
[SoSBoM] Chapter Two

Apr 4th, 2013
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  1. The two winged unicorns looked at each other in a combonation of confusion and annoyance. The darker of the two stepped forth snorting in irritation.
  3. "What, praytell is so amusing?"
  5. You lowered your arms, "Long story, about an old ally of mine." You rasped, voice hoarse from lack of use. Placing your hand to your throat in surprise, "Guess I really haven't had occasion to talk in a long time." A few coughs were enough to get rid of most of the hoarsness that you had to deal with.
  7. The white one cocked her head, "You had no-one to speak to, or just didn't care to?"
  9. "I was caught in a temporal loop, after a while I stopped caring what others had to say to me, it was the same thing every time I met them. You are the first new thing to happen to me in what feels like centuries."
  11. Muttering could be heard from the guards.
  13. "Centuries? Only Alicorns live for that long."
  15. "Temporal loops? Sounds like science fiction to me."
  17. "Those eyes are evil, I can feel them boring into my soul."
  19. The Captain took notice of the unprofessionalism of his troops and snapped a glare that could have made the Capra Demon flinch, effectively killing off the idle chatter. Turning to you he raised an eyebrow and asked, "Centuries? How long does your species live?"
  21. The question to any who understand what Undead are is absurd, as your laughter should have revealed. Seeing the dissaproving looks of the horses you hold a hand up to silence them and calm yourself to answer.
  24. "My species lives for about sixty years normally, at the longest, but I don't really qualify. My whole temporal problem started when I died... The first time."
  26. His eye twitched, "The first time?"
  28. Chuckling you nodded, "I think I've died at least 300 times, I stopped keeping track. Death, has never been permanent to me, the Bonfires saw to that, as did my curse."
  30. The horses, though if you really thought about it full horses stood two feet taller than these creatures, they were more like ponies than anything, look as if they're going to add more questions to the ever growing stack, and you motion for them to remain silent, at least for a moment. "If you're not going to hunt me down and brutalize me, might I suggest a change of venue?" You gesture around to illustrate the completely unihabited look of the surrounding area. "I know I, at least, wouldn't mind actually sitting and talking, especially after the climb I went through to get out of those caves. Beautiful, but crystals make poor handholds, and climbing was never something I enjoyed."
  32. ---
  34. The two largest nodded in agreement, "I cannot argue with that, from what my sister has hinted at those caves are quite the predicament to anyp0ny that finds themselves trapped within them, to have made their way out without flying would be quite an accomplishment." The darker says, "Let us return to the castle proper, Shining Armor, lead the way." The Captain snapped a smart salute, motioning to the rest of the guards to form up an escort. They moved into positions around you and the two larger ponies. When he was satisfied Shining Armor motioned for the formation to move out. You paced yourself along side the two larger ponies as you started to walk.
  36. "So, what are you creature? Your form is that of a higher primate, but I have never seen one such as you." The white one inqured.
  38. "Human, if you can call me that anymore, the glowing eyes and undying aspect aren't natural to my kin. You are equines, horses, or ponies if I'm not mistaken. I have never heard of sentient horses, so I think it's safe to say I'm at least not in Lordran anymore."
  40. "True enough, you are in the land of Equestria. I am Princess Celestia, Raiser of the Sun, and the day's ruler. This is my sister, Princess Luna, Raiser of the Moon, and ruler by night. And what might we call you by?"
  42. ----
  44. You pause, opening your mouth, then shutting it in contemplation, it had been cycles since you had used your name, longer even. "Odd, I haven't had use for it in so long I don't remember. And considering my circumstances I've essentially been unknown to everyone I talked to in Lordran for a long time."
  46. "An unknown, anonymous stranger, even to those you interacted on a regular basis?" Celestia asked incredulously.
  48. "It's strange, I know, but when nothing you do will make a lasting impression you stop caring about things that no-one will remember."
  50. As you continue down the hallways and the grime gives way to the shattered wall and a much more habitable section of the castle Luna gives a small gasp, the kind that someone had alongside epiphanies. Celestia glanced at her sister curiously, "What is it, Luna?"
  52. "Why not call him by Anonymous, if his tale is true it is in proper Equestrian fashion to his life!" Amusment tinged her voice excitedly.
  54. "I like it, it suits well, I never did like to be in the spotlight anyways." You reply. "By the way, where is everyone? If this is a castle, I would assume more servants and guards. We've been travelling for some time, and outside of the architecture I haven't seen hide nor hair of anything else." The architecture of this place was grand, but it felt like a ruin, despite it looking more vibrant than Anor Londo.
