
Canterlot Crusaders Chapter 1: A New Adventure (Unfinished)

Feb 20th, 2019
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  1. > After things had settled down Twilight anxiously awaited in the throne room. She tried to help out by healing as many injured guards as you could, but Princess Celestia summoned her before she could do much to help out.
  2. > Now, here she stood, waiting for her master to show up. It was obvious that the matter was of great importance given the circumstances, and yet here she was waiting for her instead.
  3. > This time alone, however, turned out to be a blessing in disguise. With everything that's happened, Twilight didn't have more than a few seconds to think clearly.
  4. > What that man said about his hometown. Could it really be true? Something drove him to fight against his own country, and now that he's dead she couldn't press him for more information.
  5. > Plus, there's the matter of Chaslate. Twilight was in the middle of a conversation with her brother before all hell broke loose, so she still doesn't know what happened exactly.
  6. > The popular rumor surrounding that subject was that it was completely destroyed. Seemingly a ludicrous statement and yet that possibility seemed more and more likely by the second. If it was, who gave the order?
  7. > It couldn't have been Shiny so it must have been someone above him. Technically speaking that still left dozens on potential candidates, but in actuality, it narrowed it down to only a handful.
  8. > Celestia. Who you would have never suspected until today. Prince Blueblood. A pompous snob who's providence is a major hot spot for rebel activity. Luna. Who is supposed to be protecting the border from invasion at the moment. And Duke Sombra. Who she always suspected of misdoings, but was never able to turn up any evidence.
  9. > All of which held substantial power in governing this country.
  11. > Twilight's thoughts suddenly grind to a halt as the sound of doors opening announced the arrival of the princess. She takes a knee before the throne but is instructed to stand rather than perform the formal tradition.
  12. > Celestia has never been one to enforce social rules due to her position. That being doubly so for close friends and compatriots.
  13. > "It is good to see you well, Twilight. I have some urgent news to give you."
  14. "Of course Princess. I'm glad your safe as well."
  15. > "As you are no doubt aware the castle recently came under attack from a group of unidentified assailants."
  16. "Yes. Me and my brother were among those in the fighting."
  17. > "Indeed. I'm proud of you for being able to face this danger head on. You'll need that courage for your next assignment."
  18. > "General Shining Armor requesting permission to enter." A voice echoed behind Twilight.
  19. > "Request granted."
  20. > Twilight's brother marches slowly into the room. Giving a warm smile to his sister before giving a formal bow to the princess.
  21. > "You wished to see me, your majesty?"
  22. > "Correct, and now that you're both here we can begin in earnest. It has come to my attention that the rebel activity has begun to swell much faster than I anticipated. Due to in no small part the actions of a few 'stubborn' members of my court."
  23. > A nice way of saying Blueblood; which all but confirmed Twilight's suspicions about him earlier.
  24. > "As it stands, a civil war is all but inevitable, and if that were to happen many neighboring nations may take it as an opportunity for invasion. Currently, Draconia, the nation of dragons, and Lashire, the country of Griffons, are at war."
  25. > "However, this doesn't eliminate them from the equation. In fact, it may encourage them to charge through our borders just to gain an edge on one another."
  28. > "That is why my sister currently patrols the borders to the east. Unfortunately, because of this, the bulk of our forces are in no position to fight this threat."
  29. > "Though it may displease a great many of my followers I still wish to find a nonviolent resolution. That is why I'm entrusting this task to you, my faithful student."
  30. > Twilight nearly falls over upon hearing this. She had come to terms with the fact that she would be given great power and responsibility when she agreed to become the apprentice of the entire kingdom.
  31. > She didn't, however, expect it to be this soon.
  32. "M-master? I mean, Princess Celestia. Are you sure that's a wise decision? I still have so much to learn and social hierarchies to climb. Not to mention I have very little battle experience."
  33. > Twilight continues to ramble on as she always does when she overthinks things. That is until Celestia uses her magic to create an intense light around her to break Twilight's train of thought.
