
Purple and Proud (WiP)

Jan 6th, 2013
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  1. >Day Magichorn Is Worst Roommate on Earth
  2. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  3. >Find your spell misfired by a bit and you were taken to Anon's world instead of sending him back alone
  4. >You are sure you can find a way back by just reversing a few phrases in the magical algorithm, simple!
  5. A: And here I was doubting your magic for a moment, it's good to be back in my palace
  6. >You look around, the room is small enough to see end to end and the walls are stark white with small, patched holes here and there
  7. >The kitchen is only large enough for 3 humans, or 1 and a half ponies, maybe 5 fillies, to stand in comfortably, your exact math would confirm, but not right now
  8. TS: Uh, Anon, this kind of doesn't fit the definition of a "palace"
  9. >Anon looks sternly at you, or you imagine he would be looking sternly if not for the mask
  10. TS: You know, Anon, I never got to truly study you, what with all the time you spent living at Applejack's and flirting with Fluttershy
  11. A: I was never flirting with Fluttershy, I was... It was... Applejack makes some delicious food
  12. >You smirk at Anon's shy demeanor, no wonder Fluttershy was so smitten with him back in Equestria
  13. TS: I think this would be a perfect and appropriate time to thoroughly learn about you, Anon, as a human and in your natural habitat
  14. >You look at Anon with wide, observing eyes and a large smile plastered to your face
  15. A: You're kind of creeping me out, can't you observe me without... observing me?
  16. TS: That doesn't make any sense, Anon, how would I learn anything about you if I just walk away? Besides, I am not even sure where to go in your world. Oh, that reminds me, are unicorns readily popular in this part of your "Earth"?
  17. >Anon hangs his head for am moment in deep thought
  18. A: No
  19. TS: Ah, well, Ponyville was devoid of unicorns when I first arrived as well, I'll just use magic sparingly so as not to disturb somep0ny in town
  20. >Anon lets go a sigh and stumbles over to the bed you are laying on
  21. A: PurpleSmart...
  22. TS: Twilight Sparkle
  23. A: Sorry... MagicHorn, there is something you must understand about Earth...
  24. TS: Oh goody, my first lesson
  25. >You clap your hooves together and then lean your head intently towards Anon
  26. A: There are no pegasi, unicorns, alicorns, really anything you are used to back home
  27. TS: I... I am not quite sure what you mean?
  28. >Anon sighs a deep sigh and stands to his feet
  29. A: Come over to the window here and look out
  30. >You do as you are asked for the sake of your studies
  31. >You see a lot more people just like Anon, at least human, walking around wearing different color clothes and accessories, driving in fantastic automobiles, and generally going about a very normal routine
  32. A: See what I mean?
  33. TS: Well, of course this world would be populated by humans like yourself, Anon
  34. A: Yes, exactly, there are no other ponies like you here, you're special
  35. TS: All ponies are special, Anon
  36. >Anon crosses his arms and taps his foot
  37. A: I mean, more than the usual kind of special
  38. >You sit for a moment to let the thought sink in
  39. TS: But, you told me that humans have horses where you come from
  40. A: Yes and no... here, let me show you
  41. >You approach an impeccably clean desk with some strange machine resting on it
  42. >Anon explains how the master race will always place this item, the PC, on their desk beside a "monitor"
  43. >He would be the expert on this sort of thing
  44. >Anon reveals a long rectangle with letters and numbers on it and his hands begin moving across it with practiced grace
  45. TS: Amazing, so that is why you have multiple fingers instead of hooves, I get it now
  46. >You totally get it now
  47. >Anon tells you that this machine can find knowledge anywhere in the world in seconds
  48. >It sounds like no magic you've ever encountered
  49. TS: So, you're trying to tell me this machine is a library... and you never need to leave your home to find new books?
  50. A: Exactly, you can do anything with the internet! But be warned, "With great power comes great responsibility". Deadpool said that
  51. >You see before your very eyes that Anon has conjured up images of horses and videos of all manners of wonderful things
  52. >You heart begins to race
  53. >You feel your face getting warm and your breathing is irregular
  54. TS: A-anon, this... this magic y-your using is so intense. So much *pants* information
  55. >Anon looks at you curiously for a moment before going back to his conjuring
  56. >You are suddenly beset by videos of human-raised horses and your mind is recording at full speed
  57. >Human-raised horses need to be fed, cleaned and cared for in every way by humans. They don't talk, sing, dance, fly or practice any kind of magic from what you have seen
  58. TS: Oh, these poor pon-
  59. >Anon cuts you off before you can finish and strokes your mane
  60. A: Not ponies, just horses
  61. >You come to understand a great deal of the sadness Anon expressed to you in earlier encounters and it dawns on you
  62. TS: I'm sorry for you, Anon, that you live in this world that seems so downtrodden
  63. A: It's really not all bad... for humans... as it is...
  64. >No more words, only friendship now
  65. >You climb into Anon's lap and hug his torso
  66. >Anon returns the hug
  67. >You cannot stay this sad for long and quickly set out to discover more about humans and their world
  68. TS: Anon, I want to learn more about horse and human interaction
  69. A: You wha-?
  70. TS: Come on, this is important to me.
  71. A: Well, you could use my computer, I mean... I could do it with you, unless you can magic-up some hands
  72. >For a moment you think to yourself and decide that you can
  73. >Your horn sparkles for a moment, then a blaze of your magic erupts forth and gives you two, phantasmal hands with a scant amount of dexterity
  74. TS: Hmm, not as good as your hands, Anon. But, I am sure practicing with them will improve performance
  75. A: Well, that's a neat trick...
  76. >Anon explains how to use Google and you give it the old Canterlot try
  77. TS: Let me see, hmm, ah, I know! "Mare Human Video"
  78. >You type these three words into the search engine and press 'enter'
  79. A: Wait, Twily! Don't click the first thing you see!
  80. >It is too late for the warning
  81. >A video quickly loads on another screen called "Youtube"
  82. >It displays a human horse-breeder leading a stallion to a bound, young mare
  83. >You look on in abject silence as you watch the large stallion mount the helpless mare and fill her with his baby batter
  84. >The video stallion disengages his trophy in short order with an audible popping noise and a gush of his fluid spills from her beaten backside
  85. A: I warned you about the internet, bro! I told you, dawg!
  86. >Anon tells you to shut it off by pressing the 'X'
  87. >You find the key, press repeatedly, but to no avail
  88. >In your panic you hit the number '4'
