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Oct 15th, 2015
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  1. 04:12:02 <asie> CanVox: thanks, btw
  2. 04:12:07 <•CanVox> ?
  3. 04:12:36 <asie> for reaching out
  4. 04:12:38 <asie> i appreciate it.
  5. 04:13:36 <•CanVox> idk dude I was just laughing at the idea that moderators know or care about what's going on in the minecraft thread or that anyone's trying to maintain opsec or whatever the fuck for SA posts
  6. 04:13:48 <asie> CanVox: that is how i felt as an outsider
  7. 04:14:08 <asie> seeing as every single SA screencap i got was in the 4chan minecraft thread
  8. 04:14:14 <asie> i guess i was a bit biased
  9. 04:14:23 <•CanVox> XD
  10. 04:17:23 <asie> it was an outlining of my thoughts at the time...
  11. 04:17:37 <asie> i still feel RF has a severe issue with modpack devs not touching any RF power usage values
  12. 04:17:53 <asie> RF has no real baseline
  13. 04:18:09 <asie> TE is the closest thing, but then you have mods below it and mods way above it
  14. 04:19:40 <asie> also, a severe issue with the "forbidden fruit"
  15. 04:19:42 <•CanVox> idk when packs there'd even be a good case for doing it in
  16. 04:19:47 <asie> who uses the harder way in a modpack?
  17. 04:19:58 <•CanVox> You do. All the time.
  18. 04:20:04 <•CanVox> I know I sure do.
  19. 04:20:12 <asie> most people don't
  20. 04:20:16 <•CanVox> Many of the people arguing in favor of non-decaying passives do.
  21. 04:20:24 <•CanVox> Most people who use AE do.
  22. 04:20:32 <asie> AE is the easier way
  23. 04:20:35 <•CanVox> Is it?
  24. 04:20:39 <asie> same with non-decaying passives
  25. 04:20:41 <asie> yes, it is
  26. 04:20:41 <•CanVox> Nope
  27. 04:20:42 <•CanVox> Not true
  28. 04:21:00 <asie> Ender IO conduits are easier too
  29. 04:21:02 <•CanVox> Non-decaying passives require far, far more resources to produce the same amount of mana from an endoflame for instance
  30. 04:21:09 <asie> because much less routing skill is required
  31. 04:21:15 <•CanVox> Ender IO is the easiest way and it's not the most commonly used
  32. 04:21:18 <•CanVox> Hasn't been for a while
  33. 04:21:44 <asie> ehhh
  34. 04:21:44 <•CanVox> I mean look at tekkit classic
  35. 04:21:49 <asie> the more i talk i feel i live in a bubble
  36. 04:21:51 <•CanVox> Anyone using compact solars
  37. 04:21:54 <asie> the more i feel*
  38. 04:21:57 <•CanVox> Not going with the easiest way
  39. 04:22:01 <•CanVox> The easiest way was railcraft boilers
  40. 04:22:16 <•CanVox> There's certainly always The Most Popular Way
  41. 04:22:21 <•CanVox> And there's a certain sort of logic to why it's used
  42. 04:22:33 <•CanVox> But you need to recognize how that logic is developed, why people choose what they choose
  43. 04:22:36 <•CanVox> That's where game design comes from
  44. 04:22:47 <•CanVox> Look at thaumcraft: not usually the easiest way
  45. 04:22:49 <asie> i am not a game designer, i never were one
  46. 04:23:00 <•CanVox> You have been doing game design for a little while now
  47. 04:23:02 <asie> but i am the only one who cares about bc enough to maintain it
  48. 04:23:08 <•CanVox> You can't just shrug off your responsibility to produce good work
  49. 04:23:20 <asie> CanVox: i have not added any non-iterative thing to BC for the past year
  50. 04:23:27 <•CanVox> Until gendustry, forestry bees weren't the easiest way to do anything and I'd argue that they're not particularly easy now for a lot of things
  51. 04:23:30 <•CanVox> Why do people use forestry bees?