  56. "I believe one of the guard issued a lockdown as soon as he thought there was trouble." was the wry response from Celestia, Shining Armor's ears flattening in irritation at the light rebuke.
  58. "Tartarus forbid I think that there might be something invading from those caves. I'm doing what I think is best for the staff and the Royal family." He shot back.
  60. His attitude suggested he was either incredibly comfortable with the two Princesses personally, or perhaps that Equestria was far more lenient in its mannerisms. Any royal that you had ever worked for tended to act like they had Tin Crystalization Catalyst implanted squarely up their backside. This land was going to be interesting, you mused silently, glad the mask on your armor hid your grin as the proud Captain did his best to sound indignant.
  62. Luna rolled her eyes as she turned her head towards you, "That's an interesting armor style you are wearing, doesn't look like it would stop much to me." She paused, then added, "Though, it does seem to grant you some incredible mobility. What line of work are you in to warrant a need for more mobility over defensivness?"
  64. You shrug and answer non-chalantly, "I was a mercenary before my whole temporal problem. I did work no-one else was willing to do for the most part. As for the armor, I've done a fair bit of work to it and it's more resilient than one would think from just leather armor."
  66. ----
  68. There's a hiccup in the step, minor to those untrained to see these things, but your ability to survive in Lordran required you to notice these things. It was a moment before the silence was broken, "You mean your armor is made of the flesh of a living creature?" The question itself sounded off, as if there was something wrong lying beneath it, and the air that Celestia said it in was not the warm tones that had pervaded the conversation thus far, it was colder, more calculating.
  70. "Is that a problem here?" The second the words left your mouth one of the guards heaved lightly, looking more green than he had before. All of them made at least minimal attempts to hide their disgust. "What's you're lightest armor then, outside of quilted possibly?"
  72. "We've got chainmail." Came the curt response. "The idea of wearing another creature for your own protection is abominable."
  74. "It's not like my armor was made from the flesh of something that can talk, cows and their ilk are lesser creatures." The incredulous looks you got from that statement made you regret them almost immediately.
  76. Celestia eyed you cautiously, "I think some education on Equestria is in order, and that armor is going to be ill-suited for wearing around my subjects, I'd suggest finding other attire."
  78. ----
  80. You nod in response, and listen to her as she told you of the creatures that inhabit this dimension. Equinoids are the most predominate in the how many different types there are, followed by things like gryphons, dragons, and minotaurs. There were a few other types of sentient species noted, but they were far removed from Equestria's borders and you were told that your interaction with them would be minimal at most unless you took up a wanderer's mentality. For the most part it seemed that this world, barring it's inhabitants, was greatly like Lordran, if Lordran was a mostly idylic place where harmony rather than ruthlessness ruled. As your lesson continued your group approached a large double door, which propmtly was surrouned with two auras of light, and the doors swung open, revealing a grand throne room.
  82. ---
  84. "This room is under a bit of renovation, celebrating the return of my sister to her throne." Celestia said, explaining the dissarray of the enormous chamber you found yourself in. As you looked around, you saw that indeed some of the decorations appeared to be in various states of being removed or altered, the sigil of the Sun being replaced in parts with the sigil of the Moon. Other than that all appeared to be in order enough to still hold court with minimal complications. "We will continue our discussion with you after we have alleviated the stress undoubtably caused by our good Captain's actions. I will send you with Shining Armor to one of the guest rooms that you might make use of it's facilities, I think it won't be too long to settle things back in place. Then we will send for you so we can talk more."
  86. Shining Armor motioned for you to follow him, and the two of you left the Princesses to do damage control. After you had left the throne room Armor turned down a side passage, and led you down it a ways to a solid, ornate wooden door, and again thoughts of Anor Londo, with it's silver knights crept into your head. Subconsiously you spun your Bandit's knife into your hand, blade back in a defensive position as he opened the door.
  88. "This is where you'll be staying..." He trailed off after turning to see you, knife in hand, raised to fight. He wasted no time, imprisoning you once more, "Unless, of course, you think that the dungeons would be better suited for you!"
  90. The flash of purple, however was enough to break your reverie, and you lowered your knife, slipping it back into it's sheath on your hip. "Sorry, it's just this place has a striking resemblance to Anor Londo, it was beautiful, but deadly. I spent a lot of time my first time through Anor Londo dying. It was an unpleasant experience, and dying never gets easier, at least for me. In a way I envy you."
