
Gene Ric, Chapter Two

Apr 10th, 2016
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  1. Gene was standing in his house on Nar Shaddaa, facing his father. The father in question was a very tanned and burly man with an imposing black beard to make up for his otherwise hairless head. His brown eyes burned with hatred as he drew a black whip from his belt, raising it in a swift motion before bringing it back down, striking Gene right on the cheek. Blood now dripped from Gene’s cheek, and he brought a hand up to cover the wound as his father raised the whip for another pass. Gene drew his other arm back, preparing to drive it straight into his father’s dreadful face. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t strike his father. He seemed to miss every time, or simply had an invisible wall blocking his father’s visage from his fist.
  3. Gene was powerless to stop the whip from coming down again, this time smiting him on his other cheek, providing a neat horizontal gash straight across his face which caused him to fall to the ground. It came again, and again, and even though Gene struggled to rise and fight back there was nothing he could do as the relentless pain from the seemingly infinite amount of lashes caused his vision to fade to black.
  5. Gene’s eyes flew right open as he shot up in the bed. He was no longer in his house; he was now in the crew’s quarters aboard his new home, the Party of One. In the room was not his father, but instead Gummy, his crewmate, who was sleeping on the bed straight across from him, snoring lightly as he dwelled within his own dream, hopefully one more pleasant than the one Gene had just undergone.
  6. It had been several hours since his initiation party had ended, and silence had fallen upon the ship, no sound except the humming of the engines, which now provided a soothing lull for Gene as he slowly lowered his head back into his pillow and reacquainted himself with the comfort of his bed. Yet even though he had calmed himself he couldn’t help but think about his old life on Nar Shadaa.
  7. The planet was a mess, certainly, but it was his home. He had known no other existence save that one, and now that he was entering a new chapter in his life he found himself hesitant to close the last one.
  9. “Maybe I shouldn’t have left,” thought Gene. “Maybe I should have stayed.”
  11. “What would you be staying for,” thought another part of Gene, “more beatings?”
  13. This other part of him had a point. His father was a very cruel and vicious man. He was not a drunk, yet he was still constantly delivering pain to Gene. It didn’t occur to Gene until right now, but the thought crossed his mind that perhaps his father simply enjoyed hurting him. Why else he would be so abusive was beyond him.
  15. Gene reached backwards, his right index finger tracing down his spine. Even though the physical pain was long gone, he still felt the stinging in his mind.
  17. “It’s not good to think about that stuff, Gene. Put those thoughts away, you won’t feel like that ever again.”
  19. Gene nodded in agreement with himself. At this rate he was light years away from his father, and with the size of the galaxy being what it is he would most likely never have to face him again. He sighed and reclined back onto his bed, but even as he closed his eyes to sleep he couldn’t shake the feeling that he would see his father’s dreaded visage again, even if only in his dreams.
  21. ...
  23. “Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!” came the voice of Pinkie Pie over the ship’s intercom. “We’re coming up to our next stop right now!”
  25. Gene wiped away the crust from his eyes as he rolled out of bed and lumbered out into the hallway where the refresher was waiting for him. As he smacked the door open and pulled his toothbrush out of his pocket before shoving it into his mouth he could feel the vibrations from the ship’s engine as it zoomed into the atmosphere of the first planet on his trip into a new life.
  26. As soon as his daily routine was finished and he was dressed he stepped out the door of the refresher and nearly collided with a man he had never seen before now. He was a human, appearing about middle-age, his hair pure white and his wrinkles shining on his face. He wore a simple blue jumpsuit with a red cap, and right now was using a broom to sweep the floor of the ship.
  28. “Who are you?” asked Gene.
  30. “I’m Scruffy, the janitor,” said the old man.
  32. “I didn’t see you on the ship last night during the party,” said Gene hesitantly, not wanting to offend the old man just in case he was there and simply wasn’t noticed.
  34. “Not a lot of people do,” said Scruffy, “Scruffy’s a pretty elusive figure these days.”
  36. “Um, Okay,” said Gene, quickly shuffling off past Scruffy, his questions answered sufficiently.
  38. He meandered for a bit until he finally came to the starboard cargo hold, where right now Gummy was pushing several repulsorlift crates to the cargo lift marked with yellow and black stripes while Pinkie was talking with Cheese about something he couldn’t make out because she was talking faster than a swoop bike with no brakes. Gene walked up to Pinkie and poked her on the shoulder, grabbing her attention.
