
Ember & Carmen Pt. 2

Aug 25th, 2015
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  1. [00:12] * fractalAbomination has started pestering bucolicBunyan
  2. [00:12] <fractalAbomination> hey
  3. [00:12] <fractalAbomination> are you there?
  4. [00:12] <@bucolicBunyan> :OOO
  5. [00:12] <@bucolicBunyan> Hi!!!
  6. [00:12] <@bucolicBunyan> I was getting worried there for a bit that you forgot!
  7. [00:12] <@bucolicBunyan> shwhew
  8. [00:12] <fractalAbomination> sorry, i slept in a bit today
  9. [00:13] <@bucolicBunyan> Heehee
  10. [00:13] <@bucolicBunyan> My dad always taXe time every morning to make sure Im up!
  11. [00:14] <@bucolicBunyan> He can get really really mad sometimes........
  12. [00:14] <fractalAbomination> ouch
  13. [00:14] <fractalAbomination> my dad doesn't really care what i do on weekends
  14. [00:14] <fractalAbomination> i talked to him last night and he said he has some "junk" lying around
  15. [00:15] <fractalAbomination> which i think is actually a pretty good computer but idk
  16. [00:15] <@bucolicBunyan> Really?????
  17. [00:15] <@bucolicBunyan> Wow
  18. [00:16] <fractalAbomination> i have no idea where you are in the world though!
  19. [00:16] <@bucolicBunyan> My dad never buys me anything nice.......
  20. [00:16] <@bucolicBunyan> My mom is suuuuuper cool though!
  21. [00:17] <@bucolicBunyan> She just got me these shiny new aXes and theyre awesome!!!! :DDDD
  22. [00:17] <@bucolicBunyan> Oh yeah......
  23. [00:17] <fractalAbomination> that's a strange present
  24. [00:17] <fractalAbomination> my mum wouldn't even let me near an axe, let alone give me one
  25. [00:18] <@bucolicBunyan> I found this suuuuuper random axe in the middle of the woods but I thought it was really cool for some reason
  26. [00:18] <@bucolicBunyan> It was all rusty and old looking!
  27. [00:19] <@bucolicBunyan> I brought it to school one time for show and tell and everyone just thought it was boring....
  28. [00:19] <@bucolicBunyan> Maybe it is?
  29. [00:19] <@bucolicBunyan> I like it though because its different! Nobody else at school has an aXe!
  30. [00:19] <fractalAbomination> i think it's because people don't normally carry axes around
  31. [00:20] <@bucolicBunyan> But thats why its cool!
  32. [00:20] <fractalAbomination> ehhh, i guess
  33. [00:20] <@bucolicBunyan> Nobody but my mom agrees though....
  34. [00:21] <@bucolicBunyan> I spent a lot of time cleaning it up though!
  35. [00:21] <@bucolicBunyan> I got it all shiny and everything!!!
  36. [00:21] <@bucolicBunyan> Im reeeeally good at scrubbing and scraping
  37. [00:22] <@bucolicBunyan> Since it looked so cool my mom got me a matching one for my birthday!
  38. [00:22] <@bucolicBunyan> Now I have two :DD
  39. [00:22] <fractalAbomination> that sounds both awesome and scary at the same time
  40. [00:22] <@bucolicBunyan> :OOOOOO
  41. [00:22] <fractalAbomination> do you use them for anything?
  42. [00:22] <fractalAbomination> or do they just lie around?
  43. [00:22] <@bucolicBunyan> I use them all the time!
  44. [00:23] <@bucolicBunyan> I like cutting down trees with them
  45. [00:23] <@bucolicBunyan> I started trying to teach myself how to throw them at things too!
  46. [00:23] <@bucolicBunyan> That's a lot of fun!!!
  47. [00:23] <@bucolicBunyan> Im sooooo awful though........
  48. [00:23] <@bucolicBunyan> I dont think ill ever be any good at throwing aXes around.....
  49. [00:24] <fractalAbomination> i can't even throw much around, anyways, so you're doing better than me :p
  50. [00:25] <@bucolicBunyan> What do you like to do in your free time???
  51. [00:25] <fractalAbomination> well, not much really
  52. [00:25] <fractalAbomination> playing civ, listening to music, reading books
  53. [00:26] <fractalAbomination> going for a run sometimes
  54. [00:27] <fractalAbomination> boring stuff like that
  55. [00:27] <@bucolicBunyan> Civ isnt boring!
  56. [00:27] <@bucolicBunyan> I think reading is REALLY boring though........
  57. [00:28] <@bucolicBunyan> My dad keeps telling me I need to do good in school to be smart and helpful..... but its just not fun!
  58. [00:28] <fractalAbomination> ok civ isn't boring, i'll give you that :p
  59. [00:29] <@bucolicBunyan> :PPP
  60. [00:29] <fractalAbomination> school is kinda fun? it's fun learning stuff
  61. [00:29] <fractalAbomination> apart from english. bluh english.
  62. [00:29] <fractalAbomination> reading is fun though! you get to read and explore all sorts of worlds and things
  63. [00:30] <fractalAbomination> how about you? what do you do for fun, apart from messaging boring teenagers and chopping wood? :p
  64. [00:31] <@bucolicBunyan> .......
  65. [00:31] <@bucolicBunyan> Not much I guess???
  66. [00:31] <@bucolicBunyan> Ive been getting suuuuper into video games though!
  67. [00:32] <@bucolicBunyan> Not very many people at my school play them so I thought it would be cool!
  68. [00:32] <@bucolicBunyan> My dad keeps saying its a waste of time but he says that about everything that isnt working so I dont care.
