
Ripples [SFWish (don't read this shit at work, idiot)]

May 24th, 2014
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  1. Sequel to
  4. >You wake up, yawning
  5. >You swing your feet out of bed, standing up on the soft carpet
  6. >Suddenly, you realize what day it is
  7. >"One down. Three to go."
  8. >You shower and dress yourself
  9. >You can't believe it's been a whole month
  10. >Really, it wasn't that bad
  11. >The magical experiences were actually pretty interesting
  12. >You'd learned that your immunity to magic was permissive (that is, it didn't turn on for harmful magic, it was on all the time and only stopped itself for magic that would help you)
  13. >You also learned all sorts of weird physical quirks you had
  14. >Like the fact that you could glow in the dark
  15. >That was kind of sick
  16. >In fact, everything was going pretty well
  17. >Well
  18. >Except for the nasty headaches you had for the past week
  19. >And the near-constant nightmares
  20. >Those both sucked
  21. >But they had to pass in time
  22. >You flutter down the hallway, wings buzzing behind you
  23. >You smile at the guard as you cross into the kitchen, already beginning to get stuff out of the fridge with your magic
  24. >In no time at all, you're sitting in front of a nice bowl of cereal
  25. >You take a bite, thumbing at your temple with one hand
  26. >Jesus Christ, your head hurt
  27. >You try to ignore it as you read your itinerary for the day
  28. >Magic training with Twilight
  29. >Therapy with Professor Frontal Lobe
  30. >Nothing really unusual
  31. >You get up to go to your first session
  32. >As you progress through your day, your headache gets progressively worse
  33. >It's fucking impossible to concentrate on Cadence's inquiries into how Changeling love-feeding works
  34. >You normally have an hour of free-time before you're allowed to sleep
  35. >Typically, you read during it
  36. >Today, though, you just go to sleep
  37. >Your head hurts too bad to do anything else
  38. >You pass out as soon as your head hits the pillow
  39. >You wake up, head still fuzzy, but not hurting any more
  40. >You open your eyes
  41. >Wait-
  42. >That's-
  43. >You sit up with a start
  44. >You don't have a stone ceiling
  45. >Especially not that kind of stone
  46. >You look down
  47. >You've naked, and there's no covers on you
  48. >You appear to be on a stone floor
  49. >You can feel your heart start to race
  50. >There's-
  51. >There's no way you got kidnapped again
  52. >You would have woken up
  53. >Right?
  54. >Or maybe you got drugged so you wouldn't wake up
  55. >Well, if that's the case, Chrysalis had another fucking thing coming to her
  56. >"Mmmm..."
  57. >You freeze
  58. >That was her voice
  59. >But...
  60. >You suddenly become aware of warmth on your leg
  61. >Holding your breath, you look over
  62. >Chrysalis is there, next to you
  63. >splayed across the floor
  64. >Her leg across yours
  65. >"HEY!"
  66. >You grab her with magic, waking her instantly
  67. >She looks just as confused as you, but you don't care
  68. >You jump on top of her
  70. >"I- I don't know!"
  72. >Fuck
  73. >Her face
  74. >Her eyes
  75. >She's so scared of you...
  76. >You release your magical grip and stagger to a wall, leaning against it
  77. >She stands up, curiously
  78. >"I... Can you remember last night?"
  79. >Your head makes small shaking motions, rapidly
  80. >You can't focus on her, so you stare at the wall instead
  81. >Chrysalis stays a distance away from you
  82. >"I just... I remember having a headache. Then you appeared, and... Everything goes black."
  83. >"I appeared?"
  84. >"Yes."
  85. >"You're lying."
  86. >You blink a few times, trying to steady yourself
  87. >Fuck!
  88. >There's no way Celestia is going to let you-
  89. >"I'm not, Anonymous. Trust me, I'd rather not have just woken up next to my greatest enemy."
  90. >You swallow and nod
  91. >"Feeling's mutual."
  92. >The room is totally silent except the sound of your heavy breathing for a minute
  93. >"So...."
  94. >You glance up at her
  95. >"You do know that there is one logical explanation for this, correct?"
  96. >You feel like you're going to puke
  97. >"It-"
  98. >You resist the urge to fling her against the room
  99. >"It's not possible."
  100. >"Well. Let's look at the evidence."
  101. >She takes a step towards you
  102. >"You called yourself a 'king,' right?"
  103. >You nod
  104. >"And I am a queen. And we have both woken up next to each other. And you are naked."