  52. 04:23:31 <asie> except packagers but those were rippes off
  53. 04:23:35 <asie> people use them?
  54. 04:23:40 <•CanVox> A lot of game designers only do iterative work
  55. 04:23:42 <asie> i have only once seen anyone use them
  56. 04:23:45 <asie> on dozens of servers
  57. 04:23:48 <•CanVox> Think of how many people work on yearly titles
  58. 04:23:58 <•CanVox> They were used constantly back in 1.2
  59. 04:24:06 <•CanVox> They fell out of fashion because forestry fell out of fashion
  60. 04:24:28 <asie> i guess you're right
  61. 04:24:33 <•CanVox> Look my point is
  62. 04:24:41 <•CanVox> Most people choose stuff that's not the easiest stuff
  63. 04:24:47 <•CanVox> They choose stuff that they think is the most fun stuff
  64. 04:24:55 <•CanVox> And that doesn't mean it is becaus epeople fixate on weird things
  65. 04:25:04 <•CanVox> But they generally try to pursue what looks enjoyable
  66. 04:25:14 <asie> BuildCraft 8 will be my first serious voyage into a redesign
  67. 04:25:14 <•CanVox> If you're saying
  68. 04:25:17 <asie> it stresses me out
  69. 04:25:20 <asie> a lot.
  70. 04:25:42 <asie> i get very emotionally invested into just about anything i do
  71. 04:25:45 <•CanVox> "oh people choose to do 1 hour of mining and 50 crafting combines instead of 2 hours of mining and 100 crafting combines POWER CREEP"
  72. 04:25:56 <asie> CanVox: nah
  73. 04:26:02 <asie> crafting was never a good balance measure
  74. 04:26:11 <•CanVox> As far as I can tell it's the main balance measure
  75. 04:26:12 <•CanVox> Like
  76. 04:26:18 <asie> it is the main one
  77. 04:26:20 <asie> but it does not work
  78. 04:26:35 <asie> BC has some of the easiest craftings AFAIK
  79. 04:26:43 <asie> it is also fundamentally unfit for a microcrafting world
  80. 04:26:47 <asie> AE is better there
  81. 04:27:17 <•CanVox> People choose AE for one reason
  82. 04:27:30 <•CanVox> Building more chests and finding new places to put them isn't fun
  83. 04:27:41 <asie> yes it is, sorting is a massive part of the game
  84. 04:27:45 <•CanVox> That's not sorting
  85. 04:27:51 <•CanVox> There's nothing wrong with sorting
  86. 04:27:58 <asie> iron chests?
  87. 04:28:05 <asie> barrels?
  88. 04:28:11 <asie> betterstorage's crates?
  89. 04:28:21 <•CanVox> ok A better storage is awful
  90. 04:28:26 <•CanVox> like the worst
  91. 04:28:37 <asie> i like the backpacks a lot
  92. 04:28:41 <asie> the crates and boxes are great
  93. 04:28:52 <asie> the locking system beats LWC in gameplayability by far
  94. 04:28:58 <asie> the chests are a bit small for the price though
  95. 04:29:01 <asie> and by a bit i mean a lot
  96. 04:29:04 <•CanVox> uhhh
  97. 04:29:07 <•CanVox> that' snot the problem
  98. 04:29:26 <•CanVox> the fucked up UI where NEI doesn't work & sometimes things explode because holiday events is the problem
  99. 04:29:40 <asie> well bs is abandoned and mit now
  100. 04:30:21 <•CanVox> How do you even manage to make a GUI where NEI doesn't work
  101. 04:30:25 <•CanVox> that stretches the imagination
  102. 04:30:31 <asie> what do you mean by that?
  103. 04:30:39 <asie> i never had an issue
  104. 04:30:41 <•CanVox> I mean like the NEI gui will not appear in BS chests
  105. 04:30:42 <•CanVox> when they're open
  106. 04:30:44 <asie> what!?
