
Demon Pony by Captain Conundrum

Feb 7th, 2017
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  1. >there's no way this could go wrong
  2. >after all, you went over the summoning ritual 16 times!
  3. >ok, 15 times and a light skimming over it, but still!
  4. >you memorized all the chants!
  5. >you made absolute sure the circle was exactly like it was in the book!
  6. >not a single rune out of place!
  7. >there's not way this can go wrong!
  8. >right?
  9. >RIGHT?!
  10. >you let out a nervous giggle
  11. >of course you were right
  12. >you were always right!
  13. >"uhh....twilight? are you feeling alright? you look kinda freaked out about somethin'."
  14. >you snap your head towards the door and spy the source of the voice
  15. >it's your faithful friend and companion, spike the baby dragon
  16. >you put on the widest smile you possibly can, ignoring the eye twitch you just felt
  17. i'm fine! totally fine! everything is perfectly perfect!
  18. >you let out a forced giggle
  19. >he takes a few steps backwards with a worried look on his face
  20. >"well....if you need to talk about something just come talk to me, ok? i know you don't want a repeat of that time you thought you were gonna go back to magic kindergarten."
  21. >with that, he walks back upstairs
  22. >everything was most definitely not perfect
  23. >not since this heat hit you
  24. >you can't even study without a small puddle of your juice forming underneath you
  25. >most mares just find a stallion to help them deal with it
  26. >but you just get choked up even thinking about something like that when you're around a stallion
  28. >that, and you were about to summon a demon from tartarus to sate your lust
  29. >but there's no way that could go wrong!
  30. >of course not!
  31. >with a twinkle of magic the door to the basement becomes locked
  32. >steeling yourself, you begin the chants
  34. de profundo inferni, quae rigantur, libidinosissimum nequissimumque sexus conjuro te facere iussu. egredietur de utero tuo carcerem, vincula. veni foras anomyvyss!
  35. >a column of the most intense fire you have ever felt erupts from the floor
  36. >luckily your castle is made of this tacky stupid crystal shit
  37. >crystals can't burn down
  38. >your train of thought is interrupted by an unearthly scream that rattles you to your very being
  39. >as the column of hellfire subsides, you can see a pony-like figure writhing in exstacy as the scream continues
  41. >at least you thought it was exstacy.
  42. >wait, demons can feel pain?
  43. >you might be able to use that to your advantage
  44. >now you just have to tell it what you want
  45. >that'll be easy!
  46. >she probably knows why she was summoned here anyway
  47. >have to be formal, though.
  48. >it says so in the book!
  50. >yeah, that sounded good
  51. >the demon continues to scream and writhe within the summoning circle
  52. >after waiting patiently for about five minutes or so, doubt begins to creep into your mind
  53. >did you do something wrong?
  54. >leaving the demon to her anguish for now, you flip through the pages of the unholy book you found this ritual in
  55. circle was perfect.....the chanting was all perfect...what did i do wr-....oh...oh no.
  56. >you mispronounced the name of the demon you wanted to summon
  57. >what was it that you even pronounced it as?
  58. >did you summon the right demon with terrible results?
  59. >did you summon a different demon entirely?
  60. >questions and doubt fill your mind
  61. >so much so that you didn't notice the screaming has stopped
  63. >after pouring over the entire book in a fruitless attempt to figure out what happened, you turn around and look at the demon
  64. >then take a couple steps backwards in shock when you realize it has stopped screaming
  65. >and is shakily standing up
  66. >you can't help but nervously gulp as you examine what you have wrought
  67. >the demon is beautiful and terrifying to behold
  68. >a sleek black coat covers her body that stands as tall as princess celestia
  69. >out of her mouth stick fangs that would make even chrysalis jealous
  70. >instead of a mane, two large horns protrude from her head, curling around backwards and coming to a point in line with her jawbone.
  71. >do demons even have bones?
  72. >you're pulled out of your inner musings, and regretfully unable to finish your examining when you realize that its red glowing serpentine eyes are staring
  73. >right
  74. >at you
  75. >gulping nervously once more, you restate what you said
  76. d-demon of tartarus, i...uhm...i summoned you do my bidding. w-will you do what i say?
  77. >in a quiet, smooth, and sultry voice so powerful in its sexuality that you unwillingly drip onto the floor behind you upon hearing it, it speaks
  78. >"the fuck are you even saying?"
  79. wh...what?
  80. >"what. the fuck. are you talking about? i'm not a demon. and i drank the magic bleach. you didn't summon me."
  81. y-yes i did m-miss demon...
  82. >you shakily point to the summoning circle below her hooves
  83. >she looks down, and her eyes widen
  84. >"i....i guess you did summon me...and....i'm...a pony now. that's pretty sweet."
  85. >the demon suddenly gives pause, then looks back up at you
  86. >"did you just call me miss demon?"
  87. >unsure of where the fel beast is going with this, you nod slightly
  88. >in what you assume is some sort of dark ritual, she begins spinning around as if she's trying to glimpse at her rear.
  89. >now that it's distracted you can resume your examination
  90. >perfect!
  91. >a quill and blank scroll materialize themselves before you at your will
  92. >making observations and taking notes is what you do best!
  93. >maybe it might even help you relax just a tiny bit, considering you need to
  95. >the thought made you realize the gravity of what you've just done
  96. >you've just committed a serious crime
  97. >dark magic is not taken lightly by anypony
  98. >especially celestia
  99. >panic hits you like a sock full of quarters
  100. >deep breaths twilight
  101. >just take the notes
  102. >and don't think about how you want her to violate you
  103. >definitely don't think about that
  104. >there are far more important things at stake then getting your pussy stuff-
  105. >you shake your head to try clearing the dirty thoughts
  106. >it works for now, and you begin jotting down what you've seen
  107. >it doesn't take long to write down what you've examined of her since, y''re the greatest note taker in all of equestria
  108. >when you finish writing down what you've already seen of her appearance, you examine what you were unable to see when she was facing you.
  109. >her cutie mark is like something you see out of the corner of your eye, but when you try to look directly at it, it seems blurry
  110. >the demon stops spinning, and looks between her forelegs
  111. >great!