  89. >It repeats the scene
  90. TS: It keeps happening!
  91. >You give up and cover your face with your hooves
  92. >You still hear the sound of the mare giving in to to her most base desires and the triumphant neigh of the stallion
  93. >Anon quickly grabs the mouse from you and exits the screen
  94. A: Ok, so there's a lot of information on the internet, you got to know how to separate it from...
  95. >Anon stops talking as you shake in his lap
  96. >Despite your best efforts, you lose control of yourself and a little wetness has run down your leg
  97. >It puddles in Anon's lap as you shake lightly
  98. A: This... uh... this never happened, agreed?
  99. TS: A-agreed
  100. >You try to climb down from Anon without an incident, but still splash your mare-hood juices on him
  101. >Anon reeks of your mutual shame and you hide your blush-ridden face
  102. >You attempt to find the furthest corner to lay down in
  103. A: TwiBright, it's OK, I can just... wash the pants! I have three other identical pairs
  104. TS: I d-don't know what h-happened. I told my m-mind to override t-the hormonal response, but i-it just wouldn't listen
  105. >You hold back tears of shame as you try to avoid Anon
  106. A: Don't worry, I had this happened before. Things happen like this all the time, probably, maybe
  107. >Anon's inaccurate use of the terms "probably" makes you choke out a small laugh through a few tears
  108. A: Besides, it's not like anything weird's gonna happen between us and cause all this time spent as friends to bloom into being lovers and make us realize how much time we wasted avoiding the subject. I'm sure!
  109. >Anon's logical and well stated scenario helps you hold back your fears about losing his friendship
  110. TS: Thank you, Anon, that helps a lot
  111. A: Don't worry about it, it's nothing, just stay there for a moment while I change
  112. >You sniffle a bit and turn to look at him
  113. TS: Change into what?
  114. >His pants are off and he has a smaller pair of pants on that are white and speckled with red dots
  115. TS: Pants under your pants? Very clever, Anon
  116. A: Hey! Don't look now! I'm getting dressed!
  117. >You realize you caught Anon in a vulnerable state, nearly as vulnerable as you were
  118. >You turn around and try to take your mind off the video
  119. >Testing, just got to test, got that test-itch from not testing
  120. >Anon will make an excellent test subject for study
  121. >You sit a still as you can and try to focus
  122. TS: Anon, take a letter
  123. >You hear a zipping noise, a clasping ring and see Anon walking back towards you
  124. A: Take a what now?
  125. TS: Oh, that's right... my assistant is back in Equestria
  126. A: If you need to write something down, you can type it up on the compu-
  127. >You shake your head hard and wave your front hooves
  128. TS: No! No, haha, I will let the computer rest for a little
  129. >You try to smile and play it off
  130. >Very smooth, Princess Sparkle
  131. >You stand up and begin to search Anon's home for parchment and quills
  132. A: Can I help you?
  133. TS: Where do you keep your ink pots? I need to write down a list of questions to better record all this data
  134. A: I... uh... well, how about a ball-point?
  135. TS: A 'ball' point? How do you have a spherical point?
  136. A: Very carefully
  137. >Anon brandishes a writing instrument for you and a small, yellow notepad with evenly spaced lines
  138. >He removes a cap on the top with his teeth
  139. >You rub your chin and scrutinize
  140. TS: Why would you use your teeth when you have hands?
  141. A: Because... I... I don't know, actually
  142. >You grab the ball-point quill with your magic and set to creating a well-planned list
  143. TS: Thank you, Anon, you're help in all things human is most appreciated!
  144. >Anon leaves you to write and goes back to his computer
  146. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. >Day Paheal the Magic on Earth
  149. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  150. >It has been four human days now that you have been on Earth
  151. >This world is a strange and often dangerous place
  152. >The sun and moon cycles on their own over the course of a 24 hour period and the stars do not need to be calibrated or aligned by anyp0ny
  153. >Motorized vehicles are terrifying to be inside, loud to be near, and cause a 65% increase in Anon's profanity usage
  154. >You have found the internet to be just as confusing and dangerous, albeit, in a different manner
  155. >It has become apparent that you are a mythological creature in Anon's world, much as he was in your own
  156. >A distinct difference is that you are also a cartoon
  157. >The internet, as you have noticed, has a list of rules for dealing with all manner of topics
  158. >Rules 1 and 2 are [redacted]
  159. >Rules down the line become more concerning
  160. >For the sake of knowledge, you had gone against Anon's word and pursued rule 34
  161. >Big mistake
  162. >You hear the sound of a door opening
  163. A: Twily! I'm home!
  164. >You hop to your hooves and greet him at the door
  165. TS: Excellent! Did you find any dried antirrhinum?
  166. A: The people in "Magic & Home Decor" were fresh out
  167. >Anon shrugs
  168. >You sigh a bit
  169. >You will have to locate more ingredients to prepare a new portal
  170. >If only Pinkie were here now
  171. >Pinkie Pie was always excellent with portal conjuring
  172. A: I did, however, find this at Walmart
  173. >Anon holds up a large, white container
  174. A: It's a type of conditioner just for long hair. I... I just felt like buying it, really
  175. >The bottle is labeled as "Mane 'n Tail" and has a silhouette of two human-raised horses galloping
  176. TS: That's... nice. Thank you, Anon
  177. >Anon reaches into another bag
  178. A: And I found some apples on sale! You asked for them, right?
  179. >You nod with a smile
  180. >You deemed it reasonable to practice magic even though you are studying Anon as well
  181. >Anon hauls away the bags of groceries to his cramped refrigerator
  182. A: So, what were you thinking about for dinner?
  183. TS: Oh, anything you'd like
  184. >Anon has become a fairly useful assistant
  185. A: Eh, I'll come up with something
  186. >You retrieve your notepad
  187. TS: 10:23 AM; Anon returns from shopping in 28 minutes
  188. A: What's that now?
  189. TS: A log
  190. A: For...?
  191. TS: Oh, I have been keeping your time for leaving and returning. This will be the 11th time you have left to the store and you have become incredibly efficient at doing so
  192. >Anon chuckles nervously
  193. A: What else are you clocking me on?
  194. TS: A few things
  195. >You flip through your notepad
  196. TS: 7:21 PM; Anon makes bowl of cereal. 7:23 PM; Anon finishes bowl of cereal. 7:27 PM; Anon makes another bowl of cereal