  92. His face went from guarded anger to confusion at your remark as he lowered his barrier. "Envy me? Why?"
  94. "Simple, when you die, it will be done and over with. I'm effectively immortal, and every time I die, I get to remember it with vivid detail." He shudders at your answer.
  96. "Well you're not going to be doing much dying here. Not unless you make an attempt on a citizen here anyways." It was surprising, he reminded you a lot of Solaire, self sacrificing, to a fault almost, but pure in his intentions.
  98. ---
  100. "I've no quarrel with you or anyone in this land thus far, but do not delude yourself." You keep your tone is even, methodical as you say this. "I have laid low Gods and Demons, you wouldn't even register as a challenge." By the end of that sentence you're leaning over him, fixating him with the gaze of a Hollow your voice lowered to almost a feral growl. "But!" You continue, rising, tone returning to a more conversational level. "I have no quarrel with you, and I doubt I will, so let's not dwell on who would kill whom." To his credit he had stood firm under your gaze, a sign that his will was strong, the Sunlight Covenenant would have benefited greatly from his membership.
  102. He snorted in an attempt to show that you didn't frighten him, and it would have fooled you if you were a few hundred years younger. "Regardless, if you threaten Equestria we /will/ stop you." He turned to leave, "Now, do you have something less distasteful to wear or should I send for someone to get something for you?"
  104. ---
  106. Rubbing your chin through the leather mask you think about the armor sets that you've aquired through your travels. Most weren't suited for a more casual setting, which made sense considering where you were for the last long while. "I might, I need to look through what I have." Pulling your Bottomless Box out of your armor you approached a dresser and set it down. Shining followed you, seeing if you would need anything before he left. As you flipped the top open and the spacious interior became exposed you heard him draw a breath in surprise. You sifted through your various armors until you came across your Painted Guardian robes. Grinning, you turn to him, "I think I'll be fine with these."
  108. "Right then, I'll return to you when the Princesses are ready for you." He closed the door behind him as he left you to yourself.
  110. ---
  112. You wandered the room, taking inventory of what was there. There were a few dressers and other decorative furnature pieces, the bed in the center of the room was luxurious, even by Anor Londo's standards, and you noticed two doors on either side of the room. Striding across the room at a leisurely pace you grasped the knob on the door on the right hand side of the room, opening it to find a smaller room that was similar in design to a small armory, a rather large closet you decided. You chuckled, having no need for this room with your Box, closing the door and making your way to the other. Inside there was a counter with a depression in it and what appeared to be a spigot on the top, and there was a similar divot at the other end of the room in the floor, with a larger spigot on it. Each had two handles, so in curiousity you turned the right hand handle on the smaller basin, and to your surpise water ran out of the spigot.
  114. ---
  116. "Running water on demand... Interesting how far these ponies are advanced." You say murmuring. "And two handles for each..." Trailing off, you turned off the right handle and turned on the left, and when steaming water came out you chuckled, your assumption was correct. "This one would be for a quick clean up, or getting a drink then, and that-" You glance at the other depression, noting that the drain the the bottom had a plug that was lightly raised out, but still securely in the drain. "-will be for proper bathing. I guess the nobles here really do have it good. And since I'm not due for my meeting with the princesses for a while, I think I can indulge." You grinned, removing your battle worn armor, placing it safely in your Box, the only part of this that dampened your mood was the sight of your dessicated looking skin, the most notable sign that you were in the beginning stages of Hollowing. Putting that unpleasant thought aside, you turned the handles on the bathing hollow, filling it with not quite scalding water, and sumberged yourself, sighing as the heat alleviated stress from your worn frame. But all good things must come to an end and you soon heard a knocking on your door. Grunting, you pulled yourself out of your soak, and dried off with a towel that was on one of the counters.
  118. ---
  120. "Give me a minute." You growled at whoever had decided to interrupt your first real relaxation since you had turned Undead. Flipping open your Box again, you removed your Painted Guardian robes and put them on. Not quite as durable in a fight compared to your Black Leather armor, but probably a lot less offensive to your hosts. Years of being a mercenary had taught you never to offend your host, at least not when they had the upper hand, and judging that the two Princesses were the only winged unicorns you had seen you assumed that they were probably a lot more powerful than the Captain. Pulling the last glove on, you fitted your trusty knife and talisman to your belt and your Catalyst to your back. Flexing your fingers, getting a feel for the different wieght that your equipment had from your typical stock, you felt the energies of the Wolf ring and Darkwood Grain ring invogorating you. As you open your door you spy Shining looking at you with mild annoyance.