  107. 04:30:47 <asie> i uh
  108. 04:30:51 <asie> never noticed that?
  109. 04:31:00 <•CanVox> here lemme pull up blightfall
  110. 04:31:05 <•CanVox> I'll ss it for you
  111. 04:31:07 <flappy> CanVox: AE is totes the easiest way though
  112. 04:31:09 <asie> (though i think crafting table ii is a far better solution of the recipe problem)
  113. 04:31:15 <flappy> ^^^^^^
  114. 04:31:30 <asie> (NEI is not immersive, it's a more intelligent wiki)
  115. 04:31:34 <•CanVox> forget the recipe problem, what about filtering for a particular thing I'm lookign for?
  116. 04:31:52 <asie> add a searchbar to crafting table ii, or a dictionary of all items
  117. 04:32:09 <asie> BC might need such a dictionary soon
  118. 04:32:13 <asie> for delivery robot control
  119. 04:32:18 <•CanVox> Anyway, in terms of mining & crafting time, AE is not easier than bc at all
  120. 04:32:26 <asie> that is a one-time cost
  121. 04:32:50 <•CanVox> I'm ont even talking about the quarry I just mean in terms of your ability to lay down enough pipe & autocrafting crap, logipipes is much easier to set up than AE2
  122. 04:32:51 <flappy> CanVox: it's way easier to use is what I mean
  123. 04:33:10 <•CanVox> So would you say that the problem is not power creep, it's UX creep?
  124. 04:33:12 <•CanVox> lol
  125. 04:33:15 <flappy> you lay down the wire, set the parts up and that's it
  126. 04:33:17 <asie> UX is power
  127. 04:33:22 <•CanVox> Same with buildcraft
  128. 04:33:33 <•CanVox> Heck buildcraft networks don't even need a reactor or whatever to run them
  129. 04:33:46 <asie> neither does AE
  130. 04:33:48 <•CanVox> Yes it does
  131. 04:33:52 <asie> nah
  132. 04:33:55 <•CanVox> It actually requires quite a bit of power
  133. 04:34:05 <asie> i ran two servers with AE and no rea tors
  134. 04:34:12 <•CanVox> how's that even work?
  135. 04:34:21 <asie> combustion engines + lever
  136. 04:34:32 <•CanVox> I believe combustion engines do actually provide power
  137. 04:34:37 <asie> yes
  138. 04:35:02 <•CanVox> sooooo?
  139. 04:35:35 <asie> people just use those?
  140. 04:35:44 <asie> they provide plenty of powrr
  141. 04:35:44 <•CanVox> So, AE does require power
  142. 04:35:46 <•CanVox> yes
  143. 04:35:48 <•CanVox> oh lol
  144. 04:36:06 <asie> 60 RF/t times five is plenty, hit an oil well and you win
  145. 04:36:18 <•CanVox> ok you are right, AE networks don't require actual literal reactors
  146. 04:36:21 <•CanVox> I meant that they take power to run
  147. 04:36:28 <•CanVox> Which buildcraft networks do not
  148. 04:36:51 <•CanVox> My point is this:
  149. 04:36:57 <•CanVox> A mod needs exactly one thing
  150. 04:36:59 <•CanVox> Fun things for you to do.
  151. 04:37:19 <•CanVox> In AE, the fun thing you do is set up complicated automation networks.
  152. 04:37:40 <•CanVox> In buildcraft, the fun thing you do is set up complicated automation networks, but only after you figure out where your next hallway full of chests is going to fit.
  153. 04:37:45 <•CanVox> Nobody likes chest hallways.
  154. 04:37:58 <asie> i love them
  155. 04:38:09 <asie> barrel hallways are cooler tho
  156. 04:38:15 <•CanVox> People talk about POWER CREEP like it's players demanding a pony, but it's actually players wanting to do the actual fun part that they signed up to do in the first place.
