
What are these gaps even- (Unidentified Gaps)

May 21st, 2012
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  1. Gaps - These were all hard, I think they are all "emotions"??
  2. done, but not final i guess
  4. "綺麗なスキマ" - Pretty Gap
  5. "怪しげなスキマ" - Suspicious Gap
  6. "神秘的なスキマ" - Mysterious Gap
  7. "禍々しいスキマ" - Unlucky Gap
  8. "素敵なスキマ" - Nice Gap
  9. "高級感あふれるスキマ" - Luxurious Gap
  10. "貧相なスキマ" - Meager Gap
  11. "みすぼらしいスキマ" - Shabby Gap
  12. "荘厳なスキマ" - Solemn Gap
  13. "神々しいスキマ" - Divine Gap
  14. "仰々しいスキマ" - Colorful Gap
  15. "普通のスキマ" - Normal Gap
  16. "面妖なスキマ" - Strange Gap
  17. "けったいなスキマ" - Skipped Beat Gap (Heartbeat)
  18. "気味の悪いスキマ" - Creepy Gap
  19. "かわいいスキマ" - Cute Gap
  20. "いかがわしいスキマ" - Unreliable Gap
  21. "おいしそうなスキマ" - Delicious(?) Gap
  22. "存在感のないスキマ" Immaterial Gap
  23. "可笑しなスキマ" - Funny Gap
  24. "きわどいスキマ" - Risky Gap
  25. "芸術的なスキマ" - Artistic Gap
  26. "すばらしいスキマ" - Splendid Gap
  27. "薄ら寒いスキマ" - Chilly Gap
  28. "気色悪いスキマ" - Disgusting Gap
  29. "気持ちいいスキマ" - Pleasant Gap
  30. "吐き気がするスキマ" - Nauseating Gap
  31. "奇跡的なスキマ" - Miraculous Gap
  32. "目が腐るスキマ" - Rotten Eye Gap
  33. "楽しそうなスキマ" - Enjoyable Gap
  34. "欝になりそうなスキマ" - Depressing Gap
  35. "ツンデレなスキマ" - Tsundere Gap
  36. "わたがしみたいなスキマ" -Cotton-like Gap
  37. "スキマに見えないスキマ" - Invisible Gap
  38. "感動的なスキマ" - Impressive Gap
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