
MHX Heavy Bowgun

Nov 23rd, 2015
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  4. - Limiter mechanics have been removed.
  5. - All bowguns now come with Built-in Ammo in addition to your regular ammo
  6. o You'll start each hunt with the predetermined maximum number of Built-in Ammo
  7. o The Built-in Ammo type and quantity (max and clip) you get is determined by the bowgun and its level, just like regular ammo
  8. o You cannot buy or craft Built-in Ammo
  9. o Built-in Ammo does not take up any inventory space
  10. o Some Built-in Ammo can be used in Siege Mode
  11. o During hunts, Built-in Ammo shows up with a blue background
  12. o The following returning ammo types are now listed as Built-in Ammo, some with added levels:
  13. ■ WyvernFire
  14. ■ Slicing S Lv?
  15. ・ Now has levels
  16. ■ Blast S Lv?
  17. ・ Now has levels
  18. ■ Demon S
  19. ・ Now shoots in a cone
  20. ■ Armor S
  21. ・ Now shoots in a cone
  22. o New Built-in Ammo: (translations are not official)
  23. NOTE: A "Lv?" next to it means that it has Lv1 and Lv2.
  24. ■ Power S Lv? (強装弾) - High power with high recoil
  25. ・ Lv1 recoil is same as Pierce 2/3 recoil
  26. ・ Lv2 recoil is same as Poison/Paralysis/Sleep 1 recoil (one higher than Pierce 2/3)
  27. ■ Heavy S Lv? (重撃弾) - Flinches & breaks parts when fired at the correct distance.
  28. ・ The projectile's trajectory is like a really heavy cannonball.
  29. ■ Tenderizer S (痛撃弾) - Increased affinity against monster's weak points.
  30. ■ Cannon S Lv? (大砲弾) - Explodes on impact.
  31. ■ Long-Range S Lv? (遠撃弾) - Ammo for use at long ranges.
  32. ■ Stone S (ツブテ弾) - Yep, stones. Can hold many.
  33. ■ Flaming S Lv2 (LV2火炎弾) - A stronger Flaming S.
  34. ■ Water S Lv2 (LV2水冷弾) - A stronger Water S.
  35. ■ Thunder S Lv2 (LV2電撃弾) - A stronger Thunder S.
  36. ■ Freeze S Lv2 (LV2氷結弾) - A stronger Freeze S.
  37. ■ Dragon S Lv2 (LV2滅龍弾) - A stronger Dragon S.
  38. ■ Flaming Pierce S Lv? (貫通火炎弾) - A Pierce S with fire element.
  39. ■ Water Pierce S Lv? (貫通水冷弾) - A Pierce S with water element.
  40. ■ Thunder Pierce S Lv? (貫通電撃弾) - A Pierce S with thunder element.
  41. ■ Freeze Pierce S Lv? (貫通氷結弾) - A Pierce S with ice element.
  42. ■ Exploding S (連爆榴弾) - 3 explosions happen at the point of impact.
  43. ■ Shrapnel S (榴散弾) - Does the same effect as Pellet S at the point of impact.
  44. ■ Light-Speed S (烈光弾) - A bullet of light that shoots at high speed.
  45. ■ Poison Smoke Bomb S (毒煙弾) - Does the same effect as a Poison Smoke Bomb at the point of impact.
  46. ■ Demon Affinity S (鬼人会心弾) - Stronger version of Demon S that also increases Affinity.
  47. ■ Armor Toughness S (硬化強靭弾) - Stronger version of Armor S that also prevents knockdown.
  48. ■ Flash S (閃光弾) - Same effect as a Flash Bomb.
  49. ■ Dung S (こやし弾) - Same effect as a Dung Bomb.
  50. ■ Healing S (治癒活力弾) - Heals abnormal ailments and boosts health recovery.
  51. ■ Lifepowder S (広域回復弾) - Bullet that explodes in the air or on contact, healing you and fellow hunters.
  52. ■ Demon Armor S (鬼人硬化弾) - Combines the effect of Demon S and Armor S.
  54. Now onto the Hunting Styles themselves!
  57. - Nothing different.
  60. - Loses Siege Mode
  63. - Can roll forward or sideways out of Siege Mode
  64. o After the roll, you will face the same direction as before (same as from non-Siege Mode)
  65. o Hold X to re-enter Siege Mode
  66. - Forward roll when not in Siege Mode is now a hop
  67. o Can re-enter Siege Mode by holding X after landing
  68. - When jumping off of a monster/teammate:
  69. o If sheathed:
  70. ■ Press X to do a rifle smack and reload all selected bullets
  71. ■ Press R-X-A to shoot down, propelling yourself forward (make sure your ammo is loaded!)
  72. ・ Siege Mode ammo will shoot several
  73. ・ Non-Siege Mode ammo will shoot one round
  74. ・ You’ll face the direction you came from upon landing
  75. ・ Then press X after landing to quickly enter Siege Mode in any direction
  76. o If unsheathed:
  77. ■ Automatically reloads all selected bullets (OH BABY!!!)
  78. ■ Can press X after landing to quickly enter Siege Mode
  79. ■ Press X to do a rifle smack
  80. ■ Press A to shoot a single shot in any direction (same as from ledge)
  81. ■ Press X-A to shoot down, propelling yourself forward
  82. ・ Siege Mode ammo will shoot several
  83. ・ Non-Siege Mode ammo will shoot one round
  84. ・ You’ll face the direction you came from upon landing
  85. ・ Then press X after landing to quickly enter Siege Mode in any direction
  86. NOTE: All shots (and each hit from Pierce/Pellet) do Mount damage, depending on the monster.
  87. NOTE: Pierce shots will hit in faster intervals than if fired from the ground, so you won't lose many if any hits.
  88. NOTE: All Pellet shots will home in if you're facing the monster (or propelling yourself over with X-A), even at point-blank range.
  91. - Pressing B with no direction in Siege Mode will now make you roll forward (instead of standing up)
  92. - Can roll in any direction out of Siege Mode
  93. o Shorter than normal roll
  94. o After the roll, you will face the same you rolled in (so you can turn around completely!)
  95. o Hold X to re-enter Siege Mode
  96. - After a successful Bushido Evade:
  97. o If unsheathed, you'll do a normal sprint. You can press X to do a short hop and reload.
  98. o Hold a direction during the Bushido Evade to face that direction during the Power Reload/Run
  99. o Automatically do a Power Reload
  100. ■ Reloads currently selected ammo and powers up all ammo for about 10 seconds
  101. ■ You can press X immediately after to enter Siege Mode
  102. o Press X before the Power Reload to start a Power Run
  103. ■ You will not get the Power Reload
  104. ■ You’ll run extremely fast and extremely far with good steering
  105. ■ You can only end it early by rolling, and can then go into Siege Mode
  106. o NOTE: Unlike Light Bowgun, you cannot do both a Power Run and Power Reload
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