
Rhetco vs. GabrielCVS R1

May 26th, 2015
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  1. GabrielCVS sent out - Imagine (lvl 100 Luize ?)!
  2. Rhetco sent out shit im sorry (lvl 100 Lyrica ?)!
  3. ===============
  4. Begin turn #1
  5. A battle has begun: Rhetco vs GabrielCVS
  6. Kaltchre is now watching the battle.
  7. @GabrielCVS: good luck and have fun
  8. &Rhetco: you too
  9. Doesnty is now watching the battle.
  10. *** Mode +ao Doesnty
  11. shit im sorry used Spikes!
  12. Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
  13. - Imagine used Icy Wind!
  14. shit im sorry lost 60/354 (16%) of its health!
  15. shit im sorry's speed was lowered!
  16. ===============
  17. Begin turn #2
  18. &Rhetco: oh man
  19. shit im sorry used Spikes!
  20. Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
  21. - Imagine used Hypnosis!
  22. - Imagine's attack missed shit im sorry!
  23. ===============
  24. Begin turn #3
  25. &Rhetco: o
  26. shit im sorry used Spikes!
  27. Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
  28. - Imagine used Icy Wind!
  29. - Imagine's attack missed shit im sorry!
  30. ===============
  31. Begin turn #4
  32. @GabrielCVS: sthi
  33. &Rhetco: good thing i gave her sand veil
  34. @GabrielCVS: and no sand
  35. &Rhetco: yeah im an optimal player
  36. Rhetco withdrew shit im sorry!
  37. Rhetco sent out agilizambie (lvl 100 Yoshika ?)!
  38. - Imagine used Tri-Attack!
  39. It's not very effective...
  40. agilizambie lost 33/484 (6%) of its health!
  41. agilizambie's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  42. agilizambie regained 30/484 (6%) of its health!
  43. ===============
  44. Begin turn #5
  45. @GabrielCVS: a second
  46. &Rhetco: this time i'll actually remember to save the replay
  47. SoulfulLex is now watching the battle.
  48. Kaltchre: when is event yoshika going to be legal
  49. &Rhetco: we probably could if we pestered aga enough
  50. &Rhetco: its not as big of a change as hyper beam gengetsu
  51. &Rhetco: or focus letty
  52. Sombres is now watching the battle.
  53. Kaltchre: but nobody would ever use those other two losers
  54. Kaltchre: it's not like this is tpdp where they don't suck
  55. &Rhetco: i heard theyre good in nu
  56. Kaltchre: but nu has things like dbyakuren and dmomiji
  57. &Doesnty: what's uu
  58. Kaltchre: they're scary
  59. @GabrielCVS: back, machines where attacking
  60. GabrielCVS withdrew - Imagine!
  61. GabrielCVS sent out - Nemisis (lvl 100 Speed Seiga ?)!
  62. agilizambie used Toxic!
  63. - Nemisis was badly poisoned!
  64. - Nemisis is hurt by poison!
  65. - Nemisis lost 6% of its health!
  66. agilizambie's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  67. agilizambie regained 3/484 (0%) of its health!
  68. ===============
  69. Begin turn #6
  70. &Rhetco: MASTER
  71. @GabrielCVS: EXplode
  72. @GabrielCVS: Seiga commands you
  73. Kaltchre: but normal version can't explode
  74. @GabrielCVS: does not matter
  75. &Rhetco: i dont even know what sseiga does
  76. &Rhetco: I should have checked
  77. Kaltchre: she floats
  78. &Doesnty: she's old seiga
  79. @GabrielCVS: nothing to wory about for now
  80. &Doesnty: dark/reason floaty thing with
  81. &Doesnty: seiga's movepool basically
  82. &Rhetco: ok
  83. &Doesnty: +spikes and wish
  84. &Doesnty: no detect though
  85. &Rhetco: oh so he does have a spiker
  87. - Nemisis used Spikes!
  88. Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
  89. agilizambie used Taunt!
  90. - Nemisis fell for the taunt!
  91. - Nemisis is hurt by poison!
  92. - Nemisis lost 12% of its health!
  93. ===============
  94. Begin turn #7
  95. &Doesnty: her purpose was to make life hell for walls
  96. &Doesnty: in a different way
  97. Rhetco withdrew agilizambie!
  98. Rhetco sent out spess marine (lvl 100 Konngara ?)!
  99. spess marine was hurt by Spikes!
  100. spess marine lost 48/384 (12%) of its health!
  101. - Nemisis used Mana Burst!
  102. It's not very effective...
  103. spess marine lost 41/384 (10%) of its health!
  104. - Nemisis is hurt by poison!
  105. - Nemisis lost 18% of its health!
  106. spess marine's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  107. spess marine regained 24/384 (6%) of its health!
