
The Trickster and the Harlequin- The Fight

Mar 28th, 2012
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  1. The next month shoots by fairly quickly. In between the handyman work around town, and assisting Harley with her school work, you have begun to translate books from earth. It isn’t hard, but it is long winded and gets fairly annoying. You start with a certain series you used to read as a teen, lots of action and mystery. You can applaud the author for being able to create such imaginative stories, and feel upset that you are plagiarising his stories. You have to remind yourself that he isn’t in P0nyville, he’s on a small continent with his beautiful wife and his pet crocodile.
  2. You use your savings to build a basement for your house, just somewhere to write the stories you are creating. It was finished within a week, and you had a lockable door installed.
  3. ‘Daddy,’ Harley asks ‘What’s down in the basement?’
  4. You place a plate of toast and berries in front of her. ‘Nothing honey. Just my work station.’
  5. ‘But what are you working on?’ Rainbow asks, stealing your toast.
  6. ‘I need to rewire my arm. It’s playing up.’ You say, flatly. ‘Come on. You, young lady, need to get to school, and Mommy needs to do some weathering.’
  7. ‘Okay Daddy. Bye mommy.’ Harley says, getting a kiss on the nose from Rainbow.
  8. ‘Bye Dashie’ you say kissing her.
  10. After walking Harley to school and kissing her goodbye, you make you way to Sweet Apple Acres. You are helping the Apple family with the harvest, and it gives you some time to hang with Big Mac. You can easily knock apples out of the trees with your left hand, but it took some time to make the strength exact. You started off blowing holes in trees, and that kind of pissed AJ off. She said if you did it again, she was going to buck your brains out.
  11. ‘Hey Lokie…Any bucked up trees today?’ comes a southern drawl.
  12. ‘No Miss Applejack. All apple trees are safe and the apples are coming in smooth.’ You reply, turning around.
  13. ‘Aww shucks Lokie, cut dat “Miss” crud out. We friends.’
  14. ‘And yet you still want to buck my brains out, even AFTER I have a very special somep0ny.’
  15. ‘Ya can’t blame me fer tryin’. Ah actually wanted ta talk to ya.’
  16. You punch another tree, and the apples fall to the barrels below. ‘What about?’
  17. ‘Dash came ta see me. She is worried ya keepin’ secrets from her.’
  18. ‘Oh for Luna’s sake!’ you spin to look at her again. ‘AJ, I am not keeping stuff from her. I am actually stressed. But does she give a buck, noooo….’
  19. ‘Uhhm… Lokie? Y’all might wanna be careful what ya say. Ya can’t take anything back.’
  21. You continue punching trees as Applejack follows you.
  22. ‘Look, AJ. I am just trying my hardest to get all my work done. I want to make sure my family is secure.’
  23. ‘What ya mean?’ She says, sitting next to you.
  24. ‘What if I hurt myself again? I have to get my savings up again so I can make sure we can survive.’
  25. ‘But Dash has a job, can’t—‘
  26. ‘NO! I will not rely on Rainbow for money.’ You sigh ‘I’m not trying to be sexist, but I have been looking after myself and Claire for 5 years, and now I’m looking after a family. Jeez Applejack. I’m 22 years old now, and I have to be responsible.’
  27. ‘Don’tcha like having a family?’
  28. ‘I love having a family. I just… GRRR!’ You punch the tree…with your right hand. ‘FUCK!!’
  29. You clutch your hand in pain. All your rage comes out in the form of a scream. ‘I FUCKING HATE HOW I HAVE TO BE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT!! I WISH I NEVER CAME TO FUCKING P0NYVILLE.’
  30. You hear a gasp. It didn’t come from Applejack, it came from a cloud. Before you can say another word, you see a rainbow flash away.
  32. You get home fairly late. You decided to hang back at the farm and buck the rest of the trees. By the time you get home, Harley is already asleep on the couch. She tried her hardest to stay up and see you. Sorta breaks your heart. You pick her up and take her to her bedroom. You tuck her in and kiss her goodnight.
  33. After closing her door, you sneak into your room. Rainbow is already asleep, so you slide in to bed and place you arm over her. She immediately smacks it away.
  34. ‘Rainbow, can I talk to you?’
  35. ‘Leave me alone’ she grumbles.