  157. 04:38:45 <•CanVox> The whole WELL WHY NOT JUST TURN ON CREATIVE MODE shit has got to stop because it is possible to make mods that have fun thing to do that dont' include eating all the free candy you just got or whatever
  158. 04:39:13 <•CanVox> People complain about thaumcraft having too much dumb bullshit in it constantly but everyone still plays it because the mod is like 40% fun shit to do by volume which isn't great in absolute terms but kicks the shit out of most minecraft mods
  159. 04:39:49 <asie> well i have no ideas for fun shit to do
  160. 04:40:08 <•CanVox> Then go play some minecraft.
  161. 04:40:33 <asie> didn't help for the last 5 years
  162. 04:40:52 <asie> been here since july 2009
  163. 04:41:09 <•CanVox> And you've been modding nonstop since what, '11?
  164. 04:41:16 <asie> not nonstop
  165. 04:41:26 <asie> briefly in '10, '11
  166. 04:41:32 <asie> and since late 2013 mostly nonstop
  167. 04:41:54 <•CanVox> So for the past two years you haven't played minecraft.
  168. 04:42:02 <asie> i have a few times
  169. 04:42:13 <asie> when i was deving my pack for instance
  170. 04:42:24 <asie> spent a month playing it, decided it's not fun and canned the whole thing
  171. 04:42:32 <asie> escept everyone else was telling me it was fun to them
  172. 04:42:46 <•CanVox> Why were they having fun
  173. 04:43:07 <asie> no idea. there was nothing to do but automate some railcraft and forestry stuff
  174. 04:43:09 <•CanVox> What were they spending their time doing.
  175. 04:43:17 <asie> building contraptions?
  176. 04:43:20 <asie> there wasn't much else to do
  177. 04:43:27 <•CanVox> That's the main thing to do.
  178. 04:43:36 <asie> yes, but you need to have reasons to build them
  179. 04:43:59 <•CanVox> It's minecraft, unless there's HQM installed, objectives are mainly self-directed.
  180. 04:44:09 <asie> yeah. i guess there's that
  181. 04:44:20 <•CanVox> This is what I'm saying
  182. 04:44:25 <•CanVox> There doesn't have to be Stuff To Get
  183. 04:44:37 <•CanVox> There has to be Stuff To DO
  184. 04:45:04 <•CanVox> And giving someone cool stuff to do while removing bullshit isn't power creep, it's refinement
  185. 04:45:15 <asie> bullshit is subjective
  186. 04:45:39 <asie> eventually you get rid of so much bullshit there's nothing left
  187. 04:46:19 <•CanVox> I think that's a really silly slippery slope.
  188. 04:47:18 <•CanVox> I guess if you want to think about tech minecraft as a game about solving logistics problems, I don't really see storage as a logistics problem.
  189. 04:47:41 <•CanVox> I build the largest chests I can with my current resources, throw them down in a hallway, run wires.
  190. 04:47:49 <•CanVox> I'm not solving problems, I'm doing chores.
