
Love and Amputate

Apr 29th, 2012
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  1. >Yesterday you had a real scare with fluffy pony
  2. >She almost set herself on fire
  3. >Before that she almost drowned multiple times
  4. >You're supposed to keep her in what most fluffy pony owners call a "safety room," a room where every surface is padded. No furniture is kept in the safety room.
  5. >There is an alternative way to keep fluffy ponies from hurting themselves
  6. >The fluffy pony's four legs are amputated
  7. >Usually this procedure is done by a vet, but it is also very expensive. There are a number of guides on the internet to doing it yourself
  8. >Many people report the fluffy pony being completely fine afterwards, as long as the procedure is done quickly
  9. >You've made up your mind. Everything is prepared and ready to go
  10. >You call fluffy pony
  11. >She runs to you, smashing into a door frame on the way there with a little "oopsie"
  12. >You sigh a little. At least, after this, she wont be hurting herself anymore
  13. >You ask her she wants to play a game
  14. >She nods excitedly, saying she loves games more than anything, except you of course
  15. >You tell her the rules are to be a good pony and do whatever you tell her to
  16. >She nods
  17. >You have a wooden board with several leather straps on it
  18. >Fluffy pony is excited. She asks where the dice are (fluffy pony is accustomed to playing board games with dice and cards)
  19. >You tell her this game doesn’t have any dice. You tell her to lie down
  20. >She of course does so obediently. Fluffy pony would do anything for you
  21. >You fix the straps around her chest, stomach, legs, and forehead
  22. >You tickle her a little to calm her down
  23. >You pull out her favorite bandana - patterned with ducks and hearts- and blindfold her
  24. >She babbles to herself, wondering what you're going to do next, before you stuff the gag into her mouth
  25. >You grab the gardening shears and take a deep breath
  26. >You part her fluff and position the open blades over her right foreleg, angling them to sever the entire leg and the bone
  27. >You brace yourself, and close the shears with all your might
  28. >Fluffy pony tries to scream, but the gag blocks most of the noise
  29. >You can already see tears staining the blindfold
  30. >She's thrashing against the leather straps
  31. >The shears hit the bone where it turns into the socket
  32. >It takes a few seconds of pushing, but soon the bone cracks and the leg is severed
  33. >It lies limply on the board, still held by the leather strap
  34. >You're trying to shush fluffy pony, telling her everything will be okay as you line up with her second leg. Then the third. Then the fourth.
  35. >The floor is covered in blood
  36. >It was excruciating, but it's for her own good
  37. >Now for part two
  38. >You take out the electrical probe and place the heat conductor to the wounds
  39. >You try to block out the wails of pain coming through the gag as you cauterize the wounds
  40. >The screams stop stops
  41. >Fluffy pony has passed out
  42. >You finish sealing off the wounds and apply a disinfectant
  43. >You tenderly bandage her and place her in her new home: a large salad bowl
  44. >Two weeks go by
  45. >Fluffy pony hasn’t come back from the experience
  46. >She's is beyond depressed. She cries all the time, asking you where her legs are
  47. >You had to drill a drainage hole in her bowl so she didnt drown in tears
  48. >She doesn’t seem to remember that you were the one that did it
  49. >The word "games" sets her on edge
  50. >You have to force food down her throat to get her to eat
  51. >One day you found her outside the bowl
  52. >She had tipped herself out
  53. >She was wiggling around on the ground
  54. >Fluffy pony was crying, scream "WHY NO RUN. WHY NO RUN."
  55. >You pick her up and hold her to your chest
  56. >The muscles in her shoulders are furiously contacting, trying to move the legs that are no longer there
  57. >You make calming noises and tell her everything is going to be all right
  58. >Her tears are hot against your shoulder
  59. >Her body conforms against you
  60. >She's trying to give you a hug
  61. >Fluffy pony still loves you
  62. >That doesn’t make it any easier when she screams in the night
  63. >She's still asking where her legs are
  64. >You told her they're gone now, relying on her terrible brain power to accept that
  65. >It didn’t work
  66. >You settled for telling her that her legs went on vacation
  67. >She stares at the door, waiting for them to come back
  68. >Whenever you walk by, she asks you when she's going to get to walk again
  69. >You try to distract her
  70. >You'll cuddle with her, or pick her up and hold her above your head, telling her she's an airplane
  71. >She's always happy when you do this, but the moment you stop, her eyes glaze over and she goes into a sort of shell
  72. >It didn’t help when she saw her favorite ball
  73. >Her bowl was on the kitchen counter at the time
  74. >She tried to get to it to play the ball game with you
  75. >It was always her favorite game
  76. >She flipped out of the bowl like a wiggling burrito, hit the edge of the table and fell to the ground
  77. >She was wiggling on the ground like a frantic worm, saying "BALL" over and over
  78. >She slowly realized she wasn’t getting anywhere
  79. >Then the tears came again
  80. >That night you put two strips of fabric in a X shape over the top of the bowl so she couldn’t jump out
  81. >You asked her if she liked the bowl
  82. >She only mournfully said "How time till leggies?"
  83. >You cant take it anymore.
  84. >You went to Steve's house and borrowed his switch operated battery and alligator clips
  85. >You've done this before, you know the procedure
  86. >You just need a new point of contact
  87. >You walk over to fluffy pony, setting the battery behind the bowl so she doesn’t see it
  88. >You tell her to open wide like a good girl
  89. >You hook the alligator clips to the sides of her mouth
  90. >You tell her to hold still
  91. >You give her a painful shock, letting the current flow through her for a good minute
  92. >You cut the current
  93. >Fluffy pony's pupils are pinpricks
  94. >She's stuttering
  95. >Now's your window of opportunity. While her mind is in flux
  96. >You tell her that her bowl is her home. It has always been her home. She loves her bowl more than anything and she wants to stay in it all the time
  97. >Fluffy pony is catatonic
  98. >Later, fluffy pony remembers nothing of the incident
  99. >She's her usual clipper self, constantly babbling and talking to herself
  100. >Once again she loves you unconditionally. Especially when you take her out of her bowl to cuddle with her.
  101. >She's like one of those cylindrical pillows
  102. >When you come home from work she loves to lay in your lap while you feel her food
  103. >As far as you can tell, she doesn’t ever remember having legs
  104. >You just have to make sure she never sees another fluffy pony, or else it might trigger her memory
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