  197. >Anon stares at you for a moment
  198. TS: 7:45 PM; Anon enters the bathroom. 8:10 PM; Anon returns from the bathroom. Note: Anon showered w/o shampoo
  199. A: That's increasingly disturbing... What did I do at 9:00?
  200. >You flip through a page
  201. TS; Let's see... Ah, here it is! 9:03 PM; Anon sits at computer desk with left hand on face. 9:09 PM; Anon announces, "It's happening", before continuing to read on the computer
  202. A: Hah, that was a good thread
  203. >You have no idea what Anon is talking about
  204. A: Are these notes part of your "Human studies"?
  205. TS: Some of them. Others are seeing a relative trend in your ability to learn
  206. >Anon places his hands on his chin
  207. A: How can you figure out if I am learning if I don't know what I am learning about?
  208. TS: Oh, very simple. Fluttershy taught me an invaluable technique for training animals
  209. A: I like being dissected, do continue
  210. >Anon stands firmly with his hands at his waist
  211. TS: Oh, Anon, I wouldn't resort to dissection unless you were deceased
  212. >Anon says the silliest things sometimes
  213. TS: The "learning" I am talking about is how you have been learning what to bring me without me needing to give you a list. You have unconsciously been growing accustomed to me being here and in that, you have been adding my routine to your own
  214. A: PurpleSmart, you sure are clever.
  215. >You scrunch your face at that last comment
  216. TS: Well, there is something I have not figured out just yet
  217. A: What's that?
  218. TS: Why do you always come up with odd names when referring to me?
  219. A: I have no idea what you're talking about, MagicHorn
  220. TS: There! you just did it. You called me, "Magic Horn"
  221. A: Pfft, well of course your horn is magic, TwiBright
  222. >You grow frustrated
  223. TS: Why don't you call me by my name?
  224. A: I am pretty sure I did
  225. TS: You made something up on the spot!
  226. A: Believe you me, Twily, if I were making up names on the spot, they'd be awesome
  227. >You write on your notepad again
  228. TS: 10: 56 AM; Anon attempts to confuse me with circular reasoning
  229. >Anon smiles and finishes packing the groceries
  230. >You take an apple from the bowl Anon has left out for you
  231. >You place the apple neatly on the floor and ready your notepad
  232. A: Ohhh, what'cha doing?
  233. TS: I'm going to turn this apple into an orange
  234. >You puff up your chest and proudly lift your head
  235. TS: It's not as easy as it sounds
  236. >Anon stares blankly
  237. >You deflate a bit
  238. A: Well, you know, I could have bought you oranges?
  239. TS: No, no, the apple is perfect
  240. A: Then why do you want it to be an orange?
  241. TS: I am practicing transmogrification spells that Princess Celestia has assigned me
  242. A: So... like... can you change anything? Or is this only for making oranges?
  243. >You stop and think for a moment
  244. TS: I suppose, in theory. I mean, that is what this set of skills is suppose to be teaching me
  245. >Anon ponders something
  246. >You focus again on your spell
  247. >Your horn begins to glow as you envision the outcome in your head
  248. >Apple, smooth, shiny, red... Orange, bumpy, dull, and... orange
  249. >You aim at the apple on the floor
  250. >A small flash projects from your horn and hits the apple
  251. >Bull's eye!
  252. TS: It looks perfect! The shape, texture, color...
  253. >You sniff the now-orange
  254. TS: Even the smell is right
  255. A: Want me to cut it open to see what's inside?
  256. TS: Oh, yes, that would be excellent
  257. >Anon brandishes a small knife and slices the orange
  258. A: Wow, nice job. Smells and looks like an orange
  259. >Anon brings a slice up to his nose
  260. >He licks another end
  261. A: Tastes like an orange... yep, that's some good magic-orange right there
  262. >You throw your hooves into the air
  263. >You raised them with complete abandon
  264. TS: Oh, goodie! Wait until the Princess hears...
  265. >Realization sets in
  266. >You lose your enthusiastic demeanor
  267. A: Oh, ah, right... well, there's no reason to be upset. You still got the notepad. You can still write that letter!
  268. >Anon seems much more cheerful than he should be
  269. >You do not reach for the pad or pen
  270. A: Come on now, Twily. You did great. Here, let me start this thing for you
  271. >Anon snatches your notepad from the floor
  272. A: Dear... Princess... Celestia. Today, I... Twi... Light... Sparkle... turned... an... orange... into... a... apple
  273. >You mutter quickly
  274. TS: "An" apple
  275. A: Ctrl + Z
  276. >Anon stares at the pen for a moment
  277. A: No, wait... damn
  278. >Your frown breaks into a small smile as Anon fumbles with the pen
  279. A: An... apple. There we go! This looks like a winner to me. Want me to sign you off?
  280. >You grip the notepad lightly with your magic and Anon hands you the pen
  281. TS: Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle
  282. >You smile
  283. >It feels good to write a letter, even if you can't send it now
  284. TS: Thank you, Anon. That... that really helped
  285. A: It was nothing. Orange bite?
  286. TS: Yes, that would be great
  287. >Anon brings the slice close to your lips with alarming speed
  288. >You open your muzzle a bit and bite off a piece
  289. >The juice runs down your face and to your chin
  290. >You see juice glistening on Anon's fingers
  291. >Another bite
  292. >The orange is really delicious and you must be hungrier than you realized
  293. >You grab the last piece with your tongue
  294. >You taste the orange juice that has soaked onto Anon's hand
  295. >Without thinking, you clean two of his fingers with your broad tongue
  296. TS: Mmm, this orange is delicious
  297. A: I know. Makes me wish I had bought some oranges
  298. >You run your tongue over your lips
  299. TS: I will add them to the list for next time
  300. >Your stomach growls
  301. TS: Hehe... I think I've decided on something to eat
  302. >Anon prepares a bowl of sliced apples, oranges and grapes
  303. A: I envy your ability to survive on this
  304. TS: This would be a very expensive meal in Ponyville
  305. A: Eh, don't remind me. I ate so much cake that my hair turned into frosting
  306. >You look up at Anon's head
  307. TS: I-is it... still like that?
  308. A: Did you never have lessons on hyperbole and sarcasm?
  309. TS: I know the words and the meaning of each... so, that would mean... you're being sarcastic!
  310. >Anon messes up your mane with an awkward pat
  311. A: Congratulation, you passed
  312. TS: Oh, so it was a test?
  313. >You smile widely at Anon
  314. A: Eat your fruit bowl...
  315. >You see why he enjoys this "trolling"
  316. TS: Anonymous
  317. A: Yeah?
  318. TS: How does this "Mane n' Tail" stuff work?
  319. >He thinks for a moment
  320. A: It's conditioner. So you wash yourself, then you wash just your mane and tail with it. Then I suppose wash and rinse again
  321. >You bounce your head in approval
  322. >Seems legit
  323. TS: I appreciate the thought, but there is a slight problem
  324. A: Let me guess. You can't really wash yourself thoroughly and are going to ask me for help, which will probably turn into breaking boundaries and things getting deeply personal?
