
#syria #warcrime report Al-Sanamein Massacre

Apr 19th, 2013
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  1. copy of the page about Al-Sanamein Massacre
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  4. Al-Sanamein Massacre “Insider Story“
  5. Testimonies Made by Survivors & Eyewitnesses on the horrific Massacre
  6. Violation Documentation Center in Syria
  7. April 2013
  10. Download this file as PDF
  12. Dozens of Martyrs and missing, hundreds of detainees and dozens of destroyed and incinerated houses were the initial outcome of the military raid waged by the regime’s forces on “ Al Sanamein “ city in the province of Dar’a.
  15. The beginning of the raid:
  16. Military’s raid on the city started at 5 AM on 10th of April 2013 with violent pounding of mortar and tanks at a rate of three shells per minute, snipers topped high buildings.
  18. Regime’s forces from the ninth and seventh division and other brigades deployed around the area accompanied by tanks and armored vehicles had waged the city through city’s main market and west neighborhood sides up till the “ Qhaita “ intersection as reported by local activists, in parallel fierce clashes close to the Military hospital were taking place between regime’s forces and the Syrian free army who has tried to deter the attackers in vain due to the clear imbalance of power.
  20. Activists confirmed that soldiers wearing yellow bands on their heads whom have never been seen before have taken part in the raid, noticeably they haven’t spoken with anybody, and locals came to believe that those were Iranian
  21. The raid lasted for 12 consecutive hours with nonstop shelling, incineration, detention and maltreatment
  23. Banning displacement :
  24. Regime’s forces have imposed a crippling blockade on the city to prevent any flee attempt, Thus civilians were banned from displacement, and more than a dozen of the cars which have tried to exit the city was targeted by snipers and medium range weapons, that has Resulted the death of seven civilian from “ al-nasr “ family , among of which 4 women and a child, and six more from “ al-ohtmah” family whom were riding two pick-up cars on the ( Sanamein – khaitah al zira’ih ) road west of the city, whom were also trying to flee the city, as they were shelled with a tank mortar close to the “ Chickens’ Domesticate “ area.
  26. Human shields
  27. Witnesses confirmed that civilians were used by regime forces as human shields during the raid. According to a witness : regime’s forces have stormed number of houses and arrested only male inhabitants and used them as human shields against any Potential attack by the Syrian free Army.
  30. Field executions
  31. More than thirty people were field executed, 11 of them were shot on the old road of Kafar-shams most of those were children, locals were unable to retrieve the bodies for many hours after the raid.
  33. In a testimony made by one of those who survived the massacre, a 20 year old college student:
  35. ( Upon hearing the massive shelling I came out of my home to a nearby yard where I hided, from there I was able to witness in my own eyes soldiers storming houses, and I could hear women screaming, and see men being taken for detention.
  37. Among of those who I witnessed being field-executed were Yaseen and kassem shhadat and their cousin, where two of them were shot, and the third was slaughtered with a machete, Soldiers who were holding machetes were wearing orange or red bands around their wrists )
  39. A Youngman who has survived the massacre, and happened to be a friend of one of the victims: Ibrahim Horieh , a 27 year old school teacher says :
  41. ( After providing treatment for some of the wounded, me and my friend Ibrahim and his brother Mohammad hid in a nearby house.
  43. Accompanied by thugs wearing Yellow wrists’ bands Military forces came in to where we were, and asked for our ID’s , they were on the verge of executing Mohammad as he has forgotten his ID at home, that is when his father interfered, and told them that he could get it from their nearby home, and as mohammad reached the door of their home, A sniper shot him, instantly his father ran to him, Waving his hands up in the air in an attempt to demonstrate that he was only civilian , still he got shot himself by the same sniper
  45. Father’s injury was fatal as the bullet was directly aimed at his heart, but mohammad’s injury wasn’t, yet sniper has shot him again in his thigh, Right after that soldiers came to his brother and told him : you had enough killing today “ having your father and brother shot “ , now go in to your home.
  47. Mohammad has eventually bled to death after two hours, As Regime’s forces refused to let his family take him to any medical care center. )
  50. Mohammad’s ID stained with the blood of his brother Ibrahim
  51. Martyrs :
  52. The final enumeration of the massacre was 60 martyrs, most of them were civilian.
  54. Thirty of them have died due to the indiscriminate shelling and snipers’ shots, and the rest were field executed, among of which were 8 children and 8 women.