  191. 04:48:10 <•CanVox> "How do I produce infinite renewable sano" is a problem that I want to solve
  192. 04:48:32 <flappy> imo, logistics is the single thing there is that's not trivial in modded mc
  193. 04:48:50 <•CanVox> If you made storage a logistics problem, even if it didn't hit AE2's MAGICAL ALL YOUR STUFF IN THIS ONE BLOCK thing, people would play it
  194. 04:49:30 <flappy> just out of curiosity, how isn't it a logistics thing
  195. 04:49:57 <•CanVox> pull stuff out of chests, do a dozen crafting combines, mine out a 3x3x12 area, place blocks isn't a logistics thing
  196. 04:50:41 <flappy> #2 is what i think got ae its rise to fame
  197. 04:50:54 <•CanVox> It's like integrated redstone: nobody ever questions whether integrated redstone should be a thing
  198. 04:51:07 <•CanVox> even though if chest placing is a logistics problem, redstone placing is CERTAINLY one
  199. 04:51:29 <•CanVox> AE2 is popular for the same reason integrated redstone is
  200. 04:51:35 <•CanVox> it's just AE2 is the only solution for its problem
  201. 04:51:56 <flappy> chests in itself aren't a logistics problem, yeah
  202. 04:52:07 <flappy> it's the autosorting stuff into them
  203. 04:52:07 <•CanVox> Integrated redstone took a pointless mining/placing chore and turned it into a fun mind puzzle thing
  204. 04:52:11 <•CanVox> Yeah exactly
  205. 04:52:33 <•CanVox> AE2 did the same thing with storage, but it sort of collapsed the sorting problem by just throwing everything into the same spot
  206. 04:52:36 <flappy> which is a thing ae(2) effectively removes
  207. 04:52:42 <•CanVox> yeah zactly
  208. 04:52:47 <•CanVox> So that's why I'm like
  209. 04:52:57 <•CanVox> If you had another solution, even if it was harder to use than AE
  210. 04:53:03 <•CanVox> as long as people are thinkingw hile they're using it, they're happy
  211. 04:53:10 <•CanVox> If they're breaking blocks then they're not
  212. 04:53:51 <•CanVox> That's basically the secret to good minecraft mods: if people are creatively building, or problem solving, or (to a certain extent) hunting for things, then they'll be happy
  213. 04:53:59 <•CanVox> If they're doing anything else it's a dumb chore
  214. 04:54:17 <•CanVox> I guess combat & adventure fits in there somewher
  215. 04:54:34 <•CanVox> But you know, feeling smart, feeling creative, feeling afraid, or tense, or whatever. Just feel SOMETHING
  216. 04:54:48 <flappy> tbh i want CT3 or a replacement back
  217. 04:54:57 <•CanVox> If I'm feeling nothing, i'm gonna be looking for a mod that boils down the experience
  218. 04:54:58 <flappy> it was great in tekkit
  219. 04:55:02 <•CanVox> CT3?
  220. 04:55:10 <flappy> Crafting Table 3
  221. 04:55:14 <•CanVox> Oh uhhh yeah
  222. 04:55:23 <•CanVox> Logipipes has one I THINK
  223. 04:55:29 <flappy> I think that was even a Zeldo mod lol
  224. 04:56:08 <•CanVox> yeah makes sense
  225. 04:56:12 <flappy> CanVox: Logipipes has something like the ae crafting terminal iirc
  226. 04:56:20 <•CanVox> They've had that for ages though
  227. 04:56:23 <•CanVox> a request pipe or something
  228. 04:56:45 <•CanVox> I just know they made their own crafting table because CJ nerfed the crap out of the BC one and they felt like it kind of killed the utility of a lot of LP stuff
  229. 04:56:47 <flappy> but CT3 just listed the stuff you had on you and then just let you instacraft the stuff
  230. 04:56:52 <•CanVox> ohhh!