  105. >You grab your forehead with a hand
  106. >"I... That's..."
  107. >You slide down the wall, moving into a sitting position
  108. >You hear her hooves on stone as she trots up to you
  109. >You feel the touch of her chitin on yours as she sits next to you
  110. >"Hard to believe that either of us could make such a bad decision. Although..."
  111. >She makes a small "Hmph" of laughter
  112. >"I don't think it was really a choice for either of us."
  113. >You draw your head out of your hands, looking up
  114. >"How the fuck does Changeling mating even work?"
  115. >"You tell me."
  116. >You rotate your head towards her, raising an eyebrow
  117. >"I mean, I certainly know how drone-producing mating works. There's a whole room full of my egg pods a few floors beneath us."
  118. >Your eyes revolve to the upper-left corner of their sockets as you fact-check her with magic
  119. >Yeah
  120. >Holy shit, there's like a hundred and fifty of them
  121. >Thank god your gender hadn't changed
  122. >Having to lay all those fucking eggs... Jesus
  123. >"But royal mating? Well, that could take any form."
  124. >"I swear to god, if Changelings are part seahorse..."
  125. >You let your voice trail off
  126. >"No. Nothing like that. I just don't know the physical process."
  127. >"Do you know the..."
  128. >You since as you say the word
  129. >"Results?"
  130. >"Between us?"
  131. >Her horn lights up, as does her abdomen
  132. >"Nothing. Apparently. It's a magical process, and having a kid through me would be harmful to you, apparently."
  133. >Yeah
  134. >She could fucking say that again
  135. >"Although... I do fear for your reput..."
  136. >Her voice trails off as her mouth closes
  137. >"Go ahead. You already ruined my life twice."
  138. >"No. There's no fun in it. Not anymore."
  139. >"Hm?"
  140. >"Anonymous. If we did it, we can't be the only Changelings to do so. That particular aspect of the hivemind extends even beyond a hive."
  141. >You adjust your legs
  142. >"What do you mean?"
  143. >"I mean that every other royal Changeling pair mated last night. And they probably conceived."
  144. >She actually sounds... Sad?
  145. >"If you think I'm bad, they're worse. I care for my drones. To an extent, at least. They use them as canon fodder. I convert ponies, or keep them in pods. They drain them."
  146. >You roll your eyes
  147. >"Yeah, you're the good guy here."
  148. >"Compared to them, I am. Even I couldn't-- Couldn't agree with their methods. Which is why I'm here, so close to Equestria."
  149. >You raise an eyebrow
  150. >"I was banished, for rebelling against the hive. In the very early days of my existence. I've had to scrape out a living here, without a mate, ever since."
  151. >Something tells you that she's telling the truth
  152. >"Maybe that's what caused us to stop mating. I didn't have a mate."
  153. >"So... They banish you. Everybody stops fucking. Then I get created, giving you a mate..."
  154. >The picture starts to form in your head
  155. >"And we all get a primal urge to fuck again. So we fuck, against our will. And they fuck too."
  156. >She nods
  157. >"Unfortunately."
  158. >"Okay. Fine. So... What happens now?"
  159. >Chrysalis laughs
  160. >"Oh, nothing good. You'll probably survive, as you said, but I'm done for."
  161. >"Why?"
  162. >"Anonymous. I am one of eight hives."
  163. >You start to get a familiar "oh shit" feeling
  164. >"The other seven exist mostly underground, on the other side of this planet. They stay hidden, mostly. But now..."
  165. >She leans back, relaxing on the floor
  166. >"Well, now they've mated. They're at the height of their power. A Changeling who is pregnant with an heir has their egg production rate tripled, and their offspring far surpasses normal drones in power."
  167. >She rolls over, onto her back
  168. >"So they're going to build an army, take over the world, and then destroy my hive, since there's no place left to banish me. Best case scenario, they kill me. More likely, I'm kept as a broodmare. I get drugged and produce eggs for them, non-stop, until I die of exhaustion."
  169. >You grimace
  170. >Not even she deserved that
  171. >"And... The Equestrians?"
  172. >"Dead. Well, not really 'dead', so much. But drained. I'm assuming you know what that does, since you can do it yourself, right?"
  173. >Flashes of nightmares flood your vision
  174. >"Yeah."
  175. >"They'll work their way up. Celestia will probably put up a good fight, but she can't stop the swarm. Nothing can."
  176. >She stretches out, still looking completely relaxed
  177. >She's resigned to her fate already
  178. >"I think I'll kill myself, actually. Better than being a fucking broodmare."
