
36 (LQ)Morning Star [M. Earth Pony Omniseer] MLPFEMTORPG

Apr 22nd, 2014
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  1. Name: Morning Star
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Earth Pony
  4. Class: Omniseer (Tracker/Mage)
  5. Talent: Blazing Sun (+1 Melee Attacks)
  6. Hit/Wounds: 6/6
  7. Alignment: Lawful Good
  9. Luce Quest:
  10. [Luce-y I'm Ho-ome!: All rolls to burst through sealed doorways are treated as autocrits.]
  12. Skills:
  13. (Free Racial) Tough: passive; Earth ponies take 1 additional hit before becoming helpless as well as 1 extra wound once they become helpless, for a total of 6 hits and 6 wounds without other modifiers. They can also lift, carry and move heavier objects than unicorns and pegasi.
  14. (Racial) Earth Pony Way: Being born without a horn or wings has taught you how to spend more time and effort in the things you do. You can pick one skill and gain a +1 bonus. This does not include non-skill actions like melee attacks or recovering from helplessness. TALENT BONUS: Reflex Shot
  15. (Free Multiclass) Elemental Ammo: passive; You gain any two Elementalist effects. You may apply Elementalist effects as normal, and as though they were Trick Ammo with the same limitations.
  16. (ELEMENT) Fire: a target rendered helpless by a fire attack has a reduced chance of recovering (DC +1), and especially flammable targets take ongoing wounds. Fire spells can be used to warm and burn objects and the environment.
  17. (ELEMENT) [CUSTOM ELEMENT] Light: Spells with this effect crit on 8+ against undead and evil-aligned creatures. Light spells can be used to illuminate places like caves or other dark areas.
  18. (Class) Custom Job: Passive, your weapon, regardless of type, also counts as Ranged, and your basic attacks benefit from Trick Ammo
  19. (Class) Reflex Shot: Requires ranged weapon, recharge 1; this attack can be used while helpless. Otherwise, deals double damage as well as suffers double counterattack damage
  21. Inventory:
  22. Hydraulic Dual Flail: Dual Weapon, (Custom Job) Ranged Weapon
  23. Brass Cuirass
  24. Adventuring Bag
  26. Traits:
  27. Morning Star is a male Earth Pony. He has saffron fur, with chestnut eyes and an umber mane. Star is an Industrial Era knight. Morning grew up in a relatively rich family. His father, Silver Bit, is the owner of a particularly lucrative company promptly named "Bit Co.". The company is one of the leading miners and manufacturers of copper in region, supplying over twenty different brass industries with copper for their alloys. Morning Star's mother, Moon Beam, also has a rather upper class job. Moon Beam teaches astrology at Canterlot Magic University, and often was away from the house when Morning was a child hosting lectures in different locations. With both parents often away from home, Morning often spent days either home alone or spending the day at his friend Starlight Evening's house after he met when their fathers were having a business meeting on her plantation.
  28. Morning always did very well in school, getting especially exceptional grades in both his physical education and history classes. Although he was a bit of a jock, Morning had a bit of an obsession about the history of Equestria, specifically a couple hundred years back, during the medieval times. Due to his many days home alone, Morning often snuck into his father's study to look through the family archives. He often spent days writing down names he found in the books, bringing the names to the library later to see if they were important ponies. During one day of archiving, Morning Star found the name Solar Zenith. As it seemed important looking, Morning brought it along with a list of names to the library as usual. After some research, Morning found he was was a direct descendant to one of the Celestial Knights of Old Equestria. After reading of Solar's feats, Morning was inspired to join the military like his ancestor.
  29. After making it through his academic career ending with a degree in metallurgy, Morning Star began to make plans to join the army. As the war was currently going on full force, he figured he could first join the citizen's militia and work his way up from there. As the militia obviously doesn't provide weapons and armor as the army does, Morning claimed some of his father's favors from contacts. He was able to get high quality sheet brass, fine-crafted clockwork implements, and other somewhat hard to find components. While forging the armor was easy, the flail however was not. Morning, once again using his father's influence, was able to get his hooves on an ingot of Pyrothaumium, a rare metal that is imbued with the pure elemental fire. As it's extremely unstable, Morning Star spent an entire month hooking up a complex blend between clockwork and hydraulics to use the Pyrothaumic power in a way not to completely destroy the flail. Finally equipped with armor and weaponry, Morning began to help defend his country.
  30. As a militia member, Morning wasn't out on the battlefield. Instead, he and around one hundred and thirty others took to the city barracks to train. Months of training ensued; and while some failed, Morning Star went above and beyond. His quickly hopped from the militia to city guard, and from city guard to royal guard. Still, watching the princesses for half a day with little-to-no excitement began to quickly wear on Morning, and spoke with the captain of the Royal Guard. The captain provided little solace for the zealous guard. Unbeknownst to Morning, however, the captain too wished for Morning Star's brilliance to not be wasted on guard duty, and took a request to the Princess Celestia for something to do. Celestia knew Solar Zenith personally in his prime, and decided to do something that hadn't been done for nearly a century: recruit someone younger than twenty into the Equestrian Knighthood.
  31. The Equestrian Knighthood is a modern rebirth of the Celestial Knights, mainly working as an intelligence and security firm ran by the Princess Celestia herself, with a council of three ponies working slightly beneath her as advisors and administration. It was debated for two weeks, but finally decided that Morning Star could become an Equestrian Knight himself. A few days later he was called into a council meeting himself, where he was offered knighthood by none other than the princess. It was done in relative secret, yet nearly all Equestrian Knights that were in the area came to see the rare occasion, and at the age of 18, Morning was indoctrinated into the Equestrian Knighthood.
  32. Five years later, Morning is still a shining star (haha, punny) amongst the Equestrian Knighthood, excelling in royal investigations and detective work. He still lives with his parents (more so on his mother's wishes than anything else), and in turn gives them financial support in return. He vastly cares for equality and believes peace is the best policy, but also understands that his job requires him to forgo such attitudes when facing those unwilling to back down. In the rare case he has free time, he often spends time in the library researching his past and getting a better understanding of what it really means to be an Equestrian Knight.
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