  36. ‘Look, what I said today…I’m sorry. It was a mistake…’
  37. ‘But it was the truth’ she hissed. ‘You hate having responsibilities and you hate being in P0nyville.’
  38. ‘I didn’t mean it like that. I didn’t think—‘
  39. ‘Of course you didn’t Lokie. You never think. You never think that maybe some people care about you. You just jump in and do the stupidest stuff. And look where it got you.’
  40. ‘What? A few scars on my back and an artificial arm?’ you stand up from bed and walk to the door. ‘Or maybe the fact that if I didn’t do this crazy shit, I wouldn’t have a wonderful daughter and a p0ny I love completely. You aren’t just some random p0ny from a TV show, you are someone I have feelings for.’
  42. You open the bedroom door, and walk out, slamming it shut. You are about to walk down the stairs when you hear Harley.
  43. ‘Are you and mommy fighting?’
  44. ‘Sorry pumpkin. I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to bed.’
  45. ‘I’m sorry if it’s about me.’
  46. You walk over to her and pick her up. ‘It’s never about you. Your stupid father said something stupid, and I wish I didn’t.’ You tuck her back into bed. ‘ Just go back to sleep. I need to go back to work.’
  47. You walk down stairs and open the basement door, locking it behind you. You make your way down the stairs and onto your chair. Running your hands through your hair, and try to get more works done.
  48. >Why are you such an idiot man?
  49. Brain, once again, you are right.
  50. >How are you going to fix it?
  51. I don’t know brain.
  52. You begin to cry, realising everything you caused. Eventually you fall asleep.
  54. You awake to the sound of bashing on the door. You slowly make your way up the stairs, and open the door to see an angry Rainbow Dash.
  55. ‘I’m taking Harley to school now.’ She says
  56. ‘Okay.’ You walk out, making sure to shut the door. You find Harley in the kitchen, her bag already on her back. ‘Good bye sweet heart. Have fun at school.’
  57. ‘Bye Daddy.’ She kisses you on the cheek.
  58. ‘Bye Rainbow Dash.’ You say, trying to kiss her.
  59. ‘Humpf.’ Is all she can muster before putting Harley on her back and flying off.
  60. You unlock the basement door, and walk back down. You need to talk to someone, and you hope she is awake at this hour.
  62. Rainbow comes home an hour later, still fuming from last night. She trots over to the basement door, and sees a note pinned to it.
  63. >Gone to Twilight’s
  64. >Seems you need time to yourself.
  65. ‘Pfft…typical. Running from his problems.’
  66. She jumps towards the couch and lays on it. She lies there, thinking about what she should do with her day off, and her eyes keep coming back to the basement door. Eventually she can’t stand it. She stands up from the couch, and walks towards the door. With a swift back kick, the door snaps open. She trots downstairs and looks around. It isn’t all too flashy, it is just a small office type room. A bookshelf in the corner, a writing desk covered in papers, and a small comfy chair.
  67. Dash sits up at the desk, and starts to look through everything. It is mainly just all the books you are rewriting for the p0nies. But then she sees it, the messenger stone sitting on the edge of the desk and a roll of parchment next to it. She unrolls it, and her eyes widen.
  69. >Lokie-Lan: Hey Claire Bear, you there?
  70. >Claire Bear: Yeah Lokie. What do you need?
  71. >LL: I’m having troubles with Rainbow. I think she might leave me.
  72. >CB: Are you crazy? I have seen the stuff she writes to me about, she is madly in love with you. What did you do to piss her off?
  73. >LL: What makes you think I did something wrong?
  74. >CB: -_-
  75. >LL: Fine, I got pissed off with writing all these stories and lost it at AJ. Said I wish I wasn’t here.
  76. >CB: you are an idiot you know that.
  77. >LL: I know that. I just get tired rewriting all these stories.
  78. >CB: Well, why don’t you do what you used to do when stressed?
  79. >LL: … Claire, Dash and I haven’t actually done that yet…
  80. >CB: EWWW, NO!! I meant the other thing.
  81. >LL: Hmm…I think I will.
  82. >CB: You really haven’t consummated it yet?
  83. >LL: I am not talking about this with my sister.
  85. >LL: Lokie-Lan has gone to kill himself.