  122. ----
  124. "I know that the Princesses are lenient here, but it does not do well to keep them waiting." Hints of iritation flitted through his words.
  126. "Next time you take a break after a few hundred years of nigh on non-stop fighting, remind me to bother you." Came your retort. To his credit he only glared at your slightly flippant attitude. "Let's go then, it was you that said we'd best not keep them waiting, right?"
  128. "This way then." He motioned for you to fall in behind him, annoyance evident in his gait. You shook your head lightly, thinking. <This place must not see much of anything in terms of fighting if the elite guard are this sloppy with their emotions. I think I might like it here, by the Abyss I've had more than enough fighting.>
  130. You walked through the halls back towards the throne room in silence, the two of you not really interested in starting an argument that could easily last to the throne, the last time you had verbally jousted with a guard that didn't care for your attitude you ended up saying a few things that were wholly inappropriate for /im/polite company, let alone the royal you had been meeting with, and his displeasure had ensured that you left his lands quickly, without getting paid, and with a contingent of guards hot on your tail. You shook the unpleasant memory from your mind, relishing in the thought that you probably wouldn't see him ever again, and if you /did/ end up back there you'd be in no danger from his guards anyways.
  132. ----
  134. As you walked you heard the tell tale signs of things going back to normal, a steady supply of background noise filtering back into the ambiance of the castle. As you approached the main doors to the throne room, you noted that there were more guards stationed around, and that attendants, nobles and visitors were busy moving about on their buisiness. It amazed you that the source of this background noise was a multitude of mulit-colored equines. Chuckling you shook your head as you stood before the main doors of the throne room, which were flanked by two guards, Armor nodded to them, and each of their horns lit up, one golden, the other a light indigo, and the doors that they stood next to each lit up accordingly and swung open.
  136. You glanced around the room, noting that there were a few ponies putting the finishing touches on some of the decorations, and a handful of what appeared to be petitioners that were making their way out of the room as you entered. All of them stopped, and it grew quiet as all eyes turned and looked at the new arrival. Some took your appearance in stride, some stared, in wonder or in fear of the unknown, you didn't bother guessing.
  138. ---
  140. "Ah, Anonymous you've arrived." Celestia greeted you, motioning to the crowd to disperse. To their credit all in attendance made their way from the room instead raising protests. After a bit of a shuffle the throne room was empty, barring yourself, the two Princesses and their guards. She motioned to a guard, who brought over a chair. You looked at the tiny thing incredulously, and shook your head.
  142. "I think I'll stand, I've a feeling I'd break that." The Princesses chuckled lightly at that as you turned your attention back to them. "So you wanted to know of my kind?"
  144. Celestia nodded, "We've never heard of humans before and are honestly curious, you are a self admitted warrior, and you speak of what most here would consider horrors beyond reckoning, even claiming yourself as one."
  146. <She must be referring to my being Undead.> You muse.
  148. "But beyond that you seem fairly reasonable and sane compared to what I would put any mortal with your tale's position would be."
  150. "I'm lucky in that, most Undead that start Hollowing don't recover and slowly lose their mind. I was seeking an escape to rid myself of my cursed immortality to avoid that fate when I happened into your world. There was nothing new, no goal, no overarching aspiration to uphold. I sought oblivion."
  152. ----
  154. Her face grew perturbed at this. "But why? Why would you seek death willingly when you seem to have little wrong with you?"
  156. You feel a scowl cross your face. "You call /this/" gesturing to your dessicated face "Nothing wrong? I am an abomination, I am Undead, and I am cursed by -this!" you tear your right glove free from your hand brandishing the glowing Darksign that marked you as Accursed.
  158. "This sign makes it impossible for me to remain dead, even if I take a mortal blow I return to a Bonfire and am reborn. I cannot stay dead. I will never know eternal peace." You spit the words as if they tasted foul coming out of your mouth. "In Lordran the Undead are gathered to the North to the Undead Asylum and there they have two choices: fight Demons and try to make something of themselves, or give up and Hollow, losing themselves to madness. I chose the former, and was rewarded with a temporal loop that negated any good or evil I did. Everything I did was for naught. When I shattered the Lordvessel and the world broke I rejoiced in knowing I would be unmade." You pause to compose yourself and let the anger that was boiling up die out. "But, I was wrong, instead I am here, in a land that appears to be the polar opposite to Lordran. It is something new and that is enough to satisfy me, for now."