  325. >You hesitate your answer, how does Anon do that?
  326. A: No, I am just kidding. Do go on
  327. TS: Actually, yes. I do need some help washing my mane and tail
  328. >Anon hangs his head to one side
  329. A: Anon, you're such a loud-mouth
  331. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  333. >Night It's Happening on Earth
  335. >Be Anon
  336. >I wonder what craziness will happen today? Life's been pretty unpredictable since Twilight sent me back here
  337. >You contemplate if this is better or worse than Fluttershy
  339. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  340. >Anon has been avoiding you since yesterday
  341. >This is ruining the observation list you are making
  342. TS: Anon, do you remember the conditioner you purchased yesterday?
  343. A: Yes, I still have it
  344. TS: I think my mane could use a little treatment
  345. >You want to keep Anon close and this seems like a perfect excuse
  346. >Your coat is rather matted from not properly grooming it at any rate
  347. A: I suppose I could help you... if you want me too
  348. TS: Yes, Anon, I really do
  349. A: OK, some non-sexual hair washing amongst friends
  350. TS: N-non-sexual?
  351. A: Yes, I felt it had to be said
  352. TS: I never implied...
  353. >A: Implying you never
  354. >You have come to accept this is how Anon expresses distress
  355. TS: I just need some help with the, uh, hard-to-reach places
  356. >Your laugh wobbles nervously
  357. >Anon reads the bottle carefully and works it in circles in his hands
  358. A: So, uh, yeah, this is easy enough. Whenever you're ready
  359. >You're body is ready
  360. >This should be no different than any other time you bathe
  361. >You keep telling yourself that
  362. >Anon is already preparing the shower
  363. >The large, glass box fills with steam
  364. >Anon adjusts the knobs a few times until he feels it is just right
  365. A: OK, well, the shower is all ready
  366. TS: Thank you
  367. >You walk into the bathroom and stretch forward
  368. TS: Let me just loosen up
  369. A: For...?
  370. TS: Silly, Anon, how can I take a bath before stretching?
  371. A: I... I don't know. Good point?
  372. >You stretch forward and bend your belly low
  373. TS: There's nothing quite as nice as warm bath
  374. A: Well, it's more of a shower
  375. >You stretch each hind leg and then your neck
  376. TS: Yes, shower. Amazing how you can have hot water flow in your home without magic or somep0ny pumping it from Cloudsdale
  377. A: Ah, shucks. I try
  378. >You step into the glass box and your hooves clack against the floor tiles
  379. >Water pours over you and your fur sags
  380. >You mane droops down over your eyes
  381. >Before you can uncover your face, you feel human hands on your back
  382. >Anon lathers your coat from your front to your flank
  383. >The hot water pouring down starts to relax your muscles
  384. >You rest your weight on your hooves and allow Anon to clean your fur
  385. A: Your fur's thicker than I realized
  386. >He prods a little harder with his hands
  387. >The feeling of his fingers caressing your skin is so relaxing
  388. A: I'm going to start working on your mane, OK?
  389. >You can barely speak and weakly nod your approval
  390. >Anon takes your mane in his skilled hands and works it apart
  391. >You feel his cool fingers and the contrast of the hot water is exhilarating
  392. >His hands work up towards your head and ears
  393. >Anon's right hand takes your right ear and flicks at the inside
  394. >You quiver a bit as he massages your scalp
  395. A: Just, ehh, just tell me if I'm being too rough
  396. TS: You're, oh! You're doing fine
  397. >You pant as he takes your ears in his hands and rubs them gently
  398. >Soap and dirt pour off you as Anon works more shampoo down your mane
  399. A: This conditioner could burn your eyes, so keep them closed for a little
  400. >You shut your eyes and lower your head a bit
  401. >The heat disorients you with your eyes closed as does the rubbing
  402. >Who knew human hands felt so good?
  403. >You feel a blob of conditioner hit your mane
  404. >Anon takes long bundles of your wild mane and runs conditioner and water through them
  405. TS: T-thank you, again, A-Anon
  406. >He seems too focused to reply
  407. >You feel that your mane is almost finished when Anon's hand suddenly catches your horn
  408. >You snap back in surprise
  409. TS: A-Anon!
  410. >He strokes your horn with a handful of shampoo
  411. >The lubrication feels so right, but you know this is so wrong
  412. A: Hmm, yeah?
  413. >You cannot speak as Anon expertly "cleans" your horn
  414. TS: Ah, ha, h-horn, haah!
  415. >Anon doesn't follow
  416. A: Oh, sorry, haha, I didn't mean to be so rough. I'll go easier on you
  417. >Anon loosens his grip on your horn and strokes it in a one long, agonizingly slow pump
  418. >Your legs brace as your body betrays you
  419. TS: N-n-no...
  420. >You barely whisper
  421. >All you can think of is a stallion with his warm mouth around your horn
  422. >A strong stallion with a beautiful black coat and flowing, wild mane
  423. TS: A-Anon... s-s-stop...
  424. >You moan quietly
  425. >You're body convulses as a pulse of pent-up magic is released without control
  426. >It ricochets from the gleaming tiles with the a crackling sound and heads toward Anon
  427. >[See Proud and Purple II, paragraph 4, line 104]
  428. >Anon is engulfed by the energy
  429. >You spin around as you come to your senses
  430. >Anon's being distorts and shakes
  431. A: My hips are moving on their own!
  432. >Anon doubles over into a ball and screams out in pain
  433. >His entire body is obstructed by the light of magical energies
  434. TS: Anon, no! I didn't mean to!
  435. >You don't know what spell you may have cast
  436. >You thump a hoof to your head to try and jog your memory
  437. >Anon's scream subsides as the light fades
  438. >You plead to Celestia that you didn't cast a vaporizing spell
  439. A: Wha... what happened?
  440. >You stare with wide eyes and a hanging jaw
  441. A: Twily... did you get taller?
  442. >You transmogrified Anon into a stallion!
