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Nov 27th, 2015
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  1. <?php
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  31. if($_GET){
  32. echo 'Bro Are You Trying To Find My BackDoor In My Deface?<br>YOU CANT Add Me In Skype<br>ID: FasT.ReaCtoR<br><br>';
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  42. echo "<a href='FasTReaCtoR.txt'>Check Here!!</a>";
  43. exit;
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  153. <font>Hacked By FasT ReaCtoR</font><br>
  154. <font>Iranian Hackers Was Here!</font><br>
  155. <font color="yellow">Skype: FasT.ReaCtoR</font><br>
  156. <font>#IRAN ~ #WorldPeace</font><br>
  157. <font>Friend: jok3r</font><br>
  158. <font>./END</font></div></div></center></body></html><script>window.stop();</script>
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