  69. [00:33] <fractalAbomination> your dad kinda sounds a bit like a jerk
  70. [00:33] <@bucolicBunyan> ://////
  71. [00:33] <@bucolicBunyan> Don't say that!!!!
  72. [00:33] <@bucolicBunyan> If he finds out he might not let me talk to you anymore!!!
  73. [00:34] <@bucolicBunyan> That would be reeeeeeally sad :(((
  74. [00:34] <fractalAbomination> sorry sorry!
  75. [00:34] <fractalAbomination> let's just pretend i never said that
  76. [00:34] <@bucolicBunyan> yeppers
  77. [00:35] <@bucolicBunyan> I used to like knitting a lot in my free time
  78. [00:35] <@bucolicBunyan> My mom showed me how
  79. [00:36] <@bucolicBunyan> But then some other people at school learned and made cooler things than I did so I got bored.....
  80. [00:36] <fractalAbomination> but you must've made some cool things, right?
  81. [00:36] <@bucolicBunyan> Thats why Im doing video games now!!! :)))
  82. [00:36] <@bucolicBunyan> Nah not really
  83. [00:36] <@bucolicBunyan> I made a sock once
  84. [00:37] <@bucolicBunyan> And a hat that was too small so it was hilarious :PPP
  85. [00:37] <fractalAbomination> hehehe
  86. [00:38] <fractalAbomination> so what video games are you playing now?
  87. [00:38] <fractalAbomination> apart from civ, that is
  88. [00:40] <@bucolicBunyan> Well Mass Effect 2 just came out
  89. [00:40] <@bucolicBunyan> I wanted to play it since its so new but I had to play the first game first!!!
  90. [00:41] <@bucolicBunyan> It just taXe so much time to get though them......
  91. [00:41] <@bucolicBunyan> But its a lot of fun :))))
  92. [00:41] <fractalAbomination> huh
  93. [00:41] <fractalAbomination> maybe i should have a look at that
  94. [00:42] <@bucolicBunyan> I was thinking of trying out Starcraft II
  95. [00:42] <@bucolicBunyan> Its multiplayer too so maybe I can show it to people as the next cool thing!!!
  96. [00:42] <@bucolicBunyan> I just have to get good at it first....
  97. [00:43] <fractalAbomination> eeyup!
  98. [00:43] <fractalAbomination> just practice practice practice and we'll get there eventually
  99. [00:44] <fractalAbomination> probably
  100. [00:44] <@bucolicBunyan> I hope so.....
  101. [00:45] <@bucolicBunyan> Do you play either of those???
  102. [00:46] <fractalAbomination> um, no
  103. [00:46] <fractalAbomination> what are they even about?
  104. [00:46] <@bucolicBunyan> Theyre both about space!!!
  105. [00:46] <@bucolicBunyan> Things about space are suuuuuper cool :)))
  106. [00:46] <@bucolicBunyan> I like going outside and thinking about the stars sometimes
  107. [00:47] <@bucolicBunyan> Theyre so pretty!
  108. [00:47] <fractalAbomination> yeah, stars are really pretty
  109. [00:47] <fractalAbomination> too bad i can't see them at night here because of all the light :/
  110. [00:48] <fractalAbomination> i might have a look at those games
  111. [00:48] <@bucolicBunyan> You should!!
  112. [00:49] <@bucolicBunyan> I bet youll be super good at them like right away
  113. [00:49] <fractalAbomination> pfft, nah
  114. [00:49] <fractalAbomination> i probably won't :p
  115. [00:50] <@bucolicBunyan> You cant say that!!! DDDD:
  116. [00:51] <@bucolicBunyan> Youre really good at thinking about things in civ so youll be super awesome at Starcraft I just know it
  117. [00:51] <@bucolicBunyan> Theyre like basically the same thing
  118. [00:51] <fractalAbomination> hehehe, thanks
  119. [00:51] <fractalAbomination> i'll have a look later and tell you then, alright?
  120. [00:51] <@bucolicBunyan> Awesome!!!
  121. [00:52] <@bucolicBunyan> I didnt ask my dad about you sending me a package by the way......
  122. [00:52] <fractalAbomination> well... i would need to know where you are first... :p
  123. [00:52] <@bucolicBunyan> I kinda already know what the answer is
  124. [00:53] <fractalAbomination> <shoot gtg>
  125. [00:53] <@bucolicBunyan> Well our mailman bloX things sometimes!!!
  126. [00:53] <fractalAbomination> darn :c
  127. [00:53] <@bucolicBunyan> Anytime someone else knows our address bad things always happen......
  128. [00:53] <@bucolicBunyan> But I have a different address you can send it to!!!!
  129. [00:53] <fractalAbomination> i can try!
  130. [00:53] <fractalAbomination> tell me after the game though or i might forget it
  131. [00:53] <fractalAbomination> shoot, if we don't start this civ game soon we might not finish it in time :P
  132. [00:54] <@bucolicBunyan> Things usually make it here if you use that one.
  133. [00:54] <@bucolicBunyan> Okay!!!!
  134. [00:54] <@bucolicBunyan> Sorry to keep you waiting.....
  135. [00:54] <@bucolicBunyan> Ill see you on the Steam messenger thing then?
  136. [00:54] <@bucolicBunyan> SandieGoGo remember?
  137. [00:55] <@bucolicBunyan> Lets do this!!!!
  138. [00:55] <@bucolicBunyan> Im so eXited :)))))
  139. [00:55] <@bucolicBunyan> Talk to you soon in the game
  140. [00:56] * bucolicBunyan quit pestering fractalAbomination
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