
A Filly's (un)usual day.

Jun 8th, 2017
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  1. >You are Blueberry, a bat filly.
  2. >You've probably told the same story over hundred times now, but it simply never gets old. After all, if you suddenly did stop, you wouldn't be Blueberry anymore.
  3. >It was pretty unique to you, just a blueberry specific thing.
  4. >Yeah.
  5. >In any case, you'd find yourself in the same bed you were lying in yesterday, not exactly what you expected, but you aren't complaining, sleeping with your dad was comfy.
  6. >Too bad he was still asleep, couldn't he of just woke up already!
  7. >You'd squeeze your way out of his hug, shaking yourself like a puppy would, and standing up, before trotting over to the other side of the bed.
  8. >To get Sandstone, who was seemingly still sleeping. It wasn't that early, why were they all sleeping!
  9. >Should of totes woke up, it was spring, and uhm, it was a warm day, not time to be a sleepyhead. You'd bap him, pretty hard, until he'd suddenly jerk awake.
  10. >Poor colt, you didn't spook him, did you?
  11. >He'd jump up, before landing back on the soft bed, causing a small shock wave, though one which bed would readily absorb. Thankfully, he wasn't heavy.
  12. "Heey..", he'd speak up the moment he'd see you looking adorably at him.
  13. >He'd rub his eyes, before booping you and stretching.
  14. >He'd clear his throat, standing up and jumping off the bed.
  15. "You know. That was pretty crazy, I mean, uhm. I had sex with your mother, you know?"
  16. >You'd chuckle, of course you know, who else was moaning like a little girl, you? Well, maybe.
  17. >You totally weren't that was just a ruse, yeah!
  18. >Either way, you would sigh, slowly opening the door to the outside world.
  19. "Uhm, you sure we should leave, I mean, don't you think they'd mind? You know, because like, they'll get worried."
  20. >"Worried? Please, mommy's used to me being gone for houurs!"
  21. >He'd however sigh, shaking his head.
  22. "I'm not going, they might not be my parents, but come on, they brought us all the way here for some fun and now you're leaving?"
  23. >"Well, hey, I' can't sleep all day, I'm not a baby!" you'd fire off back.
  24. >He'd blink, letting out another big sigh.
  25. "Look, fine, Blue, but at least leave a letter, or something, piece of paper, maybe, just so they know we've left."
  26. "And not that we've abandoned them on purpose or something."
  27. >You'd nod, well, yeah. He had a good point there. "Okay, you go write something up, then! I'll be uhm, outside, yes."
  28. >And with those words, you'd sneak out outside, making sure to be rather quiet, Sandstone would follow you shortly after.
  29. >Well, shortly wouldn't be the word for it, it took him quite the time to know, write stuff down, maybe he just wasn't too good at writing letters. Or you know, anything.
  30. >You've never seen him write anything anyways, so who knew.
  31. >He'd exit a few long minutes later, grabbing your hoof.
  32. "Hey hey, you got quite lost there, you alright?"
  33. >You'd squeak, but yeah, of course you were fine, just wondering why it took him so long.
  34. >Writing wasn't so hard of a thing, now was it?
  35. >"Riight, took ya quite a while, what were you exactly doing."
  36. "Writing, duh!" he'd respond almost instantaneously, didn't seem like he was lying.
  37. >Besides, with the fact you were listening for whatever he was doing the entire time it wasn't like he could of done anything.
  38. >"Uhm, fair enough, ye."
  39. >He'd nod, and start trotting away, you'd run after him, stopping as you'd catch up, and keep up the pace.
  40. >"so, where are ya headed off to?" you'd ask, a bit confused as to where he headed off.
  41. >After all, the place wasn't all that familiar and you didn't have that good of an idea.
  42. >It was quite on the edge of pony ville, not exactly where you used to venture to.
  43. >But, hey, if he knew where to go, why not.
  44. "Well, I was thinking about going to center, enjoying the way ponies go about their day."
  45. "Least till your parents decide to wake up and look for us, besides, I wrote that in the letter, can't exactly poof somewhere else."
  46. >You'd scrunchy, but follow him, well, not exactly place you wanted to go to.
  47. >You always preferred the park, less sunlight to bother your sensitive batty eyes.
  48. >That and it was not as hot in there, you were a pony all the same, fur didn't make things too good during the warmth of spring days.
  49. >"Well, sure, I mean, not much else to do in the meanwhile."
  50. >And, so after a short walk, the two of you would arrive there, you'd go for a nearby bench and sit, you didn't have problem standing, no but you didn't wanna bump into others.
  51. >Hard to explain, not exactly your thing.
  52. >Sandstone would sit down next to you, taking in a deep breath.
  53. "So, uhm, safe from yesterday, how have things been lately in your family, I know we hang out every day, but you don't exactly tell me much about your parents."
  54. >You'd however, retaliate to his comment with a; "Well, hey, you don't exacty talk much about yours either.."
  55. >He'd tilt his head, though nod shortly after. "Well, I guess, yeah. I really don't."
  56. "That said, you never really ask, and I did ask you now, so.."
