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Mar 13th, 2013
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  2. [11:19pm] DavidSlain1 is now known as Nickturn_Redgulf.
  3. [11:20pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: Shut yer squakin' ya stringbean
  4. [11:20pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf immitates talon
  5. [11:20pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: Srkraw! Skraw!
  6. [11:21pm] You are now known as Glundor_Glodson.
  7. [11:21pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: Pff
  8. [11:21pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf stomps away
  9. [11:21pm] • Glundor_Glodson comes running down the path
  10. [11:21pm] Glundor_Glodson: Hey you!
  11. [11:21pm] Glundor_Glodson: Please help!
  12. [11:21pm] Glundor_Glodson: I'm lost ;_;
  13. [11:21pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: wha?
  14. [11:21pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: er
  15. [11:21pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ok then
  16. [11:21pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: booze is thisaway
  17. [11:21pm] Glundor_Glodson: Which way to Brookton? I have a brewery schedule to keep!
  18. [11:22pm] • Glundor_Glodson hesitates at the mention of booze
  19. [11:22pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf throws an arm over Glundor's shoulders and guides him down the clearly marked path
  20. [11:22pm] Glundor_Glodson: But… I went down this path just an hour ago..
  21. [11:22pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: know any good songs?
  22. [11:22pm] • Glundor_Glodson clutches at his head
  23. [11:22pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: eh, yer just short
  24. [11:23pm] Glundor_Glodson: Ooohh.. maybe I shouldn't have had that appetizer
  25. [11:23pm] Glundor_Glodson: I know songs!
  26. [11:23pm] Glundor_Glodson: I know lots of songs!
  27. [11:23pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ah, got one good fer marchin?
  28. [11:23pm] Glundor_Glodson: Marching songs?
  29. [11:23pm] • Glundor_Glodson gives Nickturn an odd look
  30. [11:23pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: well, more staggerin is like
  31. [11:23pm] • Kooz is having a serous dejavu moment
  32. [11:24pm] Glundor_Glodson: What kind of songs march? Drinking songs is where it's at!
  33. [11:24pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: Oh, wait!
  34. [11:24pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: I remmemmer one
  35. [11:24pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: the shots go marchin one by one
  36. [11:24pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: hurrah hurrah
  37. [11:24pm] Glundor_Glodson: I know the one about gold, and the other one about gold, and the traditional gold one, and.. Also the one of Br'hian Bloodaxe
  38. [11:24pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ah
  39. [11:24pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: nice
  40. [11:25pm] Glundor_Glodson: Not to forget the one that goes "Gold, gold, gold!" in that particuarly catchy way
  41. [11:25pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: I like der ones about *hic*gold
  42. [11:25pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: my second farrite subject
  43. [11:25pm] • Glundor_Glodson counts the songs on his fingers busily
  44. [11:25pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: hol' onnasec
  45. [11:25pm] • Glundor_Glodson wobbles a little
  46. [11:25pm] Glundor_Glodson: Are we still going the right way?
  47. [11:26pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf stops at a tree, digs in the leaves at the roots
  48. [11:26pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: er... wuzzat?
  49. [11:26pm] • Talon watches the duo curiously
  50. [11:26pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf pulls up a bottle marked XXXX
  51. [11:26pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: here- hava swig
  52. [11:26pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf bites the cork out and offers it to the diminutive fellow
  53. [11:27pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: (the bottle not the cork)
  54. [11:27pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: (he's not that drunk- yet)
  55. [11:27pm] • Glundor_Glodson casts Continual Flame to get a better look at the label - but only after taking a healthy drag from the bottle
  56. [11:27pm] Glundor_Glodson: Wssis stuff then?
  57. [11:27pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: er
  58. [11:27pm] Kooz: LOL "drink first, ask questions later" ey? XD
  59. [11:28pm] Glundor_Glodson: 'XXXX'? What a silly brand name. Can't get much upmarket than that!
  60. [11:28pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: jus some brewish stuff
  61. [11:28pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: pine needles, piss and gutrot
  62. [11:28pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: or rotgut
  63. [11:28pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: wassnnn payin tha much attention
  64. [11:28pm] • Glundor_Glodson takes another swig with a critic's mask for a face
  65. [11:28pm] Glundor_Glodson: 's tangy alright
  66. [11:28pm] • Glundor_Glodson visibly wobbles some more
  67. [11:29pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: yah... thas what I wasss goin for
  68. [11:29pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: tangy
  69. [11:29pm] Glundor_Glodson: 's also… alsho...
  70. [11:29pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf looks at the two dwarves in his vision
  71. [11:29pm] Glundor_Glodson: Whatchamacallit..
  72. [11:29pm] Witchkid: done
  73. [11:29pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: tha's it
  74. [11:29pm] Witchkid is now known as DungeonMesmer.
  75. [11:29pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: 's DONE
  76. [11:30pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: that's what it's called
  77. [11:30pm] • Glundor_Glodson moves his fingers in circles in the air, palm upwards
  78. [11:30pm] Glundor_Glodson: …'s very...
  79. [11:30pm] Glundor_Glodson: …very…
  80. [11:30pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: 'caus yer happy tah have it
  81. [11:30pm] Glundor_Glodson: …'sh 'erreee...
