
Strength of Habit

Oct 30th, 2013
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  1. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (Hi. I'm given to understand you are an admin on PrototypeTowers?)
  2. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( Yes, I would be. )
  3. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( What can I do for you? )
  4. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (All right. Um. I'm sure you've heard of what I dearly hope is the last flare-up of the... Mindblogger thing.)
  5. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( Ah. )
  6. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( Yes, I have noticed it. )
  7. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (For the record, I have it on authority from someone in that session that I trust with my life that she is legitimately dead and that it is permanent.)
  8. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (So what can we do about closing up shop? Blocking the account's posting privileges, that kind of thing?)
  9. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( Well, it shouldn't be too difficult- not everyone has their account set up to close upon their death. Some are too hopeful to arrange ~ATH wills, or anything similar. )
  10. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I admit, I rather expected that she would have such a thing in place. )
  11. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (She /had/ one, but... well, it's a long story.)
  12. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I am curious, but I'll refrain from prying, if you'd prefer. )
  13. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (She was trying to overwrite her personality so that she no longer /had/ to be Mindblogger, because her identity had too much baggage on it.)
  14. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (As part of the preparations I helped her clear all ~ATH wills on her person.)
  15. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( ...ah. )
  16. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (It may have worked - I'll never be able to tell, now - but then she died, during the BK, before she could ever complete the process.)
  17. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I am... very sorry to hear that. )
  18. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( She deserved a fresh start. )
  19. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (She did.)
  20. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (I know I shouldn't blame myself, but I did have a hand in the process, so logically I'd have a hand in the outcome, yes?)
  21. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( The Black King's actions are not any result of your own decisions, I am quite sure. )
  22. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( If you helped to try and give her a second chance? Then good on you. But there's no logic in blaming yourself for a failure that was caused by things very much beyond your control. )
  23. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (It goes further back than that. She was Seer Network, like I was, and the conditioning impressed upon her then was a crucial factor in warping her personality so. I noticed this /long/ before I did anything about it. Years.)
  24. <notsoSesquipedalian> [Ah. You sigh and settle back into your chair, listening to the text to speech.]
  25. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (Shutting a Seer of Rage in a closed forum with twenty or so fellow Seers, with the full intention of nudging them into rerolling, was bad enough. But that conditioning was still only meant for Seers - encouraging the natural tendency to arrogance and hastiness, impressing upon us that it was only right and proper to have one's personality bent into shape so.)
  26. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (She wasn't a native Seer.)
  27. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (The overriding message was "Native Seers should feel superior and good about themselves for rerolling frequently." The implication being "People who were not native Seers should therefore feel inferior.")
  28. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( A native Sylph, wasn't she? )
  29. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (Yes.)
  30. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (We'd turned her into a refractory Rogue of Light-style personality before I realized anything about what was going on.)
  31. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (By the time the Founder of managed to end up in a session with her, the damage was extensive enough that he probably could've done little permanent help, even if he hadn't made it worse in a fit of sheer idiotic inattention.)
  32. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (By which I of course mean he somehow managed to get a Knight Syndrome script stuck on her shiny.)
  33. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( Oh. I wasn't aware. )
  34. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (Skipping forward a few relatively uneventful sessions, the entire thing with the murders? Was a Tactician's Folly. When she was on a /Seer/ roll.)
  35. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (The irony is so strong here you could use it to frame a building.)
  36. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I remember when all that occurred. )
  37. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (The Seer Network, for all its problems, was /supposed/ to protect its own. I would've run damage control if it wasn't for the fact that the rest of the Seer Network did not think she was important enough to be worth closing ranks.)
  38. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (That planted a seed in me, but by then it was too late, by years, to be able to do anything about her.)
  39. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (And I /still/ didn't work up the nerve to do anything until two years into a Heart roll that would eventually stretch nearly nine years long, when I released everything. Because I was too afraid that if I hesitated to sort out the information most relevant, I'd never get it done, ever.)
  40. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (So I ended up doing nothing for Mindblogger, and doing nothing for the Seer Network except destroying its most visible manifestation.)
  41. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian ( /That/ is what my legacy is, outside CF.)
  42. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (Fuck me, right?)
  43. <notsoSesquipedalian> [Consider how to respond.]
  44. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( The building of Corpse Fiesta, however, is still there. And unless you intend on doing something to change this, you are no more likely to drop dead tomorrow than any of the rest of us. You have time still to continue building your legacy, and it will not be one marked solely by your actions in relation to Aelfrida. )
  45. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (Well, of course I'm not going to die tomorrow. I'm in presession, apparently waiting for the last people to trickle in or else for Skaia to get around to getting us game disks. I can't die until /then/, at least.)
  46. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I should hope you don't have intentions of letting yourself slip once those requirements have been passed. )
  47. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (No, but only by strength of habit.)
  48. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I have few hesitations about tracking down coplayers to alert, if I feel it is necessary. )
  49. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (I've Played through the aftermath of great personal loss before, I can damn well do it again.)
  50. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I am quite sure. But I've known veterans of twenty plus sessions, who found the straw to break the camel's back. )
  51. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (Dromedary or bactrian?)
  52. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I didn't have the chance to inquire. )
  53. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I've submitted what is necessary on my end, to arrange for Aelfrida's account to be closed properly. It should be done within the next few hours, servertime. )
  54. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (All right. Thank you. I know Spen can do the same from her end for, and she never had an account on my system so there's nothing to close.)
  55. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (And sorry for wasting your time getting spectacularly sidetracked like that.)
  56. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( No, no, it's quite alright. )
  57. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I am Time this session, and so have plenty of it. )
  58. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (I'd rather have /less/, so I didn't have to think.)
  59. * notsoSesquipedalian PMs epiele|online : ( I can understand that. )
  60. * epiele|online PMs notsoSesquipedalian (...but thank you.)
  61. * epiele|online has disconnected from the server!
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