  57. >Well, he had a point, yeah. You don't ask about his parents, just him.
  58. "Besides, this is gonna be our second summer together, so might as well share a bit more about ourselves, eh? I mean, we're not just friends.."
  59. >"Hey, at this point we might as well be "friends with benefits". You'd say with a smirk.
  60. >But you didn't mean it, you really loved him. It just wasn't as intense, really you'd say it was more of a calmed down version of love at this point.
  61. "Oh, hey, that's not the way I see it, you certainly don't seem to act to me like "just a friend."
  62. >"I was joking, doofus. I love you. But. I do have to say it's different for me, it's not just "I love you for sex, or for you being pretty" or whatever."
  63. >"It's..I love ya for being, well. Sandstone. That ain't to say you're bad in bed.", you'd say with another grin.
  64. >He'd lightly slap you, giggling.
  65. "Blue, there's no need to be so sexual about everything."
  66. >"Heey, that's wrong, there's need for sexuality in almost everything." "Normal conversations totally shouldn't be an exception!"
  67. >"Eeven in public, not like anyone is gonna spank us for it or something."
  68. >And, indeed, no one gave foals shit about what they were doing, almost as if it was completely normal.
  69. >Even if, in the eyes of some adults it was far from that.
  70. "Haha, well, since I've spent most of my life here, I'd say that's fairly true.
  71. "But. Anyhow, you didn't exactly tell me about your parents, you just shifted the subject!"
  72. >You'd scrunch, maybe you have, but that totally wasn't yours to blame, you had a uhm, subject of utmost importance to attend to, yes.
  73. >"Ah, right, I'm sorry. Just, I figured it was more important and stuff."
  74. >You'd say with a pout, trying to look adorable, something you were good at, fluffy bat ears totes helped!
  75. "Ah, it's fine, Blue, it's fine. Just, that doesn't work on me, I'm not an adult."
  76. "I'm cute as well, you know."
  77. >You'd scrunch, gosh darned, maximum scrunch!
  78. >In fact, such scrunch it would probably break your snoot, if it was possible, even!
  79. >"Fineeee, whatever nerdhorse!"
  80. >"But, ah my parents. Well, I've probably told you before, but I come from hollow shades, I wasn't born here."
  81. >"And unlike what might seem like it--no, I haven't lived here forever, really as I said." "I'm here since I was like, six." "I really don't know why we moved, never asked, and well never had to."
  82. >"Don't hate the place, it's pretty good, even though the sun is awfully bright during the summer." "Soo, I kinda have to keep my room shaded, or well, stick to darker places, it just, hurts my eyes."
  83. >You'd point to your slitted pupils, quite different than his, lot more receptive to sunlight.
  84. "Ah, I see. You don't remember much of your early life, do you?"
  85. >You'd shake your head, no you don't really remember much, maybe playing with your family. That would be about it.
  86. >"I'm sorry, no, I don't really remember much at all."
  87. >He'd nod, speaking up shortly.
  88. "I see. Thank you, Blue." "It's always nice to find out more about you. Other than just how many kinks could you possibly have."
  89. "Or how ridiculous your sex drive is. Really, I wouldn't be surprised if you could go for a whole night."
  90. >"Then maybe you should try it out.", you'd speak out with a smug grin.
  91. "Is that a challenge?"
  92. >You'd nod. "Absolutely cutie, next time we're around home, eh?"
  93. >You'd chuckle, yes yes, typical blueberry.
  94. >Typical, lewdberry. Maybe that was meant to be your second name after all, who knew!
  95. >Sandstone would raise his eyebrow, licking you before chuckling.
  96. "Good, I didn't expect any different of an answer from ya, ya know?" "I'd be freaked out if you replied with a "no thanks" or something." "Wouldn't be Blueberry."
  97. >You'd snort. "Hey, are you perhaps implying I'm a filly slut?"
  98. >He'd shake his head, taking on a smug face.
  99. "Oh me? Absolutely no, you're my lover, that's all I got to say about you, not a slut."
  100. "That and you're a total nymphomaniac."
  101. >You, indeed took offense to this, why you weren't addicted to sex!
  102. >"W-what, I'm not a sex druggie."
  103. "Stop right there, criminal scum~"
  104. >You'd chuckle, well righto. "Finee, caught me. I might have an issue.." "Buut, I have you to help me, yeah!"
  105. "Help you by fucking you silly?"
  106. >You'd shake your head, blushing while denying the claim. "What, nooooo. I mean as in uhm, go through the issue with me, y-yeah."
  107. >He'd just snort, booping you.
  108. "Kay, whatever you say, Blue, whatever you say."
  109. >After a brief period of silence, you'd drop the topic, shifting on to him.
  110. >"And what about you, you never shared much of your family. Okay, safe for the fact I met them like, once."
  111. >"Did you even tell them we're a couple?"
  112. >He'd nod.
  113. "You bet, long ago too. They are fine with it, say I'm a good influence on you." "Which, I'd say I am, all things considered."
  114. "If anything, you aren't fucking everything with a dick."
  115. >You'd fire off a comment. "Just you."
