
Debut - Practice Round [First Person Anonpony Stuffing]

Apr 10th, 2014
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  1. >Receive the full Equestrian welcome from Pinkie Pie and Sweet Apple Acres
  2. >Sweets and apple pastries up the wazoo
  3. >They have no need to pin you down or tie you to your chair
  4. >Your engorged gut already does a good enough job of doing that
  5. >It looks and feels taut and rounded as it blocks the lower half of your vision, almost to the point of discomfort
  6. >Pinkie's sweet touch on your swollen form eases the tight feeling as she gropes and kneads into your gut
  7. >You moan and melt in her hooves as the sweet sugary stuff Applejack crams into your cheeks melt in your mouth
  8. >Each moment you can get to catch your breath, you unconsciously lick your overfilled cheeks for any crumbs and frosting, making sure none of their hard work goes to waste
  9. >Your cheeks feel thick with a layer of marshmallowy softness as your cartoony metabolism kicks in; you're already well on your way to digesting your generous welcome banquet
  10. >Each fleshy part of your pony body, from your neck to your thighs, readily follows suit, the chair beneath you creaking in protest as your thickening rump swallows the poor thing
  11. >Your stomach echoes and churns in the spacious mass in front of you, catching the attention of the ponies around you and eliciting a snorting giggle from Pinkie
  12. >Applejack raises an eyebrow in concern as she surveys the results of her and her friend's handiwork. "Y'think we might've overdone it?"
  13. >Pinkie waves her off with one hoof while the other is busy cramming an apple crumb cake almost straight into your throat, wearing a broad grin while you unconsciously swallow. "Of course not, silly! If he wanted us to stop, he would have said so a long time ago!"
  14. >You reach a hoof up to grab at your current, bloated body, groaning and belching from both distress and delight as you're already able to squeeze into it a few inches
  15. >You frown, but deep inside you realize she's right
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