  443. >On the one hoof, this is incredible and praiseworthy. On the other, this is terrible and you have no idea how to reverse it
  444. A: MagicHorn, hello? Are you in there?
  445. >Anon waves his now-hoof in your face
  446. >He freezes in place, hoof extended
  447. A: Tw-Tw-Tw-Twilight!
  448. TS: Oh, oh, this is no good. Oh no, just... don't move Anon!
  449. >Anon stays perfectly still
  450. TS: OK, OK, I have an idea. We'll just... We'll, get the Princess... No, umm, ahh
  451. >You hang your head
  452. TS: I just don't know what to do
  453. A: Can I move?
  454. TS: What? Oh, yes
  455. >Anon relaxes his muscles for a moment
  456. A: OK, so... I am a pony now... this is odd. How'd you do this spell?
  457. >You look crossed with Anon
  458. TS: It's your fault! If you didn't... didn't touch my horn!
  459. A: Well, excuuuuuuse~ me, princess. I didn't magic me into a pony!
  460. TS: Don't yell at me! I should be yelling at you! What were you thinking?
  461. A: I was thinking of washing your mane! Why'd you turn me into a horse!?
  462. TS: I didn't mean to!
  463. A: But, you did!
  464. >You try to rationalize the situation
  465. TS: Time out. This seems like a large set back for my study and for your... life
  466. >Anon rolls his eyes at you
  467. TS: However, I think I can fix this
  468. >Anon looks sternly at you
  469. A: Think of something fast. I can't even keep my face on straight
  470. >Anon's mask hangs from half his head
  471. A: And I am afraid to touch it with these... hooves. I can't afford to rip it
  472. TS: I can... take it off for you and put it away safely?
  473. >Anon hesitates for a moment and bows his neck a bit
  474. >You carefully slide the mask around his elongated head
  475. >Anon looks back at you with sad eyes
  476. A: Just put -me- on the counter, with the towels
  477. TS: Yes, Anon
  478. >You comply with Anon without question
  479. >Anon steps out of his human clothing and struts about
  480. A: This really isn't so hard. Kind of reminds me of walking up stairs when I was little
  481. >You watch him gain his bearings on his new body
  482. >His strong, new body
  483. >With his jet black coat that reminds you of his suit and his long, brown mane
  484. >He turns about himself and swishes his tail in your direction
  485. TS: Oh, sorry, what did you want?
  486. >He looks up
  487. A: I didn't say anything
  488. TS: You just waved to me. No, wait. This is your first time being a pony
  489. A: And the only time...
  490. >He attempts to stand on two hooves
  491. TS: Anon, you shouldn't stress your new body so soon
  492. >You plead with him to stop showing off
  493. >You don't think you can handle seeing any more of this new body
  494. A: Pony perspective is weird. Do you all see in such hypersensitive color patterns?
  495. TS: Well, it's only recently discovered that ponies have four cones in each eye and a greatly enhanced view of the light spectrum compared to that of other animals like goats that only have two cones.
  496. >Anon blinks a few times
  497. A: That would explain these extra crazy colors I am seeing. What about the rods? Even in this dank apartment, my eyes are well lit
  498. TS: Very astute, Anon. Yes, ponies have excellent low-light vision. Just take it easy with quickly changing lighting. A flash could be very disorienting
  499. A: Hopefully, I don't get time to learn about this
  500. >Anon stands on his back legs again before wobbling and falling back to four
  501. A: Hey, Twilight. What was your plan to get me back to normal?
  502. TS: I was thinking we just need to use the transmogrifying spell again to make you human again
  503. A: Oh, that's great. You know that one. Lay it on me
  504. >Anon stands closer to you
  505. >He retains his ability to radiate a chilling aura
  506. A: So fire at will, TwiBright!
  507. >You turn your face away for a moment
  508. TS: I, uh, I can't
  509. A: Pardon?
  510. TS: Well, it takes a powerful release of magic to change something as complex as a human. I am very tired now and I don't think I can do it
  511. >Anon grumbles and stamps him front hoof
  512. A: I suppose we have enough food and things here to not worry about starving. Everything seems to be in order. How long will it take you to regain your strength?
  513. TS: A goodnight sleep will do it. Maybe a good breakfast as well
  514. A: I can't promise I'll be cooking tomorrow morning
  515. TS: I understand. I won't be observing you until you are back to your original form either. The data would just be corrupted in this way
  516. >Anon's tail swishes from side to side
  517. >His powerful tail... lashing against his muscular flank
  518. A: Twily?
  519. TS: Oh, yes, Anon?
  520. A: You're, um, you're drooling. Kind of looking dangerously 'Fluttershy' right now...
  521. TS: Oh. Oh! No! Nothing like that. I am just tired! Yeah, tired! Ha ha, well, better hit the hay and get you turned back into your old human self!
  522. >You turn from Anon and start to walk away
  523. A: Whoa, Twilight... is that -you-?
  524. >Oh no, he's accustomed to his other senses already!
  525. A: It's... it's not entirely unpleasant
  526. >Anon follows his nose wherever it goes
  527. TS: Anonymous, I have to be honest with you
  528. A: Oh, so we're starting that now?
  529. TS: The spell I used was caused by my fantasizing about a stallion when you were... err, 'working' my horn
  530. A: I didn't know that's how unicorns work. I've only ever encountered one other horned animal and I wasn't going to attempt to whack off a bull. Horns or any other part, really
  531. TS: I... I don't know what came over me. I am not suppose to have these urges
  532. A: Oh, ho! Little MagicHorn is a bit more horny than she lets on
  533. >Anon chuckles and holds a hoof to his muzzle
  534. TS: It's a matter of refinement. Princess Celestia said, "[T]hat until I can control my baser urges, I can't move on to the next lessons in magic"
  535. A: Whoa... Celestia can't have "relations"?
  536. >Anon attempts to air-quote without human hands
  537. A: Anyways, have you ever even been with anyone?
  538. TS: You mean, "anyp0ny", and no. I never had time to pursue a relationship. It's... it's not something good pupils do
  539. >Anon looks at you with hard eyes
  540. >You stare back and see for the first time his eyes are a brilliant shade of blue
  541. >You can't help but feel small when such a powerful stallion has you pinned
  542. >Anon breaks his gaze and strides to you with an unbelievably fluid movement
  543. A: So, -you- changed -me- into a stallion and now spill your guts about your personal life
  544. TS: T-that's not it
  545. >Anon is so close to you that you feel the coldness emitting from him
  546. >He rubs his strong body against your own
  547. >You brace against him as he circles you
  548. A: I can't believe how you smell. I really shouldn't be playing with you this much
  549. TS: P-playing?
  550. A: It was kind of annoying when you messed up my pants days ago, but knowing how rough you've been on yourself is making this really funny. Do you... ever, like, fap?
