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- import java.awt.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- public class Calculator
- implements ActionListener
- {
- TextField display;
- Panel keys;
- int maxLength = 20;
- String output = "0";
- boolean decimal = false;
- float result = 0.0f;
- String operation = "";
- boolean newNumber = true;
- boolean finished = false;
- boolean memory = false;
- float memoryValue = 0.0f;
- public void init()
- {
- Frame window = new Frame();
- window.setTitle("XML11 Calculator");
- window.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
- window.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12));
- window.setBackground(Color.white);
- Panel panel = new Panel();
- panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- panel.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12));
- panel.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
- display = new TextField(maxLength + 1);
- display.setEditable(false);
- display.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12));
- display.setBackground(Color.white);
- keys = new Panel();
- keys.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 5));
- keys.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12));
- keys.setBackground(Color.lightGray);
- keys.add(addButton("+/-"));
- keys.add(addButton(""));
- keys.add(addButton(""));
- keys.add(addButton(""));
- keys.add(addButton("AC"));
- keys.add(addButton("M+"));
- keys.add(addButton("7"));
- keys.add(addButton("8"));
- keys.add(addButton("9"));
- keys.add(addButton("/"));
- keys.add(addButton("M-"));
- keys.add(addButton("4"));
- keys.add(addButton("5"));
- keys.add(addButton("6"));
- keys.add(addButton("x"));
- keys.add(addButton("MR"));
- keys.add(addButton("1"));
- keys.add(addButton("2"));
- keys.add(addButton("3"));
- keys.add(addButton("-"));
- keys.add(addButton("MC"));
- keys.add(addButton("0"));
- keys.add(addButton("."));
- keys.add(addButton("="));
- keys.add(addButton("+"));
- panel.add("North", display);
- panel.add("Center", new Label(""));
- panel.add("South", keys);
- updateDisplay();
- window.add(panel);
- window.pack();
- window.setVisible(true);
- }
- private Button addButton(String label)
- {
- Button btn = new Button(label);
- btn.addActionListener(this);
- return btn;
- }
- public void updateDisplay()
- {
- String output_right = "";
- for (int i = 1; i <= (maxLength - output.length()); i++) {
- if ((i == 1) && (memory))
- output_right = output_right + "M";
- else
- output_right = output_right + "_";
- }
- output_right = output_right + output;
- display.setText(output_right);
- }
- public void appendDigit(String new_d)
- {
- if (output == "0")
- output = "";
- if (output.length() < maxLength) {
- if (newNumber) {
- output = new_d;
- newNumber = false;
- }
- else
- output = output + new_d;
- updateDisplay();
- }
- if (finished || operation == "") {
- result = Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- finished = false;
- operation = "";
- }
- }
- public void key_equals()
- {
- evaluate();
- operation = "";
- newNumber = true;
- decimal = false;
- finished = true;
- }
- public void evaluate()
- {
- if (operation.equals("plus"))
- result += Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- else if (operation.equals("minus"))
- result -= Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- else if (operation.equals("times"))
- result *= Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- else if (operation.equals("div"))
- result /= Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- else
- result = Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- if (finished == true)
- finished = false;
- output = Float.toString(result);
- updateDisplay();
- newNumber = true;
- decimal = false;
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
- {
- String cmd = evt.getActionCommand();
- if (cmd.equals("AC")) {
- result = 0;
- output = Float.toString(result);
- operation = "";
- newNumber = true;
- decimal = false;
- finished = true;
- updateDisplay();
- }
- if (cmd.equals("+/-")) {
- float val = Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- val *= -1;
- output = Float.toString(val);
- updateDisplay();
- }
- if (cmd.equals("1"))
- appendDigit("1");
- if (cmd.equals("2"))
- appendDigit("2");
- if (cmd.equals("3"))
- appendDigit("3");
- if (cmd.equals("4"))
- appendDigit("4");
- if (cmd.equals("5"))
- appendDigit("5");
- if (cmd.equals("6"))
- appendDigit("6");
- if (cmd.equals("7"))
- appendDigit("7");
- if (cmd.equals("8"))
- appendDigit("8");
- if (cmd.equals("9"))
- appendDigit("9");
- if (cmd.equals("0"))
- if (output.length() != 0)
- appendDigit("0");
- if (cmd.equals("."))
- if (output.length() < maxLength)
- if (!decimal) {
- decimal = true;
- if (output.length() == 0 || newNumber) {
- output = "0.";
- newNumber = false;
- }
- else
- output = output + ".";
- updateDisplay();
- }
- if (cmd.equals("="))
- key_equals();
- if (cmd.equals("+")) {
- evaluate();
- operation = "plus";
- }
- if (cmd.equals("-")) {
- evaluate();
- operation = "minus";
- }
- if (cmd.equals("x")) {
- evaluate();
- operation = "times";
- }
- if (cmd.equals("/")) {
- evaluate();
- operation = "div";
- }
- if (cmd.equals("M+")) {
- memory = true;
- key_equals();
- memoryValue += Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- updateDisplay();
- }
- if (cmd.equals("M-")) {
- memory = true;
- key_equals();
- memoryValue -= Float.valueOf(output).floatValue();
- updateDisplay();
- }
- if (cmd.equals("MR")) {
- if (memory) {
- output = Float.toString(memoryValue);
- updateDisplay();
- }
- }
- if (cmd.equals("MC")) {
- memory = false;
- memoryValue = 0.0f;
- updateDisplay();
- }
- if (output.equals(""))
- output = "0";
- }
- static public void main(String[] args)
- {
- new Calculator().init();
- }
- }
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