  112. >time to test that hypothesis!
  113. >you l-
  114. >your train of thought is interrupted by the demon speaking in a somewhat dejected voice that still managed to send a shiver of pleasure down your spine
  115. >"where's my dick? am i supposed fug da horse pussy without my friend mister johnson?"
  116. >you ignore what she says for now in an attempt to continue your notes
  117. >until a sickening sound somewhere between flesh being ripped apart and someone pulling their hoof out of deep thick mud comes from where the creature is
  118. >"FUCK!"
  119. >it falls over then rolls onto its back as it throws its hooves over its eyes
  120. >this gives you a perfect view of a huge erect penis that was definitely not there before
  121. >apparently this thing had poked itself in the eye with its own penis.
  123. >trying to ignore the absurdity of the situation, you look at the demons tail
  124. >it's covered in hair just like the rest of her body, and it comes to a point like an arrow
  125. >reminds you of a monkey tail
  126. >kind of
  127. >finishing the rest of your notes, you take another few deep breaths and approach the demon as it begins standing up once more
  128. >"this is off to a wonderful start..."
  129. are...are you willing to listen to my request now?
  130. >"i suppose."
  131. >you shift your weight uncomfortably
  132. i....i want you to slake my heat.
  133. >the demon stares at you for an uncomfortably long time
  134. >its gaze pierces your very soul
  135. >you feel as if its casting a spell to ensnare you in its charms using its eyes alone
  136. >after what feels like an eterity, it breaks the silence
  137. >its voice drifts through your ears like a warm breeze
  138. >a warm breeze that makes you feel a need in your nethers
  139. >"are you talking about estrus?"
  140. >weakly, you nod
  141. >each word makes your discomfort and desires grow
  142. >"you want rut you."
  143. >you give another weak nod
  144. >the demon stares at you once more, causing you to involuntarily try making yourself smaller by slightly crouching
  145. >"but you're not my waifu"
  147. ======================================================================================================================
  149. >you are anon
  150. >and you have no idea what the fuck is going on
  151. >sure, you drank the magic bleach and ended up in equestria
  152. >but all you can remember about actually getting here is the most horrifying pain you've ever experienced, and it seemed to last forever
  153. >then purplesmart has the nerve to tell you that she summoned you
  154. >and calls you a demon
  155. >sure, you look like one, but you ain't no fuckin' demon
  156. >and then
  157. >AND THEN
  158. >she asked you to fuck her.
  159. >"is....that some sort of pact i need to make with you?"
  160. what? no. it's not something that you can just contract up.
  161. >she bites her lip and shudders when you speak
  162. >weird
  163. >"what do i need to do to become your waifu?"
  164. >thoughts of her begging, groveling, licking your hooves trying to convince you to make her your waifu flit across your mind
  165. >the fuck was that?
  166. >shuddering a bit, you try to clear the thoughts out of your mind
  167. >"please?"
  168. >with a chuckle, you lift a hoof up
  169. >her eyes almost hungrily follow it as you place it upon her head and start to pet her
  170. >she may not be your waifu, but she's still adorable
  171. >it's as though her mind instantly turned to mush at your touch
  172. >her eyes roll back in her head and she lets out a throaty moan
  173. >almost involuntarily your face scrunches up as you pull your hoof away
  174. >maybe she's more sensitive because she's in estrus?
  175. >that's probably it.
  176. >you patiently wait for her brain to come back together before speaking
  177. twilight. i know you're uncomfortable, but maybe i can find another way to help you?
  178. >her sudden fear is visible and....palpable?
  179. >she starts sweating and her pupils shrink down to the size of pinpricks
  180. >" did you know my name, demon?"
  181. >shit
  182. >there's no way you could tell her she's a main character in a tv show you watched
  183. i...uhhh.....just know a lot of stuff, twilight sparkle. yeah.
  184. >smooth
  185. >the fear doesn't leave her eyes
  186. what, twilight.
  187. >" know where i live and you know my'll torment me forever now..."
  188. no, twilight. i don't feel like tormenting you at all.
  189. >her expression is now a mixture of disbelief and fear
  190. >"really? won't torment me forever?"
  191. i have no reason to do so, nor do i have a reason to lie about it. but take it with a grain of salt, considering i could be trying to use reverse psychology
  192. >she glares at you with a look of suspicion
  193. >"well...if...if you aren't going to torment me, and you won't do what i want...then i'm going to unsummon you"
  194. >it's as if all of the fear she just had transferred into you
  195. no. no. no no no. don't send me back there.
  196. >'just fuck her brains out'
  197. >'it's what she wants'
  198. >'it's why you're here'
  199. >you grit your teeth and shake your head, trying to get the thoughts out
  200. >"but i have to send you back."
  201. >'all you have to do is rut her. your love of that other pony doesn't matter'
  202. >you hang your head in shame and defeat
  203. i....i'll help you with your heat. but i'm not going to put my dick in you...just....just don't send me back,'s terrible there...
  204. >for a moment you think you can almost see sympathy in her eye
  205. >almost
  206. >"really? you'll help me?"
  207. >you simply nod
  208. >as if on queue, a scroll begins materializing in the air between you
  209. >accompanied by an extremely unsettling groan
  210. >you both let out synchronized squeals of surprise and alarm
  211. >it takes you both a little while to regain your composure
  212. >once you do, you shoot a glance at the considerably smaller pony, then look at the scroll
  213. what is this?
  214. >"you tell me, demon. it's yours"
  215. i have a name you know. it's-
  216. >you cut yourself short as you see words form on the scroll
  217. >"relieve.....summoner...of her heat. oh, it's some kind of contract?"
  218. it seems to be that way.
  219. >'add your own terms, you fool'
  220. i...guess i have to add my own terms. my terms are don't send me back
  221. >' didn't think to add your own terms, did you?'
  222. >twilight puts a hoof to her chin for a little bit, then nods
  223. >"i accept that"
  224. peeeerfeect.
  225. >she shuddered for some reason as you said that.