  40. “Captain,” said Gene, “just what are in these crates, anyways?”
  42. “Why don’t you take a look?” said Pinkie as she pulled one of the crates to Gene and unlocked the top, pulling it off.
  44. Gene bent over and stooped into the box, seeing an assortment of balloons, streamers, confectionery, and green tanks marked “HELIUM.” He applied a bewildered expression to his face, looking back up to Pinkie.
  46. “Party supplies?”
  48. “Yessiree!” said Pinkie. “We are the most extraordinary party people in the galaxy, after all!”
  50. “It’s your first day at work, Gene,” said Cheese, “now it’s time to prove yourself.”
  52. “Um, okay,” said Gene, scratching the back of his head. “What am I supposed to do?”
  54. “It’s simple,” said Cheese, pointing to the stack of crates in the corner of the cargo hold. “Take those crates down and give them to the people waiting outside.”
  56. Gene nodded and immediately jumped over to where the crates were, taking the stack of three and fumbled around until he found the switch to the repulsorlift on the bottom, raising them upward and pushing them towards the ramp to the outside.As the lift lowered Gene to the ground, he looked about him, watching in awe of the fantastic scenery around. It looked like the city was built on clouds, as they draped the floating buildings surrounding him. An almost nonstop flurry of speeders zoomed from one cluster of floating buildings to another. He gazed in awe for what felt like an eternity until he was interrupted a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head in the direction of the tap, and saw Gummy standing right behind him.
  58. "Keep carrying those boxes, we have work to do."
  60. Gene nodded and turned his whole body around, pushing the boxes towards their inevitable destination.
  62. ...
  64. By the time all of the boxes were at their destination the sun was already setting in the sky. Gene watched in awe as it dived away, enjoying it for the first time in a long time since he had been cooped up in the uncdercity of Nar Shadaa for so long. Cheese walked up to Gene and wrapped his arm around his back, patting him on the shoulder.
  66. "You did great, Gene. Now, the rest of us are off to see the swoop race tonight if you want to join us."
  67. Gene had heard about swoop racing before, but he had never seen one in person. He smiled and nodded.
  69. "Uh, okay," said Gene, nodding his head. "Let's go!"
  70. ...
  72. Gene looked up at the glaring neon sign above him. "Wonderbolts Stadium," it read. There were droves of various humans and aliens surrounding the stadium, and even more were clambering inside, and almost insect-like buzz of excitement emenating from within. He stared upward until he was pulled from his trance by Pinkie Pie poking him in the side.
  74. "Come on, silly!" she said.
  76. Gene awkwardly stumbled inside. He quickly flipped his ticket to the man at the ticket booth and clambered after Pinkie as she seemingly bounced down the entrance hall and down the aisles into the bleachers. There, Cheese and Gummy were waiting for them, their laps full of refreshments. Cheese motioned for them to sit down, to which they both obliged.
  77. Across the stadium and on the widescreens surrounding it, Gene observed a blue-skinned Chagrian step onto a railed platform, which then took off until he was centered above the starting line.
  79. "Ladies and gentlespecies," the Chagrian said, "We'd like to welcome you tonight to Cloudsdale's semi-annual Canterlot Sector swoop race, hosted by our homeworld swoop team, the Wonderbolts!"
  80. The Chagrian motioned to a balcony on the highest floor. The doors leading to it flew open, and out walked several people, both human and otherwise, dressed in blue and yellow uniforms, who stepped out onto the balcony, to the crowds' applause. The fiery-haired human in the center raised her right hand to motion for silence as she drew a microphone using the other.
  82. "Today is a special day," she said. "We have a dozen contestants from across the sector competing to become the next Wonderbolt!"
  83. The crowd burst into cheers as the gates to the floor of the stadium swung open, out walking a dozen different people, many of which being aliens that Gene didn't recognize, all numbered from one to twelve. Three stood out to him, however: Number Twelve-R, who was a blue-skinned near-human with rainbow hair; Number Eight-W, a Wookiee with white fur on its head and what appeared to be a voice transliterator to help it speak; and Number Three-J, another blue-skinned being with striped horns adorning her head. They, along with the rest of the racers, approached the several swoop bikes ahead of them, as they took their seats.
