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I'm a massive potato, please rape my face

a guest
May 30th, 2013
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  1. >Day five in Equestria.
  2. >Pinkie didn’t get the opportunity to visit you yesterday as she had promised, most likely due to Redheart’s insistence that you get some peace and quiet.
  3. >If she wanted peace and quiet for you, then not shoving a tube up your urethra would have been a better start.
  4. >Still, once the initial pain of your orifices being violated had worn off, you could almost appreciate the lengths Redheart was going to in taking care of you.
  5. >You were still annoyed at her adamant assurance that Pinkie wouldn’t be visiting you though, as there was one prevalent problem that had irked you both yesterday and this morning…
  6. >It was really, really boring here.
  7. >Not even the novelty of being in an exciting, alien world could placate you right now.
  8. >After all, you weren’t exactly in a position to explore it.
  10. (Removed that colon here. If you intend to keep that 'after all' that colon doesn't belong here."
  12. >And with nothing but the familiar hospital walls and Nurse Redheart for company, boredom had begun to creep into the back of your mind like a burrowing itch.
  13. >Speaking of itches, your plaster-casted legs had begun to itch with a vengeance, compounding the monotony of the hospital ward.
  14. >If only you could reach in and scratch it…
  15. >Your thoughts of ripping off your casts are cut short as a familiar humming emanates from outside, and you grin in anticipation.
  16. >With a happy cheer, Pinkie Pie bounds in and immediately makes her way over to you, swiftly wrapping her forelegs around your chest.
  18. (You used 'immediately' twice here, so I changed one for 'swiftly' instead.)
  20. “Someone’s in a good mood.”
  21. >”Since Redheart decided to be a giant party pooper, I figured I would have to make today even more special!”
  22. “And you think a hug is the best way to achieve that?”
  23. >”Of course! When you hug someone, you’re not just bringing them physically closer,” Pinkie says, her grip around you tightening. “You’re also bringing them closer to you as a friend!”
  24. >You hesitate for a moment, before sighing.
  25. “Ah, bugger it.”
  26. >You wrap your arms around the pink mare, who squeals in excitement.
  27. >”After all you’ve been through, I bet you could do with a hug anyway, am I right?”
  28. “You know what? I think I do.”
  29. >Pinkie Pie continues the surprisingly pleasing embrace for a few more seconds, before you gently ease her off you.
  30. “I’m actually rather glad you’re here, Pinkie. The boredom of this place was starting to get to me.”
  32. (I removed the exclamation mark in Anon's speech here. You can't be excited about being bored. You could use an exclamation mark when he's telling about how glad he is that she came but that doesn't seem in character for him.)
  34. >”Well then, it looks like I have a job to do!” Pinkie exclaims.
  35. “Really though, it’s just nice to have someone to talk to. Redheart has other patients to attend to… and it’s not like my family are going to pop in anytime soon to visit me.”
  36. >”Oooooh, you have a family?”
  37. “Uh, yeah…”
  38. >You shift in the bed uncomfortably as Pinkie stares you down for a silent second.
  39. >”So, you going to tell me about them or…?”
  40. “Pinkie, I’m just going to be honest about it. I’d rather not think of them, or home, or anything to do with—“
  42. (Interuptions are marked with an em-dash)
  44. >”You don’t need to tell me twice!” Pinkie interrupts, placing a hoof over your lips. “I won’t talk about anything that upsets you.”
  45. >You can’t help but smile at the mare. Even when it’s obvious she’s keen to know more about you, she restrains herself.
  46. “So Pinkie, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. What’s the deal with the ass tattoos?”
  47. >”These aren’t tattoos silly, they’re cutie marks!”
  48. “Come again?”
  49. >”Your cutie mark is a sign of what your special talent is!” Pinkie says, pointing to the trio of balloons on her flank. “For example, the balloons show that my special talent is throwing parties for ponies, and that leads to me making everypony happy!”
  50. “Huh… Does the cutie mark dictate what you’re good at, or does it only appear when you find your true calling in life?”
  51. >”Until I threw an amazing party for my family as a filly, I was a blank flank!”
  52. “I can’t imagine what you’d be like before you found your way as a party pony expert with a penchant for making friends.”