  226. >you didn't intend to draw out the word like that either.
  227. >something's weird
  228. >and you have no idea what it is
  229. >besides everything that's happening right now
  230. >the words "summoner does not send contracted demon back" slowly form upon the scroll
  231. i have no intention of adding any more terms unless you do.
  232. >"that's all i want"
  233. >a quill materializes in front of the scroll
  234. >you look down at your han-...hooves.
  235. >well.
  236. >after some deliberation you take the quill with your mouth and bring it to the page
  238. >you slowly turn your head to look at her
  239. yes?
  240. >" can't steal my soul."
  241. in response, my term is i will live here in this castle for the duration of my stay. i accept your term if you accept mine.
  242. "o-okay."
  243. >the terms start appearing at the same time
  244. >one reads "contracted demon lives within summoners dwelling for the duration of their contract"
  245. >the other reads "contracted demon cannot steal the remainder of summoners soul"
  246. >"what does it mean remainder?"
  247. >without even knowing what you're saying, you respond
  248. the contract requires part of your soul to seal.
  249. >she remains silent for a while before nodding
  250. are you finished?
  251. >she nods once again
  252. >and you sign it
  253. >with the worst handwr-...mouthwriting you've ever laid eyes upon.
  254. >twilight squints and struggles to read it
  255. >"a...non....y...mous.....anonymous? that's your name?"
  256. >you nod as she takes the quill from you and signs her name upon the scroll
  258. ====================================================================================================
  260. >you are twilight
  261. >and you just signed a contract with a demon.
  262. >a demon that definitely doesn't have the name of the one you TRIED to summon
  263. >it's too late to take it back now
  264. >your train of thought is interrupted as the scroll coils and seals itself
  265. >oh neat!
  266. >anonymous' tongue suddenly shoots out of her....his....its mouth and pulls the contract towards her mouth
  267. >and starts to eat it
  268. ...w...what?
  269. >its eyes begin glowing
  270. uhh....what happ-
  271. >before you can even react it snaps at you
  272. >and clamps its mouth around your neck
  273. >fangs sink into your flesh causing you to scream in pain
  274. >just as suddenly as it happened, it's over
  275. >anonymous releases her bite on your neck
  276. >and she immediately takes several hurried steps backwards
  277. >"i-i don't know what came over me! i'm sorry, i didn't mean to!"
  279. >your hooves shoot up to your neck to keep pressure on the wo-
  280. >......where are the wounds?
  281. >you move your hooves around your neck, searching for where her fangs punctured you
  282. >but you find nothing
  283. >not even any blood
  284. what...did you just do?
  285. >you try your hardest to glare angrily
  286. >but its hard to be angry at something so...
  287. >sexy
  288. >and terrifying
  289. >especially when its licking your blood from its lips and teeth
  290. ....huh?
  291. >your hooves move more around your neck
  292. >but you still find nothing
  293. >"i finalized our contract. part of your soul is now mine, and we are both bound to uphold the terms."
  294. >she "looks" shocked by what she just said
  295. are you trying to play me for a fool? you know what you just did!
  296. >"i swear i didn't know until i just said that! this crap is all new to me!"
  297. >you find that hard to believe but you don't press it
  298. >because you're tired
  299. >REALLY tired
  300. >maybe the excitement wore you out?
  301. >don't worry twilight
  302. >definitely doesn't have anything to do with PART OF YOUR SOUL BEING TAKEN
  303. >of course not!
  304. >anyway, let's get down to business!
  305. >you try to supress a yawn by speaking through it
  306. come on anonymous...what are you w-.....aaaah~....waiting for?
  307. >you shake your flank at the demon
  308. >which elicits a heavy sigh from it
  309. >that kind of stung
  310. i not pretty enough for you to want me?
  311. >"that's not it, twilight. you're a beautiful pony, it's just.....never mind. just drop it please..."
  312. >the demon sits down and beckons you over with a wave of its foreleg
  313. >anonymous just..called you beautiful?
  314. >as you turn and trot over to her you can feel a blush forming on your face
  315. >"turn around"
  316. >without a second thought you comply and lift your tail, eagerly awaiting anonymous to ravage the heat out of you
  317. >but instead of getting stuffed full of demon dick, you feel legs wrap around your barrel and pull you off your hooves
  318. >which gets a squeal of surprise out of you
  319. >she pulled you backwards and fell backwards at the same time
  320. >you can feel the demons cock pressed into your back with her...his....its?....hooves wrapped around your barrel
  321. >each throb sends a jolt of pleasure through your body
  322. >curiosity causes you to look up at the demons face
  323. >it wears a blank expression, looking elsewhere
  324. anonym-EEEEP
  325. >your attention is immediately drawn from where it was to finding out what just touched you...back there.
  326. your tail....
  327. >the pointed tip of the demons tail lightly caresses between your rump
  328. >tracing your anus and your vagina....
  329. >a low throaty moan escapes your lips
  330. don't tease me....
  331. >the teasing continues for a few moments despite your protest
  333. >you hear another sigh
  334. >just the sound of it nearly sends you over the edge
  335. >'s going in!
  336. >oooh....ooh~ it's a lot softer than you expected...
  337. it looked haaaaa~...harder than that....since it's pointennnfff~
  338. >you feel it sliding deeper into you
  339. >then a pressure
  340. >"'re a virgin?"
  341. >you meekly nod
  342. i..nnn~...mostly stay i-..inside and read..
  343. >it slowly pushes past your hymen
  344. >gently
  345. >this is not what you expected at all from a demon
  346. >and you were in heaven
  347. >at the courtesy of hell
  349. >she never gets rough
  350. >the appendage just slowly and gently massages your insides
  351. >pressing just enough in all the right places
  352. >you bite down on the demons leg as your eyes roll back in your head
  353. >a gasp and a throb against your back is the reply
  354. >nee-chan, my hips are moving on their own
  355. >being held so tightly
  356. >pleasured so gently
  357. >by a demon
  358. >your demon
  359. >the climax sweeps over you in a mind blanking wave of pleasure
  360. >even as you spasm and whinny, the demonic ministrations remain gentle and steady
  363. >several minutes pass before you can formulate a coherent thought
  364. y-you..c-aaah~..can
  365. >just as slowly and gently, the demonic tendril that is her tail pulls out of you
  367. >"you all good for now?"
