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  1. Jin (IP: Private )
  2. Fail Troller
  4. Administrator
  6. 4,650 posts
  7. LocationSingapore
  8. Posted Today, 03:46 PM
  9. So lets see if any action gets taken on this. You can say I am making this report on behalf of myself, well I think I am making this report on behalf of the welfare of the community.
  11. I will start with my own experience.
  13. Lets begin with how I got blacklisted in the first place. It began with this simple incident which opened up the flood gates.
  17. He took a pot shot at me in the forums publicly. I then proceeded to issue him a warning point for his behaviour. He then claimed that he was legitimately asking about her despite the fact that we all know what he was really trying to do which was ignite a controversy and well take a swipe at me personally. His claim can be also seen in this report he made about me which he clearly states that he was truly asking about her.
  19. http://www.gaming-as...9-admin-report/
  23. So he made a Admin Abuse report against me for issuing him with a point.
  25. He would subsequently admit to both me and Bamf that he made the post to take a personal swipe at me. Community Manager Bamf can testify to this as he was there when Durga finally admitted that he lied and said he had lied. This entire report set the stage for what happens next. So he begins his his targeting of me.
  27. Subsequently, he began deleting several of my posts on the APD forums and began moderating my posts. Many of which were completely harmless. I forgot how many there were but he kept on doing it. Buckwalter will testify to this and tell you how he was specifically targeting posts I made which were harmless and finding fault with me. Then came an in-game incident not long after this, probably a week.
  29. I believe this was a few months ago. I spawned into Air HQ and saw that a chase was going on and we were engaged with a big gang. At that time, two ADMIN LTs were on, Daquan and Killswitch. So I hopped in, got into Teamspeak, and asked their permission first whether or not I could pull a hunter out of my own garage and join in the chase instead of waiting for them to come back to HQ and pull out one of their own garage. Last time I checked, LTs were allowed to give people permission to use Hunters etc. The reason I asked them first was because I know that Durga was already trying to find something to get at me with. When they granted me the permission, I pulled out a hunter from my garage to save them the time and joined in the chase. After no more than 10 minutes he came into the teamspeak channel demanding I return the hunter and said that I was abusing my position. Killswitch and Myself then tried to explain the situation to him and tell him that the LTs had given me permission to do so. He didnt care to listen but I had followed thru returned the hunter and stored it and then Killswitch pulled out one from his own garage for me to use. Completely unnecessary and stupid in anybody opinion. I thought the matter was dealt with but then I had learned that he had issued me a point. No point was issued to either Killswitch or Daquan, once again showing that he had singled me out for punishment. I asked Bamf about this later and even he claimed he wouldnt have given me a point after talking with me. I was understandably shocked and saw this as what it was, him targeting me to get back at me for that forum point. I later learned that he had been issuing me points in March as well over an incident which I will explain now.
  31. http://www.gaming-as...pic/63194-pr62/
  37. A cadet was RDMing and instead of banning him I sent a message to the APD telling to constables to make sure they educated the dude on how to play properly. In no way did I mean to abuse the message system.. Why the hell would I? So he issued me 2 points back in March and didnt even come and explain to me and talk to me about it. Neither did he find out anything from the players involved in the incident. He didnt get my perspective on the matter and neither did he get theirs. Is this how the APD is supposed to issue points? Without telling the person what they did wrong and trying to find out what really happened? Another clear ABUSE of power.
  41. So me being me, naturally, called him out on it as well as other issues that I saw that were not being dealt with. We were also exchanging PMs with each other on the forums . It was after this post I made calling him out as well as a PM I sent him calling him out on his abusive behaviour (it is a PERSONAL MESSAGE). I have since deleted it but I am pretty sure he still has it. So after a personal message I sent him, he proceeded to blacklist me arbitrarily and said that it was because of my behaviour on the APD forums. It was a another clear cut case of him being emotional and abusing his power as I will show he has done this to others as well.
  43. It was at this point that me bamf and him had a talk. Yes, me being me, I went off on him and told him that I thought he was an abusive douche bag etc etc you all should know the rest. Keep in mind, he was still pleading that he had nothing against me and that comment he made about Herbert was genuine. Bamf told me to bite the bullet, be the bigger man and apologize to get it over and done with. I did. I also said I would behave in the forums. I said all this only because Bamf assured me and knowing that I was an admin and just decided to be the bigger man. So everything was good, but if any of us know Durga, we know that he holds grudges forever.
