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Secret Serviceman

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Oct 26th, 2016
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  1. Open Letter To My Conservative/Republican/Independent Friends
  3. So you refuse to vote for Trump? Well, he wasn't my first choice either. In fact, as a conservative, there has not been a single candidate since Reagan that has actually excited me. But the Democrat alternative was always infinitely worse. And it could not be any worse than it is this election year.
  5. Let me be clear...I have voted against people as well as for them. And I have consistently voted against Liberals/Progressives/Socialists (Republican and Democrat) at every opportunity and will continue to do so. If you won't vote FOR Trump then at least vote AGAINST Hillary.
  7. Making a principled stand? Be very careful about the principles you will sacrifice for the those you uphold. If you claim to be "standing on your Conservative principles" and will not vote for Trump, then you are sacrificing the future of this country for your vaunted "principles." Hyperbole? I think not. Read on.
  9. Most of the people that say they won't vote for Trump simply don't like him. This isn't a damn popularity contest in high school for crying out loud. We always rail against political correctness and when we have a politician who disregards it, we cry he is insensitive! Spare me your "feelings"...get over it. Just on questions of policy alone, there is no comparison. Not conservative enough for you, sure...but Hillary? Gimme a break. Trump is a Ronald Reagan compared to her. And a vote for anyone else is a de facto vote for Hillary...there is no argument.
  11. Before you accuse me of drinking the Trump Kool-Aid, let me re-state...he is far from my ideal candidate but I believe Washington needs an enema and we aren't going to get it from Hillary. I accept both candidates are flawed. Trump is indeed "unpolished" and abrasive but absolutely no one likes or trusts Hillary. From Benghazi to the 33000 illegally deleted emails and the compromise of national security for her "convenience," everyone knows Hillary is a liar, a cheat, a thief, a criminal, a traitor, downright nasty, certainly neurotic and possibly a sociopath. Universally loathed by her protective details since 1988 who see her in unguarded moments, she does not exhibit normal rational behavior and recently, her physical health has been called into question. She has a history of failure, treachery, deceit, and corruption. Hillary will continue to centralize power in the federal government in general and the executive branch in particular. She is the worst sort of corrupt politician and is in the pocket of her cronies on Wall Street and foreign mega-donors to the Clinton Crime Foundation like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Oman, Algeria, and the Spawn of the Devil: George Soros. A long time supporter of RADICAL causes, Soros has donated $13 million to Hillary this year alone. She will continue sell her influence to the detriment of our nation's interests filling the coffers of the Clinton Foundation along with her hubby Slick Willie.
  13. Putting Hillary Clinton in the White House is beyond comprehension. Her political philosophy, like most Progressive/Liberal/Socialist Democrats, is Marxism/Leninism/Communism in disguise and against EVERYTHING this country was founded on and stands for. Further, this election cycle has seen the emergence of the most radical leftist Democrat Party in history because of the phenomena of Bernie Sanders. With Hillary at the head of the party, they do not represent America nor it's future. If we do not repudiate them and their ideas, we are finished as a representative republic. Some Americans get that and many, many traditional minded Democrats are breaking ranks and voting for Trump. We need a bold, brazen, unapologetic leader who see us through these dark times and who will put America First not the Clinton Foundation..
  15. And as for all those Establishment RINOs coming out against Trump and saying they will vote for Hillary, to hell with all of them! They are what's wrong with the Republican Party and why I am in a revolutionary mood. Throw the bastards out on their ear. The current Republican leadership has failed not only the GOP but the nation by rolling over for the Dems since the 1990s. The Rank and File Republican constituency began voicing their displeasure with the GOP a couple of election cycles back with the emergence of the Tea Party. TP candidates quickly found themselves at odds with not only the Democrats but the Establishment RINOs. The RINOS did their best to beat down the Tea Party now they are trying to beat down The Trump Movement. America (traditional Republicans, Democrats, and Independents) is mad as hell and we aren't gonna take it anymore. It's time to kick the elitist "Ruling Class" Political Establishment square in the ass.