  179. >"No!"
  180. >You stand up
  181. >"No! No, you're not. We can go to Celestia, we can-"
  182. >Chrysalis laughs
  183. >"She's not going to believe you! She's definitely not going to believe me!"
  184. >"But-"
  185. >Fuck
  186. >She's right
  187. >"Remember when you said I made a mistake by making you?"
  188. >You nod
  189. >"Well, you were correct. We both just screwed the entire world."
  190. >"Come on. There has to be something..."
  191. >"Yeah. There is. We wait until the swarm rises, then we commit suicide. Or, at least, I do. You can do as you wish, but I can only image what horrible tortures they'll have for you. I bet they'll vivisect you."
  192. >You start to pace
  193. >"Come on, Chrysalis. I might not, well, like you, but I think we have a common enemy here. We can't just-- We can't just let this happen!"
  194. >"No, we can. It's the only thing we CAN do."
  195. >She stretches again, splaying her legs in the air
  196. >You quickly look away
  197. >"You can't get back to your friends, of course. After this there's no way in hell they'll let you back in Equestria."
  198. >You should be crying
  199. >Or screaming at her
  200. >Telling her that she's lying
  201. >That the power of friendship will overcome it
  202. >Or some shit
  203. >Right?
  204. >But you can't
  205. >You just feel hollow
  206. >As if you, yourself, have been drained
  207. >That many Changelings...
  208. >Fuck, just Chrysalis gave Equestria enough trouble
  209. >They didn't stand a chance
  210. >"I mean... Wait a minute."
  211. >You turn back to her, trying to ignore how suggestively she's posed
  212. >"If they drain everybody, where are they going to get their food from?"
  213. >Chrysalis shrugs
  214. >"Nowhere, probably. They'll just die off."
  215. >"But-"
  216. >"My relatives aren't very good at foresight. I mean, maybe with that much power they can do some inter-universal travel. So you might have just screwed your own world, as well."
  217. >You snort
  218. >"Yeah. I'm not worried about that."
  219. >"Why? What could a bunch of useless apes with no magic do against a swarm of powerful Changelings?"
  220. >"Look. You don't know humans. If they try to fuck with Earth, they're all dead. Every single fucking one of them. We're extremely good at dealing with large crowds of enemies."
  221. >You can't help but smile at the thought of nuclear bombs laying waste to the hordes that are going to kill your friends
  222. >It was a phyric victory
  223. >Because, you know, they were still going to kill all your fucking friends
  224. >In the most horrible way possible
  225. >But at least they were going to fucking die for their sins
  226. >"Even so, Anonymous. They are going to take this world."
  227. >Her hoof traces little circles around her chest
  228. >"We just need to wait for it to happen. I mean, last I heard, your friends are forcing you to live in a special quarantine room, so it's not like you're losing much."
  229. >"No. No, I really am."
  230. >"You don't look like it."
  231. >"I can't. It's not really possible to show the utter despair I feel. Fuck. I can't even really feel it. I can sense that you're not lying. Somehow."
  232. >"Hivemind."
  233. >You sadly smile, then sit down again
  234. >"It's too much, y'know? I'm losing all of them, Chrysalis. All my friends. And they're going to think it's my fault that they're dying."
  235. >You shake your head
  236. >"That's the worst possible thing I can possibly think of."
  237. >"Hm."
  238. >She continues to lay there on the floor, relaxing
  239. >"Friendship... You still cling to it, don't you?"
  240. >"Yeah."
  241. >"Strange, in your current circumstance."
  242. >"It's all I have left."
  243. >She licks her lips, but not suggestively
  244. >Contemplatively, almost
  245. >"Hmmm..."
  246. >You put an arm behind your head and roll onto your side
  247. >"Well. I can't go back there, so I'm staying here."
  248. >It's not a request
  249. >"I'm going to get some sleep. Wake me, and suffer the consequences."
  250. >You close your eyes
  251. >You're not actually going to sleep, of course
  252. >No way in hell you can sleep
  253. >But you can lay there
  254. >Eyes closed
  255. >Thinking
  256. >After some impossible-to-determine amount of time, you feel a new sensation
  257. >Something besides the cold, stone floor
  258. >Something warm
  259. >You mentally prepare yourself to blast the treacherous bug into next week
  260. >But she doesn't
  261. >You feel her curl up next to you
  262. >She doesn't make a noise as she does so
  263. >You don't know her motives
  264. >But you decide to let her stay
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