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a guest
Nov 23rd, 2013
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  1. Allegro
  2. >"Dad... I-I can't do this after all! I'm too scared!"
  3. >"I know, Ally, I know. Hey!... You know what might help you? Rehearsal! Come on... Let's make some music, Ally."
  4. >"O-Okay..."
  5. >"Just close your eyes, and remember when you and your mother sang for me when I was sick."
  6. >"The same song?"
  7. >"The same song, kiddo."
  8. >
  9. >"That... That was beautiful."
  10. >"Mama?!"
  11. >"Oh, hey, honey. How much did you hear that?"
  12. >"I came in right as Allegro was ready to run for the exit. Thank you, Spike. The director thought your performance was wonderful as well."
  13. >"HE HEARD ME?!"
  14. >"You probably shouldn't be practicing in the technical room, Ally."
  15. >"Oh, man! How am I gonna face everyone?"
  16. >"How about... With a smile and one performance at a time?"
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