
rRobably the best preformance I had that year.

Mar 20th, 2017
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  1. I forgot to do a pastebin on monday (its 12:30) so ill keep this one kind of short.
  3. Life isn't great but I'm getting through it right now. My dad was in town for a layover today so we got dinner which was nice and it was really good to see family. Andy is coming to visit for a bit next week and were gonna look at the new apartment, hopefully that goes well.
  5. I've done a bit of updating my resume but I've also done a lot of thinking about general online presence/brand since that could become a lot more important to me if I change careers. Look out for some possible changes. I don't want to lose myself just to please other people but I also really really hate hearing people say they muted me on twitter because I posted pictures of anime girls (which I RARELY do anymore, and when I do its always SFW). It really sucks because I make a conscious effort to make my twitter bearable and I get lumped in with people who spam ecchi/hentai pictures.
  7. I'm still really bummed that mpg is leaving, I'm kinda surprised that its affecting me this much. I guess it came at a really rough time for me.
  9. Thats about all I got, thanks for reading as always. Here's a song:
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