  87. Dash started to read through more parchments. They are all titled short stories.
  88. >The Rainbow Princess and the Wonderbolts
  89. >Harley and Dash Vs. the manticorns
  90. >Harley Quin’s Adventures through time
  91. >The Greatest Rainbow
  92. Dash shuffled through the papers until she found a book. it was titled “Journal”. She opened it and started to read through.
  93. >Day 1- Some how I have landed in P0nyville. I think I’m crazy.
  94. >Day 15- They still think I’m a monster. Derpy Hooves likes to bring me muffins.
  95. >Day 21- I think I found a friend. Rainbow Dash said she will help me train in fitness.
  96. She kept reading, her eyes beginning to water.
  97. >Day 438- Woke up next to RD, Felt really weird about it. Not bad, just… I think I like her.
  98. >Day 440- Harley says RD has the same feelings. Now to get rid of the rapist.
  99. >Day 470- Out of hospital. I can’t find RD. Only thought kept me going was her.
  100. >Day 471- I finally admitted I loved her to her face. She says she loves me too.
  101. >Day 476- She is my special somep0ny. I am so happy.
  103. Rainbow Dash finally gets to the final entry.
  104. >Day 506- I got angry and screamed that I didn’t want to be here. RD heard me, and now she is angry. I am afraid that she will leave me. Thinking of leaving Harley with her, and finding a way home. A human shouldn’t raise a p0ny. I don’t think things through.
  105. >Day 507- *blank*
  106. Rainbow Dash can’t hold it back anymore. She drops the Journal and flies out of the house, tears streaming down her face. She flies as fast as she can to Twilight’s tree house. She needs to be there. She is going fast now, faster than ever.
  107. You stand in the library, looking at Twilight. You thank her for all her help and open the door. you look out to see a rainbow coloured streak shoot through the sky and fly right for town.
  108. ‘Twilight.’ You say
  109. ‘Yes Lokie.’
  110. ‘Whatever happens now, I need you to stay out of it. No matter how much it looks like I’m in pain.’ You walk out into the middle of the street and wait.
  112. Rainbow Dash hits your chest, and you both go flying a good 10 feet. The pain hurts like hell, she probably broke your ribs. When you finally land on the ground, she is on top of you. She starts punching you in the face, again and again.
  113. ‘How could you think of leaving me here?!?’ She screams at you ‘HOW COULD YOU THINK I DON’T STILL LOVE YOU?!?!’ You could feel the tears fall on to your face, and you just lay there taking the punches. ‘FIGHT BACK YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!’
  114. ‘No…’ you say, before she clocks you with a right hook.
  115. ‘I SAID.’ Right hook ‘FIGHT.’ Left hook ‘BACK.’ Right ‘YOU.’ Left ‘FUCKING.’ Right ‘IDIOT!!’ Left.
  116. ‘No…I will not fight the p0ny I love.’
  117. She stops hitting you. ‘Then why on Equestria would you leave me?’
  118. ‘He wasn’t’ came a voice behind her.
  120. At this time, the entire town of P0nyville has encircled you. Twilight Sparkle stood behind Rainbow, just staring at her in shock.
  121. ‘What did you say?’ Dash asks
  122. ‘I said, he wasn’t leaving you.’ Replied Twilight ‘He came to me to talk about these problems. More importantly, he came to see Spike. Spike being his new bro, he came to consult him.’
  123. ‘And what would Spike know?’
  124. Spike stepped out of the crowd now ‘The minute I was promoted to full time bro, I studied up on it. I know every bro code in the book. He came to me to ask what he should do.’
  125. ‘And?’ Rainbow finally steps off you. Spike throws your duffel bag at her hooves. She opens it up, and begins to cry again.
  126. ‘Wonderbolts tickets. Pink tulips. A bottle of wine. And this.’ Spike throws her a parchment sealed with what looks like her cutie mark.
  128. >Dear Rainbow Dash
  129. >I’m sorry for ever making you mad. I know I never think things through, so today I decided to try.
  130. >I want you to know I could never leave you, so I did what I could. In 2 weeks, the Wonderbolts come to Whinysota. I have already organised the train ride and hotel rooms.
  131. >Pink tulips that match the eyes that I fell in love with.
  132. >A bottle of wine that was created on the day you pulled your first Sonic Rainboom, said to taste sweeter than any other year.
  133. >I’m sorry if I ever anger you. I think about you every day no matter what. You and Harley are the only things in my life I want.
  134. >I love you forever and always.