  551. TS: W-what does t-that mean?
  552. >You can't seem to move your legs with Anon circling you
  553. >He stops at your left side
  554. A: You know, like, touched yourself or maybe rubbed your own horn?
  555. TS: P-Princess Cel-lestia told m-me never t-to...
  556. >You feel Anon's face move dangerously close to your tail
  557. A: I have a lesson about humans for you here
  558. >You barely breathe
  559. A: Humans cannot smell other humans this well. I don't know how you survive around other ponies
  560. >It's nearly impossible
  561. >You think of all the time you spend locked away from every other pony
  562. TS: A-Anon... what a-are...
  563. >You choke as he grabs your tail in his mouth
  564. >You feel his eyes sizing up your shameful body
  565. >He must be thinking of how weak you are right now
  566. >Before you know it, he is face to face with you
  567. A: So, wow. I got to give you credit on having this much resistance!
  568. >You shudder and gasp as your breathing returns to normal
  569. A: I never experienced smells and sights so powerfully before. Humans have such dull senses compared to you ponies
  570. TS: That's... nice... I should... take notes...
  571. >Your heart is beating furiously in your throat
  572. A: OK then, I am going to grab an apple
  573. >As Anon walks away, you focus on his muscled rump
  574. >His stride is so graceful and those legs look so strong
  575. >You think he could have taken your mare-hood whenever he wanted and you'd be powerless
  576. >The more you think about Anon forcing himself upon you, the worse your body gets
  577. TS: Wh-what is w-wrong with me?
  578. >You fall to your rump andbreathe deeply
  579. TS: I... I can't break my word to Celestia. Oh, but, Anon is... he could be... I need to finish that portal if I hope to get home in one piece.
  580. >You see Anon crashing his new body around the kitchen
  581. >Maybe... just a little encounter... it will be quick...
  582. >Celestia doesn't have to know
  583. >It's decided then
  584. >Princess Sparkle will examine the practical applications of stallions in the morning
  586. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  588. >Afternoon of Her Majesty on Earth
  589. >Be Anon-pone
  590. >You have been awake since 6AM
  591. >You find your new body to be very robust and don't feel like sleeping
  592. >It is difficult to walk on four legs
  593. >You have not been able to make a proper breakfast or lunch
  594. >This... this kind of sucks
  595. >You stare at your computer
  596. >You are afraid you will smash your keyboard with these hooves
  597. >The only saving grace of this body is having a huge horseco-
  598. >You hear a knock at your door
  599. >Oh bullocks!
  601. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  602. >You had a fitful sleep as your body recovered over night
  603. >You crawl out of the bed and stumble over to the bathroom
  604. >It smells as if somep0ny didn't flush properly
  605. >You sigh and know not to blame Anon for this
  606. >Your reflection is very messy
  607. >Bags formed under your eyes overnight
  608. >You attempt to straighten your mane and splash cold water on your face
  609. >It really doesn't help
  610. >You resolve to find Anon and get something to eat
  611. >The apartment is very quiet
  612. >You realize that nothing electric is running today
  613. >Anon must not be used to picking things up or turning things on as a pony
  614. TS: Anon? Are you still here?
  615. >You call out to the silence
  616. >You hear a knock at the door that leads outside
  617. >You run to the kitchen and see Anon
  618. TS: Anon, what are you doing back here?
  619. A: I am trying not to make a sound so the person knocking leaves
  620. TS: Why don't you just get the door
  621. >You look at Anon innocently
  622. A: Because I am a pony!
  623. >The knocking fades and you hear footsteps leading away from the door
  624. A: Oh, hey, can you open the door and check if someone left a note after knocking?
  625. >You do as Anon asks and find a small paper attached to the door
  626. >You look it over, however, it does not make sense to you
  627. TS: Here you go, Anon
  628. >Anon places the paper on the floor and peers over it
  629. >He looks really mad and stomps the paper a few times
  630. A: Stupid landlord and her stupid price gouging!
  631. >You aren't sure what he's talking about
  632. A: How does my water jump from $20 to $32? Outrageous! I am going to take this to the forums! We will not be silenced!
  633. TS: I don't really know what any of that is. It's some kind of bill?
  634. A: Yeah, you can't just live here for free. The prices seems to keep going up even as this town dies
  635. >Anon stares at the paper a little longer and grumbles
  636. A: I suppose I'll just shut up and pay the thing... Anyhow, can you turn me back now?
  637. TS: Uh, I think so
  638. A: What do you mean, "think?"
  639. TS: Last night wasn't the best sleep I've gotten. Also, I am starving. What's for breakfast?
  640. >Anon points a hoof at a spilled bowl of apples on the floor
  641. A: I've been eating them for a while now. While delicious, they are in no way filling
  642. TS: Oh... why didn't you just make pancakes?
  643. A: Twily... you are a genius, why didn't I just go and cook on my stove with my human hands? What a foolish fool I have been
  644. >You laugh a bit
  645. >Anon is very dramatic sometimes
  646. TS: I suppose that is my fault. What if I make breakfast this morning?
  647. A: I had no idea you cooked
  648. >You start walking over to the refrigerator
  649. TS: Oh, I usually don't. But, with your cook book, I am sure I can whip something up
  650. A: Eh, I never use that book. Cooking is kind of an art form. You just got to flow with it
  651. >You pay him no attention as you read and gather materials
  652. >Ten minutes later...
  653. >Anon finishes stamping out the fire you set to the curtains
  654. >He looks sternly at you
  655. >You blush and duck your head
  656. TS: I, uh, I guess the stove was too hot... and well, I must have pulled too hard on the tassel...
  657. A: TwiBright, you're fired
  658. >Your face hangs in a frown
  659. >Anon's angry scowl slowly recedes until his face is neutral
  660. A: OK, sorry, that was harsher than I meant
  661. TS: I understand. I didn't mean to burn down the kitchen
  662. >Anon is suddenly upon you and wraps a hoof over your shoulder
  663. A: It's not burnt down. Sure, some of it is burnt... and I need to repaint now... but, overall, it's not bad. I'm not really mad with you
  664. >You perk up a bit at Anon's kind words
  665. A: You should really just rest up. The sooner you make me human again, the sooner I can get back to making delicious meals for us
  666. TS: Thank you, Anon. I'll just have an apple
  667. >Anon climbs up onto the couch and reclines
  668. >You grab an apple and shine it on your chest tuft
  669. >It gives a little gleam in the light
  670. >You take a bite into it and savour the taste
  671. >You catch Anon looking at you with wide eyes
  672. TS: Is there... something wrong?
  673. >Anon snaps out of his trance
  674. A: Wha? You talking to me?
  675. >You smirk a little
  676. >Anon must be tired
  677. A: Hey, Twily, you ever wonder what it would be like to live without magic?
  678. >You choke down another bite of apple
  679. >Living without magic doesn't sound like living at all!
