
Mando in Equestria. Ch.1.

Apr 23rd, 2012
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  1. >You grunt as your head smacks against a bulkhead, your ship still shaking from the last hits.
  2. >This was all wrong, it was supposed to be a simple tag and grab, but it quickly devolved into a pile of Osik.
  3. >More blaster cannons raked along the side of your ship, a Corellian YV-666 Light freighter.
  4. >Your ship was getting ripped apart by faster, sleeker SoroSuub Cutlass-9 Fighters.
  5. >Once again your ship rocked, this time emergency klaxons sounded off.
  6. >A hull breach in the containment area. Looks like you're not getting paid.
  7. >The Quad blaster cannon at the front of your ship took down two ships in a hail of blaster bolts, and you knew you had to leave.
  8. >You thumbed the button for the hyperdrive, and the engine systems roared as they powered up.
  9. >More sirens, blaring even through your helmet.
  10. >Proton torpedoes were approaching your ship, eta 5 seconds.
  11. >You engaged the hyperdrive as laser cannon fire smashed into your engines.
  12. >Your ship shakes in Hyperspace, the engine roaring and sputtering as it fought to keep going through your blind jump.
  13. >The heat in the engine kept climbing, higher and higher until finally...
  14. >BAM!
  15. >The back of your ship exploded in a plume of fire and you dropped out of hyperspeed.
  16. >It seemed the jump supplied both good and bad. You jumped to another planet, however your crippled ship was being dragged into its atmosphere.
  17. >Your stuck, you've never been the one stuck.
  18. >You were Anonymous, the Mandalorian. Anonymous the Bounty Hunter. Being vulnerable was new to you.
  19. >So you waited, you waited as your ship slowly picked up speed and began its descent to the world below.
  20. >You walked back and forth across your bridge several times, running thoughts through your mind.
  21. >You could try and glide her, but from her state of being she'll probably be tearing apart.
  22. >You ship shudders and jumps and you brace yourself, Curses and oaths in several languages rushing from your mouth.
  23. >Your eyes drift over the supplies of your last hunt, several strips of det cord, and some thermal detonators.
  24. >A grin stretches across your face, hidden by your helmet as an idea comes to you.
  25. >You gather up all of the explosives, and head into a hallway. You set up the explosives, hands fumbling from the now constant jerks of your ship entering the atmosphere.
  26. >In three minutes, everything is set. You go over your weapons and supplies: Nutrient blocks, your Bryar pistols, a Disruptor, and finally an E-11 Blaster Rifle.
  27. >You sigh and lean against a bulkhead, muttering thanks to the old ship.
  28. >You pressed the detonator and your ship lurched as the hull was blown open.
  29. >You waste no time and barrel through the smoke, exiting the ship and going into a freefall.
  30. >Wind ripped at you, friction heating up the outside of your armor.
  31. >You watched as the ship sank lower and lower into the atmosphere.
  32. >You pulled your arms to your side, angling so as to reduce drag and speed up.
  33. >You close in on your ship, determined to stay with it. There may be something to salvage after the crash.
  34. >Loud groans come from below you; parts of the aft section of the ship began ripping off and flying at you.
  35. >You used thrusts from your jetpack to dodge these mostly small pieces of debris.
  36. >Then an entire plate of durasteel plating peels from the hull and you find yourself staring at a giant, twisted piece of metal flying at you.
  37. >You twist in the air and fire your jets, slowing your descent as the metal rapidly rises to meet you. You slow down and after a few seconds of worry you feel your feet brace against metal.
  38. >You crouch down so as not to be ripped off by the wind. You use your disintegrator to destroy a portion of durasteel to hold on to.
  39. >Several jerks, and the metal begins to move.
  40. >Almost....You inhale deeply and with a roar push yourself off and away from the metal as it flips over.
  42. >You twist and roll in the air, dodging hunks of metal and burning debris.
  43. >The trees of the forest grow in size rapidly and you pull off another twist, using your jetpack for a safe landing.
  44. >You land with a heavy thud on your feet, the scent of the forest filling your filters.
  45. >You draw your E-11, and start a trek to your ship.
  46. >It takes most of the day to reach it as the sun was setting. This world contained strange beasts, but nothing like that of Dxun or Ordo.
  47. >You almost wish there was, you missed hunting trips with your father.
  48. >You don't even remember the name of the planet you came from, but that doesn't matter.
  49. >You know who you are, Anon of clan Ymous.
  50. >You looked at the stinger attached to your belt, still dripping venom even after half an hour.
  51. >You'll have to test the potency; you never know what you could use.
  52. >You turn your head from your prize to your ship, large streaks run along its hull, torn up plates and half-melted machines hang loosely from it.
