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Line Leveling Code (Based on Raggedness)

a guest
Dec 5th, 2015
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Python 1.69 KB | None | 0 0
  1. import itertools
  3. def comp_cost(split, combination):
  4.     s_list = []
  5.     n = 0
  6.     cost = 0
  7.     for x in combination:
  8.         s_list.append(' '.join(split[n:n+x]))
  9.         n += x
  10.     for x in s_list:
  11.         cost += (len(x)) ** 2
  12.     return cost
  14. def line_level(s, lines):
  15.     cost = 100000
  16.     split = s.split(' ')
  17.     if lines > len(split):  #Not enough lines for at least 1 word on each line
  18.         answer = tuple([1] * len(split) + [0] * (lines - len(split)))
  19.         cost = comp_cost(split, answer)
  20.     else:
  21.         num_list = range(1, len(split))         #Brute force: The combinations of numbers that add up to the number of words
  22.         combinations = filter(lambda y: sum(y) == len(split),
  23.                               [x for x in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(num_list, lines)])
  24.         combinations = list(set(combinations))              #Remove duplicates
  25.         for x in combinations:                              #A set of numbers that adds up to the number of words
  26.             for y in list(set(itertools.permutations(x))):  #Remove duplicates; permutations is needed to test each combination
  27.                 if comp_cost(split, y) < cost:
  28.                     cost = comp_cost(split, y)
  29.                     answer = y
  30.     print('Words:    {},  Lines: {}'.format(len(split), lines))
  31.     print('Min Cost: {}'.format(cost))
  32.     n = 0
  33.     for x in answer:
  34.         print(' '.join(split[n:n+x]))
  35.         n += x
  37. line_level('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 5)
  38. print('')
  39. line_level('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 4)
  40. print('')
  41. line_level('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.', 3)
  42. print('')
  43. line_level('The quick.', 3)
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