  680. TS: I don't think so... magic is who I am
  681. A: It's kind of hard being a pony for me
  682. >You look over Anon and nod
  683. TS: Well, you're an earth pony... not like a pony raised on your Earth... but, a pony from Equestria born to raise the soil and dominate the land
  684. >Anon ponders for a moment
  685. A: So... what does that mean?
  686. TS: I am not really sure
  687. >You laugh to yourself
  688. TS: I've never been an earth pony before, so I cannot say what it would be like
  689. >Anon hops down from the couch and stretches his legs
  690. A: I can't say I really am enjoying this... couldn't you have zapped me into a unicorn? Maybe even a pegasus?
  691. TS: Magic doesn't work like that, Anon. You became what you are when I transmogrified you. You aren't inherently magical and you can't fly. I believe that is why you were shaped into an earth pony
  692. >Anon walks over to you
  693. A: How do earth ponies even deal with the other two types?
  694. TS: What do you mean by, "deal with?"
  695. A: What I mean to say is, if unicorns wanted to, couldn't they just completely conquer Equestria?
  696. TS: Oh, Anon, don't be silly. All ponies have a function in Equestria society and all ponies are treated practically based on their needs and skills
  697. >Anon appears interested in this topic
  698. TS: An earth pony might be an excellent farmer or even a skilled musician. They use their skill for those who need it and in turn, seek out the skills of others. It helps that almost everyp0ny has a group of friends they can always rely on
  699. >Anon thinks long and hard
  700. >He paces left to right
  701. >You see that this whole experience is taxing on Anon's psyche
  702. >You are torn between what to say next
  703. TS: I'll work on getting you back to your human body, Anon
  704. >You give him the Pinkie Promise
  705. >You question whether Anon knows it, but it's a show of good faith
  706. A: Thank you, TwiBright, I know I can trust you at the very least
  707. >Anon leans in and nuzzles your neck
  708. >His distinct cold aura makes you shiver lightly
  709. >You take in the moment and let Anon regain his composure
  710. >You feel Anon sniff at your mane for a moment
  711. TS: Ah-ha-alright, Anon, I hope you're feeling better now!
  712. >You back up
  713. >Anon looks up at you with wide, blurry eyes
  714. A: Just being around you makes me feel safe...
  715. >Anon blushes and swaggers to and fro
  716. >You imagine Anon's heightened pony sense will cause you trouble
  717. >Better work on that transmogrifying spell
  718. TS: Anon, while I am busy preparing, you should continue to explore your new body
  719. >Anon grins from ear to ear, lips curling to the edges
  720. A: Well, I don't know if I should do -that- now, ha ha
  721. >Anon's lewdness registers in your head
  722. TS: Not like that! I meant like jumping, walking and picking things up!
  723. A: You know, I was wondering how you'd pick things up. I've been using my mouth for the most part. This house is really dusty
  724. >You place your hoof on an apple and lift it into the air
  725. TS: It's elementary, my dear Anon. You simply focus your grip over an object and place it just right in your hoof
  726. >You roll the apple to Anon across the floor
  727. >You see him press the apple to his hoof a few times with no success
  728. >Anon presses the apple a little harder
  729. >It is crushed under his strong hoof
  730. A: Damn it...
  731. >You chuckle to yourself
  732. >Anon is like a big foal
  733. A: This is no laughing matter, Twi! I miss my hands!
  734. TS: Well, I need to prepare for the spell. I am sure you can keep yourself busy for a few hours?
  735. >Anon looks dejectedly at you
  736. A: I suppose so... I'll just stare at the computer
  737. TS: That's the spirit! I will be in your room for absolute quiet and concentration
  738. >You canter off
  740. >Be Anon
  741. >Bored
  742. >Bored
  743. >Still bored
  744. >You press your hooves to your face and rub your muzzle
  745. A: My hooves hurt, this room's too quiet, I don't know anyone here, I want to play video games
  746. >You moan and gripe
  747. >You lay on your back and roll around the carpet
  748. >This brings you an unknown satisfaction
  749. A: Haha, weird
  751. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  752. >You play the spell in your head a few times
  753. >Watching your magic allows you a keen insight into how it unfolds
  754. >While never 100% accurate, spell previewing helps detect possible flaws
  755. >You imagine that you have enough energy to perform this task
  756. >Celestia will be so proud of you when she learns that you can transmogrify complex creatures
  757. >You tap your hooves together and smile at the thought
  758. >You've been storing up energy for a few hours now and think it is time to fetch Anon
  760. >Be Anon
  761. >You hop around the tile floor in your kitchen
  762. >Black tile to black tile, avoiding all white tiles
  763. A: The white tiles are now hot lava!
  764. >You declare this to make it true
  765. >You are suddenly startled by your name being called
  766. >Twilight is standing at the threshold of the kitchen
  767. >Her face is stretched a bit in surprise
  768. >Your rump and two of your hooves are in the air while two other hooves are balancing on black tiles
  769. A: Uh, I can explain...
  771. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  772. >You see Anon displaying his body rather proudly
  773. >You try not to look at him when he's flexing that much
  774. TS: OK, Anon, if you could trot over here. I am ready to cast the spell
  775. >Anon's ears flick up eagerly
  776. >He gallops over to you and stands firm
  777. A: My body is ready
  778. >You hope you are as confident as Anon
  779. >Your horn glows as you charge yourself
  780. >You grunt as the light builds up more and more
  781. >Anon closes his eyes and smiles
  782. >You see the human form running through your head
  783. >Tall, bipedal, feet and hands moving in time with the running image
  784. >You feel your body being forced downward by the building pressure of the spell
  785. >Now or never!
  786. >With a grunt and a flash of brilliant light, your spell engulfs Anon
  787. >His appearance flickers from a stallion to a man
  788. >You focus intensely to maintain the channeling spell
  789. >Anon's body is stretched and pulled in your beam
  790. >You push harder, you can feel the spell about to take effect!
  791. >Magic burn marks streak past your horn
  792. >You are going to pass out!
  793. >You plead with the spell to take hold already
  794. >Is Anon resist?