  34. > "It's quite alright Twilight. I wouldn't be giving you this task if I didn't feel confident that you could complete it. Your inexperience is partially the reason I chose you."
  35. "I-I don't follow."
  36. > "Many of my people have lost faith in my ability to protect and serve them. I need a way to restore that faith. I believe you have the power to do that."
  37. > Twilight looks over to her brother who hasn't said anything this whole time, but by the way he's fidgeting doesn't seem too keen on this idea.
  38. > "I don't expect you accomplish this task alone. Nor do I think it can be done overnight. That is why I have formulated a plan to help you."
  41. > "Your brother, Shining Armor has shown exemplary skill with a sword and has proven to be steadfast in his convictions. His job will be to spearhead the military action of this plan by quelling civil unrest where needed."
  42. > "His actions in Chaslate prove that he can be trusted on such matters."
  43. "If I may interrupt princess. What 'did' happen?"
  44. > "Against the orders of my nephew he gave the citizenry advanced warning that he would be burning down the entire village. This didn't stop them from cursing us for our deplorable actions, but the important thing is that they are still alive."
  45. > Twilight felt relieved to be told what she had already known. Her brother may be duty bound, but he has a heart of gold.
  46. > "But back to the matter at hand. Your job will be to identify the resistance's leaders, disrupt their supply lines, and restore peace to the land."
  47. "That seems like a massive undertaking, your majesty. Even with Shining's help."
  48. > "Your brother is not to get directly involved. If I simply used force to silence all opposition it would only make things worse. On top of that, if you two are seen together people will doubt not only your intentions but mine as well."
  49. "Then, I'm basically doing this all by myself?"
  50. > "I understand your reservations about sending me with her your majesty, but if something were to happen to Twilight it could end very badly." Shining points out.
  51. > "I'm aware of the dangers. We were able to interrogate the prisoners captured earlier and learn that they were basing their operations in Ponyville."
  52. > "And it just so happens we have an invested party stationed there. The Apple family."
  53. "Aren't they just farmers, your majesty?"
  55. > "They are, but their family has supplied food for Canterlot and its nobles for generations. I've had the pleasure of meeting them, and they are fine folk. I trust they will aid you in your endeavors."
  56. > Twilight still wasn't sure about the whole thing. As plans go it was a decent strategy, but doing it all by herself seemed too much.
  57. > "One last thing. Considering the nature of your mission and where it will take you I have also devised a cover story for you."
  58. "A cover story?"
  59. > "Yes. People will be hesitant to trust a stranger no matter the circumstances. That is why you will pose as a traveling apothecary."
  60. "That sounds nice, but my knowledge of herbal remedies is slim at best. I would need time to gather texts for study and materials to practice with."
  61. > "I understand your love of knowledge will drive you to examine anything and research it thoroughly. However, I want your focus to be on the task at hand; which is why I had this prepared for you."
  62. > She gestures to one of her vassals who presents a magic staff to her. The stave has a shiny green gem affixed to the top of it, while the rod has a silvery sheen to it.
  64. > Twilight obtained a Restore staff.
  66. ⦁ Restore Staff- Cures any aliments afflicted to one ally.
  67. Prf: C Might: - Weight: 4 Hit: 100 Crit: - Range: 1 Uses: 10/10
  69. > "This will help you play the part without drawing too much suspicion."
  70. > The staff was heavier than it appeared. Requiring Twilight to use both hands in order to hold it steady.
  71. > "There will be a caravan departing for Ponyville tomorrow morning in the eastern slums of Canterlot. You are to take it, and only return when your task is complete."
  72. "I understand princess."
  73. > "Then, I give you my blessing. I expect great things from you Twilight."
  74. > Both Shining and Twilight give a courteous bow before exiting.
  77. > Even as Twilight arrived home that night she was still processing the massive undertaking her master had given her; while Shining knew exactly how he felt about it.
  78. > Although, he didn't say anything Twilight knew he did not approve.
