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a guest
May 30th, 2016
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  1. print("infobar loaded")
  2. --dofile(infobarcfg.cfg)
  3. cfg_font_name = "Comic Sans MS"
  4. cfg_flags = 5
  5. cfg_text_color = 0xFFFFCC00
  6. cfg_back_color = 0xBF000000
  7. cfg_border_color = 0xFFFFCC00
  9. istate = 1
  10. ifont = renderCreateFont(cfg_font_name, 8, cfg_flags)
  12. function command()
  13. if istate == 1 then
  14. istate = 0
  15. sampfuncsLog("infobar disabled")
  16. else
  17. istate = 1
  18. sampfuncsLog("infobar enabled")
  19. end
  20. end
  22. function main()
  23. while not isSampAvailable() do
  24. wait(1000)
  25. end
  26. sampAddMessageToChat("infobar loaded", 0xFF0000)
  27. sampRegisterChatCommand("ibar", command)
  28. while true do
  29. wait(0)
  30. if isPlayerPlaying(playerChar) and isSampAvailable() and istate then
  31. posX, posY = getScreenResolution()
  32. posX2 = posX + 2
  33. posY2 = posY - 17
  34. renderDrawBoxWithBorder(-1, posY2, posX2, 18, cfg_back_color, 1, cfg_border_color)
  35. if not isCharInAnyCar(playerChar) then
  36. playerID = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(playerPed)
  37. playerName = sampGetPlayerNickname(playerID)
  38. playerPing = sampGetPlayerPing(playerID)
  39. playerHP = getCharHealth(playerPed)
  40. playerAP = getCharArmour(playerPed)
  41. playerLvl = sampGetPlayerScore(playerID)
  42. playerMoney = storeScore(playerchar)
  43. playerMoney = playerMoney / 1000000.0
  44. playerposX, playerposY, playerposZ = getCharCoordinates(playerPed)
  45. playerWeapon = getCurrentCharWeapon(playerPed)
  46. playerAmmo = getAmmoInCharWeapon(playerPed, playerAmmo)
  47. playerInterior = getCharAreaVisible(playerPed)
  48. posX3, posY3 = getScreenResolution()
  49. fontleng = renderGetFontDrawTextLength(ifont, string.format("Name: %s | ID: %d | Ping: %d | Health: %d | Armor: %d | Level: %d | Money: %.2fkk | Weapon: %d | Ammo: %d | Interior: %d | [%.2f][%.2f][%.2f]", playerName, playerID, playerPing, playerHP, playerAP, playerLvl, playerMoney, playerWeapon, playerAmmo, playerInterior, playerposX, playerposY, playerposZ))
  50. posX4 = posX3 / 2
  51. posX4 = posX4 - fontleng
  52. posY4 = posY3 - 17
  53. renderFontDrawText(ifont, string.format("Name: %s | ID: %d | Ping: %d | Health: %d | Armor: %d | Level: %d | Money: %.2fkk | Weapon: %d | Ammo: %d | Interior: %d | [%.2f][%.2f][%.2f]", playerName, playerID, playerPing, playerHP, playerAP, playerLvl, playerMoney, playerWeapon, playerAmmo, playerInterior, playerposX, playerposY, playerposZ), posX4, posY4, cfg_text_color)
  54. else
  56. end
  57. --playerID = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(playerPed)
  58. --playerColor = sampGetPlayerColor(playerID)
  59. --renderDrawBoxWithBorder(posX2, 5, 15, 15, playerColor, 1, 0x66000000)
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end
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