
BE and JB log

Oct 20th, 2015
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  1. [13:14:28] <jacobBrandt> Well in this case I believe we should agree to a temporary truce. Do you agree?
  2. [13:15:04] <bouncebackEschaton> I suppose there's no other viable option.
  3. [13:15:25] <bouncebackEschaton> But I swear, if you so much as CONSIDER hurting someone...
  4. [13:16:29] <jacobBrandt> I will hold your actions accountable as well.
  5. [13:16:50] <bouncebackEschaton> Of course.
  6. [13:17:13] <bouncebackEschaton> I just want everyone to get through this safe.
  7. [13:17:47] <bouncebackEschaton> And to be quite frank, so far you're the biggest threat in this game.
  8. [13:18:22] <jacobBrandt> I am flattered, but as of right now you are covered in gore.
  9. [13:18:38] <bouncebackEschaton> But not from a PERSON.
  10. [13:19:32] <jacobBrandt> You are a threat regardless. You are perfectly capable of killing me as of now, I have no viable weapons to defend against a psion.
  11. [13:19:48] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm not going to kill you.
  12. [13:19:53] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm not a murderer.
  13. [13:20:28] <jacobBrandt> Of course.
  14. [13:21:05] <bouncebackEschaton> Yet.
  15. [13:21:19] <jacobBrandt> Atta girl.
  16. [13:21:41] <bouncebackEschaton> See above regarding your approval.
  17. [13:22:11] <bouncebackEschaton> I'd rather get everyone home alive, but if only the eleven of us make it, then so be it.
  18. [13:22:12] <jacobBrandt> Now then, I understand you have figured out a way to synthesize more items?
  19. [13:22:25] <bouncebackEschaton> I have.
  20. [13:22:46] <bouncebackEschaton> Trying to work out the intended terminology.
  21. [13:23:14] <jacobBrandt> Again, I only care about Tojo, Callum, and I making it out alive, if you haven't noticed.
  22. [13:23:27] <jacobBrandt> In response to your threat.
  23. [13:23:39] <bouncebackEschaton> I'd call it more of a warning.
  24. [13:24:18] <jacobBrandt> Either way we are doomed, as a sustainable population cannot be made with the few people we have now.
  25. [13:25:04] <bouncebackEschaton> The goal isn't sustainability, it's terraforming.
  26. [13:25:28] <bouncebackEschaton> We make these places inhabitable for the rest.
  27. [13:26:15] <jacobBrandt> We as a species however will go extinct, as most likely, the people we left behind are now dead.
  28. [13:26:30] <bouncebackEschaton> What makes you say that?
  29. [13:26:51] <bouncebackEschaton> Callum's apocalypse?
  30. [13:27:17] <jacobBrandt> The meteors that rained down.
  31. [13:27:52] <bouncebackEschaton> A few meteorites won't wipe out the whole planet.
  32. [13:28:29] <jacobBrandt> Who is to say that they stopped when we left?
  33. [13:29:22] <bouncebackEschaton> I think you're overestimating the amount of meteors by a pretty huge margin.
  34. [13:30:25] <jacobBrandt> Even then, we have no idea how we will bring others to these worlds.
  35. [13:30:50] <bouncebackEschaton> Granted.
  36. [13:31:00] <bouncebackEschaton> But there's a lot we don't know.
  37. [13:31:26] <bouncebackEschaton> Perhaps our sprites will explain.
  38. [13:31:45] <jacobBrandt> Speaking of that, how did you manage to create those items?
  39. [13:32:16] <bouncebackEschaton> Hmm?
  40. [13:32:58] <jacobBrandt> Was it perhaps the Alchemiter that you created the items with? The machine that turns the dowels into what we entered with.
  41. [13:33:07] <bouncebackEschaton> Ah.
  42. [13:33:11] <bouncebackEschaton> Yes.
  43. [13:33:57] <bouncebackEschaton> Speaking of the name, I'm beginning to get a sense of what the game wants us to call it.
  44. [13:33:58] <jacobBrandt> In that case we should call it Alchemy, as that is what seems to be intended by its name.
  45. [13:34:03] <bouncebackEschaton> Exactly.
  46. [13:34:28] <bouncebackEschaton> And Crux Totems
  47. [13:35:52] <jacobBrandt> No, those are dowels. Dowels are the things that are used in lathes.
  48. [13:36:15] <bouncebackEschaton> "Totem Lathe" implies it's a lathe for totems.