  160. ---
  162. "Temporal magic that strong is impossible, even for the most powerful of Alicorns to perform. What you speak of isn't feasable." Disbelief is painted on both Princesses' faces.
  164. You snort derisively, "I thought so too, but when you've done the same thing in the same manner and gotten the same reaction over and over again you stop questioning the powers that be and their Abyss-damned tendancies. I just wanted it to end. Eternity where you cannot change anything is a horrible fate."
  166. "I can imgine. So you destroyed this 'Lordvessel' to escape, to what end?"
  168. ---
  170. "It's a brazier for the Souls of greater Demon Lords. It was intended to allow balance to be restored to the land by sacrificing four powerful Souls to re-establish the power of the Gods. The first time I performed the rite I thought I was going to be consumed for the greater good of all. Instead I woke back in my cell in the Asylum. I thought something had gone wrong, so I tried again, fighting my way through the Blight, the Abyss and the Kiln. I stood before the final altar again, readied myself and when the rite was performed I awoke again in my cell, everything reset as if nothing had happened. The next time I attempted to see if sacrificing the world to darkness would yield a different result, it did not. When I realized that whatever I did would have no effect I started to panic, I did not want this to continue. Eventually I accepted my fate and started looking for other reasons to continue. First I sought the guidance of the Pyromancers, and learned their art, but that only kept me occupied for so long. I then turned my attention to the armorers, and learned what they could teach me, making my weaponry and armors more powerful than any in creation. After that I talked to the clergy members and learned their miracles, the powerful spells of the faithful. I had difficulty with those, because I had no faith in the Gods. I realized later that a faith in myself could fuel them as well, and their mastery was trivial after that.
  172. ---
  174. My next goal was to master the various weapons of the world, I learned much from the warriors of the land, and my proficiency with any arm is superior to anyone I've met. The last thing that I could learn, or collect though, was the Soul Arts, sorceries that derive their power from the strength of the soul of the wielder and how intimately he understands the spell he is casting. This took me the equivalent of several centuries to do, and I just recently finished that task. Once I was done I had no challenges left, so I was stuck wandering, wondering what I could do then. You need to understand, you can't leave the Northern Reaches of Lordran when you're Undead, if you do you get hunted down until you're slaughtered. I had no real interest in fighting regular humans, there would be no challenges, especially after all of the Darkwraiths and Darkmoons I fought over my long stay in the North."
  176. Your audience sat at rapt attention to your tale, waiting for you to finish. Luna shifted, "So what did you do after that?"
  178. ----
  180. "It was then that I started to look for a way to end the cycle, and nothing worked. I tried slaying every Deity and Demon, I tried saving everyone, I tried destroying everyone. It got to where I only had one idea left before I would have just wandered off to Hollow, just let the mindless madness take me so I wouldn't care any more."
  182. "This 'Lordvessel' you mentioned." You hear Celestia say.
  184. Nodding you continue. "The Lordvessel is an artifact of great power, shattering it theoretically should have ended the world."
  186. "Theoretically?"
  188. You shrug, "I don't know what happened to Lordran, nor do I particulaly care. When I shattered the Lordvessel reality itself shattered as well."
  190. A snort of disgust comes from behind you, "You commited genocide so that you wouldn't suffer anymore? Pathetic."
  192. "I commited worse things on some cycles, none of it mattered, the world was in a temporal flux, and could not leave. I simply ended the cycle of butchery. Imagine being doomed to do the same things, over and over with no recollection of what happened last time. You would be doomed to be slain time and again, by the same mistakes, the same things, and have your soul forcibly removed and consumed by a Demon. Tell me that oblivion isn't a blessing in comparison."
  194. ---
  196. "I- I- I can't, I've n-"
  198. "Never dealt with that situation, I know." You cut Armor's response off, sighing at the judgment of one who would never understand why you did what you did. You'd never condemn anyone, friend or foe to the horrors of being trapped somewhere where nothing they did mattered, even superficially.
  200. Celestia eyed you cautiously, "You ended the world, simply to save it from itself? Because you can't handle immortality?"
  202. You start laughing, "Immortality is fine, if a bit boring in the long run, it's stagnation I can't abide. Besides what do you know of immortality?"