  82. [11:30pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: an' happier when 's done
  83. [11:30pm] • Glundor_Glodson falls over
  84. [11:30pm] Glundor_Glodson: Erreeeeee...
  85. [11:30pm] • Glundor_Glodson starts snoring loudly
  86. [11:30pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf nudges the dwarf with a toe
  87. [11:30pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: huh
  88. [11:31pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ner seen tha' afore
  89. [11:31pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf looks at the dwarf's boots
  90. [11:31pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: welp, let's getcha to less potent brew
  91. [11:31pm] DungeonMesmer: The post?
  92. [11:31pm] • Glundor_Glodson jerks awake
  93. [11:31pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf graps ankle
  94. [11:32pm] Glundor_Glodson: NOT SO COLD, CHEERY!
  95. [11:32pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf starts draggin him off
  96. [11:32pm] Glundor_Glodson: Huagh!
  97. [11:32pm] Glundor_Glodson: Hey
  98. [11:32pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: huh?
  99. [11:32pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ah oh
  100. [11:32pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ummm
  101. [11:32pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: yer 'wak
  102. [11:32pm] Glundor_Glodson: Whaddya fink you're doin' to me feets!
  103. [11:32pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf looks confused
  104. [11:32pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: huh?
  105. [11:32pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf drops the foot
  106. [11:32pm] DungeonMesmer: Also, Glun, kudo's if you found the reference in this conversation.
  107. [11:33pm] Glundor_Glodson: …don't you gang up on me!
  108. [11:33pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: [yeah, it's awesome playing with a pratchett fan]
  109. [11:33pm] • Glundor_Glodson points an accusing finger at Nickturn and Redgulf
  110. [11:33pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: hur?
  111. [11:33pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: yer the two tha's got me out-er
  112. [11:34pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: gunnnn
  113. [11:34pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf snorts in loudly
  114. [11:34pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: wuzzat?
  115. [11:34pm] • Glundor_Glodson tries to cast something at Nickturn but accidentally ends up casting Hideous Laughter on himself
  116. [11:35pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: hehehe
  117. [11:35pm] • Glundor_Glodson is incapacitated by a lengthy, screeching fit of laughter
  118. [11:35pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: hav s'more
  119. [11:35pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: iffn 's tha good an'all
  120. [11:38pm] Glundor_Glodson: Ach, ta heeell *hic* wif this soddin' situation! Ahm sober enurf ta find me own way back!
  121. [11:38pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: [hehe- I love this]
  122. [11:38pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: alrigh' den mister dwarf
  123. [11:38pm] • Glundor_Glodson , recovered from the spell, straightens himself, hitches up his belt, walks forwards down the path and careens straight into a tree
  124. [11:38pm] Glundor_Glodson: Agh!
  125. [11:39pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ner met a dwarf tha' couldn' hold 'is piss afore
  126. [11:39pm] • Glundor_Glodson shouts loudly at the tree: Oh yer all at me nuu, aren't ya, ya bugger!
  127. [11:40pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: yeh dropped yer axe
  128. [11:40pm] • Glundor_Glodson casts Cause Fear at the tree; the tree seems unimpressed
  129. [11:40pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: oi- dwarfy
  130. [11:40pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: 'ere
  131. [11:40pm] Glundor_Glodson: An' don't be lookin' ta pick my pockets again, y'hear!
  132. [11:40pm] • Glundor_Glodson pokes the tree angrily
  133. [11:40pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf claps the dwarf on the shoulders
  134. [11:40pm] Glundor_Glodson: Eh, what you gobberin' aboot?
  135. [11:41pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ah don' think the bark on this one's got anny bite
  136. [11:41pm] • Glundor_Glodson glares up at Nuckturn with angry dwarf eyes
  137. [11:41pm] Glundor_Glodson: Sure as hell had a bite at me jus' noo!
  138. [11:41pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: ah well den- carr' on
  139. [11:41pm] • Glundor_Glodson snatches at his back
  140. [11:41pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: me, imma go drink summah
  141. [11:42pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf turns to go
  142. [11:42pm] Glundor_Glodson: Now where in th' blazes is me axe!
  143. [11:42pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: 's ov' dere
  144. [11:42pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf gestures with the booze bottle
  145. [11:42pm] • Glundor_Glodson falters halfway through casting Hold Person when he spots the axe
  146. [11:42pm] Glundor_Glodson: ..Right!
  147. [11:42pm] Glundor_Glodson: I bloody knew that!
  148. [11:43pm] • Glundor_Glodson toddles over to the axe, picks it up, and mistrustingly eyes Nickturn as he takes a few steps backwards
  149. [11:43pm] • Nickturn_Redgulf stumbles down the path, slightly unsteady
  150. [11:44pm] • Glundor_Glodson hits a rock with his foot, almost loses his balance, waving his arms all over the place, gives Nickturn one last glare, then toddles away at some speed
  151. [11:44pm] Glundor_Glodson: I'll remember this! ..ale and all!
  152. [11:44pm] Nickturn_Redgulf: (mumbling) ner met a dwarf afore tha dropped 'is axe 'n couln' hold 'is booze
  153. [11:44pm] • Glundor_Glodson summons a mount and soon vanishes out of sight
  154. [11:44pm] You are now known as Glun.
  155. [11:45pm] Nickturn_Redgulf is now known as DavidSlain.
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