  79. > Twilight's parents, however, were ecstatic about the proposition. Not necessarily the leaving home on a mission part, but elated that Princess Celestia held their daughter in such high regard.
  80. > Dinner that evening revolved around possible 'what if' scenarios.
  81. > Night Light suggested she tell people that they got the staff for her. So if people questioned how she got such a valuable possession she could simply say it was a going away present.
  82. > Twilight Velvet implied if someone shady tried getting fresh with her to play along with it. Maybe let them cop a feel before bashing them over the head with something.
  83. > She was relieved that her brother wasn't here to listen to this. She might have died of embarrassment if he was.
  84. > Upon calling it a night Twilight Sparkle stared blankly at the ceiling as her mind was abuzz with how drastically her life changed literally overnight.
  85. > Just as she began to feel the ebb and flow of sleep reaching her the door to her bedroom squeaked open.
  86. > It was her brother. Still in full uniform wearing a somber look.
  87. > She would have scolded him about knocking, but knew this was a special occasion.
  90. > "Good you're still up."
  91. "You're home awfully late."
  92. > "Well, I put in a special request after our meeting with Celestia, and he just finished it."
  93. > It was then that Twilight realized that the sword strapped to Shining's waist wasn't one he normally used.
  94. > "I planned on getting this for your eighteenth birthday next month, but I figured now was a good a time as any."
  95. > He hands it to her and she is immediately shocked by how light it is.
  96. "What is this thing made of? I've never even seen a sword like this."
  97. > "Special members of Celestia's royal guard and pegasus knights have runeswords. Weapons infused with magic. I had one specially made for you."
  98. > Twilight jumps out of bed and unsheathes the sword to admire its splendor.
  99. "You said it's infused with magic, but what does it do?"
  100. > "I don't know. It depends on the stones that are forged with it. It could do pretty much anything."
  101. > Without thinking Twilight raises the weapon above her head and replicates the feeling she gets when she uses her tomes. The sword begins to glow a bright purple only for her brother to slap it out of her hands.
  102. > "Are you crazy!? You could burn the house down, or teleport to another continent."
  103. "Or it might just increase my strength or extend the length of the blade."
  104. > "Still though. Maybe try using it where it's safe and you're not in your pajamas."
  105. > Twilight giggles nervously. Knowing she might have gotten a bit too excited.
  106. "It must have cost a fortune to make this. You didn't have to you know."
  107. > "Yes, I did. Since this the only way I can protect you."
  108. > Twilight picks up her gift and joins Shining at the side of the bed.
  111. > "What Celestia said today made me so angry. Just because I'm a general now it means I can't go on covert missions?" He says with a mix of frustration and resignation.
  112. > "If I was still just a lieutenant would she let me go with you?"
  113. > Twilight wraps her arm around her brother's broad shoulders. Leaning against his surprisingly warm chestplate.
  114. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you with me."
  115. > Shining then returns the makeshift hug. Finding comfort in Twilight's words.
  116. "I've never known a life outside of school and apprenticeship. I've basically spent my whole life in a library. How am I supposed to stop the rebellion?"
  117. > "I don't know, but there is one thing I am sure of."
  118. > Twilight tilts her head up to meet Shining's gaze.
  119. > "I love you, and nothing will ever change that."
  120. > He gives her a soft kiss on the forehead. Causing her to blush a little.
  121. > "I better let you get some sleep. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."
  122. "Wait. Before you go. Does it have a name?"
  123. > "The sword? No, it doesn't are you going to name it?"
  124. "Yeah. I think I'll call it Alephan."
  125. > "Sounds good to me. Well, goodnight."
  126. "G'night."
  129. > The next morning Twilight went through her checklist multiple times. Even though she was taking a caravan she still had to carry all of her things.
  130. > Plus, her role as an apothecary would come into question if she brought too much.
  131. > Deciding on only to take the bare essentials. A few flasks and beakers. A couple of premade salves. Some bandages. And a single book on herbal medicine.