  135. >Lachlan
  137. Rainbow Dash collapses. She was completely wrong about everything. She ran over to you, your face covered in bruises and blood. She falls down next to you.
  138. ‘I’m so sorry Lokie. I was wrong… Please don’t die on me.’
  139. She feels a hand touch her face, and push her softly.
  140. ‘Now who’s not thinking…things through.’ You say, before passing out.
  141. You regain consciousness in your bed at home. You can feel the stinging pain of your face, as well as a lot of pain to your chest. At the end of the bed, you hear Harley and Dash talking.
  142. ‘Mommy, why is Daddy like that?’ Harley asks
  143. ‘Well, you see…’ Rainbow says
  144. ‘Well sweetie…’ you groan ‘When somep0ny bets you can’t kick your own arse, don’t take that bet.’
  145. ‘DADDY!!’ Harley jumps and runs onto your chest.
  146. ‘Honey, can you sit on my head?’ you say. She climbs up on your head, and starts to snuggle up. She eventually falls asleep.
  148. ‘I’m sorry.’ Rainbow says ‘I…I was just scared.’
  149. ‘So being scared means I get my arse kicked.’ You say.
  150. ‘What was I supposed to think? Your journal said—‘
  151. ‘I know what it said, but did you actually look around?’ She shakes her head. ‘Okay help me up.’
  152. You lift yourself out of bed, making sure Harley stays on your head, and walk down stairs towards the basement. You walk down the stairs, Rainbow in tow, until you hit the bottom.
  153. ‘Sit right there.’ You say, point to the seat.
  154. She sits down, still confused. You hit a light switch on the desk and everything on the wall behind lights up. The wall is covered in pictures, pictures of Harley, pictures of Rainbow, pictures of all of you together.
  155. ‘Everytime I feel upset that I’m up so late working on all of this crap, I hit that light switch and remind myself on who I am working for. I get tired of all the translating, so I write stories about my favourite girls.’
  156. ‘But why? Why all the presents?’ she asks, her eyes misting up.
  157. ‘What day is it today?’
  158. ‘Umm… I don’t know?’
  159. ‘It’s been one month since you became my special somep0ny. It’s our Celestia damned anniversary, and I wanted to surprise you, you silly filly.’
  161. Rainbow falls into your arms crying, and you carry her upstairs and onto the couch. You sit down with her in your arms and Harley still asleep on your head.
  162. ‘I’m sorry I yelled out that Dashie. I was just stressed.’ You say
  163. ‘It’s okay. I know how stressed you are, I shouldn’t bother you about these things.’
  164. ‘Well things are going to be better. I was able to contact a publicist in Manehatten and he says he wants to market my first book. I am receiving a 10,000 bit advance and I make 80% of gross profits. I don’t need to work anymore.’
  165. ‘So…your famous?’
  166. ‘Yes. I hope so.’
  167. ‘Is that how you were able to pay for all this?’
  168. ‘No, I was always going to buy you this stuff. I had savings just for you.’
  169. ‘Thank you Lokie. I love you.’
  170. ‘I love you too. Which reminds me,’ you lift Harley off your head ‘Harley, wake up sleepy p0ny.’
  171. ‘mmm…’ she says opening her eyes.
  172. ‘We’re going to see the Wonderbolts next month. You wanna go?’ She bounces up and down. ‘so, no?’
  173. She punches you in the chest, which hurts like crap. ‘I wanna go Daddy.’
  175. After tucking Harley into bed, which took a while since she was so happy, you make your way to the couch to share a drink with Rainbow. She has opened the bottle of wine you bought, and you swear it has specks on rainbow coming out.
  176. ‘I thought this would be appropriate for tonight.’ She says.
  177. You pour her a glass as well as yourself, and take a sip. ‘Happy one month anniversary Rainbow Dash.’
  178. ‘Happy one month Lachlan.’ She leans in and kisses you deeply. ‘What was that letter between you and Claire?’
  179. ‘Oh, it’s called instant messaging. We just send that paper back and forth to talk.’
  180. ‘Okay. Sounds cool. But what was that part with us not doing “that” yet?’
  181. You freeze. ‘Umm… nothing.’ You drink more wine. Oh Celestia, it is good wine.
  183. Rainbow gives you a sly smile, and looks at you. Your heart starts to beat faster, and adrenaline starts pumping.
  184. >Boss, she’s on to us.
