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impressions on stealthbutt's latest monolith

a guest
Nov 5th, 2014
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  1. Section 1: notes taken during the process of reading (where legible and with context)
  2. (Note: This isn't for you, this is for stealthbutt. I will spoil everything. so, unless you're stealthbutt, close this now. Fair warning)
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Clever names (as usual, at least I don't have to open google translate)
  6. the dialogue is good, believable (I like how you do dialogue, some writers don't write it like people talking, you do. one of your greatest strengths, really)
  7. good switching up words (I think I meant like, calling that "AA mare" different things each time you referred to her; variety and such. I think.)
  8. cookie dough, now I'm hungry (self explanatory)
  9. what's the / | \? oh, nevermind.
  10. I love the namecalling. SKYSLUT. HA. (like I said, believable dialogue)
  11. I like how you do the internal monologue (Italics, love it. easily identifiable and works for either POV)
  12. Muh feels (about her being left to die and being only armor and a skeleton, feels bad mang)
  13. YOUR! AGH (yeah, wrong form, should be "you're." Strike 1.)
  14. more gunporn, love it (for a second I thought it was referring to an Equestria Daily page then I realized M134)
  15. I find myself [something scratched out] Flurry [more scratched out] I just want to hug her and tell her it'll all be alright, poor dear. (self explanatory)
  16. Jesus H. Christ (the hallway that makes the MGS1 hallway look like spilled spaghetti)
  17. manticore? hellhound? fire. Dragon? (speculating what the fuck turned that hallway into 3/5ths of a chili bowl)
  18. hungrier now, thanks for reminding me (I ate right after this, don't worry. nothing to say about the armory section, moving on)
  19. oh god she's smaller than him, adorable so adorable (n-no I don't like short cute pegasus mares what makes you say that.)
  20. good banter, I [I literally can't read my chickenscratch] (like I said, your dialogue is your greatest strength IMO)
  21. muh heart, poor Flurry (poor Blaster ;_;7)
  22. heh, cookie dough ice cream
  23. oh dear, what fresh hell is this (the bottle, what the fuck)
  24. holotape, please no. (I share Cookie's sentiments, ntohing good ever comes from them.)
  25. Just me, maybe do more to differentiate between the dialogue in the holotape and their dialogue, maybe put it in brackets or make it bold maybe
  26. clinic, my stomach (you, uh, describe gore really well)
  27. CHECK THOSE CORNERS (didn't Cookie play cod4 did he)
  28. fucking ghoul tackling muh waifu (thanks Cookie, jackass)
  29. hellhound with a flamethrower? please.
  30. Oh what the fuck is this (yeah forget what I said about the bold thing for the holotape)
  31. Dragon! Called it. (sure did)
  32. oh fuck, more than one (and this is all just the first of 3 pages of notes)
  34. (action too actiony, no time to take notes)
  35. adorable knight, aww (he's so adorable, especially out of his armor)
  36. wait, griffons? wat. (srsly, wat, what the hell inspired this?)
  37. (I don't think analyzation is a real word (pastebin tells me it is not. Strike 2)
  38. bitch best not steal my waifu, if there's any hankypanky I will ragequit.
  40. Goddamn it's like my dad trying to cook (At least Cookie didn't burn everything)
  44. A pistol. please, don't end how I think it will. please. you sonofabitch this is why you asked, didn't you
  46. 1454, I guess this means something (well, does it?)
  48. daww, pizza. she's so cute. you bastard you're setting me up for heartbreak why do I do this to myself. daww, ice cream. DAMMIT.
  50. Firing range wait. Backblast. you bastard you're doing it again (Well at least those two get a happy ending)
  52. My heart. (;_;)
  54. I don't like these catbutts. (I really don't)
  56. Too intense for thoughts (action good must not stop read to write)
  58. a generator, water, kek. Oh I hope the generator isn't tied to the door. the pistol. no unicorns YOU BASTARD (still didn't know here the story was going, figured they'd end up trapped inside with no way out and have to decide which would get the swift death and which would slowly starve and I just can't)
  59. Oh. yeah. they can fly. woops. (even I forgot, I'm as dumb as Cookie is)
  60. just started noticing, their narration [thought train derailed there, I mean the way both Flurry and Cookie narrate things seems different to me, good job.)
  61. Gah, stop making me empathize with them (they tried to kill my waifu)
  63. talon pairs, pls. (stealthbutt pls.)
  64. Oh. THIS is what you meant. Still could go south really fast.
  66. not enough closure, why you do this (I wanted them to be special someponies, but deep down I knew it had to be this way.)
  67. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. Section 2: overall impressions
  70. It's just damn good. Damn damn good good damn good damn damn...good. Honestly, you could split it up, each POV transition be its own chapter, and put it on fimfiction. Despite being "oh god why the hell is it this long" long, it didn't "feel" that long. The pacing was good, flowed well from each scene to the next. Like I mentioned before, your character interaction is great. I don't have anything else to say about it really, it's good. Too good. As for the scene you wrote while "shitfaced", I'm guessing the one where Cookie is, uh, cooking.
  71. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. section 3: questions
  74. Alright, where the hell did you get the idea for that armor from, cuz that sounds incredibly badass.
  76. Normal names for the catbutts this time? Although I guess Herrick isn't "normal" but more normal than Kralle :V
  78. Speaking of Herrick, that ending there. Maybe I'm just an idiot but the way he describes it, makes it sound like the catbird was REALLY close, close enough to see his eyes in the darkness, like he was on the vertibuck. Or I'm just reading too much into it. Either way, was he on the vertibuck or still on the ground?
  79. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. section 4: Concerns
  81. That's at least two times I can remember people saying that reading your stuff has made them not want to continue writing man, there's something up with you. Stop being so good, goddammit.
  83. Main concern: What's coming next?
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