  17. You may think a non-vote for either presidential candidate will demonstrate your displeasure with the available choices. Nice try but it doesn't work that way...there are only two choices. Anything else is a waste of time and energy and a de facto vote for Hillary. You say you are a Republican? Then exercise your GOD GIVEN rights and vote Republican! And I don't ever want to hear someone say they aren't voting. That is Un-American and Un-Patriotic. There are a lot of people on the down-ballot that need your support. We still need to get the right people in the House and Senate. God help us if HRC did get elected...the only bulwark against her is the Congress.
  19. Not voting at all is not an option. You might as well go to Arlington Cemetery and piss on the graves of the Nation's fallen. Don't even think about it.
  21. While Trump has no political track record to refer to, he has unparalleled success in the world of business. He believes what he says because he has been saying the same thing for 20 years. Further, he has outlined what he will do in his first 100 days and I approve. On the other hand, we KNOW exactly what Hillary will do. She has a clear and defined track record. Hillary will give us Obama's Third Term of corruption, failed liberal policies, and erosion of liberties. Without a doubt, the most significant impact will be on the next president's selection of Supreme Court Justices. The First, Second, and Fourth Amendments are under siege by the Democrats and Liberals never, never, ever give up. In addition to Scalia's vacant seat, there are an unprecedented 3-5 Supreme Court Justice vacancies that could appear over the next 4-8 years: Ginsberg is 82, Kennedy and Breyer are 79 and 77 respectively. The Supreme Court is a huge issue but don't forget all the appellate and District judges, and the Attorney General and the United States Attorneys nationwide. Haven't we seen enough of the likes of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch? If we don't appoint conservative judges and justices that support the Constitution, our country and our freedoms will be forever changed and quite possibly lost. Once you give up your rights or lose your rights, you will never get them back...not peacefully anyway. Supreme Court Justices are there for LIFE.
  23. Do you think I am exaggerating on the importance of the Supreme you know how precarious your individual rights, "guaranteed" in the Bill of Rights are? In the landmark case District of Columbia v. Heller, the court split along Conservative v. Liberal lines 5-4 in favor of affirming the Second Amendment as the individual right of self-defense. 5-4! It should have been 9-0 in favor! But for one vote, we could have lost our individual right to self-defense recognized by the Constitution. Hillary will not only come after the Second Amendment again but your right to Freedom of Association and Speech by trying to ban Conservative groups like Citizens United. Again...upheld by a razor thin 5-4 vote! The scourge of political correctness is the a creeping infringement on one's free speech. Expect it to gain momentum under an HRC administration.
  25. And how about the Supreme Court looking at Voter ID laws? Why are the Democrats against proving that you are a citizen before you can vote? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. The corruption foisted on the American Public will reach new levels under a Hillary Clinton Administration. If you think voter fraud is bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet!
  27. I'm not finished...not by along shot. How bad does it have to get out there?
  28. The economy has remained virtually stagnant for the last 8 years, largely due to government meddling. The failed government policies that created the crash of 2008 has subjected us to and will continue to subject us to more of their ineffective "solutions" under a Liberal Democrat administration. Remember the Government motto: "If you think the problems we create are bad, wait until you see our solutions." Cut regulation and taxes and unleash the forces of Capitalism and let market driven solutions pull us out.
  29. Besides the economy, the labor participation rate is at a historic low. All the good manufacturing jobs have gone abroad. The balance of trade is one-sided. The national median income has plummeted. As a percentage, less people are working now then during the Great Depression. Most people have given up and more people are on welfare, food stamps, and SS disability then ever before.
  30. Immigration is out of control and has been for some time. 2.5 million entered in the last 6 years. 300 anchor babies have been born. Hillary will open our borders and bring in crime and terror for purpose of registering new Democrat voters. She will offer amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants and perpetuate sanctuary cities. We either fix it now or we lose our country, our national identity, our culture, and our sovereignty. Establish a guest worker program and force all who enter to do so LEGALLY. Reject illegal immigration. Secure the Border!