  59. The ID of Martyr “ Nada Abo Horieh “ , who was shot when trying to save his son
  62. Shelling & Sniper Shots' Martyrs:
  63. 1 Nada al-Atmeh Adult Female
  64. 2 Nada Mofleh Abu Horieh Adult Female
  65. 3 Amina Mohammad al-Nassar Adult Female
  66. 4 Nabila Ali al-Atmeh Adult Female
  67. 5 Noor Sultan al-Atmeh Adult Female
  68. 6 Danya Mohammad Dorgham al-Atmeh Adult Female
  69. 7 Abeer Sultan al-Atmeh Adult Female
  70. 8 Yasmin Mohammad al-Nassar Adult Female
  71. 9 Shahad Mahmoud al-Nassar Adult Female
  72. 10 Mahmoud al-Nassar's daughter Adult Female
  73. 11 Hala Mahmoud al-Nassar Adult Female
  74. 12 Unidentified Child Female
  75. 13 Adnan Mostafa Al-hamad Al-Diab Adult male
  76. 14 Mohammad Amin Qasim Adult male
  77. 15 Khalid Jawdat al-Labad Adult male
  78. 16 Mohammad Amin Ahmad Nada al-Atmeh Adult male
  79. 17 Ali Mohammad al-Gondey Adult male
  80. 18 Mohammad Hasan al-Salim "al-Falah" Adult male
  81. 19 Mohammad Ahmad Salih al-Atmeh "al-Hasneh" Adult male
  82. 20 Hussain Fiesal al-Shatar Adult male
  83. 21 Ahmad mohammad Salih al-Atmeh "al-Hasneh" Adult male
  84. 22 Saleh Shehadeh al-Shahdat Adult male
  85. 23 Mahmoud Shehadeh al-Shahdat Adult male
  86. 24 Emad Mahmoud Shehadeh al-Shahdat Adult male
  87. 25 Imad al-Shtar Adult male
  88. 26 Walid al-Shtar Adult male
  89. 27 Mahmoud Ahmed Suleiman al-Atma Adult male
  90. 28 Ibrahim Nada Mofleh Abu Horia Adult male
  91. 29 Mahmoud Fayez al-Nassar Adult male
  92. 30 Abdullah Mahmoud al-Nassar Adult male
  93. 31 Unknow 1 Adult male
  94. 32 Unknow 2 Adult male
  96. Field Execution’s Martyrs :
  98. 33 Mahmoud Ibrahim al-Shatar
  99. 34 Ammar Hasan al-Shattar
  100. 35 Omran Adnan al-Shatar
  101. 36 Amer Adnan al-Shatar
  102. 37 Qasem Mohammad al-Labad
  103. 38 Ibrahim Nada al-Labad
  104. 39 Qasem Ismael al-Labad
  105. 40 Basher Mohammad Kher al-Labad
  106. 41 Ahmad Mamoun al-Labad
  107. 42 Mohammad Jamal al-Labad "Kabour"
  108. 43 Mohammad Merey al-Shatar
  109. 44 Mohammad Abu al-Gazar
  110. 45 Mohammad Salameh al-Labad
  111. 46 Qasim Mohammad al-Shihadat
  112. 47 Yassin al-Shihadat
  113. 48 Qasim al-Shihadat
  114. 49 Nabil al-Shihadat
  115. 50 Ahmad Ali al-Falah
  116. 51 Ridwan Ahmad Ali
  117. 52 Omar Ridwan Al-ali
  120. Eleven more were field executed on Kafar-shams old road, most of them were children, and locals weren’t able to retrieve the bodies for many hours after the massacre.
  122. some of the martyrs of the massacre
  124. burying the martyrs
  127. The Arrests :
  128. More than 200 detainees randomly chosen was the final toll of the raid, and 19 more were missing, and their fate remain to be unknown till this moment.
  131. Building and Property destruction :
  132. The final outcome of the raid was:
  133. 15 houses were partially or completely destroyed due to shelling
  134. 25 houses were deliberately set on fire after storming them.
  135. Tens of shops were robbed and set on fire.
  136. 30 car owned by the locals were set on fire due to either shelling or deliberately set on fire by Regime’s Forces.
  151. Medical status:
  152. Sanamein has never had a field hospital before, neither any public or private one, nor medical equipment or staff.
  154. All that it has was one medical point with primitive equipments, that was shelled during the raid, and accordingly the doctor serving in it ( Dr.Waleed Al-shataar ) passed away
  156. Some of the wounded were medically treated by local medical staff (Nurses or pathogens), other than doctors.
  158. Some were taken out of the city when it was possible, others couldn’t have access to any medical care, and accordingly they died either due to bleeding or being succumbed to their injuries.
  160. It is worth mentioning here that this is the fourth massacre committed by the regime in this city (located 50 KM away from the capital) since the start of the uprising
  162. Sanamein Stretches over a total area of more than 5000 hectares, and it mediates among many towns and villages in Dar’a Province
  166. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. For any comments or questions, you can contact us through our e-mail
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