  108. ===============
  109. Begin turn #8
  110. &Doesnty: base seiga is so good at that already though
  111. GabrielCVS withdrew - Nemisis!
  112. GabrielCVS sent out - Imagine (lvl 100 Luize ?)!
  113. - Imagine was hurt by Spikes!
  114. - Imagine lost 25% of its health!
  115. spess marine used Draw The Line!
  116. - Imagine lost 22% of its health!
  117. - Imagine's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  118. - Imagine regained 6% of its health!
  119. spess marine's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  120. spess marine regained 24/384 (6%) of its health!
  121. ===============
  122. Begin turn #9
  123. - Imagine used Hypnosis!
  124. spess marine fell asleep!
  125. spess marine is fast asleep.
  126. - Imagine's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  127. - Imagine regained 6% of its health!
  128. spess marine's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  129. spess marine regained 24/384 (6%) of its health!
  130. ===============
  131. Begin turn #10
  132. &Rhetco: fug
  133. - Imagine used Wish!
  134. - Imagine made a wish!
  135. spess marine is fast asleep.
  136. - Imagine's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  137. - Imagine regained 6% of its health!
  138. spess marine's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  139. spess marine regained 17/384 (4%) of its health!
  140. ===============
  141. Begin turn #11
  142. GabrielCVS withdrew - Imagine!
  143. GabrielCVS sent out - Amazing (lvl 100 Attack Reimu ?)!
  144. spess marine is fast asleep.
  145. The wish came true!
  146. ===============
  147. Begin turn #12
  148. &Rhetco: FUG
  149. - Amazing used Tailwind!
  150. - Amazing's attack was raised!
  151. - Amazing's speed was raised!
  152. spess marine woke up!
  153. spess marine used Draw The Line!
  154. It's super effective!
  155. - Amazing lost 77% of its health!
  156. ===============
  157. Begin turn #13
  158. &Rhetco: ok now miss
  159. @GabrielCVS: CRAP
  160. - Amazing used High Jump Kick!
  161. It's super effective!
  162. spess marine lost 384/384 (100%) of its health!
  163. spess marine fainted!
  164. Kaltchre: weak kon
  165. &Rhetco: shit
  166. Kaltchre: worst oni
  167. &Rhetco: hmm
  168. Rhetco sent out agilizambie (lvl 100 Yoshika ?)!
  169. agilizambie was hurt by Spikes!
  170. agilizambie lost 60/484 (12%) of its health!
  171. ===============
  172. Begin turn #14
  173. - Amazing used High Jump Kick!
  174. agilizambie lost 217/484 (44%) of its health!
  175. agilizambie used Night Shade!
  176. - Amazing lost 22% of its health!
  177. - Amazing fainted!
  178. agilizambie's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  179. agilizambie regained 30/484 (6%) of its health!
  180. GabrielCVS sent out - Nemisis (lvl 100 Speed Seiga ?)!
  181. ===============
  182. Begin turn #15
  183. - Nemisis used Mana Burst!
  184. It's super effective!
  185. agilizambie lost 212/484 (43%) of its health!
  186. agilizambie used Recover!
  187. agilizambie regained 242/484 (50%) of its health!
  188. - Nemisis is hurt by poison!
  189. - Nemisis lost 6% of its health!
  190. agilizambie's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  191. agilizambie regained 30/484 (6%) of its health!
  192. ===============
  193. Begin turn #16
  194. &Rhetco: lol
  195. - Nemisis used Taunt!
  196. agilizambie fell for the taunt!
  197. agilizambie can't use Recover after the taunt!
  198. - Nemisis is hurt by poison!
  199. - Nemisis lost 12% of its health!
  200. agilizambie's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  201. agilizambie regained 30/484 (6%) of its health!
  202. ===============
  203. Begin turn #17
  204. &Rhetco: shit
  205. @GabrielCVS: not realy
  206. Rhetco withdrew agilizambie!
  207. Rhetco sent out destroy berry (lvl 100 Aki Sisters ?)!
  208. destroy berry was hurt by Spikes!
  209. destroy berry lost 44/354 (12%) of its health!
  210. - Nemisis used Spikes!
  211. Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
  212. - Nemisis is hurt by poison!
  213. - Nemisis lost 18% of its health!
  214. destroy berry's Leftovers restored its health a little!
  215. destroy berry regained 22/354 (6%) of its health!
  216. ===============
  217. Begin turn #18
  218. - Nemisis used Hyper Beam!
  219. destroy berry lost 141/354 (39%) of its health!
  220. destroy berry used Synthesis!
  221. destroy berry regained 163/354 (46%) of its health!
  222. - Nemisis is hurt by poison!
