
  94. >She stares at Vinyl… then turns her gaze to you.
  95. >You shake your head and shrug, still not believing what you have just witnessed.
  96. >This shit needs to be sorted now. You glance over to the bar and see the DJ who is on the set after you, mouth agape like everyone else.
  97. >You signal for him to cover the set for you. It may have looked like you were having a stroke but he got the message.
  98. >He downed the shot in front of him and began making his way to the stage.
  99. >The blue aura around Vinyl dissipates, and she falls to the ground with a thud.
  100. >Luna walks past the, now still, Vinyl and stares at you for a moment.
  101. >L: “We have… some matters to attend… We shall see thou later?”
  102. >You nod, words escaping you right now.
  103. >Luna disappears in a puff of smoke; leaving you staring at a sobbing Vinyl. This shit needs to be sorted out right now.
  104. >You notice Scoots has made his way onto the stage. Good, at least you won’t lose a night’s earnings over this.
  105. >Thanking Scoots, you make your way over to Vinyl.
  106. “I think we should talk.”
  107. >She doesn’t reply, just keeps looking at the ground sobbing.
  108. >You don’t have time for this shit right now. You pick up Vinyl and carry her backstage. You plop her down in a chair and sit in the one opposite.
  111. >Vinyl looks up at you; her eyes are all puffy, her coat stained from the tears that have been running down her face.
  112. >You anger subsides; you can’t stay mad at that face. You swear you’ve never seen Vinyl cry before.
  113. “Hey.”
  114. >You reach an arm over to her, run a hand through her mane.
  115. “What’s wrong?”
  116. >VS: “*sniff* Nothing.”
  117. “Well it’s obviously something; you did tackle a –princess,- you know?”
  118. >VS: “She deserved it. *sniff* Home wrecker.”
  119. “Home wrecker? What are you talking about Vinyl?”
  121. >Tears start welling up in Vinyl’s eyes, the wipes them away and stares at the floor in front of you.
  122. “Spell wha…”
  123. >You break off mid-sentence, everything starting to piece together in your head.
  124. >All those times she blushed, all those times she would giggle and hit you, all those times she looked away in embarrassment.
  125. >They all made sense now. Vinyl liked you. And you had been too stupid to notice.
  126. >In fact it’s amazing how you’ve never uncovered the reason behind all these signs that Vinyl gives off. You’ve always just brushed it off when you see them. You only really see her as a bro, not a love interest.
  127. >This… is going to be hard.
  128. >B: “That’s what she said.”
  129. ‘That doesn’t even… no… this is no time for that.’
  130. >Your future hangs on how you handle this situation right now.
  131. >Bucking hell… this is not how the night was meant to turn out.
  133. >END.
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