
2019-05-29 TOEFL: writing feedback, reading purpose

May 29th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Purpose questions from yesterday’s test.
  6. ---
  7. Writing from last week.
  8. - You can write about the lecture first, but it’s sometimes better for the connection of ideas if you then put the points from the text before the ones from the lecture.
  9. - If the independent prompt is about which “life choice” is better, start by thinking through a few typical situations where one action can be better or worse than another:
  10. Does one option cost more than the other?
  11. Does it help or hurt in different areas of life?
  12. education
  13. career
  14. relationships (friends or family)
  15. liesure activities
  16. necessary activities (chores, taxes, etc.)
  17. budget
  18. responsibilities
  19. ---
  20. BREAK
  21. ---
  22. Purpose Questions - p. 337-8 has a summary outline of how to answer these questions
  23. ---
  24. Answer the questions on p. 340 about the passage from 339.
  25. 1 b
  26. 2 d
  27. 3 c
  28. 4 a
  29. 5 d
  30. 6 d (The author of the book, Paulo Coelho, may have been drawing a conclusion about the meaning of life, but the author of the passage is identifying the lesson Santiago learned in the book.)
  31. ---
  32. p. 344-347 - Read the passage and then answer the questions.
  33. 1 c
  34. 2 d
  35. 3 c
  36. 4 d
  37. 5 d
  38. 6 b
  39. 7 d
  40. 8 a e f
  41. ---
  42. Do you understand the words in exercise 6R3? (Both from the box and from the numbered list.)
  43. paradigm = model or pattern (especially for how to think about something)
  44. paradigm shift = a major change in the way we think about something
  45. precedence = priority
  46. ---
  47. beneficiary = who benefits from something / recipient (= receiver)
  48. ---
  49. Homework: p. 348-355 reading practice 3 and 4 (answer the purpose and summary questions in exercises 6R7 and 6R13)
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