  223. - Nemisis lost 25% of its health!
  224. ===============
  225. Begin turn #19
  226. - Nemisis used Hyper Beam!
  227. destroy berry lost 132/354 (37%) of its health!
  228. destroy berry's special defense was lowered!
  229. destroy berry used Synthesis!
  230. destroy berry regained 132/354 (37%) of its health!
  231. - Nemisis is hurt by poison!
  232. - Nemisis lost 2% of its health!
  233. - Nemisis fainted!
  234. GabrielCVS sent out - Tryon (lvl 100 Helper Yatsuhashi ?)!
  235. - Tryon was hurt by Spikes!
  236. - Tryon lost 25% of its health!
  237. ===============
  238. Begin turn #20
  239. - Tryon used Encore!
  240. destroy berry got an encore!
  241. destroy berry used Synthesis!
  242. But it failed!
  243. ===============
  244. Begin turn #21
  245. @GabrielCVS: hum
  246. &Rhetco: oh
  247. Rhetco withdrew destroy berry!
  248. Rhetco sent out shit im sorry (lvl 100 Lyrica ?)!
  249. shit im sorry was hurt by Spikes!
  250. shit im sorry lost 59/354 (16%) of its health!
  251. - Tryon used Skill Swap!
  252. - Tryon swapped abilities with its opponent!
  253. ===============
  254. Begin turn #22
  255. shit im sorry used Memento!
  256. shit im sorry lost 235/354 (66%) of its health!
  257. shit im sorry fainted!
  258. - Tryon's attack was harshly lowered!
  259. - Tryon's special attack was harshly lowered!
  260. - Tryon used Shadow Ball!
  261. But there was no target!
  262. Rhetco sent out SMOGON HELP ME (lvl 100 Speed Tojiko ?)!
  263. SMOGON HELP ME was hurt by Spikes!
  264. SMOGON HELP ME lost 53/320 (16%) of its health!
  265. ===============
  266. Begin turn #23
  267. - Tryon used Shadow Ball!
  268. It's super effective!
  269. SMOGON HELP ME lost 170/320 (53%) of its health!
  270. SMOGON HELP ME used Tailwind!
  271. SMOGON HELP ME's attack was raised!
  272. SMOGON HELP ME's speed was raised!
  273. ===============
  274. Begin turn #24
  275. SMOGON HELP ME used Volt Tackle!
  276. - Tryon lost 75% of its health!
  277. - Tryon fainted!
  278. SMOGON HELP ME was hit by recoil!
  279. SMOGON HELP ME lost 75/320 (23%) of its health!
  280. GabrielCVS sent out - Imagine (lvl 100 Luize ?)!
  281. - Imagine was hurt by Spikes!
  282. - Imagine lost 25% of its health!
  283. ===============
  284. Begin turn #25
  285. &Rhetco: i wish i was smart enough to remember to give tojiko levitate
  286. @GabrielCVS: troublesome ghost
  287. SMOGON HELP ME used Force Palm!
  288. It's super effective!
  289. - Imagine lost 47% of its health!
  290. - Imagine fainted!
  291. GabrielCVS sent out - X MAOH (lvl 100 Attack Rin ?)!
  292. - X MAOH was hurt by Spikes!
  293. - X MAOH lost 25% of its health!
  294. ===============
  295. Begin turn #26
  296. @GabrielCVS: why
  297. SMOGON HELP ME used Volt Tackle!
  298. - X MAOH lost 75% of its health!
  299. - X MAOH fainted!
  300. SMOGON HELP ME was hit by recoil!
  301. SMOGON HELP ME lost 22/320 (6%) of its health!
  302. SMOGON HELP ME fainted!
  303. @GabrielCVS: this was weird
  304. &Rhetco: I wonder what the last thing is
  305. Rhetco sent out Attack Suwak (lvl 100 Attack Suwako ?)!
  306. Attack Suwak was hurt by Spikes!
  307. Attack Suwak lost 60/364 (16%) of its health!
  308. GabrielCVS sent out - Try Burning (lvl 100 Kasen ?)!
  309. - Try Burning was hurt by Spikes!
  310. - Try Burning lost 25% of its health!
  311. ===============
  312. Begin turn #27
  313. &Rhetco: oh
  314. - Try Burning used Sacred Fire!
  315. Attack Suwak lost 196/364 (53%) of its health!
  316. Attack Suwak used Poison Jab!
  317. It's super effective!
  318. - Try Burning lost 75% of its health!
  319. - Try Burning fainted!
  320. Rhetco wins!
  321. &Rhetco: gg
  322. @GabrielCVS: gg
  323. Doesnty has stopped watching.
  324. GabrielCVS has stopped watching.
  325. Kaltchre has stopped watching.
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