  231. 04:56:58 <•CanVox> I was thinking it was an autocrafter
  232. 04:57:02 <flappy> nawww
  233. 04:57:35 <flappy> it was the thing that let you craft quarries and such out of raw materials in 1 click
  234. 04:58:19 <flappy> which is a way superior approach to crafting than ae
  235. 04:58:21 <flappy> imo
  236. 04:59:10 <flappy> matryoshka crafting is the worst invention in modern modded mc
  237. 05:04:17 <•CanVox> haha
  238. 05:04:20 <•CanVox> I agree with that
  239. 05:04:34 <•CanVox> I was playing a pre-cu SWG emu server a few months ago
  240. 05:04:48 <•CanVox> And I was kind of astonished that the crafting system which is remembered for being really deep and stuff
  241. 05:04:51 <•CanVox> had no intermediate components
  242. 05:05:08 <•CanVox> The depth came entirely from resource stats & scarcity
  243. 05:05:32 <•CanVox> After playing minecraft it kinda blew my mind
  244. 05:06:00 <•CanVox> I mean even EQ2 had intermediate crafting insanity as its main deal
  245. 05:14:38 <•CanVox> You know what the perfect example is
  246. 05:14:53 <•CanVox> ReactorCraft, even though it pains me to compliment a reika mod lol
  247. 05:15:19 <•CanVox> The fact that ReactorCraft exists and is frequently used in a world with Big Reactors kind of proves everything I'm saying
  248. 05:15:51 <•CanVox> Because ReactorCraft is an intractible intellectual knot but it inarguably gives you some problems to solve
  249. 05:15:57 <•CanVox> big reactors wants to do that but fails entirely
  250. 05:16:28 <•CanVox> It's not that hard to set up but it's like 70% chore by volume so people use reactorcraft
  251. 05:16:52 <flappy> on reika mods
  252. 05:17:21 <flappy> a friend put his magic mod thing on his server a few months back
  253. 05:17:23 <•CanVox> The only people who use big reactors are people like me who don't find the idea of being a virtual reactor tech super exciting and/or hate reika mods
  254. 05:17:32 <flappy> holy shit that thing is opaque
  255. 05:17:32 <•CanVox> did it blow all the stuff up
  256. 05:17:35 <•CanVox> oh yeah
  257. 05:17:37 <flappy> no
  258. 05:17:43 <•CanVox> Like reika is uhhh
  259. 05:17:56 <•CanVox> I mean reactorcraft is the same way it's just really well documented at this point
  260. 05:17:58 <flappy> there just was no indication on what you do to progress at all
  261. 05:18:10 <•CanVox> Not by reika, mind you
  262. 05:18:13 <•CanVox> But by the community
  263. 05:18:24 <flappy> rotarycraft OTOH has physics geek tier docs ingame
  264. 05:18:28 <flappy> or had
  265. 05:18:29 <•CanVox> oh sorry rotarycraft
  266. 05:18:40 <•CanVox> Oh did it? I didn't realize
  267. 05:18:43 <flappy> back in 1.6 when another friend had it on a server
  268. 05:18:59 <flappy> now there's 17½ thousand gotchas
  269. 05:19:06 <flappy> because ~balance~
  270. 05:19:28 <flappy> but back to the magic mod
  271. 05:19:36 <flappy> the best part?
  272. 05:19:56 <flappy> i tried asking on his channel on esper
  273. 05:20:12 <flappy> "find out for yourself :)))))"
  274. 05:20:24 <•CanVox> haha goddamn
  275. 05:20:42 <flappy> the only way that told me "yeah go look for dungeon chests"
  276. 05:20:55 <flappy> was reading several pages of his MCF post
  277. 05:21:01 <flappy> like
  278. 05:21:08 <flappy> jesus
  279. 05:21:43 <flappy> i wonder how long that thing is now
  280. 05:22:23 <flappy> 1209 pages
  281. 05:23:38 <•CanVox> yeah like I can't take the frustration of dealing with him
  282. 05:24:01 <•CanVox> I know he told talonos that like running around and manually breaking crystals to make them harder to find was like
  283. 05:24:06 <•CanVox> some kind of permissions violation
  284. 05:24:18 <•CanVox> You can't just run the unedited executable with no external forces acting on it
  285. 05:24:25 <•CanVox> but you personally are not permitted to change the game experience
  286. 05:24:58 ↔ jandal nipped out
  287. 05:26:09 <flappy> checked the gregthread to compare
  288. 05:26:12 <flappy> 2464 pages
  289. 05:26:40 <flappy> from july 26 2012 onwards
  290. 05:38:25 <asie> i talked to reika on teamspeak once
  291. 05:38:33 <asie> one of the most friendly design discussions i had
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