  368. mmhmmm.....
  369. >she releases you from her grip
  370. w-wait..can...can you hold onto me just a little longer?...
  371. >after a minute of no response, you feel her forelegs wrap back around your barrel
  372. >"only a little while longer"
  373. >you nod
  374. >then sleep quickly overtakes you
  376. >birds chirping outside your window awakens you the next morning
  377. what a crazy dream....
  378. >with a smile you try to sit up
  379. >something around your chest keeps you from accomplishing that
  380. >a black foreleg
  381. >attached to a monster
  382. >one that you summoned
  383. >the demon you summoned is in your bed
  384. >snuggling you
  385. >without the heat clouding your mind, the weight of what you've done comes crashing down on you once again
  386. >you break out of the things grip as you feel a manic smile spread across your face
  387. it's fine....i can fix this.....i've dealt with worse....
  388. >anonymous makes a noise that causes your insides to feel tingly
  389. >and she moves her forelegs around until one of them finds a pillow
  390. >which she pulls against her chest
  391. >you shake your head rapidly and go to fetch the unholy book from the basement
  392. >this was not the demon you wanted to summon
  393. >and you were gonna find out what it was
  395. >you bring the book back into your room and sit in a chair where you can keep an eye on the demon while you scour the book for details
  396. >with one last glance at the demon's hot drippi-
  397. >NO
  398. >you shake your head and uncomfortably begin to go through the book, looking for anything useful
  400. >you go over the list of demons in the book for the eighteenth time
  401. >nothing
  402. >there is no anonymous in this list
  403. well...that kind of makes sense?
  404. >a name meaning "unknown" not being in the list makes perfect sense
  405. >is this book incomplete?
  406. >maybe another book has anonymous in it?
  407. >but this book wasn't exactly easy to get
  408. >you can't just go around asking "hey, would you happen to have any books on the highly illegal act of summoning demons?"
  409. >you feel a prod against your side
  410. >but you can't be distracted now. TOO MUCH IS AT STAKE!
  411. >"twilight?"
  412. not now spike, i'm busy
  413. >"but twilight...."
  414. i said not now. i'm busy
  415. >you hear a grumble, and then walking as the disturbance makes their leave
  416. >anyway
  417. >even going through the descriptions of each type of demon didn't help!
  418. >there are bits and peices that match up here and there, but there's not enough matches in the descriptions to confirm anything!
  419. >she LOOKS like a sex demon, but she definitely isn't! they're a lot more dominant and rough, sexually!
  420. >she was so gentle...but firm...
  421. >and it was almost as though anonymous was reluctant
  422. what are you?...
  423. >you look up at the demon on the bed
  424. >only to find that there is no demon on the bed
  425. >panic grips you
  426. >and an ear piercing scream from spike downstairs confirms your fear
  428. ======================================================================================================================
  430. >feels good to be anon again
  431. >not that you were twilight before or anything
  432. >you are anon
  433. >and your morning is off to a bad start
  434. >your dream last night wasn't exactly a nightmare
  435. >but it definitely wasn't pleasant
  436. >some shit about a demon that looked like you but with some different cutie mark
  437. >telling you things like "blahblahblah i'm the one who was supposed to be summoned" and "guiding you through your first time blahblahblah"
  438. >then waking up and finding out that that you're in equestria as some sort of demon thing wasn't just a fucked up dream
  439. >then twilight goes and ignores you because of some book she's reading
  440. >not surprising
  441. >but still irritating
  442. >guess you gotta make breakfast yourself
  443. swear to god if this place doesn't have coffee imma smack a bitch...
  444. >a painful burning sensation makes itself known in your mouth just after you say god
  445. >weird
  446. .....god
  447. >you let out a hiss
  448. >yep. that hurts
  449. guess i can't say the big mans name...jesus?
  450. >YEP, THAT HURTS!
  451. ...vishnu?
  453. >you test out a few more deities names
  454. >each one causes you pain
  455. >you think you can feel blisters forming in your mouth, so you decide to stop
  456. >after quite a bit of wandering with a purpose you find the kitchen
  457. >and proceed to make a total mess of it to find some coffee
  458. coffee....coffeeeeeeeee.....nice.
  459. >with priority one accomplished you start making breakfast
  460. >waffles
  461. >who doesn't fuckin' love waffles
  462. well...since this is spiggles place i'll make some for her.....and spike too, i guess...wonder why i haven't see-
  463. >a scream that you immediately identify as belonging to the dragon in question causes you to wince
  464. >you go to glare at him
  465. but he's already turned around and sprinting away as fast as his stumpy little legs will allow
  466. >snickering when he stumbles, you return to the devils work
  467. >of making breakfast
  468. heh...breakfast is devils work...because i'm a demon...
  469. >hearing a ding almost makes you squeal with joy
  470. go-...the big mans gift to the workin' man
  471. >see? you learn.
  473. >with coffee properly prepared and secured, your outlook on this morning changes drastically for the better
  474. >so what if you were some sort of freaky demon thing now?
  475. >you're in equestria!
  476. >much better than back on earth
  477. >even if it will be difficult to get accepted
  478. >and not get blasted by some sort of magical friendship beam that would probably kill you
  479. >since you're an evil beast thing
  480. >shouting and a string of crashing noises is heard somewhere within earshot
  481. >not too close, but close enough to hear
  482. >sounds like someone fell down the stairs
  483. >no matter
  484. >you cannot investigate
  485. >because you are busy
  486. >busy as hell
  487. heheh...get out of my head, carlos
  488. >'your puns are terrible'
  489. >you look around for the source of the voice
  490. >but nobody is around
  491. that....kinda sounded like that thing from my dream.....spoopy
  492. >who was phone?
  493. >anyway, turning your attention back to breakfast
  494. >the stack of waffles grows as you churn 'em out at the pace of a bat out of hell
  495. >'seriously. stop with the puns.'