  795. >The door is suddenly thrust open by another human
  796. >You nearly black out and are forced to drop your power
  797. >Anon regains his pony shape
  798. >You are exhausted now and your horn burns
  799. >The human looks to you, then Anon, to you and then back to Anon
  800. Linzy: The heck? Apartments ain't fer horses! That Anon knows he ain't suppose ta have pets in here
  801. A: Linzy... my dear... close the door...
  802. >Anon's eyes are glowing furiously
  803. >The human he called out to seems frozen in fear
  804. >Anon makes a dash to her
  805. >Linzy attempts to escape, but Anon seems angry in a way you never knew
  806. >He rams her leg to stop her from running and delivers a swift kick to her abdomen
  807. >Her body tumbles down
  808. >Anon drags her into the room and his tail pulls the door closed
  809. >His form seems to shake and vibrate with magic for a moment as his image is distorted
  810. A: Twilight... what happened to me?
  811. TS: I-I don't know! I must not have had the energy needed
  812. A: You said you did!
  813. >Anon's growls are unnatural for a pony
  814. >You look to the human on the floor
  815. TS: Anon, you might have really hurt her! You need to calm down!
  816. A: Calm!? I am calm! Make me a human again!
  817. >Anon froths at the mouth as his eyes remain blank with energy
  818. A: I felt it for a moment. I could feel my legs and hands! I was within inches of life again!
  819. >His form vibrates and seems to shift place
  820. >He is pressing up against your own face in a blink
  821. A: What happened?!
  822. >You back down and fall to the floor
  823. >Your back presses up against the couch as you crawl
  824. TS: I am not s-sure! B-but, I k-know I c-can fix this!
  825. >Anon stands in place as arcs of energy fly from his hooves
  826. >He grunts in pain and falls to his knees for a moment
  827. A: Aarrgh... I can't take it!
  828. >Anon slams his head to the floor
  829. >Each hit causes his body to blink from human to pony and back again
  830. >His image reminds you of a broken television screen
  831. A: The pain is too much!
  832. >As he yells, a spark flies from his body and sets a small fire in the kitchen
  833. >He continues to battle his own body
  834. >You are deathly afraid to move, but the smoke is forcing you to take action
  835. TS: Anon! You need to calm down! Stop fighting it! The more you struggle, the more pain you'll suffer!
  836. >Anon is completely unreasonable and incoherent
  837. >He bubbles mindless as his hooves dent the floor and crack through the wood
  838. >The fire has spread in the kitchen and you are running out of time
  839. >You grab the injured human on the ground and toss her on your back
  840. TS: Anon, please follow me!
  841. >Anon looks to you with large, white eyes
  842. >His face stretched with pain and anguish
  843. >Sound and time stop for a breif moment as his voice is masked by the sound of energy violently splitting
  844. >You try to see what is happening as the fire overwhelms the room
  845. >You can not save Anon
  846. >So run...
  847. >Keep running
  848. >You have this human to save
  849. >You have to stop the fire
  850. >Anon is...
  851. >You don't want to think about it
  852. >A red box on the wall catches your attention
  853. TS: "Pull in and push down in case of fire"
  854. >Perfect!
  855. >You do as the box says and the halls are suddenly filled with rain
  856. >This is just the right spell for the job!
  857. >You leave the human to get wet while you rush back to Anon's room
  858. >The smoke billows from shattered windows and the roaring flames lick away at furniture
  859. >You cast a protective bubble on your body and rush past the dying flames
  860. TS: Anon! Anon, please answer! Where are you!
  861. >You look around where Anon was sitting to see nothing
  862. >There is no trace that Anon was there except for a small magical burn ring
  863. >Did he... ?
  864. >By Celestia, you can't finish the thought!
  865. >You race back out into the hall and see the human girl stirring in her place
  866. >You gallop to her side
  867. TS: Miss, are you alright? How's your side?
  868. >She looks up at you with pain in her eyes
  869. L: What's... happenin'?
  870. TS: There was a fire... something bad happened
  871. >You use your magic to look at her bones
  872. >Small fractures to the ribs are the only issue you see
  873. L: Talkin'... horse... well, Ah'll be...
  874. >Linzy passes out
  875. >You pull her onto your back and take off down the hall
  876. >The sound of motor vehicles approaching have you on edge
  877. >You don't know what they are doing, but a lot of humans in red trucks are coming down the street
  878. >You're head pounds as you try to understand what happened to Anon
  879. >Tonight will be difficult with this injured human in tow
  880. >Celestia guide you for you know what you must do now
  882. >In a molten land between time, you have arrived
  883. >Be Anon the Lost
  884. A: Where am I? What is this place?!
  885. >You yell into the barren land hoping anything will reply
  886. >Your body tingles with energy and lightning crackles from you finger tips
  887. >This body is not the body you once had though it is human in shape
  888. >Your skin is nothing but pulsing energy
  889. >You have no discernible features
  890. >At least you still know who you are... what you are... who you use to be
  891. A: Did Twilight Sparkle send me here out of anger?
  892. >You sit and look around
  893. >Rivers of energy surround you
  894. >Time seems to be moving where ever it pleases
  895. >Space is distorted around objects, but objects are not truly in the way
  896. Male Voice: Anon... why have you intruded into my domain?
  897. >You look around
  898. A: I do not mean to intrude. Show yourself and we can talk this through
  899. MV: You have invaded my sanctuary out of time... why do you invade?
  900. A: I did not mean to invade. I am lost!
  901. MV: We are all lost...
  902. A: No, I am legitimately lost... can you tell me how to get back to Earth?
  903. MV: How do you intend to return with no body? You are a being of pure energy. What trials could you seek to find in the world of material?
  904. >You want to cry, but cannot
  905. >You have no eyes, yet you see everything
  906. A: Well, do you know the way?
  907. MV: Will you leave when you are told and never return?
  908. A: Sure, yes. Anything!
  909. MV: Very well...
  910. >A ball of purest blue glimmers in the distant
  911. MV: There is the dimension of material...
  912. A: Do I just... walk to it?
  913. MV: No one walks here... no one has a material body to walk...
  914. >You squint and try to judge the distance
  915. >Lifts off your feet, you notice you can float easily above the jagged terrain
  916. >Well, that is nice...
  917. >You push your body forward and accelerate beyond the point of sight
  918. >This world rushes past you, yet you see everything clearly
  919. >You do not know how fast you are moving, however, you know it is much faster than humanly possible
  920. >Something slow is moving past you
  921. >You brace yourself to collide
  922. A: Shazbot!
  923. >You slide through them without losing any momentum
  924. A: Oh, yeah... OK...
  925. >You continue moving in this speed towards the beacon
  926. >It has not seem to grow any closer
  927. >You steel your mind for the trip ahead...
  928. >This could take a while
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