  49. [13:36:29] <bouncebackEschaton> Debatably, that could refer to the carved versions.
  50. [13:37:17] <jacobBrandt> I concede on that point, carved dowels would get tiring to say.
  51. [13:38:22] <bouncebackEschaton> Regardless of the intent, I believe we're expected to use these tools to advance.
  52. [13:39:22] <bouncebackEschaton> And presumably to eventually alchemize Sburb itself.
  53. [13:39:38] <bouncebackEschaton> Deliver it to our past selves.
  54. [13:39:50] <bouncebackEschaton> If Aurora is correct about time travel, that is.
  55. [13:40:26] <jacobBrandt> Aurora mentioned something curious, a planet called Derse.
  56. [13:41:04] <bouncebackEschaton> Ah yes, her nightmare.
  57. [13:41:17] <jacobBrandt> That is interesting, as my planet is referred to as Land of Organs and Blades, not a singular name.
  58. [13:41:56] <bouncebackEschaton> Organs and Blades, eh?
  59. [13:42:13] <bouncebackEschaton> Interesting.
  60. [13:42:41] <bouncebackEschaton> What makes you say it's a planet, though?
  61. [13:43:22] <bouncebackEschaton> From what I can tell, my region is just a cave, nowhere CLOSE TO an entire planet.
  62. [13:44:31] <jacobBrandt> Perhaps we are all on one single planet, but that seems unlikely, as my land is completely unsuitable for normal life.
  63. [13:45:33] <bouncebackEschaton> The existence of portals between them seems to indicate a great deal of distance, if we even share the same layer of space.
  64. [13:46:20] <bouncebackEschaton> As a matter of fact, based on Kirk's news, I think the closest thing we could call them would be levels.
  65. [13:46:31] <bouncebackEschaton> Each one with a new challenge or puzzle.
  66. [13:47:09] <bouncebackEschaton> Perhaps the objective is to cycle through using the gates, have everyone complete each one?
  67. [13:47:53] <jacobBrandt> Perhaps, it would also explain why this land is suited to my abilities.
  68. [13:48:13] <bouncebackEschaton> As is mine.
  69. [13:48:40] <bouncebackEschaton> Presumably, difficulty will scale over time as we circle.
  70. [13:50:27] <jacobBrandt> In that case I will work on harvesting these plants. Not only are they dangerous, they are also partly inorganic, which interests me.
  71. [13:51:08] <jacobBrandt> It would make the way through this planet easier for everyone else.
  72. [13:51:16] <bouncebackEschaton> Indeed.
  73. [13:51:36] <bouncebackEschaton> And I admit, being able to grow material will definitely be a valuable tool.
  74. [13:52:58] <jacobBrandt> Growing metals, it is an interesting concept.
  75. [13:53:06] <bouncebackEschaton> Though it raises an important question.
  76. [13:53:27] <bouncebackEschaton> Is your world my final challenge, or Thalix's?
  77. [13:53:49] <bouncebackEschaton> I haven't had the opportunity to determine which direction the gates circle in yet.
  78. [13:54:39] <jacobBrandt> I am unsure as well.
  79. [13:55:35] <jacobBrandt> That reminds me, the modus I received is absolute shit. I was able to use a loophole in it for a while before it updated itself.
  80. [13:55:37] <bouncebackEschaton> The obvious answer is to use Sburb's system to build up to the gates, then step through to the next world.
  81. [13:55:51] <bouncebackEschaton> Ah, yes, I still need to talk to Callum about that.
  82. [13:56:13] <bouncebackEschaton> I DID warn him that it was near-useless.
  83. [13:56:42] <jacobBrandt> I am not technically advanced enough to hack it, unfortunately, that is Tojo's strong-suit.
  84. [13:57:09] <bouncebackEschaton> I'll try and synthesize an Array for you.
  85. [13:57:38] <bouncebackEschaton> Actually...
  86. [13:57:53] <bouncebackEschaton> Perhaps duplicating cards would be enough.
  87. [13:58:17] <bouncebackEschaton> Singularity is easy enough if you have enough cards in it
  88. [13:58:20] <jacobBrandt> No, that would be a waste of materials, I assume we used the ones gained from imps?
  89. [13:58:30] <bouncebackEschaton> That's right.
  90. [13:59:31] <jacobBrandt> There is another option on my modus, Black Hole, which absorbs everything into one card, but I would need three cards to make it work, and I only have two.
  91. [13:59:51] <bouncebackEschaton> Don't use Black Hole.