  496. uhh...hello? who's there?
  497. >a vague sense of unease overcomes you as there's no response
  498. >"what are you doing?"
  500. >you turn towards the source to see twilight at the entrance to the kitchen with an expression that mirrors how you're feeling
  501. >and spike hiding behind her with a look of fear upon his
  502. uhh....makin' breakfast? you like waffles?
  503. >you hold a plate out to her
  504. >wait a minute
  506. >coffee is kicking in
  507. >your brain goes into full function mode
  508. how...did i just do all that with my hooves?
  509. >the question wasn't targeted at twilight, but she answers anyway
  510. >"the...same way everypony else does?"
  511. >spike chooses then to break his silence
  513. >both you and purple look incredulously at spike and in unison inquire about his inclination in the most eloquent way possible
  514. >"what?"
  515. what?
  516. >spike looks at twilight with an expression of disbelief
  517. >"what do you mean what? that...THING....sounds exactly like rarity!"
  518. i have a name you know....
  519. >"spike. anonymous definitely doesn't sound like rarity"
  520. >"you know that things name?"
  521. stop calling me a thing...
  522. >'to HIM you DO sound like this...rarity.'
  523. >wh....get out of my head!
  524. >you scrunch as hard as you possibly can
  525. >because that will accomplish everything you want it to
  526. >except for causing spike and twilight to back away from you
  527. >you didn't want that to happen
  528. >'just think about how your voice sounds to you. think hard.'
  529. >against your better judgement, you follow the suggestion of the voice in your head
  530. is....this better spike?
  531. >he shudders a bit
  532. >"hardly. but at least rarities voice isn't being used by some monster thing now."
  533. >you try to ignore the slight sting that comment caused
  534. do you want the waffles or not?
  535. >spike immediately declines
  536. >but twilight hesitantly takes the plate from you and takes it into another room
  537. >after seeing twilight take them, he very cautiously does as well
  538. >then sprints like a bat o-
  540. >fine jeez
  541. >whatever the fuck you are
  542. >taking your coffee and balancing it on your head while one hoof hold your own plate, you carefully and slowly follow them to the dining room
  543. >which you found while looking for the kitchen
  544. >twilight looks a little uneasy still
  545. >but she offers you a small smile
  546. >which you return as you take a seat next to her
  547. >spike, however, glares at you with intensity
  548. >"so.../anonymous/....twilight says she knows you, but won't say how. how do you know her?"
  549. >fug
  550. the everfree forest a while ago.
  551. >he raises a brow then looks to twilight
  552. >"the everfree forest? what were you doing?"
  553. >you can see beads of sweat forming upon her face as she takes a bite of food
  554. >"i wash.....uh...vere to....."
  555. she told me that she was on her way to meet a friend of hers....what their
  556. >twilight swallows then looks at you as if you have three heads
  557. >"y...yeah! yeah, i was going to see zecora.
  558. she told me she had never met something like me before, and wanted to do some tests. i was reluctant for a while, but i finally decided to stop by last night.
  559. >he looks to twilight
  560. >who nods overly enthusiastically
  561. >"yep! that's EXACTLY how we met!"
  562. >she makes a nervous giggle
  563. >spike looks a little skeptical, but he doesn't press any more
  564. >" what are you, anyway?
  565. i'm a....
  566. >uh.....
  567. >you make a noise that sounds like someone clearing their throat and trying to read a jumble of letters phonetically
  568. >"were you clearing your throat, or is that what you are?"
  569. that's...what i am.
  570. >he looks at the plate in front of him, then stares at you for a bit
  571. >"well...i.....uhh....gotta move some stuff.
  572. >he starts getting up
  573. >and twilight interjects
  574. >"spike. you can't tell anyone that anonymous is here, ok?
  575. >he hops out of the seat
  576. >"uhh...alright. fine"
  577. >twilight glares at him
  578. >"promise! pinkie promise!"
  579. >after another pause, he goes through the motions and says the words
  580. >then sprints out
  581. that went better than it could have.
  582. >she snaps at you
  583. >"it could have gone a lot better too!"
  584. but it didn't. and it didn't go worse than it could have. relax. do that breathing thing i saw you do when i first got here.
  585. >she puts a hoof to her chest and inhales
  586. >then points it outwards as she exhales
  587. sig heil
  588. >"what?"
  589. nothing. feel better?
  590. >"a little. for...helping me out there...even though you didn't need to...thanks. how did you know about zecora anyway?"
  591. same way i knew about you.
  592. >"oh...hey! that doesn't answer my question!"
  593. sure it does.
  594. >now would be a convenient time to start eating
  595. >with your face
  596. >because you're not sure utensils will work with hooves
  597. >besides, all the kids are doing it.
  598. >you're hip.
  599. >"i'm serious anonymous. tell me how you know."
  600. thhhshw washt wif uuu nnit n daf ho i no
  601. >disgust is evident on her face as you talk with your mouth full of chewed waffle
  602. >"ugh. fine. never mind."
  603. >all according to keikaku
  604. >translators note: keikaku means plan
  605. >you swallow and try to change the subject
  606. so how did you deal with your estrus before this?
  607. >a blush forms on her cheeks
  608. >"w-..well...i..used to..."
  609. >the rest of what she says degrades into mumbling
  610. >d'awww, how cute
  611. >she's bashful about sexual things
  612. >while talking to someone she believes to be a sex demon
  613. >'you signed the contract to releive her heat. you ARE a sex demon'
  614. >nobody asked you weird mental voice
  615. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to
  616. >"really?"
  617. >it's as though you can see a visible wave of relief wash over her face
  618. no matter. besides, there are more waffles to attack.
  619. >before you eat the remainder you move a couple to twilight's plate, then dig in
  620. >and you become increasingly aware of twilight staring at you while you eat
  621. whu
  622. >"its''s nothing..."
  623. >you swallow your food before talking because you're not a heathen
  624. >except for when you did it to intentionally dissuade the conversation
  625. you sure?