  185. No she isn’t.
  186. >BOSS!! I know that look! It’s the same as
  187. Yes, I know…Applejack.
  188. You slowly stand up, as does she. You back up to the door and she stalks forwards.
  189. ‘Where are you going…honey?’ she says.
  190. ‘Ummm… just going for a walk.’ You try to open the door while looking at her.
  191. ‘Why don’t you stay here?’
  192. Success! The door opens. ‘How about not?’
  193. ‘There’s no point in running.’
  194. ‘How about this? You catch me, I come willingly.’
  195. ‘Oh this is going to be fun…’ she says, flaring her wings.
  196. You run out the door, followed by Rainbow Dash.
  198. You thought after dealing with AJ you wouldn’t have to run like this again.
  199. >you were wrong mother bucker
  200. Thank you brain.
  201. You can feel her gaining on you. Her wings beating faster and faster.
  202. >Engage stage 2 sir?
  203. What do you think?!
  204. >Hmmm…I actually don’t know.
  205. DO IT!
  206. You feel it immediately. Adrenaline pumping and lungs taking in more air. Your legs started going faster. You pull ahead quickly, but Dash doesn’t lay off. You know it’s coming, a Sonic Rainboom.
  207. >Okay sir, we are ready to try it.
  208. FUCKING DO IT!!
  209. You hit the peak, you can feel the sound barrier almost breaking. You push just a little more.
  210. ‘Almost….there….’ you groan
  212. There were two massive explosions in P0nyville that night. Enough to wake every p0ny in town. All witnesses could confirm was there was two different streams of light. A long stream of rainbow colour chasing down a stream of greyscale rainbow.
  213. ‘HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT’ you scream running through town. Rainbow is shocked but she doesn’t stop.
  214. >Boss, congrats on the Sonic Mono-boom, but she is gaining.
  215. Crap, you forgot that she is better equipped at this speed than you are. You try to turn, but your legs won’t stop going straight, and Rainbow is gaining again. You grab onto a tree trunk, and using your momentum you spin yourself to face your house. You turn and your face drops.
  216. Rainbow pulls an exact 90 degree turn, and is right back on your tail.
  217. >Dude, why are you running from her? She wants to get you in bed. You gay or something?
  218. Brain. I’m doing this because it’s fun.
  219. You begin to laugh. More maniacally than anything.
  221. Rainbow Dash inches towards you, and you feel like slowing down. This has been fun, but you really just want to go home.
  222. ‘I swear to Celestia if you purposely slow down Lokie, I’m leaving you.’ Says Rainbow from behind.
  223. You try running faster. You push it to it’s limits.
  224. >Captain. The legs…They canna take it.
  225. Damn it Scotty.
  226. You look back and see Rainbow is a mere inch away.
  227. ‘FUUUUUUU’ your scream as she tackles you to the ground.
  228. You both roll along the ground until you come to a stop outside your house. She has you pinned to the ground. You look into her eyes and start to laugh. She laughs too.
  229. ‘Oh Celestia that was fun.’ You say
  230. ‘What the buck was that?’ she says, still pinning you.
  231. ‘I think I shall call it the Sonic Mono-boom. Fuck that takes the energy out of you.’
  232. She leans in and kisses you. ‘So, you don’t have the energy?’
  233. ‘No, I think I have that much.’
  235. You both get up and you carry her inside. Once in the bedroom, you lay her on the bed.
  236. ‘Thank you for making today so wonderful.’ You say lying next to her.
  237. ‘Even after I kicked your butt in front of everyp0ny?’ she says, blushing.
  238. ‘You did it because you were afraid. Afraid I was going to leave you. I know sometimes I don’t think things through, like a lot of the time, but leaving you is the last thing I would ever do.’
  239. ‘Thank you for not telling Harley. Knowing her parents fight is never a good thing.’
  240. ‘Don’t worry. I just hope you know next time, if I fight back I could kill you.’
  241. ‘Pfft…yeah right.’
  242. ‘Dash,’ you pull her close ‘I stabbed a Diamond dog through the gut with it, armour and all.’
  243. ‘Well, how about you show me your skill?’ she says.
  244. You kiss her deeply ‘Happy anniversary Dashie.’
  245. ‘Happy Anniversary Lokie.’
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