  53. >”I was really boring, even compared to Twilight! I spent most of my day farming rocks, which wasn't fun at all…”
  55. (Changed Pinkie's dialogue a little here. It just didn't read naturally for her the way you worded it."
  57. “Farming rocks…?”
  58. >”You don’t have rock farms back on—“
  59. >Pinkie clamps a hoof over her mouth, her eyes widening in realization.
  60. >”I’m sorry Anon, I didn’t mean to—“
  61. “You’re all right Pinkie, don’t worry about it,” you chuckle, trying to calm down the fretting mare in front of you.
  63. (missed a comma at the end of your speech here)
  65. >”I’m so insensitive! Even when you asked me not to talk about Earth I did it anyway! Oh no, I just did it again! I’m useless!”
  66. >Anticipating a torrent of tears, you perform a tactical ear scratch, a technique you knew worked on ponies from back home.
  67. >Pinkie’s body tenses as your fingers find themselves behind her ears, before her perked ears begin to twitch.
  68. >She can only offer up a confused squeak of pleasure as you begin to scratch, her head nuzzling against your palm.
  69. >”Hey, I’m the one meant to be making you feel better, not the other way round!”
  70. “Then stop being so damn adorable!” you reply in mock annoyance, moving your hand to the top of her head and stroking her puffy pink mane.
  72. (You used chuckle twice in a row as a dialogue tag. Avoid that with specific tags like 'chuckled'. That sentence also didn't really read like he was chuckling so I changed it to the above...)
  74. >Pinkie gives you a beaming grin as your hand moves backwards and forwards atop her hair, alternating between rhythmic rubs of her heads and gentle tweaking of her ears.
  75. >This was almost therapeutic…
  76. >Wait, was her hair made out of cotton candy?
  77. >”Oh!” Pinkie suddenly exclaims, her eyes widening. “I have a great idea!”
  78. “Fire it at me.”
  79. >”Well, I could read you a story to pass the time! Wouldn’t that be great?”
  80. “I’m not going to object, if that’s what you feel like. You do realize though that my arms are perfectly functional, right? I could just pick up the book and read it myself.”
  81. >With a devilish grin, Pinkie pulls a book out of her satchel and lays it on the far edge of the bedside table.
  82. >”Okie dokie! You can read by yourself if you can pick the book up!”
  83. >You chuckle, before reaching over to the table.
  84. >This should be easy, just grab the book and—
  86. (Em-dash again)
  88. >Your confident grin makes way for a confused frown as your fingers prod the edges of the book, sending it teetering on the edge.
  89. >The little devil set it out of your reach!
  90. >That mare’s got a sneaky side to her, that much was obvious.
  91. >Your torso twists and contorts as you stretch your arm out as far as it can, before you sigh in defeat.
  92. “I can’t reach it.”
  93. >”Good thing I’m here then, isn’t it?” she teases, pulling up a chair and scooting into it.
  94. “Fine, I’ll give ya this one.”
  95. >”You still owe me anyway!” Pinkie says, sticking her tongue out playfully.
  96. “For what? Since I’m letting you visit me, we’re even now.”
  97. >”You’re letting me? Guess that means I can just go at anytime…”
  98. >She hops off the chair and starts idly walking towards the door, before your composure breaks.
  99. “Don’t go! Come on Pinkie, don’t be like that!”
  100. >”I thought you didn’t want me to stay and read for you, Nonny?” she asks, her voice dripping with sarcastic innocence.
  101. “I… Just sit down and read it to me already, damn it.”
  102. >”Well if you wanted me to read it to you, why didn’t you say that earlier! I’d love to tell you a story!”
  103. >You silently grumble as Pinkie returns to her position, picking up the book with victorious satisfaction.
  104. >”All right then, let’s get cracking! This is 'Golden Locks and the three bears'!”
  105. “She walks into their cottage, eats their food, sleeps in their bed, complains about it and gets eaten alive.”
  106. >”You know this story? Anon, are you sure you’re not from around these parts?”
  107. “Heh, we had a story just like it back home. Did I kill the mood?”
  108. >”Not at all, I just need to find a story you definitely wouldn’t know about!”
  109. >She squints in concentration before flicking through the book, muttering to herself as she does.
  110. >Boredom quickly sets in, and your thoughts turn back to Pinkie’s cotton candy hair.