  53. >There was no fixing this, the only thing you could do is salvage supplies and hope this place has a spaceport.
  54. >You wade through muck and slime to get to your ship and you growl at the inside.
  55. >Fire had completely gutted most of the interior, though Bulkheads seemed to keep it out of the Armory.
  56. >You were thankful for small things.
  57. >Life support was nonexistent. Seems your survival skills will be getting a good work out on this planet.
  58. >You use good as loosely as possible; nothing here is larger than a speeder.
  59. >You move through the ship. Almost everything was destroyed.
  60. >The living areas, containment and mess hall were all underwater.
  61. >The bridge was smashed to hell, but you could use it as a makeshift sleeping area.
  62. >You still don't know how the ship survived as well as it did.
  63. >Well, you were usually a lucky one.
  64. >You spent most of the night salvaging weapons, food, anything that could be useful.
  65. >Most of the Armory was fine, though all of your anti-armor weapons were now nothing but melted slag.
  66. >Thankfully, your favorite weapon of all, Your Verpine Shatter Rifle was fine.
  67. >Morning came quickly, and you resolved to find out more on the locals.
  68. >During the fall you saw a small village about half a day’s hike along some trails.
  69. >You could lessen it with the use of your jetpack, but it would be a dead giveaway to your location.
  70. >As soon as you step out of the ship, hidden recorders were watching your every move.
  71. >You moved quietly into the forest and began the jog to the town, carrying only your Bryar Pistol and Verpine Rifle for weapons, excluding the hidden knives, Single missile on your pack, and the wrist mounted flamethrower.
  72. >Morning gave way to mid-day, and you found yourself with several animals following you.
  73. >Large Wooden canines crept after you.
  74. >you counted 5 of them, but they made no move to attack.
  75. >A part of you wanted them to, to feel the thrill of battle in your veins again.
  76. >Bounty hunting was the closest you could get to war without signing up to any faction in the current battles through space.
  77. >The canine pack eventually peels off as you reach a little ridge overlooking the town.
  78. >You settle down, pulling dead and dying foliage around you and set up your Verpine Rifle.
  79. >You scope auto-adjusts and you look over the town. It seemed like a happier version of some of the outer rim worlds.
  80. >Basic building materials, wood, earth, stone, irons and others all seemed to make the village up.
  81. >No machinery, neon lightening, duracrete...nothing.
  82. >You lower the rifle to look at the inhabitants and once your scope adjusts, you're floored.
  83. >Multi-colored Equines carried on about daily business, none the wiser to your existence or the fact you could blow the heads off any of them in sight.
  84. >Your finger itched at the thought but you tossed it away. You weren't Adenn. You weren't Merciless.
  85. >But you weren't afraid to kill either.
  86. >you shifted and looked at another group of the creatures, a group of e'tad. A group of Seven. Six equine creatures and one that reminded you of a trandoshan.
  87. >As soon as your scope fully focuses, and the usual data on firing trajectory pulls up the pink equine turns and stares directly at you.
  88. >You freeze, barely breathing. Did it see you? It just continued to stare, and then one of the others spoke to it.
  89. >It spoke and all of them turned eyes to your position. A dark purple one stands up, eyes going up and down the ridge.
  90. >You line your rifle up with her head. They all turn away for a second to look at the lizard creature and you slip back, heading back into the forest.
  91. >That pink one was Mirdala. That pink one was very clever indeed.
  92. >Then you hear a light flapping, and a feminine voice calls out.
  93. >You grumble curses and speed up, Rushing through the forest.
  94. >The wolves that had been following you light up on your HUD, and you bring your Bryar pistol to bare.
  95. >You squeeze off several shots as four of them come from the front.
  96. >Two drop from the bolts of laser fire and the other two break off.
  97. >The fifth one circles around you, and you bring up a vibroblade into its throat, spilling crimson blood onto yourself and the ground.
  98. >The other two had fled as soon as they saw the damage you dealt to their packmates.
  99. >You had wasted too much time. "Girls, I saw some lights over here!"
  100. >Osik. Shit, they were following you.
  101. >You trigger your jets and take off, hoping they have no ranged weapons.
  102. >You turn your head from the forest below to the sky and grit your teeth.
  103. >The damned Equines can fly!
  104. >A blue equine with a rainbow mane was staring at you. "W-what the hay are you?"
  105. >You tilt your head. These things can speak Basic? So you weren't hearing things.
  106. >You raise your pistol, thumbing a setting and speak one word to the creature. "Ca." She tilts her head as you blast her in the chest.
  107. >The Equine drops down into the forest, and you take off back to the swamp.
  108. >You'll have to watch that pink one.
  109. >Kandosii, Mirdala'ika.
  110. >Well done, Clever girl.
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