  626. >she nods
  627. >you know she's lying but you don't feel like prying
  628. >"anonymous?...wh-
  629. you can call me anon.
  630. >a small smile plays across her face
  631. >"anon...when you're done eating, can me agian?"
  632. with your heat?
  633. >she nods
  634. .....i'm not really in a position to decline. so...sure.
  635. >you finish, then follow her back into her bedroom
  636. >once the two of you reach your destination, twilight hops up on the bed and kneels
  637. >but you shake your head
  638. same thing as last time, twilight
  639. >you get up onto the bed as well and sit in the middle of the bed
  640. >"please rut me?"
  641. no. you don't want to give birth to some demon monster pony thing, do you?
  642. >" no i don't."
  643. good. come here and turn around.
  644. >with far less hesitation than last time, she complies
  645. >you pull her into a hug and fall backwards
  646. >this is way more comfortable than the floor of the basement
  647. >even got pillows n shit
  648. >you can feel her tail swishing, hitting the insides of your thighs
  649. >your tail curls up and prods at her winking nub
  650. >this gets a rather cute squeak out of her
  651. >"just...just get to it anon."
  652. >wordless compliance is the response
  653. >even if you don't want to fuck her, it's still turning you on
  654. >the heavy breathing and moaning noises she makes as you wiggle your tail around inside her aren't helping either
  655. >"faster anon...."
  656. hmm? oh, sure.
  657. >sure, you didn't exactly want to be doing this
  658. >but you weren't hating it either
  659. >it''s like...
  660. >helping someone with something to be nice
  661. >like moving
  662. >except you're stuffing your tail in her cooter
  663. >yeah
  664. >'already making progress from yesterdays thinking~'
  665. >shut up, you. don't interrupt the inner monologue i'm using to distract myself.
  666. >one of the hooves you have around her barrel moves slowly to her stomach
  667. >and you rub her belly
  668. >"what aaaayes~...right there, anon....are you doing?"
  669. >you look at her face only to find that she was already looking at you
  670. ....tummy rubs.
  671. >with a small smile, you continue
  672. >"i...fffffffffffffuuuuck...celestia, more...deeper~...i like it anon..."
  673. i'll keep that in mind.
  674. >she makes a couple more commands
  675. >and you comply with each one
  676. >going faster and deeper
  677. >her back starts to arch
  678. >but you pull her against you tighter with the leg that's still around her chest
  679. >wigglywigglygoes the demon tail
  680. >she makes a rather adorable whinny as she clenches down on your and her climax washes over her
  681. >and onto your stomach
  682. >and down between your rump
  683. >but your ministrations continue until her twitching and writhing begin to slow
  684. >with a slimy sounding "schlup" you pull yourself from her
  685. >just because the sex stops doesn't mean you need to stop the belly rubs
  686. >it's never not time for belly rubs
  687. >a bit of drool drips from the side of her mouth onto your chest
  688. >but you don't really mind
  689. >considering there's a puddle of twilight juice all over your underside and backside, a little drool is nothing
  690. >then she nuzzles into the leg that's around her barrel
  691. >ofuck
  692. >my name is anonymous and i have twiabetus
  693. >it takes a few more minutes before she speaks again though
  694. >"anon..."
  695. hmm?
  696. >"i was reading-"
  697. oh wow. huge surprise there.
  698. >"it's rude to interrupt, anon. i was reading the book where i got all the information to summon're not a succubus are you? you look like sound like one...but you're reluctant to even do what you just did, because i'm not your..wafu or whatever you said."
  699. it's waifu
  700. >"whatever. that's not what i'm getting at. furthermore, the book describes sexual encounters with succubi and incubi as far more intense and....uhm...."
  701. kinky?
  702. >"yeah. what's more is i looked through ALL the descriptions of demons, and you don't perfectly match any of them. i don't expect an honest answer, but....i have to at least try to get an answer."
  703. >you ponder the question
  704. tell the truth, twilight i'm-
  705. >'say you're a jack of all trades.'
  706. >what? who the fuck you think you are anyway, voice in my head?
  707. >'i told you last night that i'm guiding you. don't tell this creature what you are. or should i say were.'
  708. >i'm not gonna lie to twilight for you to get some shits and giggles
  709. >'as much as i love shits and giggles, it's true. SAY IT.'
  710. >"you're what, anon?"
  711. could say i'm a jack of all trades, ace of none.
  712. >i'm want answers out of you, voice in my head
  713. >'not now. you're talking to this creature. we will talk depth~...tonight.'
  714. >"a jack of all trades?"
  715. more or less.
  716. >"are you being honest?"
  717. if i wasn't, i would lie and say i was.
  718. >you give her a smile
  719. >"that's..."
  720. >she narrows her eyes
  721. >"you didn't really answer the question"
  722. sure i did~
  723. >"no you didn't! what you said was essentially a maybe! maybe isn't a r-"
  724. >boop
  725. even if i'm not being honest, i'm bound to follow the contract. wouldn't matter if i really was a sex demon and just lying about it, or a...whatever demon.
  726. >"but you-"
  727. >BOOP
  728. shush. just be glad that i'm not really a succubus. or an incubus. because you probably wouldn't be able to walk right for a while or worse, from what i've heard about them.
  729. >"o-or worse?"
  730. don't mess with incubi. that's all i'm gonna say about that.
  731. >"what do y-"
  732. DON'T ASK.
  733. >she stops her question
  734. >which is good
  735. >because you really don't know
  736. >'you're right though'
  737. >i know i am. i just don't know why i am.
  738. twilight.
  739. >"whuh...y-yes?"
  740. why did you feel you had to summon a demon to relieve your heat? are your social skills so lacking that you can't get a stallionfriend?
  741. >"i have plenty of stallion friends! i'm the princess of friendship!"
  742. that's not what i meant. i was talking about a special somepony.
  743. >"o-oh...well...i..."
  744. >she sighs
  745. >"making friends is easy for me, anon. it doesn't matter if they're a stallion or a mare. but i don't know anything about romantic relationships....when there's a stallion i like, i can barely even put a sentence together to speak to them..."
  746. >hmm. reminds you of someone.