  31. The GWOT has supplanted by "overseas contingency operations" and even that has ground to a halt because Democrats will not acknowledge and identify the enemy: Radical Islam. The world is again closer to nuclear war with the rise of Iran as a nuclear power. Don't look for that bunch to use any restraint whatsoever. Hillary Clinton hates the military and always has. She is a dope-smoking, war protesting 60's radical and regards them with contempt. She will continue Obama's castration and feminization of the military. She will not defeat Radical Islam. She won't even be able to control it. The explosion of ISIS is directly attributable to the failures of the Obama Administration of which she was a huge part. The only way to defeat the enemy is to DESTROY them. Completely. Half measures, humanitarian aid, and nation-building doesn't get it done. Rebuild our Armed Forces, support them, and unleash the mightiest military the world has ever known and the war will be won in short order.
  32. Hillary will ensure the perpetuation of the failed and disastrous Obamacare and won't rest until she rams down our throat (like she tried with HillaryCare and did with Obamacare), the single payer/universal healthcare system. The best medical care in the world will be reduced to the pitiful class of European healthcare. The world will have nowhere to go to get the best medical care in the world.
  33. And lets not forget the National Debt now nearly a staggering $20 Trillion and climbing. If unchecked, this will lead to economic collapse. I am surprised it hasn't happened already. We need a President that will support and sign a Balanced Budget Amendment not add to the debt.
  34. We are a more divided nation than in any time since the Civil War. Even in the Civil War, there were only two sides. Now there are Americans claiming allegiance to so many special interest groups we have the Balkanization of the USA. Race relations are at an all time low and it has been particularly acute the last 8 years. I wonder why?
  35. Violent crime is surging. It's open season on cops and LE agencies are under siege. Prosecutors follow politics and political correctness not law. Hideous and vile Hate America First frauds like Black Lives Matter are given voice and standing by Hillary and the Dems. Decent cops are vilified and scorned by the the Democrat party. Political correctness is the order of the day. Crime must be dealt with swiftly and surely. Mercy for criminal is injustice to victims. Roll back "Restorative Justice." Obama has released more felons and terrorists back into society than any other president in history. Now the Dems want to give felons the right to vote. I wonder how they presume the felons will vote?
  36. Hillary will continue commanding radical Pro-Abortion forces which will prevail in maintaining partial birth abortion as an legal option to murder a fully viable baby literally minutes before the delivery for the so-called "heath of the mother". Planned Parenthood will continue receiving taxpayer money to fund abortions and profit from butchering infants and selling them piecemeal as so much meat..
  37. The failed Common Core will continue the dumbing down of America's youth and the public education system, strangled by the teacher's unions, will continue to crank out children unable to compete in the markets of education and jobs. As we slip in the global marketplace, our economy will further suffer.
  38. Independent American Journalism is dead on arrival in 2016. The Mainstream Media is openly in the bag for Hillary and has launched an unprecedented all-out assault on Trump this election cycle. This is an opportunity to push back against the left-leaning media and show them they have become irrelevant as news sources.
  40. Look around...We are at a tipping point in America and we are certain to begin the slide to Socialism and eventual collapse, socially, economically, culturally, militarily, morally, and spiritually. Those of us who are old enough have witnessed the decline of the United States over the last 25 years..we are at the precipice.
  42. AGAIN, are you making a Principled Stand? What about these principles...
  44. Prevent a corrupt, immoral, feckless, incompetent liar/traitor/criminal ascend to the highest office in the land and occupy the White House.
  46. Prevent the dismantlement of the Constitution and Protect our freedoms recognized as GOD GIVEN in the Bill of Rights.
  48. Destroy ISIS and get terrorism under control.
  50. Reduce the National Debt, Balance the Budget, and rebuild the economy.
  52. Get the borders under control and pass real immigration reform.
  54. Support the Police and not the criminals.
  56. Preserve Capitalism and the Traditional Culture of the USA.
  58. It is our duty as Americans to REJECT Progressivism, Socialism, and Liberalism at every chance, everywhere, everytime, at every local, state, and national election. NEVER GIVE UP!
  60. Now Get Out There and VOTE For TRUMP. Stop Hillary Clinton from putting the last few shovelfuls on the grave of American Exceptionalism dug by Barack Obama.
  62. May God Bless America and may God Save America.
  64. All the Best
  66. Don Albracht
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