  116. "Yeah, just me.", he'd reply giggling.
  117. >"Mh, I dunno, I'd say you need to relax more, really just, enjoy being a foal."
  118. >"We won't be foals forever, we'll grow up, and have to do boring adult stuff, like work!"
  119. >"A-and, care for our own foals!"
  120. >He'd chuckle, tilting his head.
  121. "Oh, come on! There's nothing forcing us to have foals, we can, and we are enjoying our time together."
  122. "You're thinking too classically, and you're worrying too much. We've twelve, I sincerily doubt we'll be making foals anytime soon."
  123. >You'd snort, of course you wouldn't, you were a filly, how could you possibly care for another filly!
  124. >"Please, of course I wouldn't, I can't take care of another filly, I'm a big issue to myself."
  125. "See? Now you're being logical, and yes we might have to work as adults, but come on, that's far away, as far as adults are concerned, we are innocent little foals."
  126. >You'd scrunch, w-what was he implying now? "W-what, I am a innocent little foal!", you'd say in a squeaky voice, like a real cute!
  127. >He'd simply raise his eyebrow, snorting.
  128. "Sure you are, you certainly never went into heat, and you most certainly never had sex, no, you're a twelve year old filly who plays with her pony dolls."
  129. >You'd nod, yes yes, that was correct. All that he said, very true.
  130. "Except that you're the complete opposite.", he'd say moments after you'd nod, smirking.
  131. >"Finee, don't be such a fun killer, I can be all cute and innocent!" "I-it's just, uhm." "Y-you to blame!"
  132. "Me to blame? You came to me, not the other way around."
  133. >You'd scrunch, well, true, that wasn't a lie, it's what happened that summer night. Bwuh.
  134. >"I was in heat!", you'd exclaim, trying to defend yourself, failing, of course.
  135. "So were the twenty other fillies at the playground there, and yet, you came to me, and gave me the night of my life."
  136. "Night I'll never forget." "Still, you're a perv. A twelve year old pervert."
  137. >"Am nawt! I just uhm, have my n-needs, and you need to take care of them, yes."
  138. >He'd blink, nodding.
  139. "Hey, fair enough, but denying my point doesn't make it any less valid."
  140. >You'd squint, shutting up, nope, you had no comeback to make to that!
  141. >"Eh, alright, I guess that's true enough, bwuh."
  142. >You'd pause, before quickly shifting the subject.
  143. >"So, uhm, I suppose we should go home, quite a bit of time passed, mommy's probably worried about me already. And dad as well."
  144. "Remember, I left them a letter, no thanks to you. You just wanted to leave, aha!"
  145. >"Please! I'm not that good at making things anyways, not uhm , writing things."
  146. "Yes yes, excuses. Come on, let's bamboozle."
  147. >He'd grab your hoof, yanking you from the bench you were sitting down on, it was actually really warmed up from your butt, and, as you'd stand up, you could feel the cold breeze blow over it.
  148. >Not that comfy of a feeling, noh. Chilly! Thankfully, your tail was long, enough to stop air from freezing your buttcheeks.
  149. >"Oh gee, fine fine, I gotcha we need to get moving."
  150. "That's exactly what you said, and suddenly, you aren't going, now shush before I start asking more questions you can't answer."
  151. "Sillybutt.", he'd say with a giggle, letting go of your hoof as you'd start walking.
  152. >You'd be met with the familiar crossroads once again, parting ways with your bitch.
  153. >"Well, see ya tomorrow, mmkay? And. You should totally keep that promise you said you'd do." "A "sleepover"
  154. >He'd giggle, trotting up to you for a second to boop you, nodding.
  155. "Aye, tomorrow, I'll talk with my parents to stay over at your house, see ya, Blue!"
  156. >You'd wave him off and head home, walking in through the front door, not even bothering to knock.
  157. >"I'm home, mom!", you'd exclaim, trotting up to the kitchen.
  158. >Your mother would walk out of the bathroom a few seconds after, blinking.
  159. "Oh, hello, honey, it's nice that you left us that note."
  160. >You'd rub the back of your head, letting out a sigh. "Oh, uhm, actually it was Sandstone's idea."
  161. "Ah, I see, well, that's fine. You should look up more to him, then. We would of been worried sick!"
  162. >You'd nod solemnly. "I understand mom, I'll keep that in mind."
  163. "Okay. Good.".
  164. >She'd turn around and walk away back to the kitchen, you yourself were headed off to the bed, time to read some things, and well, maybe sleep.
  165. >You did have a plan of having a pretty exhausting day tomorrow. Word.
  166. >You'd walk into your room, sit down on the bed, and open a book.
  167. >It was a book on "Estrus and how to manage it."
  168. >You never had the chance to read it fully, it was pretty big, some two hundred pages, but you did every night, bit by bit. Lot of useful info in that one.
  169. >You'd put the book away after reading for half an hour, flicking off the lights and heading off for the bed. You fall asleep pretty quickly, even if you didn't do much more than just talk today.
  170. >Talking was a rather exhausting activity. Yish. Mfh.
  171. >Tomorrow was gonna be a fun day, really fun. Totes.
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