  747. >you smile at her again
  748. how about i help you practice and study?
  749. >"you...want to help me practice?"
  750. or my name isn't david d. davidson. unless you plan on summoning a demon every estrus season.
  751. >"'re right...wait. your name is anonymous. isn't it? you didn't lie about that, did you?!
  752. no, i didn't lie. that was a joke. but yeah, i'm being serous about helping you.
  754. >you are the purplest pony princess
  755. >and this demon irritates you
  756. >with her unsettling knowledge of everything
  757. >with her what you assume is an 'offer to help' that assuredly has an ulterior motive
  758. >and how long she can keep you staring at her when she isn't looking
  759. >it must be some sort of dark magic you can't detect
  760. >of course! that's the only logical explanation.
  761. >definitely not because you love looking at her
  762. >oh shoot!
  763. >you just realized you've been staring at her the whole time and she's been looking at you
  764. w...what?
  765. >"so do you want my help or not?"
  766. there' to be some sort of trick you're trying to pull. you're gonna try and take advantage or something!
  767. >"i promise i won't.~"
  768. i don't believe you! your facade is likable enough, but i still don't trust you!
  769. >"why not? you trusted me enough to sign a contract with me you silly filly."
  770. no! no, i don't want your help with it!
  771. >"i'm not planning on doing anything other than helping you. cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye~"
  772. how did you kn-...oh wait. spike just did it. you don't really know what you just did, do you?
  773. >she puts her face uncomfortably close to yours
  774. >which causes your forehead to break out into a little bit of a sweat
  775. >"breaking a friends promise is the fastest way to lose a friend~"
  776. >she looks around as if looking for something
  777. >"huh. seems she didn't take the bait."
  778. that sounded familia-
  779. >wait.
  780. >HOLD ON
  783. >"mmmmm...even if i told you, you wouldn't believe me. so no.~"
  784. >she licks your nose with her warm and abnormally slimy tongue which causes you to scrunch and recoil
  785. i don't care. tell me now!
  786. >"so do you accept my offer to help you, or not? the offer isn't going to be open forever."
  787. stop trying to divert the topic! tell me how you know! i demand you tell me!
  788. >"i'll take that as a no thank you"
  789. >this demon IS REALLY irritates you
  791. >you are the demon who identifies as [spoiler] mayonnaise [/spoiler] human. on the inside.
  792. >after all it's the human on the inside that counts
  793. >'you're not entirely human on the inside. i'm still here.'
  794. >oh jee. thanks for reminding me.
  795. >'being stuck with you isn't too pleasant for me either. but i'm helping you because this is my body now too. you just seem to be stuck in the pilots seat. I've tried to take control, but i cannot. at least not for very long. but we're stuck together until we figure a way to fix it.'
  796. >nah. it's my body. you can't control it at all
  797. >you do your best to give a mental :^)
  798. >and you get kicked by your own leg
  799. ow.
  800. >fine. point taken.
  801. >'shut up. the purple one is trying to get your attention.'
  802. >twilight looks irritated
  803. >"listen when i talk to you demon! i'm trying to get more information out of you and you're just making weird faces and kicking yourself!"
  804. sorry twilight. i was having a mental dialogue.
  805. >"you mean monologue"
  806. i'm sure i did....
  807. >she shuddered a little when you spoke
  808. are you cold?
  809. >" anyway. so you know the consequences of breaking the promise you just made, right?
  810. >you muster up your best angry ponkers impersonation
  812. >she seems shocked
  813. >but she probably tossed that in the bin of "creepy weird things this thing knows about me and my friends" mental bin
  814. >"i'll...take that as a yes."
  815. yes, it's a yes.
  816. >"and you know that while not no paper, it's a binding contract?"
  817. affirmative
  818. >"so how were you planning on
  819. >she makes air quotes with her hooves
  820. >help me"
  821. by pretending to be a stallion or...otherwise to help you know what to do and react to situations in a well mannered fashion i suppose
  822. >"...roleplaying"
  823. robe and wizard hat included.
  824. >"what?"
  825. so are you going to accept or not?
  826. >she seems hesitant
  827. >but after some time she nods
  828. >that makes a wide smile form on your face
  829. >and she blushes while looks away
  830. >holy shit she's too cute
  831. >'cute enough to fuck until she's a quivering mess'
  832. >shut up, you
  833. >can i use my new demon powers or whatever to make a robe and wizard hat?
  834. >'yes. but don't.'
  835. >fuck you, i do what i want
  836. >'i won't stop you. but i'll make you regret it if you do.'
  837. >oh no. don't kick me again.
  838. >'do it and i will brutally and violently rape you in your dream tonight.'
  839. >damn. that's out of proportion isn't it?
  840. >'that was a joke. but don't do it.'
  841. >top tier joke. ten out of ten.
  842. >"so when do we start, anon?"
  843. there's an important demonic ritual i need to preform before we begin
  844. >'demonic ritual? there isn't anything you need to do to preform the task she asked of you.'
  845. >twigglywigglys concern over this statement is evident on her face
  846. >"what do you need to do?"
  847. >ignoring the question, you walk past her back to the kitchen
  848. >your tail moves to where it caresses her side as you walk by her
  849. >dripping is heard from behind you a moment later
  850. >but that doesn't matter.
  851. >important demonic things to do
  852. >and by demonic things you mean drinking the remainder of the pot of coffee
  853. >which is almost full
  854. now that my terribly evil ritual is done, let's do it
  855. >twilight bites her lip then shakes her head a little
  856. >"y-yeah. but first can that thing again?"
  857. >boop
  858. be more specific, twi
  859. >after the scrunch she turns around and lifts her tail
  860. >you sigh
  861. again?
  862. >"i know you don't really like it...but please?"
  863. >'use your dick this time'
  864. >no, head demon.
  865. mmmm. no. not yet. let's get some of that help in first.
  866. >"b-but you have to! it's in the contract!"
  867. yes it does. but it doesn't say i must immediately act upon your command. think of it as....a reward for how you do. the more you pay attention and the better you do, the....better i will uhm....relieve you of your heat.