  204. Celestia and Luna both look to each other and then back to you. "You really aren't from here, Alicorns are immortal. We have lived for many millenia and we will live for many millenia more. We will still live if this world is destroyed, and we will live until the End Times, and perhaps beyond. Even if things remain the same here neither myself or my sister would seek the destruction of this or any world. That's abhorrent!"
  206. ---
  208. "Would you say the same if you spent a few centuries in the same twenty year span? Even with a span of nothing changing, there are at least things that are lightly different, but if once you completed one task you had to start over? If everything you did to change that did nothing? I you got to watch the same group of allies fall to madness, destroy them, then watch it all happen again?" The vehemence in your voice silenced and cowed both of the Princesses. "I did not seek oblivion lightly, I spent time thinking over other methods. I tried other ways, none of them worked. I doomed everyone to peace, through non-existence. I thought I would perish with them and all memory of that accursed realm would end. It would seem that there are other plans for me though."
  210. Armor rolled his eyes, "Plans for a Demon like you?"
  212. Celestia and Luna both shot him a look to be silent, and he fell in quickly. You glare at him, "You think you know me simply because of how I look. If I knew where I could find a Bonfire I'd show you what I really look like. This form disgusts me as well."
  214. "Again you mention bonfires as if they are of specific importance, I assume that they are not of the traditional manner." Celestia mused.
  216. ---
  218. "They are magical places that the Undead can collect Estus and reverse their Hollowing by offering Humanity. The form you see before you is the start of my own Hollowing."
  220. "So they are focal points for your survival? Nexuses of power?" Celestia asked. "Is there any other information about them that you know?"
  222. "Some believe that they were tied to the Sun, and granted blessings to the devout. I've never seen any evidence to confirm either way. Some even claim that Estus is concentrated Sunlight."
  224. That piqued Celestia's interest notably, "Do you have any of this substance?" Your mind flashed to your flask, it only had a few swallows left of the life giving substance, and Sanctus healed so slowly you didn't want to waste what you had left. Celestia sensed your hesitance, "I only want to examine it, as I told you earlier, I have an affinity to the Sun, and I would find it curious if anyone was able to harness its power to heal themselves."
  226. ---
  228. Reluctantly you pulled your flask out, and it was surrounded by a golden aura and was plucked from your grasp. "Be careful with that, it's worth more to me than most anything else I possess." She peered into the top of the flask, it's bounty setting a light glow out across her face. Her horn lit up brighter as she removed some Estus from the flask, much to your irritation, and played with it mid-air, reacting in a way you've never seen Estus react, it was becoming brighter as it remained in her grasp. Finally she was satisfied and she returned it to the flask.
  230. "You know, those that said it was a blessing from the Sun, they weren't far off. It has a very similar feel to it as my own Sun." She concentrated on your flask and you watched in amazement as she bent Sunbeams from around the room and they funneled into your flask, filling it. She returned the flask to you and you stared in wonder at it. "Consider it a welcoming gift, in hopes of you finding peace, and friendship here."
  232. You replace the flask in your robes, "I've not had any sort of kindness done to me without some ulterior motive, I'd rather not sound ungrateful, but even the Gods of Lordran never did anything that didn't directly benefit themselves in the long run."
  234. ---
  236. Her face adopted a mask of warmth, but you could see the resolve under it that added meaning beyond just her words. "This land has not known strife like what you described in a thousand years. It would be beneficial to us all if it remained that way." The underlying threat that she would do whatever it took to ensure that her peace was uninterrupted may have been lost on most, but you simply nodded. You weren't sure how powerful this God was, but she radiated of power, and her words were of soft conviction, you could tell she had meant everything that she had said, including the underlying threat of removing any problems that would invade her utopia.
  238. You sigh, "I've had enough bloodshed for several lifetimes, and I have little interest to continue with it. I think I will enjoy the peace for however long it lasts."
  240. Both the regal sisters beam at this response, "Excellent, then you may retire to the room we have set aside for you. Tomorrow we will see about fitting you in with the rest of our subjects."
  242. Nodding you turned and strode from the room, heading back to your chamber. When you got there, you strode through the room, today's events playing through your head. It was strange, knowing that you wouldn't have to fight, to kill, and to watch old friends die in or by your hands. It was as if a weight was removed from your shoulders, and you relished the feeling as you walked out to the outside balcony. The Sun was setting and night was settling in, and you smiled, for the first time in earnest for a long time.
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