  85. "The contestants will race three laps across our brand-new racetrack made just for today!" the woman continued. "This track includes our patented anti-gravity stabilizer technology, so our racers have no fear of falling, but we've placed obstacles along the track to hinder them, so if they want to succeed they'll still have to stay on their toes!"
  87. The colosseum floor roared like a lion as the engines of the bikes ignited, and as the countdown on the stadium screen flashed to zero they, one by one, zoomed past the starting line and onto the track ahead. It was spectacular to Gene, seeing them fly through and over the obstacles and around the anti-grav track. The excitement within him only escalated as one of the racers flipped over, his vehicle smashing into pieces. As firefighting droids rushed to pull him from the wreckage and the rest of the jockeys zoomed on by, two more collided with each other, sending a shower of sparks and cherry-red metal in all directions, retiring another racer and causing a wreck which the rainbow-haired girl barely dodged.
  89. Gene looked around in a moment of lucidness. The crowd was ecstatic, all of their eyes glued to the screen. He hadn't seen so many people this excited since a Hutt in his sector was thrown off the roof of his palace by his underpaid guards.
  91. Remembering the race, he whipped his head forward to the big screen looming over everybody just in time to see three of the racers cross the finish line, seemingly at the same time: Twelve-R, Number Four-U (a big guy with a strange mask), and Five-X (a faceless bug alien Gene had never seen before). The crowd went mad with elation as the remaining racers crossed the finish line and quickly halted in front of twin doors, out walking two men dressed in the blue and yellow uniform, followed by the woman with the red hair from earlier. Another human with his thumbs in his belt took a microphone from his pocket and gave it to the woman.
  93. "Ladies and gentlebeings," she began, "as most of you know, I am Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts, the most famous swoop gang in Canterlot Sector."
  95. She held a hand to quiet the cheering as she continued.
  97. "Since the death of one of our best racers, we have been scouring the sector for the most talented, up-and-coming swoop jockeys to add to our ranks. However, we have a little dilemma."
  99. A replay from the end of the race showed the three leading contenders appearing to cross the finish line at the same time. The audience fell into silence.
  101. "Our analysts have looked it over, and we can safely conclude that we have a three way tie. This means- for the first time in our history- we will be accepting three new members into our ranks today!"
  103. The arena suddenly became so loud that Gene was certain that it could be heard from Coruscant. The three champions proudly rose from their bikes and strutted to where Spitfire and her guards were waiting, with the rainbow-haired girl in particular making sure the cameras got a good look at her flexing arms. As they finally stood before the group of officials, Spitfire spoke again.
  105. "Now, first thing's first: What are your names?"
  107. "Call me Changeling," said the bug-man.
  109. "It doesn't matter," said Four-U. "What matters is our plan."
  111. "My name's Rainbow Dash!" said the blue girl.
  113. "Well, Changeling, Masked Man, Rainbow Dash, on behalf of everybody here, we'd like to welcome you three to the Wonderbolts!" Spitfire raised her arms and began to clap, a silent invitation that the stadium gladly accepted. Gene looked to the other racers, who, surprisingly, were congratulating the winners, with the exceptions of Three-J and Eight-W, who both stormed off.
  115. "To you lucky ticket-holders," said the Chagrian, "you can open those messages now. Thank you, and good night!"
  117. The majority of the crowd began to rise and leave, but Gene stayed in his seat.
  119. "What did he mean by messages?" said Gene to Pinkie.
  121. Before Pinkie could reply, Cheese poked his head between the two of them.
  123. "Looking for this?"
  125. He stretched out his hand, and in his hand was a small message probe with a lightning bolt on a big, red button.
  127. "Ooh, is it an invitation to a party?" Said Pinkie, who began to shake with anticipation.
  129. "Let's find out," said Cheese. He immediately pressed the button, and out from its hologram camera shone a small image of Spitfire.
  131. "To our valued guests," the message began, "you are one of the special few who have been invited to our special late-night party, held at our club at the corner of Sunny Street and Third. We hope to see you there!"
  133. The image then flashed out.
  135. Pinkie Pie looked like she was going to pee herself from excitement. "It is a party!" she said. "Let's go!"
  137. "Really?" said Gene. He'd never been to a party before, he wasn't sure what to expect.
  139. "Of course!" said Pinkie. "Now, let's go! Captain's orders!"
  141. Neither Cheese nor Gummy said a word of protest as the four of them led on to their next destination.
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