  111. >”Nonny, what are you doing?”
  112. “Nothing Pinkie,” you say with a serious face, lifting a handful of hair up to your nose.
  113. >”Do all humans sniff each others hair?”
  114. “Not normally, no.”
  115. >”Why are you smelling my mane then?”
  116. “I felt like it. Do you mind?”
  117. >”Not really.”
  118. >A sudden coughing from nearby grabs both of your attentions and you turn to face it.
  120. (You had a comma before 'and' here...
  121. You know when you can do that?
  122. Never.
  123. Bad Irish. Bad.)
  125. >Standing in the doorway of the ward with a stern glare on her face is Redheart and you immediately feel yourself blushing.
  126. >”Am I interrupting something?” she asks dryly.
  128. (Don't capitalize she in situations like these.)
  130. “I, uh… Nope, nothing going on here.”
  131. >”That’s good, because I need to speak with you. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave the room Mrs. Pie, doctor-patient confidentiality demands it.”
  132. >”No problem-o! Just call me back in when you’re all wrapped up!”
  133. >As Pinkie happily trots out of the room, Redheart quietly closes the door behind her, before turning to face you.
  134. >”Before you start worrying, no. You’re not in any sort of trouble, and that’s not why I’m here to talk with you.”
  135. “Trouble’s a redundant word,” you smirk, pointing towards your casts. “I’m already in ‘trouble’, not like things could get worse.”
  136. >”They aren’t getting worse, thankfully. In fact, they might just get better!”
  137. “That’s pleasant to hear. What’s changed?”
  138. >”Well, I should ask a question first. You don’t know how magic and healing work together in Equestria medicine, do you?”
  139. “Haven’t a clue.”
  140. >”Magic can and is used in some situations to augment or speed up the process of healing. We could apply it to you of course, and greatly speed up the rate at which your legs would heal.”
  141. “Holy haystack, really?” you splutter. “That’s great! But why didn’t you just use the magic in the first place, instead of casting up my legs?”
  143. ("Holy haystack" ... Doesn't really seem like something he'd say but if you want to keep it in I ain't stopping you.)
  145. >”Magic is a fickle force. It can have unforeseen or unwanted reactions in healing, especially in injuries as extensive as your own. As a doctor, it was my moral obligation to let you make the choice for yourself.”
  146. “I should have expected a catch…”
  147. >”Furthermore, your injuries will be particularly hard to manage seeing as we’ve never operated on a being such as your own. Your bone structure and composition is like ponies’ of course, but even subtle differences –differences that we couldn’t compensate for– could lead to permanent defects in your leg. Lastly, the rapid healing will leave your legs in pain for a week or two, and you’ll have to use a cane for at least a few months afterwards.”
  148. “What’s the alternative?”
  149. >”You spend 6 months in the hospital here.”
  150. “Well then that’s decided, let’s go for the magic assisted route.”
  151. >”Are you certain?”
  152. “I couldn’t spend another month in here, never mind six. I have faith that you won’t escalate my injuries.”
  153. >”Very well then. We’ll give your legs some time to heal naturally, probably around 3 weeks or so. That’ll greatly reduce the chance of any unwanted defections.”
  154. “Thanks Redheart.”
  155. >”Don’t mention it. I’m just going my job.”
  156. “And you’re doing great at it!”
  157. >She cocks her head at you, giving you a small smile, before shaking her head.
  158. >”I’ll be back later of course. I imagine you want to get back to doing… whatever it is you and Pinkie Pie were doing?”
  159. “I, uh… er…”
  160. >”I’ll send her in.”
  161. >Redheart makes her absence and you take the moment to silently reflect on the upcoming weeks.
  162. >Three weeks was a hell of a long time to be bedridden… better than six months though, that’s for sure.
  164. (I prefer to write out numbers, especially if they're small ones.
  165. In the beginning of a sentence, I don't even consider it an option to -not- write them out.
  166. It just looks weird.)
  168. >It did leave the question of who would take you in after your operation goes through open.
  169. >No doubt you’d be quite the investment of time and effort. Who in Ponyville would take you in while you recuperated?
  170. >Ah, who cares? You’ll cross that bridge when you come to it.
  171. >In the meantime, you should simply lie back, relax, and enjoy Pinkie’s company…
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