  132. > The biggest one she could find.
  133. > Aside from that all she needed was her clothes, magic tome, and her life savings.
  134. > It wasn't much, but it would be enough until she could get her feet planted.
  135. > Twilight lets out a long yawn as she makes one last check. Her anxiety didn't aid her in getting any sleep the night before. Thankfully, it would take two days to reach Ponyville, so she needn't be in peak form today.
  136. > When Twilight was triple sure she was ready she hugs her mom and dad goodbye. However, right as she was about to bolt out the door her brother comes meandering into the living room.
  137. > Still half-asleep he looks at her with a half smile, but utterly lifeless eyes.
  138. > Twilight stood frozen with her hand on the knob; because this was the one thing she was trying to avoid.
  139. > Shining slowly makes his way over to her before wrapping his arms around her.
  140. > She hugs him back before burying her head into his shoulder. Trying desperately not to cry, but failing completely.
  141. > They both stand there for a full minute as Twilight sniffles occasionally. Neither of them knew when they were going to see each other again.
  142. > In the back of Twilight's mind there was a very good chance one of them would die trying to stop this uprising. Meaning it could be never.
  145. > For all of her life Twilight had relied on her brother for everything. He had always been there when she needed him. Now, this could be their last meeting.
  146. > Although, she wasn't ready to say goodbye she gingerly kisses Shining on the cheek.
  147. "I'll be back soon. I promise. You stay alive, you hear!?"
  148. > He simply nods before returning the kiss to her. As if to make a pact between them.
  149. > Not wanting to get emotional again Twilight heads out the door and doesn't look back.
  150. > Her folks wave and wish her luck as she makes her way down the street.
  151. > From now on she was all on her own.
  152. > The convoy she was tasked to take was still loading up as she arrived. It consisted of only two wagons with about six passengers each.
  153. > The driver instructed her to place her stuff in the back before helping out. He introduced himself as Big Mac. Even though he asked for help it was clear he didn't need it. He had the same physique as her brother. Bulging muscles, but with a more gruff exterior.
  154. > As the party was saddling up to set out he pulls Twilight aside for a second.
  155. > "Stay with the caravan after we've arrived we have a place that you can stay."
  156. > She was relieved to hear that. At least for the first couple of nights away from home, she wouldn't have to worry about finding a place to sleep.
  157. > For now, her objectives were simple.
  158. > Find a place to stay.
  159. > Get acquainted with the locals.
  160. > Draw out the rebels.
  161. > And then...
  162. > She wasn't sure.
  163. > In the heat of the moment she could kill people who threatened her or her loved ones, but it would be entirely different if she was forced to do it regularly.
  165. > Once everything was ready the wagons set out. It was still early enough that the sun had barely risen over the horizon. Making it easier for Twilight to nod off for a nap.
  166. > When she later awoke it was roughly midday, and the convoy had stopped to let the horses get a drink from a nearby river.
  167. > Twilight got out to stretch her legs. Unsure when the next opportunity to do so would arise.
  168. > The other passengers consisted of two families, a merchant, and a what looked like a fashion model.
  169. > She wore exquisitely woven clothes and had her hair groomed to perfection. She opted to stay on the wagon fanning herself rather than expose herself to the heat.
  170. > As Twilight took a drink from the stream she noticed the horses becoming restless. Big Mac tried to calm them down but to no avail.
  171. > Something must have spooked them, but as far as she could tell there was nothing in the water.
  172. > Shining had always told her to never ignore her instincts, and right now there was a pit in her stomach saying trouble was coming.
  173. > She ran back to the coach and quickly dug out her sword and staff.
  174. > "What in heaven's gate are you doing? It's too hot to be getting so worked up, darling."
  175. "I think we're-"
  176. > Is all Twilight could say before an arrow flies through the cloth of their wagon and lands in between them.
  177. > A blood-curdling scream quickly follows and both Twilight and the other passenger jump out of the back.
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