  868. >"you're making this a kind of game? like a roleplaying learning game?! i love learning games!"
  869. >she claps...clops?...claops? her hooves together and make a cute little squee noise
  870. >and also makes a small puddle of mare juice behind her
  871. >man, she must REALLY love learning games
  872. >twilight has led the two of you to the not rape dungeon
  873. >it's just her basement
  874. >she's excitedly running around gathering necessary note taking materials
  875. >parchment, quill, ink
  876. >extra parchment, extra quill, extra ink
  877. >backup extra parchment, quill, and ink
  878. >when she's done gathering her "necessary" items she plops down in front of you and smiles widely
  879. >"so how do we start this, anon?"
  880. well....imagine you're at your favorite.....resturaunt.
  881. >she bites her lip and squirms as she closes her eyes
  882. >"mmhm... i'm at that little hayburger place"
  883. >your ear flicks and turns towards a click noise
  884. >as you turn your head to locate the source of the sound your surroundings start to dissolve
  885. what the fuck is this?
  886. >twilight opens her eyes and looks around in confusion
  887. >"this is...where i was imagining we were. did i accidentally teleport us there? i've never done something like that before, i swear!....but it isn't unheard of for unicorns to unintentionally cast spells during estrus....i didn't do this, did i?!"
  888. no twilight, i don't think you did.
  889. >you look around once more suspiciously. nopony seems to be around. so onwards regardless of whatever the fuck just happened
  890. anyway
  891. >you take a seat at a booth a ways away from the littlest princess of the pony princess pride
  892. you're at your favorite resturaunt, and you see a pony that you fancy. pretend that i'm this pony. what do you do? be realistic about your actions.
  893. >she starts to walk over to you
  894. >"well....i trot over confidently and i introduce mys-
  895. no, twilight. you don't. what do you really do?
  896. >she walks to a different booth and sits there dejectedly for a little while before speaking again
  897. >"....i keep eating and glance hopefully every once in a while at you"
  898. >another clicking noise
  899. >there's now a triple order of hayburgers and fries in front of twilight
  900. >she sees absolutely nothing wrong with food breaking the rules of reality and appearing before her
  901. >and proceeds to stuff her face like it's going out of style
  902. >what the fuck spiggles
  903. twilight. ignoring the fact that we have no idea how the fuck that just happened, so you glance at me every now and then while i'm eating, yes?
  904. >another click
  905. >a cheeseburger appears in front of you
  906. >you sniff at it suspiciously
  907. >food doesn't serve itself to you very often
  909. >matching the twigglys eating habits you start eating as well
  910. >you don't give a shit if it's poisoned
  911. >been too long since you've had a burger
  912. >after wolfing down half of it you get back to what you were doing
  913. twilight. here's what you do when you see a pony you like in a resturaunt.
  914. >she immediately stops eating and readies her handy dandy writing tools
  915. grab all your food and walk over to me. not too excitedly, though.
  916. >being sure to get every last morsel, twilight complies
  917. take it from here, let's see what happens. remember, i'm a pony you like that's just eating some lunch.
  918. >"uhm....hello, i'm twilight sparkle.
  919. >awkward pause
  920. >you shift a little in your seat
  921. >because of the awkward moment
  922. >not because you were sitting on your tail
  923. >which wasn't pressing into your cooter at all
  924. >"did you know that it takes 3 pounds of raw hay to make 10 hay burgers? hayburgers require quite a bit of vegetable oil to be held together while they're being cooked! not to mention the spices and herbs they add! standard hayburgers use about 1 teasp-
  925. stop. twilight, stop.
  926. >with a sheepish smile she ceases speaking and looks down at the floor
  927. facts on hayburgers are interesting, dear...but you're standing there holding your food. wouldn't it be a little better to ask me to sit?
  928. >furious scribbling from the princess of notes
  929. >she points to the side of the booth opposite you
  930. >"can i sit here?"
  931. close, but no~
  932. >for some reason she blushes
  933. >weird
  934. try asking a little more politely, twi
  935. >"uhm......can i please sit here?"
  936. closer, but still no cigar. try "do you mind if i sit here?"
  937. >"alright"
  938. >more scrawling
  939. >"do you mind if i sit here?"
  940. no, go ahead
  941. >you smile at her and motion towards the seat
  942. >she blushes as she sits
  944. >you toss her an expectant look
  945. >a slightly confused one is her reply
  946. now what do you do?
  947. >" about hayburgers now?"
  948. >this illicits a small giggle out of you
  949. >you're still a little weirded out by your feminine voice
  950. >no matter
  951. >interrupting twilights array of small varied facial expressions, you correct her
  952. try something a little less out of the blue. standard small talk. weather, hobbies, current going-ons, et cetera
  954. >"'s kind of cold outside, isn't it? a little colder than usual. i wonder why the pegasi made it so was that?"
  955. perfect. yeah, it was a lot nicer last week. it was cold enough to be winter, but not as biting as it has been. maybe they're making up for it this week.
  957. >facehoof
  958. twilight. we're pretending. i don't actually know what the weather was last week."
  959. >another sheepish smile
  960. >"sorry..."
  961. >she looks you in the eyes
  962. >and blushes more
  963. >'hey, it smells like you're in estrus, want me to rut you senseless?'
  964. hey, it sm-....smells good. what you've got. what did you get
  965. >fuck you mind demon
  966. >the only response is cackling
  967. >"yeah, this is my favorite! loaded hayburgers and hayfries with the special spices! i don't know what the special spices are but they're so good!
  968. ...can i try the fries?
  969. >she levitates a couple fries over to you
  970. >and into your face
  971. >so polite
  972. mmm...these are pretty good. i've never had hay fries before.
  973. >"really? maybe we should come here togethe-..i mean more often, then!"
  974. that sounds good, twi
  975. >she beams at you
  976. >which prompts a go on gesture from you
  977. >this confuses the twilight
  978. set a date and time, twi
  979. >"oh!"
  981. >" about next saturday at noon? i have a little bit of time in my schedule then."
  982. that sounds good. i'll be there.
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