  92. [13:59:52] <jacobBrandt> I would like my Puzzle modus back.
  93. [14:00:00] <bouncebackEschaton> Just.. don't use it.
  94. [14:00:16] <bouncebackEschaton> It's kind of buggy.
  95. [14:00:55] <bouncebackEschaton> Can't take stuff out without switching back to Singularity, and then you need to collect enough stuff for everything inside it.
  96. [14:01:17] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm beginning to get a sense of their marketing plan, actually.
  97. [14:01:39] <jacobBrandt> What was the modus that could eject everything at once? That would be useful if you could add an array function to it, making it so you could eject cards at will.
  98. [14:02:04] <bouncebackEschaton> Several modii have full-eject options, I believe.
  99. [14:02:47] <bouncebackEschaton> In fact, I might have a Modus Control Deck lying around somewhere to combine them with.
  100. [14:03:17] <jacobBrandt> I could potentially use these plants as weapons themselves by ejecting them.
  101. [14:03:40] <bouncebackEschaton> That seems a bit dangerous.
  102. [14:04:01] <bouncebackEschaton> Ejecting isn't exactly renown for being accurate.
  103. [14:04:39] <jacobBrandt> It would be good as a last resort.
  104. [14:04:51] <bouncebackEschaton> Perhaps.
  105. [14:05:18] <bouncebackEschaton> Though these imps don't seem dangerous enough to justify the need for a last resort.
  106. [14:05:27] <jacobBrandt> I would also like my fishing rod back.
  107. [14:05:56] <bouncebackEschaton> I don't have it.
  108. [14:06:05] <jacobBrandt> Who does.
  109. [14:06:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Probably the evidence locker back home.
  110. [14:07:05] <jacobBrandt> I will have to make a new one then.
  111. [14:07:39] <bouncebackEschaton> So it would seem.
  112. [14:10:06] <jacobBrandt> There are some things I want from you if we go through with this truce, I will bring it up in a memo shortly.
  113. [14:10:26] <bouncebackEschaton> You aren't in a position to make demands.
  114. [14:10:30] <bouncebackEschaton> I am.
  115. [14:10:44] <jacobBrandt> Says who?
  116. [14:11:27] <bouncebackEschaton> You.
  117. [14:11:30] <bouncebackEschaton> "JB: You are a threat regardless. You are perfectly capable of killing me as of now, I have no viable weapons to defend against a psion."
  118. [14:12:48] <jacobBrandt> However, I can still put up a fight, and you would be at a disadvantage in my land.
  119. [14:13:52] <bouncebackEschaton> ...
  120. [14:13:54] <bouncebackEschaton> No.
  121. [14:16:31] <bouncebackEschaton> I am not at any disadvantage, Brandt.
  122. [14:17:25] <jacobBrandt> You are digusting, I should have skinned you when I had the chance.
  123. [14:17:54] <bouncebackEschaton> You never had the chance.
  124. [14:18:01] <bouncebackEschaton> And you never will.
  125. [14:18:38] <jacobBrandt> are such a silly, unassuming girl.
  126. [14:18:50] <bouncebackEschaton> I'll kill you.
  127. [14:18:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Don't make me.
  128. [14:19:10] <jacobBrandt> I'll eat you like I ate my parents when I was 10.
  129. [15:24:01] <jacobBrandt> can't even properly kill, what a shame.
  130. [15:24:10] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm not a murderer.
  131. [15:24:15] <bouncebackEschaton> You aren't worth it.
  132. [15:25:26] <jacobBrandt> you are weak
  133. [15:25:49] <bouncebackEschaton> Says the puddle of blood on the floor.
  134. [15:26:47] <jacobBrandt> at least i have the balls to look the person in the eye before I kill them.
  135. [15:26:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh, I can see your eyes, don't worry.
  136. [15:29:16] <jacobBrandt> you know what would be really satisfying Ana.
  137. [15:30:12] <bouncebackEschaton> Stop talking.
  138. [15:30:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Just stop.
  139. [15:30:49] <jacobBrandt> burning you alive, and then raping your corpse. Because that is what will happen, because you made one mistake.
  140. [15:31:34] <bouncebackEschaton> I said stop.
  141. [15:36:03] <bouncebackEschaton> You aren't worth murdering, Brandt.
  142. [15:40:45] <bouncebackEschaton> You aren't worth killing, Brandt.
  143. [15:40:59] <bouncebackEschaton> Just stop.
  144. [15:41:24] <jacobBrandt> thats because you can't.
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