  45. Until this.
  47. http://www.gaming-as...rm-to-a-person/
  49. Look thru that thread. He claimed that a post I made called him out publicly. Ive asked several admins to look thru the thread and find me what I did to publicly call him out directly. Nobody was able to find the post, not even when I told them the page number. To whomever will read this, tell me honestly, if anything I said in there was blacklist worthy. So he blacklisted me again.
  51. This time we had another talk with myself, bamf and Durga. It was only this time that he ADMITTED that he had lied about the Herbert issue and his entire purpose was to call me out on the forums. Mind you, he played completely stupid prior to this and Bamf can attest to how dumbfounded he acted when I had issued him the warning point. He fervently maintained his innocence until this day when we had a second talk.
  52. So I told him, yea, I didnt call you out in any post but I worded my post in a way to make sure that it didn't call anyone out specifically. Look at that thread again and tell me if I had called anyone out specifically and Bamf didnt wanna deal with it so the case was left in limbo. I told him I would never accept his abusive blacklist and would re-whitelist myself whenever I wanted to play cop.
  54. That is only my story.
  56. My story of him targetting certain people and his excessive abuse of power is further substantiated by what he did recently to Gnashes and Patrick Swayze.
  58. Ill quote Buckwalter on this " First and foremost at least 3 distinct instances of abuse of power. Blacklisting players for forum behavior that was borderline at worst. Punishing a player twice as harshly for a forum comment as it would have been had the player actually acted according to his word in game. For a hyperbolic comment made in a heated moment no less. The situation ended up being resolved, but only after Bamf interceded. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. And the coup de grace, assessing 5 points and blacklisting an admin lieutenant for no reason, because he wanted to talk to them about taking cop more seriously. I don't think I need to expound on the potential for far more severe abuses in an administrative position.
  60. Secondly, demeanor. For the entirety of my tenure as an APD higher-up, 90-95% of Durga's peers, and later subordinates , would actively avoid dealing with him. Not because of any personal dislike, but because of the way he treated them. If you had a reasonable policy question, he would respond as if you were a prospective cadet who just said their primary weapon was an MX. He has a tendency to be impatient, condescending, and acerbic. It is a commonly held belief in this community (whether or not it's true) that he enjoys treating people poorly and/or gets off on disciplining people harshly. And while that ability to be a hardass is a desirable trait in an admin at times, it gives me pause to see someone comport themselves so gleefully while doing so."
  62. He issued Both Gnashes and Patricck Swayze points. Points that never should have never been given in the first place and since he is so by the book let me read to you the guidelines for issuing someone points again. Other people have also called him out specifically and we have Admins and LTs also stating in forum posts that they wouldnt follow certain policies which they called stupid. No action or points were ever given agaisnt them. It only further proves my point that he targets people. Trilligy has admitted to me in conversations that Durga does abuse the point system to target people he doesn't like.
  64. The Captains have decided to make a rule change regarding the Disciplinary Point System as follows:
  66. In short, do not abuse the point system. Do not go out of your way to punish an Officer.
  67. The point system was intended to give Officers a second chance. Not to be harsh on them.
  69. Any abuse of the point system will result in the unnecessary points being added to the Lieutenant assigning the points.
  70. This will not take effect for those who make small mistakes. This is primarily to stop any gross abuse of the point system. - Durga
  73. So he is above the law? I had a chat with Bamf way back when he was designing the point system, a time at which I was still an LT. I asked how we would ensure that abuses wouldn't happened because well, we had Dull and Durga and they were chief abusers of powers. He came up with the clause that if points were issued wrongly they would be overturned and reassigned. Now clearly the Captain himself seems to be above the law so who is supposed to check if he is abusing his power?
  75. All this simply compounds the fact that Durga needs to go for his countless violations of APD guidelines and his continuous abusive behaviour towards the rank and file of the Asylum community. At the very least, I am asking that my blacklisting get removed as there was 0 objectivity in it. Me and him will never like each other and will never see eye to eye. I do not like people who abuse their authority, not do I like cyber bullies. I am simply asking that he leaves me the hell alone and worries about APD instead of me so that I can play the game and enjoy playing it. If I went out of my way and pulled a Yoven or a Sojo and fucked up while I was playing I completely understand and can live with that. But to date, I have not. I refuse to accept a blacklist based on a forum post he thinks called him out specifically. At best, he needs to be held to ACCOUNT for his abusive behaviour time which has gone completely UNCHECKED time and again.
  77. Thanks,
  78. Jin
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